A Low Noise Readout Detector Circuit For Nanoampere Sensor Applications
A Low Noise Readout Detector Circuit For Nanoampere Sensor Applications
A Low Noise Readout Detector Circuit For Nanoampere Sensor Applications
Abstract—A readout detector IC has been developed which is and have a background illumination as large as 10 A. One
capable of detecting nanoampere photo-current signals of interest way to remove the background signal is to integrate the output
in a high (microampere) background illumination or dc noise
level (SNR = 80 dB). The readout detector sensor IC processes
signal and feed it back to the input [1]. For an array of 1024
transient signals of interest from a separate photo-diode pixel pixels, 32 signal processors must fit on one chip and consume
array chip. Low noise signal conditioning, filtering, and signal less than 62.5 mW. The chip must also operate in a satellite
thresholding implement smart sensor detection of only “active radiation environment.
pixels.” This detector circuit can also be used to perform signal
conditioning for other sensor applications that require detection
of very small signals in a high background noise environment. II. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
Index Terms— Detectors, image sensors, integrated circuit Many array-based sensing systems impose constraints on the
noise, intelligent sensors, photodiodes, switched-capacitor design and implementation of the readout detector electronics
such as low noise and low power operation [2]. In our
satellite-based sensor system we faced the following technical
I. INTRODUCTION challenges in the design of the readout detector electronics:
1) input referred noise less than or equal to the photo-diode
B IOLOGICAL image systems demonstrate that image pro-
cessing can be done very efficiently if raw pixel in-
formation is processed in parallel to extract only relevant
shot noise in the hundreds of picoampere range;
2) on-chip 100 Hz to 20 kHz band pass filtering of photo-
information. This parallel preprocessing dramatically reduces diode signal;
the amount of information that the central processing unit 3) ability to adjust and disable the low frequency (100 Hz,
(CPU) has to process. Even with the relatively low bandwidths 200 Hz, 300 Hz, etc.) high pass pole;
of biological hardware, they are much faster than the inherently 4) hold the dc background signal (static background image
serial computation of most digital computers. Reducing the subtraction) for several seconds.
amount of information sent to the CPU also reduces the power Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of a single pixel readout
consumed by the pad drivers and makes it easier to keep detector circuit. A transimpedance amplifier (TIA) converts
digital switching noise off the sensitive analog pre-amplifiers. the photo-diode current to voltage which then goes through a
The application of the image processor dictates the relevant gain stage also used as a low-pass filter. Its bias current is set to
information to be collected and processed. Image processing produce a 3-dB 20-kHz roll-off. Next, dc and low frequency
pertaining to edge extraction, motion sensing, texture, or ( 100 Hz) noise components of the signal are removed by a
intensity changes is usually concerned with only one or switched-capacitor integrator (background subtractor circuit)
two criteria. For example, fingerprint analysis could ignore feeding back to the input of the transimpedance amplifier
motion, temporal intensity changes, and average intensity. through resistors . Finally, an auto-zeroed comparator with
Missile tracking can be done without trying to figure out an adjustable trigger level detects signals of interest. Tripping
what shape the target is. Paint job inspection may only be the comparator turns off the clock to the background subtract
interested in texture, and locating lightning strikes might only circuit, causing it to hold its present value. This permits an
pay attention to temporal changes in intensity. In our satellite ADC to digitize data from this activated pixel. Note that the
communications application, we need to constantly monitor integrator will not alias signals being fed to the ADC because
pixels for flashes of light which have significant energy in the the switched capacitor integrator clock has been disabled by
100 Hz to 20 kHz bandwidth. When such a signal is detected, the comparator. Since the clock turns off when a signal trips
the data from that pixel is amplified, low pass filtered, and the comparator, there are two transfer functions for input
routed to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for processing signals. The background signals ( 100 Hz) see a sampled
by the CPU. The signals of interest may be as small as 1 nA data system while the transient signals pass through only
continuous circuits. The transfer function from the photo-diode
Manuscript received August 15, 1996; revised November 6, 1996. to the comparator input for background signals below the
D. C. Thelen, Jr. is with Microelectronics Research Center, University of Nyquist rate is
New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87106 USA.
