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Best Option Trading

Strategies for Indian Market

Your handbook for Option trading

strategies with plenty of case studies and
“The key to trading success is emotional discipline.
If intelligence were the key, there would be a lot more
people making money trading… I know this will sound
like a cliché, but the single most important reason that
people lose money in the financial markets is that they
don’t cut their losses short.” – Victor Sperandeo
Hello friends,
I am Moonmoon Biswas, an Equity Research Analyst in India
having more than decade’s experience in option treading.
Today I am very glad to introduce this Option trading book to all retail
option traders in India. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an
expert, this book will help you to build a new perspective towards option
In India, option trading is still at its nascent stage. Trading and option
trading still are consider as same as gambling and professional trading is not
considered a prestigious work. But option trading requires good knowledge,
planning and research to make right strategies as per requirements. These
strategies also require adjustments time to time depending on the market
I have worked in ASX options market along with Indian options market
for quite some time. I have shared my experience towards Indian option
trading market along with relevant practical examples from my trading. After
reading this book, you will have clear knowledge on the following topics:
(i) Basic concepts on options
(ii) Importance of option Greeks in option strategy
(iii) Drawing option strategy pay-off charts in excel
(iv) Calculating Volatility of stocks or index
(v) Few option strategies which are applicable on Indian market and
their adjustments
(vi) How to select right strategy depending on market condition,
stock movement and other parameters
(vii) Name of the stocks which are good for trading in Indian option
market from 209 F&O stocks
(viii) Screener /points to select different option trading strategies
specially for Indian option market
I have tried to bring in practical touch in the book instead of making it a
book of theories. All most all the sections of this book is illustrated with
examples, charts and tables so that reading experience becomes interesting.
I hope you all will like the book and will be benefited out of it. Always
remember that trading does not make you rich overnight. Trading requires in
depth knowledge and practice to get success like any other work. So you
need to work hard and work smart in the correct way.
Wish you a successful trading career!
Happy Trading,
Moonmoon Biswas
Kolkata, India

Table of Contents
Basic Discussion on Option Trading
Why Option Trading?
What is an option?
Some important terms related to option
Explanation of different term with an Example
Two most important factors affecting option Price other than asset
Option Greeks
Calculation of historical volatility
How to draw Payoff diagram in Excel
Payoff diagram of a long call option
Payoff diagram of a long Put option
Payoff diagram of a Short call option
Payoff diagram of a Short Put option
Option Strategy Pay-off Diagram
Long straddle Pay-off diagram
Pay-off Diagram of Bear Call option Strategy
Some Useful Option Trading strategies
Iron Condor option strategy
When to applicable
Iron Condor case 1
Calculation of maximum Profit
Calculation of Maximum Loss
Breakeven Points
More Explanation of the above case study under different scenario
IRON Condor Adjustment
Where to adjust
How to adjust
Explanation with Practical Example
Second Option Strategy: Horizontal Calendar Spread
Construction of Calendar Spread
Calculation of Maximum Profit
Calculation of Maximum Loss
Finding out break-even points
When to close the position
More Explanation with Practical Example
Example2: Neutral to Bullish Calendar Spread on ONGC
Third Option Strategy: Bear Put and Bear Call Spread option Strategy
Bear Put Spread
Pay-off graph
Calculation of Maximum profit
Calculation of maximum Loss
How to determine the breakeven Point
Practical Example
Adjustments in Bear Put spread option Strategy
Bear Call Spread
Pay-Off Graph
Calculation of Maximum profit
Calculation of maximum Loss
How to determine breakeven Point
Explanation of the given example
Adjustment of bear call spread option Strategy
Which strategy is better; Bear call Spread or Bear Put Spread?
Fourth Strategy: Bull call and bull put option strategy
Bull Call option Strategy
Pay-Off Diagram
Calculation of maximum Profit
Calculation of maximum Loss
Finding out break-even point
Example on Yes bank
Adjustment of Bull call spread
Bull Put Spread
Pay Off Diagram
Maximum Profit calculation
Maximum Loss Calculation
Finding out break-even point
Closing off the given example
Adjustment of Bull Put spread
Bullish on Volatility option strategies
Reverse Iron Condor
Reverse Iron Condor Construction
Reverse Iron Condor Case1
Calculation of maximum Profit
Calculation of maximum loss
Break-even points of Reverse Iron Condor Strategy
Explanation of Case 1 example under different situations
Reverse Iron Condor Adjustment before Expiration
Short Put Ladder Strategy
Construction of Short Put Ladder Strategy
Case study1
Calculation of Maximum Profit
Calculation of Maximum loss
Finding out break-even points
Practical Example of short put Ladder on Bank of Baroda
Long Straddle and long strangle option strategies
Formation of Long Straddle
Formation of Long Strangle
Practical Example: Long Straddle on Infosys in January’2018
Adjustment of Long Straddle and Long Strangle spread
Easy Guide for Indian option market
General Guidance
Special advice for Indian Market
Trading tips for long strangle/Long straddle option strategy
Trading tips for Short-put ladder option strategy
Trading tips for Iron Condor option Strategy
Trading tips for Bear Call and Bear Put option strategy
Trading tips for Bull Call and Bull Put option strategy
Trading Tips for Reverse Iron Condor Strategy
Trading Tips for Calendar Spread Option Strategy
Basic Idea on Option Trading
Basic Discussion on Option Trading
Why Option Trading?
Option trading is getting popular day by day due to its simplicity and
lower risk profile. It is turning out to be one of the regular income streams
because it requires very little amount of money and very basic knowledge to
start with. Another advantage of option trading is that one can make profit
irrespective of the market condition. The only one point of caution is that one
has to select right strategy depending on the type of stock or index and
depending on market condition.
Let me discuss the advantages of option trading one by one:-
Leverage: Option trading allows small amount of capital to control over
larger monetary amount of underlying asset. A trader requires Rs.1, 20,000 to
own 1000 shares whose stock price is Rs.120. But in option, the trader will
require fraction of that amount to control such amount of shares.
This smaller investment indicates higher amount of profit as quantity of
the shares will be same.
Flexibility: Option trading is a very flexible investment tool. In case of
trading with future or underlying asset, one can trade under two situations i.e.
underlying asset price is in rising mood or the underlying asset price is
declining. One has nothing to do when market is stagnant.
But option trading allows trading and making profit in below mentioned
any situation:

Underlying asset price is Moving Higher /Lower

Underlying asset price is moving too slowly
Active Market Direction/stock price movement is not clear
Volatility Increasing /Decreasing

Limited Risk-Unlimited Profit: The maximum loss is limited when one

buys an option but the possible profit amount is unlimited but this situation
may also change depending on the option strategy.
From the above chart it is clear that one has limited risk while owning a
call option and this risk amount is limited to the premium paid for buying the
option whereas owning same amount of underlying asset has unlimited loss.
The factors which can affect the option price are underlying asset price,
time and volatility. Option strategies can be created or adjusted by
manipulating these parameters as per one’s risk-reward tolerance ratio.
Portfolio protection is also possible by creating hedge with option to fight
with adverse situation.
What is an option?
An option is the right either to buy or to sell a specified amount of a
particular underlying asset, at a pre-determined price by pre-determined
expiration time frame.
Option is known as derivative because its value is derived from an
underlying asset and its price fluctuates as the price of the underlying asset
rises or declines.
There are two types of options; Call option and Put option.
Call option: A call option is the right but not the obligation to buy a fixed
amount of share at fixed price on or before the expiry period. If the trader is
expecting an upside movement of the stock or market then he should buy call
option of that stock or call option of the market (here generally Nifty).
E.g.-If the trader has bullish view on the banking stocks for near term
then he should buy call option of Bank-Nifty.
Put option: A put option is the right but not the obligation to sell a fixed
amount of shares at fixed price on or before the expiry period. If the trader
has a bearish view on market or a particular stock then he should buy put
option of the market or put option of that particular stock.
Some important terms related to option
Underlying asset: Each option is based on an asset; this is known as
underlying asset. This asset may be shares of a stock or value of an index.
Strike Price
The strike price (or exercise price) is the predetermined price at which the
underlying asset may be bought by the call holder or sold by the put holder.
Expiration Date
This is the date on which an option expires. The trader may close his
position before or on the expiry day. Normally the monthly option expires in
the last Thursday of every month in India.
Option premium
The price paid for buying the option is known as option premium or
simply option price. The buyer pays the option premium to own the option
and the seller of the option receives that premium. The premium depends on
different parameters.
This premium can be divided into two parts; intrinsic value and time
value. These parts will be explained with examples at the later part of this
Parameters affecting option premium
A trader should have clear knowledge on the parameters which affect the
option pricing. The option price generally depends on the underlying asset,
volatility, time left for expiry and interest rates. All of these factors will be
discussed in details in option Greeks chapter.
In-the-money option
A call option will be known as in-the-money option (ITM) when the
strike price is lower than the underlying asset price. On the other hand, a put
option will be in-the-money option when strike price is higher than the
underlying asset price.

At-the-money option
When underlying asset price is equal to strike price of the option, the
option is known as at-the-money option.
Out-of-the-money option
A call option will be known as out-of-the-money option when the strike
price is higher than the underlying asset price. On the other hand, a put option
will be known as out-of-the-money option when strike price is lower than the
underlying asset price.
Explanation of different term with an Example
This is the option chain of State Bank of India (SBIN) when the
underlying asset price or SBIN price was Rs.250.

Here expiry period is 26th April’2018. It indicates that these listed options
should be traded on or before 26th April’18.
The call options are listed on left hand side and put options are listed on
right hand side.
Strike Price of the options is listed just middle of the two types of options.
As the underlying stock price is Rs.250, so the call and put option of strike
price Rs.250 are at-the-money option. The call and put options of strike
prices below Rs.250 are in-the-money call option and out-of-the-money put
options respectively.
The call and put options above Rs.250 are out-of-the-money call options
and in-the-money put options respectively.
In the above table, option premium or option price is denoting by three
columns; “LTP” or Last Traded Price, Bid Price and Ask Price.
Bid Price is the price at which buyers in the market are interested to buy
that particular option so that you can sell your option at that price. Ask price
is just opposite to that.
“The price of SBIN call option of strike price Rs.240 of April’18
expiry is Rs.15.05 as on 29th March when the price of SBIN is Rs.250.
Lot size of SBIN is 3000 shares.”
The above statement is indicating the below mentioned facts:-
a) The SBIN call option of strike price Rs.240 is in-the-money option
as strike price is lower than the underlying asset price.

b) The buyer of this option trader has the right but not the obligation to
buy 3000 shares of SBIN at Rs.240 (strike price) per share within the
pre-mentioned time frame i.e. last Thursday of April’18 or 26th
April’2018. To buy this right, he has paid Rs.15.05 per share (option
Hence, he should exercise the option when it will be profitable for
him i.e. when the underlying asset price will be above Rs.

c) Intrinsic value is the in-the-value portion of an option premium i.e.

the difference between the underlying asset price and the strike price
when the option is in-the-money option.
Here intrinsic value of the call option of strike price Rs.240 is
(underlying stock price i.e. Rs.250-strike price i.e. Rs.240) = Rs.10
But the option premium is Rs.15.05. Hence the difference between
the option premium and intrinsic value is the time value of the option

Two most important factors affecting option

Price other than asset price
Volatility refers to the price fluctuation of an underlying asset. This
volatility can be of two types: Historical volatility and Implied volatility.
Normally option premium increases as volatility increases and vice versa.
Historical Volatility
Historical volatility is the historical price fluctuation of the underlying
asset in percentage terms. Normally it is calculated as standard deviation of
daily fluctuation of historical closing prices. Calculation of historical
volatility will be discussed in chapter3.
Implied Volatility
Implied Volatility (IV) is one of the most important deciding factors of
option price. We found Historical Volatility is the annualized standard
deviation of the past price movement of a stock or index. But Implied
Volatility is the volatility that matches with the current option price and
indicates current and future perception of the market risk. In one sentence,
implied volatility is the volatility which market implies about the stock’s
volatility in the future.
It is important because option price increases if implied volatility
increases keeping other parameters remain constant.
You can get implied volatility of option prices in NSE websites or any
other financial websites or softwares where option chains are available.

