Switchyard Design Basis Report
Switchyard Design Basis Report
Switchyard Design Basis Report
Rev No.00
30.09.11 W.O. No
30.09.11 Electrical Design Basis report for GROUP TBEM 400/220kV Switchyard CUSTOMER APGENCO, Hyderabad
Desein Consulting Pvt Ltd, New Delhi 400/220KV SWITCHYARD- 600MW RTPP STAGE-IV (UNIT#6), Rayalseema CONTENTS
COPYRIGHT & CONFIDENTIAL The Information in this document is the property of BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED This must not be used directly or indirectly in any way detrimental to the interest of the Company.
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Introduction Basic Arrangement and layout Standards & Codes Switchyard site Parameters System Parameters and clearances Earthing Cable trench Equipment data Electrical Auxiliary System Illumination System DBR for Civil 400/220kV Interconnecting Transformer
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00 1.0 INTRODUCTION:
400kV Switchyard is a part of 1x600MW Unit#6 (Stage-IV) at Rayalseema Thermal Power Plant and BHEL are the EPC contractor for this project. The scope of work under this design basis report (DBR) shall mainly cover the major electrical parameters of various equipments and accessories required for 400/220kV Switchyard and philosophies adopted for various packages i.e. Illumination, SAS, AC Ventilation, Fire fighting etc for efficient, safe and trouble free commercial operation. Our scope is based on TBG technical write up submitted with tender to M/s APGENCO, subsequent changes and tender SLD. The scope of works envisaged for the 400/220 kV Switchyard shall be as described below.
The scope shall cover all 400 & 220 kV equipment like circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, current transformers, capacitive voltage transformers, surge arrestors, post insulators, cables, gantry structure, Rigid & flexible bus bars, ACSR Conductors, Insulators, Clamps & connectors,
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
grounding system , protection panels, substation automation systems, AC Ventilation, firefighting, illumination and all other accessories as required to complete the system with its desired functionality. The purpose of this document is to elaborate the following for 400/220kV Switchyard. a) b) c) d) e) Basic arrangement and layout Standard and codes Switchyard parameters System parameters and clearances Equipment data
Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
connections shall be of single & twin ACSR Moose conductor for ST bay & ICT bay respectively. c) The bay width is 16 m and height of bus bar is 13 m from finished ground level (FGL). The equipment connection level is 5800 mm from FGL. The height of peak tower is 26 m from FGL. The height of plinth level is 300mm from FGL. d) Protection against direct lightning strokes has already been provided. Refer M/S CONTROL & SCHEMATICS Ltd Drg No. AREVA-RTPP-E-006 (Stage-III)
IS 802 (Part1):
IEC 60865-1: IEC 62271-100: IEEE 80 std-2000: IEC 60694: CBIP report-3: Indian Electricity rule
Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Design ambient temperature Altitude above MSL Basic wind speed Seismic acceleration Terrain Classification Average Rainfall Humidity 50 C 190m 39m/s at 10m above retarding surface Zone-III As per IS-1893 Category-2 742.8 mm Average Max: 49-74% (June to Oct)
Earth mat shall be provided for the proposed 400kV yard. Earth mat shall be with 40 Dia. MS rod buried at a depth of 600 mm. Grid Spacing shall be as per Earthmat layout drg & Calculations.
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
The equipment riser connections for connection to the buried earth mat shall be of GI flats of size 75x12 mm. Trenches & panels shall be earthed with 50x6 mm & 25x3 mm GI strip, respectively. Earthmat shall be extended 1 m out of fence area in all directions of switchyard. Rod Electrodes shall be 3 m long, 40 mm Dia MS rod. 1) Rod electrode without test pit shall be provided for LA and LM. 2) Rod electrode with test pit shall be provided for peak towers and at corners of switchyard earthmat for further connection to adjacent earthmats. 3) Pipe electrodes with treated pit shall be provided for neutral earthing of aux. transformer & ICT.
Power & control Cables shall be laid in cable trenches on perforated type trays in control room building and directly on racks assembly in outdoor switchyard. In control building perforated trays shall be supported on GI angle assembly welded to inserts of trench walls at an interval of 1500 mm. While in outdoor, where no trays have been envisaged, racks shall be welded at inserts at an interval of 750 mm. Auxiliary power and control cables shall be segregated to the extent possible.