D. D. Chu is with Custom Microcircuits & Nonvolatile Memories, Sandia
National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185-1074 USA. (1)
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(97)01288-2.
Notice that the pole is inside the unit circle (therefore the loop and ground, then buffer the resulting voltage. In practice, this
is stable) when . There is a is not done because parasitic capacitance can cause low pass
zero at dc which removes the background illumination filtering of the input current. One remedy is to place a current
and flicker noise from the transimpedance amplifier below buffer between the photo diode and the resistor to keep the
100 Hz. Simulated background subtraction is shown in Fig. 2 input resistance low, thereby pushing the parasitic pole up in
when the input is a current ramp. The response of an equivalent frequency [3].
circuit loop using a continuous time integrator having the A current buffer TIA is shown in Fig. 3. Input current
same time constant as our sampled system is shown for enters the buffer at the source of the cascode transistor MP3.
comparison. The input resistance seen by the current is approximately
Once the clock stops, transient signals are simply low passed . Since the drain current of a MOSFET equals the
by the transimpedance amplifier output buffer source current, the input current flows to the drain of MN1
and the output resistors (RL). The current in the pull downs
(2) MN3 and MN4 is controlled by the common-mode feedback
amplifier (CMF). For the single-ended input current, the cur-
The gain stage is set at k , rent from the drain of MP3 splits so half goes through the
and the unity gain frequency of the integrator is set to 10 Hz output resistor and half through MN3. The noise analysis in
by using a 16 pF to 1 pF capacitor ratio with a 1 kHz Section V shows the superiority of this circuit over an op-
sampling clock. This sets the high pass pole of the overall amp-based transimpedance amplifier given our constraints on
loop to 100 Hz. The 1 kHz clock was chosen to keep the power consumption and area.
switched capacitor ratios small and is skewed to a 99% duty Fig. 4 shows a small signal model of the TIA. Although
cycle to maximize the time that the circuit looks for signals the signal path for the current buffer driving a resistor does
of interest. All circuits are differential for better rejection of not include a feedback loop, the common-mode feedback
power supply noise, but the input signal is single ended, so two loop still requires a stability analysis. Moreover, since the
conversions are necessary. The transimpedance amplifier must input is single-ended, the common-mode feedback ampli-
convert its single-ended input to a differential output, and the fier needs to have high gain as shown by the dc transfer
integrator should supply a single-ended background canceling function of common-mode voltage to single-ended input cur-
current through the feedback resistors. This is accomplished by rent
connecting the common-mode feedback amplifier of the actual
integrator used, shown in Fig. 5, so there is no voltage across
the feedback resistor connected to the negative TIA input. The
common-mode feedback amplifier in the TIA performs the
required single-ended-to-differential conversion.
where and are the output impedance of the n-channel
and p-channel cascode current mirrors, respectively, is the
III. TRANSIMPEDANCE AMPLIFIER DESIGN transconductance of MN3 and MN4, and is the common-
The most simple way of converting photo-diode current to mode feedback amplifier gain. If we assume that the cascode
a voltage is to connect a resistor between the photo diode current mirror output impedances are very large, this equation
simplifies to create a dominant pole. The small signal model is the familiar
two-stage operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) model
(4) [4]. To maintain stability, where is the
capacitance on the transimpedance amplifier outputs, and
is the transconductance of the CMFB amplifier differential
Therefore, the common-mode feedback amplifier gain and
pair. Buffered compensation is used to avoid the right half
n-channel current mirror transconductance must be large to
plane zero.
