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MV VFD Data Sheet

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Taweelah RO Independent Water Project

Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Rev: 0A Page: 1/40 Date: 26-04-2019

Data Sheet

MV VFD Data Sheet

Discipline Process Civil Mechanical Piping I&C Electrical

Revision control sheet

Description of the revision Elaborated

Revision Date Revised by Approved by
and changes by
A 26/04/2019 First Issue LRV RGF RGG

This document is property of EPC Company. Its total or partial reproduction is strictly forbidden by any means,
as well as its distribution to third parties without the express written consent. Any copy of this document in
digital or paper support will be considered a not control copy. The only valid copy is the last one approve
located in the document manager tool.
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Instructions for the Supplier

"Offered data" column shall be filled in by the Supplier according to requested data. All
alternative proposals will require written approval by the Purchaser. If an item’s requested data
is blank or has (*), the Supplier shall fill in the “Offered data” according to its manufacturing

During the offer stage, only the data marked with an “X” in the “Offer” column will have to
be filled in. The rest of the data could be filled in but is not necessary during the offer stage.

The Supplier shall fill in one data sheet for each type of PDS (VFD + motor).

In case an item has (**), the Supplier shall fill in the applicable data related to the input
transformer, if required.


(1) In case site conditions differ from standard values established in IEC 61800, all data
provided by the Supplier shall be according to such conditions (derating factors,
tropicalization, special coatings, etc.).
(2) Fill offered data only if auxiliary power supply is required. If not required, put N/A.
(3) All auxiliaries and filters shall be located within the VFD cabinet.
(4) Deviations from specification and data sheet requirements shall be submitted in a separate
document from the main offer by the Supplier. In case no deviations are submitted, the
Supplier is considered to completely fulfill all requirements in the specification and data
(5) A spare parts list detailing the quantity, delivery time and frequency of replacement shall
be submitted in the main offer by the Supplier.
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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RO Booster HP Pump

Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

1. General

VFD for RO Booster

1.1. Service
HP Pump

1.2. Supplier (*) X

1.3. Catalogue / Model No. (*) X

1.4. KKS code TBD

1.5. Year of manufacture (*)

1.6. Quantity 14 X

According to TAW-
1.7. Applicable standards SPE-ABNG-ZZZ- X

1.8. Units of measure SI X

2. Constructive design

According to TAW-
2.1. Site conditions SPE-ABNG-ZZZ- X

2.2. Installation Indoors X

2.3. Type Free-standing X

2.4. Protection degree of the enclosure (**) IP31 X

2.5. Cable entry Bottom X

2.6. Access Front access only X

2.7. Air filters (inlet) Yes X

2.8. Anti-condensation heaters Yes X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

2.9. Cooling system (**)

Type Air X

Additional fan in spare (*) X

Power consumption [kW] (*) X

2.10. Power supply [Vca] (*) X

Fans (nº x %) (*)

Air flow [m3/h] (*) X

Heat dissipation [kW] (*) X

Sound power level, LW [dB (A) at 1 m] (**)

2.10. <80 X
Guaranteed value
Mean time between failures (MTBF) [h] (**)
2.11. (*) X
Guaranteed value
Mean time to repair (MTTR) [h] (**)
2.12. (*) X
Guaranteed value

2.13. VFD life [years] (**) 30

Flanges to connect directly to an external

2.14. (*) X
exhaust air duct
RAL 7035 / C3
According to TAW-
2.15. Painting X

2.16. Dimensions (including cooling fans) (**)

Length [mm] (*) X

Wide [mm] (*) X

Height [mm] (*) X

2.17. Weight [kg] (**) (*) X

3. Electrical design

3.1. Input: grid side (**)

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Maximum pre-charging current [A] (*) X

Rated system voltage phase-phase, ULL [V] 13,800 X

Voltage deviations no longer than 60s (IEC

-15 / +10 X
61800-3) [% ULL]

DC injection [ILN%] <0.5% X

Voltage unbalance (IEC 61800-3) [% ULL] 3% X

Frequency variations when connected to the 57.5~61.5Hz for 30
grid [LN %] minutes
57~62.5Hz for 30
Frequency rate of change when connected to
±1%/s X
the grid (IEC 61800-3) [LN %]
Steady state Voltage deviations (IEC 61800-
±10 X
3) [% ULL]