General technical particulars are given here under. The details technical particulars and drawings shall be submitted at later stage.
a) Circuit breaker:
400kV & 220Kv Circuit Breakers shall be 3 Phase, SF6 type and single pole operated. The CBs shall be of class C1-M1 as per IEC 62271-100. The specific technical requirement shall be as given below: Technical Parameters Rated voltage kV (rms) Current rating (A) Rated frequency (Hz) No.of poles Design ambient Temperature (deg. C) Rated insulation levels
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
Full wave impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50 micro sec.) Between line terminals and ground Between terminals with circuit breaker open/ Isolator open 1425 kVp 1425 kVp impulse on one terminal and 240kVp power frequency voltage of opposite polarity on other terminal Switching impulse withstand voltage (250/2500 ms) Dry & Wet Between Terminals & Ground Between Terminals with Circuit Breaker open/ Isolator open 1050 kVp 900 kVp impulse on one terminal and 345kVp Power frequency voltage of opposite polarity on other terminal One minute power frequency dry and wet withstand voltage Between Terminals & Ground Between Terminals with Circuit Breaker open/ Isolator open Max. radio interference Voltage (microvolts) Minimum creepage distance: Phase to ground (mm) 10500 6125 520kVrms 610kVrms 1000 at 266kVrms 460kVrms 530kVrms 1000 at 156kVrms 1050 kVp 1050 kVp
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
Rated short time making current (kAp) Short time current carrying capability (kArms) 100 40kAfor 1 sec 100 40kA for 3 sec
Total break time (Under Test duties 2, 3 & 4 at Rated Values) as per IEC Total break time (Under Test duties 1 & 5 and short line fault duties and combines variation of trip coil voltage, operating pressure and quenching media pressure) as per IEC Total closing time (ms)
O-0.3 sec.-CO-3 min-CO cycle Single phase and three phase auto reclosing Spring/Pneumatic Spring-spring or combination ---140 dB (max)--1.3 1.3
Operating mechanism Noise level at base and upto 50 m.( distance from base of breaker) First pole to clear factor Resistor Requirements a) Rating b) Minimum pre insertion time c) Opening of PIR Contacts
400 Ohms 8 PIR Contacts should open immediately after closing of main circuit OR at least 5 ms prior to opening of main contacts at rated air/gas pressure, where the PIR contacts remained closed.
Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
Rated voltage kV (rms) Rated Normal Current (A) Rated insulation levels Full wave impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50 micro sec.) - between line terminals and ground - between terminals with isolator open 420 2000 245 1250
1425 kVp 1425 kVp impulse on one terminal and power freq.voltage of 240 kVp opposite polarity on other terminal 1050 kVp 900 kVp impulse on one terminal and 345 kVp power freq. voltage of opposite polarity on other terminal 520 kV rms 610 kV rms
switching impulse withstand voltage (250/2550 micro sec.) dry and wet - between line terminals and ground - between terminals with isolator open
One minute power frequency dry and wet withstand voltage - between line terminals and ground - between terminals with isolator open
corona extiction voltage (kV rms) with isolator in all positions Max. radio interference Voltage (micro-volts) for Frequency between 0.5 MHz and 2 MHz Minimum creepage distance Phase to phase spacing (mm) Rated short time withstand Current of isolator and earth switch Rated dynamic short circuit withstand Current of isolator and earth switch Operating mechanism of Isolator Operating mechanism of earth switch Rated frequency (Hz)
320 (min) 1000 at 266kVrms 10500 7000 40 kA for 1 sec 100 kAp
Motorized ( Both Local & Remote) and Emergency Manual Motorized and Emergency Manual 50
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
No.of poles Operating time 3 12 sec. Or less
e) Surge Arrestor:
