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Structural Analysis and Design of Residential Building: Owner: Location

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Structural Analysis and Design

Residential Building

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
2. SEISMIC VULNERABILITY OF NEPAL....................................................................... 1
3. PHILISOPHY OF SEISMIC DESIGN .............................................................................. 1
4. BUILDING DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. 3
5. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM................................................................................................. 4
6. LOADS ADOPTED........................................................................................................... 5
7. SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS................................................................................. 7
8. PRELIMINARY DESIGN................................................................................................. 7
9.1 LOADS APPLIED ON BUILDING: ........................................................................ 10
9.2 LATERAL LOAD ESTIMATION ACCORDING TO IS 1893 part 1 2016 ........... 13
9.3 LOAD CASES AND COMBINATION ................................................................... 14
9.3.1 Load Cases ......................................................................................................... 14
9.3.2 Load Combinations ............................................................................................ 14
9.4 DRIFT OF THE BUILDING .................................................................................... 15
9.4.1 Lateral Loads to Different Axes ........................................................................ 15
9.4.2 Story Response - Maximum Story Drifts along different Axes ......................... 15
10. DESIGN OF STRUCTURL MEMBERS ..................................................................... 17
10.1 Design of slab ........................................................................................................ 17
10.2 Design of Beam ..................................................................................................... 18
10.3 Design of Column .................................................................................................. 20
10.4 Design of foundation ............................................................................................. 26
10.5 Design of staircase ................................................................................................. 27
11. CONCLUDING REMARKS ........................................................................................ 28
12. REFERENCE CODE .................................................................................................... 29
Annex 1: Column Detailing ..................................................................................................... 31
Annex 2: Beam Detailing......................................................................................................... 32
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design ..................................................................................... 33
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design ..................................................................................... 34
Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 1: Ground Floor Plan ...................................................................................................... 4

Figure 2: Finite Elemental Modeling ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Floor Finish Loads.................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4: Live Loads ................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 5: Roof live loads.......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6: Sample Wall Load .................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Lateral Load to Different Stories along Both Axes .................................................. 15
Figure 8: First floor Beam Reinforcement (mm²) .................................................................... 19
Figure 9 Second Floor Beam Reinforcement (mm²) ............................................................... 20
Figure 10: Top Floor Beam Reinforcement (mm²) .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11: Axial force diagram along grid-B-B ...................................................................... 21
Figure 12: Shear Force Along the grid B-B ............................................................................. 22
Figure 13: Bending Moment along grid-B-B........................................................................... 23
Figure 14: Column Reinforcement on Grid A,A’,C,C’,C” ...................................................... 24
Figure 15: Column Reinforcement along Grid B-B ................................................................ 25
Figure 16: Column Reinforcement along Grid D-D ................................................................ 26
Figure 17: Column Reinforcement along Grid D-D ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 18: Joint Reaction For the footing Design .................................................................... 27
Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

The basic aim of the structural design is to build a structure, which is safe, fulfilling the
intended purpose during its estimated life span, economical in terms of initial and maintenance
cost, durable and also maintaining a good aesthetic appearance.

A building is considered to be structurally sound, if the individual elements and the building
as a whole satisfy the criteria for strength, stability and serviceability and in seismic areas
additional criteria for ductility and energy absorption capabilities. The overall building must
be strong enough to transfer all loads through the structure to the ground without collapsing or
losing structural integrity by rupture of the material at the critical sections, by transformation
of the whole or parts into mechanisms or by instability.


Nepal is located in the boundary of two colliding tectonic plates, namely, the Indian Plate
(Indo-Australian Plate) and the Tibetan Plate (Eurasian Plate). The Indian Plate is constantly
moving under the Tibetan Plate causing many minor and major earthquakes in this region. As
a result, Nepal has witnessed many major as well as minor earthquakes during the past. Records
of earthquakes are available in Nepal since 1255 A.D. Those records show that around 18 major
earthquakes have shaken Nepal since then. The 1833 A.D. earthquake and 1934 A.D Bihar-
Nepal earthquakes and 2015 Gorkha earthquake were the most destructive ones in the history
of Nepal.