Maximum short-circuit withstand current [kA] 40 X

Maximum short-circuit withstand duration [S] (*) X

Short-circuit contribution multiplying factor for

(*) X
a fault at input terminal [% ILN]
Current harmonics emission (IEEE 519) for a
(*) X

Rated system frequency,LN [Hz] 60 X

Rated power, PN [kW] 1,850 X

Fundamental line side rated a.c. current, ILN1

(*) X
Maximum current absorbed by VFD,
considering the maximum power required in
(*) X
driven machine and the efficiency of all the
equipment [% ILN]

Power factor at full load (100% PN) (*) X

Power factor at full load (75% PN) (*) X

Power factor at full load (50% PN) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Power factor at low load (25%PN) (*)

Supported neutral earthing schemes (*) X

3.2. Output: load side (**)

Operating curve V/Hz [%] for motors TBD X

Maximum overload current at design

(*) X
temperature [A]

Rated load power factor (*) X

Short-circuit contribution multiplying factor for

a fault at output terminal [% IaN]
Load-side converter a.c. rated voltage phase
4,160 or 6,600 X
to phase, UaN1 [V]

Maximum voltage variation [UaN1 %] ±10 X

Operating frequency range [Hz] TBD X

Maximum active power available at design

(*) X
temperature [kW]

Rated continuous output current, IaN [A] (*) X

Rated fundamental output current, IaN1 [A] (*) X

Overload capability, IaM [A] (*)

Duration, [s] (*) X
Every minutes (*)

Regulation accuracy (IEC 60146) ±1% X

3.3. Number of phases for input/output (**) cables 3 X

3.4. Total system Efficiency, C [%] (**) (*) X

3.5. Common mode voltage mitigation (*) X

3.6. Motor starting technique (fixed V/Hz or ramp) (*) X

3.7. Equivalent VFD ground resistance [Ω] (*) X

Maximum total guaranteed losses at rated

3.8. (*) X
power [kW] (**) Guaranteed value
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

3.9. Regeneration system (*) X

Sensorless closed
3.10. Speed control system X
loop control
Low voltage VFD: Overvoltage category
3.11. Category III or N/A X
according to IEC 60664

4. Power semiconductor

4.1. Rectifier (*)

Equivalent Type (current or voltage source) (*)

Type (Diode, thyristor, IGBT, etc.) (*)

Number of pulses 24

Rated current [A] (*)

Rated voltage [V] (*)

Duty class (*)

4.2. DC Bus (type) (*)

4.3. DC Bus chopper (Yes/No) (*)

4.4. Inverter (*)

Type (Diode, thyristor, IGBT, etc.) (*)

Number of pulses 24

Rated current [A] (*)

Rated voltage [V] (*)

Duty class (*)

5. EMC (**) (Immunity)

5.1. Environmental category (IEC 61800-3) Second X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

5.2. Emission category (IEC 61800-3) C4 X

5.3. Voltage THD Immunity (IEC 61800-3) 12% X

Immunity for individual harmonics (IEC 61000-

5.4. (*) X
Immunity for radio-frequency and electrostatic
5.5. (*) X
discharge (IEC 61000-4-2)

5.6. Immunity for power ports (IEC 61000-4-4/5/6) (*) X

Immunity for signal interfaces and

5.7. (*) X
measurements (IEC 61000-4-4/5/6)

5.8. Input Filters (*) X

5.9. Output Filters (*) X

5.10. Output dV/dt [v/µs] (*) X

All necessary filters are located within the

5.11. Yes X
same equipment

5.12. Filters are protected (temperature, current) Yes X

6. Harmonics injection according to estimated plant Rsc

6.1. THDi (grid side)

At rated power (*) X

At ¾ rated power (*)

At ½ rated power (*)

At ¼ rated power (*)

6.2. THDi (load side)

At rated power (lower than 5%) (*) X

At ¾ rated power (lower than 5%) (*)

At ½ rated power (lower than 5%) (*)

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

At ¼ rated power (lower than 5%) (*)