360 kV & 198kV Surge Arrester shall be Gapless, heavy duty , Metal Oxide type complete with surge counter, leakage current meter etc. Nominal discharge current and long duration discharge class shall be 20kA and class IV respectively. The specific technical requirement shall be as follows: SN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. PARAMETERS Rated Arrester Voltage Designation Type Installation Mounting System earthing MCOV at 50 deg C Rated Frequency Rated Nominal Discharge Current for 8/20 S wave Minimum discharge capability Long duration discharge class High current short duration test Value (4/10 S wave) Low current long duration test value (2000 S) UNIT kV kVrms Hz kA kAp A 400kV Yard 360 kV Heavy Duty, station class Metal Oxide, gapless Outdoor Lattice structure Effectively earthed 292 50 20 10kJ/kV IV 100 As per IEC or IS
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 Pressure relief class Current for pressure relief test Prospective symmetrical fault current One minute dry/wet power frequency withstand voltage Lightning impulse withstand voltage of arrester housing (1.2/50 s wave) dry/wet Switching impulse withstand voltage of arrester housing (250/2500 s wave) dry or wet Corona extinction Voltage Radio Interference Voltage (RIV) Partial discharge at 1.05 MCOV kArms kArms kVrms kVp kVp kVmin V C A 40 kArms 40 kArms 630 1425 1050 320 Less than 1000 at 266 kVrms Not more than 50 A 40 kArms 40 kArms 460 1050 156 Less than 1000 at 156 kVrms Not more than 50
f) 400/220kV Post Insulators for Isolator/Wave trap and bus support: The specific technical requirement shall be as follows:
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Type Voltage class (kV) Dry and wet one minute power frequency withstand voltage (kVp) Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage (kVp) Wet switching surge withstand voltage (kVp) Total min. cantilever strength (kN) Min. total creepage distance (mm) Solid core 420 630 1425 1050 8 25mm per kV 245 460 1050 NA
Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
(ii) 400 kV single suspension String insulators with single anchoring point comprising of 1 X 25 Nos. 120KN anti fog type disc and hardwares. (iii) 220 kV double tension String insulators with double anchoring point comprising of 2 X 16 Nos. 120 KN anti fog type disc and hardwares. (iv) 220 kV single suspension String insulators with single anchoring point comprising of 1 X 16 Nos. 120KN anti fog type disc and hardwares.
Bus Bar material: 1) Flexible conductor shall be ACSR Moose conductor for 400kV & 220kV yard. 2) Rigid conductor shall be 4 Heavy Duty Al. tube (Schedule-80) for 400kV yard. 3) 7/9 SWG shield wire
k) Marshalling Kiosk
Marshaling Kiosks with degree of protection IP-55 have been provided to supply power to various equipment like CB, Isolators, JB, AC Kiosk and to marshal the control cables of circuit breakers, isolators and earth switches. Junction boxes shall be provided for CT & CVTs.
Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00 9.0 ELECTRCIAL AUXLIARY SYSTEM: A) 220kV yard: i. AC supply for both the MKs shall be looped from adjacent MKs. ii. AC & DC supply for control & relay panels shall be looped from adjacent panels. iii. Supply for Lighting is not required. B) 400kV yard i. Auxiliary Transformer.
a) Two nos. of 11/0.433 kV Auxiliary transformer shall be oil filled, Outdoor type. b) Both the Transformers shall be placed near the control building in outdoor switchyard. c) 11kV Feeder is to be provided by customer. The Cables/conductor etc for 11kV HV side connection shall be extended up to transformer terminal (Cable box or bushing) in switchyard, erected and commissioned by M/s APGENCO or its sub-contractors. BHEL scope is limited to the civil & ETC works of Transformer and LV side connections. d) The following specific technical requirement shall be provided: Type Service Type of cooling Rating Impedance at 75 Deg C Max Temp rise over 50 Deg C Voltage level Vector group Two winding Outdoor ONAN 400kVA 0.05 (Tolerance as per IS 2026) 50 Deg C for Oil, 55 Deg C for winding 11kV Dyn1 2 433V
Power frequency withstand test 28 level (kVrms) Impulse level (kVp) 70 Terminal details
Cable box or Bushing Cable box (Customer to furnish details) 280 mm 140 mm 25 25
Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
Tap control Voltage variation Frequency variation Noisa level Guaranteed Losses Maximum Copper loss at 75C 7800W (Approx) at rated current Maximum iron loss at rated 1100W (Approx) voltage & frequency Off circuit tap change switch 10% +3% to -5% As per NEMA Tr-1
