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Immediate Denture: Sandeep Shukla, S Swarajya Bharathi, Chandana Nair, Alok Kumar

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Immediate Denture

Immediate Denture
Sandeep Shukla, 2S Swarajya Bharathi, 3Chandana Nair, 4Alok Kumar

ABSTRACT An orthopantomogram of the patient revealed bone

The immediate complete denture is an accepted method of loss in maxillary anterior region upto the middle thirds
restoration for the patient whose last remaining teeth are to be of the roots (Fig. 3). The diagnosis made was partially
removed. The prosthesis is fabricated before the removal of edentulous maxillary and completely edentulous man-
the teeth and is inserted immediately after the extractions. The dibular arch. Fabrication of immediate maxillary com-
patient is never without teeth, the muscles of facial expression plete denture prosthesis and conventional mandibular
remain virtually unchanged and the natural tooth position can be complete denture was planned.
duplicated, if desired. Immediate denture also acts as a splint
Maxillary primary impression was made with irrever-
over the surgical area and promotes healing.
sible hydrocolloid (alginate impression material), (Fig. 4)
Keywords: Immediate placement post extraction, Esthetics and mandibular impression was made with impression
preserved, Splinting action, Healing, Less postoperative pain.
compound (Fig. 5). Spacers using modeling wax were
How to cite this article: Shukla S, Bharathi SS, Nair C, Kumar A. adapted on the primary casts using the full spacer design.
Immediate Denture. J Dent Sci Oral Rehab 2015;6(1):00-00. Special trays were fabricated with autopolymerizing
Source of support: Nil polymethylmethacrylate resin (DPI-RR Cold Cure) 2 mm
short of all the sulci. A window was given in the maxillary
f interest: None special tray in anterior region for the natural teeth and
tray handle was made with impression compound (Fig. 6)
INTRODUCTION The polymethylmethacrylate resin tray was seated
in the mouth and adjusted so that the borders were 2 to
In an era of both preventive and conservative dentistry,
it is rarely necessary for any dental patient to become
the mucobuccal fold and 2 to 3 mm short of the gingival
edentulous.1 The placement of complete denture imme-
margins around the remaining teeth. The border molding
diately following the removal of natural teeth is not
was then done with green stick impression compound
new. As early as 1860, Richardson described the use of
(DPI Pinnacle Tracing Sticks). Maxillary secondary
immediate dentures.2 In line with present day, immediate
impression was made with zinc oxide eugenol (DPI
dentures are a necessity to prevent distress, anxiety and
impression paste) and pick-up or dual impression was
embarrassment to many people.
made with irreversible hydrocolloid (Fig. 7). Mandibu-
lar secondary impression was made with zinc oxide
eugenol (Fig. 8). Vertical and horizontal jaw relations were
Past dental history revealed a 2 years period of completely recorded. Teeth arrangement and trial was done (Fig. 9).
edentulous mandibular arch and partially edentulous Maxillary anterior teeth were then trimmed on the
maxillary arch. The patient had wheatish complexion cast and cast was smoothened upto the level of posterior
and normal gait. Intraoral examination revealed that ridge with sandpaper (Fig. 10). Maxillary anterior teeth
teeth present were 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24. Arch size of were then arranged (Fig. 11). The dentures were then
both maxillary and mandibular ridges was medium size processed with heat cure polymethylmethacrylate resin
and arch form of maxillary and mandibular ridges was (Trevalon, Dentsply). All the teeth present were extracted
square. Ridge form in maxillary ridge was U shaped and and suturing was done (Fig. 12). Denture insertion was
mandibular ridge was inverted U shaped (Figs 1 and 2). done at the same appointment after disinfecting the
dentures in Povidone-Iodine solution (Pividine, Wock-
hardt Limited, Mumbai) (Figs 13 and 14). Post inser-
Postgraduate Student, 2Guide and Head, 3,4Reader tion instructions were given and patient recalled after
Department of Prosthodontics, Institute of Dental Sciences 24 hours for follow-up (Fig. 15).
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India
Corresponding Author: Sandeep Shukla, Postgraduate Student
Department of Prosthodontics, Institute of Dental Sciences, Bareilly Any removable dental prosthesis fabricated for placement
Uttar Pradesh, India, Phone: 9012947789, e-mail: shuklashiv204@
immediately following the removal of natural tooth/
teeth. 3 An immediate complete denture is a dental
Journal of Dental Sciences and Oral Rehabilitation, January-March 2015;6(1):00-00 41
Sandeep Shukla et al

Fig. 1: Mandibular edentulous ridge Fig. 2: Maxillary anteriors

Fig. 3: Orthopantomogram Fig. 4: Primary alginate impression (maxilla)

Fig. 5: Primary compound impression (mandible) Fig. 6: Maxillary special tray


Immediate Denture

Fig. 7: Maxillary secondary impression Fig. 8: Mandibular secondary impression

Fig. 9: Preoperative condition Fig. 10: Partial teeth placement

Fig. 11: Teeth placement Fig. 12: Postextraction

Journal of Dental Sciences and Oral Rehabilitation, January-March 2015;6(1):00-00 43

Sandeep Shukla et al

Maintenance of patient’s appearance, circumoral

support, muscle tone, vertical dimension of occlusion, jaw
relation and face height are the advantages of immediate
dentures. The patient’s psychological and social well-
being is preserved. There is less postoperative pain as
extraction sites are protected. It is easier to duplicate
natural tooth shape and position. Speech and mastication
are rarely compromised and nutrition can be maintained.
Immediate dentures are more challenging modality
than complete dentures, because the presence of teeth
makes impressions and maxillomandibular positions

caused by presence of remaining teeth may interfere

with the impression procedures.5 Presence of different
Fig. 13: Right lateral view numbers of remaining teeth in various locations can lead
to incorrect recording of the centric relation position.
More chair time, additional appointments are required
leading to increased cost.
Immediate dentures are contraindicated in patients
with poor general health, uncooperative and elderly
patients, patients suffering from debilitating diseases and
in patients with sound periodontal health.6
The patient should avoid rinsing, drinking hot liquids
and is instructed not to remove the immediate denture

should be liquid or soft. Analgesics can also be prescribed

if required.

Fig. 14: Left lateral view
contributions that dentistry has to offer to patients. It

by providing the patients with esthetics, function and

psychological support after extractions and during the
healing phase. This method for treating the patient who
will become edentulous is preferred over the method that
involves being edentulous for months together.

1. Engelmier, Phoenix. Patient evaluation and treatment
planning for complete denture therapy. The Dental Clinics
of North America 1996;40(1):1.
2. Campagna SJ. An impression technique for immediate
Fig. 15: Final denture dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1968;20(3):196-203.
3. Academy of Prosthodontics, glossary of prosthodontic terms
(GPT). J Prosthet Dent 2005;94(1):10-92.
prosthesis constructed to replace the lost structure and
4. Rahn AO, Heartwell CM. Textbook of complete dentures.
associated structure of the maxillae and/or mandible and
5th ed. Elsevier, USA, 2006;453-478.
inserted immediately following removal of remaining teeth.4 5. Zarb GA, Bolender CL. Prost hodontic treat ment for
There are two types of immediate dentures as follows: edentulous patients. 12th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2009;123-159.
6. Demer WJ. Minimizing problems in placement of immediate
dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27(3):275-284.


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