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Abstract: Against the background of the current legal Originating from the results of this analysis, alternative
and economic demands on maintenance, this paper maintenance strategies with a strong focus on the
reports on maintenance strategies for distribution condition as well as system- and risk-orientation are
network components that will enable reliable power examined. First, suitable criteria for determining the
supply at lower cost of maintenance for components. condition and the importance of the equipment of the
The work is based on the analysis of the current network are defined. Reliable statements about the
situation of supply quality and maintenance of several condition and importance of components are then used
distribution network operators. If one is familiar with to determine the risk of the equipment failures. With
the behaviour of failures of network components and regard to the long-term influence on maintenance costs,
with the supply quality of the networks, the comparison simplified network and plant structures in medium-
of the various approaches to maintenance facilitates the voltage networks are examined by way of example (Fig.
determination of short-term saving potential. In a further 1).
step, maintenance strategies with a strong focus on Impact on
maintenance costs
condition evaluation, as well as on system and risk, are
examined and evaluated. New concepts for assessing the Analysis of the current situation of supply quality and maintenance of several
Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005
of the networks are known. These savings can be of visual diagnostics (Thermovision) are being used
achieved through optimisation of inspection and (among others also by KELAG) because of the
servicing, mainly by expanding the inspection increasing age of the components and the increase in
frequency of overhead lines and medium/low voltage their utilisation. In some cases and for individual
(MV/LV) substations, and by adjusting the strategies for components (e.g. circuit breakers, transformer tap
servicing of medium voltage (MV) switchgear sections changers), existing information, about network control
and high/medium voltage (HV/MV) transformers. systems or protective and control devices, is used to
draw conclusions about maintenance frequencies.
4. Alternative strategies
Example of assessment: Transformers are among the
An analysis of practical maintenance shows that it is,
most important components of power supply; for one,
above all, component-oriented strategies that are used to
due to the comparably high acquisition costs and second
keep up the operability of operating systems, plants and
because of their importance for reliable power supply.
networks of power distribution networks. In this
As much as 16% of the current high/medium voltage
paragraph, alternative strategies for maintenance are
transformers in the network area under examination will
examined with a view to influencing component-related
soon exceed the originally expected technical service
maintenance costs. The term “alternative strategies”
life of forty years. Another 15% will reach this service
covers both improved component-oriented and system-
life in the next one to five years. Against this
oriented strategies. Table 1 shows the criteria that apply
background, the assessment of the technical condition
to maintenance measures of different strategies.
must be optimised to determine critical units by means
Reliable assessment of the technical condition of
of defined condition criteria. The condition of
components is not only the prerequisite for
high/medium voltage transformers is examined
implementation condition-based maintenance strategies;
according to the following criteria:
it is also the basis for the application of system- and
risk-oriented maintenance. • Age
• Insulation Oil Analysis (DGA; for generator step
inspection servicing repair renewal up transformers also Furan analysis)
corrective - - in case of outage in case of outage • Level of load
according to according to according to
time-based in case of outage
intervall intervall intervall External condition
cyclic or according to according to
condition-based continuous
in case of outage
condition Condition of the tap changer (incl. control device)
reliability-centered „strategies overall process“ considering the importance of the network • Special occurrences (short circuits, overvoltages,
components to system reliability
cyclic or according to according to
risk-based continuous condition, importance in case of outage condition, importance
(monitoring) and outage risk and outage risk
The assessment of transformers by means of these
quantification of component-based maintenance strategies criteria is based on operation experience, analyses of
outage costs system-oriented maintenance strategies
historical data and on failure and damage statistics.
Quantity and quality of data differ widely from case to
Table 1: Maintenance measures of different strategies case; for some criteria there is insufficient information
available from the past. In such cases the experience of
In the framework of practically oriented considerations the operators as well as that of other network operators
of system- and risk-oriented maintenance, assessment is useful, at least when it comes to gaining information
criteria for evaluating the condition and importance of about the operating history of the transformer.
