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Cost Reduction For Automobile During Design Stage With Statistical

Method And Tear Down Technique

Department Of Mechnical Engineering
Jaipur Institute Of Engineering And Managment
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Abstract—This research studies the of the Chinese automobile market is the

automobile industry and proposes a cost complicated relations between the joint- ventures.
reduction method for automobiles at the design At present, the largest 10 automakers in the world
stage. Since cost data are confidential in many have all established joint-ventures in China. The
companies, the research resorts to an indirect Chinese rules allow one Chinese automobile group
method to estimate the product cost. The to choose two foreign partners to cooperate, while
automobile prices and specifications are one foreign automobile company can set up at most
collected from website. Then a panel of experts two joint-ventures with different Chinese
is invited to estimate product cost ratio using automakers. For instance, Shanghai Automotive
Delphi method with these data. Therefore, the Industry Corporation (SAIC) has joint-ventures
automobiles’ costs can be calculated backward with both Volkswagen and General Motors, while
from the retail prices. These automobiles have Volkswagen has joint-ventures with both the SAIC
design attributes with several possible values. and First Automotive Works (FAW). Although
For each attribute value, statistical method is both are in the same Shanghai automobile group,
employed to analyze the mean value, standard the Shanghai Volkswagen and Shanghai General
deviation and probability distribution of the Motors are actually competitors to each other.
product costs. The designer can then evaluate More surprisingly, though the FAW-Volkswagen
the potential cost consequences of these values and the Shanghai Volkswagen are all joint-ventures
and choose one attribute value which can better of the Volkswagen, they actually belong to two
match the target cost. To achieve such target, different automobile groups and have no alliance
Tear Down technique which is widely used in relation in reality. The automobile types which the
Japanese automobile industry is introduced. two companies produce are carefully differentiated
The application of the proposed method in a by Volkswagen, but the two must compete with
Chinese automobile company is also given. each other to sell their own products.
Though possessing complex relations with each
Keywords-Chinese automobile industry; cost other, these joint-ventures achieve great success in
reduction; Delphi method; design stage; the Chinese market. According to the statistics
statistical analysis; Tear Down technique from China Association of Automobile
Manufacturers (CAAM), the FAW-Volkswagen,
I. INTRODUCTION the Shanghai Volkswagen, the Shanghai General
Motors and the FAW-Toyota are the four largest
By producing 9.35 million automobiles in 2008, automakers in 2008. However, their positions are
China has become the second largest automobile challenged by Chinese domestic automakers such
producer in the world. While the importance of as Chery and Geely. The price war in the Chinese
Chinese automobile market increases, especially at automobile market forces every manufacturer to
the time when the automakers worldwide are pay special attention to the cost control.
heavily beat by the financial crisis, the competition According to several research findings, among all
pressure in this market also increases sharply. the factors, design has the largest influence on cost
Chinese automobile market has several unique and 70%- 80% of the product cost is determined
characteristics rarely found in other markets and during the design stage [1]. However, little
among them the huge number of automobile attention is paid to reducing cost at the design stage
companies is the most prominent one. Unlike in China. One reason is that there were few original
European Union, United States and Japan which designs in the Chinese automobile industry before.
have less than 15 major automakers, China has Since the prevailing joint-ventures preferred
over 80 automobile groups in 2006 according to the introducing matured automobile models from their
statistics of National Development and Reform overseas headquarters, the new products design
Commission of China. Another remarkable feature were not respected in the past. Another reason is
that the domestic automotive companies adhered to keeping the quality; motivating all the employees
the traditional cost concept and concentrated on the to participate the activities of target costing.
manufacturing process.

But the situation is gradually changing after the III. PROPOSED METHOD
Chinese government starts to encourage the
independent innovation rather than introducing The lack of effective method has limited the
existing technology. More and more Chinese application of controlling cost through design in
domestic automakers are involved in the new China. Therefore, this research proposes a method
product develop process, and even the joint- for automobile cost reduction during the design
ventures are observed to put more resources in the stage. Automobile in the Chinese market includes
design in China. However, the long period business vehicle and passenger vehicle, the latter
disregard has affected the research on the cost further comprise sedan, Multi-Purpose Vehicle
control during design stage. There is no effective (MPV) and Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV). To
tool to estimate the product cost and no method to simplify the study, the automobile in this study
implement the cost reduction while designing. focuses on the sedan only. The structure of the
method is shown in Figure 1.
Since the cost data are confidential, almost no
company is willing to share them with researchers
outside the company. The inaccessibility to the cost
information holds back the research on product cost
estimation and cost control. However, though
product cost data are unavailable, the retail prices,
which are the summation of costs, profits and so
on, can reveal some implications about them. By
introducing the Dephi method, the product cost
ratio of automobile can be estimated with a panel
of automotive market experts. Therefore, the
product cost can then be calculated backward from
the retail price. Then the specifications of
automobiles can be retrieved though the Internet.
These automobiles have design attribute with
Figure 1. The structure of proposed method
several possible values. For each of these values,
the mean value, standard deviation and probability A. Data Retrieval
distribution of the automobile costs are studied.
Then the designers can compare different designs The difficulty for automobile cost study exists in
to work out which design is better for cost control. the inaccessibility to the cost data directly since
After the design plan is fixed, the Tear Down they are confidential information. However, the
technique which is widely used by the Japanese cost can be estimated by analyzing the retail price
automakers is employed to reduce the product cost. which has a close relation with it. The data
concerning the automobile’s parameters and retail
II. REVIEW OF COST ESTIMATION AND prices are collected from a major Chinese
COST CONTROL METHOD automobile website–Cheshi (www.cheshi.com),
which has the complete, comprehensive, daily
Cost estimation approaches can be generally updated database. Therefore, it becomes the main
classified into two categories: qualitative data source in this study.
approaches and quantitative approaches [2].
Qualitative methods can accommodate various The cost studied in this paper is restricted in the
situations for its high flexibility [3]. Quantitative scope of product cost, which is defined as the cost
approaches need detailed design information and needed to manufacture an automobile. Thus,
not suitable for complicated products like marketing or sales cost is not taken into account.
automobile [4]. Therefore qualitative methods can For this reason, gross profit margin can not be used
better adapt to cost estimation at the automobile and the concept of product cost ratio is introduced
design stage. to correlate product cost with its retail price. The
product cost ratio is defined in following formula.
Target costing is the most widely used cost control Retail price = Product cost*(1+ Product cost ratio)
method for product design [5]. According to (1)
Moden [6], the two objects of target costing system
are: reducing the product cost during design while
B. Cost Estimation with Delphi Method