Thus structures to be built in Nepal need to be suitably designed and detailed, so as to

counteract the forces due to earthquakes.


The probability of occurrence of severe earthquakes is much less than that of minor earthquakes
at a given site. Many of the structures may never experience severe earthquakes during its
lifetime. Construction of any ordinary structures to resist such severe earthquakes without
undergoing any damage may not be considered economically feasible, as it may be far cheaper
to repair or even rebuild the structure after having severe and strong shaking. On the other
hand, structures located in seismic areas experience minor earthquakes rather frequently. Thus,
in the event of severe and strong shaking, the structure is allowed to have some damage which
may be repairable or even irreparable, but the structure will not be allowed to collapse
completely, thereby ensuring the safety of life and the property in the structure. In order that
one does not have to undertake frequent repair and retrofitting of the structure, the structure

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

should not have any damage during minor level of shaking. In case of moderate shaking the
structure is allowed to have some non-structural damage without endangering life and property
within the structure. During such event the level of damage should be such that it can be
economically repaired.

The structures are generally designed for much lower seismic forces than what it may actually
experience during its life time. Since the structure is expected to undergo damage in the event
of a severe shaking, reliance is placed on the inelastic response of the structure beyond yield.
Therefore, structures have to be ductile and capable of dissipating energy through inelastic
actions. Ductility can be achieved by avoiding brittle modes of failures. Brittle modes of
failures include, shear and bond failure. Thus, structures should be designed on Weak Beam-
Strong column philosophy.

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building



Type Residential Bldg.

Building type RC Frame Structure

Plan Configuration Regular

Vertical Configuration Regular

Plinth Area 608.89 square ft.

Number of Stories 1 and Half

Floor Height 2.8448 m

Total Height of Bldg. (H) 5.6896 m from plinth lvl.

Wall thickness As per Architectural dwg.

Parapet Height 3 ft

Slab thickness 5”

Roof Type Flat with accessible

Column Size 12” x 12”

Max Beam Span 4.1656 m

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 1: Ground Floor Plan

Material: Reinforced Cement Concrete

Frame System: Special Moment Resisting Frame

Floor System: Two-Way Solid Slab

Foundation System: Isolated footing

Material Strengths:
Member Concrete Grade
Columns M20
Beams M20
Slabs M20
Foundation M20

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Steel Type Grade

Thermo mechanically Treated
Fe 500

Load calculation is done using the NBC 102:1994 as reference. At first type of material is
selected and value of unit weight of the materials is taken from the above-mentioned code.
Thickness of the material is selected as per the design requirement. Knowing area, thickness
and unit weight of materials, loads on each section is found.
The following are assumed for detail load calculation.
 R.C.C Slab, Beam and Column = 25.0 KN/m3
 Screed (25mm thick) = 19.2 KN/m3
 Cement Plaster (20mm thick) = 20.40 KN/m3
 Marble Dressed = 26.50 KN/m3
 Telia Brick = 19 KN/m3

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Live Load
Live load for the floor and Roof is taken from IS 875 parts 2 as referred by National
building code. For Residential Building, following load has be taken (Table 1, IS 875
Part 2)
All rooms and kitchens - 2 KN/m2
Toilet and bath rooms - 2 KN/m2
Corridors, passages, staircases including tire escapes and storerooms - 3 KN/m2
Balconies - 3 KN/m2

For Roof Load, Table 2 of IS 875 parts 2 has been taken for the estimation.
Flat, sloping or curved roof with slopes up to and including 10 degrees
Access provided - 1.5 KN/m2
Access not provided except for maintenance -0.75 KN/m2

Floor Finish
Floor Finish Load is calculated Simple Marble Finishes. With load calculation

DL from Mortar screed = 0.21 KN/m²

DL from ½ inch cement plaster= 0.0125*20.4=0.225 KN/m²

DL from 3/4” marble finishing =0.019*26.7 = 0.53 KN/m²

Total DL = 0.21+0.225+0.53= 0.965 KN/m²

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Wall Loads
Wall loads are applied on underneath beam if wall is rested on the beam. For partition wall
load is applied as the area load intensity. Load intensity is calculated by dividing total weight
of partition wall by the area of given slab portion.


