Immediate Removable Partial Denture For Aesthetic Anterior Maxillary Tooth Rehabilitation
Immediate Removable Partial Denture For Aesthetic Anterior Maxillary Tooth Rehabilitation
Immediate Removable Partial Denture For Aesthetic Anterior Maxillary Tooth Rehabilitation
Background: An anterior tooth extraction can cause aesthetic and psychological problems.
An Immediate Removable Partial Denture could be the choice of aesthetic rehabilitation
because is inserted immediately following the natural tooh extraction. Purpose: This paper
reported the case of Immediate Removable Partial Denture for aesthetic anterior maxillary
tooth rehabilitation in a 41-years old woman teacher. Case Report: A 41-years-old woman
teacher wasn’t confident with her #22 tooth microdontia and malpositioned. In order to
rehabilitated her aesthetic problem could be done by immediate #22 tooth extraction. Case
Management: Removable Partial Denture preparation was done by removing the #22 tooth.
The denture was inserted immediately after the extraction. After the denture was inserted, at
the 24-hours, 3 days, 1 week, and 1 month should be evaluated to know the bone resorption
process and whether the Immediate Removable Partial Denture should be relined or not.
Conclusion(s): The Immediate Removable Partial Denture provides an aesthetic
rehabilitation and increases the patient’s self-confidence because the patient has no
edentulous period.
Key Words: Immediate Removable Partial Denture, Aesthetic, Anterior Tooth Extraction
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
Fig 1. Pre Treatment Intra-Oral Condition Of The Maxillary And Mandibular Teeth.
Fig 2. Panoramic radiographic examination revealed that the remaining teeth had lost a
few bone resorption.
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
The patient was given post- Fig 14. Condition Of The Maxillary And
extraction home care instructions, Mandibular Teeth At The 24 Hours Visit.
which include not to removed the
immediate denture and used it all day On the 3 days visit after the
during the first 24 hours due to post- insertion, the extraction socket began
extraction oedema that could make its to healing. There were not any sore
reinsertion impossible for 3 to 4 days spots or traumatic ulcerations. The
until reduction of oedema. The patient patient felt more comfortable with the
should avoid rinsing, avoid drinking dentures and could eat well. There
hot liquids, and diet should be liquid or were no problems with the occlusion
soft. Ice packs could be wrapped in a and articulation, also the retention and
cloth and applied in 20 minutes the stabilitation of the dentures were in
intervals immediately after the a good condition.
extraction and throughout the first 24 On the first week visit after the
hours could reduce bleeding and insertion, the extraction socket healing
swelling. Antibiotic and analgesic was almost completed. The patient’s
medications were prescribed as adaptation with the dentures were
required and the patient was recalled better and felt really comfortable with
for the 24 hours visit for necessary the dentures. The retention and the
adjustments and checked up. stabilitation of the dentures still in the
At the 24 hours visit, the patient good conditition.
complained if she felt a little pain on
the gingival around the extraction site
because of the labial flanged. The A
labial flanged was reduced on the
inside using a fraser bur. Intra-Oral
examination revealed that there were
not any pain or irritations. There were
not any swelling or bleeding in the B
patient. The patient was instructed to
continue the antibiotic and analgesic
medications. After the 24 hours visit,
the patient should be shown how to Fig 16A. Condition Of The Maxilary And
Mandibular Teeth Without The Dentures On
removed the denture after eating to The 1 Week Visit.
clean it with soft toothbrush and Fig 16B. Condition Of The Maxilary And
antiseptic liquid soap, also to rinse the Mandibular Teeth Without The Dentures On
mouth at least three to four times daily The 1 Week Visit.
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
On the first month visit after the patient has no edentulous period after
insertion, the extraction socket was the anterior teeth extraction.17 22 tooth
completely healing. The patient’s that was malpositioned, became
adaptation with the dentures were looking better. The patient who is a
better and felt really comfortable with teacher could do her professional
the dentures. The retention and the duties without worried. Immediate
stabilitation of the dentures still were denture also has therapeutic and
in the good conditition so that the prophylaxis functions, because
relining wasn’t needed. immediate denture acts as a bandage to
help control bleeding, to protect
against trauma and oral environment
aggressions, such as food, debris, and
saliva coming in contact with the
wound, to protect the blood clot, and
promote rapid healing.18,19 The patient
is likely to adapt more easily to the
B dentures because speech and
mastication are rarely
Less postoperative pain is likely
to be encountered because the
extraction sites are protected by the
Fig 17A. Condition Of The Maxilary And immediate denture.13,19 Immediate
Mandibular Teeth Without The Dentures On denture also may result in reduced
The 1 Month Visit. residual ridge resorption and also
Fig 17B. Condition Of The Maxilary And promotes better ridge form.20,21 Less
Mandibular Teeth With The Dentures On bone resorbtion by using immediate
The 1 Month Visit.
denture than waiting for the healing
process, because there is functional
DISCUSSION stimulation from the used denture.
Moreover, by using immediate denture
On this case, the maxillary RPD face height and circumoral support can
with the conventional immediate be maintained.
denture was constructed with partial Immediate denture also has
flanged. Partial flanged gives more many disadvantages, there is no try-in
natural appearance so that the aesthetic possible so the final result couldn’t be
factor could be better achieved.4 predicted. Increased treatment cost
Healing process is faster because the because more chair time and
less contact between the oral tissues immediate denture might be relined
and the partial flanged so could after few months.12,13
minimize the irritation and helps When trimmed 22 tooth, the
accelerating the healing period.4,14 labial tissue could be trimmed deeper
Partial flanged also gives better than the pocket depths. This is because
retention and stabilitation.15,16 the anterior maxillary ridge resorbs
Immediate denture gives many upward and backward with progressive
advantages, especially increases the bone loss.22-24
patient’s self-confidence because the
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
Vol. 10 No. 1 Februari 2016 ISSN : 1907-5987
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