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AHK/KW/19/4297: CC-5234 1 (Contd.)

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Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Commercial Application (P.G.D.C.C.A.) Semester—II

(CBCS) Examination
Compulsory Paper—2
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
N.B. :— (1) Each question carries 2 marks.
(2) Answers should not be more than 5 lines.
1. (a) What is JVM ?
(b) List any two advantages of Java.
(c) Define Method in Java.
(d) What is constructor ?
(e) Define thread.
(f) What are the types of errors in Java ?
(g) Define Applet.
(h) Define awt package. 8×2=16
N.B. :— (1) Each question carries 3 marks.
(2) Answers should not be more than 10 lines.
2. (a) What is scope of variables ?
(b) Explain the main methods in Java.
(c) What are static class members ?
(d) Differentiate overloading and overriding.
(e) How to create package ?
(f) What is the use of finally statement ? Write down its syntax and example.
(g) What is param tag ? Give an example.
(h) What is random access file ? 8×3=24
N.B. :— (1) Each question carries 5 or 10 marks.
(2) Answers should not be more than 400 words for 5 marks questions and 600 words
for 10 marks questions.
3. (a) Write a note on Java Environment. 5
(b) What is type casting ? Explain with suitable example. 5
(c) Explain all the features of Java in detail. 10

CC—5234 1 (Contd.)
4. (a) Explain the class and object with example. 5
(b) Explain the method overloading with example. 5
(c) Define Interface. How can we implement multiple interfaces in single class ? Give an example.
5. (a) How do we design a package ? Explain in detail. 5
(b) Discuss Thread priority in detail. 5
(c) What is exception ? Discuss the syntax of exception handling with example. 10
6. (a) What is applet tag ? Explain with example. 5
(b) What is stream ? Explain different types of stream classes. 5
(c) How to pass parameter to applet ? Explain with example. 10

CC—5234 2 AHK/KW/19/4297

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