Days or Time to expiration

The time remaining in days to the expiry period is an important factor to
determine option price.
The value of option decreases as the time to expiration gets closer.
The more time remaining until expiration, the more time value of the
option contract has.
Chapter 2: Option Greeks
Option Greeks
Option Greeks are quite interesting. These are collection of statistical
values named after Greek letters. If you want to get success in option trading
and if you wish to take this profession as your full time earning option then
you should understand each and every Option Greek.
The Option Greeks can be very useful to help you to predict future option
price because they effectively measure the sensitivity of the price compared
to some of the factors that affect price. In particular, these factors are
underlying share price, decay in time, interest rate and the volatility.

If you know how option price changes with respect to these factors, you
are in a better position to know how transactions will take place in future.
The Greeks will give you an indication of how the price of an option will
move compared to the way the underlying share price movements and they
also help you to determine the amount of time an option loses on daily basis.

The Greeks are also risk management tools because they can be used to
determine the risk of a particular position and find out how to mitigate that
First time, these terms may look cumbersome or may feel difficult to
understand but once you will understand their role in option trading; the work
will be easier for you.
Of course, you can learn how to calculate the Greeks, but it is a complex
and lengthy process. There are many softwares available in the market which
can be used for this and most of the best online brokers offer automatic
values for the Greeks in their display box of option chain.
There are five types of option Greeks but here I will discuss the most
important four Option Greeks.
They are:
Option Delta is the most important Greek to understand because it
indicates sensitivity of option prices in relation to the price of underlying. In
simply terms, it’ll tell you changes in option price due to change in 1 unit of
underlying price.
An option with high delta will move in price significantly in proportion to
the price movements of the underlying security, while one with low delta will
move less often.
The delta value of an option is usually expressed as -1 to 1. Normally
delta of a call option is expressed from 0 to 1 and delta of a put option is
expressed as -1 to 0.
The value depends mainly on the moneyness of a particular option i.e.
whether the option is in-the-money or at-the-money or out-of-the-money.
Delta of any option can tell you the type of the option. Please follow the
table to know in details:-

Normally, delta of a call option is positive. It means when we buy a call

its delta value will be positive and when we buy a put its delta value will be
negative. But this positive/negative sign will be opposite in case of selling.
Table showing positive/negative sign of call and put option

How to calculate option price with respect to underlying’s price

change depending on delta value
Suppose a trader holds a call option which is slightly in-the-money with a
delta of 0.6 and market price of 10. This call option gives you the right to buy
100 shares of company X for Rs.150. Currently the company X is trading at
Rs.160. What will happen if the stock price increases to Rs.170?
Here the strike price of the given call option is Rs.150. As per given
problem, market price of call option (150 strike price) will increase by Rs.
0.6 for an increase of stock price by Rs.1.
Therefore, if stock price increases by Rs.10 then the option price will
increase by 10*0.6=6
i.e. the call option price will be approx. (10+6)=16 if the stock price
increases to Rs.170.

How to calculate the delta of an option strategy/Portfolio

You can easily calculate the total delta of an option strategy or a portfolio
by summing up deltas of all individual options.
For Example,
Suppose a trader have made an option strategy with the following option:-
1 ITM long call with delta 0.55
1 ITM long put with delta -0.6
1 OTM short call with a delta 0.3
1 OTM short put with a delta -0.4
The total delta of this position is:-
0.55 + (-0.6)-0.3 +0.4 = 0.05
It indicates that the market value of your option strategy or portfolio will
increase by 0.05 unit for 1 unit move of the underlying’s market price.
Note: Normally sign of delta of a put option is negative. Delta sign will
also be negative when we short any call option. Whereas the sign will be
positive for a shorting put option.
Importance of Delta Neutral Option Strategies
As you know, trading in derivative is somehow speculative because most
of the action depends on trader’s view on the stock or the market. This
market outlook of the trader may be faulty and may end in huge losses. In
this case, delta neutral strategy helps a lot. A delta-neutral strategy is a
weapon of a trader which he can use to earn profit without forecasting the
direction of the market.
The term “Delta Neutral” refers to any strategy where the sum of delta
values of all the options is equal to zero. For an example, if you buy 2 call
options, each having a delta of 0.60 and you buy 4 put options also, each
having a delta of -0.30 then you have the following:

Summing up the delta value = (2 x 0.60) + (4 x -0.30) = 1.2-1.2= 0

Hence, position delta (total delta) is zero here this is known as Delta
In practical, this type of option strategy will not get affected due to small
movement in stock price or market but delta neutral position will not
necessarily remain neutral if price of the underlying security moves to any
side at great degree. Because, delta value of the option will change a lot if
stock price moves in any one direction significantly.
Gamma is the rate of change of an option’s delta i.e. gamma denotes how
an option delta value change with 1unit movement in underlying’s market
price. You need to reduce the gamma if you want to make a delta hedge
option strategy for a wider price range.
Mathematically, delta is the first derivative of the option market price and
gamma is the second derivative of the option price. When the option is deep
in-the-money or out-of-the-money then the gamma value is small but when
the option is near or at-the-money, gamma value is the largest.
All long option have positive gamma and short option have negative
gamma. Hence, the trader can calculate the positional gamma for a particular
option strategy by summing up gamma of all individual options.

In the above figure, the strike price of the stock is Rs.30. So, when the
stock price moves up or down from Rs.30, the option moves in or out-of-the-
money. As you can see that the price of the option for at-the-money call
changes more significantly than the other two types call i.e. in-the-money or
out-of-the-money call.
Also it is clear from the gamma value that the rate of change in price is
higher in case of near term option than the longer term option.
What to see as a trader
As an option buyer, your primary aim will be for higher gamma value.
Your option Delta will move towards the value 1 more rapidly as the call
price will be move towards in-the-money. Hence, you will gain more if your
prediction is correct.
On the other hand, if your prediction goes wrong then this higher gamma
value may bring big losses.
So, always try to keep balance between all Greeks.
Theta, the third option Greek, indicates the decaying of option value over
time. It is the ‘silent-killer’ for option buyer as it takes away all the option
time value as the expiration comes near and theta value of option becomes
zero at expiry.
As you know the option value = intrinsic value + Time value
Here this “Time value” depends on the value of theta. If the theta value is
high for any option then its time value will decrease fast.
Theta values are always negative for option buyers and always positive
for the option writers or sellers.

As you can observe in the graph, effect of theta is low on the option
premium when expiry is far and the effect of theta becomes high on option
premium as expiry comes near.
Being an option trader, you can take advantage of theta by opening credit
spread position or by simply selling options. As time passes on, if the stock
price remains same or does not change significantly or simply stays out-of-
the-money then option value will decrease a lot and you will be able to keep
the selling option premium with you.
On the other hand, if you are an option buyer then try to close down your
position within few days as theta can takes back your profit as the option
reaches near to expiry.
Vega measures the change in option premium due to one unit change in
implied volatility. Implied volatility indicates the expected volatility of the
underlying asset over the life span of the option and not the historical
volatility of the underlying asset.

The above table is the nifty options of March’2018 expiry with their
Greek values. If you observe the values carefully you will find that the Vega
value is higher for at-the-money options compare to the in-the-money or out-
of-the-money options.
Normally option price increases if implied volatility increases. Long
options have positive Vega and short options have negative Vega. Like the
other Option Greeks, you can calculate the positional Vega of a strategy by
summing up all the individual Vega value.
Chapter 3:
Calculation of Historical Volatility
Calculation of historical volatility
To calculate historical volatility of a stock or index, first decide the time
frame for which the metric will be calculated. I normally prefer to use last 1
year time frame to calculate daily and annual historical volatility.
But here I will show the calculation of historical volatility of bank nifty
on 10days time frame.
Step1: First collect historical data i.e. closing price of bank nifty from
NSE. The data should be collected for “t+1” days where “t” is the time frame
for calculating the volatility.
Here I have to collect last 11 days bank nifty data.
To collect data, first I went to the below link and then chose Nifty Bank: -
I took only date and closing price data and put those in to the excel sheet.

Step2: Calculate Log return of closing price data

The easiest calculation procedure of historical volatility is the standard
deviation of logarithmic returns. So, we first need to calculate log return.
Daily log return of closing prices is simply the natural logarithm (ln) of
the ratio of closing price and the closing price the day before.
By Formula,
Log Return = ln (Ci/Ci-1)

To calculate this in excel, we will use “LN” function.

Here cell C4 data is the closing price and
cell C3 data is previous date’s data.
Copy the formula of log return data and calculate all log return data for
rest of the column.

Step3: Calculate Standard deviation of Log Returns

Now the third and final step is to calculate standard deviation of
logarithmic returns. For this purpose, we will use sample standard deviation
and the Excel formula for that is STDEV.S.
The result of this calculation will give us daily volatility of the
stock/index based on given data.
I normally use 1 year or 252 days data to calculate daily and annual
historical volatility. But you can use any timeframe which suits you better.
Now to convert the daily volatility into annual volatility, you have to use
Square root (In excel, SQRT).

You can also get daily and annualized historical volatility of NSE stocks
from NSE website.
You can go to www.nseindia.com, search by writing the stock name, the
below screen will appear. Then click on the “Get Derivatives Quote” link as
shown in the below picture.

Now a new window will appear. Click on “other information” on the new
window. You will get your information.
How to Draw Pay-off Diagram in Excel
How to draw Payoff diagram in Excel
Payoff diagram is nothing but the graphical representation of potential
outcome or in simple terms, possible profit and loss of an option or option
strategy. It is the general procedure of drawing payoff diagram before
entering buying/selling an option or before entering into option strategy
because it gives us a clear picture of risk-reward ratio.
There are many methods to draw pay-off diagram in excel. Some of them
are easy and some of them are hard to understand. Here I shall discuss a very
simple method to draw payoff diagram in excel. But before starting you have
to keep in mind some important points or terms which I will use in rest of my
discussions of this book.
Long option: Buying an option.
Short option: Selling an option
Option Buyer: The trader who has bought the option i.e. he has paid the
option premium to buy the right. It indicates cash outflow from that trader.
Option writer: The trader who has sold the option i.e. he has received
option premium from the option buyer. It indicates cash inflow of that trader.
Call option: Buying call option means if the asset price increases then
value of call option will also increase. Hence the trader will buy the call
option if he is expecting an upside movement of the underlying asset.
Put Option: Buying Put option means if the asset prices decreases then
value of put option price will increase. Hence the trader will buy the put
option if he is expecting a downwards movement of the underlying asset.
When to close option: Every option buyer will exercise his right or close
the option only when he is in profit because he has the right but not the
In case of call option, the buyer will be in profit when the underlying
asset price will be higher than the strike price. It means the call option buyer
have the right to buy the fixed amount of shares at lower price (strike price)
than the market price (underlying asset price) within a fixed time-frame.
If the strike price is higher than the underlying asset price then the call
option buyer will not exercise his option because buying from market will be
cheaper for him.
In case of put option, the whole thing will be just opposite.
For drawing pay-off diagrams, we’ll use following terms and
Strike Price is the pre-determined price at which option right will be
exercised by its buyer.
Exercise Price is the price of the underlying asset when the option
position was open.
Initial Cash flow (CF0) i.e. cash inflow or cash outflow at the time of
opening the trade. If option is bought then cash outflow and if it is sold then
cash inflow.
Cash Flow at expiry or time T (CFT) : This is the cash flow at expiry.
This will be calculated depending on the underlying asset price at that time.
To draw pay-off diagram, we will assume that all the options will be closed at
expiry date only.
Total Cash Flow= Initial Cash Flow+ Cash Flow at expiry = CF0+CFT
Formulas: To determine cash flow at expiry, we will use the following

I am explaining the first formula here so that one can understand the
whole table. When the trader buys a call option, he will exercise his call
option at expiry only when the underlying asset price will be higher than the
strike price otherwise he will be in in loss. So he should choose the maximum
of (differences between underlying price and strike price) and “0”. Here “0”
indicating that the call option buyer is not exercise his right.
Payoff diagram of a long call option
Suppose a trader buys Rs.400 strike price call option at the rate of Rs.40
per share. Let see what will be the payoff diagram at expiry.
Strike Price = Rs.400
Premium paid or option premium = Rs.40 per share, i.e. CF0= -40
If at expiration the stock price is below Rs.400, the option holder will not
exercise its option. So loss is restricted to the paid premium i.e. Rs.40.
The break-even point is (exercise price + premium paid) = Rs.440

Explanation of calculating CFT

CFT calculation when stock price at expiry was Rs.410 i.e. CFT= Max
((410-400), 0) = 10
By plotting the stock price at time T (first column) against X axis and
Total cash flow (last column) against Y axis we get the below chart:
Payoff diagram of a long Put option
Suppose a trader buys Rs.400 strike price Put option at the rate of Rs.40
per share. Let see what will be the pay-off diagram at expiry.
Strike Price = Rs.400
Premium paid or option premium = Rs.40 per share, i.e. CF0=-40
If the stock price at expiration is less than the exercise price then put has
value. The max profit is Rs. 360 (Rs.400-Rs.40) when stock price closes to
zero. If price at expiration period is more than Rs.400, the put buyer will not
exercise his option, so max loss is equal to paid premium, i.e. Rs.40.