6.3. Grid side injected harmonics at rated power and maximum Rsc

2º (%In) (*) X

3rd (%In) (*) X

4th (%In) (*) X

5th (%In) (*) X

6th (%In) (*) X

7th (%In) (*) X

8th (%In) (*) X

9th (%In) (*) X

10th (%In) (*) X

11th (%In) (*) X

12th (%In) (*) X

13th (%In) (*) X

14th (%In) (*) X

15th (%In) (*) X

16th (%In) (*) X

17th (%In) (*) X

18th (%In) (*) X

19th (%In) (*) X

20th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

21th (%In) (*) X

22th (%In) (*) X

23rd (%In) (*) X

24th (%In) (*) X

25th (%In) (*) X

26th (%In) (*) X

27th (%In) (*) X

28th (%In) (*) X

29th (%In) (*) X

30th (%In) (*) X

31th (%In) (*) X

32th (%In) (*) X

33th (%In) (*) X

34th (%In) (*) X

35th (%In) (*) X

36th (%In) (*) X

37th (%In) (*) X

38th (%In) (*) X

39th (%In) (*) X

40th (%In) (*) X

41th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

42th (%In) (*) X

43th (%In) (*) X

44th (%In) (*) X

45th (%In) (*) X

46th (%In) (*) X

47th (%In) (*) X

48th (%In) (*) X

49th (%In) (*) X

50th (%In) (*) X

6.4. Grid side injected harmonics at rated power and minimum Rsc

2º (%In) (*) X

3rd (%In) (*) X

4th (%In) (*) X

5th (%In) (*) X

6th (%In) (*) X

7th (%In) (*) X

8th (%In) (*) X

9th (%In) (*) X

10th (%In) (*) X

11th (%In) (*) X

12th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

13th (%In) (*) X

14th (%In) (*) X

15th (%In) (*) X

16th (%In) (*) X

17th (%In) (*) X

18th (%In) (*) X

19th (%In) (*) X

20th (%In) (*) X

21th (%In) (*) X

22th (%In) (*) X

23rd (%In) (*) X

24th (%In) (*) X

25th (%In) (*) X

26th (%In) (*) X

27th (%In) (*) X

28th (%In) (*) X

29th (%In) (*) X

30th (%In) (*) X

31th (%In) (*) X

32th (%In) (*) X

33th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

34th (%In) (*) X

35th (%In) (*) X

36th (%In) (*) X

37th (%In) (*) X

38th (%In) (*) X

39th (%In) (*) X

40th (%In) (*) X

41th (%In) (*) X

42th (%In) (*) X

43th (%In) (*) X

44th (%In) (*) X

45th (%In) (*) X

46th (%In) (*) X

47th (%In) (*) X

48th (%In) (*) X

49th (%In) (*) X

50th (%In) (*) X

7. Voltage ride through profile

Compliance with LVRT profile defined in

7.1. Yes X
technical specification section 5
Compliance with HVRT profile defined in
7.2. Yes X
technical specification section 5

8. Protections
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Protective devices grid side inverter (CBs,

8.1. (*) X
fuses, load switches)
Protective devices load side inverter (CBs,
8.2. (*) X
fuses, load switches)
Protective devices DC system (CBs, fuses,
8.3. (*) X
load switches)

8.4. Grounding connections in VFD (*) X

8.5. Zone 2:

Loss of speed feedback Yes X

Power electronics designed to withstand a

surge voltage in accordance with established
regulatory requirements. At minimum, it should Yes X
be designed to withstand testing per IEEE Std

Loss of auxiliary and control supplies Yes X

Loss of communication to process control N/A X

Loss of incomer supply Yes X

8.6. Cooling failure Yes X

Converter input overcurrent Yes X

Converter input overvoltage Yes X

Converter input undervoltage Yes X

Converter overtemperature Yes X

Converter output overcurrent Yes X

Converter Over/under voltage in DC bus Yes X

8.7. Zone 3: (all these protections shall be managed by VFD system)

Ground fault (*) X

Differential protection (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Motor overcurrent Yes X

Motor overload Yes X

Motor over speed Yes X

Current unbalance Yes X

Under load Yes X

Thermal protection by Pt100 / PTC Yes X

Speed limit Yes X

Torque limit Yes X

9. Auxiliaries(3)

Total power consumption of all auxiliaries

9.1. (*) X
including cooling system [kW]

