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Part 8

Building Services

In a multi!storied building, the substation shall preferably be installed on the lowest floor level, but direct access
from the street for installation or removal of the equipment shall be provided. The floor level of the substation or
switch room shall be above the highest flood level of the locality. Suitable arrangements should exist to prevent
the entrance of storm or flood water into the substation area.
The location of a substation will depend on (i) the feed point of the 11 KV Supply Authority line and (ii) the
location of the LT vertical riser cables.
It is preferable to locate the air!conditioning plant room (if any) adjacent to the electrical substation in such a way
that the distance from the controlling switchboard of the air!conditioning plant rooms and corresponding
switches in the electrical substation are kept minimum.
In case of a building complex, or a group of buildings belonging to the same organization, the substation should
preferably be located in a separate building and should be adjacent to the generator room, if any. Location of
substation in the basement floor and on the floors above ground floor level (GFL) preferably be avoided. If Sub!
Station it to be installed on the basement floor or the floors above ground floor level (GFL) special safety
measures is to be taken by the user or owner. Measures are as follows:
(i) No objection certificate stating the Sub!Station safe by the Fire Service and Civil Defense
(ii) Certification of the building consultant stating safe, Proper ventilation, Easy entrance and exit and
safe load bearing capacity of the floors above the ground floor level (GFL).
(iii) Proper undertaking of the Sub!Station user or owner as the case may be, Stating safety and liability
will be ensured by them.
In case the electric substation has to be located within the main building itself for unavoidable reasons, it
should be located on ground floor or Basement floor or the floors above the ground floor (GFL) with easy
access from outside. Height, Area, Floor Level and other requirements of a Substation Room
a) The minimum height of a substation room should be 3.0m to 3.6m depending upon the size of the
b) The minimum area required for substation and transformer room for different capacities are given in
Table 8.1.24.
c) For transformers having large oil content (more than 2000 litres), soak pits are to be provided.
The areas given in Table 8.1.24 hold good if they are provided with windows and independent access doors in
accordance with local regulations.
All the rooms shall have significant ventilation. Special care should be taken to ventilate the transformer rooms
and where necessary louvers at lower level and exhaust fans at higher level shall be provided at suitable locations
in such a way that cross ventilation is maintained. Fans should be provided so that the transformer gets air supply
from the fans.
The floor level of the substation should be high. Arrangement shall be made to prevent storm water entering the
transformer and switch rooms through the soak pits, if floor level of the substation is low.
Sub!Station of higher voltage may also be considered to the basement floor having proper & safe building design.
Table 8.1.24 Area Required for Transformer and Recommended Minimum Area for Substation of Different Capacities

Capacity of Transformer Total Substation Area (with HT, LT Panels & Transformer Room
Transformer Area but without Generators)
(kVA) (m2) (m2)
1x150 12 45
1x250 13 48

2x250 26 100
1x400 13 48
2x400 30 100
3x400 40 135

8!46 Vol. 3
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Services for Buildings Chapter 1

2x630 26 100
3x630 40 190
2x1000 40 180

3x1000 45 220 11KV / 0.4KV Distribution Transformer for the Substation of a Building

An 11KV / 0.4KV indoor distribution Transformer is a major part of an indoor substation . These Substations may
be installed inside the building itself or may be housed in a separate building adjacent to the building.
For small to moderate power rating up to 2MW two types of indoor transformers have been widely used in recent
years. These are (i) Oil Type Natural Cooled transformer and (ii) Cast Resin Dry Type Natural Cooled transformers.
In most cases Oil Type Natural Cooled transformer may be used for substations if adequate space is available to
accommodate the transformer.
Cast Resin Dry Type Natural Cooled transformers should be used (i) in places where stringent protection against
spread of fire is needed and (ii) in places where space saving is of utmost importance.

