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Lab Code:-3CS4-23

Branch:-Computer Science and Engineering

Year:-2nd year



Presented by:-

Develop requirement specification for a given project-
To find the requirement specification (both functional and non-functional) of a
given project

Introduction:- A non-governmental organization (NGO) and (Voluntary

Organization) VOs is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal
persons that operates independently from any government. The term is usually
used by government to refer to entities that have no government status. In the
cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, the NGO
maintains its non-governmental status by excluding government representatives
from membership in the organization.

1.) Purpose:- The main objective behind developing this software is to make
the process of The NGO-PS to provide information about all signed up VOs /
NGOs, information about schemes of the participating Government Ministries /
Departments / Government Bodies open for partnership and funding with the
voluntary sector. It will also have the facility to apply for NGO grants online,
upload all common documents (like Registration Certificate, Annual Reports,
Annual Audited Statements etc) required by government Ministries /
Departments / Government Bodies as well as track the processing of your
application until the grant is sanctioned / rejected.

2.) Scope:- NMS is intended as a tool for simplifying the task of management
of a NGO. It automates the functioning of the NGO. It does not build upon any
previously existing similar software and is not a part of a larger project in itself.
Apache Web Server and MySQL constitute its software dependencies. For a more
detailed description of the design goals and a brief of the overall functions NMS

3.) Project Features:- This software is design with all features which is very
useful for NGO employees, and management teams.

* This software will maintain online information related to specific scheme and
their various details.
* It will automatically track the issue & closing date of various schemes.
* It will generate the list of schemes whose names are allotted in the website.
* It maintains the various schemes of ministries with their apply date and expiry
* It will maintain the records history of NGOs who have applied after or before
the schemes.
* It will maintain the payment details of grant received towards schemes.
* Queues- With the help of NGO partnership System, the long queues will
reduced and we can easily get any information regarding any doubt/query.
* Automate the work- It will transform NGOs with the power of computer, the
operations is automated. It is capable to done its work more quickly in the
comparison of human beings.
* Remove Registers Work-Bulky register and paper works is removing in the
attendance of powerful database.
* Menu- Providing menus on the screen for user convenient & interface on
screen for link more feature and make attractive of the startup screen.
* Easy to Use- Providing user friendly environment which is useful for NGOs
employees to interact more quickly and friendly with the software.
* Better Understandability-With NGOs, there is a better understandability due
to less chance of occurring error in comparison of manual working.
* Graphics- Use graphics to explain complex links.
* To provide proper coordination and efficient implementation.
* Reliable, Efficient & Security Feature- This software is performing consistently.
This software is able to take any type of work load as comparison of human
beings. Providing all security Feature which is necessary.

* New user can:-
1. Get details of existing VOs/ NGOs across India.
2. Get details of the schemes of the above Ministries/Departments/Government
Bodies offering grants to VOs /NGO’s.
3. Apply on-line for NGO grants.
4. Track status of your applications for grants.

• NMS : NGO Management Software
• User : Donor/Manager
• SRS : Software Requirement Specification
• API : Application Programming Interface.
• Database: Collection of similar data.
• Server: Link which handles user request and provide them with
relevant data.

Problem & its Scope:-
1. Economical Feasibility:-
In economic feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done in which expected
costs and benefits are evaluated. Economic analysis is used for
evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed system. In economic
feasibility; the most important is cost-benefit analysis. The procedure is
to determine the benefit and savings that are expected from the
candidate system and compare them with the cost. The benefits that

we receive from NMS include reduction in human labor. By automating
all the tasks we remove the need of having volunteers doing the
functions of NGO.
2. Technical Feasibility:-
Technical feasibility is concerned with the availability of hardware and
software required for the development of the system, to see
compatibility and maturity of the technology proposed to be used and
to see the availability of the required technical manpower to develop
the system.
Because this program is web based application we required windows
class processor with any good internet browser. In technical feasibility
the following issues are taken into consideration.
· Whether the required technology is available or not
· Resources are available –-Manpower- programmers, testers &
debuggers -Software and hardware.
NMS requires a web server for its functioning which can be easily
arranged for
.• NMS would generate the outputs at desired time
.• NMS can process data of large number of students at a fair speed.
• TMS is smoothly connected to email system and can send request to
email system via server to send messages to executives .Thus , the TMS
is technically feasible to a large extent.
3. Operational Feasibility:-
It is mainly related to human & political aspects. It is carried out by a
small group of people who are familiar with information system

techniques. It is done to check whether the system will be easily
operational. Generally project will not be rejected because of
operational in feasibility.
Operational feasibility is all about problem that may arise during
operations. NMS is very easy to operate and user friendly software
which don’t require any special skill set. It just require to create ID and
enter the details of appointment to schedule on request, for which a
simple form is to be filled. Thus NMS has great operational feasibility.

Requirement Specification:-
1.) Functional Requirements:- There are certain use cases
depicted in use –case diagram and their functionalities. These form the
basic requirement and processes while operating the software

2.) Non- Functional Requirements:-
(i) Error handling:- NMS product shall handle expected and non-
expected errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long
downtime period.

(ii) Performance Requirements:- Responses to view
information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on the

(iii) Safety Requirement:- System uses the system memory and

resources in an controlled manner So the software won't have any
safety issues.