Delphi method is developed by Rand Corporation.

The Delphi method [7] is a kind of method that
carried out among a panel of geographically
dispersed experts. Although these experts are
separated, they can communicate with each other
anonymously through the “facilitator” who is in
charge of sending out the questionnaires to the
experts, collecting the answers and analyzing them,
offering feedbacks to the experts to refine their Figure 2. The process of Tear Down technique
work. There may be several rounds of “ask and
answer” before a stable analysis could be
conducted. This technique allows experts to deal IV. APPLICATION IN AN AUTOMOBILE
systematically with a complex problem or task and COMPANY
it can overcome the disadvantages of conventional
committee action. The method proposed in this study can be
implemented during design stage. It offers the
C. Statistical Analysis of the Automobile Cost designers a tool to evaluate different designs and
choose the cost saving one.
When all the cost data and specifications are H company is a private automaker in China whose
obtained, the cost data will be sorted according to products are mainly economical sedans with
different values of the attribute to be studied. For relatively low prices. In order to enter the middle-
instance, if the designer wants to study how the end market, H is developing a new sedan and the
front suspension will affect the product cost, he can method in this study is employed to analyse the
classify the automobiles into several categories on cost consequences of different designs.
their front suspension type. Then the mean value After collecting prices and specifications of
and standard deviation of each category is automobiles from the website, eight experts are
calculated. The histogram for product cost is also chosen to form a panel for estimating the product
plotted to demonstrate the characteristic of each cost ratio of automakers. In order to increase the
category. The probability distribution is judged estimation precision, in the second round, extra
from the histogram and hypothesis testing is carried information besides the answers of first round is
out to prove whether the distribution assumption is offered to aid their judgments. Such extra
correct or not. Then the different designs’ information, which includes the profiles of the
probability to reduce the cost to a predetermined companies, their production capacities, market
value can be calculated. Such statistical shares, government policies and so on, is all
information can help the designer choose the gathered through public sources like company’s
attribute value which is better for the cost annual report, newspaper and website. After 5
reduction. rounds, the replies stabilize to the pre-set level.
With the product cost ratio, the product cost of
D. Tear Down technique for cost reduction each kind of sedan can then be easily calculated
backward with the equation (1). In this study, the
Tear Down technique is a kind of Value front suspension is taken as an example to show
Engineering (VE) technology developed by the how statistical and Tear Down technique is used to
Yoshihiko Sato of the ISUZU automobile company control product cost. The designer put forward two
of Japan [8]. Tear Down technique originates from choices for the front suspension - MacPherson Strut
VE and develops in the context of Japanese and double wishbone suspension. The product costs
automobile industry. It is similar to Bench Marking of sedans in the market with these two front
(BM) but more detailed and practical than BM. The suspensions are analysed with mean values,
philosophy of Tear Down technique is to compare standard deviation and histogram. The mean value
every detail of product/design with that of the of product costs with double wishbone suspension
competitors, find the differences and thereby is 24.38, and the standard deviation is 5.72. On the
improve the product/design. The process of Tear other hand, the mean value of product costs with
Down method is illustrated in Figure 2. Tear Down MacPherson Strut is 17.45, and the standard
technique is widely adopted by the Japanese deviation is 7.1. The shape of the probability
automobile industry and it is one of the most useful distribution for product costs with MacPherson
tools to help Japanese automakers to reduce cost Strut is similar to that of a Uniform distribution,
and keep profitable. while the shape of the probability distribution for
product costs with double wishbone suspension is
similar to that of a Normal distribution. However,
since the target cost of the new sedan is below 10,
there is no need for further study of the two automobile. It overcomes the drawbacks caused by
probability distributions. It can be inferred from the the confidentiality of cost data and employs the
figures that MacPherson Strut has larger data from website and Delphi method to estimate
probability to realize the design target. But for the product cost. Then the different designs are
those designs whose probability to reduce cost is evaluated with the statistical method. The design
not so obvious, the probability density funcion can which has larger probability to reduce the product
not be skipped over. cost is thereby chosen. To realize the cost reduction
Then the Tear Down technique is applied to the target, the Tear Down technique is employed. In
MacPherson Strut suspension and it is broken up future study, the Quality Function Deployment
into over 55 components. Four competitors’ sedans (QFD) should be introduced into the statistical
are chosen to compare with H’s products. Those analysis and the balance between the cost and
competitors have lower cost than H’s target cost. quality should also be considered.
Each component is compared in material, weight,
manufacturing process, quality and so on. The ACKNOWLEDGMENT
reasons for the differences are listed out and the
corresponding measures are taken. This method is The authors gratefully acknowledge the editors and
proven to be a success in H company and reduces the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
over 7% of the product cost compared with original comments and suggestions. This research is
target cost. supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC) under the project

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Figure 3. Histogram for double wishbone suspension
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Figure 4. Histogram for MacPherson Strut


This study proposes a cost reduction method which

can be implemented at the design stage of

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