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Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the requirement for

the award of Degree

Under the Supervision of: Submitted

Mrs. Suman Ahlawat Sheetal
Asstt. Professor Roll No :

 Acknowledgement

 Project Selection

 Introduction to Visual Basic

 Existing System

 Proposed System

 System Analysis

 System Design

o Input Design

o Output Design

o System Configuration

 Coding

 System Testing

 System Implementation

 Maintenance

 Conclusion

 Bibliography

This is to certify that the Project entitled ROADWAYS MANAGEMENT

SYSTEM carried out by SHEETAL student of PGDCA of GOVT PG

COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, ROHTAK is a satisfactory of account of the

bonafide work under my supervision is recommended towards the end of




My debtness to with immerse pleasure I acknowledge all my well wishers

for having taken personal interest in this file and providing me valuable
guidance and support. Their guidance, encouragement and valuable
suggestions helps me a lot.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all my friends for

their support and co-operation during the course of this Project Report.

My deep sense of gratitude also goes to various respondents without

whose co-operation the present study would have not to be possible.

Visual Basic is an ideal programming language for developing

sophisticated professional application for Microsoft windows. It makes
use of Graphical user interface uses illustrations for text, which feature
makes it easier to comprehend things in a quicker and easier way.
Coding in GUI environment is quite a transition to traditional linear path of
execution and is limited to a small set of operations. In a GUI
environment, the number of options to the user is much greater. Allowing
more Visual Basic is an ideal programming language for developing
sophisticated professional application for Microsoft windows. It makes
use of Graphical user Interface for creating robust and powerful
applications. The Graphical User Interface uses illustrations for text,
which enables user to interact with an application. This feature makes it
easier to comprehend things in a quicker and easier way.
Coding in GUI environment is quite a transition to traditional linear
programming methods where the user is guided through a linear path of
execution and is limited to a small set of operations. In a GUI
Environment, the number of options to the user is much greater, allowing
more freedom to the user and developer features such as easier
comprehension, user frieandliness, faster application development and
many other aspects such as introduced to Active technology and internet
features makes Visual Basic is an interesting tool to work with.
One of the most significant changes in Visual Basic 6.0 is the Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) IDE is term commonly used in the
programming world to describe the interface and environment that we
use to create out applications. It is called integrated because we can
access virtually all of the development tools that we need form one
screen called an interface. The IDE is commonly referred to as the
design environment of the program.
The Visual Basic IDE is made up of a no of components. These are :-

1) Menu Bar.
2) Tool Bar
3) Project Explorer
4) Properties Windows.
5) Form layout Windows.
6) Form Designer
7) Tool Box
8) Object Browser

In the previous version of Visual Basic, The IDE was designed as a

Single Document Interface (SDI). In a Single Document interface, each
window is a free floating window i.e contained within a main window and
can move anywhere on the screen as long as VB is the current
application. But in VB 6.0 the IDE is an Multiple document Interface (MDI)
format. In this format, the windows associated with the project will stay
within a single container known as the parent. Code and form based
windows will stay with in the main container form.

 Character based systems use text as the medium of information

 In graphical user interfaces use graphics as the medium of
 Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools helps us to create
applications in a shorter time as compared to conventional
languages and with fewer errors.
 A visual programming environment provides all features that are
required to develop a graphical user interface as ready to use
 The components commonly uses in visual programming are

 Window :- The base for a user interface of the application. All the
components that make up the user interface are placed in the window.
 Buttons:- Used to initiate an action.
 Text Boxes:- Used to accept information from the user.
 List Boxes:- Used to present the user with the possible options.
 The characteristics of the components are referred to as its

 A method is code that is built into the component and can be

executed as required.
 An event is any user action directed at the application
 Variables store values required for performing calculations.
 The data type of a variable determines how the values in a variable
are stored in the computer’s memory.
 The loop structures that Visual Basic supports.
For…… next :- Repeats a group of statements for a specified
number of times.
While ….. Wend:- Executes a series of statements as long as a
given condition is true
 The conditional statements supported by Visual Basic are:
If….then……else:- Allows decisions to be taken on the basis
of a condition.
 Select case :- Executes a group of statements checking the test
conditions only once.