(iv) Security Requirement:- System will use secured database

Normal volunteers can just read information but they cannot edit or
modify anything except their personal and some other information.
System will have different types of users and every user has access


(i) Hardware Requirements:-
CPU Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.6 GHz
MOTHERBOARD Intel Original/Chipset
CD/DVD Rom Any
MONITOR 17 inches with resolution 800x600
(ii) Software Requirements:-
OPERATING SYSTEM Microsoft Window XP/Vista
FRONT END Asp.net using C#
BACK END Microsoft SQL Server 2005
(iii) Communication Platform:-TMS would be internally
connected to email server and would send request to send email to
(iv)User Requirements:-The user is decided as it will be
performed on both Web, Android and IOS platform.

Lab Experiment 2:-

Develop DFD model (level-0, level-1 DFD and Data
Dictionary) of the project
A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a way of representing a flow of a data of a
process or a system (usually an information system). The DFD also
provides information about the outputs and inputs of each entity and
the process itself. A data-flow diagram has no control flow, there are no
decision rules and no loops.

Components of DFD:-
1. Process (Function)
2. Data Flow
3. Warehouse (Database, File, Datastore)
4. Terminator

DFD Model for NGO Management System:-

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Data Dictionary:-
Database Specific Requirements:-
Donor Database:-
For the donor portion of the database, there were five criteria that
were each weighted at 20% because staff members prioritized all
criteria equally.
1) Donor Profile:-The donor profile criteria are important to allow the agency
to add or delete donors and create full profiles (name, location, amount of
donation, etc.).
2) Campaigns:-The campaigns section is important because ACE needs a way
to organize and schedule these events.
3) Financials:-Financial capability was an important feature needed for ACE to
manage their finances with donors.
4) Ease of Use:-Our team also evaluated the ease of use for the specific donor
section of the database. To accomplish this, the layout, number of steps
taken to access each part of the database, and overall subjective
understanding of the system were taken into consideration.
5) Communication: The communication with donors’ criteria was important
because communication between staff and donors is essential (i.e. sending
invitations for events or expressing thanks for donations).

Student Database:-
In the student database, there were four criteria that were weighted
equally at 25% because they were all of the same priority to staff
1) Student Profiles:-The student profiles were essential because ACE needed a
way to record the information from each student that attended the
programs there (i.e. name, school information).
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2) Relationships:-Relationships within the database (i.e. sibling, parent) were
an important feature for staff members at ACE when generating reports.
3) Automatic Notifications:-The automatic notifications were an important
feature in the student constituent database because the agency wanted to
be notified when a field was left blank while adding information in the
student profiles.
4) Behavior and Attendance:-Behavior and attendance were two features that
staff members want to be able to track in their database, since they already
record them every day during the after school programs. These features are
helpful when evaluating a student's progress.

Staff/Volunteers Database:-
In the staff/volunteer portion of the database, there were seven
specific criteria that received equal weights of 10% because they were
of the same priority to staff members.
1) Staff/Volunteer Profiles:-Staff/volunteer profiles were an important feature
because information regarding these constituents needed to be recorded
(i.e. name, position, languages spoken, ethnicity, etc.).
2) Notification of Blank Fields:-The notification of blank fields is a feature that
is helpful for staff members to be notified when a field is left blank to avoid
crucial information from being forgotten.
3) Annual Update Notifications:-Update notifications are used to ensure that
certain constituent criteria (i.e. contact info, CORI forms) are updated on a
regular or annual basis.
4) Demographics:-It was important to have a feature in the database that
tracked demographics of students, volunteers, and employees, since
diversity is an essential component to ACE’s programs.
5) Volunteer Tracking:-Volunteer tracking was needed by ACE to track the
hours that were logged by each volunteer.
6) Positions:-Dentification of positions of volunteers and staff members was
an important feature in order to track what each member of ACE is doing at
the agency (for example: intern, tutor, staff member, etc.).

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7) Automatic Notifications:-It is important to be able to send automatic
notifications in regards to reminders and memos for staff members and
8) Import Applications:-Importation of documents was a very important
feature because ACE stressed the importance of having the ability to store
job applications of potential volunteers and staff members in the database.
9) Custom Fields:-Adding custom fields was also essential because the agency
preferred the fields in the staff and volunteer profiles to be added,
subtracted, and customizable to have information that they want in the
profiles (i.e. languages spoken, country of origin, gender, etc.).

For the grants database there were four specific features reviewed.
These requirements all received the same weight of 25% because they
were of the same priority to the agency.
1) Grants Profile:-The grants profiles were also chosen as an important feature
to compile all information regarding grants and grantors.
2) Search by Name:-The first requirement was the ability to search grants by
name. The agency felt that this feature would make it easier to identify
which grants they were applying for.
3) Search by Purpose:-There was also the feature of searching for grants by
purpose. This was similar to searching by name so ACE would know what
the purpose was for each grant (afterschool program, Saturday program,
school supplies, etc.).
4) Attach Files:-The ability to attach files was important because when adding
grants to the database, it would be helpful to add other documents.

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Lab Experiment-3:-
Develop structured design for the DFD model developed

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