Pgdca Documentation
Pgdca Documentation
Pgdca Documentation
Project Selection
Existing System
Proposed System
System Analysis
System Design
o Input Design
o Output Design
o System Configuration
System Testing
System Implementation
1) Menu Bar.
2) Tool Bar
3) Project Explorer
4) Properties Windows.
5) Form layout Windows.
6) Form Designer
7) Tool Box
8) Object Browser
Window :- The base for a user interface of the application. All the
components that make up the user interface are placed in the window.
Buttons:- Used to initiate an action.
Text Boxes:- Used to accept information from the user.
List Boxes:- Used to present the user with the possible options.
The characteristics of the components are referred to as its
The form is the main part of a user interface. The frequently used
properties. Methods and events of form are:-
Properties (Caption, Name)
Methods (Move, Show, Hide)
Events (Load, Activate, Mouse down, Mouseup)
List boxed display long lists options from which users can choose.
Properties (List index, Sorted, Multi select, listcount, list, Selected
Methods (Additem, Remove Item, Selected, Setfocus)
Events (Click, Scroll)
A combo box control combines the features of a text box and a list
box. It allows the user to select an item either by typing text or from
the list.
Properties (Style, locked, Index, Listcount, Sorted)
Methods (Add Item, Remove Item)
Events (Click, Scroll, Change, Dropdown)
The option button are used when the user can select one and only
one of the multiple options.
Properties (Caption, Value)
Methods (Move)
Events (Click)
A frame control provides an identifiable grouping for controls.
Properties (Caption)
Methods (Move, Drag)
Events (Click)
A check box indicated whether a particular condition is on or off.
Properties (Caption, Value)
Methods (Move, Resize)
Events (Click)
Scroll bars provide easy navigation though a large amount of
Properties (Min,Max, Value)
Methods (Move)
Events (Scroll,Change)
A text box is used to display text or to accept user input.
Properties (Text, Multiline, Maxlength, Password Char, Locked)
Methods (Move, Drag, Setfocus)
Events (Change, Click, Lostfocus, Keypress)
A button is a control which allows the user to click on it to perform an
Properties (Caption, Picture, Enabled)
Methods (Move)
Events (Click)
The label is the control used to place text in a form.
Properties (Caption, Autosize,Wordwrap)
Methods (Move, Drag)
Events (Click, Change, Dbiclick)
The user interface is the most important part of an application
Designing of an interface includes such factors as :
Positioning of controls
Uniformity of elements
Simplicity of design.
System: Pentium- I 5
1.Central Processor
Central Processor:->
Intel Pentium 11.366MHz types chip
Main memory of 2 GB
One hard disk of 250GB
Keyboard of 104 keys
Multimedia keyboard
Laser Jet
Operating System:->
USED (V.B.6)
The existing system depends upon manual operations, that is all the
records were kept in simple files and thus the data are maintained. But,
any small mistake may lead to a big problem.
2. To maintain the data, that is, to add a new record, deletion of an old
record is a complex task to be performed.
4. Department has to keep a lot of files for the records. So, it is very
difficult to maintain all those files. Moreover, special rooms or
cupboards are thus needed for the task to be performed.
7. All the records are prepared occasionally. So, the manual work done
is not always correct and becomes too late.
1.I have just taken two or three queries and there result while there can
be much more.
2.There are a few reports in my project but there can be much more.
So, these are some limitations in my project but these can be removed if
my project is studied again and any person want to enhance it.
System Design
The most creative & challenging phase of the system development life
cycle is “SYSTEM DESIGN”. The term design described a final system
and the process by which it is developed. It refers to the technical
specification that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. A
system analysis phase defines What a system must do and System
design states HOW to do it. A design must provides:-
The design process is a set of iterative steps that allow the designer to
describe all the aspects of the software to be built based on user
specifications .The general tasks involve in the design process are:-
A major step in input design is the preparation of input & the design of
output reports in a form acceptable to the user. Inaccurate input is most
common cause of errors in data processing. Errors entered by data entry
operator can be controlled by input design. Input design is the process of
originated inputs to a computer based format. In system design phase
the data flow diagram identifies logical data flow chart specifies master
file , transaction files & computer programmers. Input data are organized
into group of similar data. Once identified approximate input media are
selected for processing
Output Design
Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to
the user. Efficient, intelligible output design should improve the system’s
relationships with the user and help in decision making. A major form of
output is a hard copy from the printer. Printouts should be designed
around the output requirements of the user. The output devices to
consider depend on factors such as compatibility of the device with the
system, response time requirements, expected print quality, and number
of copies needed. The following media devices are available for providing
computerized output:-
1.MICR readers.
5.Graph plotters.
6.Audio response.
System Testing
Unit testing:-Each component or part of the program is tested
individually to verify that the detailed design for unit has been correctly
Outputs to be produced.
Inputs to be used.
Processes to be performed.
Interfaces to be provided.
Before we proceed to the next phase that is “SYTEM DESIGN” ,we must
know a little more about the tools used during system analysis.
It offers great security .
Minimize loss of data
It is the safest method of converting from an old system to a new
It inspires user confidence when user sees that results of the new
way of processing are the same as that of the manual system.
It doubles operating costs for a while .So long as the old system
continues to run along with the new one the latter does not get a fair
chance of trial.
Its main advantage is that the organization immediately starts to see the
benefits of the new methods and controls that have been included in the
new system.
Log phase in period causes unnecessary problems
If conversion is not handled well and takes too long to be implemented in
the whole organization then the user may get the impression that the new
system is not sound and full of errors.
Also I think that system can be have improved on the user level interface.
This would have made this project more acceptable, in somewhat non-
technical sense, to the general layman user, who is more concerned
about the superficial details and not the technical working.
But still I believe that what I have achieved can never be over shadowed
by what I could not achieve.