Calculation of CFT in the above table at level when stock price at expiry
is Rs.370 is-
CFT= Max ((400-370), 0) = 30
By plotting the stock price at time T (first column) against X axis and
Total cash flow (last column) against Y axis we get the below chart:
Payoff diagram of a Short call option
Suppose a trader sells Rs.400 strike price call option at the rate of Rs.40
per share. Let see what will be the pay-off diagram at expiry.
Strike Price = Rs.400
Premium received or option premium received = Rs.40 per share, i.e.
CF0= 40
If the stock price expires below Rs.400 or less then the option holder will
not exercise its option. So this option writer will keep the premium i.e. writer
has the max profit of Rs.40.

Formula of Calculating of CFT at level when stock price at expiry is

CFT= Min ((price at expiration-strike price), 0)
= Min ((370-400), 0)
= Rs.0
By plotting the stock price at time T (first column) against X axis and
Total cash flow (last column) against Y axis we get the below chart:
Payoff diagram of a Short Put option
Suppose a trader sells Rs.400 strike price put option at the rate of Rs.40
per share. Let see what will be the pay-off diagram at expiry.
Strike Price = Rs.400
Premium received or option premium received = Rs.40 per share, i.e.
CF0= 40
If at expiration date, price is Rs.400 or higher, put buyer will not exercise
its option, so the seller will keep the premium i.e. Rs40 which is maximum
profit. Besides this, Breakeven is at Rs.(400-40)=Rs.360 level and there will
be loss below this level.

Here, calculation of CFT at the level when stock price at expiry is Rs.370
CFT= Min ((strike price- price at expiration), 0)
= Min((400-370),0)
= Rs. -30
By plotting the stock price at time T (first column) against X axis and
Total cash flow (last column) against Y axis we get the below chart:
Option Strategy Pay-off Diagram
The option strategy pay-off diagram can be made just by mixing up and
using the above formulas which are applicable. Now I will show you how to
draw option strategy pay off diagram with the help of practical example.
Long straddle Pay-off diagram
I will share a practical example of trade from my experience to explain
how to draw long straddle pay-off diagram.
This is the formation of long straddle when Infosys was trading at
Rs.1080 level.

Here strike price of long call is Rs.1080 and option premium is Rs.24.60
per share.
Strike price of long put is Rs.1080 and option premium is Rs.30.70 per

The above table was calculated was in the following way:

The first column is stock price at expiry. The difference between two
rows of the stock price is Rs.10 and started from Rs.980 (1080-100) and
ended at Rs.1180 (1080+100) level.
The second column is cash flow of long call at expiry day. The formula
I have used to calculate this column is [{Max ((stock price at expiry-strike
price), 0) - absolute amount of initial premium paid}*no of lot]
Number of lot is 1 here.
The third column is cash flow of long put at expiry. The formula I
have used to calculate this column is [{Max ((strike price- stock price at
expiry), 0) +absolute amount of initial premium received}*no of lot]
Number of lot is 1 here.
The last column is total cash flow from the trade. This is calculated by
adding the amount of second column and third column of each row
Now by plotting the value of first column and the last column, we get the
following pay-off chart:
Pay-off Diagram of Bear Call option Strategy
I will share one practical example of trade from my experience to explain
how to draw bear call pay-off diagram.
This is the formation of bear call option strategy when IOC was trading at
Rs.410 level.

Here, strike price of long call is Rs.420 and option premium is Rs.3.90
per share.
Strike price of long put is Rs.400 and option premium is Rs.12.80 per

The above table was calculated was in the following way:

The first column is stock price at expiry. The difference between two
rows of the stock price is Rs.5 and started from Rs.380 and ended at Rs.450
The second column is cash flow of long call at expiry day. The formula
I have used to calculate this column is [{Max ((stock price at expiry-strike
price), 0) - absolute amount of initial premium paid}*no of lot]
Number of lot is 1 here.
The third column is cash flow of short call at expiry. The formula I
have used to calculate this column is [{Min ((stock price at expiry-strike
price), 0) +absolute amount of initial premium received}*no of lot]
Here number of lot is 1.
The last column is total cash flow from the trade. This is calculated by
adding the amount of second column and third column of each row
Now by plotting the value of first column and the last column, we get the
following pay-off chart:-
You should draw pay-off diagram before entering into an option strategy
because graphical representation is very important while entering into such
trade. This graphical representation will help you to identify the practical
situation. But there is one problem while creating pay-off chart in excels i.e.
this will show you the pay-off diagram at expiry day and not before that. The
break-even points generally differ in other days than expiry. Break-even
points are changed every day due to option Greeks.
So, it is better to use any option strategy builder software (e.g.
OptionsOracle software of Indian version) or make broker website to build
option strategy payoff diagram. You can search the internet with the terms
“option oracle for Indian market” or “free option strategy builder for Indian
market” and you will get free software/online tools for creating the option
strategy pay-off diagram.
Chapter 5:
Some Useful Option Strategies
Some Useful Option Trading strategies
Option strategy trading is the most profitable trading technique under less
risk scenario. I will discuss some easy and profitable option trading technique
in this book.
If you search the internet or read any ordinary book on option strategies,
you will get more than 60 types of option strategies available in the market.
You can also make option strategy as per the requirements. I will discuss 10
option strategies in this book which I regularly use in Indian option market. I
am sure that you will be able to earn good regular income if you use these
option strategies as per the guidelines provided here.
Option trading strategies can be classified into different categories
depending on the expiry time frame or depending on volatility. This time
frame may vary from 60 days before expiry to the date of expiry.
I personally do not like to keep any option trade open overnight if there is
less than 10 days of expiry, Of-course, there are some exceptions as well.
Following are the option strategies which will be discussed.
Iron Condor Option strategy: This strategy is a low risk - limited profit
earning option strategy. One can open this option strategy before 60 days of
expiry on the low volatile stocks and can hold it for long time. The trader can
also make necessary adjustments if necessary.
Horizontal Calendar Spread Option Strategy: This strategy can also be
held for a long time. Time decay is the main reason of earning profit under
this strategy.
Bear Put Spread and bear Call spread option strategies: These
strategies can be open when the trader has the bearish view on the underlying
stock or market.
Bull Put Spread and Bull Call Spread option Strategies: These
strategies can be open when the trader has the bullish view on the underlying
stock or market.
Reverse Iron Condor, Long Straddle and Long Strangle option
strategies: These strategies are applicable under the situation when the trader
is expecting volatility may increase and the stock may move on either side.
Short Put Ladder: This strategy is applicable when the trader is
expecting that underlying stock may go down but he is not sure. The ratio of
prediction of downside vs upside is almost 80:20.
I shall discuss the above option strategies one by one in different
chapters. The discussion of these strategies will be in the following manner:-
➢ Basic Idea
➢ When to applicable
➢ Construction
➢ Calculation of maximum profit, maximum loss and break-even
➢ Explanation with case study and practical example
➢ Adjustment of the option strategy under different scenario
After discussing all the option strategies one by one, I’ll discuss the
points of selecting the right strategy at right time i.e. screener for each and
every option strategy.
Chapter 5A: Iron Condor option Strategy
Iron Condor option strategy
This strategy is applicable for stocks which have low volatility. This is
basically non-directional option strategy where there is high probability of
earning limited profit with less risk.
This strategy has a positive impact of time frame if other parameters (i.e.
underlying price, volatility) remain constant. It means if the stock price stays
within the given range then the trader will earn more when expiry dates/time
will decrease.
When to applicable
When the trader expects that there will be insignificant move in stock
price or will be in narrow range up to the expiry period, he/she can opt for
this strategy.
Normally this strategy should be applied to the index option or very less
volatile stocks.
Here is simple construction of Iron Condor option strategy:-
Sell 1 OTM Put
Buy 1 OTM Put (Lower Strike)
Sell 1 OTM Call
Buy 1 OTM Call (Higher Strike)
All above options should be expired on same expiry date.
The logic behind such action is, the trader expects that underlying price
will be in between put writing strike price and call writing strike price upon
expiration. But he buys both the call and a put to protect his position under
unfavorable situations.
Iron Condor case 1
Suppose stock A is trading at Rs.45 as on 1st June. The trader executes an
Iron Condor by buying a July 35 Put at Rs.1 , writing a July 40 put at Rs.2,
writing a July 50 call at Rs.2 and buying another July 55call at Rs.1. Let’s
assume that the lot size is 100.

Here, the trader is assuming that stock price will be in between 40 to 50
which are the strike prices of short put and short call. For the protection
purpose and minimize his loss potential, he has bought one put and one call
Calculation of maximum Profit
Under this strategy, maximum profit is equal to net credit received at
opening time of trade. Maximum profit is attained when the stock price is
expired in between the call and put writing strike price.
Maximum Profit=Premium received from writing of call and put-
premium paid for buying call and put – commission paid
In Iron condor case 1,
Maximum profit= (Premium received from writing the put + Premium
received from writing the call-premium paid on buying the call and put)* Lot
= (Rs.2+ Rs.2- Rs.1- Rs.1)*100
= Rs.200
Note: We are not calculating the commission part because it may vary
trader to trader

Maximum profit is achievable when Price of Underlying is in between

Strike Prices of the Short Put and the Short Call.

Calculation of Maximum Loss

Maximum loss amount is limited but higher than maximum profit amount
under this strategy. The trader will incur loss if stock price falls at or falls
below the lower strike of the put purchased or rise above or equal to the
higher strike of the call purchased. Under both the circumstances, maximum
loss is will be:
Max Loss = {(Strike Price of Long Call - Strike Price of Short Call)*Lot
size} - Net Premium Received + Commissions Paid
Max Loss Occurs When Price of Underlying >= Strike Price of Long Call
Price of Underlying <= Strike Price of Long Put
In the above case study,
Maximum loss= {(55-50)*100}-200 = (500-200) = Rs. 300
Note: We are not calculating the commission part because it may vary
from trader to trader

Breakeven Points
There are 2 break-even points in this strategy. The breakeven points can
be calculated using the following formula:-
Upper Breakeven Point = Short Call strike price + Net Premium Received
from each share i.e. before multiplying with lot size
Lower Breakeven Point = Strike Price of Short Put - Net Premium
Received from each share
If we calculate the break-even points of the above case study, then-
Upper break-even point=Rs.(50 + 2)=Rs.52
Lower break-even point= Rs.(40-2) =Rs.38
More Explanation of the above case study under
different scenario
Scenario 1: Stock price expired at Rs.45 itself or expire in the
range of 40-50 i.e. strike price of shorting put and call

Under such scenario, every call and put expires worthless at expiration
So, our net profit is equal to maximum profit i.e. (premium received from
shorting call and put – premium paid for buying both call and put) i.e. Rs.
Scenario 2: Stock price expired at Rs.61

Under such scenario, both the put options expire worthless. Hence, the
trader keeps the premium received from selling the put.
Now let’s see what happen to the call.
The price of the call of strike price 50 becomes 11 (61-50) and price of
the call of strike price 55 becomes 6.
Therefore the trader incurs loss from the short call and the loss amount is
Rs. (11-2)= Rs.9 premium on each share.
But the trader gains from purchased call as the stock price move to Rs.61.
Net gain from purchased call= { (Price at expiry-strike price of buying
call)*Lot size}-premium paid at the time of buying the call) =(600-100) =
Hence total profit/loss from entire transaction
= Premium received from selling the put- premium paid on buying the
put- loss from sold call+ profit from purchased call
=200-100-900+500 = (Rs.300) i.e. loss of Rs.300
This is the maximum loss which the trader can incur from this trade.

