Loa Awmun
Loa Awmun
Loa Awmun
We are proud to inform you that you have been selected as a delegate in Asia World Model
United Nations (AWMUN) III in Bali, Republic of Indonesia, on November 13th – 16th, 2019.
We are pleased to accept and invite you with detailed contact as follows:
Here are some important things that the participant should pay special attention to:
1. Each participant will be responsible for his/her visa (if required) and flight trip to and
from Bali, Indonesia.
2. The committee provides two types of accommodations for the participants during the
event as follows.
3. Before departure, please ensure that you have packed items listed below with you,
as it is mandatory for all participants to re-register in the registration day. The items
a. Valid Passport
b. Flight ticket
c. Visa (if required)
Along with the mandatory items, please do not forget to pack appropriate attires suitable for
the activities that will be conducted during the event and personal medicine. In accordance
with the event, we would like to inform you that it is illegal to bring drugs into the Republic of
Indonesia as it is considered as a high crime and death penalty will be charged. It is also
prohibited to smoke in the Republic of Indonesia during the event. Please do your survey
before your departure to avoid any difficulties or you can refer to our website regarding what
you should do and not.
As for the payment, participants are required to transfer their chosen package fee:
a. Full Accommodation : USD 400
b. Non Accommodation : USD 340
Fulfilling the payment is considered as agreeing to the terms and conditions, and failure to
fulfil the payment will cause a cancellation in the participation in AWMUN III.
All participants must attach a scanned valid passport, visa and flight ticket (arrival and
departure) and send the mentioned documents to our email hello@awmun.org before
November 5th, 2019. Thank you in advance for your kind attention and cooperation. Looking
forward to meeting you and see you in Bali.
Hilda Annisa
Project Manager
Asia World MUN III
Terms and Conditions
1. Eligibility
a. Asia World Model United Nations welcomes youth between the age of 17 to 25 years
old from any country who wish to have experience in Model UN or have high interest
in global affairs to be the delegates of Asia World Model United Nations.
b. All delegates must be enrolled in High School/University, High School/University
graduates, enrolled in International Organizations/Institutions/Companies, or
representatives from High School or College.
c. All delegates should choose a maximum of 3 goals preferences and 3 country
d. All matters regarding country allocation and council preference will be arranged
based on the decision of the committee.
2. Registration Mechanism
a. Registration is opened for full accommodation and non-accommodation.
b. The Assessment for single delegates council allocation based on Motivation letter
and Experience.
3. Cancellation Policy
a. For cancellation due to sickness, death, natural disasters, or conflict, the delegates
will be given a 100% refund maximum 60 days before the event.
b. For cancellation due to visa rejection, the delegates will be granted a 100% refund.
The delegates should inform the committee approximately 45 days before the event.
c. The fee will not be refundable if the selected delegate cancels his/her participation
due to reasons other than the conditions mentioned above.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Delegates will be charged for all the fees for international
4. Visa
a. Upon request, successful registrants will be issued a Letter of Invitation from Asia
World Model United Nations (AWMUN) III stating the status of their participation at
Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) III after the background check.
Registrants may use the Letter of Invitation in their visa acquisition process.
b. Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) III will not provide visa and is not
responsible for any participant’s visa into the Republic of Indonesia. All fees are non-
refundable, and it is the participant’s responsibility to secure the necessary
documentation to enter the Republic of Indonesia. Asia World Model United Nations
(AWMUN) III will not issue refunds for delegates who are unable to secure a visa.
6. Code of Conduct
a. Registrants hereby certify by completing the registration process that all
information submitted is truthful and accurate. The registrants understand that
falsification of any information provided will disqualify them from participation in
Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) III and the Asia World Model United
Nations (AWMUN) III activities and falsification of information or impersonation
may result in legal actions.
b. Participants agree that all materials produced for this conference will be original
work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated at Asia World Model United Nations
(AWMUN) III, and should the Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) III
Committee discover instances of plagiarism, the individual will be disqualified from
the conference without refund.
c. Participants are expected and obliged to obey the laws of the Republic of
Indonesia while participating in Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) III.
Participants are personally responsible for all charges and damage to the facilities
of the conference and social event venues.
d. Participants understand the full assumption of risks and acknowledge that Asia
World Model United Nations (AWMUN) III and its committee, elected
representatives and employees, do not assume any responsibility for the conduct
and activities of the participants.
e. Participants agree to accept and abide by the Code of Conduct published in the
Conference Handbook and decided by the Asia World Model United Nations
(AWMUN) III Secretary-General.