Omkar Speciality Chemicals
Omkar Speciality Chemicals
Omkar Speciality Chemicals
Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd
Industry CMP Recommendation Add on Dips to band Sequential Targets Time Horizon
Chemicals Rs. 167 Buy at CMP and add on declines Rs. 152-156 Rs. 195 & Rs. 244 * 2-3 quarters
*& Rs.488 – 2 year target
HDFC Scrip Code OMKSPEEQNR Incorporated in 1983, Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd (OSCL) is primarily engaged in the production of Specialty Chemicals
and Pharma Intermediates. It manufactures a range of organic, inorganic and organo inorganic intermediates that find
BSE Code 533317 application in various industries like pharmaceutical, chemical, glass, cosmetic ceramic and poultry feeds. Its products are
NSE Code OMKARCHEM also exported to companies in Europe, Australia, North America and Asian countries. OSCL has decided to restructure its
group companies wherein its 4 wholly owned subsidiaries will be merged with itself and its veterinary API division will be
Bloomberg OSCL IN
demerged into a separate company.
CMP as on 28 Apr 17 167.00
Eq. Capital (Rs crs) 20.58 Investment Rationale:
Restructuring of group to result in value unlocking for investors
Face Value (Rs) 10
Margin expansion on back of higher API revenues
Equity Sh. Outs (Cr) 2.06 De-pledging of shares almost complete, selling pressure to ebb
Market Cap (Rs crs) 343.65 Speciality chemicals could do well going forward
Capacity expansion done for the medium term
Book Value (Rs) 113.68
Improving working capital, Debt reduction would result in higher return ratios
Avg. 52 Week Vol 275,000
52 Week High 193.75 Concerns:
52 Week Low 130.05 Falling institutional holding
Decreasing share of export revenues
Continued delays in commissioning of Unit V plant
Shareholding Pattern-% (Mar-2017) Foreign exchange fluctuations
Promoters 41.01 Raw material price fluctuations
While the third issue has got resolved with the NCLT tribunal approval being given on April 13, 2017 and the certified copy
of the order having been received on April 28,2017, the promoters have also depledged most of their shares by continuing
to sell their holding. Some of the expanded capacities have now gone on stream and the results thereof are reflected from
the results of Q2FY17. The balance capacities (Unit V) may soon go on stream. We hence think that the company and its
promoters are just coming out of a vicious circle and the stock price may now gradually rise reflecting this and the potential
value unlocking due to demerger.
The risk to this thesis is if the liquidity situation continues to be stiff and/or the demand supply situation of its key
products have undergone a bearish turn and/or the promoters have in their stress period committed some acts that are
not in the best interest of the company and/or their minority shareholders and now they come to light.
We feel investors could buy the stock at the CMP and add on dips to Rs 152-156 band (4.75x FY19E EPS) for sequential
targets of Rs. 195 (6.0x FY19E EPS) and Rs. 244 (7.5x FY19E EPS) in 2-3 quarters. Once all the capacities are commissioned
we believe the stock has the potential to rise even more and reach Rs 488 over the next 2 years. Even at that price the stock
would trade at 15xFY19E EPS and 1.5x Mcap/Sales as compare to 5.5x of Zoetis, the largest global animal health company.
Company Description
Incorporated in 1983, Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd (OSCL) is primarily engaged in the production of Specialty Chemicals
and Pharma Intermediates. It manufactures a range of organic, inorganic and organo inorganic intermediates that find
application in various industries like pharmaceutical, chemical, glass, cosmetic ceramic and poultry feeds. Its products are
also exported to companies in Europe, Australia, North America and Asian countries.
OSCL has 7 manufacturing units (of which 4 are located at Badlapur, Thane) and 1 R&D centre. It manufactures more than
200 products and exports to around 40 countries including regulated markets of Europe, North America, China and other
Asian countries. Exports account for 10-15% of sales. It has a diversified customer base with top 30 customers accounting
for <30% of its sales. It has specialized process patented catalyst driven resulting in higher yield in production. OSCL is the
largest and only manufacturer of Selenium Sulphide in India
Intermediates: An intermediate in the chemical industry refers to a stable product of a chemical reaction that is then used
as a starting material for another reaction. These are used in Digital applications, Reagent in pharma industry, Pigments and
as Building blocks in organic chemistry. Intermediates accounted for 39% of OSCL’s sales in FY16.