Scenario 3: Stock price expired at Rs.29

Under such scenario, both call options expire worthless. Hence, the trader
keeps the premium received from selling the call.
Now let’s see what happen to the Puts.
Price of the Put of strike price 40 becomes 11 (40-29) and price of the Put
of strike price 35 becomes 6.
Therefore the trader makes loss from the short Put and the loss amount is
(11-2) = Rs.9 premium on each share.
But the trader gains from purchased Put as the stock price move to Rs.29
Net gain from purchased Put={ (strike price of buying Put- Price at
expiry)*Lot size}-premium paid at the time of buying the Put) =(600-100) =
Hence total profit/loss from entire transaction =
Premium received from selling the call- premium paid on buying the call-
loss from sold Put+ profit from purchased Put
= (Rs.300)
i.e. loss of Rs.300
This is the maximum loss which trader can incur from this trade.

IRON Condor Adjustment

We have seen that under IRON Condor option strategy, loss potential is
greater than Profit potential. If stock price goes beyond our range on either
side then we may face loss. So, what to do in this scenario? We can adjust
our strategy by rolling over the unchallenged side (keeping the challenged
side untouched) closer to the new stock price with taking a big credit. Let me
explain in details.
Where to adjust
You can see the below image of the case study 1(discussed in page no 47)
where upper break-even point is at Rs.52 and lower break-even point is at
Rs.38 (discussed earlier). Hence the middle point of upper and lower break-
even point = [38 +{(52-38)/2}]= Rs.45 i.e. where the stock is trading now.
Let’s denote upper break-even point as UB, lower break-even point as LB
and middle point as M.

Suppose, if the stock begins to rise or the stock falls then we may incur
loss. Under such circumstances, we have to adjust our strategy.
Now you may have question in mind that “How can we understand that
where to adjust?”
Here is the answer of your question. The middle point of both the break-
even point and point M are the adjustment points.
More clearly,
When the stock price goes up and reaches to the point [M+ {(UB-M)/2}],
we have to adjust our Put options.
On the other side, when the stock price goes down to mid-point of LB and
M, we have to adjust our call options.
In this case, the adjustment points are (45+ (52-45)/2)= Rs.48.5 on the
upper side and (45-(45-38)/2)=Rs. 41.5 on the lower side.
How to adjust
Suppose, the stock price is in rising mode and it goes to the level of
Rs.49. Then we can take any one of these stands -

1. We can sit back and watch where the stock price goes till
2. Book profit at this level
3. Make adjustment on the unchallenged side and create more

Here we can roll the put options to bring more credit and make break-
even point closer to the recent stock price. Bringing more credit is important
because if we have to face an unfavorable situation at the time of expiry then
our loss will be less under such scenario whereas waiting for a favorable
situation may bring more losses under unfavorable situation.
The total profit may not be achievable all time as shown at the time of
making an iron strategy so always make a goal to book the profit when it
have achieved more than 25% of the maximum profit. If you follow this
technique, you can make 2-4% return from your investment per month basis;
this is obviously a good return on investment.
Explanation with Practical Example
Here is a practical example illustrated with data and chart. An Iron condor
option strategy on SBIN was created as on 21st July 2017, as I was expecting
that SBIN will be within RS. 275-305 range till the august end. The stock
price was trading at Rs.290 level at that time. Here is the composition of the
Here you can see that call of strike price Rs.305 was sold and call of
strike price Rs.310 was bought. On other side, Rs.275 strike price put was
sold and Rs.270 strike price put was bought. From the whole transaction the
net credit was Rs.1.75 per share.
This is the initial graph of the strategy where lower break-even point as
on Rs.273.25 level and upper break-even point as on Rs.306.75 level.

In this problem, the adjustment points were on 281 and 298 levels.
Unfortunately, the stock price began to rise and reach at the upper level
adjustment point i.e. on Rs.298 level as on 26July’2017. Now what would be
the exit point? I can wait for downside movement or wait till expiry with a
hope that the stock will stay within a range or I can make adjustment to get
more credit.
I follow the third method. I roll out my put positions and bring more
credit. For this reason, I first closed put positions and bought new put
positions which are closer to the new stock price.
Here I bought 290 strike priced put and sold 295 strike price put.

Previously, I sold RS.275 put @ Rs.3.5 as on 21.7. Now buying back @

Rs.1.9 i.e. debit of Rs. 1.9 per share
Previously bought Rs.270 put @Rs.2.5 as on 21.7 and now closing the
position by getting credit of Rs.1.1 per share
Rs.295 strike price put sells @ Rs.7.45 i.e. credit of Rs. 7.45 per share
290 strike price put 290 today (26.7.2017) @ 5.6 i.e. debit of Rs.5.6 per
Total credit/debit from the transaction = (-1.9+1.1+7.45-5.6)= RS. 1.05
per share
Previous credit was Rs.1.75
Total credit received = 1.05+1.75 = Rs.2.8 per share
Therefore, my new break even points were Rs. (295-2.8) = Rs.292.2 and
In this way, one should adjust one’s trade to collect more credits and be
prepared to face an unfavorable situation with less amount of loss.
Chapter 5B: Horizon Calendar Spread option
Second Option Strategy: Horizontal
Calendar Spread
Under Calendar Spread option strategy, the trader has to sell an option of
the current month/period and buying a same type option of same strike price
of the next month/period. The main purpose of this strategy is to earn
premium of the near month short option after adjusting the time decay of the
long option of far month.
The Indian Traders may face problem while using this strategy because of
liquidity. As a trader, you may find that there is no liquidity on far month
stock options but you can make good profit on weekly basis by applying this
strategy on bank nifty options.
Construction of Calendar Spread
Selling of near month option (Put/Call)
Buying of far month same type of option (i.e. call or put) of same
strike price
However, one can use this strategy in numerous ways depending on his
view on share price/market as a whole.
I will tell you the correct timing of using different types of this strategy as
a trader.
For simplification, I have classified calendar spread as:-

Neutral Calendar Spread

Neutral to Bullish Calendar Spread
Neutral to Bearish calendar Spread

From the name it is clear that if trader is fully neutral on future movement
of the underlying price then he should select the neutral calendar spread and
he would select the other two if he has slightly bullish or bearish views on the
underlying price respectively.
Calculation of Maximum Profit
This strategy has limited profit potential. The maximum possible profit
for this strategy is premium collected from sale of near month option minus
any time decay of the longer term option.
In this strategy, trader will earn maximum profit if stock price expires at
the strike price of the option.
It means for the neutral calendar strategy, the trader will earn maximum
profit if stock price remains same at the time of expiry.
Another point to mention here that it is not possible to calculate
maximum profit beforehand like previous strategies because options are
taken from two different months and increase /decrease of implied volatility
would change the price of options differently.

Calculation of Maximum Loss

The maximum possible loss is equal to the initial debit taken to build this
strategy. It occurs when stock price goes down or moves up significantly at
the time of expiry.

Finding out break-even points

It is not possible to calculate break-even points in calendar spread
strategy as different expiration cycles are used.
However, being a trader you should keep in mind few things before
opening a calendar spread option. Those are:-

1. If implied volatility increases then the trade will make more

money. So, it is advisable to open calendar spread option under low
to average implied volatility condition.
2. If stock price moves too far from the strike price under neutral
calendar strategy, the trader may lose.

When to close the position

It is not possible for the trader to correctly predict maximum profit
amount or break-even points in this strategy so it is wiser decision not to wait
till expiry. Try to close the trade before expiry as after expiry, the far month
option may lose its time value.
Normally, I close my calendar spread position when my existing position
makes 25% of profit of the net initial debit.

More Explanation with Practical Example

Example 1: Neutral Calendar Example with ITC
ITC was trading at Rs.258.80 level on 17th November. I had neutral view
on ITC for next 7 days. So, I built a calendar neutral strategy with call
options of strike price Rs.260.
Please note that I made this strategy with the calls here because calls are
slightly ‘Out-of-the-money’. Always try to build this strategy with ‘Out-of-
the-money’ options.
What would happen if I made this strategy with puts? There is Rs.5
difference in the strike prices. So, Rs.260 is the closest strike price with
underlying current market price. If I would made this strategy with Rs.260
strike price put options then the put options will be in-the-money options and
if the options were with Rs.255 strike price put options then that option
strategy will be neutral to bearish calendar spread option with slightly bearish
Here is the strategy table:-

As you can see that I bought call option of December month (i.e. far
month) @ Rs.7.80 per share and sold call option of November month i.e. near
month @ Rs. 3.25 per share. Here both strike price was Rs.260. The lot size
of ITC was 2400 shares.
At opening time of my trade, net debit was (7.80-3.25)= Rs.4.55 per
share. This was my probable maximum loss.
As we know that, it is not possible to calculate the correct profit or
breakeven points under this strategy because of different expiry period. So, I
took a strategy to close down my option. The strategy was either my stoploss
will be 10% loss on the net initial debit or 20-25% profit on my net initial

Now, let see what would happen to the position under different scenario:-
Scenario 1:If stock price goes up
If underlying stock price goes up then the long call gains value but short
call loses value.
Another thing to mention here that normally the volatility increases as
stock price goes down and vice versa. As I have already told that increased
volatility helps the option trader to gain more in this strategy.
So, if stock price moves up after a certain level as decided from the
support/resistance analysis in technical analysis then it is better to close down
the position or the exit/stoploss policy, whichever is earlier.

Scenario2: If the stock price stays the same

This is the best scenario in neutral calendar spread strategy. The only one
point to watch that there should not be reduction in implied volatility
percentage. If there is chance of decreasing the implied volatility then close
down the position.
Scenario 3: If the stock price goes down
Normally, if the stock price goes down, volatility increases. This
increased volatility will increase our option price but of-course, this down
movement is favourable for upto a certain level.
As you can see the chart, the total strategy will start to lose money if the
stock price goes down significantly. So, closely watch your position and
close down the position with profit of 10%-25% of the net debit.
Example2: Neutral to Bullish Calendar Spread
On the same day i.e. 17th November, I took position on another calendar
spread with slightly bullish view. I made this strategy on ONGC.
The current price of ONGC was Rs.177.70. I built this strategy with calls
of strike price Rs.180.

As you can see, I sell November call of strike price 180 @ 3.2 and bought
call of December month of same strike price @ Rs.6.15.
So, the net debit was Rs. (6.15-3.20) = Rs.2.95 per share. The lot size was
3750. The net margin/capital was required to open the trade was Rs.75000.
My target was more than 25% of net debit i.e. more than Rs.0.75 per
share as profit or 10% of net debit i.e. Rs.0.30 per share as my stoploss.
Fortunately, my prediction was correct and within next 3 working days I
booked my profit.
On 22nd November, the market price of ONGC was Rs.180.70 and the
prices of the options were as follow:-

As stock price moved up, I made loss on the short call. I bought back the
short call @ Rs.3.95 per share. So loss from the short call was =Rs.(3.2-
3.95)=Rs. -0.75 per share
I got good profit on my long call. I sold the long call @ Rs. 8.05 . So
profit from the long call was Rs. (8.05-6.15)=Rs.1.90 per share.
Therefore, net profit/loss was:-
Profit from the long call - loss from the short call = Rs.(1.90-0.75) =
Rs.1.15 which is almost 39% of net debit and is beyond my expectation.
Hence total profit from the whole trade was = lot size*profit per share =
3750*Rs.1.15 =Rs.4312.50
So , return on my capital was (Rs.4312/Rs.75000)=5.75%
Of course, 5.75% return on capital within 3 days is a good return.