415V, 25kA for 1 sec, 3-phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz, LVAC Board shall be sheet steel enclosed, cubicle type, indoor type. AC distribution switchboard shall comprise of air circuit breakers (ACB)/ MCCBs on incomers and MCCBs on outgoing side as per requirement. ACB in the incomer shall be provided only if incomer feeder rating is greater than 800A. All modules shall be fixed type except incomer module, which shall be draw-out type. ACDB shall have 3 sections, two normal incomers from two aux transformers (11/0.433kV), one emergency incomer from power plant DG set. APGENCO/Desein shall provide One emergency 415V, 3Phase, 4 wire feeder for switchyard ACDB. Cables for the same from power plant control room to switchyard ACDB in switchyard control room shall also be provided by Customer. Rating shall be informed during detailed engineering stage. Each Transformer and incomer of ACDB is rated for full load of 400kV switchyard. Emergency load comprises of 1 set of 220V & 48V Charger and emergency lighting. All other loads are to be fed from normal sections. AC load for sizing shall be considered as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) AC & Ventilation of control building and AC kiosk Illumination for Outdoor switchyard, AC Kiosk and control building (80% as normal & as emergency) Illumination for Marshalling kiosks (One MK has been considered at a time) Heating of Marshalling kiosks ( All MKs have been considered at a time) Spring charging load of CB motor (Motor for all the three pole of only one CB has been considered at a time) Space heater load for control cabinets of CB (Considered for all cabinets of all CBs) Illumination for Cabinets of CBs (Only one CB has been considered at a time)
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) Space heater load for mechanism box of all Isolators and JBs for all CT, CVTs Illumination load for mechanism boxes and JBs (Four mech. Boxes have been Considered at a time) Motor load for Isolators and earth switches (One motors shall be considered at a time) Lighting of panels and distribution boards inside the control building (Four panels shall be considered at a time) For 220V battery charger-One in Boost mode & one in float mode For 48V battery charger load- One in Boost mode & one in float mode For ICT- Load to be given by APGENCO for fans, pumps etc Welding load for 1 receptacle at a time. ii) DCDB Two nos. 220V, 2wire, 25kA for 1 sec. aluminium bus-bar, sheet steel enclosed, indoor type DC distribution board shall be provided to cater for DC auxiliary supply requirements of 400kV Switchyards (SFUs shall be used in all incoming & outgoing feeders). All modules shall be fixed type. DC Load for cable sizing and Battery sizing shall be considered as follows: A) 220V Continuous DC Load (1 hour) a) DC Emergency load in control building (100W GLS lamps shall be used) at strategic location. b) Indication lamp load for Panels & Boards in control building c) Alarm facia load (Annunciation load) for Panels & boards d) Trip circuit supervision load for CB e) Isolator interlocking ( At a time 6 nos. of Isolator has been considered in worst Case with assumption of 3 CBs open)) f) Main protection relays and BCUs for all bays g) Auxiliary relays in ACDBs etc B) 220V Momentary DC load (1 Min) Trip relay & trip coil (6 breakers tripping simultaneously in 400kV switchyard have been considered.)
One No, 48V, 2 wire, 10kA DCDB will be provided to cater for the PLCC load. (SFUs shall be used in all incoming & outgoing feeders). All modules shall be fixed type.
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00 48V Continuous load shall be considered for PLCC Panels & EPAX General Notes for AC & DC distribution boards construction: 1) Frames shall be fabricated using MS structural sections of hot/cold rolled sheet steel of
thickness not less than 2.0 mm. The enclosure, doors and covers shall be of hot/cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6 mm.
2) Boards shall be indoor floor mounted, compartmentalized construction, single front type
and free standing type.