Veterinary APIs: API is the ingredient in a pharmaceutical drug that is biologically active. OSCL manufactures APIs largely for
use in veterinary products (mostly used as Anthelmintics (Deworming)). APIs contributed to 31% of revenues in FY16.
Iodine Derivatives: Iodine derivatives are used in a wide range of medical and industrial applications as well as in human
and animal nutrition products, such as antiseptics and disinfectants, pharmaceutical intermediates, polarizing films for
liquid crystal displays (LCD), chemicals, etc. Iodine is added in the form of potassium iodate or potassium iodide to edible
salt to prevent iodine deficiency disorders. Iodine derivatives accounted for 23% of revenues.
Selenium Derivatives: The largest commercial use of Se, accounting for about 50% of consumption, is for the production of
glass. Se compounds confer a red color to glass. This color cancels out the green or yellow tints that arise from iron
impurities typical for most glass. For this purpose, various selenite and selenate salts are added. Other uses include
Animal/Poultry feed, Anti-Dandruff Shampoo and Reagent for API & pharma industry. Share of selenium derivatives was 5%
in FY16 sales.
Resolving agents: Resolving agents are used in the chemical industry to separate molecules from each other, Catalyst across
industries and Feed additive. Resolving agents contributed to 2% of revenues.
OSCL has decided to restructure its group companies wherein its 4 wholly owned subsidiaries will be merged with itself and
its veterinary API division will be demerged.
Investment Rationale
Restructuring of group to result in value unlocking for investors
OSCL had filed plans for restructuring its group according to the business and collapse unwanted layers between
companies. It had proposed to merge all its wholly owned subsidiaries with itself and then demerge its Veterinary API
segment into a separate company (Lasa Supergenerics Ltd.) while speciality chemical segment would remain with the
parent. The company has taken this step as both the business segments are distinctively different with their own business
profile, growth potential, risk-rewards, regulatory and capital requirements. It will issue one share of the new company for
every one share held in the parent company. OSCL will get 10% shares of the demerged company against investments it had
currently made in the company. As per the scheme of arrangement, debt of the company as on Sep-2014 was to be split as
Rs.107 cr (LSL) & Rs.84 cr (OSCL). The total debt of the combined entity as on Sep 2016 is ~Rs.230 cr.
Margins in the API segment are higher than speciality chemicals segment. In the API segment margins are ~25%,
intermediates is ~20%, iodine derivatives is ~13.5%, resolving agents ~ 20% and selenium derivatives is ~25-26%. Increasing
share of APIs is positive for the company as it would lead to margin expansion in the coming years.
This will also enable the API Intermediates division to get better valuation. Another listed company in the space is Sequent
Scientific in India. This company reported consolidated net sales of Rs 694.5 cr in 9MFY17 with an operating margin of 8.5%
and PAT margin of -2.6%. The stock is trades on a trailing EV/EBITDA of ~53x while the combined OSCL currently gets a
valuation of ~7xFY16EV/EBITDA. This reflects the scope for rerating/value unlocking by the demerger. Another global
company Zoetis trades at Mcap/Sales ratio of 5.5x while OSCL currently trades at 0.5x.
The company develops catalysts that are used in the manufacturing process of APIs and intermediates. This combined with
backward integration process, where OSCL has its own intermediates has led to higher yields and better profitability. OSCL
has filed for 18 process patents of which 3 have been granted by the Govt. of India. Besides it has also prepared 15 DMFs.
Its subsidiary Lasa Laboratory has also obtained Certificate of Suitability from European Directorate for the Quality of
Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM), for selling one of its premium products. OSCL was granted the patent for ‘Process for
Preparation of Higher Derivatives of β-Ketoester’ in Dec-2016. With this patent it now holds four process patents while 11
are under grant process.
Falling institutional holding
Institutional shareholding in the company has come down over the last couple of years from ~15% in Q1FY16 to 4.4% in
Q3FY17. Institutional investors are long term investors and provide stability to the stock prices.
Regulatory risks
The plants of the company run regulatory risks of inspections and environment clearances. Although the plants are fungible
its operations are likely to be impacted in the short term if a ban were to be imposed on any of its plants.
higher depreciation expenses as the company capitalized its expansion of Unit 1 in Q2FY17 and higher finance cost resulting
from higher borrowings for completing the expansions of its various units. PAT margins dipped 30 bps yoy to 8.4%.
