1.1 Project Overview: Railway Reservation System
1.1 Project Overview: Railway Reservation System
1.1 Project Overview: Railway Reservation System
India is the 7th largest country in terms of geographical size. This means there is a need
for efficient means for long distance transportation. The long distance road network is
very poorly developed in most parts of India. Bulk of long distance traffic is carried by
the Indian Railway as a result Indian railways. Therefore, forms a backbone of public
transport in India. The efficiency of the railway will increase result of computerization
due to dramatic reduction in communication time among geographically dispersed
offices. For the reservation of the ticket a person goes to ticket counter of the railway
reservation office and expend its valuable time in standing queue. Now to save that time
we have a facility of Online Reservation now we can book cancel or search other train
information just by click on computer.
This project will give us the information about railway reservation. This system is
basically concerned with the reservation and cancellation of railway tickets to the
passengers. To be more specific, our system is limited in such a way that a train starting
from a particular source will have a single destination. The basic functions being
performed by our system are reservation and cancellation.
Customers can find the proper and correct information about the railway and shows the
The scope of project defines the project feasibility the technology, finance, time and
resources best define in technology weather the defects can be reduced in the project and
up which level financially, weather the overall project cost is affordable. Time describe
the weather the projection finishing point will be achieved on time or before time
resources required should be available at the rate of cost and time.
In the existing system exams are done only manually but in proposed system we have to
computerize the exams using this application. The existing system has the following
The aim of propose system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The proposed
system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system provides he
following services:
Security of data.
Ensure data accuracy.
Proper control of the higher officials.
Minimize manual data entry.
Minimum time is needed for various processes.
Greater efficiency.
Better service.
User friendliness and interactive.
The feasibility study is the important step in any system development process. Because it
makes analysis of different aspects like cost required for developing and executing the
system, the time required for each stage of the system. If these important factors are not
analysed then definitely it would be a total failure. So for running the application and the
organization successfully this step is a very important step in a software development
lifecycle process.
Operational feasibility
Technical feasibility
Economical/financial feasibility
Operational feasibility measures how well the solution will work in the organization and
how will end-user and management feels about the system. Proposed system is helpful for
all the users associated with the organization. It will allow the administrator to have up-
to-date information regarding all the aspects of their users, the decision-making process
will also become faster with the use of data integration, consolidation. So it is feasible to
implement the system.
This involves questions such as whether the technology needed for the system exists, how
difficult it will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experience using that
technology. This system required minimum hardware equipment to run efficiently.
Economically to find out whether this project is economically feasible or not for that used
feasibility analyses. In this stage list direct costs or indirect costs associated with the
The objective of this project is to provide tickets to public in the comforts to their home or
residence and to save them from hassles to visit ‘Railway Reservation Centres’. By doing
this, we are not only saving time of public but also saving their cost of traveling or
parking to these centres. For Railways it is saving on their infrastructure i.e. Buildings,
Air-Conditioning, Electricity, Furniture, Staff etc.
what are the input; in what form will they arrive; from what sources
can the input come; what are the legal domains of each input.
Time The project should be completed within the stipulated time period.
Usability This requirement is present, as this system will interact with user.
Software testing is a critical phase of software quality assurance. It indicates the ultimate
review of specification, design and code generation. Once source code has been
generated, software must be tested to uncover and correct maximum possible errors,
before being delivered. Testing emphasizes on a set of methods for the creation of test
cases that fulfil overall testing objectives.
Unit testing aims the verification effort on the smallest unit of software design i.e., a
software component or module. It uses procedural design as a guide to test major control
paths and uncover errors within the module boundary. It is a White box oriented and the
step can be conducted in parallel for multiple components.
Unit testing is a dynamic method for verification, where the program is actually compiled
and executed. It is one of the most widely used methods, and the coding phase is
sometimes called “coding and unit testing phase”. The goal of unit testing is to test
modules or “units”, not the whole software system. Unit testing is most often done by the
programmer himself/herself. The goal of Unit testing is to isolate each part of the
program and show that the individual parts are correct. A unit test provides a strict,
written contract that the piece of code must satisfy. As a result, it affords several benefits.
Integration testing is a phase of software testing in which individual software modules are
combined and tested as a group. It follows snit testing and precedes system testing. The
major objective of integration testing is to tackle the problem of integration i.e. putting all
the modules together. One module can have an inadvertent, adverse effect on another, sub
functions, when combined, may not be magnified to unacceptable levels; global data
structure can cause problems and to truncate this list of problems we use integration
Integration testing strategy used is Bottom-Up Integration Testing. In it all the bottom or
low level modules, procedures or functions are integrated and then tested. After the
integration testing of lower level integration modules, the next level of modules will be
formed and can be used for integration testing. This approach is helpful only when all or
most of the modules of the same development level are ready. This method helps to
determine the levels of software development and makes easier to report testing progress
in the form of a percentage.
At the climax of integration testing, software is developed as a package having all the
errors uncovered and corrected. At this time, a final series of software test May be in
process. It is called validation testing. Validation succeeds when software function in a
reasonably expectable manner. Validation attempts to uncover errors, but the emphasis is
on the requirements level i.e. the things that will be immediately apparent to the
Rather than designing manually we have made use of computer as once that data’s are
input it performs accurate function. There is no chance of fault or miscalculation if the
data are fed correctly. Use of the computers has solved many problems, which are faced
while manual calculation. This is not the end but beginning of the versatile, efficient and
outsourcing railway reservation system. This is the one which is compatible to all
operating system. By making this we project we made a small footstep towards the path
of progress of platform independent railway reservation system.
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