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B.Tech II Year I Semester Examinations, November/December - 2017
(Common to CSE, IT)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.

Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A.
Part B consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit.
Each question carries 10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.

(25 Marks)
1.a) Differentiate between print() and println() methods in Java. [2]
b) What are symbolic constants? Explain with examples. [3]
c) What are the methods available in the character streams? [2]
d) What is the significance of the CLASSPATH environment variable in
creating/using a package? [3]
e) What is the difference between error and an exception? [2]
f) What is synchronization and why is it important? [3]
g) What is the significance of Legacy class? Give example. [2]
h) What is the purpose of String Tokenizer class? Explain. [3]
i) What are the differences between JToggle buttion and Radio buttion? [2]
j) What is an adapter class? Explain with an example. [3]

(50 Marks)
2.a) What is meant by byte code? Briefly explain how Java is platform independent.
b) Explain the significance of public, protected and private access specifiers in
inheritance. [5+5]
3.a) Explain different parts of a Java program with an appropriate example.
b) How does polymorphism promote extensibility? Explain with example. [5+5]

4.a) Explain the process of defining and creating a package with suitable examples.
b) Give an example where interface can be used to support multiple inheritance.
5.a) What is the accessibility of a public method or field inside a nonpublic class or
interface? Explain.
b) Describe the process of importing and accessing a package with suitable
examples. [5+5]

6.a) Differentiate between Checked and UnChecked Exceptions with examples.
b) Write a program to create four threads using Runnable interface. [5+5]
7.a) What are the different ways to handle exceptions? Explain.
b) How many ways are possible in java to create multiple threaded programs?
Discuss the differences between them. [5+5]

8.a) Differentiate between ArrayList and a Vector? Why ArrayList is faster than
Vector? Explain.
b) How an Hashtable can change the iterator? Explain. [5+5]
9.a) Explain the Bit Set and Calander classes in detail.
b) Discuss the differences between HashList and HashMap, Set and List. [5+5]

10.a) List and explain different types of Layout managers with suitable examples.
b) How to move/drag a component placed in Swing Container? Explain. [5+5]
11.a) Discuss about different applet display methods in brief.
b) What are the various components of Swing? Explain. [5+5]



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