Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
The second oral presentation aims to put in practice what you have learned during the first and second
unit. This oral presentation is going to help you to develop your communicative skills in English. You
should assume this project as part of your language learning process, it is to say, your commitment and
responsibility are needed for succeeding in this task. This task is worth 15% of your final grade.
1.1. Make a plan to develop your presentation. Greeting (Hello everyone, Nice to see you again,
etc.); Topic (I’m going to talk about..., My subject today is...); and Agenda (My presentation is in
three sections. Firstly, ...). Then, write a composition based on the outline. (Introduction: support your
choice; body: information about the location, importance, activities, etc., problems and solution;
closure: for example, personal reflection about the location).
1.2. When you prepare your presentation, remember that you need to include most of the grammar
and vocabulary topics covered in the class (Comparatives and superlatives, Intensifiers, Modal verbs
There is / there are, Countable and Uncountable nouns, Imperatives, among others).
2.3. Visual aids and/or other graphic support are required here. You must use videos, slides,
cardboards, flashcards or any visual aid that helps you show your presentation successfully. Do not
include paragraphs in your presentation. Include images, pictures, maps, key words and phrases,
graphics, etc.
2.4. You might schedule appointments with your teacher or the Red CAAL monitors to check
some concerns about your presentation.
3. Practice in front of a mirror, measure time and observe your body language. Practice with
someone else, record what you're going to say and listen to the recording.
4. Perform your presentation. Be ready on the day of your presentation. Remember, it is an oral
presentation, not a reading presentation, avoid reading. If you are not present the day and moment you
are called, you will not have a second chance to perform.
What When
Final Presentation assignment From November 9th- 15th 2023
Tutoring From November 14th – December 6th 2023
Presentations From December 11th-16th 2023
Assessment criteria:
Criteria 5 4 2-3 1
Task Understands, follows Understands, follows Understands, follows The product does not
completion and fully fulfills the and fulfills most of and fulfills part of show clear
task (100%). the task (90%). the task (80%-75%). understanding of the
Student has full Student presents A little organized, but task.
knowledge of the enough information. it is difficult to follow Disorganized; the
subject and the The information is the presentation. The information does not
information is generally organized student has little have a logical order.
presented in a logical, and almost all knowledge of the The student shows no
and clear manner information is subject and reads knowledge and reads
presented in a logical almost all the time. all the time.
Vocabulary Uses sufficient His/her vocabulary His/her vocabulary Lacks sufficient
vocabulary to fully allows him to allows him to vocabulary to
fulfill the task complete most of the complete the task complete the task.
task. partly.
Accuracy Is always clear and Is usually clear and Is sometimes clear Is not clear enough
uses the correct form uses the correct form and occasionally uses and does not use the
of tenses, of tenses, the correct form of correct form of
comparatives, comparatives, tenses, comparatives, tenses, comparatives,
superlatives, superlatives, superlatives, superlatives,
countable and countable and countable and countable and
uncountable, modals uncountable, modals uncountable, modals uncountable, modals
verbs, etc. verbs, etc. verbs, etc. verbs, etc.
General comments:
Nota: de acuerdo con el programa de curso, la evaluación de producto se hará mediante una evaluación
intermedia y una evaluación final que recogen los contenidos vistos en cada una de las unidades. La evaluación
intermedia comprende la presentación oral, pruebas de escritura, comprensión de lectura, comprensión oral,
gramática y vocabulario.
La evaluación final corresponde a una presentación oral en el aula. El porcentaje de la evaluación intermedia es
de 20% y el del proyecto final oral es de 15% para un total de 35%.