9.2. Power supply of auxiliary services (*) X

9.3. DC pre-charging system type (*) X

9.4. Motor heater powering and control Yes X

9.5. Tripping coil to emergency stop Yes X

9.6. Internal equipment

Heater Yes X

Lighting Yes X

Power socket Type G Yes X

10. Control and instrumentation

10.1. Communication protocol N/A X

10.2. Digital inputs/output

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

According to RAB03-DTY-SIDM-EAZ-404-
Yes X
MV Typical Wiring Diagrams(Variable Speed
Drive – Interface Terminals to DCS, T83)

10.3. Analog inputs/outputs

According to RAB03-DTY-SIDM-EAZ-404-
Yes X
MV Typical Wiring Diagrams(Variable Speed
Drive – Interface Terminals to DCS, T83)

11. Power cables requirements (**)

11.1. Cables from Switchgear to VFD

Conductor Cu

Configuration 3-pole

Magnetic shield Yes

Max cross section (*) X

Max number per phase (*)

Insulation level (*)

Maximum length (screened cable) without

(*) X
Maximum length (non-screened cable) without
(*) X

Special requirement for PE conductor (*) X

Other requisites

11.2. Cables from VFD to load

Conductor Cu

Configuration 3-pole

Magnetic shield Yes

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Max cross section (*) X

Max number per phase (*)

Insulation level (*)

Maximum length (screened cable) without

(*) X
Maximum length (non-screened cable) without
(*) X

Special requirement for PE conductor (*) X

Other requisites (*)

11.3. Cables from Auxiliary supply to VFD

Conductor Cu

Configuration 3-pole or Single-pole

Magnetic shield N/A

Max cross section (*) X

Max number per phase (*)

Insulation level (*)

Special requirement for PE conductor (*)

Other requisites (*)

11.4. Control Cables

Number of wires TBD X

Magnetic shield Yes

Other requisites (*) X

12. Tests
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

12.1. Routine tests

Insulation test (IEC 60146 and IEC 61800-5) Yes

Light load and functional test Yes

Rated current test Yes

Checking of auxiliary devices Yes

Checking the properties of the control


Checking the protective devices Yes

12.2. Type tests

Include test
Voltage division
Include test
Rated current
Include test
Power loss
Include test
Temperature rise test
Include test
EM immunity test
Include test
EM emission test
Include test
Current sharing

12.3. Special tests

Transient analysis: Converter starting and

stopping, inrush current, shut down and power
up sequences, ride-trhough. faults, and large
signal stability.

12.4. Power drive system test (Functional test)

Load Yes

Light load Yes

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Load duty (motor power VS rpm motor) Yes

Allowance FLC (full load current) vs speed Yes

Efficiency of the whole. Yes

Line-side current harmonic content Yes

Power factor Yes


Noise test

Checking of auxiliary devices

Checking coordination of protective devices

Input transformer

Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

13. General

Transformer designed and sized according to

13.1. (*) X
all site conditions

13.2. Manufacturer (*) X

IEC 61378
IEC 60076
13.3. Applicable standards According to TAW- X

13.4. MTTF per year (*) X

13.5. MTTR [hours] (*) X

14. Constructive design

14.1. Type Dry X

14.2. Type of cooling AN X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

14.3. If applicable, type of insulating liquid (*) X

14.4. Total efficiency (%) (*) X

Industrial Drive (24-

14.5. Application type X
Protection degree for all cabinets, monitoring
14.6. IP23 X
equipment, etc.

14.7. Type of bushings. (*) X

Inside of the VFD

14.8. Transformer location X

14.9. Total mass [kg] (*) X

15. Electrical design

15.1. Number of phases (*)

15.2. Rated power S [kVA] without/with cooling (*)

15.3. Cooling power consumption [kW] (*)

15.4. Rated frequency [Hz] (*)

15.5. Rated voltage primary and secondary [kV] (*)

15.6. Number of taps, type, and ∆V [kV] (*)

15.7. Rated currents for each kind of cooling [A] (*)

15.8. Connection symbol and vector group (*)

If more than one, number of secondaries,

15.9. (*)
power and connection type and vector group.
Positive short-circuit inductance including
15.10. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Positive short-circuit resistance including
15.11. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Zero short-circuit inductance including
15.12. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Zero short-circuit resistance including
15.13. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Short notation of insulation levels (withstand
15.14. (*)
voltages), Um [kV]