 The form is the main part of a user interface. The frequently used
properties. Methods and events of form are:-
Properties (Caption, Name)
Methods (Move, Show, Hide)
Events (Load, Activate, Mouse down, Mouseup)
 List boxed display long lists options from which users can choose.
Properties (List index, Sorted, Multi select, listcount, list, Selected
Methods (Additem, Remove Item, Selected, Setfocus)
Events (Click, Scroll)
 A combo box control combines the features of a text box and a list
box. It allows the user to select an item either by typing text or from
the list.
Properties (Style, locked, Index, Listcount, Sorted)
Methods (Add Item, Remove Item)
Events (Click, Scroll, Change, Dropdown)
 The option button are used when the user can select one and only
one of the multiple options.
Properties (Caption, Value)
Methods (Move)
Events (Click)
 A frame control provides an identifiable grouping for controls.
Properties (Caption)
Methods (Move, Drag)
Events (Click)
 A check box indicated whether a particular condition is on or off.
Properties (Caption, Value)
Methods (Move, Resize)
Events (Click)
 Scroll bars provide easy navigation though a large amount of
Properties (Min,Max, Value)
Methods (Move)
Events (Scroll,Change)
 A text box is used to display text or to accept user input.
Properties (Text, Multiline, Maxlength, Password Char, Locked)
Methods (Move, Drag, Setfocus)
Events (Change, Click, Lostfocus, Keypress)
 A button is a control which allows the user to click on it to perform an
Properties (Caption, Picture, Enabled)
Methods (Move)
Events (Click)
 The label is the control used to place text in a form.
Properties (Caption, Autosize,Wordwrap)
Methods (Move, Drag)
Events (Click, Change, Dbiclick)
 The user interface is the most important part of an application
 Designing of an interface includes such factors as :
Positioning of controls
Uniformity of elements
Simplicity of design.


 Menus allows an application to present the user with a means of

intiating different actions.
 A menu comprises of :
A menu bar that displays the main menu options.
There can be a list of options attached to each menu option. This referred
to as a sub-menu.
 Toolbars provide shortcut to menu actions.
An application can have multiple toolbars.
Display tool tips, which are tiny popup windows containing a short text
description of a tool bar button’s purpose.
 Status bar is used to display information for the user.
An application can have only one status bar.
 Dialog boxes.
Special type of window used to flash messages or accept information
from the user during the course of execution of the application.
 Common dialogs are ready to use dialogs actions.
 Custom dialogs are designed by the user keeping in mind the needs
of the application.
 A Model dialog box does not let the user perform any action while it is
on display
 Modeless dialog boxes let the user shift the attention between the
dialog box and another form without having to close the dialog box.


 Procedures are a named sequence of statements executed as a unit.
 Sub procedures and function are the types of procedures.
 In Visual Basic code is stored in modules. There are three kinds of
 The scope of a variable defines which part of the code is aware of its
 Variables are classified on the basis of scope as:
Procedure – level
Module – level
 Procedure level variables are recognised only in the procedure in
which they are declared
 Variables declared using the Public statement are available to all
procedures in the applications.
 A variable passed to a procedure is called an argument
 Passing an argument by value gives a procedure only a copy of the
 Passing arguments by reference gives a procedure access to the
original value of the variable in its memory location.
 A client/server application is split into a front-end client component
and a back-end server component.
 The client is the portion of the application that presents data to the
 The role of the server is to processing or information to the client.
 A visual basic database application has three parts
User Interface
Database Engine
Data store
 The data controls allows us to access and manipulate databases
 Controls that can work with the data control to access data are said to
be data-aware.
 The process of attaching a data-aware control to a data control is
called binding.

