Earthquake Prone Building Guide
Earthquake Prone Building Guide
Earthquake Prone Building Guide
The status quo of minimum 34% of the new building standard (NBS) will not change and building owner(s) n Auckland will have 35 years to
strengthen their building under the legislation
(b) (a)
Submit to Seismic
council for Performance rating
evaluation less than 34% NBS
FIGURE 3: Flow chart illustrating the identification, assessment and retrofit process of earthquake prone buildings
Details uploaded to
the publicly accessible
National EPB Register
LIM reports.
If an owner chooses to engage their own obtain a copy on behalf of the building and it is possible to conduct a DSA without
engineer to conduct a new seismic performance owner. The Engineer should then complete completing an ISA. The DSA is intended to
assessment (ISA or DSA), they must do so a careful review of the information within provide an in-depth understanding of how the
within 12 months of the letter. Once a report is the property file relating to the building constituent elements of a building will perform
received, council staff will ensure it meets the structure, such as legacy consent plans and during an earthquake, identifying in particular
prescribed methodology before making any consented structural modifications. any critical structural weaknesses that may
changes to a building’s seismic performance rating. need to be addressed.
• The Engineer should complete a visual
Information on the national system can be inspection of the building’s exterior and As part of the DSA process, the Engineer
found on the MBIE website www.building. interior. Particular attention should be given will make use of appropriate standards, by the engineer to identify and inspect any assessment guidelines, New Zealand and/or
earthquake-prone-buildings/ structural modifications and visible critical international research and non-invasive and
structural weaknesses. invasive techniques to obtain information on
the as-built arrangement of the building and to
3.2 Assessment • A written report should be provided by the complete the assessment. The outcome of the
engineer accompanying the ISA calculations. DSA is significantly dependent upon the access
3.2.1 Independent Initial Seismic Assessment
The report should outline observations from to detailed information on the construction
(ISA) Commissioned by the Building Owner
the assessment and from the review of the of the building, such as plans, specifications
An independent initial seismic assessment property file. In addition, the report should and design information, and information on
commissioned by the building owner highlight the potential critical structural modifications that had been carried out since
needs to be completed by a Chartered weaknesses, aspects that can affect the the building’s construction. The information
Professional Engineer (CPEng) and adhere earthquake performance of the building, is generally available from Auckland Council,
to the methodology set by MBIE for these and recommendations for further review however additional information may be
assessments. The differences in outcome if required. available from other sources. The method of
between ISAs are commonly due to revisions assessment is dependent on the quality of
of the ISA procedure, Council having limited • A summary of the engineering assessment information available and the complexity of the
information on the building at the time of the must be provided to the council in the format building. For example, simpler forms of analysis
assessment, and limited access to the building prescribed by the ‘Engineering Assessment procedure may suffice for a low rise structurally
to complete the visual inspection of the building. Guidelines’. regular building and more sophisticated analysis
procedures may be necessary to increase the
The following points are an outline of the key 3.2.2 Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA) confidence level of the assessment for a for
aspects that an ISA should include: complex and irregular building, see Figure 4
Detailed seismic assessments (DSA) are often illustrating the relationships.
the subsequent step following an ISA. But the
• The Engineer should ask the building owner
two forms of assessments are independent
to provide a copy of the Property File or
12 Earthquake Prone Buildings – Guidance And Approaches
It is up to the Engineer to determine the most
appropriate form of analysis. As a general
guide, a good DSA should incorporate the
Initial seismic
• Detailed inspection of the primary and
secondary building structure, connections
and services;
• Assessment of secondary structural and non- • Report outlining the findings from the investigations, analysis outcome, conclusion and
structural features within the building where recommendation. The recommendations should outline the scope of seismic retrofit identified
failure during an earthquake could pose risks during the DSA process and outline any uncertainties encountered during the assessment that is
to human safety and affect the safe egress worth further investigation.
from the building;
Assessment Qualitative assessment. ISA is intended to provide a potential Quantitative assessment. Various building components that contribute to the
methodology %NBS rating. seismic performance of the building are analysed and given a %NBS rating.
Knowledge of Assessment can be completed based on visual inspection of Accurate and detailed information of the building is critical to the
the building the building and without detailed information on the building assessment. DSA cannot be completed based solely on visual inspection
required to structure. of the building. The engineer must have a comprehensive understanding
complete the
of the building structure and aspects of the building that can affect the
earthquake performance of the building.
Assessment A single %NBS number representing the potential seismic Seismic ratings are provided for various portions of the building that
outcome rating of the ENTIRE building. contribute to the earthquake performance of the building. The final %NBS
rating is based on the lowest-rated portion of the building.