The seismic design parameters have been considered in reference with IS1893:2002 and
are presented as follows:

Seismic Zone Factor

Seismic Zone Z
Kathmandu 0.36
(Zone V)

Important Factor
Building Occupancy Type I
Residential Building 1.0

Structural performance Factor

Structural K
performance Factor 1

Site Soil Category

Soil Type Soft Soil (Type II)

For the analysis, dead load is also necessary which depends upon the size of member itself. So
it is necessary to pre-assume logical size of member which will neither overestimate the load
nor under estimate the stiffness of the building. So, the tentative sizes of the structural elements
are determined through the preliminary design so that the pre-assumed dimensions may not
deviate considerably after analysis thus making the final design both safe and economical.
Tentative sizes of various elements have been determined as follows:

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Preliminary design of slab is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code Clause
23.2.1 of [IS 456: 2000]. The cover provided is 20 mm and the grade of concrete used in the
design is M20.
According to which,
Span ≤ (Mft x Mfc) x Basic Value
Eff. Depth
Where, the critical span is selected which is the maximum shorter span among the all slab
element. This is done to make uniformity in slab thickness. The amount of reinforcement will
be varied slab to slab but the thickness will be adopted corresponding to the entire slab.
Preliminary design of the beam is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code Clause
23.2.1 of [IS 456: 2000] and ductility criteria of ACI code. The cover provided is 30 mm and
the grade of concrete used in the design is M20.
According to which,
Span ≤ (Mft x Mfc) x Basic Value x Correction Factor
Eff. Depth for span x Correction Factor for Flange
According to Ductility code, Spacing of Stirrups in beam should not exceed d/4 or 8 times
diameter of minimum size of bar adopted and should not be less than 100 mm. So, for
considering construction difficulties in actual field, it is logical to use d/4 as spacing as per the
construction practice in Nepal.
Preliminary design of column is done from the assessment of approximate factored gravity
loads and live loads coming up to the critical section. To compensate the possible eccentric
loading and earthquake loads the size is increased by about 25% in design. For the load acting
in the column, live load is decreased according to IS 875: 1978. Initially a rectangular column
is adopted in this building project so as to provide internal aesthetics required from architecture
point of view but the column size and shape will vary as per the requirement for the analysis,
design and aesthetic value. The cover provided is 40 mm and the grade of concrete used in the
column design is M20.

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


The FE model of building is developed in ETABS v16, general purpose FE analysis and design
software. The size of beams and columns as obtained from preliminary analysis are adjusted
according to architectural need. Beam and columns are modeled as frame element. Slabs are
also modeled as shell element.
Beam and column are assumed to be line element having six degrees of freedom at each node
and slab is assumed to be shell element having six degrees of freedom at each node. Floor
diaphragm is used in the structure to reduce degree of freedom to three for each floor level.
Imposed loads have been modeled as uniform distributed loads. Similarly, wall loads are
modeled as uniformly distributed line loads. The columns were “fixed” at their base. The 3D
model is assumed to be fixed at tie beam level. Suitable assumptions are made and FE model
as shown in Fig 2 is developed.

Figure 2: Finite Elemental Modeling

Loading due to wall, floor finish and live load is as shown in figure below and analysis is done
by static method (seismic coefficient method). Following forces is observed during Analysis:

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


 Floor Finish
This load is applied all over the slab. Load application is shown in figure below.

Figure 3: Floor Finish Loads

b) Live load
Application of live load is shown in figure below.

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 4: Live Loads

Figure 5: Roof live loads

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

c) Wall load

Load coming from the weight of wall is applied on the beam underneath the wall if there is
not any beam below the wall load is applied to nearby beam in the direction of wall. Application
of wall load is shown in figure below.