Conclusion: This option strategy is always not profitable in Indian

markets due to low liquidity in next month’s options. But you can use this
strategy on bank-nifty on its weekly options.
Chapter 5C: Bear Put and Bear Call Spread
option Strategy
Third Option Strategy: Bear Put and
Bear Call Spread option Strategy
The next option strategy is Bearish option strategies i.e. strategies with
bearish views. If a trader has an expectation that the stock may go down
within a short time frame, he may open any bearish option strategy.
The most popular bearish option strategies are bear call spread and bear
put spread. The outcome or views of both the option strategies are almost
same. The only difference is in their construction. The bear call spread is
made with calls and bear put spread is made with puts.
Firstly I will discuss both the spread strategies and then I will explain
how the trader will choose the correct one from these two.
Bear Put Spread
The trader can apply this strategy when he has a view that the underlying
stock price will go down moderately in near future.
Buy 1 ITM Put
Sell 1 OTM Put
This option strategy can be built by buying one higher strike in-the-
money put option and buying one lower strike out-of-the-money put option
with same expiration of the same underlying.
This option strategy has limited downside profit with limited upside risk.
Pay-off graph
This is the pay-off chart of bear put strategy made on Yes bank. Yes bank
was trading at Rs.309 level at that time. I bought Rs.320 strike price put
@Rs.17.40 and sold Rs.300 strike price put @ Rs.7.30 of December expiry.

As you can see there was limited profit potential if the underlying stock
price moves downside and vice versa.

Calculation of Maximum profit

The trader will earn maximum profit in this strategy if the underlying
stock price moves below strike price of the short put on expiry day. Under
such circumstances, both options will expire as in-the-money option but
bought put (higher strike) will have higher intrinsic value than the sold (lower
strike) put.
Therefore, the maximum profit under this strategy is equal to the
difference between the strike prices of two puts minus net debit taken at the
time of opening the trade.
Maximum profit = (strike price of long put-strike price of short put) -
(net debit taken at time of opening the trade)
Maximum profit in the above problem is:
= (strike price of long put-strike price of short put) – (net debit taken at
the time of opening the trade)
= (320-300)-(17.40-7.30) = Rs.9.90 per share
Calculation of maximum Loss
The trader will incur maximum loss if the underlying asset price expires
above strike price of the long put. The maximum loss amount is equal to net
debit taken by the trader while entering into the trade.
Hence, Maximum loss = Net Premium paid at the time of opening the
In the current example, net premium paid= Premium of long put-Premium
of short put
=Rs.17.40-Rs.7.30 = Rs.10.10 per share
How to determine the breakeven Point
As you can see in the pay-off graph, there is one break-even point. If the
underlying stock price moves above the break-even point then the trader will
incur loss and if it moves below break-even point then the trader will earn
The formula of breakeven point is:-
Break-even point = Strike price of long put-Net premium paid at the
time of opening the trade
In this example, break-even point is at (320-10.10) =Rs.309.9 level.
Note: As the bear put spread strategy consists of one long put and one
short put of the same expiry, so if the other things are constant then
increase/decrease of volatility will offset the changes of the two options each-
In the same way, time decay also have little effect as one option is short
and another is long and both are of same expiry.
Practical Example
I would like to share one of my experiences on this strategy with you.
One of my trades on this strategy was on Bank of Baroda. The stock was
trading at Rs.181 level as on 22nd November’2017 and there was a strong
resistance at 181.90 levels and next support level was Rs.171.50 level. Other
indicators were also indicating that the stock will move down in recent time.
The expiry date was on 30th November’2017.
So, I opt for this strategy. I bought the put of strike price 185 @ Rs.7 per
share and sold Rs.180 strike price put @ Rs.4 per share.

The lot size was 3500 shares. My total margin requirement (span margin
+ exposure margin) was Rs.80,000 to open this trade.
Net debit at the time of opening trade was Rs.(7-4)=Rs.3 per share.
Break-even point = Strike price of long put - Net premium paid at the
time of opening the trade
= Rs. (185-3) = Rs.182 level
Maximum profit = strike price of long put-strike price of short put -
net debit taken at time of opening the trade
= Rs.(185-180-3) = Rs.2 per share
Maximum loss = Net Premium paid at the time of opening the trade =
Rs.3 per share

I close this strategy on the expiry day i.e. as on 30th November’2017. The
stock was trading at Rs.171.80 level at that time. The option prices were as

As underlying price moved below the strike price of both the option at
expiry so both the options were expired as in-the-money options. Here I
incurred loss on the short put and booked profit on the long one.
Profit from the long put = Rs. (12.40-7) = Rs.5.40 per share
Loss from short put = Rs. (7.85-4) = Rs.3.85 per share
Hence, My net gain from this strategy = Rs. (5.40-3.85) = Rs.1.55 per
The lot size was 3500 shares. So my total profit was Rs. (3500*1.55) =
My return on Investment for 7 working days was Rs. (5425/80,000)*100
= 6.78% i.e. 21.3% monthly return (considering 22 working days in a month)
which is obviously a good percentage of return.
Adjustments in Bear Put spread option Strategy
Normally a trader faces two situations after entering into an option
strategy. Those are:-

1. Underlying asset price moves up

2. Underlying asset price moves down

First Situation: Underlying price moves up

Suppose, underlying stock price moves up and crosses strike price of the
long put option. Then the trader makes more analysis and further analysis
indicates that underlying asset price has broken the recent resistance level and
will continue its uptrend. Under such scenario, the trader should close the
short put option when underlying price crosses the long put option and will
short an ITM put option to build bull put spread.
For example, Say Stock A is trading at Rs.154 level and the trader was
expecting that the stock may go below Rs.148 level within a month. So, he
bought an ‘in-the-money’ put of strike price Rs.160 level and sold an ‘out-of-
the-money’ put of strike price Rs.150 level.
Now, the stock price started moving up within a week and crossed Rs.160
level. The trader then closed the short put by buying back that and short one
‘in-the-money’ put option of strike price Rs.170 and formed a bull put spread
Second Situation: The underlying price moves down beyond the
strike price of short put
As I have discussed, the trader will earn maximum profit if underlying
stock price reaches or moves below the strike price of short put.
Under such circumstances, the trader may close his position and can book
maximum profit.
Otherwise if his analysis shows that there is further downside then he has
two options to do:
a) He may sell the short put option and simply allow the long put option
to make further profit.
b) He may close out-of-the-money short put option and can short
further out-of-the-money put option to book more profit.
Bear Call Spread
The purpose of using bear call spread is same as bear put option spread
strategy. The trader can opt for this strategy if he has bearish view towards
any particular stock or the market.
Buy 1 OTM Call
Sell 1 ITM Call
This strategy can be implemented by buying one ‘out-of-the-money’
(higher strike) call option and selling one ‘in-the-money’ (lower strike) call
option of the same underlying asset of same expiring period.
Pay-Off Graph

The above image is the pay-off chart of bear call strategy made on IOC.
This stock was trading at Rs.409 level at that time. I bought Rs.420 strike
price call @Rs.12.80 and sold Rs.400 strike price @ Rs.3.9 call of December
Calculation of Maximum profit
The trader will earn maximum profit in this strategy if underlying stock
price moves below the strike price of the short call on expiry day. Under such
circumstances, both options will expire worthless.
Maximum profit under this strategy is equal to net premium received at
the time of opening the trade.
Maximum profit = premium received on sold call – premium paid on
long call
In this problem, Maximum Profit = Rs.(12.80-3.90) = Rs. 8.90 per share
Calculation of maximum Loss
The trader will incur maximum loss if underlying asset price expired
above the strike price of the long put. Maximum loss amount is equal to the
difference between the strikes prices of 2 options minus the net credit
received from trade.
Maximum loss = (strike price of long call-strike price of short call) – net
credit received at the time of opening the trade
In this problem, maximum loss = Rs.(420 - 400 - 8.9) = Rs.11.1 per share

How to determine breakeven Point

As you can see, like the previous one, there is also one break-even point.
If underlying stock price moves above break-even point then the trader will
incur loss and if moves below break-even point then the trader will earn
The formula of breakeven point is:
Break-even point = Strike price of short call + Net premium received
at the time of opening the trade
In this example, break-even point is at (400+8.90) =Rs.408.90 level.
Note: As bear call spread strategy consists of one long put and one short
put of the same expiry, so if other things are constant then increase/decrease
of volatility will offset the changes of two options each-other.
In the same way, time decay also have little effect as one option is short
and another is long and both are of same expiry.

Explanation of the given example

I have already shared the practical example. Now I would like to explain
the reason of choosing this strategy on Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) and
would like to share the result.
There was strong resistance at Rs.412 level and strong support zone at
Rs.390 level in IOC at that time. The leading indicators were also giving
clear sign of short term downtrend. So I choose this bear call strategy.
I open this position as on 18th December’2017.

The lot size was 1500 shares. My total margin requirement (span margin
+exposure margin) was Rs.90,000 to open this trade.
The particulars were calculated as follows:
Probable Maximum Profit = Rs.8.90 per share
Probable Maximum loss = Rs.11.1 per share
Break-even point is at Rs.408.90 level
I closed this strategy on expiry day i.e. as on 28th December’2017. The
stock was trading at Rs.391.10 level at that time. The option prices were as

As underlying price moved below strike price of both the options at

expiry, both options were expired as out-of-the-money options. Here I
incurred loss on the long call and booked profit on the short one.
Profit from the short call = Rs.(12.80-0.05) = Rs.12.75 per share
Loss from long call = Rs.( 3.90-0.05) = Rs.3.85 per share
Hence, profit from the whole trade = Rs.(12.75-3.85) = Rs.8.90 per share
Total profit = Rs.8.90*1500=Rs.13,350
My return on Investment for 9 working days was Rs.(13350/90,000)*100
= 14.83% i.e. 36.25% monthly return (considering 22 working days in a
month) which is obviously a good percentage of return.

Adjustment of bear call spread option Strategy

A trader has to face at least two situations while trading in an option
strategy, one is if stock price moves up and another is if stock price moves
Situation 1: If the underlying price moves up
If stock price is moving up and has crossed the long call strike price on
upper side then adjust your trade. But before adjusting trade, you first need to
analyze the situation. If you are not sure on further upside movement of the
stock price and still expecting that market may move down then open iron
condor option strategy. Keep the existing situation and open a put spread by
selling the put of strike price same to short call strike price and buy a lower
strike price put. This situation will create an Iron condor situation where
profit will be in between a particular range of stock price and loss will be
very low beyond that range on either side.
Suppose stock price moves more up and has crossed next resistance level
at upper side and your analysis is indicating more upside in near term. In that
case close down your current short call option and the put option strategy and
open an ‘out-of-the-money’ call option to create bull call option spread
As this put option strategy was a credit spread, so your final loss will be

Situation 2: If underlying stock price moves down below the strike

price of the short call
I have discussed that the trader will earn maximum profit if underlying
price moves below the strike price of the short call. Under such
circumstances, it is always advisable to close down your position and book
But if you are sure on more downside then you can close down the
current short call and open another short call option at lower strike price to
get more credit.

