Installing Enterprise Management V12
Installing Enterprise Management V12
Installing Enterprise Management V12
This document describes how to install a Enterprise Management solution on a Windows or
Linux server.
Note: This procedure only applies to the first installation of a EMP technology version
2019R1 product on new servers and workstations. It is important that a prior version of
Enterprise Management has never been installed on the server.
If you want to upgrade an existing Enterprise Management solution in 11 to 2019R1, refer to
Upgrading an Existing Enterprise Management Solution.
Before the installation, you need to:
• Define the architecture of the servers that make up the EMP solution.
• Check the minimum requirements of your system environment.
• Make sure Java Runtime Environment or JDK version 7 or higher is installed. It
can be downloaded from the Oracle website. Make sure you download and
install the correct Java version based on your operating system (Windows x64
for a 64-bit Windows operating system or Windows x86 for a 32-bit Windows
operating system).
You can then follow the installation procedure available on the official support (DVD-ROM or
network location containing the installation files).
Installation overview
The main installation steps are listed below. Additional information is available in the
corresponding paragraphs.
Completing the installation for the "Syracuse" Web server and the
Enterprise Management solution:
• On the Web "Syracuse" server 12/02/2019
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• You need to update the Web "Syracuse" server and MongoDB with the latest
• Make sure that you have the latest available version of MongoDB Community
Edition installed with the corresponding prerequisites for the Web "Syracuse"
server. 12/02/2019
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• For Windows servers, run the installer as a user with administrator rights and
rights to log on as a service.
• For Linux servers, run the installer as root to create the AdxAdmin service.
You can then run the AdxAdmin service as root and use the proprietary account
of the SGBD Oracle installation to configure the database component in the
EMP Console. Refer to the console documentation (Component loading -
dialogue box > AdxAdmin process rights) for more information. 12/02/2019
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• Apache HTTP Server 2.2 or higher is installed on the Application Server. It can
be downloaded from the Apache website. For Windows distribution, select the
no_ssl MSI Installer Package in binaries/win32.
• The user account you use for the steps below has administrative rights and
rights to log on as a service.
Refer to the EMP management console help page by pressing F1 from the EMP
management console for more information. 12/02/2019
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Installing MongoDB
MongoDB is an open source document database. Follow the detailed procedure to install it.
Note: Make sure you install MongoDB before installing the "Syracuse" Web component.
Note: There is a known issue with Elastic Search that causes the following error message:
"Search engine failed due to stack size configuration. Please increase the stack size of
elastic search in order to fix this problem.". Contact support to increase the stack size of
Elastic Search and fix this issue.
• For Windows servers, run the installer as a user with administrator rights.
• For Linux servers, run the installer as root.
For more information on the "Syracuse" Web server installation, refer to the installation
procedure. 12/02/2019
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Note: You can set a dependency to ensure services are started in the order they are
needed. First, you must start the "ElasticSearch for Syracuse" and the "MongoDB for
Syracuse" services, and then the "Agent Sage Syracuse" service. The "Sage
Syracuse" service must not be started automatically. 12/02/2019
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• Open the EMP Management Console, select the X3V7 solution from the Solutions
tab and click the folders icon.
• Click Import, select the SEED folder from the drop-down list and make sure that SVG
is set as the data directory.
Make sure Import of the table structure only is not selected and click OK.
• Define an endpoint for the SEED folder before using it. 12/02/2019
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• For Windows servers, run the installer as a user with administrator rights and
rights to log on as a service.
• For Linux servers, run the installer as root to create the adxadmin service. You
can then run the adxadmin service as root and use the proprietary account of
the SGBD Oracle installation to configure the database component in the EMP
Console. Refer to the console documentation (Component loading - dialogue
box > AdxAdmin process rights) for more information.
You can then configure the component with the management console.
Configuring the Webservice and ADC server using the EMP console
From the EMP console:
• Define the port to use and enter the passphrase you have set during the installation.
Enter specific parameters, if required. 12/02/2019
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• Link the folders that will be used for web-service or VT connection to the component,
and complete the required setup.
The webservice component public key that was generated during the installation is
automatically copied in the appropriate folder of the runtime server. This is done in
order to establish an operational connection between the two components.
• Define web-service pools to enable SOAP clients call X3 Objects and sub-programs
using the SOAP protocol.
Configure a pool per folder.
Note: The web-server uses the passphrase you configured to encrypt the private key.
This allows a secure connection between the runtime and the webservice server. The
passphrase is also encrypted.
• If you connect to the management console from another user account, re-enter the
• If you update a webservice ADC server 231 to a newer product update, and if you
have already published the solution, make sure that the public key of the webservice
ADC server is in the keys sub-directory of each runtime directory of the linked
Caution: If you have installed a "Syracuse" web server before installing the webservice ADC
server component, make sure you copy the public key of the "Syracuse" web server to
\data\KEYSTORE\WEBSERVER\ for a secure connection between "Syracuse" and the
webservice ADC server for the HRM portal. 12/02/2019