Figure 6: Sample Wall Load

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Lateral loads on the building frames are caused primarily by wind pressure. In addition;
earthquake shocks produce horizontal sway, which results in inertia forces acting horizontally
on the structure. But in an area like Kathmandu wind load is not so vital so, only the lateral
load due to earthquake shock is considered in this case. For the analysis and design of
earthquake action following method has been applied in this building.
(a) The seismic co-efficient method
Following assumptions have been made to estimate the total base shear in the buildings:
Zone factor for Kathmandu according to IS code,
Structure Performance Factor =1 for moment resisting frame.
Importance factor =1
For the total height of the building H=5.6896 m, empirical relation for fundamental
transaction period is given by the relation,
We have, Ta = 0.075 x (H) 0.75
= 0.075 x (5.6896) 0.75
= 0.276 sec
Ta = 0.276 sec
With this fundamental time period in medium soil type-II, a graphical interpolation has been
made to calculate
Ah = 0.09
i.e. Design Horizontal acceleration Coefficient, Ah = 0.09

TABLE: Auto Seismic - IS 1893:2016

Load Type Direction Ecc. Z Soil I R Period Coeff Weight Base
Pattern Type Used Used Used Shear
% sec kN kN
EQX Seismic X + Ecc. Y 5 0.36 II 1 5 0.276 0.09 716.703 65.503
EQY Seismic Y + Ecc. X 5 0.36 II 1 5 0.276 0.09 716.703 65.503

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


9.3.1 Load Cases
Load cases are the independent loadings for which the structure is explicitly analyzed.
Earthquake forces occur in random fashion in all directions. For buildings whose lateral load
resisting elements are oriented in two principal directions, it is usually sufficient to analyze in
these two principal directions (X – and Y – direction) separately one at a time with 30 % of
other due to one face doesn’t lies on orthogonal. Thus, the load cases adopted are as follows:

i. Dead Load (DL)

ii. Live Load (LL)
iii. EQX
iv. EQY

9.3.2 Load Combinations

Load combinations are the loadings formed by the linear combination of the independent
loading conditions. The different load cases have been combined as per IS Code. The load
combinations are as follows:

i. 1.5 DL + 1.5 LL
ii. 1.2 DL + 1.2 LL + 1.2 EQ
iii. 1.2 DL + 1.2 LL - 1.2 EQ
iv. 1.5 DL + 1.5 EQ
v. 1.5 DL - 1.5 EQ
vi. 0.9 DL + 1.5 EQ
vii. 0.9 DL – 1.5 EQ


DL= Dead Load

LL= Live Load

EQ= Earthquake Load

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


The deformation of the buildings is also determined and found that the drift limit is compliance
with the provision of IS 1893:2002. The story drift of the building along x and y-direction is
tabulated below.
9.4.1 Lateral Loads to Different Axes

Figure 7: Lateral Load to Different Stories along Both Axes

9.4.2 Story Response - Maximum Story Drifts along different Axes

Story Response - Maximum Story Drifts

Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case or load combination.

Input Data
Name StoryResp1

Display Type Max story drifts Story Range All Stories

Load Case Ex Top Story Story2

Output Type Max Bottom Story Base


Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values
Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir
Story2 5.6896 Top 0.000797 0.000071
Story1 2.8448 Top 0.000414 0.000035
Base 0 Top 0 0

Story Response - Maximum Story Drifts

Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case or load combination.

Input Data
Name StoryResp1

Display Type Max story drifts Story Range All Stories

Load Case Ey Top Story Story2

Output Type Max Bottom Story Base


Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values
Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir
Story2 5.6896 Top 0.000072 0.000751
Story1 2.8448 Top 0.000179 0.00071
Base 0 Top 0 0

The maximum top displacement under extreme load condition (EQx and EQy) is about
4.1 mm in Y and 4.0 mm in X direction and the maximum story drift is 0.07 % which is
in the permissible value (0.4%) prescribed by the code.


10.1 Design of slab

The slabs are kept in such a way that ly/lx is kept less than 2 such that it can be designed as
two-way slab. The slab is designed manually on excel sheet based on IS 456:2000 and is
presented below. Where, type of panel 4 indicates that the 2 adjacent edges are discontinuous
and 2 indicate that the one shorter edge is discontinuous. Similarly, another slab was also
analyzed and designed as per IS 456:2000.

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

10.2 Design of Beam

The beams are designed with the help of ETABS V16 and checked manually. The calculation
of reinforcement on typical section of beam is obtained as shown below in Figs.