maintain a small common-mode voltage on the output when
the input is a single-ended current. There are two tradeoffs
which must be considered when minimizing the common- IV. SWITCHED-CAPACITOR INTEGRATOR DESIGN
mode output voltage. First, we will show in Section V that The integrator was realized as a switched capacitor circuit
it is desirable to keep as small as possible to minimize because the 10 ms time constant was too long for RC or
the input referred thermal noise of the buffer. Second, the transconductor C topologies. The desired time constant was
common-mode feedback loop will have very high gain because realized by using a 1 kHz sample clock and a 16 : 1 capac-
the cascode amplifier will add between 60–80 dB of gain to the itor ratio. Since the signals coming into the integrator are
common-mode feedback amplifier. To stabilize this high-gain bandlimited to 20 kHz, and the sample clock is only 1 kHz,
feedback loop, compensation capacitors are fed back around we have to address aliasing of both signals and noise. Signal
the cascode gain stages making use of the Miller effect to current can be divided into two parts. There is a slowly varying
Fig. 6. Alternative switched-capacitor integrator switch configurations.
the op-amp input. There are four different ways to arrange the will remove the common-mode input signal from the op-amp
switches for a simple integrator as shown in Fig. 6. when parasitic capacitors are ignored.
When evaluating these configurations to see which removes
the common-mode component best, it helps to connect both
inputs to signal ground, and model the op-amp as a capacitor V. THERMAL NOISE
to ground as shown in Fig. 7. This simplification assumes Thermal noise comes from four main places in this circuit;
that the op-amp has infinite gain, and therefore, the inputs the 400 k resistors, the op-amps, the transimpedance ampli-
are constrained to be the same voltage, and that the outputs fier, and the switches in the integrator. With the clocks stopped,
of the integrator are not moving so the integrating capacitors there is a continuous transfer function from each of these noise
appear to go to ground. sources to the loop output. The most significant sources of
In the arrangement of Fig. 7(a), the input capacitors, , noise are from the op-amps and the transimpedance amplifier.
are charged to 0 V on phase 1 and must share charge with When the clocks are running, there are still continuous transfer
the integrating capacitors, , on phase 2. After several clock functions from each of the noise sources to the output for
cycles, the common-mode charge on the integrating capacitors both phases of the clock, and the noise on the integrator input
will be dissipated. In the arrangement of Fig. 7(b), the input capacitors gets sampled and held. Impulse sampling of noise
capacitors are initialized to zero on phase 1, but on phase 2 (whose bandwidth is 20 kHz or more) with a 1 kHz clock
the voltage on the left side of the input capacitors becomes results in images of the noise centered at the harmonics of the
the same as the initial voltage on the integrating capacitors clock, with severe aliasing. If the power spectral density of
and no charge transfers. In the scheme of Fig. 7(c), the the presampled noise is white, except for band limiting, the
voltage on the input capacitors cannot be determined during number of overlapping noise images in the frequency range
phase 1, but the two voltages are equal. On phase 2, charge is given in [7] as
transfers until the voltage on the input capacitors becomes the
same as the voltage on the integrating capacitors. No more
charge transfers on successive clocks. The charge on the input
capacitors cannot be determined during phase 1 for the scheme
of Fig. 7(d), and no charge transfers on phase 2 because the where is the bandwidth of the presampled noise, and
left side of the input capacitors floats to the sum of the two is the sample frequency. When is an integer multiple
capacitor voltages. Therefore, scheme (a) is the only one which of , or when , the total noise in the frequency
Fig. 9. FFT of simulated output noise due to op-amps with clock running.
Fig. 10. Simulated output noise due to all sources with clock running.
Fig. 11. FFT of simulated output noise due to all sources with clock running.
Fig. 12. Simulated output noise due to all sources with clock stopped.