Which strategy is better; Bear call Spread

or Bear Put Spread?
This is a long debatable and confusing question because purposes of both
the strategies are same.
The trader may use any of these strategies if he is expecting that the
market may go down (moderately bearish) in near term.
Although the purpose and pay-off graph of both the strategies are same
but there are some fundamental differences between two. The most important
difference between two is that Bear Call Spread is a credit spread and it
brings money into the trader’s account. Whereas, Bear Put Spread is a debit
spread and it costs the trader to buy it.
The bear call strategy consists of 1 OTM call long and 1 ITM call short
whereas bear put spreads can be implemented by buying an in-the-money put
option and selling an out-of-the-money put option of same underlying
security with the same expiration date.
Now, you may have one question that what is the right strategy for
Well, it depends on some criteria like, the implied volatility, time to
expiry and differences between maximum losses between two strategies. Let
me explain one by one.
Implied Volatility: As a trader, you may face two situations of implied
volatility, e.g. high implied volatility or low implied volatility relative to their
historic volatility.
If implied volatility is relatively high, it may be better to be in a net credit
position. Hence, bear call spread will be a better option here.
Alternatively, if implied volatility is low, a net debit position i.e. bear put
spread will be more attractive.
Time to expiry: If there is longer time for option expiry then credit
spread is always beneficial because you can make more profit from time
value. If there is more than 30 days of option expiry while keeping other
things constant then always choose the bear call spread option for trade.
Maximum Profit and loss: Calculate maximum profit and loss amount
before opening trade under both the strategies. Always look for the trade
which has less amount of maximum loss. In case, the trade did not go in
favour of you then loss amount will be less. Of course, you can make
adjustment of the trade at any time before closing the trade.
In conclusion, I would like to say that if you are unable to decide which
strategy will be better under certain circumstances then my recommendation
is to select the bear call spread strategy. Because bear call strategy is a credit
spread and you can make money from time decay even the stock remains
stagnant at the time of expiry.
Chapter 5D: Bull call and Bull put option
Fourth Strategy: Bull call and bull put
option strategy
The next option strategy is Bullish option strategies i.e. strategies with
bullish view. If a trader has an expectation that stock may go upside within a
short time frame, he may open any bullish option strategy.
The most popular bullish option strategies are bull call spread and bull
put spread. The outcome or views of both the option strategies are almost
same. The only difference is in their construction. The bull call spread is
made with calls and bull put spread is made with puts.
Bull Call option Strategy
The trader may use this strategy when he is moderately bullish on
underlying asset. To implement this strategy the trader should buy one in-
the-money call option and sell one out-of-the money call option of the same
underlying of same expiry period.
The logic behind buying in-the-money call option is that the trader is
bullish on the stock and selling the option means to protect or minimize
losses in case the trade goes wrong.
Buy 1 ITM Call
Sell 1 OTM Call
Pay-Off Diagram

This is the pay-off chart of bull call spread strategy made on Axis Bank.
This stock was trading at Rs.555.20 level at that time. I bought Rs.550 strike
price call @Rs.20.90 and sold Rs.560 strike price @ Rs.15.65 call of January
expiry. The lot size was 1200 shares.
Calculation of maximum Profit
The trader will earn maximum profit if stock price rises above the higher
strike price (short call option) of the option strategy.
The formula for calculating maximum profit under bull call strategy is:
Maximum Profit = Strike Price of short call-Strike Price of long call -
Net Premium paid at the time of opening the trade
Maximum profit of the above example is:
Maximum profit of Axis Bank Bull Call Spread strategy = Rs.[(560-
550)+(15.65-20.90)] = Rs.4.75 per share

Calculation of maximum Loss

Maximum loss occurs under this strategy when stock price expired below
strike price of the long call. The maximum loss amount is equal to the net
debit paid at the time of opening the trade.
Maximum Loss = Net premium paid at the time of opening the trade
In the above example, the maximum loss amount = Rs.(20.90-15.65) =
Rs.5.25 per share
Finding out break-even point
Here the trader will earn profit if stock price expires above break-even
and vice versa.
The formula for calculating break-even point in this strategy is:
Break-even Point = Strike price of long call+ net premium paid at
time of opening the trade
Here break-even point = Rs. (550+5.25)=Rs.555.25
Closing down above example
I have already mentioned that I opened bull call spread strategy on Axis
Bank as on 29th December’2017 with a moderate bullish view on underlying
stock. The stock was trading at Rs.555 level at time of opening the trade.
The structure of the strategy was as follows:-

I closed down my position as on 9th Jan’2018 when stock was trading at

Rs.568.70 level because there was a strong resistance at Rs.570 level. The
stock attempted two times on that day to cross Rs.570 level but failed. So, I
prefer to close down my position.
However, my target was fulfilled because stock price was above the short
call strike price. Option prices at the time of closing were:
Therefore net Profit/loss from the whole trade was:
(Long call selling Price-Long call buying price) + (Credit received from
the short call-buyback price of short call) * lot size
= Rs.[(28-20.90)+(15.65-21.50)]*1200= Rs.1.25*1200= Rs.1500
As per theory, my profit per share should be equal to maximum profit
because it was already trading above Rs.560 level i.e. short call strike price.
But I did not get that because of reduction in volatility. At the time of
opening the trade the volatility percentage was higher than the closing time.
As you know, reduction in volatility causes reduction in option premium.
In this case, this was the reason of lower profit.
Example on Yes bank
I would like to share another example of bull call spread strategy made on
Yes bank. I opened this strategy on Yes Bank as on 5th Jan 2018. I was
moderately bullish on all the banking stocks at that time and I chose Yes
Bank because its volatility is slightly high compared to other banking stocks.
High volatility or high daily percentage change would help me to get my
profit within a short time frame if I am right at my prediction.
I bought Rs.320 strike price call @Rs.19.85 and sold Rs.340 call
@Rs.9.95 when stock was trading at Rs.332.90 level. The lot size was 1750
shares. My total margin requirement was Rs.60,000.

Net Premium Paid at the time of opening the trade = Rs.(19.85-9.95) =

Rs.9.90 per share
Probable Maximum profit = Strike Price of short call-Strike Price of
long call- Net Premium paid at the time of opening the trade
= Rs.(340-320-9.90)= Rs.10.1 per share
Probable maximum loss amount equal to the net premium paid.
I closed this position as on 9th Jan when stock was trading at Rs.338 level.

Net profit from the whole transaction = Profit from long call + loss from
short call
= Rs.[(25.50-19.85)+(9.95-13)] = Rs.2.60 per share
Total Profit from the whole transaction = profit per share*lot size =
Rs.2.60*1750 = Rs.4550
Therefore, my rate of return for 3 working days was:
Rs.4550/Rs.60000 = 7.58% i.e. 55.59% monthly return considering
22working days in a month.
Adjustment of Bull call spread
We can face three types of situations after opening a bull call spread
option strategy. The first one is movement of stock price to the upside as
expected. The second one is very slow movement of the stock to the upside
and the last one is downwards movement.
If stock price moves as per our expectation then it is advisable to book
profit as per our target.
If stock price moves too slowly then we can roll the short call strike in to
the next month expiration and create a bull call calendar spread.
If stock price moves down then we can close down the current short call
option and short another call option whose strike price is lower than the long
option strike price. This will create bear call strategy position.
Bull Put Spread
The purpose of bull put spread is same as bull call spread i.e. when trader
expecting moderate upside movement on the underlying asset. The
fundamental difference lies in their construction. Bull call spread consists of
calls and it is a debit spread whereas bull put spread consists of puts and is a
credit spread.
Buy 1 Out-of-the money Put
Sell 1 In-the-money Put
Bull put option spread position can be open by selling an in-the-money
put option and buying an out-of-the-money put option on same underlying
stock with the same expiration date.
Pay Off Diagram

This is typical pay off diagram of bull put diagram, same like bull call
pay off diagram.
The above payoff diagram is the bull put spread made on Yes Bank made
as on 5th Jan’2018 when the stock was trading at Rs.332 level. I bought
Rs.320 strike price put @Rs.6.15 per share and sold Rs.340 strike price put
@Rs.16 per share. The lot size of Yes Bank was 1750 shares.
Maximum Profit calculation
The trader earns maximum profit when stock price expires above the
short put strike price. The maximum profit amount is equal to the net credit
taken at the time of opening the trade because both the options expire
worthless at that level.
Maximum Profit=Net premium received at the time of opening the
Maximum profit on the above example is:-
Net Credit received at the time of opening the trade= Premium received
from short put-premium paid on the long put
= Rs.16-Rs.6.15 = Rs.9.85 per share
Maximum Loss Calculation
The trader will incur maximum loss if stock price expires below the long
put strike price. Maximum loss amount is equal to the difference of the strike
price of two puts minus net initial credit received.
Maximum Loss= strike price of short put-strike price of long put-net
credit received at time of opening the trade
Maximum loss amount on the above example is:-
Maximum loss=Rs.340-Rs.320-Rs.9.85 =Rs.10.15 per share
Finding out break-even point
The trader can find out the break-even point of bull put spread by using
the following formula:-
Break-even point= Strike price of short put-net premium received
Break-even point in the above example is:-
Break-even point=Rs.340-Rs.9.85=Rs.330.15
Closing off the given example
I closed my pre-mentioned position as on 11th Jan’2018 when the stock
was trading at Rs.339 level.
Net Profit per share = Loss from long put + Profit from short put
= Rs. [(4.10-6.15)+(16-11.35)] =Rs.2.60
Total Profit=Rs.2.60*1750 = Rs.4,550 which is a good return on
Adjustment of Bull Put spread
The trader can face three types of situations after opening a bull Put
spread option strategy. The first one is movement of stock price to the upside
as expected, second one is very slow movement of the stock to the upside and
the last one is downwards movement.
If the stock moves as per the expectation then it is advisable to book
profit as per our target.
If the stock moves too slowly then the trader can roll the short put strike
to the next month expiration and create a bull put calendar spread.
If the stock price moves down and the trader is not sure whether stock
will go down or move upward. Then he should open an iron condor position
by Selling 1 OTM Call and buying 1 OTM Call (Higher Strike).This way he
will collect more credit to minimize his loss and the new situation will
increase the break-even point also.
Now let’s assume that the situation becomes worse and the stock breaks
its support level and continue the downtrends. Then the trader should close
down the current short put option and short another put option whose strike
price is lower strike than the long option strike price. This will create bear put
strategy position.
Chapter 6: Option strategies which are
applicable under bullish Volatility
Bullish on Volatility option strategies
In next portion of my book, I would like to discuss some strategies which
work best under high volatility situation. The term “high volatility” in
percentage term depends on the historical volatility of particular stock or
There may be many reasons which can increase implied volatility. But
keep in mind that the option strategies which I will discuss now, will work
best when volatility is in increasing mood and not yet at the pick point.
If you open position with these strategies when volatility is at pick point
level and after opening position, volatility decreases, you may lose your
Now the question may arise in your mind that “how shall I understand
volatility is going to increase?”
There is a very easy answer to this question. Volatility increases before
any special day (e.g. result announcement) of the particular stock or before
any special day (e.g. budget) of the market as a whole.
Let’s learn the strategies one by one under this category to know more.
Chapter 6A: Reverse Iron Condor
Reverse Iron Condor
Before explaining Reverse Iron Condor strategy, I’d like to share one
important point. This strategy looks very simple and easy to use but you may
lose your money if you don’t use this strategy at right time. This strategy is
not going to work favorably unless and until you apply this technique at right

The above figure is the typical payoff chart of this strategy at expiry date.
It is clear from the chart that one will earn profit from this strategy if and only
if the stock moves beyond break even point on either side. On the other hand,
if stock price fails to give significant move then the trader will lose his
So, the best time for applying this strategy is when the trader expects
volatility to increase or the trader expects one sided movement for some
time due to any reasons, like:-

1. Announcement of annual or interim results of company

2. Announcement of corporate actions, like bonus issue, right
issue, split of shares, etc.
3. Announcement of Budget (build this strategy on market
index on previous day and close it on Budget day)
4. Or any events due to which the selective stock price/market
index will show significant movement within 1-4 days.
Long straddle also gives opportunity to lock profit under same scenario
but one may lose more money under long straddle option strategy than this
strategy if stock price movement does not go in favour of the trader.