Figure 8: Plinth Beam Reinforcement (mm²)

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 9: First floor Beam Reinforcement (mm²)

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 10 Top Floor Beam Reinforcement (mm²)

10.3 Design of Column

The rectangular columns are designed with the help of ETABS and checked manually. The
bending moment and shear force along the grid B-B for critical column is shown below. The
calculation of longitudinal reinforcement of typical elements is shown below in Figs. The
method carried out during the structural analysis is verified with other possible methods. There
is not significant change in the design values. The interaction curve provided in literature is
then used to design these columns.

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Figure 11: Axial force diagram along grid-2-2

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Figure 12: Shear Force Along the grid 2-2

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Figure 13: Bending Moment along grid-2-2

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 14: Column Reinforcement on Grid 1-1

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 15: Column Reinforcement along Grid 2-2

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 16: Column Reinforcement along Grid 3-3

10.4 Design of foundation

The foundations used in the building are of Isolated and Eccentric type as per the requirements.
The depth of the footing is governed by one way and two-way shear (punching shear). The soil
type is assumed to be of medium type.

Average bearing capacity = 150 KN/m²

The dimension of footing has been calculated in the excel sheet as shown below: Joint Reaction
is given in below:

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Figure 17: Joint Reaction For the footing Design

10.5 Design of staircase

The staircase used in the building is of Dog legged Staircase type. The design of staircase is
done manually.

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Reinforced concrete construction is common all over the world. It is used extensively for
construction of variety of structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, water tanks, stadium,
towers, chimneys, tunnels and so on.

Experiences from past earthquakes and extensive laboratory works have shown that a well-
designed and detailed reinforced concrete structure is suitable for earthquake resistant
structure. Ductility and strength required to resist major earthquake can be achieved by
following the recommendations made in the standard codes of practice for earthquake resistant

Detailing of steel reinforcement is an important aspect of structural design. Poor reinforcement

detailing can lead to structural failures. Detailing plays an important role in seismic resistant
design. In seismic resistant design, actual forces experienced by the structure are reduced and
reliance is placed on the ductility of the structure. And, ductility can be achieved by proper
detailing only. Thus, in addition to design, attention should be paid on amount, location and
arrangement of reinforcement to achieve ductility as well as strength.

Design and construction of the structure are inter – related jobs. A building behaves in a manner
how it has been built rather than what the intensions is during designing. A large percentage of
structural failures are attributed due to poor quality of construction. Therefore, quality
assurance is needed in both design and construction.

In earthquake resistant construction quality of materials and workmanship plays a very

important role. It has been observed that damages during earthquakes are largely dependent on
the quality and workmanship. Hence, quality assurance is the most important factor in the good
seismic behavior of the structure.

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


NBC 110: 1994 Plain and Reinforced Concrete
NBC 102: 1994 Unit Weights of Materials
NBC 103: 1994 Occupancy Load (Imposed Load)
NBC 104: 1994 Wind Load
NBC105: 1994 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal
NS: 501-2058 Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of
Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to
Seismic Forces
SP: 16-1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456-
SP: 34-1987 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement Detailing

IS: 456-2000 Plain and reinforced concrete code

IS: 1893-2002 Earthquake resistant design of structure

IS: 13920 Ductility code

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Annex 1: Column Detailing

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Joint Mark Type Size G/F 1/F 2/F 3/F

All C1 Column 12" x 12" 4-16ɸ+4-12ɸ 4-16ɸ+4-12ɸ

Annex 2: Beam Detailing

Left Middle Right

Floor Type Axis Size
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom
X-Axis 9" x 12" 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.)
Y-Axis 9" x 12" 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.).) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.).) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.)

2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) +

X-Axis 9" x 14" 2-16ɸ(th.)
Main 1-12ɸ(ext.) 1-12ɸ(th.) 1-12ɸ(th.) 1-12ɸ(ext.) 1-12ɸ(th.)
beam 2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) + 2-16ɸ(th.) +
Y-Axis 9" x 14" 2-16ɸ(th.)
1-12ɸ(ext.) 1-12ɸ(th.) 1-12ɸ(th.) 1-12ɸ(ext.) 1-12ɸ(th.)