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Dry type transformer should be installed where risk of spreading of fire is high and where flammable materials are
to be kept around the substation.
For Hospital buildings, Multistoried Shopping Centers Dry type transformers should be used to for minimizing fire
An Industrial buildings containing inflammable materials, Chemical and having the substation in the same
building Dry type transformers should be used for minimizing fire risks. Type of connection between a Substation Transformer and its LT panel

Connection between a Substation Transformer and its LT panel can be established a) by using NYY underground
LT Cables or b) by using Ceiling Suspended Busbar Trunking. For small size transformers the first method should
be used although there is no restriction in using the second method. However, for big substations the second
method is safer and at the same time gives a neat solution. Ventilation of a Substation

In an Electrical Substation significant amount of forced ventilation is very much needed apart from natural
ventilation. Exhaust Fans (minimum 18” dia) must be provided in sufficient numbers on all sides of the substation
above the lintel level. Grill fitted Windows having window panes must be provided on all sides for natural
ventilation. The windows must have sun sheds to ensure that no rain water can come inside the substation.
If due to space constraint or due to any other difficulties, sufficient number of windows and ventilating fans
cannot be installed, high velocity forced ventilation using ducts must be provided. Layout of a Substation

In general, the Substation HT to LT Transformer shall be placed in one corner of the room so that the HT side
remains away from the passage of the persons.
The HT Metering panel shall be located near the exterior of the substation room near the exit gate and also shall
be convenient for the HT cable entry.
The HT Panel shall be located near the exterior, just after or adjacent to the HT panel.
LT Panel shall remain at a sufficient distance from the Transformer but not too far away from the Transformer. On
the other hand, the location of the LT panel should such that the riser main cable can have their way upward or
outward within very short distance.
In allocating the areas within a substation, it is to be noted that the flow of electric power is from supply company
network to HT room, then to transformer and finally to the low voltage switchgear room. The layout of the rooms
shall be in accordance with this flow.
All the rooms shall have significant ventilation. Special care should be taken to ventilate the transformer rooms
and where necessary louvres at lower level and exhaust fans at higher level shall be provided at suitable locations

Bangladesh National Building Code 2011 8!47

Part 8
Building Services

in such a way that cross ventilation is maintained. Ceiling fans must be provided so that the transformer gets air
supply from the ceiling fans.

!"!#$ Standby Power Supply Provision for Standby Power Supply

Provision should be made for standby power supply, in buildings, where interruption of electrical power supply
would cause significant discomfort, result in interruption of activities, major production loss, cause hazard to life
and property and cause panic. The Standby Power Supply may be a Petrol Engine or Diesel Engine or Gas Engine
Generator or an IPS or a UPS. Capacity of a Standby Generating Set

The capacity of standby generating set shall be chosen on the basis of essential light load, essential air!
conditioning load, essential equipment load and essential services load, essential lift (s), one or all water pumps
and other loads required as essential load. Table 8.1.25 shows minimum generator room area requirements for
different sizes of generators. The Generator Room

The generating set should preferably be housed in the substation building or should be placed adjacent to the
substation room to enable transfer of electrical load (Change over) with negligible voltage drop as well as to avoid
transfer of vibration and noise to the main building. The generator room should have significant amount of
ventilation and fitted with a number of ceiling fans. Appropriate type and number of fire fighting equipment must
be installed inside the generator room. The generator engine exhaust should be appropriately taken out of the
building and should preferably be taken out through any other side except South. The generator Oil tank should
be place away from the control panel side. In case of gas engine generator extra precaution must be taken
regarding ventilation, leakage to prevent explosion. Changeover Switch of a Standby Generator

A standby generator, if needed, is to be connected at the supply input point after the Energy meter and after the
Main Incoming Switch or the Main Incoming Circuit Breaker, but through a Changeover Switch of appropriate
rating. The rating of such a switch shall be at least 1.25 times the rating of the Main Incoming Circuit Breaker. The
Changeover Switch shall be of such a type so that when moved to the mains position, there is no chance that the
generator will be connected and vice versa.
The Changeover Switch may be manual type with knife switch type switching or may be automatic type with
magnetic contactors. In both the cases the Changeover Switch shall be properly made so that there is no chance
of loose connection or spark.
The wiring for this purpose shall be made following the standard practices mentioned under the heading of wiring
using cables of appropriate size.
Table 8.1.25 Area Requirements for Standby Generator Room

Capacity Area
(kW) (m2)
1x25 20
1x48 24
1x100 30
1x150 36
1x300 48
1x500 56 Installation of an IPS or a UPS

For safety purpose size of a UPS should be kept as small as possible.
For the installation of a 200 – 600 VA IPS a 5A circuit must be made with the light points and fan points of
different rooms to be brought under the control of the IPS. This circuit must have 3A Fuse protection using fuse

8!48 Vol. 3

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