System: Pentium- I 5

1.Central Processor
Central Processor:->
Intel Pentium 11.366MHz types chip
Main memory of 2 GB
One hard disk of 250GB

One CD-ROM drive

SVGA colored monitor
Size:80*25 character display

Keyboard of 104 keys
Multimedia keyboard

Laser Jet

Operating System:->
USED (V.B.6)

This project report is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the

requirements for PGDCA The project work is a golden opportunity for us
to apply the theoretically learn tips, for practically e.g. how collect the
information and design the system, the best possible solution to the
problem, write efficient programs etc. and other minute things which
matter a lot in the professional life?
It provides us a unique opportunity to work on computer while working in
the field. I gain valuable experience in handling the professional level
programming and job more or less independently.
The course provides a chance for self analysis efficiently. The task was to
develop software for “ROADWAYS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”.

The existing system depends upon manual operations, that is all the
records were kept in simple files and thus the data are maintained. But,
any small mistake may lead to a big problem.

For example, for the proper maintenance of data, several

registers like Stock register, and their loans and other allowances records
are kept.. It becomes difficult to handle such detailed information. This
may also lead to some accuracy problems in various data files.

Disadvantages of existing system :

1. Searching of a particular record within the collected data becomes a
very difficult task.

2. To maintain the data, that is, to add a new record, deletion of an old
record is a complex task to be performed.

3. Due to mathematical calculations involved in the preparation of

statements, it is very time consuming.

4. Department has to keep a lot of files for the records. So, it is very
difficult to maintain all those files. Moreover, special rooms or
cupboards are thus needed for the task to be performed.

5. A large staff is needed for the proper maintenance of data.

6. Incorrect entry of records also becomes an obstacle in the
maintenance of data.

7. All the records are prepared occasionally. So, the manual work done
is not always correct and becomes too late.

As we have recognized the problems in our old manual system and we

make a proposed system means, we have made changes in the old
system so as to make improvements.
I have completed this project to much extent and has included all the
things but still then I have not made all the queries and all the possibilities
of data that user can enter. That’s why I can’t say that my project is

Some of the limitations in my project are as:

1.I have just taken two or three queries and there result while there can
be much more.

2.There are a few reports in my project but there can be much more.

3.As in computers, there may be virus due to which sometime system

may get fail.

4.Computerised systems are difficult to install and very expensive.

5.Much knowledge is required to manpower for handling it.

So, these are some limitations in my project but these can be removed if
my project is studied again and any person want to enhance it.
System Design

The most creative & challenging phase of the system development life
cycle is “SYSTEM DESIGN”. The term design described a final system
and the process by which it is developed. It refers to the technical
specification that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. A
system analysis phase defines What a system must do and System
design states HOW to do it. A design must provides:-

 Mechanisms for translating the analysis model into design


 Notations for representing functional components and their


 Scope for refinement

 Guidelines for quality assessment

The design process is a set of iterative steps that allow the designer to
describe all the aspects of the software to be built based on user
specifications .The general tasks involve in the design process are:-

 Designing the overall system processes

 Segmenting the system into smaller, compact workable modules
 Designing the database structure
 Specifying the details of the program to be created to achieve the
desired functionality
 Designing the input and output documents
 Designing controls for the system
 Documenting the system design
 System reviews

We have defined the problems in the existing system, then we analyze

the problems found and proposed a candidate system that can do the
work that was not done in old system. After analyzing the problem we
have to make design for them.

A major step in input design is the preparation of input & the design of
output reports in a form acceptable to the user. Inaccurate input is most
common cause of errors in data processing. Errors entered by data entry
operator can be controlled by input design. Input design is the process of
originated inputs to a computer based format. In system design phase
the data flow diagram identifies logical data flow chart specifies master
file , transaction files & computer programmers. Input data are organized
into group of similar data. Once identified approximate input media are
selected for processing
Output Design
Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to
the user. Efficient, intelligible output design should improve the system’s
relationships with the user and help in decision making. A major form of
output is a hard copy from the printer. Printouts should be designed
around the output requirements of the user. The output devices to
consider depend on factors such as compatibility of the device with the
system, response time requirements, expected print quality, and number
of copies needed. The following media devices are available for providing
computerized output:-
1.MICR readers.

2.Line,matrix,and daisy wheel printers.

3.Computer output microfilm(COM).

4.CRT screen display

5.Graph plotters.

