Iot - The Internet of Things, or Iot, Is A System Which Connects Computing Devices
Iot - The Internet of Things, or Iot, Is A System Which Connects Computing Devices
Iot - The Internet of Things, or Iot, Is A System Which Connects Computing Devices
mechanical and digital machines, gadgets, animals or people with the ability to transfer data
which allow the communication between the Things over network without human-to-human
or human-to-computer interaction.
The IoT concept was firstly brought in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, co-founder of Auto-ID Center
at MIT.
The way that IoT works consists on web-enabled smart devices that use embedded
processors, sensors and communication hardware to collect, send and act on data they acquire
from their environment, process the information send to the cloud or devices and act on the
information they get from one another.
Applications of IoT
IoT is a technology of the future as its applications show.
Smart Cities
Turn the cities into self-controlled environment, preserve the environment through “smart
devices”, here are some examples.
The irrigation of the grass is controlled via digital methods avoiding waste of water, in public
lightings that contain stations with sensors, cities with free Wi-Fi, systems that warn the
driver about available spaces for parking.
Doctor and patient connection
In the Biomedical sciences IoT is used for the measurement of heartbreak, pulses, blood
pressure, prevision of ills, controlling the level of virus infection allowing the minimum
contact between the doctor and patient, in human organ surgeries.
Driverless Cars
The world of autonomous cars, nowadays cars don’t have drivers and are able to take us from
where we are to where we want, equipped with sensors, gyroscopes, cloud architectures and
internet. They collect and analyse big amount of data on traffic, road conditions like allowed
speed, corners and traffic lights.
Smart Homes
IoT has a big application in Smart Homes, specific software in cell phones allow us to control
the house entirely for example turn on or off the lights of our house via, control the AC, give
order to a stove cook in our absence, see what´s inside of a fridge, open doors, wash clothes
regulate the bed position and more possibilities from IoT.
The principal benefits from IoT are time saving and productivity.
Quantum computing
Advanced technology with the objective of exploring super small particles, the area which
uses quantum mechanic to realize computational processes.
A normal computer stores information in form of bit which has only two states 1 or 0 while,
Quantum computers store information in “qubit” (quantum bit), with only also two states but
qubits can store more than 1 or 0 allowing the to perform various operations simultaneously.
Applications of Quantum computing
Quantum computers are used to perform ADVANCED mathematical and physical
calculus in fraction of seconds;
To hack high protected systems which a common computer can’t hack (quantum
Solve complex probability problems;
In AI to accelerate the learning process of human robot making it able to lead with
complex problems;
In cryptography, to create complex cryptography passwords;
In chemistry, traditional computers can’t process subatomic information and quantum
hardware is prepared to process subatomic and deep particles of a body;
Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science research dedicated to searching for
computational methods or devices that possess or simulate the human capacity to solve
problems, and to think broadly and to be intelligent. It emerged in the 1950s after World War
II by mathematician Alan Turing.
Areas of application of IA
It is used in the evaluation of the possibility in treatments of diseases, considering the data of
those already identified around the world.
Patient care protocols have been used to evaluate health status. In addition, it provides
indications of ways of prevention to be provided to attending physicians.
Traverses of the pulverizations made by robots that evaluate the conditions of the plantations
and carry out the work of preparation and treatment of the land for its cultivation.
Electronic games
It presents a certain degree of difficulty chosen by the human user. Also to recognize cheat
codes introduced in the game.
And used to stop malware from encrypting them by hackers, protecting your personal data
from being stolen or altered.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has as its applications many techniques and simulators,
contributing to solve applications focused among others in the field of Robotics.
Increased Reality
It is a technology that emerged in the 1950s it consists of combining elements of a real
environment with other elements of a virtual environment that are created in three
dimensions. At the same time, these two elements combine in real time.
Advertising- It proposes that the consumer interacts with the product and perceives it more
Education - and used in museums as a tourist guide
Informatics - in localization and driving applications such as simulators
Marketing-is used by advertisers to create more realistic 3D images
3D printer
3D Printing came in 1984, the first full-fledged 3D printing was invented by Chuck Hull, an
American physicist in the state of California in 1984, using stereolithography, the precursor
technology for 3D printing.
A 3D printer is a machine capable of printing various objects of any type / size, and has as its
biggest advantage: speed and low cost of the developed parts.
It can be used in several segments; it does not necessarily have to be used by industries and
science. There are domestic models, which can help you manufacture used parts in the home,
such as cups, dish drainer, or even a new ornament for the room.
Also note that printers do not have toxic materials in the manufacturing, and the materials
used for printing do not deform over time.
First you need to develop the object you want on a computer. After creating the three-
dimensional model, the project is inserted into the printer software. This printing software
will compile all the data and systematize it in several layers. Then printing starts.
Inside the printer the matter gun heats up and sucks a plastic fillet. As the material melts, it is
injected into a base, which moves on two axes and creates the layers. The process is then
done layer by layer, so when one gets ready, another one starts until the object is completely