15.15. Total losses (including cooling) [Sn %] (*)

15.16. Copper losses [Sn %] (*)

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

15.17. Iron losses [Sn %] (*)

15.18. Magnetization current [In%] (*)

15.19. Knee point [Vn pu] (*)

15.20. Insulation level (*)

15.21. Environmental class (IEC 60076-11) (*)

15.22. Climatic class (IEC 60076-11) (*)

15.23. Fire behavior class (IEC 60076-11) (*)

15.24. Temperature probes Yes

15.25. Earthed screen between HV and LV winding Yes

Magnetic circuit with core-type with mitered

15.26. Yes

15.27. Maximum sound level [dB (A) at 1 m] (**) 79

16. Tests

Routine tests according to item 14.3

16.1. Yes
Include test
16.2. Type tests
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Feed Pumps to Second Pass

Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

17. General

Feed Pumps to
17.1. Service
Second Pass

17.2. Supplier (*) X

17.3. Catalogue / Model No. (*) X

17.4. KKS code TBD

17.5. Year of manufacture (*)

17.6. Quantity 14 X

According to TAW-
17.7. Applicable standards SPE-ABNG-ZZZ- X

17.8. Units of measure SI X

18. Constructive design

According to TAW-
18.1. Site conditions SPE-ABNG-ZZZ- X

18.2. Installation Indoors X

18.3. Type Free-standing X

18.4. Protection degree of the enclosure (**) IP31 X

18.5. Cable entry Bottom X

18.6. Access Front access only X

18.7. Air filters (inlet) Yes X

18.8. Anti-condensation heaters Yes X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

18.9. Cooling system (**)

Type Air X

Additional fan in spare (*) X

Power consumption [kW] (*) X

18.10. Power supply [Vca] (*) X

Fans (nº x %) (*)

Air flow [m3/h] (*) X

Heat dissipation [kW] (*) X

Sound power level, LW [dB (A) at 1 m] (**)

2.10. <80 X
Guaranteed value
Mean time between failures (MTBF) [h] (**)
18.11. (*) X
Guaranteed value
Mean time to repair (MTTR) [h] (**)
18.12. (*) X
Guaranteed value

18.13. VFD life [years] (**) 30

Flanges to connect directly to an external

18.14. (*) X
exhaust air duct
RAL 7035 / C3
According to TAW-
18.15. Painting X

18.16. Dimensions (including cooling fans) (**)

Length [mm] (*) X

Wide [mm] (*) X

Height [mm] (*) X

18.17. Weight [kg] (**) (*) X

19. Electrical design

19.1. Input: grid side (**)

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Maximum pre-charging current [A] (*) X

Rated system voltage phase-phase, ULL [V] 13,800 X

Voltage deviations no longer than 60s (IEC

-15 / +10 X
61800-3) [% ULL]

DC injection [ILN%] <0.5% X

Voltage unbalance (IEC 61800-3) [% ULL] 3% X

Frequency variations when connected to the 57.5~61.5Hz for 30
grid [LN %] minutes
57~62.5Hz for 30
Frequency rate of change when connected to
±1%/s X
the grid (IEC 61800-3) [LN %]
Steady state Voltage deviations (IEC 61800-
±10 X
3) [% ULL]

Maximum short-circuit withstand current [kA] 40 X

Maximum short-circuit withstand duration [S] (*) X

Short-circuit contribution multiplying factor for

(*) X
a fault at input terminal [% ILN]
Current harmonics emission (IEEE 519) for a
(*) X

Rated system frequency,LN [Hz] 60 X

Rated power, PN [kW] 1,850 X

Fundamental line side rated a.c. current, ILN1

(*) X
Maximum current absorbed by VFD,
considering the maximum power required in
(*) X
driven machine and the efficiency of all the
equipment [% ILN]

Power factor at full load (100% PN) (*) X

Power factor at full load (75% PN) (*) X

Power factor at full load (50% PN) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Power factor at low load (25%PN) (*)

Supported neutral earthing schemes (*) X

19.2. Output: load side (**)

Operating curve V/Hz [%] for motors TBD X

Maximum overload current at design

(*) X
temperature [A]

