The Removable Occlusal Overlay Splint in The Management of Tooth Wear
The Removable Occlusal Overlay Splint in The Management of Tooth Wear
The Removable Occlusal Overlay Splint in The Management of Tooth Wear
For correspondence
Dr. Bilquis J. Ghadiali, GN-7, 3rd Floor, Akkamahadevi International Girls Hostel, J.N.M.C Campus, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum - 590 010,
Karnataka, India. E-mail:
The reconstruction of an extremely worn dentition is difÞcult and represents a challenge due to the minimal tooth structure
that remains. These patients often exhibit the loss of the vertical dimension of occlusion and esthetic problems. Moreover,
the problems associated with the maxillary complete denture opposing the natural teeth have to be taken into consideration.
Occlusal problems and fracture of the denture bases account for most of these structural difÞculties. These may result
from the occlusal stresses on the denture and underlying tissues from the opposing teeth and musculature, the position of
mandibular teeth and ßexure of the denture bases. The current article describes the prosthodontic rehabilitation of a patient
who reported with a completely edentulous maxillary arch and mandibular teeth with an uneven occlusal plane. Following
a thorough examination, a glass-Þber-reinforced maxillary complete denture and a mandibular removable overlay occlusal
splint was planned.
Key words: Maxillary single complete denture, occlusal overlay splint, tooth wear
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around the remaining natural teeth except for the right to the desired level of modification. This created
mandibular first molar that showed gingival recession openings on the occlusal and incisal surfaces of
and the loss of attached gingiva. Pocket depths were the template to indicate the position of the tooth
within the normal limits and no incidence of mobility structure before they were modified. The margins of
was observed. the openings indicated the extent of tooth reduction,
i.e, when the template was seated in the mouth,
Prosthodontic evaluation the natural teeth would protrude through these
The maxillary ridge was adequate to retain a complete openings [Figure 2].
denture and also the bone quality was found to be This template was then placed in the mouth and
good. The maxillary tuberosities displayed adequate the mandibular teeth were reduced till the margins
space for the denture base and did not necessitate of the openings on the template.
any preprosthetic surgery. No loss was observed in 4. After the planned amount of odontoplasty was
the vertical dimension of occlusion; this would have performed, sharp margins were rounded and
otherwise necessitated splint therapy to increase the polished and final impressions were made. Maxillary
vertical dimension. arch with zinc oxide eugenol (DPI Impression paste;
Evaluation of temporomandibular joint: This Bombay Burma trading Corp, Ltd., Mumbai, India)
demonstrated no evidences of clicking, joint pain, and mandibular arch with irreversible hydrocolloid
limitation on the range of motion or tenderness of impression material (Alginoplast; Heraeus Kulzer,
the muscles of mastication. South Bend, India).Wax occlusal rims were then
After complete evaluation, the treatment planned fabricated on the master cast.
was a maxillary complete denture and a mandibular 5. The vertical dimension was determined. Then the
removable occlusal overlay splint with the elimination maxillary and mandibular casts were mounted on a
of periodontal surgery and root canal therapy. An semiadjustable articulator (Hanau series H2; Water
informed consent was obtained from the patient. Pik, Fort Collins, USA), by using a face-bow record
This option met the stated objectives with regard and a centric relation record was established.
to the patient; it was financially affordable, required 6. Then, the maxillary teeth arrangement was first
less chair side time and provided the patient the carried out based on a normal compensating curve
opportunity to later select other options when he was and not according to the uneven occlusal plane.
more financially and emotionally ready. 7. Subsequently, the wax-up of mandibular anterior
teeth was carried out. The incisal guidance was
Procedure adjusted accordingly and the protrusive contacts
1. The maxilary primary impression was made using were established.
impression compound (Pyrex; Pyrex Polykem, 8. The mandibular posterior teeth were then waxed-
Roorkee, India) and the mandibular impression was up in occlusion with the maxillary posterior teeth
made using an irreversible hydrocolloid (Alginoplast; [Figure 3]. This arrangement ensured a uniform
Heraeus Kulzer, South Bend, India) and diagnostic and harmonious occlusal plane. Balancing contacts
casts (Type III Dental stone; Goldstone, Asian were achieved bilaterally [Figure 4].
Chemicals, Gujarat, India) were fabricated. 9. For wax try-in purpose, a putty index (Aquasil;
2. Bite was recorded for diagnostic mounting. Soft putty, Dentsply, Germany) was made of the
3. The mandibular teeth displayed uneven and sharp mandibular diagnostic wax-up. A duplicate cast
cusps, few of which were traumatizing the tongue. with block out was fabricated. Self-cure clear acrylic
Thus, tooth alteration was planned for these sharp resin (DPI RR Cold cure; Bombay Burma Trading
cusps on the diagnostic casts. Corp, Ltd., Mumbai, India) was then placed in
A preparation guide was created that allowed the this index and placed over the cast.The temporary
planned amount of odontoplasty to be transferred removable occlusal overlay splint was obtained,
accurately and conveniently from the cast to which was used for try-in.
the mouth.[5] A uniform, clear, self-cure acrylic 10. After the try-in stage, the maxillary and mandibular
template was fabricated over the occlusal surface casts with wax-up were flasked.
of the mandibular teeth on the cast. The cusps 11. The midpalatal region and the region palatal to the
to be modified were marked on the cast with a incisors in the maxillary denture were reinforced
contrasting colored pencil. with E-glass fibers (Fiberglass Corporation, USA),
This clear acrylic template was then placed over using the split cast technique and the denture was
the unmodified cast. The colored contrasting marks packed with fiber-reinforced heat-cured acrylic resin
can be observed through the template. An acrylic (Lucitone 199; Dentsply, York Division).
trimming bur was then used to simultaneously trim 12. The mandibular splint was packed with heat-cured
both the template as well as the sharp cusps up clear acrylic resin (DPI Heat cure; Bombay Burma
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laboratory remount.
14. The dentures were then finished, polished [Figure
Figure 3: Mandibular teeth wax-up 5] and inserted in the mouth with minor occlusal
adjustments with the help of a clinical remount
[Figure 6].
Trading Corp, Ltd., Mumbai, India). 15. Oral hygiene and care instructions were
13. After processing, the dentures were retrieved administered.
and necessary corrections were made during the 16. Post insertion adjustments were minor, which
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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