Advantages • The assessment is relatively quick and cost effective to • Aspects of the building directly affecting the earthquake rating
complete. are clearly identified, such as quantifying the effects of the critical
structural weaknesses.
• The assessment is a reasonable tool for the identification
of buildings that warrant further assessment. • The assessment outcome could be used by the building owner with the
assistance of their engineer to understand the financial implications of
• Identification of obvious critical structural weaknesses. the seismic retrofit.
• The assessment outcome and report will be useful to any future seismic
retrofit of the building.
Disadvantages • Low level of confidence on the assessment outcomes. • DSA requires significantly more effort and time to complete. This is
Provides a single rating for the building. I.e. it is difficult directly reflected in the cost and time required to complete a DSA.
to determine from the results if the rating applies to the
• DSA are not a suitable tool when there is a large number of buildings to
whole building or only a portion of the building.
assess, as is the case for Auckland Council.
• The assessment has limited value for building owners who
wish to undergo the seismic retrofit process.
Decision by
building owner(s)
to proceed
Project feasibility
Quantity efra s
surveyor tim Architect
Scheduled historic
heritage places and
historic character
FIGURE 5: Flow chart of the earthquake retrofit process and inputs from the various stakeholders.
buildings Detailed retrofit
plans, scope and
Other drivers
Bank and
Obtain Tenant insurance
resource consent building consent
e nt owner(s)
code compliance
new %NBS rating
Earthquake Prone Buildings – Guidance And Approaches
3.5 Professional Services Cost required during DSA and the retrofit design Number of storeys
regardless of the intended %NBS. Area per
The cost of acquiring professionals to take a storey
1 2 3 4
building through the assessment, design and
Number of storeys Assessment 100m2 $90 $65 $65 $60
implementation processes is highly variable
and is generally established on a case by case Area per 200m 2
$70 $45 $35 $30
1 2 3 4
basis. The costs are typically dependent on the 300m2 $60 $40 $30 $25
complexity of the building, any changes to the Assessment 100m 2
$90 $65 $65 $60 400m2 $50 $35 $25 $20
configuration of the building, and other market 200m 2
$70 $45 $35 $30 500m2 $45 $30 $25 $20
drivers at the time. 300m2 $60 $40 $30 $25
Design and 100m2 $140 $110 $90 $90
400m2 $50 $35 $25 $20 Consent
As an indicative guide, Table 4 presents 200m 2
$100 $70 $65 $60
500m2 $45 $30 $25 $20
professional services fees (excluding taxes) 300m2 $80 $60 $50 $45
based on the floor area per storey and the Design and 100m2 $140 $110 $90 $90
Consent 400m 2
$70 $50 $40 $35
number of storeys for the DSA and the seismic 200m2 $100 $70 $65 $60
500m 2
$60 $45 $35 $30
retrofit design. The indicative fees are gross 300m2 $80 $60 $50 $45
approximations of the engineering, architectural
400m2 $70 $50 $40 $35 The indicative rate for a DSA is $40/m2
and sub-consultant fees up to the Building
Consent stage. Additional consultant fees 500m2 $60 $45 $35 $30 The indicative rate for the detailed design up to
are likely to be incurred during construction, the consent stage is $60/m2
TABLE 4: Indicative professional service fee for DSA
especially if a project manager is employed to and seismic retrofit design ($/m2).
look after the construction. Step 2
– Calculate the indicative DSA and retrofit
3.5.1 Example design costs using the indicative rates
The indicative rates do not include other costs
such as Auckland Council Building Consent Estimate the Detailed Seismic Assessment and from Step 1:
charges, additional design fees associated with retrofit design costs for a 2 storey building with
building improvements and additional fees an average area of 300m2 per floor level.
associated with an independent heritage impact DSA
assessment. The indicative rates in Table 4 Step 1 2 storeys × 300m2 per storey × $40/m2
do not distinguish between the 34%NBS and – Determine the indicative $/m2 from Table 4 = $24,000
67%NBS levels as similar efforts are often based on the average floor area per storey:
Detailed Retrofit Design
2 storeys × 300m2 per storey × $60/m2
= $36,000
2 The indicative rates are based on 2014 sources and are subject to future revisions as more data becomes available.
lined with
First floor
walls are
1 Wythe
thinner than
the ground
floor walls
First floor joists are Floor joists Commonly Shallow strip Frequent openings Canopy stays First floor Reinforced concrete lintel
commonly supported are commonly constructed using foundations along the building anchored into URM wall beam across the large ground
on the resulting edge pocketed into timber flooring beneath the facades with relatively the façade supported floor openings. The lintel
created by the reduction the load bearing over suspended URM walls slender URM ‘piers’ URM wall by the lintel beam is commonly supported
in wall thickness URM walls floor joists between the openings beam directly on the URM walls
Often, due to the construction, age and condition of the flooring, ceiling
and framing, the floor and roof structures are poorly connected to the
walls and lack the sufficient stiffness required to function as the load
transferring diaphragm during an earthquake. Therefore, stiffening and
improving the connections of the floors and roof is often required.