6.Audio response.
System Testing

The testing of project is a means of assessing or measuring the

project to determine its quality. Testing can be defined as the process of
executing the project in a controlled manner, in order to answer the
question “Does the project behave as specified?”. It also is the only
way of finding out whether or not there are any errors in a system.
Therefore, testing is an important part of SDLC.
Like all other stages of the SDLC, testing too needs time and
proper resource to become a meaningful activity. Testing is vital to the
success of the system. Testing makes a logical assumption that if all
parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved.

Unit testing:-Each component or part of the program is tested
individually to verify that the detailed design for unit has been correctly

Module testing:-In larger system a module may be a group of several

programs or functions or sub-modules testing.

Integration testing:-It is carried out to find problems in the interfaces

between assembled units/modules in a system.

System testing:-It is executing a program to check logic changes made

in it and with the intention of finding errors.
Acceptance testing:-It is running the system with live data by the actual
user. Testing the users accept or reject the system. Implementation
phase of the project starts only if the user accept the system.
Volume testing:-determines whether or not the system will be able to
handle a large volume of data. The volume should be a representation of
the real life volume with some provision for future growth.

Performance testing:-this is a corollary to volume testing. This testing

focuses on the performance of the system under large volumes and not
just on the ability to handle it.

Stress testing:-Every system can experience a period of stress, which,

usually lasts for a short period. Although this is not a normal condition,
the system must be capable of handling it.

Regression testing:-When a system is changed in one part, it is

possible that this change could have affected the behavior of an
unchanged part of the system..

Interface testing:-whenever two or more modules handle common data

particularly write or update or use it as part of a calculation, then it
become a case for interface testing.

Security testing:- This attempts to verify that the protection mechanisms

built into a system, actually protect the system from unauthorized access.

The process of system development starts with System Analysis. It is

known that “A system is a collection of interrelated components that work
together to achieve some common objective” and system is required to
do “.

System Analysis is an important activity that takes place when new

information systems are being built or existing onces are being changed.
These specifications states:-

 Goals and objectives of the proposed system.

 Fundamental actions that must take place in the software.

 Outputs to be produced.

 Inputs to be used.

 Processes to be performed.

 Interfaces to be provided.

 Performance requirement to be met.

 Organizational and other constraints to be met.

System analysis is conducted with the following objectives in mind:-

 Identification and analysis of customer needs.

 System evaluation for feasibility.

 Performing economic and technical analysis

 Allocating functions to manpower ,database, hardware, software

and other system elements

 Establishing cost and schedule constraints.

 Creating a system definition that forms a foundation for all

subsequent development activities.

 System analysis is an art, and needs a lot of patience backed by

years of experience in order to get the desired system functionality
and performance.

In short, systems analysis then, is the process of totally understanding

the current systems by gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing
problems, and using the facts to improve the current system. This is the
job of the system analyst.

Before we proceed to the next phase that is “SYTEM DESIGN” ,we must
know a little more about the tools used during system analysis.

As already mentioned, once the information is collected, it must be

analyzed for the development team to ascertain user needs and write
requirements specifications. As a large amount of information is
collected, system analysts need tools to record ,store and manipulate this
information during the analysis process.


Implementation is used to mean the process of converting a new or a

revised system design into an operational one. There are some kinds
of standard activities to be performed during the Implementation
process ,they are:-

1. Creation of a Installation Plan

2. Implementation of Physical Procedures
3. Data Preparation and Conversion
4. Conducting User Training
5. Running the system

1) The Installation Plan includes schedules for:-

a) Purchase of hardware
b) Preparation of site
c) Purchase of Environmental software
d) Installation of hardware and Environmental software
e) Training

2) Physical Procedures:- Physical Procedures are the procedures that an

organization will follow side by side of the automated system and
will complement its functioning.

3)Data Preparation and Conversion

a)Data Preparation is normally the most consuming and tedious task
in the implementation of most systems. During the implementation of
a new system, all data has to be transcribed to fit into the new
formats and coding schemes, and errors are rigorously checked to
ensure no loss of information

b)Data Conversion is the process of converting data from the old

system into a format required by the new, automated system.

4)Training:-A Training Need Analysis has to be done for each of these

groups to find out what kind of training is required for each. Training Need
Analysis can be consider as the process of determining individual or
group training needs for an organization. There usually are several types
of users within an organization and all types of users don’t need all kind
of training.

