Comparison of Bupivacaine Moistened Dressing and Conventional Dressing For Pain Relief On Skin Graft Donor Sites
Comparison of Bupivacaine Moistened Dressing and Conventional Dressing For Pain Relief On Skin Graft Donor Sites
Comparison of Bupivacaine Moistened Dressing and Conventional Dressing For Pain Relief On Skin Graft Donor Sites
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of bupivacaine moistened dressing and conventional dressing in patients
requiring split thickness skin graft for reconstruction of various defects.
Study Design: Randomized controlled trial.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit, Mayo Hospital, King Edward Medical
University, Lahore, from January 2011 to January 2013.
Methodology: One hundred and fifty patients requiring split thickness skin grafting for various soft tissue defects were
divided into two groups A and B, with 75 patients in each group. In Group A, skin graft donor site dressing was kept moist
with 12 mL/100 cm2 of 0.25% bupivacaine solution and in Group B, dressing was moistened with same amount of normal
saline. Outcome was measured by calculating rescue analgesia requirements in the two groups after 24 hours.
Significance was determined by comparing analgesia sparing effect of each dressing using chi-square test.
Results: In Group A, 5 out of 75 (6.7%) patients required rescue analgesia. In Group B, 72 out of 75 (96%) patients
required rescue analgesia (p < 0.0001). There was 93.3% effectiveness of bupivacaine soaked dressing while only 4%
effectiveness of conventional dressing.
Conclusion: Bupivacaine soaked dressing is much more effective in pain relief and in reducing the requirement of rescue
analgesia, in early postoperative period, at split thickness skin graft donor site compared to the conventional dressing.
Key Words: Bupivacaine. Split thickness skin graft. Donor site. Postoperative pain. Rescue analgesia.
416 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (6): 416-419
Comparison of bupivacaine moistened dressing and conventional dressing for pain relief on skin graft donor sites
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (6): 416-419 417
Muhammad Sheraz Raza, Tauqeer Nazim and Farid Ahmad Khan
and infection. Late postoperative complications include advantage over dry dressing both in terms of healing
repeated wound breakdown, delayed healing, blistering, and pain management. This has also been proven in a
poor quality skin, abnormal pigmentation and hyper- recent study by Wiechula who studied these dressings in
trophic scarring. detail.19 In accordance with this, in this study moist
Pain at the split thickness skin graft donor site can be a dressing was used in both groups so as to rule out that
real problem for most patients especially in first five post- pain relieving effect was due to moist nature of the
operative days. Donor-site pain is probably the most dressing and not due to the local anesthetic effect.
disturbing complication in the early postoperative period. Other local anesthetic agents both short acting as well
This study compared the use of bupivacaine soaked as long acting have also been tried topically to reduce
dressing with conventional dressing for pain relief in split pain at split thickness skin graft donor sites by plastic
thickness skin graft donor site. The basis of this study surgeons mostly with good results. Cenetoglu et al. used
was that with use of a local anesthetic agent locally at topical lignocaine gel at split thickness skin graft donor
the split thickness skin graft donor site there should be site and found very encouraging results as far as the
considerable pain relief in early postoperative period due pain relief was concerned. The effect was of shorter
to blockage of nerve endings, which transmit pain duration since lignocaine is a short acting anesthetic
signals to the nervous system. This study demonstrated agent though its onset of action is early.20 This explains
that when the split thickness skin graft donor site the purpose of choosing bupivacaine over lignocaine in
dressing was kept moist through the instillation of 0.25% this study because bupivacaine has a longer duration of
aqueous solution of bupivacaine hydrochloride with the action. To overcome the late onset of action of
help of a catheter placed in it, it produced considerably bupivacaine the first instillation for soaking the dressing
more pain relief. This considerably reduced the need for was done while patient was still under the effect of
rescue analgesia compared to conventional dressing. general anesthesia so local anesthetic took effect till the
patient was awake postoperatively.
Controversy exists at present as to the efficacy of
bupivacaine wound perfusion in the relief of post- Bupivacaine has also been used topically for purpose of
operative pain. There is available evidence though that analgesia postoperatively in past in a number of
this local instillation of bupivacaine on wounds can be conditions and in a number of locations. Recently,
applied to achieve pain relief in early postoperative pain. Scimeca et al. published a case report of a 55-year-old
gentleman with a complex past medical history, 2-year
In a recent study, performed in Thailand by Jenwitheesuk history of opioid dependency and a 2-week history of
et al.,11 0.5% bupivacaine hydrochloride solution was intractable pain associated with the combination of
used to keep the dressing at split thickness skin graft debilitating painful diabetic neuropathy and painful lower
donor site moist for first five postoperative days in one extremity wounds.21 After surgical debridement of the
group (G1) and similar amount of normal saline was lower extremity wounds, substantial analgesia was
used to keep donor site dressing moist in second group achieved postoperatively through the implantation of a
(G2). In this study, bupivacaine soaked dressing was portable direct infusion pump device. The device
found to be significantly more effective in pain relief at supplied 2 ml/hour of 0.25% bupivacaine and resulted in
donor site in early postoperative period with p < 0.001 in a reduction in pain within the first hour of implantation. In
first four postoperative days and p < 0.05 on the fifth day. another study, Kadar and Obaid studied, the topical
In another study performed in Nigeria,13 Oluwatosin and effects of bupivacaine post-tonsillectomy in tonsillar
colleagues also used 0.5% aqueous solution of fossa in 70 cases.22 The mean postoperative pain
bupivacaine hydrochloride to treat the split thickness scores for the subject fossae after 4 hours, before bed,
skin graft donor site. In this study, it was found that the before breakfast, before lunch and before discharge
patients in whom donor site was treated with were less than control fossae scores, showing better
bupivacaine solution had significantly less pain pain relief with bupivacaine.
compared to those in whom donor site was not treated
Zohar et al. from Tel Aviv University studied the role of
with any solution, with p < 0.00001 on the first and
bupivacaine for pain relief in 36 patients after total
second postoperative days, p < 0.0005 on the third and
abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-
fourth day and p < 0.0013 on the fifth day. This study is
oophorectomy.23 They divided patients in two groups. In
comparable to those studies except that 0.25% solution
one group (G1), they instilled 0.25% bupivacaine
of bupivacaine was used rather than 0.5%. The reason
solution and in second group (G2), they instilled sterile
for using 0.25% bupivacaine was that larger amounts of
water. When compared G1 required significantly less
this solution could be used with little fear of toxicity even
rescue analgesia (p < 0.001) than G2. In another study,
if absorption occurs. So this method can be safely used
Andrei et al. from Paris studied the role of local
for larger donor site areas. Results of this study are still
anesthetics in preventing postoperative pain after
in agreement with these studies.
laparoscopic gynecologic surgery. In each patient, the
It has been almost universally accepted that moist operating surgeon instilled 20 ml of either 0.5%
dressing at split thickness skin graft donor site has an bupivacaine solution, 0.75% ropivacaine solution or
418 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (6): 416-419
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