CT PT Calculations For 132kv Gis
CT PT Calculations For 132kv Gis
CT PT Calculations For 132kv Gis
TATA Consulting Engineers Limited PROJECT:
Outgoing transformer rating 12.5/15 0.656
Max. capacity in phase 1 30 131
Contract demand in phase 1 9 39.37
Max. capacity in phase 3 60 262
With 20% margin 72 315
Bus rating selected 1250 Amps
= 181.781 Volts
Selection of Class of CT
As the CT is meant for differential protection, Class Px CT is selected.
CT Class = PS
Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Relay Burden total in VA/(I s2),
where Is = Secondary Current of CT.
Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = (0.05 /1*1)
= 0.05 ohms
Selection of Class of CT
By choosing 5P20 , 10 VA CT,
Vk available = 20 x 1 (3+10)
= 260 Volts
ALF (actual)= 67
ALF (required)= If/CTR = 53
Since, ALF (actual) > ALF (required), CT dimension is ok.
Directional overcurrent protection -- 1.5 (Siemens relay 7SJ531 catalog)
of max. five transformers
Undervoltage relay 5
No voltage relay 5
Fuse failure relay 3
Synchronising relay 0.5
Under voltage relay 1.5
No voltage relay 1.5
Underfrequency relay 0.5
Overfluxing relay of two transformers 0.5
Therefore PT chosen
Ratio 132 110 110
√3 √3 √3
Class 0.5/3P 0.5/3P
Burden 100 50/ 50/
Core 1/ 2/
CT 1 Line Differential
CT 4 Tariff Metering
= 323 Volts
Selection of Class of CT
As the CT is meant for Line differential protection, Class Px CT is selected.
CT Class = PX
As per Siprotec,
= 298 V
Relay Burden :
Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Relay Burden total in VA/(I s2),
where Is = Secondary Current of CT.
Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = (0.1 /1*1)
= 0.1 ohms
Selection of Class of CT
By choosing 5P20 , 20 VA CT,
Vk available = 20 x 1 (2+20)
= 440 Volts
= 150
All burdens are chosen from reputed manufacturers of these equipment like
Meter VA Burden
Multifunction meter - 2nos. 1
Ammeter 1.5 Assumed
Lead Burden 0.83
(Considering 75 M length, 4 sq.mm Cu. Conductor )
Total 3.33 VA
7.5 VA is chosen to account for any future additions etc.
25%(rated) < connected burden < rated burden
Therefore CT chosen = 600-300-150/1 Amp
ISF <5.
Therefore PT chosen
Ratio 132 110 110 110
√3 √3 √3 √3
Class 3P/ 0.5/ 0.5/3P
Burden 50/ 50/ 100
Core 1/ 2/ 3
CT 1 Transformer Differential
CT 3 Metering
Bushing CT C T7 Spare
Bushing CT
CT 8 Spare
CT 9 CT 10
Bushing CT
To 33 kV Bus at MRSS
Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement for differential protection
Vk = If x 1/CTratio x (Rct + Rl+Rrelay)
= 248 Volts
Relay Burden :
Relay Burden (0.1 + 0.1) = 0.2 VA (Seimens Relay SIP-4 7SJ60 and 7SV)
Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Relay Burden total in VA/(I s2),
where Is = Secondary Current of CT.
Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = (0.2 /1*1)
= 0.2 ohms
Selection of Class of CT
Vk available = 20 x 1 (2.5+15)
= 350 Volts
Meter VA Burden
Digital Multifunction meter 0.5 VA
Ammeter 0.6 VA
Considering a 4 sq. mm lead length of 50 m
R(lead)= 0.46
Burden= 0.46 as sec. current is 1A
15VA is chosen to account for any future additions etc.
Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement for differential protection
Vk = If x 1/CTratio x (Rct + Rl+Rrelay)
Where If = CT Primary fault current in Amps 40000 A
( 132kV Bus fault current)
Rct = CT winding resistance = 2.5 ohm
Rl = Cable resistance between CT & Relay
Considering 4 sq.mm copper conductor cable between CT and relay, resistance of
4 sq.mm copper cable = 4.61 Ohms / km 5
Maximum cable length = 100 M (from site plan)
Cable Lead Resistance for the loop Rl = 2 x 5 x 0.1
= 1.00 Ohms
Relay Burden = 0.1 (ABB catalogue RET 316)
Selection of Class of CT
As the CT is meant for Transformer differential protection, Class PS CT is selected.
Therefore, CT parameters for 64R are
CT RATIO = 500/1A
CT Class = 5P20
Rated VA of CT = 15 VA
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable
CT 3 Metering
= 268 Volts
Selection of Class of CT
As the CT is meant for Transformer differential protection, Class PS CT is selected.
CT Class = PS
Therefore, CT parameters for 87T FDR are
Relay Burden(0.1 + 0.1) = 0.2 VA (Seimens Relay SIP-4 7SJ60 and 7SV512)
Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Relay Burden total in VA/(I s2),
where Is = Secondary Current of CT.
Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = (0.2 /1*1)
= 0.2 ohms
Selection of Class of CT
Vk available = 20 x 1 (2.5+15)
= 350 Volts
Instantaneous O/C
CT 3 Metering
= 411 Volts
By choosing 5P20 , 20VA
Vk available = 20x(20+.75)
= 415 V
Selection of Class of CT
Relay Burden (0.1 + 0.1) = 0.2 VA (Seimens Relay SIP-4 7SJ60 and 7SV)
Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Relay Burden total in VA/(I s2),
, where Is = Secondary Current of CT.
Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = (0.2 /1*1)
= 0.2 ohms
For fault fault on HV side of ST, the fault will be cleared by 50ST.
51ST will be required to clear a fault on LV side as a backup and so
will be designed based on LV side fault current.
Selection of Class of CT
To take into account variations in CT requirements, relays, etc.
By choosing 5P20 , 10 VA CT,
Vk available = 20 x 1 (0.5+10)
= 210 Volts
CT 1 Overall differential
Core 1-Protective relays at CPP
Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement for differential protection
Vk = If x 1/CTratio x (Rct + Rl+Rrelay)
= 299 Volts
Selection of Class of CT
As the CT is meant for overall differential protection, Class PS CT is selected.
CT Class = PS
Therefore, CT parameters for 87TRF are
Relay Burden(0.1 + 0.1) = 0.2 VA (Seimens Relay SIP-4 7SJ60 and 7SV)
Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Relay Burden total in VA/(I s2),
, where Is = Secondary Current of CT.
Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = (0.2 /1*1)
= 0.2 ohms
Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement :
Vk = If x 1/CTratio x (Rct + Rl+Rrelay)
Selection of Class of CT
By choosing 5P20 , 15 VA CT,
Vk available = 20 x 1 (3+15)
= 360 Volts
Meter VA Burden
DigitalMultifunction meter (Main) 0.5 VA
Digital Multifunction meter (Check) 0.5 VA
Ammeter 0.6 VA
Considering a 4 sq. mm lead length of 150 m
R(lead)= 1.38
Burden= 1.38 as sec. current is 1A
15VA is chosen to account for any future additions etc.
Class 0.2 is chosen.