components are defined first. They form the basis for
subsequent evaluations. Examinations are carried out by To assess the overall condition of transformers, the
way of example of existing networks. results of the individual criteria are summarised. Fig. 2
shows the evaluation of the overall condition of five
Assessment of component condition selected network transformers. The overall condition Z
The condition of components is mainly assessed by is determined on the basis of the weighted individual
visual inspections in the framework of cyclic conditions, with weighting done according to the
inspections. These inspections are normally carried out experience of the network operator. The Dissolved Gas
by the experienced maintenance staff. Visual inspection Analysis (DGA) is very meaningful and therefore the
is followed by cause-driven, targeted examinations, most important criterion. Based on the benchmarks for
immediate servicing or repair measures. The use of concentrations of the most important key gases, graded
technical diagnostic procedures is increasingly action scenarios are determined depending on how
considered also for distribution networks [1]. For much the benchmarks are exceeded. Past experience
economic reasons, the use of such procedures depends with comparable components, taking age, type and level
mainly on the value or importance of the component to of load into account, offers additional aspects of
be monitored. It can be said that in addition to or condition assessment.
support of visual inspection, more and more procedures
Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005
4% 3% network 2 4% 3%
40% 53%
Defizith 鋟 figkeit
frequency Defizitwahrscheinlichkeit
of supply interruptions
overhead line
Freileitung Kabel cable
Schaltfelder switchgear
in UW und SStsection in MV/LVinsubstations
Schaltfelder Trafostationen
switchgear section in HV/MV substations and MV switching stations
KELAG. On the basis of the findings of the 1 high • HD ≥ 65% prD ≥ 50%
31, 33, 37, 38, 43, 45
Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005
sections. Thus, overhead line sections can be divided determined by the importance of transformers in the
into groups with different maintenance priorities (Fig. 4). network. As the distribution networks in the network
area under examination are generally configured in such
The results suggest that a reliability-centered approach a way that redundancies are available via reserve
in line maintenance is purposeful. In addition to the transformers and the subordinate network level, the
reliability-centered secondary conditions, specifications technical condition of the transformers is the risk-
concerning operational safety, personal safety and determining factor.
environmental protection have to be taken into account.
This, in turn, requires the appropriate assessment of the Based on the assessment of the condition and the
condition of critical components. In addition, the risk of subsequent risk assessment, concrete maintenance
supply interruption due to line outage must be properly measures were introduced for transformers 17 and 25
evaluated. (Fig. 6). The development of fault gases dissolved in oil
by means of DGA showed in both cases load-dependent
Risk assessment local hot-spots with temperatures between 300 and
700°C. During the revisions, severely burnt contacts on
The risk of component failure can be assessed with the voltage selector on the secondary side 10/20 kV
reliable statements about the condition and the
were found to be the places of failure.
importance of a component. Depending on the type of
component, different methods of risk assessment may
have to be taken. The examples of assessment described
in this paper show that the risk of overhead lines can be
assessed on the basis of reliability analyses. Critical line
sections can be identified on the basis of their
contribution to the reliability of the overall system. The
condition is depicted indirectly via the availability of
lines, but in future it should be determined for each line
section and thus be closer to reality. In the case of a)
Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005
Exemplary studies of rural medium voltage networks influence on maintenance costs. This influence is
show how choice and change of station concepts can considerably higher than the short-term influence on
influence network costs and supply quality. The maintenance costs achieved by adjusting the
simplified structures do not only affect investment costs maintenance strategies.
but also have a considerable influence on maintenance
costs because of the reduction of assets. This influence The savings potential that can be achieved if the
is considerably higher than the short-term influence on measures of maintenance adjustment discussed herein
maintenance costs achieved by adjusting the are implemented is, in general, not quantifiable as it
maintenance strategies [1]. Further studies now aim to depends on company-specific factors (among others on
assess how fast theoretical cost reduction potentials can inputs to increase efficiency, current maintenance
really be achieved in practical application without any strategy, technical design of components and design of
undesired effects, such as temporary or future severe plant, network structure, topographic conditions, legal
reduction of quality [4]. framework). Based on the findings of the component-
related analysis of maintenance, the next step will be to
6. Conclusions examine how maintenance costs can be influenced by
organisational measures and measures relating to the
Against the background of the current legal and
economic demands on maintenance, options of
influencing component-related maintenance costs are
discussed. The studies are based on the analysis of real
7. References
distribution networks. The following important findings
and results can be summarised:
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short-time saving potential. It is seen that the Thermovision als Diagnosemethode für
expansion of inspection and servicing cycles in Freileitungen. ETG Fachtagung Diagnostik
particular has a positive effect on short-term cost elektrischer Betriebsmittel, Köln, März 2004, pp.
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possible. The overall assessment of component
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