Particulars (Rs Cr) Q3FY17 Q3FY16 YoY (%) Q2FY17 QoQ (%) 9MFY17 9MFY16 YoY (%)
Operating Income 125.7 108.3 16.0 129.4 -2.9 367.8 300.1 22.6
Material consumed 90.0 80.1 12.4 92.1 -2.3 259.3 214.8 20.7
Employee expenses 5.1 4.4 15.8 5.2 -2.9 15.2 12.6 20.8
Other expenses 5.9 6.4 -8.0 6.8 -13.3 20.0 19.7 1.6
Total expenses 101.0 90.8 11.1 104.1 -3.0 294.5 247.1 19.2
EBITDA 24.7 17.5 41.3 25.3 -2.3 73.3 53.0 38.3
Depreciation 5.0 2.0 150.7 4.0 27.3 12.5 5.9 114.0
Other Income 1.0 0.3 225.8 0.6 60.3 2.3 0.9 158.4
Finance cost 5.9 4.0 45.5 6.7 -12.2 18.1 12.1 49.3
PBT 14.8 11.8 26.0 15.3 -2.9 44.9 35.9 25.2
Tax expenses 4.3 2.4 81.5 3.7 16.1 11.9 9.3 27.6
Reported PAT 10.5 9.4 11.9 11.6 -9.1 33.0 26.6 24.3
EPS (Rs) 5.1 4.6 11.9 5.6 -9.1 16.0 12.9 24.3
EBITDA (%) 19.7% 16.2% 352 bps 19.6% 12 bps 19.9% 17.7% 226 bps
PAT (%) 8.4% 8.7% -30 bps 8.9% -57 bps 9.0% 8.9% 13 bps
(Source: Company, HDFC sec)
While the third issue has got resolved with the NCLT tribunal approval being given on April 13, 2017 and the certified copy
of the order having been received on April 28,2017, the promoters have also depledged most of their shares by continuing
to sell their holding. Some of the expanded capacities have now gone on stream and the results thereof are reflected from
the results of Q2FY17. The balance capacities (Unit V) may soon go on stream. We hence think that the company and its
promoters are just coming out of a vicious circle and the stock price may now gradually rise reflecting this and the potential
value unlocking due to demerger.
The risk to this thesis is if the liquidity situation continues to be stiff and/or the demand supply situation of its key
products have undergone a bearish turn and/or the promoters have in their stress period committed some acts that are
not in the best interest of the company and/or their minority shareholders and now they come to light.
We feel investors could buy the stock at the CMP and add on dips to Rs 152-156 band (4.75x FY19E EPS) for sequential
targets of Rs. 195 (6x FY19E EPS) and Rs. 244 (7.5x FY19E EPS) in 2-3 quarters. Once all the capacities are commissioned we
believe the stock has the potential to rise even more and reach Rs 488 over the next 2 years. Even at that price the stock
would trade at 15xFY19E EPS and 1.5x Mcap/Sales as compare to 5.5x of Zoetis, the largest global animal health company.
Financial Statements
Fixed Assets Current Ratio (x) 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5
Net Block 149.2 160.7 218.8 271.1 262.1 Quick Ratio (x) 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Capital work-in-progress 121.6 148.9 80.0 15.0 10.0 Debt-Equity (x) 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.4
Non current Investments 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Long-Term Loans and Advances 1.0 0.9 1.4 1.7 1.7 Debtor days 118 91 97 93 89
Other Non-current Assets 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 Inventory days 188 119 108 107 104
Non-current Assets 1.1 1.3 2.0 2.3 2.4 Creditor days 116 100 107 103 97
Current Investments 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Inventories 88.8 99.9 107.9 121.7 136.6
Trade Receivables 76.8 130.4 134.8 149.1 168.6
Cash and Bank Balances 15.5 10.3 24.0 23.5 34.0
Short-Term Loans and Advances 22.2 30.5 33.7 38.0 44.4
Other Current Assets 4.1 1.0 18.9 19.8 21.3
Current Assets 207.4 272.0 319.2 352.1 404.9
TOTAL 479.2 582.9 620.0 640.5 679.4
(Source: Company, HDFC sec)
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