3) Boards shall be floor mounted with Protection class of IP:42. iv) Battery and Battery Charger
a) 220V battery & Chargers: Two Nos. 220V, Lead acid Plante battery shall be provided. Sizing calculations shall be separately furnished during detailed engineering stage. Battery shall be designed for the following parameters Discharge cycle Max voltage Min Voltage Cell float voltage Temperature correction factor Ambient design temp Ageing factor Design Margin 1 Hour +10% of nominal -10% of nominal 2.25 1.2 50 Deg C 1.25 1.1
Two Sets of 220V Float cum boost charger are envisaged in switchyard control room. Rating shall be calculated for higher value of float or boost charger current rating calculated as follows: Float charger current rating shall be equal to Continuous load current + trickle charging current (Trickle charging is taken as 2.5mA of AH capacity of battery Boost mode charger current capacity shall be equal to 14% of AH capacity of battery
b) 48V Battery & Chargers: Two Nos., 48V, Lead Acid Plante type battery shall be provided to cater to the PLCC load. Sizing calculations shall be separately furnished during detailed engineering stage. Battery shall be designed for the following parameters
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
Discharge cycle Max voltage Min Voltage Cell float voltage Temperature correction factor Ambient design temp Ageing factor Design Margin 1 Hour +10% of nominal -10% of nominal 2.25 1.2 50 Deg C 1.25 1.1
Two Sets of 48V float cum boost charger are envisaged in switchyard control room. Rating shall be calculated for higher value of float or boost charger current rating calculated as follows: Float charger current rating shall be equal to Continuous load current + trickle charging current (Trickle charging is taken as 2.5mA of AH capacity of battery Boost mode charger current capacity shall be equal to 14% of AH capacity of battery
The following lux level shall be considered for illumination: Locations Switchyard equipment connection Level Switchyard Non equipment area including roads Control room Battery room Conference room AC DC Boards Room Store room, passage Average Lux Level 40 20 300 200 300 300 150 Fixture type 1x400 W/2x400W Flood light type HPSV/Lighting fixture 400/250W HPSV Lighting fixture 2x28 W/2x40W Fluorescent Lighting fixtures 2x28 W/2x40W Corrosion proof industrial fluorescent lighting Fixture 2x28 W/2x40W Fluorescent Lighting fixtures 2x28 W/2x40W Fluorescent Lighting fixtures 2x40W Industrial type Fluorescent lighting fixture
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
Toilet a) b) 80 100W Incandescent lamp bulkhead fixture
Maintenance factor shall be considered as 0.65 AC Normal and AC emergency Illumination system will be provided for control building, AC Kiosk and Out Door Switchyard areas. Upon failure of AC normal supply, the AC emergency supply through DG set will be made available. On restoration of AC Normal Supply the AC Emergency supply will be cutoff. Two nos. 415VAC, 3-Ph, 4-wire feeders, one from normal section-1 and other from normal section-2 of 415 V ACDB will feed the Main lighting distribution board (MLDB) through two lighting transformer. MLDB will normally feed 80% of total fixtures for indoor and outdoor normal illumination. MCBs shall be used for incomer and outgoing feeders. It will be non draw out type construction .It will be deigned for IP-42 protection and floor mounted type. The (Lighting Panel) LPs provided for further supply to fixtures will be provided with TPN MCB for incoming and outgoing of adequate rating to meet the load requirement of luminaries One emergency feeder from emergency Section of AC Distribution Board will feed to AC Emergency Lighting Distribution board (ELDB) through one lighting transformer. It will normally feed 20% of total fixtures for indoor and outdoor normal illumination. MCB shall be used for incomer and outgoing feeders. It will be non draw out type construction .It will be deigned for IP-42 protection and floor mounted. DC Emergency Lighting system will be provided for strategic locations in control building and AC Kiosks only for exit purpose. This will operate only in case of failure of normal as well as emergency AC supply. Two nos. 220V DC supply feeders, one no from Section -1 and other from Section-2 of DCDB will feed the DC Emergency lighting distribution board (DELB) This will feed incandescent bulkhead fixtures. The (Lighting Panel) LPs provided for out door yard for DC Emergency Supply will provided with DP MCB for incoming and outgoing of adequate rating to meet the load requirement of luminaries. The specific technical requirement of Lighting transformer shall be as follows: Type Of Transformer Rating Voltage Ratio No. of Phases Frequency Winding Connection Class of Insulation Dry type, Natural Air Cool Shall be decided after detailed calculation 415V/415V 3 50Hz Dyn-1 B
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Project: Rayalseema TPP Stage-IV (Unit#6) Document: Electrical Design Basis report for 400/220kV switchyard Document No: TB-344-316-412 Rev.00
Impedance No. of taps & steps Indian Standard Enclosure 4% 10% 5, 5% in steps of 2.5% IS 2026 IP 42
The supply and erection, commissioning of ICT is not in the scope of TBG, BHEL. TBG shall design and execute the civil works in line with the drawings/documents of ICT provided by M/s APGENCO.
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