Ranbaxy Labs: Multiple Triggers Ahead Upgrade To Hold
Ranbaxy Labs: Multiple Triggers Ahead Upgrade To Hold
Ranbaxy Labs: Multiple Triggers Ahead Upgrade To Hold
Company Update
Multiple triggers ahead; Upgrade to Hold
Financials Rs (mn)
Mar Sales (Core) (%) APAT (Rs) % chg (%) P/E EBITDA P/BV
FY09 74,214 5,001 6.7 2,231 5.3 (71.2) 6.3 105.8 44.5 5.5
FY10 74,529 6,107 8.2 2,882 6.9 29.2 6.6 81.9 41.2 5.3
Manoj Garg
FY11E 88,113 18,605 21.1 11,409 27.1 295.8 23.3 20.7 13.3 4.5
FY12E 94,006 19,679 20.9 12,330 29.3 8.1 22.1 19.2 12.6 4.0
+91 22 6612 1257
Ashish Thavkar
+91 22 6612 1254
Nexium (Formulations) 2.7 4.3 5.4
Nexium (API) 1.6 2.0 2.0
Total EPS (Rs) 4.3 6.3 7.4
Successful resolution of FDA issue will lead to 10x rise in profit; Base
business earnings to grow 28x over CY09-11
Resolution of FDA issue and successful launch of penems and other Para IV opportunities
will lead to 10x rise in profit driven by a) Rs20.4bn of PAT from FTF opportunity, b)
Rs900mn interest income (significant cash generation by monetizing Para IV opportunities),
c) Rs960mn savings on account of reduction in NCE R&D expenditures and d) sharp
recovery in the base business. Base business EPS is likely to grow from Rs0.6 in CY09 to
Rs16.7 in CY11E on the back of a) 12% revenue CAGR and b) 950bps expansion in base
business margins.
Positive out come of DoJ- FDA can lead to earning upside of Rs 6 in the base business (Rs)
Lipitor Total
70 + EPS
Carbapenams 62.1
60 Interest Para
income IV NPV
Interest from 39.4
50 EPS from Cost 26.8
income Lipitor
Lipitor post savings
Recurring cash flow
from excl in US
40 EPS from during
Aricept post excl. Incremental EPS post
cash flow 12.6 1.4
30 excl. USFDA resolution
during excl. 2.8
Para 6
0.9 16.7
20 13.7 1.64 0.5 IV
10 Base R&D Total Base
business benefit business
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