5) Running of the system:-

“Parallel Run” signifies the running of two systems together:-the old and
the new.

1)Parallel Run:-In the parallel method of conversion the old system is

operated along with the new system for a while till all the teething
problems of the new system are sorted out and users are confident of
operating the new system.

 It offers great security .
 Minimize loss of data
 It is the safest method of converting from an old system to a new
 It inspires user confidence when user sees that results of the new
way of processing are the same as that of the manual system.

It doubles operating costs for a while .So long as the old system
continues to run along with the new one the latter does not get a fair
chance of trial.

2)Direct Cutover:-The direct method of implementation means that the

old system is replaced with the new one and form the beginning itself the
organization relies on the new system.

Its main advantage is that the organization immediately starts to see the
benefits of the new methods and controls that have been included in the
new system.

Its disadvantage is that there is no other system to fall back on, if a

problem arises in he new system. Because of this the new system has to
be planned, developed and Implemented with utmost care.

3)Phased Approach:-The phased method of conversion installs a new

system throughout an organization in phases. It is best suited to system
that are modular and a module at a time

Training can be designed for users keeping the function in mind

Log phase in period causes unnecessary problems

4)Pilot approach:-The pilot method of conversion means introducing a

new system in one part of the organization –a single department or
function. based on the feedback received changes are made to the
system before it can be installed in all parts of the organization.

It provides for live testing before implementation.

If conversion is not handled well and takes too long to be implemented in
the whole organization then the user may get the impression that the new
system is not sound and full of errors.

After the problem has been defined, it is analyzed, corresponding to that

designing is done and then coding is to translate the design of the system
produced during the design phase into code in a given programming
language, that can be executed by the computer and that performs the
computation specified by the design. As only after this phase our project
can come in the running phase.
This coding affects both testing and maintenance. Coding has much less
cost in the system development but testing and maintenance cost a lot of
money. It is due to the less time spent in coding or coding is not done
with attention. So, the goal should not be to simplify the job of
programmer but to simplify the job of tester and maintainer.
It should be kept in mind that programs should not be easy to write or we
should not give more attention towards easy writing, but our coding
should be easy to read and understand.
In coding there are many different approaches to code our design.

The programming practices used in our coding are:

1.Top-Down and Bottom-Up

2.Structured Programming
3.Informaton Hiding
4.Programming Style
5.Internal Documentation


The above statement shows the summary of what is present in the
subsequent discussion. I am still very proud for whatever I have
managed to get by the means of this application, but still this project has
more to it than what has been done. There are numerous areas in which,
the project should have had been improved.

Also I think that system can be have improved on the user level interface.
This would have made this project more acceptable, in somewhat non-
technical sense, to the general layman user, who is more concerned
about the superficial details and not the technical working.
But still I believe that what I have achieved can never be over shadowed
by what I could not achieve.

Maintenance is actually the implementation of the post implementation

review plan. As important as it is many programmers and analysts are

reluctant to perform or identify themselves with maintains effort.

CORRECTION : Correction means to find out the error of the existing

system and then correct them.

ADAPTION : Adaption means changes are done in existing software

according the requirement of the new system.

ENHANCEMENT : Enhancement means adding new function in

theexisting system it means addition of new function of a system according

to the requirement of the user.


System was developed and fasted in steps. Once the design

was finalized, the format of the output reports were set one by one after
approval from the user department. System was first tested on test data
and then real data. Minor programming errors were identified and
After rectifying the system was implemented successfully and
accuracy was found.
The system, after testing, was found accurate to be
implemented. After testing certain limitations were found. Those
limitations were upgraded as per the user’s requirements. As the system
is developed using SQL, further enhancements can easily be done.
Once the system started working certain new things were
found to be added into it, so some reports coming from the user
department are manual and they should also be computerized. The
system can also be made more user-friendly and interactive by
overcoming the limitations and the user will find him more informative.

1. Visual basic 6.0 VB Complete.

2. Mastering in VB 6 BPB publication
3. www.visualstudio.com

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