TABLE 5: Other common structural weaknesses in URM buildings.
Collapse of the perimeter Direction of
load bearing wall, resulting
in collapse of the floor Lack to lateral load
Collapse of decorative
structure and falling resisting elements in the Example: Lack of lateral load resisting
ornaments, resulting in
hazards to the public ground, resulting in ‘soft’ elements in the ground floor,
falling hazards
ground floor storey resulting in soft storey failure during
an earthquake
Collapse of the façade wall, resulting Collapse of the canopy Collapse of decorative
in significant safety hazard to the due to façade wall failure ornaments on to the
building occupants and the public surrounding area
Retrofit hierarchy
performance of existing buildings against the This can be achieved by adding reinforcing materials to the walls and/or by installing
effects of strong earthquake ground motions. mechanical connections between the walls and the roof and floor structures.
There are a range of options available and
the eventual solution or combination of 3. Ensure there are adequate connections between all the structural elements so
solutions is a balance between the level of the building responds as a cohesive unit instead of as individual parts during an
acceptable risk, financial constraints and earthquake. For example, this can be achieved by stiffening diaphragms, installing
preservation of heritage. additional connections between structural elements and at building junctions.
In a constrained environment, a hierarchical 4. Improve the building configuration issues such as poor distribution and/or lack of
approach should be adopted for seismic lateral load resisting elements. For example, this can be achieved by installing new
retrofits. Priorities should be given to structural frames and walls to supplement the existing structure at areas where the
retrofitting building elements that have building is lacking lateral strength.
the highest risk to human safety during
an earthquake: Presented in Figures 10 and Figure 11 are one combination of the available solutions to improve the
earthquake performance of the exemplar building against the possible failure modes illustrated in
Figure 8 and Figure 9. Building retrofits belonging to the categories in the hierarchy listed above are
also annotated in Figure 10 and Figure 11.
Regular anchors
between the floor
diaphragm and the
perimeter walls
Retrofit hierarchy: 2
New foundations beneath the New fire New timber nogs Plywood sheathing to stiffen
Moment resting frames to improve moment resisting frames along the rated ceiling for the plywood the first floor diaphragm
the lateral strength of the building building frontage. between floors sheathing Retrofit hierarchy: 3
Retrofit hierarchy: 4 Retrofit hierarchy: 4 (if required)
FIGURE 10: Earthquake retrofit of the exemplar two storey URM building.
FIGURE 11: Earthquake retrofit of the exemplar two storey URM building.
5.2.1 Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Prepare wall by removing Ceiling and roof
the internal wall linings and structure omitted
Retrofit of Walls sand blasting and grinding the for clarity
masonry surface
This technique is commonly used to improve
the tensile strength of URM walls and to
improve the performance of URM walls in the
out-of-plane direction. This generally involves
embedding FRP strips into thin cuts made
in the masonry with the FRP strips acting as
‘reinforcing’ strands within the wall. For thicker
walls, the FRP strips are embedded on both the Floor joists supported by FRP strips
inside and outside faces of the wall and it is also the perimeter masonry continuous into
walls, flooring and ceiling the floor below
important that the ends of the FRP strips are not shown for clarity (If required)
well anchored, such as being embedded into the
concrete bond beams at the floor levels. FIGURE 12: Example of FRP retrofit of URM walls.
Number of storeys 2 storeys × 250 m2 per storey × $700/m2 Step 4 – Calculated the total indicative
Storey area 1 2 3 4 = $350,000 retrofit cost:
100m2 $800 $1000 $1050 $1250
200m 2
$600 $700 $700 $750 34%NBS:
300m2 $500 $700 $600 $550
Step 3 – Apply adjustment factors based on the
400m2 $500 $700 $550 $500 $237,500 + $28,500 - $35,625
% in Table 6:
500m2 $400 $600 $550 $450 = $230,375
Adjustment factor for cavity walls:
$237,500 × 12% = $28,500 $350,000 + $52,500 - $70,000
= $332,500
Adjustment factor for reinforced
concrete floor slabs:
$237,500 × -15% = -$35,625