Fig. 13. FFT of simulated output noise due to all sources with clock stopped.
range is
This system has a duty cycle very close to one and a ratio
of noise bandwidth to sample frequency of about 500 for the
integrator op-amp. The output is therefore expected to have a
noise component which is relatively flat up to 20 kHz, a lobe of
aliased noise below 1 kHz, and possibly higher frequency lobes
if they are above the white noise floor. Transient simulations
of the loop were performed on Saber, followed by an FFT to
examine the frequency content of the output. The op-amps
were modeled as single pole, finite gain amplifiers with a
noisy resistor at the input. The switches were modeled as ideal
Fig. 14. Die photo of the four pixel readout detector test chip.
digitally controlled switches with a series noisy resistor. No
flicker noise was added to the models. A plot of the gain stage
output when only the op-amp noise is turned on is shown The output of the gain stage is plotted in Fig. 10 for all the
in Fig. 8. The sampled noise is clearly superimposed on the noise sources turned on. The FFT of this wave form is shown
continuous noise. The FFT of this simulation output is shown in Fig. 11. It is harder to see the higher frequency lobes of the
in Fig. 9. The first three lobes of the attenuation of the sampled-and-held noise with the increased broadband noise
aliased noise are visible along with the broad band component. level.
The output of the gain stage with all noise sources turned interconnect onto sensitive nodes such as the transimpedance
on and the clocks turned off is shown in Figs. 12 and 13. With amplifier input. Capacitive coupling from parallel and overlap-
the sampled-and-held noise missing, the noise power spectral ping interconnect were avoided by careful layout and shielding
density is relatively flat. of sensitive nodes. Differential circuits were also used to reject
The input referred current noise of the transimpedance cross talk through the power supplies. A separate power supply
amplifier (Fig. 3) is dominated by the mean square sum of connected only to the substrate keeps voltage drops on the
the current noise in transistors MP1, MP2, MN3, and MN4. main supply lines from modulating the substrate and causing
Thermal noise current is proportional to , so the drain cross talk. Because the input pads are low impedance, the
current and the of these transistors must be made small voltage swings will be small, and minimal coupling between
to minimize thermal noise. To minimize the flicker noise, the neighboring pixels will occur. A “dummy” pad was connected
channel lengths of MP1, MP2, MN3, and MN4 must be made to the unused input of the transimpedance amplifier. This was
long and their drain currents small. Therefore, optimizing noise done to allow for common-mode noise cancellation at the input
performance also complements our efforts to minimize area pads caused by noise from the substrate coupled through the
and power consumption to fit 32 channels on a chip. However, pad metal and electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection device
there is a tradeoff with having too small of a bias current in diodes.
the buffer. If the input current coming out of INP exceeds the
bias current supplied from MP1, the input current signal will VII. OFFSETS, LEAKAGE, CHARGE
be clipped. We also want to have the input impedance of the INJECTION, AND NONLINEARITY
current buffer be low, but we cannot have a large bias current Close attention was paid to the cell and chip layout using
to accomplish this. A small input impedance can be obtained matched and common centroid layout techniques to reduce in-
by increasing the of transistor MP3 by making its put offsets. The ability to hold the background level for several
large. In our application, the input current is unidirectional (we seconds was achieved by using a differential integrator. While
expect pulses of light, not darkness) so the input stage can the integrator is holding the background current, any leakage
actually be used in a class AB fashion. Note that the current current on the switches between the sampling capacitor and the
coming into the INP pin increases the of MP3 and can be op-amp will be seen as a common mode signal, and rejected by
much larger than the bias current without causing clipping. the common-mode feedback circuit. Charge injection was also
reduced to a common-mode signal by using delayed clocks on
VI. CORRELATED NOISE switches where the gate-to-source voltage is signal dependent
Signals from neighboring circuits can couple through the [8]. In the integrator, only the switches connected to the input
power supplies, the substrate, and from parallel or overlapping cause signal-dependent charge injection.
Fig. 16. Comparator and 10 2 gain stage outputs for a 6-nA input step. Fig. 17. Integrator output with a 18-nA 50-kHz triangle wave input.