Reverse Iron Condor Construction

Sell 1 OTM Put (Lower Strike)
Buy 1 OTM Put
Buy 1 OTM Call
Sell 1 OTM Call (Higher Strike)
This strategy is made with a net debit instead of a net credit.
Reverse Iron Condor Case1
Suppose, stock ABC is trading at Rs45 during 1st week of January. An
options trader executes a reverse iron condor by selling one Jan 35 put at Rs.1
premium per share, buying one Jan 40 put for Rs.2, buying another one Jan
50 call for Rs.2 and selling another one Jan 55 call for Rs.1 premium per
The expectation of the trader is that stock price will move sharply on any
side due to the upcoming announcement of result next week.
Calculation of maximum Profit
Maximum profit under this strategy is limited. Maximum profit is
achievable under two scenarios:

1. Stock price drops below the strike of short put

2. Or rise above or equal to the strike price of the short call

Formula of calculating maximum profit is:

Max Profit = Strike Price of Short Call (or Long Put) - Strike Price of
Long Call (or Short Put) - Net Premium Paid
Greatest Difference between two consecutive strikes - Net Premiums
Calculating maximum profit of the above example
On the above example, net premium paid by the trader is :-

Now maximum Profit achievable by the trader = Strike price of short call-
strike price of the long call-net premium
= (55-50-2)*lot size = Rs.300
Calculation of maximum loss
Maximum Loss under reverse Iron condor strategy is limited and is equal
to net payment made by the trader while entering the trade.
Basically maximum loss occurs when the stock price stays in between the
long call and the long put. Under this situation, all options expire worthless
and the trader loses his initial net debit.
Max Loss = Net Premium Paid
Break-even points of Reverse Iron Condor
Like other normal option strategies, this strategy has also two break-even
points. Once stock price moves beyond these two break-even points, the
trader earns profit.
Upper Break-even Point = Strike price of the long call + Net premium
Lower Break-even Point = Strike Price of the long Put - Net Premium
On the above example,
Upper Break-even point = 50+2 = 52
Lower Break-even Point = 40-2 = 38
So, on the above example, the trader will earn profit if the stock price
expires above Rs.52 or below Rs.38.

Explanation of Case 1 example under different

Scenario 1: Stock price expires at INR 30
If stock price expires at Rs.30 i.e. below the strike price of short Put

Under such scenario, both the call options expire worthless. Now let’s
see what happen to the Puts.
Price of strike price Rs.40 put becomes Rs. (40 - 30) =Rs.10; and price of
the strike price Rs.35 put becomes Rs.(35-30)=Rs.5.
Hence the trader incurs loss from short Put and loss amount is Rs.(5 - 1) =
Rs.4 on each share.
But the trader gains from purchased Put as the stock price move to Rs.30
Net gain from the whole trade
= Premium received from selling the call - premium paid on buying the
call - loss from sold Put + profit from purchased Put
= 1 - 2 - 4 + (10 - 2) = Rs.3 premium per share
i.e. total profit = net gain * lot size = Rs.300

Scenario 2: Stock price expires at INR 61

Under such scenario, both the put options expire worthless. Now let’s see
what happen to the calls.
The price of the call of strike price Rs.50 becomes Rs.11 (61 - 50); and
price of the call of strike price 55 becomes Rs.6 (61 - 55).
Therefore the trader incurs loss from the short call and the loss amount is
Rs. (6 - 1) = Rs.5 premium on each share.
But the trader gains from purchased call as the stock price move to INR
Hence total profit/loss from entire transaction
= (Premium received from selling the put - premium paid on buying the
put- loss from sold call + profit from purchased call) * lot size
= Rs.{1-2-5+ (11-2)}*100 = Rs.300
This is the maximum profit which the trader can earn from this trade.
Scenario 3: Stock price expires at INR 45 itself or expires in the
range of 40-50 i.e. strike price of buying put and call

Under such scenario, every call and put expires worthless at the
expiration date.
So, our net loss is equal to maximum loss i.e. (premium paid for buying
both call and put – premium paid for shorting both call and put) i.e. INR 200.

Reverse Iron Condor Adjustment before

This option strategy can be adjusted under two situations:-
(i) If underlying stock price moves upward and expects to continue its
rising trend.
(ii) If the underlying stock price drops and expects to continue its
down trend.
Under first situation, the put options will expire worthless, so it is better
to close down put options and continue the trade with the call options. In this
way, this type of situation will create bull call spread position. This new
position will help the trader to lock more profit than the older one.
Under second situation, the call options will expire worthless. So it is
better to close down all the call options and continue trade with the put
options. This will transform the situation into bear put spread position.
Chapter 6B: Short Put Ladder option
Short Put Ladder Strategy
The short put ladder strategy is also a neutral strategy like the reverse iron
condor strategy, which works best under high volatility situation.
However, there is a basic difference between reverse iron condor strategy
and short put ladder strategy.

The best time to apply this strategy is when the trader expects that stock
price will move either side due to any news or result declaration. The trader
also expects that the effect of the news will be more negative than the
positive one.
Construction of Short Put Ladder Strategy
Sell 1 in-the-money put
Buy 1 at-the-money put
Buy 1 out-of-the-money put
As you can see that there are two long options and one short option.
Hence, closer the expiry period, there will more negative time decay effect on
the strategy. So, it is not advisable to open this strategy when expiry period is
very near.

Case study1
The stock B was trading at Rs.421.7 level as on 6th November’2017. The
result declaration date was 8th November and the trader was expecting a bad
result of the company. So, he opened a short put ladder strategy with the
following options:
He sold a put of strike price 430 (in-the-money) at premium of Rs.13.95
per share
He bought a put of strike price 420 (at-the-money) at premium of Rs.8.35
per share
He bought a put of strike price 410 (out-of-the-money) at premium of
Rs.4.65 per share
The lot size was 100.
Here at the time of opening the trade, the net debit/credit was:
(13.95 - 8.35 - 4.65) = Rs.0.95 credit per share
Here in this case study, the trader has received net credit while initiating
the trade. But one may get net debit also at the time of opening the trade.
Calculation of Maximum Profit
As, I have discussed that there is limited profit on upper side and
unlimited profit potential on downside movement of stock price.
So, Maximum Profit at upside = Net Premium Received at the time of
opening the trade
Maximum Profit at downside = Unlimited
Profit is achievable when stock price crosses the break-even points on
either side.
The formula of calculating profit on down side after breaking the lower
break-even = Lower break-even - Price of underlying
Calculation of Maximum loss
The loss occurs in this strategy when there is insignificant move of
underlying price i.e. underlying stock price trades between the strike prices of
the put options bought.
At this price, both the short put and the higher strike long put expire as in-
the-money put. Obviously, loss is more on shorting put than long put. The
formula for calculating maximum loss amount is:
Maximum Loss = Short Put Strike - Higher Long Put Strike - Net Credit

Maximum loss occurs when underlying stock price is in

between the strike prices of two long puts at expiry.

Finding out break-even points

Just like other neutral option strategies, there are 2 break-even points for
the short put ladder position. The formulae for calculating break-even points
Upper Break-even Point = Strike Price of Short Put - Net Premium
Lower Break-even Point = Total Strike Prices of Long Puts - Strike Price
of Short Put + Net Premium Received
Calculating maximum profit, maximum loss and break-even
points of the above example:-
The break-even points of the above example are:
Upper break-even point = Strike price of short put-net premium received
= Rs.(430 - 0.95) = Rs.429.05
Lower Break-even Point = Total strike prices of long puts - strike price of
short put + Net Premium received =Rs.(420 + 410) - 430 +
0.95 =Rs.400.95
Therefore the trader will be in loss if underlying stock price remains in
between Rs.400.95 and Rs. 429.05 at expiry.
As we know, Maximum Loss = Short Put Strike - Higher Long Put Strike
- Net Credit
Here Max Loss = Rs.(430 - 420 - 0.95) = Rs.9.05 per share

Maximum profit at upper side = net premium received = Rs.0.95 per

Maximum profit at downside is unlimited.

Let see what will be the profit if stock price move to Rs.390
at expiry.
Profit at downside = lower break-even - price of underlying
Here lower break-even point is at Rs.400.95
Profit when underlying price is Rs.390 = Rs.(400.95 – 390) = Rs.10.95
per share
Let me illustrate the above calculation in more easy way:
At this point all 3 put options expire as in-the-money put options.
Therefore the trader will earn profit from the long puts and the loss from
the short put.
Let’s calculate one by one:
At expiry, premium price of the strike price Rs.430 put i.e. the short put
becomes Rs.(430 - 390) = Rs.40 per share
The premium price of the strike price Rs.420 put and strike price Rs.410
put becomes Rs.(420 - 390) = Rs.30 and Rs.20 per share respectively at
It means total profit/loss at expiry will be:-

Hence, the trader will earn Rs.1095 from this trade if underlying stock
price expired at Rs.390 level.
Practical Example of short put Ladder on Bank
of Baroda
Now I will share one of my trades with this strategy. I built this strategy
as on 17th November 2017 on Bank of Baroda. The stock was trading at that
time at Rs.183.40. As per my technical analysis studies, I found that this
stock might move down and there was strong resistance at Rs.185 level and
strong support at Rs.170 level. There was 80% of probability that stock price
would move down and the candlestick positions were also giving indication
of moving down.
Under this situation, I built short put ladder spread with following

As I have discussed, structure of short put ladder is:

Sell 1 in-the-money put, Buy 1 at-the-money put and Buy 1 out-of-the-
money put.
Here at-the-money put was Rs.185 strike price put. The out-of-the-money
put was strike price Rs.175 put and in-the-money put was strike price Rs.190
The net credit at the time of opening the trade was (Rs.9.85 - Rs.6.55 -
Rs.2.35) = Rs.0.95 per share
This Rs.0.95 per share credit was the maximum profit at upside if
underlying stock price broke the upper level break-even price.
Let’s calculate maximum loss and the break-even points of the above
As we know,
Maximum Loss = Short Put Strike - Higher Long Put Strike -
Net Credit
Here Maximum loss = Rs.(190 - 185 - 0.95) = Rs.4.05 per share
Upper Break-even Point = Strike Price of Short Put - Net Premium
Here Upper break-even point = Rs.(190 - 0.95) = Rs.189.05
Lower Break-even Point = Total Strike Prices of Long Puts - Strike
Price of Short Put + Net Premium Received
Here Lower Break-even point = Rs.[(185 + 175) - 190 + 0.95] =
This was break-even point at expiry level. It means that I would make
profit if stock price closed or moved below of Rs.170.95 level at expiry. But
as I have watched that there was strong resistance at Rs.170 level, so it was
unlikely to go below break-even point at expiry. Therefore I made a plan to
close the position at least 5 days before the expiry. Because, at that time the
lower break-even points will be on more upside than its actual lower break-
even point at expiry.
On November 24, the Bank of Baroda stock price was Rs.178.15 and the
option prices were as follows:

This was the last Friday before the expiry week i.e. 5 days before expiry
and price of the underlying was also in downside, so I closed the position.
Calculation of net profit/loss at time of closing the position:-

Now, one may has question in mind that the stock moved towards my
predicted side and still I made a loss. What is reason behind this?
There can be two reasons; one is for volatility and other is for time decay.
Normally option price declines if implied volatility declines over the
time. Here the average implied volatility at the time of opening the trade was
more than 60% but it declined to nearly 40% at the time of closing the trade.
This was the first reason of not getting enough upside movement of the
option price.
The expiry period was very near and there were two long options in this
Always try to open such type of trade when there is more than 15
working days available before expiry in hand i.e. open the strategy with next
month options. But this may not be always possible in Indian market due to
low liquidity in the far month options. So, it is advisable to book profit within
3-4 days in this type strategy which have mostly long options. Here I waited
for a long time and expiry period was very near. So time decay was the
second reason of my loss.
Chapter 6C: Long Straddle and Long Strangle
option Strategies
Long Straddle and long strangle option
Long Straddle and long strangle option strategies are most popular and
easy option strategy for the beginners. Both are very easy to use but the main
problem is time decay. Because both the strategies are debit spread and there
are only two long options and no short option.
These strategies are best to use when there are longer expiry days
available in hand. As there is liquidity problem in the far month options in the
Indian market so better to use these strategies within first 10 days of the
option expiry month. I regularly use this strategy on Nifty on far month and I
found no problem but there may be liquidity problem in stocks.
I generally use these strategies prior to any important days, like 2/3 days
before the announcement of result of any stock or 2 days before any
important economic or political announcement. Another very important thing
is that I close the position as soon as I get nominal amount of profit or
occurrence of the event which I was waiting for; whichever is earlier. Of-
course, this total time frame should never exceed more than 3-4 days because
longer waiting may wash-off the entire profit through time decay value.
My two favourite stocks for these strategies are Yes Bank and Infosys
(except Nifty which is all time favourite and can be used any day) before
their result announcement. Suppose, if the result announcement is on
Thursday then make the strategy on the underlying stock as on Tuesday after
10:30 am. If you get at least 3-5% return on your investment within next day
(I am sure, you will get it) then close the position, don’t wait long.
Now let me explain both the strategies in details. There is difference only
in the formation of both the strategies but all the other things remain almost
same. Firstly, I shall like to discuss the formation separately and then I shall
discuss the other things together.
Formation of Long Straddle
The trader holds a long call and a long put of same strike price and same
expiry period of the same underlying asset under this strategy.