X-Axis 9" x 14" 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.)

Y-Axis 9" x 14" 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.).) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.).) 3-12ɸ(th.) 3-12ɸ(th.)

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story1 B1 33 B 9*14 1.5(DL-Ey) 152.4 3175 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
228.6 355.6 228.6 0 30 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-37.5523 8.968E-07 48.5553 0.4305

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-37.5523 1.348E-06 0 -37.5523

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, Mu3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2 Axis) -37.5523 283 0 283 174
Bottom (-2 Axis) 0 142 0 0 142

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s

kN kN kN kN mm²/m
62.6939 31.4752 31.2188 29.8602 265.69

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, T u & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
8.968E-07 48.5553 188.6 315.6 0

ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story1 C5 15 C 12X12 0.9DL-1.5Ey 2489.2 2844.8 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
304.8 304.8 56 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
114.1613 14.0918 2.2832 2.2832 2.2832 743 0.8

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 0.720524 2489.2 0.9895 0 2.2832

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment

Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Minor Bend(M2) 0.734292 2489.2 -11.1884 0 2.2832

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 11.6751 42.6877 30.3333 11.6751 337.85
Minor, Vu3 30.1268 42.6877 30.3333 30.1268 337.85

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless

Major Shear, Vu2 0 10.3166 84.52 415.475 929 0.203

Minor Shear, Vu3 0 11.1111 237.5578 415.475 929 0.572

(1.1) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio
0.677 1.747

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
929 7.4 1114.8365 311.2516 114.1613 1

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1) (Part 1 of 2)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.875 304.8 5.884 12 No
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.875 304.8 5.997 12 No

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1) (Part 2 of 2)

Moment (kN-m)

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Design Data
Dimensions of the slab (c/c distance b/w supports), fck = 20 N/mm
Length of short span, Lx = 3.175 m fy = 500 N/mm 2
Length of long span, Ly = 4.17 m
Width of the supporting beam, = 230 mm
Clear cover to main reinforcement = 15 mm
Assume dia. of reinforcement steel = 8 mm

Assume the thickness of slab as 127 mm ; Effective depth, d = 108 mm
Effective span, lx = 3.175 m (or) 3.053 m whichever is less; d = 3.053 m
ly = 4.17 m (or) 4.048 m whichever is less; d = 4.048 m
(ly / lx ) = 1.33 < 2 ; Here, (l y / lx ) is less than 2, Hence design the slab as two way slab

Load Calculations
Dead Load of slab = 0.127 x 25 = 3.18 KN/m 2 Dust Load on slab = 0 KN/m 2
Finishes load on slab = 1.00 KN/m Other load on slab = 0 KN/m 2
Live Load on slab = 2.0 KN/m
Total Dead load acting on the Structure = 4.18 KN/m 2
Total live load acting on the Structure = 2.0 KN/m 2
Factored Design Load w = 9.27 KN/m

Support Condition (Type of panel according to support condition)

Two Long Edges Discontinuous For this support condition,
Short span coefficient for (l y / lx ) = 1.33, Long span coefficient,
For negative moment, ax = 0.0000 For negative moment, ay = 0.045
For positive moment, ax = 0.0588 For positive moment, ay = 0.035

Moment Calculation
2 2
Max. BM per unit width, Mx = ax w l x & My = ay w l x

Mu Mu / bd 2 pt Ast, req Ast , min = (0.12/100) bD = 152 mm


2 2
KNm N/mm % mm
For Short Span,
Reinforcement details
At mid span, 5.08 0.44 0.1252 152
At supports, 0.00 0.00 0 152 Provide Y 8 @ 150 mm c/c at midspan &
For Long span, supports for short span (Ast pro. = 335 mm 2 )
At mid span, 3.02 0.30 0.0846 91 Provide Y 8 @ 150 mm c/c at midspan &
At supports, 3.89 0.39 0.1106 119 supports for long span (Ast pro. = 335 mm 2 )

Check for Deflection OK

Percentage of tension reinforcement = 0.31 %
fs = 0.58 fy (Ast req / Ast pro) = 131.5
Refer Fig. 4 (Pg38) of IS 456,
Modification factor = 1.7
Allowable (Span / d eff ) ratio = 39.1
Effective depth required = 78 mm
< d prov.
Design is OK

