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Unit 3: Concept of Money/ Wants and Needs

Teacher: Candace Subject: Concept of Grade Level:

West Money/ Wants and Kindergarten

Overall Goal of Lesson: To promote the understanding of money and how it is used.
Also to be able to differentiate between wants and needs. While participating in group
discussions and activities.

Instructional Objectives: By the end of this class, students should be able to:

1.) Understand the value of money

2.) Understand the use of money

a. How to earn money

b. Able to differentiate between wants and needs

Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & Key Vocabulary: Money, Job,
ELPS: Mathematics Wants, Needs, Dollar, Coin

111.2 9 a,b,c,d

Higher Order Questions: Have you ever received money? Can you name some jobs?
Why is a job important? What is the importance of money? What is the difference
between a need and a want?

Student Activities: cooperative activities, small group, listening, sharing skills, hands-
on, and motor skills.

Modifications/ELL Strategies Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Show

a larger cut out version of a dollar and coins.
For left handed students, I will provide Watch a sing along video over money and
the appropriate scissors to allow them jobs.
to cut out.

Time: Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: The students will first come to carpet
and we will discuss the value of coins and dollars. We will watch a few
sing along videos to help the students understand and grasp the value
of money. I will go over the importance of money and the importance
of a job. We will go over the concept of wants and needs and the
30min difference between them. I will then assign groups of 2. The students
will then go back to the groups I have assigned where I will have a
magazine, two pieces of construction paper, scissors and glue waiting.
They will take turns, go through the magazine and cut out pictures of
wants and needs. Once they have done that they will then glue all of
their wants on the yellow construction paper and all of their needs on
the green construction paper.

Modeling: I will model a few examples of my own wants and needs. I

5min will show them my Kendra Scott necklace and ask if my necklace is a
want or a need. I will then show them my bottle of water. Is water a
want or is it a need?

Guided Practice: I will walk around the room and keep the students
on task. I will continue to guide them in the right direction of wants and

Independent Practice: I will give each group a magazine so they can

go through and cut out their wants and needs.

5min Lesson Closure: I will call each group up at a time. Each group will
show the class their paper of wants and their paper of needs.

Assessment Methods/Strategies: I will be able to determine whether

or not the students understood the concept of money and
wants/needs. I will review and take a closer look at each of the groups
papers that they constructed.

Resources (videos, coins, construction paper, scissors, glue, magazines, etc.):

Reflection: This was a very fun lesson. The kids loved talking about the importance of
money. They really enjoyed talking about the kinds of jobs that earn money. Any time
to cut and glue they are all in. They did a very good job determining the concept of
wants and needs. Over all they took a lot away from this lesson.
How Lesson Plans Differ from Instructional Design Documents

Lesson plans and instructional design documents can have the same end goal. How they each go

about the goal is very different than each other. One way that a lesson plan differs from

instructional design documents is how detailed a lesson plan is. The teacher goes into detail with

her lesson plan with how much time is spent, the instruction and the goals the students will meet

in the end. It is achieved through more of a personable level. Instructional design documents are

also very detailed but they are more along the lines of being like a strategy plan or business

layout. They allow a very detailed outlook on the plan but the outline must follow rules and

guidelines in order to accomplish that goal. In my opinion it is more business-like, whereas with

a lesson plan a teacher can put her personal spin on it. Also with a lesson plan the teacher goes

into detail about the lesson itself. She will explain in detail how she will teach her lesson to her

class along with questions she may ask her students and activities they may pursue during or

after the lesson. With a lesson plan she is able to also list how much time each part of her lesson

will take. With an instructional design it is more a layout of the information needed to get to the

desired goal. Both lesson plans and instructional design documents are set up to be a guideline

for a given objective.

What is a Lesson Plan? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.englishclub.com/esl-lesson-

Omer, A. H. (2017, August 04). An Outline For Creating An Instructional Design Document.
Retrieved from https://elearningindustry.com/outline-creating-instructional-design-

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