It is clear from above figure that the long straddle position is the net
summation of having long call and long put together of same strike price and
same expiry period.

Formation of Long Strangle

Long strangle also forms with a long call and a long put of same expiry
but the difference is in strike price. This strategy involves buying an out-of-
the-money call option and out-of-the-money put option. This strategy is
profitable only when underlying asset price moves significantly even more
movement is required than the movement requires in straddle as both the
options are out-of-the-money options. But this strategy is less expensive than
the straddle option strategy.
I generally prefer to use the long straddle option strategy than the strangle
Below is the option chain of Nifty of April’2018 when Nifty was trading
at 10200 levels.

I was expecting significant movement at any side at that time. Let us see
what would be my profit/loss under both the strategy
I have already discussed the importance of time-decay in these strategies.
There is another important parameter which heavily affects these strategies,
which is Implied Volatility.
We know that if volatility increases the option price will also increase. As
these strategies comprises both the long options so if volatility increases then
option prices will also increase and simultaneously the amount of profit will
also increase and vice versa.
Practical Example: Long Straddle on Infosys in
I open a long straddle on Infosys as on 15th January 2018 as I was
expecting a significant movement on this stock in any side within next 3-4
days. The stock was trading at Rs.1074.90 level at that time.

The lot size was of 600 shares.

Here my probable maximum loss amount was equal to total premium paid
at the time of opening the trade i.e. Rs. (24.60 + 30.70) = Rs.55.30 per share.
My Total Investment was = Rs.55.30*600 = Rs.33,180
Upper break-even and lower break-even points were
(1080 + 55.30) = Rs.1135.30 and (1080 -55.30) = Rs.1024.70
I close my position on 18th January morning when the stock price was

My net profit was equal to Total selling price-Total buying price

= Rs.[(67.55 + 2.10) - (24.60 + 30.70)] = Rs.14.35 per share
Hence, Total Profit = Rs.14.35*600 = Rs.8610
My total return in this strategy was Rs.8610/Rs.33180 = 24.95% in 3
days’ time frame.
Adjustment of Long Straddle and Long Strangle
I generally do not wait to adjust these type strategies because time decay
plays a vital role in such type of situations (all long positions).
Under any adverse situations, like - no significant movement of the stock
price although the special event has crossed or the implied volatility has
decreased and the position are open for more than 5 days, then the trader
should close the entire position.
Chapter 7: Easy To Follow Guide Line For
Indian Option Market
Easy To Follow Guide Line for Indian
Option Market
General Guidance
I have discussed on option basics, strategies and my experiences on that
till now. I would like to share some valuable tips now for trading in Indian
option market. These tips are solely based on my 11 years’ experiences of
trading. If you follow these tips by heart, I am sure that you will find positive
changes in your trading.

1. Make exit Plan: Normally traders take the entry decision very
carefully. They watch the chart, find pivot points, find support-
resistance levels, watch indicators carefully and then open the
position. They normally do not plan for the exit before opening

But actual method of trading is to make entry and exit both the plans
ready before opening the trade.
This exit plan may be reaching of specific stock price level or may
be certain time frame or may be attaining particular amount of
profit/loss but make the plan beforehand. You will fall into the trap of
your emotions if you not plan your work before starting the work.

This planning will enable you to foresee the possible profit or loss
and this is very much required in any type of business or trading.

Yes, do consider trading as your business and give same importance

which you should give to your business, if you had any.

2. Accept the losses: It is common to have losses in trading.

Accept it. You’re not GOD. It is okay to make mistakes but learn
from it. Analyze the trades on which you make losses even the
trades on which you’ve earn profits. Find out reasons of making
loss and profit. Then make next plans by correcting the wrong ones.
3. Never try to doubling Profits to cover past losses: It is a
common habit of the traders that they try to make double profits to
recover the losses made in past. This habit is dangerous. This
tendency creates more stress on their minds which resulted as
mistakes and more losses.

So, if you have made losses, accept it. Concentrate on the next trade
with a fresh mind. Don’t pressurize yourself with a target which is next
to impossible.

4. Never trade on non-liquid stock options: Trading on non-

liquid stocks is dangerous but trading on non-liquid stock options is
even more dangerous. You can wait long while dealing with only
stocks but there is limited time frame while dealing with stock
options. So, carefully watch bid-ask spreads of option chain of the
stock before start trading.

There are 209 stocks in NSE which offers option trading facility. I
have carefully watched each and every one and listed out only 24 stocks
which are very liquid in nature and safe to trade.

You are free to trade options outside the list also, but you may face
volume and spread-difference problem at that time.

* Non-Liquid stocks are those stocks which are not traded often,
which do not offer much movement and have very low volume.
5. Don’t wait for too long: Don’t wait too long before closing
any option strategy. Of-course waiting time will depend on the type
of the strategy. Waiting time for long straddle/strangle will be
much lesser than the iron condor strategy.

Always take minimum amount to average amount of profit and exit

the trade. It is advisable to book profit when it is equal to 25% to 40% of
the maximum profit as calculated.

Special advice for Indian Market

Below is the list of most liquid stocks in option trading of National
stock exchanges with their daily and annualized volatility:-
The above data were collected from nseindia.com in the first half of
the year 2018 and these data may change over the long time period.
However, I would like to share some trading tips for trading or selecting
different option strategies. These tips or screeners are based on my

Trading tips for long strangle/Long straddle option

I will advice you to open long straddle rather than opening long
strangle. Although long strangle is cheaper in cost than the long straddle
but you can earn profit within smaller time frame in long straddle.

a) Open Long straddle on above stocks (listed in table) 1or 2 day before
any special day of those stocks as advised in the long-straddle chapter
andwhich fulfills all the below criterion:-

The stocks which have daily volatility more than 1.5%

Underlying Price is more than Rs.50
The bid-ask spread in option price is in between Rs.0.05 to

Note: Infosys has daily volatility less than 1.5% but it starts moving
significantly 2 days before its result announcement. Any trader can
make good profit from Infosys in this movement. Normally most of the
stocks show significant moves before the announcement of their result,
of-course there are some exceptions also.
Search the internet for result calendar of Indian stocks and make the
list ready with you for future trades.

b) Open long straddle on the above stocks on any day (except in a very
stagnant day) which fulfills all the below criterion:-

The stocks which have daily volatility more than 2.5%

Underlying Price is more than Rs.75
The bid-ask spread is not more than Rs.0.15
Crosses a significant support/resistance level on closing basis
on the previous day
Volume has shown spike on previous day
Implied volatility of the options is less than the annualized
volatility or very little above that.
Open trade with the options which have more than 12 working
days in hand before expiry.

c) You can open long straddle on Nifty any day. I am sure that 80% of
the time, you will get good profit. But keep in mind the following

Implied volatility of the options to be traded is in between 13-

Open trade always with at-the-money options (exceptional can
be done on special day of market).
Close the trade within 1-3 days
Open trade with options which have more than 12 working days
in hand before expiry.

You can try this strategy with bank-nifty also but the parameters will
change in case of bank-nifty.

Note: A trade advice for super profit: Open a long straddle in the
morning 1 day before budget and close that trade in between 11:30am-
2:00pm of the budget day or after getting the target amount of profit.

Trading tips for Short-put ladder option strategy:

This short put ladder strategy is applicable only when the trader is
expecting significant volatility in near term. My advice is to open short
put ladder on any of the stocks if it fulfills all the below criterion:-

The analysis is predicting more downside movement after

breaking of strong support level at downside.
The stocks which have daily volatility more than 1.25%
Underlying stock price is more than Rs.50
The bid-ask spread in option price is in between Rs.0.05 to
Put price is at higher level or equal to the same strike call price
at same level of underlying stock price (although it is always not
necessary but it is a better situation) but put price should not be less
than the same strike call price at same level .
Open trade with options which have more than 10 working days
in hand before expiry.
Close the trade within 1-4 days after opening the trade.

Trading tips for Iron Condor option Strategy: This strategy

works best on the stocks which have low volatility. My advice is to open Iron
Condor option strategy on any of the stocks if it fulfills all the below

The stocks which have average daily volatility less than 1.25%
The underlying stock price has not crossed any significant level
on any side within past 4-5 days.
The technical analysis is not showing significant movement on
either side.
There is no important announcement by the company
management in next 10 days
Close the trade if you have achieved more than 30% of the
maximum profit calculated or before that depending on the

Trading tips for Bear Call and Bear Put option strategy:
This strategy is suitable when the trader is expecting that market or stock
price may go down (moderately bearish) in near term. My advice is to open
bear put option strategy when the stocks will fulfill the below criterion:

Implied Volatility of option is relatively low than historical

annualized volatility
The stocks which have daily volatility more than 1%
Don’t wait for earning maximum profit
Analysis is showing slight negative movement in near future

You can open bear call option strategy when implied volatility is higher
than the historical annualized volatility keeping other criterion same as bear
put option strategy.
My advice is always to open bear call option strategy. But before opening
compare both the strategies and open that strategy which has lower possible
maximum loss amount.

Trading tips for Bull Call and Bull Put option strategy: This
strategy is suitable when the trader is expecting that market or stock price
may go upwards (moderately bullish) in near term. My advice is to open bull
call option strategy when the stocks fulfill the below criterion:

Implied Volatility of option is relatively low than historical

annualized volatility
The stocks which have daily volatility more than 1%
Don’t wait for earning maximum profit
Analysis is showing slight positive movement in near future

You can open bull put option strategy when the implied volatility is
higher than the historical annualized volatility keeping other criterion same as
bull call option strategy.
My advice always is to open bull put option strategy. But before opening
compare both the strategies and open that strategy which has lower possible
maximum loss amount.

Trading Tips for Reverse Iron Condor Strategy

The proper timing of reverse iron condor strategy and long straddle may
look same but there are also some differences. In the following cases you can
use this strategy rather than long straddle keeping other parameters same.

This strategy can be used on weekly stock or weekly index

If the position is required to be open for a longer time frame
then this strategy is better than long straddle because there will be
more risk of losing money in long straddle strategy as that consists
only long options.
Use this strategy if risk/loss taking capacity is low

Note: The only problem is that the profit amount is very low compared to
the margin requirement in Indian market than the long straddle option

Trading Tips for Calendar Spread Option Strategy

The Indian option traders face problems while dealing with this option
strategy due to low liquidity of next expiry period option. My advice is to use
this option on Bank nifty on its weekly options. Calendar spread on Bank
nifty weekly option gives good return.

Trading methodologies and other points that are discussed in this book
are solely based on my knowledge and experience. If anybody incurs loss in
trading while following the book, I will not be responsible for that. Because
trading depends on many parameters such as micro and macroeconomic
factors, emotional balance, risk taking capacity, security type and many
more. The methodologies in this book for a particular option strategy may not
be considered as a template of success for every possible case in any market
The financial market and its trading behavior change frequently over time
and depending on the security type. So when one takes a position one should
follow his/her own analysis and will not solely depend on my trading tips or
I will not accept liability for any loss, damage or expense incurred or
suffered by anybody if anyone solely depends on any information provided
by this book when making trading decisions.

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