Rated load power factor (*) X

Short-circuit contribution multiplying factor for

a fault at output terminal [% IaN]
Load-side converter a.c. rated voltage phase
4,160 or 6,600 X
to phase, UaN1 [V]

Maximum voltage variation [UaN1 %] ±10 X

Operating frequency range [Hz] TBD X

Maximum active power available at design

(*) X
temperature [kW]

Rated continuous output current, IaN [A] (*) X

Rated fundamental output current, IaN1 [A] (*) X

Overload capability, IaM [A] (*)

Duration, [s] (*) X
Every minutes (*)

Regulation accuracy (IEC 60146) ±1% X

19.3. Number of phases for input/output (**) cables 3 X

19.4. Total system Efficiency, C [%] (**) (*) X

19.5. Common mode voltage mitigation (*) X

19.6. Motor starting technique (fixed V/Hz or ramp) (*) X

19.7. Equivalent VFD ground resistance [Ω] (*) X

Maximum total guaranteed losses at rated

19.8. (*) X
power [kW] (**) Guaranteed value
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

19.9. Regeneration system (*) X

Sensorless closed
19.10. Speed control system X
loop control
Low voltage VFD: Overvoltage category
19.11. Category III or N/A X
according to IEC 60664

20. Power semiconductor

20.1. Rectifier (*)

Equivalent Type (current or voltage source) (*)

Type (Diode, thyristor, IGBT, etc.) (*)

Number of pulses 24

Rated current [A] (*)

Rated voltage [V] (*)

Duty class (*)

20.2. DC Bus (type) (*)

20.3. DC Bus chopper (Yes/No) (*)

20.4. Inverter (*)

Type (Diode, thyristor, IGBT, etc.) (*)

Number of pulses 24

Rated current [A] (*)

Rated voltage [V] (*)

Duty class (*)

21. EMC (**) (Immunity)

21.1. Environmental category (IEC 61800-3) Second X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

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21.2. Emission category (IEC 61800-3) C4 X

21.3. Voltage THD Immunity (IEC 61800-3) 12% X

Immunity for individual harmonics (IEC 61000-

21.4. (*) X
Immunity for radio-frequency and electrostatic
21.5. (*) X
discharge (IEC 61000-4-2)

21.6. Immunity for power ports (IEC 61000-4-4/5/6) (*) X

Immunity for signal interfaces and

21.7. (*) X
measurements (IEC 61000-4-4/5/6)

21.8. Input Filters (*) X

21.9. Output Filters (*) X

21.10. Output dV/dt [v/µs] (*) X

All necessary filters are located within the

21.11. Yes X
same equipment

21.12. Filters are protected (temperature, current) Yes X

22. Harmonics injection according to estimated plant Rsc

22.1. THDi (grid side)

At rated power (*) X

At ¾ rated power (*)

At ½ rated power (*)

At ¼ rated power (*)

22.2. THDi (load side)

At rated power (lower than 5%) (*) X

At ¾ rated power (lower than 5%) (*)

At ½ rated power (lower than 5%) (*)

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

At ¼ rated power (lower than 5%) (*)

