Engine Cooling
Engine Cooling
Engine Cooling
Abstract - Cooling system plays an important role to parts will burn and may result into seizing or welding
control the temperature of the engine. The of the same.
overheating of the engine can be prevented by using
an efficient cooling system and assists the vehicle So for the engine to work more efficiently
running at its optimal performance. The failure of the temperature must be reduced to about 140-200°C.
cooling system component results in overheating of Too much cooling will tend to reduce the thermal
an engine. This paper presents the study conducted to efficiency of the engine so, the objective of the
find out the causes of engine overheating because of cooling system is to keep the engine cool and
cooling system failure through Pareto analysis, cause maintain it in it in most efficient operating
and effect diagram is prepared to classify the causes temperature.
into sub causes and the thermal analysis of the
cylinder liner is done using Ansys two different When it is cold It has been noted that the engine is
materials gray cast iron and aluminium alloy 6061 quite inefficient and hence the cooling system is
were used. designed in a manner to prevent cooling when the
engine is warming up and till it attains to maximum
Keywords- Cooling system, cylinder liner, Engine operating temperature, then it starts cooling.
overheating, Thermal analysis, Pareto analysis
Pareto analysis is a statistical technique in decision
I. INTRODUCTION making that is used for the selection of a limited
number of tasks that produce significant overall
Although engines have improved a lot, they effect. It is one of the most commonly used, and easy
are still not very efficient at turning chemical energy to implement method [8]. The results of a Pareto
into mechanical power. Most of the energy in the analysis are typically represented through a Pareto
gasoline (perhaps 70%) is converted into heat, and it chart. The chart represents the various factors under
is the job of the cooling system to take care of that consideration in ranked order. The presentation of
heat. The primary job of the cooling system is to keep this chart is in the form of a bar graph in descending
the engine from overheating by transferring this heat order and helps to predict easily which factors are
to the air, but the cooling system also has several vital few by providing a clear indicator through
other important jobs [5]. superimposing a line graph that cuts an 80 percent
cumulative percentage and also helps in determining
In the case of Internal Combustion engines, those factors which have least amount of benefits and
combustion of fuel and air takes place inside the vice-versa. In this paper the data collected regarding
cylinder of the engine and hot gases are generated. the causes of engine overheating are studied and
The temperature of the gases generated will be critical causes were identified using pareto analysis.
around 2300-2500°C. This is a very high temperature it helps to identify different defects and classify them
because of which the oil film between the moving according to their significance.
There are mainly two types of cooling systems : Air Fig 2.2.1 Components of water cooling system
cooled system, and Water cooled system.
ANSYS is general-purpose finite element The Required data is taken for the Analysis:
analysis (FEA) software package. Finite Element
Analysis is a numerical method of deconstructing a
complex system into very small pieces (of user Table 4.1 materials for analysis
designated size) called elements. The software
implements equations that govern the behavior of
these elements and solves them all; creating a
comprehensive explanation of how the system acts as
a whole. These results then can be presented in
tabulated or graphical forms. This type of analysis is 1 LINER Gray Cast
typically used for the design and optimization of a Iron
system far too complex to analyze by hand.
2 LINER Aluminium
Bounding Box
Length X 108.97 mm
Length Y 108.97 mm
Length Z 203.2 mm
1.9905e+005 mm³
Mass 1.5625 kg
Generate Mesh
Meshing is done by using size controls command of Temperatures Inside liner=700ºc Outside liner=40ºc
lines, the line of specimen is divided to get a good Fig 4.2 total heat flux of aluminium cylinder liner
mesh. After that mesh area is selected as shown.
Bounding Box
Length X 108.97 mm
Length Y 108.97 mm
Length Z 203.2 mm
Mass 0. kg
Fig 4.1 Meshed model of aluminium cylinder liner
10 100%
9 90%
8 80%
7 70%
6 60%
5 50%
4 40%
3 30%
2 20%
1 10%
0 0%
Coolant Radiator Fan Gasket water
Fig 4.3 Meshed model of gray cast iron cylinder pump
Fig 5.1 pareto analysis
2 Radiator 28%
3 Fan 20%
[1] Prof. J.A. Doshi, J.D. Kamdar, Prof. S.Y. Jani, Prof. S. J.
Chaudhary / “ Root Cause Analysis Using Ishikawa Diagram For
Reducing Radiator Rejection” International Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 6, November- December 2012,