© 2017, IRJET - Impact Factor Value: 6.171 - ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
© 2017, IRJET - Impact Factor Value: 6.171 - ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
© 2017, IRJET - Impact Factor Value: 6.171 - ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Electric Power Utilities and end users of electric power are becoming increasingly more serious about the electric power
quality. The term “Power Quality” has become most popular word in the power industry since the late 1980s. There are
following reasons for the increased concern towards power quality. Newer generation load equipment, with microprocessor-
based controls and power electronic devices, is more sensitive to power quality variations than was the equipment used before
the late 1980s. Increasing emphasis on overall power system efficiency has resulted in continuous growth in the application of
devices such as high-efficiency, adjustable-speed motor drives and shunt capacitors for The purpose of power factor
improvement so that losses can be reduced. This is resulting in increasing harmonic levels on power systems and has many
people concerned about the future impact on the system capabilities. End users have an increased awareness of power quality
issues. Utility customers are becoming better informed about such issues as interruptions, sags and switching transients and
are challenging the utilities to improve the quality of power delivered. Many devices are now interconnected in a network.
Integrated processes mean that the failure of any component has much more important consequences. Load equipment.
Interestingly, the equipment installed to increase the productivity is also often the equipment that suffers the most from
common power disruptions and the equipment is sometimes the source of additional power quality problems. When entire
processes are automated, the efficient operation of machines and their controls becomes increasingly dependent on quality of
the power. Power quality can be defined as those properties of the power supply which allows the electrical apparatus to
function properly. But in actual sense power quality is ultimately a customer driven issue, and the end user’s point of reference
takes preference. So any power problems manifested in voltage, current, or frequency deviations that result in failure or mal-
operation of the customer equipment can be categorized into power quality problem. . DVR is one of the most efficient and
effective custom power devices due to its fast response lower cost and smaller size [2]. There are many power quality problems
in distribution system such as sag, swell, harmonics, transients etc., but voltage sag is the most severe disturbance which is
generally caused by the faults. Voltage Sag and swell can be instantaneous, momentary or temporary. If voltage sag occurs for
0.5 to 30 cycles and voltage magnitude remains between 0.10 to 0.9 pu then it comes under the category of instantaneous
voltage sag. If it occurs for 30cycles to 3 seconds and voltage.
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 994