22.3. Grid side injected harmonics at rated power and maximum Rsc

2º (%In) (*) X

3rd (%In) (*) X

4th (%In) (*) X

5th (%In) (*) X

6th (%In) (*) X

7th (%In) (*) X

8th (%In) (*) X

9th (%In) (*) X

10th (%In) (*) X

11th (%In) (*) X

12th (%In) (*) X

13th (%In) (*) X

14th (%In) (*) X

15th (%In) (*) X

16th (%In) (*) X

17th (%In) (*) X

18th (%In) (*) X

19th (%In) (*) X

20th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

21th (%In) (*) X

22th (%In) (*) X

23rd (%In) (*) X

24th (%In) (*) X

25th (%In) (*) X

26th (%In) (*) X

27th (%In) (*) X

28th (%In) (*) X

29th (%In) (*) X

30th (%In) (*) X

31th (%In) (*) X

32th (%In) (*) X

33th (%In) (*) X

34th (%In) (*) X

35th (%In) (*) X

36th (%In) (*) X

37th (%In) (*) X

38th (%In) (*) X

39th (%In) (*) X

40th (%In) (*) X

41th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

42th (%In) (*) X

43th (%In) (*) X

44th (%In) (*) X

45th (%In) (*) X

46th (%In) (*) X

47th (%In) (*) X

48th (%In) (*) X

49th (%In) (*) X

50th (%In) (*) X

22.4. Grid side injected harmonics at rated power and minimum Rsc

2º (%In) (*) X

3rd (%In) (*) X

4th (%In) (*) X

5th (%In) (*) X

6th (%In) (*) X

7th (%In) (*) X

8th (%In) (*) X

9th (%In) (*) X

10th (%In) (*) X

11th (%In) (*) X

12th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

13th (%In) (*) X

14th (%In) (*) X

15th (%In) (*) X

16th (%In) (*) X

17th (%In) (*) X

18th (%In) (*) X

19th (%In) (*) X

20th (%In) (*) X

21th (%In) (*) X

22th (%In) (*) X

23rd (%In) (*) X

24th (%In) (*) X

25th (%In) (*) X

26th (%In) (*) X

27th (%In) (*) X

28th (%In) (*) X

29th (%In) (*) X

30th (%In) (*) X

31th (%In) (*) X

32th (%In) (*) X

33th (%In) (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

34th (%In) (*) X

35th (%In) (*) X

36th (%In) (*) X

37th (%In) (*) X

38th (%In) (*) X

39th (%In) (*) X

40th (%In) (*) X

41th (%In) (*) X

42th (%In) (*) X

43th (%In) (*) X

44th (%In) (*) X

45th (%In) (*) X

46th (%In) (*) X

47th (%In) (*) X

48th (%In) (*) X

49th (%In) (*) X

50th (%In) (*) X

23. Voltage ride through profile

Compliance with LVRT profile defined in

23.1. Yes X
technical specification section 5
Compliance with HVRT profile defined in
23.2. Yes X
technical specification section 5

24. Protections
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Protective devices grid side inverter (CBs,

24.1. (*) X
fuses, load switches)
Protective devices load side inverter (CBs,
24.2. (*) X
fuses, load switches)
Protective devices DC system (CBs, fuses,
24.3. (*) X
load switches)

24.4. Grounding connections in VFD (*) X

24.5. Zone 2:

Loss of speed feedback Yes X

Power electronics designed to withstand a

surge voltage in accordance with established
regulatory requirements. At minimum, it should Yes X
be designed to withstand testing per IEEE Std

Loss of auxiliary and control supplies Yes X

Loss of communication to process control N/A X

Loss of incomer supply Yes X

24.6. Cooling failure Yes X

Converter input overcurrent Yes X

Converter input overvoltage Yes X

Converter input undervoltage Yes X

Converter overtemperature Yes X

Converter output overcurrent Yes X

Converter Over/under voltage in DC bus Yes X

24.7. Zone 3: (all these protections shall be managed by VFD system)

Ground fault (*) X

Differential protection (*) X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Motor overcurrent Yes X

Motor overload Yes X

Motor over speed Yes X

Current unbalance Yes X

Under load Yes X

Thermal protection by Pt100 / PTC Yes X

Speed limit Yes X

Torque limit Yes X

25. Auxiliaries(3)

Total power consumption of all auxiliaries

25.1. (*) X
including cooling system [kW]

25.2. Power supply of auxiliary services (*) X

25.3. DC pre-charging system type (*) X

25.4. Motor heater powering and control Yes X

25.5. Tripping coil to emergency stop Yes X

25.6. Internal equipment

Heater Yes X

Lighting Yes X

Power socket Type G Yes X

26. Control and instrumentation

26.1. Communication protocol N/A X

26.2. Digital inputs/output

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

According to RAB03-DTY-SIDM-EAZ-404-
Yes X
MV Typical Wiring Diagrams(Variable Speed
Drive – Interface Terminals to DCS, T83)

26.3. Analog inputs/outputs

According to RAB03-DTY-SIDM-EAZ-404-
Yes X
MV Typical Wiring Diagrams(Variable Speed
Drive – Interface Terminals to DCS, T83)

27. Power cables requirements (**)

27.1. Cables from Switchgear to VFD

Conductor Cu

Configuration 3-pole

Magnetic shield Yes

Max cross section (*) X

Max number per phase (*)

Insulation level (*)

