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Raft Rubric

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STUDENT NAME: ______________________________

Overall: Score:_____________________


Accuracy 5 4 3 2 1

Resolution presented is accurate and relevant to the conflict.


Role 5 4 3 2 1

Student stayed in the role assigned.

Student took on the role effectively.


Format 5 4 3 2 1

The choice of format was effective and met the guidelines for the assignment. (5-8 sentences;
to-from; audience, etc.)

Display of Knowledge 5 4 3 2 1

The choice of information provided shows understanding of topic.


Overall Quality 5 4 3 2 1

Your best effort was evident. Your final product is neat and well organized.

RAFT Rubric
Name: ________________________________ Class Period:____ Date:_______

4 3 2 1
Exceeds the Meets the Approaching Below the
Standards Standards the Standards Standards

Role RAFT maintains Explains how Shows little Does not

clear, consistent character would insight into how accurately
point of view, tone, feel about the character would develop
and ideas relevant event(s). feel or act during characters,
to role played; the event(s). thoughts or
ideas and reactions to the
information always event(s).
tied to role and

Topic RAFT stays on Spends most of Spends some Spends most of

topic, never drifts the RAFT time discussing RAFT on issues
from required form discussing issues issues off topic. that do not
or type; details and on topic, but directly deal with
information are occasionally strays the RAFT
included that are from the focus. chosen.
pertinent only to

Format The format is The format is The format is not The format is not
appropriate based appropriate based appropriate appropriate
on the role of the on the role of the based based
writer and target writer and the on the role of the on the role of the
audience. target audience. writer and the writer and the
The format is However, target audience. target audience.
consistent the format changes However, the The format is not
throughout the throughout the format is consistent
writing writing. consistent throughout the
throughout the writing.
Audience The audience is The audience is The audience is The audience is
appropriate based appropriate based not appropriate not appropriate
on on the role of the based on the based on the
the role of the writer but the role of the writer role
writer writing does not but the writing of the writer and
and the writing relate to the target does relate to the writing does
relates audience. thAppre target not relate at all
to the target audience. to the target
audience. audience.

Speech - Speakers can be - The majority of - Two or fewer - All speakers

Clarity, Eye heard clearly. the speakers can speakers can cannot be
Contact, - Speakers hold be heard clearly. be heard. heard.
and Poise the attention of - The majority of - Two or fewer - Speakers do
the entire speakers hold speakers hold not hold the
audience with the the entire the entire audience’s
use of direct eye audience’s audience’s attention.
contact. attention. attention. - Speakers are
- Speakers display - The majority of - Two or fewer not relaxed
relaxed, self- speakers are speakers are and self-
confident nature. relaxed and relaxed and confident.
- All speakers confident. confident. - Speakers use
exhibit very few - One or two - The majority of disfluencies,
disfluencies, speakers use speakers use such as “ahs”
such as “ahs,” or few disfluencies. disfluencies. or “uhms”
uhms.” repeatedly.

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