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Axial Load = P1 = 240 kN 240 kN
Moment along Major axis = Mx = 0.00 kN-m
Moment along Minor axis = Mz = 0 kN-m


Length = ( Larger Dimension of Column ) 0.35 m
Width = ( Smaller Dimension of Column ) 0.35 m

Length = L = 60in 1.524 m
Width = B = 60in 1.524 m 1.0
Depth = D = 0.5 m

Cover to Main R/f = 0.05 m

Diameter of R/f in Footing = 12 mm
Density of Soil = g = 17 kN/m3
Depth of foundation below G.L = H = 1.5 m 1.52

Concrete Grade = M - 20 N/mm2
R/f Grade = Fe - 500 N/mm2 1.52
Load Factor = gf = 1.5 Z Z

Axial load = P = 240.00 kN
Self Weight of Footing = 24.00 kN X

Total Vertical Load = 264.00 kN

Moment along Major axis 0 kN

Moment along Minor axis 0 kN

SBC = 120 kN/m²

P + Mx + Mz
A - Zx - Zz

\ Pmax = 113.67 + 0.00 + 0 = 113.67 kN/m² < S.B.C SAFE

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

\ Pmin = 113.67 - 0.00 - 0 = 113.67 kN/m2 TENSION NOT CREATED




1524 350


kN/m² 113.7


M = Pmax x 0.587 x 0.587 / 2

M= 19.58 kN-m
Mu = 29.37 KN-m
Ast = 151.41 mm2 ( To be distributed in 1.524 m Length )
Min Req = 600 mm2 ( Ast = 0.12 x b x D )

Required Spacing of Bar = 12 # @ 185 C/C ALONG WIDTH


Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

\ Ast = 904.78 mm2


M = Pmax x 0.587 x 0.587 / 2

M= 19.58 kN-m
Mu = 29.37 KN-m
Ast = 151.41 mm2 ( To be distributed in 1.524 m Length )
Min Req = 600 mm2 ( Ast = 0.12 x b x D )


\ Ast = 611.34 mm2


Critical Section is at diatance of ' d ' from face of column


1.52 0.587 0.137


\ Shear force at critical section = 113.67 x 0.137

V = 15.57 kN

\ Actual Shear stress tv =


1.5 x 15.57
= x 10000
1000 x 450

= 0.052 N / mm2

Pt = 100 x As = 100 x 611.34 = 0.14 Pt tc

b x d 1000 x 450 0.15 0.28
0.2 0.33
\ tc = 0.27 N / mm2

< tv

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building


Critical Section is at diatance of ' d ' from face of column


1.52 0.587



\ Shear force at critical section = 113.67 x 0.137

V = 15.57 kN

\ Actual Shear stress tv =

1.5 x 15.57
= x 10000
1000 x 450

= 0.052 N / mm2

100 x As 100 x 904.78

Pt = = = 0.20
b x d 1000 x 450

\ tc = 0.33 N / mm2 Pt tc
0.15 0.28
< tv 0.2 0.33



Critical Section is at distance of 'd/2' from face of column



1.52 0.8 d/2


Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

\ Shear force at Critical Section = 113.67 x Area of Shadeded Portion

= 113.67 x 1.682576

= 191.25 kN

Critical Perimeter = 2 x 0.8 + 2 x 0.8

= 3.20 m

\ Actual Shear stress tv =

1.5 x 191.25
= x 10000
3200.00 x 450

= 0.199 N / mm2

Allowable Shear stress = ks. tc ( CLAUSE 31.3.3 IS 456 : 2000 )

ks = ( 0.5+b )

Short Side of Column = 0.35

b= Long Side of Column = 0.35
= 1.00

ks = 1.50 but not greater than 1.0

tc = 0.25  fck
tc = 0.25  M - 20 = 1.12 N/mm2

Allowable Shear stress = ks. tc = 1.12 N/mm2 SAFE

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Check for strong column weak beam

Moment of Resistance of Under Reinforced Beam(X-Axis)