Maximum length (screened cable) without

(*) X
Maximum length (non-screened cable) without
(*) X

Special requirement for PE conductor (*) X

Other requisites

27.2. Cables from VFD to load

Conductor Cu

Configuration 3-pole

Magnetic shield Yes

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Max cross section (*) X

Max number per phase (*)

Insulation level (*)

Maximum length (screened cable) without

(*) X
Maximum length (non-screened cable) without
(*) X

Special requirement for PE conductor (*) X

Other requisites (*)

27.3. Cables from Auxiliary supply to VFD

Conductor Cu

Configuration 3-pole or Single-pole

Magnetic shield N/A

Max cross section (*) X

Max number per phase (*)

Insulation level (*)

Special requirement for PE conductor (*)

Other requisites (*)

27.4. Control Cables

Number of wires TBD X

Magnetic shield Yes

Other requisites (*) X

28. Tests
Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

28.1. Routine tests

Insulation test (IEC 60146 and IEC 61800-5) Yes

Light load and functional test Yes

Rated current test Yes

Checking of auxiliary devices Yes

Checking the properties of the control


Checking the protective devices Yes

28.2. Type tests

Include test
Voltage division
Include test
Rated current
Include test
Power loss
Include test
Temperature rise test
Include test
EM immunity test
Include test
EM emission test
Include test
Current sharing

28.3. Special tests

Transient analysis: Converter starting and

stopping, inrush current, shut down and power
up sequences, ride-trhough. faults, and large
signal stability.

28.4. Power drive system test (Functional test)

Load Yes

Light load Yes

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

Load duty (motor power VS rpm motor) Yes

Allowance FLC (full load current) vs speed Yes

Efficiency of the whole. Yes

Line-side current harmonic content Yes

Power factor Yes


Noise test

Checking of auxiliary devices

Checking coordination of protective devices

Input transformer

Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

29. General

Transformer designed and sized according to

29.1. (*) X
all site conditions

29.2. Manufacturer (*) X

IEC 61378
IEC 60076
29.3. Applicable standards According to TAW- X

29.4. MTTF per year (*) X

29.5. MTTR [hours] (*) X

30. Constructive design

30.1. Type Dry X

30.2. Type of cooling AN X

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

30.3. If applicable, type of insulating liquid (*) X

30.4. Total efficiency (%) (*) X

Industrial Drive (24-

30.5. Application type X
Protection degree for all cabinets, monitoring
30.6. IP23 X
equipment, etc.

30.7. Type of bushings. (*) X

Inside of the VFD

30.8. Transformer location X

30.9. Total mass [kg] (*) X

31. Electrical design

31.1. Number of phases (*)

31.2. Rated power S [kVA] without/with cooling (*)

31.3. Cooling power consumption [kW] (*)

31.4. Rated frequency [Hz] (*)

31.5. Rated voltage primary and secondary [kV] (*)

31.6. Number of taps, type, and ∆V [kV] (*)

31.7. Rated currents for each kind of cooling [A] (*)

31.8. Connection symbol and vector group (*)

If more than one, number of secondaries,

31.9. (*)
power and connection type and vector group.
Positive short-circuit inductance including
31.10. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Positive short-circuit resistance including
31.11. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Zero short-circuit inductance including
31.12. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Zero short-circuit resistance including
31.13. (*)
temperature of reference [%]
Short notation of insulation levels (withstand
31.14. (*)
voltages), Um [kV]

31.15. Total losses (including cooling) [Sn %] (*)

31.16. Copper losses [Sn %] (*)

Taweelah RO Independent Water Project
Title: MV Variable Frequency Drives

Document code: TAW-DSH-ABNG-RPZ-079-466-0001

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Item Description Requested data Offer Offered data

31.17. Iron losses [Sn %] (*)

31.18. Magnetization current [In%] (*)

31.19. Knee point [Vn pu] (*)

31.20. Insulation level (*)

31.21. Environmental class (IEC 60076-11) (*)

31.22. Climatic class (IEC 60076-11) (*)

31.23. Fire behavior class (IEC 60076-11) (*)

31.24. Temperature probes Yes

31.25. Earthed screen between HV and LV winding Yes

Magnetic circuit with core-type with mitered

31.26. Yes

31.27. Maximum sound level [dB (A) at 1 m] (**) 79

32. Tests

Routine tests according to item 14.3

32.1. Yes
Include test
32.2. Type tests

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