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Cell Structure and Function - Output

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NOTES 20.8.18

CELL- It is the basic structure and functional unit of life and are also called as building
blocks of our body.
DISCOVERY OF THE CELL- Robert Hooke in 1665 observed slice of cork under a
microscope. He observed a number of tiny compartments that appeared like a honeycomb. He
coined the term ‘cell’ for each compartment. He did not know the real structure of function
because the cell that he observed was actually dead cells of the cork.
Schleiden and Schwann – Two German biologists presented the theory of life in 1838. The
cell theory states that
1. All living things are made up of cell.
2. All cells are similar in their basic structure but are not identical they differ in size and
3. New cells are formed due to the division in old cell.
4. The organisation of cell in the body of living organism determine it structure.
5. The way an organism function depend on the way cell work.


Cell Size
1. Egg of an ostrich Largest cell in the world measuring
170mm x130mm
2. RBC Smallest cell in the human body
3. PPLO(pleuro pneumonia like Smallest cell in the world( 0.1 to 0.5 mm)
4. Ovule of cycas Largest cell found in plant
VARIATION IN SHAPE- The cells have different shapes which varies from organism to
organism .The variation in shape are in the following:
1. The spherical shape of RBC provide more surface for the absorption of oxygen.

2. Nerve cell are long and branched .Their shape helps to transmit message quickly
in the form of electrical signal over long distance from one part of body to

NOTE : The nerve cell cannot repair themselves once it is damage that is why brain
injury is very serious.

3. Skin cells are thin, flat and rectangular and with no intercellular space between
them .This enables them to transmit message quickly in the skin cell and to act as
a protective covering.
On the basis of the number, the cells are classified as unicellular and multicellular organism.

a) UNICELLULAR CELL: Amoeba yeast and bacteria consisting of single

cell are called unicellular organism.

b) MULTICELLULAR CELL: The organisms which consist more than one

cell are termed as multicellular organisms.Ex-tree,human beings,animals etc.
On the basis of the presence of nuclear organisation ,the cells are classified as:

The cells of some organisms lack a well defined nucleus. They contain genetic material
floating in the cytoplasm. The cells that lack a well defined nucleus surrounded by a nuclear
membrane are called prokaryotic cells. The organisms are called prokaryotes. Ex-blue green
algae and bacteria.

EUKARYOTIC CELL: The cells that have a well defined nucleus with nuclear membrane
are called Eukaryotes .Ex: All the organisms apart from bacteria and viruses and blue green

Structure of a cell
The basic components of cell are cytoplasm, cell membrane, nucleus and organelles.

Cell membrane

• The thin outer layer of the cell is called the cell membrane or the plasma membrane.
• It separates the cell and its contents from the surroundings.
• It protects the inner cell contents.
• It protects the cell and gives it a shape.
• It is selectively permeable and allows water, minerals and other necessary substances
to pass through it.
• It controls the substances, which passes in and out of the cell.
• It is present in both plant and animal cell.

Cell Wall

• Cell wall is present only in plant cells.

• It is an additional wall outside the cell membrane.
• It is thick wall made up of cellulose.
• The cell wall gives shape to the plant cell, offer protection and provide rigidity to the
• The cell wall is important for plants since they do not have a skeleton for support and
protection, nor they can move to escape environmental stress.


• The cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that makes up most of the inside of the cell.
• The cytoplasm has the nucleus and various other cellular components within it.These
components are called cell organelles.


• The nucleus is a spherical body present inside the cell. It is the control centre of the
• The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane and the liquid present inside is
called nucleoplasm.
• The nucleus and the cytoplasm together make the protoplasm.
• A smaller spherical structure present inside the nucleus, called Nucleolus which plays
an important role in protein synthesis.
• The nucleus also has a thread-like network called chromatin.
• The chromatin organizes itself into rod-like structures when the cell has to divide.
These rod-like structures are called chromosomes. They contain the DNA (Deoxy
ribonucleic acid) inside them. DNA has the genes that help in transfer of
characteristics from parent to the offspring. Therefore, DNA forms the hereditary
material in most organisms.

Note: The nucleus and cytoplasm together make the protoplasm. It is the living content
of the cell


Organelles are small structures scattered in the cytoplasm that work together to carry out life
There are various types of cell organelles that perform different functions. Some of these are
as follows:
Mitochondria are small rod-like structures. They provide energy in the form of ATP
(Adenosine Triphosphate). Therefore, they are known as powerhouse of the cell.

Ribosomes are tiny structure found either attached to the surface of endoplasmic
reticulum(ER) or scattered in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are responsible for protein
synthesis. They are also called protein factory.

Plastids are disc-shaped structures present only in plant cells. They can be of three types-
chloroplasts(they are green in colour found in leaves), chromoplasts (they are of various
colour except green found in flowers and fruits)and leucoplasts(they are colourless and are
found in roots and seeds).

The cytoplasm contains a large number of membranous sacs- like structures called Golgi
bodies. They are concerned with secreting useful substances such as enzymes and hormones.

Vacuoles are fluid filled spaces found in the cytoplasm of the cell. In mature plant cells, they
occupy most of the space within the cell and help to store food, water and wastes. In animal
cells, vacuoles are smaller and may be greater in number. They help in waste removal and
The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranous tubes that connect the cell
membrane with the nuclear membrane. The endoplasmic reticulum helps to transport
substances in and out of cells.
The centrioles and centrosomes play an important role in cell division. They are present only
in animal cells and are absent in plant cells.
Lysosomes are called as suicidal bags. They are small rounded sacs filled with tissue
dissolving enzymes. They help in the digestion of foreign bodies and worn out cell parts .It is
present only in animal cell.


A cell is very small when it is formed. On receiving nutrition, it grows and reaches a certain
size after which it divides to form two cells. This process is known as cell division, and the
cells formed are known as daughter cells. Cell division is also necessary for replacement of
dead cells. Million of cells are die and replaced every second in our body.


S.No Animal Cell Plant Cell

1 Smaller in size larger in size

Cell membrane is present but Cell wall is both cell membrane and cell wall are
absent present

3 plastids are absent plastids are usually present

4 Vacuoles are smaller and more in number One large vacuole is present in the cell

5 centrosomes and lysosomes are present centrosomes and lysosomes are absent

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