Width of beam= 10" 230 mm

Depth of Beam= 16" 350 mm
Effective depth of beam (d)= 291 mm
Diameter of rebar= 16 mm
Clear Cover= 25 mm
Ast= 516 mm²
Asc= 516 mm²
d'= 33 mm
Grade of steel= 500 Mpa
Grade of Concrete= 20 Mpa
Es= 200000 Mpa

Mu= 0.36*fck*b*xu*(d-0.416*xu)+Asc*(fsc-fcc)*(d-d')


fs= 0.87*fy if the section is balanced or under reinforced < 0.87*fy if the section is
over reinforced and shall correspond to strain es= 0.0035(d-xu)/xu

fsc,fcc= design stresses in compression steel and concrete respectively

corresponding to strain ecs= 0.0035(xu-d')/xu
d'= clearcover to compression reinforcement + diameter of bar/2

a) Assume xu = xu,l
xu,l 132.703583 mm

Assume xu= 53.78 OK

b) Compute esc= 0.001352

0.696*fy/Es= 0.00174
Hence, fsc= 270.4723
Hence, fcc= 7.984658
c) Compute modified value of xu as,
xu= 53.75385253 OK
xu< xul Hence it is an Under Reinforced Section.
Mu= 58.858 KN-m
Sagging Moment Resistance Capacity (Mu)=58.858kN-m
The Hogging Moment Resisting Capacity =

The Hogging Moment Resistance Capacity (Mu)=52.729kN-m

Moment of Resistance of Under Reinforced Beam(Y-Axis)

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Width of beam= 10'' 230 mm

Depth of Beam= 16'' 350 mm
Effective depth of beam (d)= 291 mm
Diameter of rebar= 16 mm
Clear Cover= 25 mm
Ast= 516 mm²
Asc= 516 mm²
d'= 33 mm
Grade of steel= 500 Mpa
Grade of Concrete= 20 Mpa
Es= 200000 Mpa

Mu= 0.36*fck*b*xu*(d-0.416*xu)+Asc*(fsc-fcc)*(d-d')


fs= 0.87*fy if the section is balanced or under reinforced < 0.87*fy if the section is
over reinforced and shall correspond to strain es= 0.0035(d-xu)/xu

fsc,fcc= design stresses in compression steel and concrete respectively

corresponding to strain ecs= 0.0035(xu-d')/xu
d'= clearcover to compression reinforcement + diameter of bar/2

a) Assume xu = xu,l
xu,l 132.703583 mm

Assume xu= 53.78 OK

b) Compute esc= 0.001352

0.696*fy/Es= 0.00174
Hence, fsc= 270.4723
Hence, fcc= 7.984658
c) Compute modified value of xu as,
xu= 53.75385253 OK
xu< xul Hence it is an Under Reinforced Section.
Mu= 58.858 KN-m
Sagging Moment Resistance Capacity (Mu)=58.858kN-m
The Hogging Moment Resisting Capacity =

The Hogging Moment Resistance Capacity (Mu)=52.729kN-m

The total Moment Resistance Capacity= 111.586 kN-m

Structural Analysis and Design Reports of Residential Building

Moment of Resistance of Column

Check with Square column

Lower Story
Grade of Concrete= M20
Grade of Steel= Fe500
Size Length(b)= 300mm Breadth(D)= 300mm
Pu= 0.00kN d'/D= 0.15
Ast Provided= 1256 mm²
d'/D= 0.15
p/fck= 0.06977778
Pu/fckbD= 0
Mu/fckbD²= 0.1 Use SP16 Chart 49 Pg. 134
Mu= 54.00kN-m

Upper Story
Grade of Concrete= M20
Grade of Steel= Fe500
Size Length= 300mm Breadth= 300mm
Pu= 0.00kN
Ast Provided= 1256 mm²
d'/D= 0.15
p/fck= 0.06977778
Pu/fckbD= 0
Mu/fckbD²= 0.11 Use SP16 Chart 49 Pg. 134
Mu= 59.40kN-m

Total= 113.40kN-m
Beam Column Ratio= 1.016
Hence The Beam Column Capacity Ratio is 1.016


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