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Inc in Nursing Education

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The Indian nursing council is an Autonomous body under the government of India, Ministry
of health and family welfare was constitute by the central government under section 3(1) of
the Indian nursing council Act, 1947 of parliament in order to establish a uniform standard of
training for nurses, midwives and health visitors.
Indian nursing council act, 1947:
Act no. of year: Act no. 48 of 1947
Enactment date: [ 31st December, 1947]

Act objective:
 An act to constitute an Indian nursing council.
 To establish a uniform standard of training for nurse, midwives and health visitors.
It is enacted with 17 sections and each section point out the specific legislative role of

Section-1. short title, extent and commencement

a) This act may be called the Indian nursing council act 1947.
b) It extends to the whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
c) It shall come into force at once.
Section-2. Interpretation:
a) “ The council” means the 3[council] constituted under this act.
b) “Prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made under section 16. “State council”
means a council constituted under the law of a state to regulate the registration of
nurses, midwives or health visitors in the state.
c) “State register” means a register of nurses, midwives or health or health visitors
maintained under the law of a state.
3. Constitution and composition of the council:
1. The central government shall as soon as may be constitute a council consisting of the
following members, namely:-
a) One registered nurse elected by each state council.
b) Two members elected from heads of institutions recognized by the council.
c) One member elected by the heads of institutions in which health visitors are
d) One member elected by the medical council of India.
e) One member elected by the central council of the Indian medical association.
f) One member elected by the council of the trained nurses association of India.
g) One auxiliary nurse- midwife enrolled in a state register, elected by each of the
state councils in the four groups of states mentioned below, each group taken in
rotation in the following order, namely:-
I. Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana
II. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal,
III. Karnataka, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal
IV. Assam, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Orissa
h) The director general of health services;
i) The chief principal matron, medical directorate, general headquarters;
j) The chief nursing superintendent, office of the director- general of health services;
k) The director of maternity and child welfare, Indian Red cross society;
l) The chief administrative medical officer of each state other than a union territory.
2) Three members elected by parliament, two by the house of the people and the other by the
council of states from among its members.
3) The president of the council shall be elected by the members of the council for five years,
who shall hold office during the pleasure of the central government.
4) No act done by the council shall be questioned on the ground merely of the existence of
any defect in the constitution of, the council.
4. Incorporation of the counil:
The council constituted under section 3 shall be a body corporate by the name of the Indian
nursing council having a common seal.
5. Mode of elections:
(1) Elections under sub-section (1) of section 3 by state councils shall be conducted in
accordance with rules made by the respective state governments, and where any dispute
arises regarding any such election it shall be referred to the state government concerned
whose decision shall be final.
(2) Other elections under that sub-section shall be conducted in the prescribed manner, and
where any dispute arises regarding any such election it shall be referred to the central
government whose decision shall be final.
(6) Term of office and casual vacancies:

(1) An elected or nominated president, shall hold office for a term of five years.
(2) An member may at any time resign his membership by writing under his hand addressed
to the president.
(3) Any member shall be deemed to have vacated his seat if he is absent without excuse
sufficient to the council from three consecutive meetings of the council.
(4) A casual vacancy in the council shall be filled by fresh election or nomination.
(5) Members of the council shall be eligible for re-election.
Section-7 and sub-section (6) omitted by act 45 of 1957, s. 5(w.e.f. 1-12-1958).
8. Officers, committees and servants of the council:

(1) The secretary of the council shall, for three years, be a person appointed by the central
(2) The council shall-

(a) Elect from among its members a vice-president;

(b) Constitute from among its members an executive committee and such other
committees to carry out the purposes of this act;
(c) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1), appoint a secretary, who may also act
as treasurer;
(d) Appoint or nominate such other officers and servants as the council deems
(e) Require and take security from the secretary or from any other officer or servant;
(f) With the previous sanction of the central government, fix the fees and allowances
to be paid to the president. vice president and other members of the council.
9. The executive committee:
(1) The executive committee shall consist of nine members, of whom seven shall be
elected by the council from among its members.
(2) The president and vice-president of the council shall remainpresident and vice-
president, respectively, of the committee.
(3) The executive committee shall exercise and dis-charge powers and duties as the
council may impose if necessary.
(10) Recognition of qualifications:
(1) The qualifications included in part I of the schedule shall be recognised
qualifications, and in part II of the schedule shall be recognised higher qualifications.
(2) The qualification only when granted after a specified date by the respective state
council, shall be a recognized qualification.
(3) The council may enter into negotiations with any authority to which this act does
not extend in India or foreign country.
10. Effect of recognition:
1.(a) Any recognised qualification shall be a sufficient qualification for enrolment in
any state register.
(b) No person enrolled in any state register unless he/she holds a recognized
(c) Any person holding a recognized higher qualification can entered as a
supplementary qualification in any state register.
10. In clause (b) subsection (1):
(a) A citizen of India holding a qualification which entitles him or her to be registered with
any state council may enrolled in any state register;
(b) A person not being a citizen of India who is employed in any state may with the approval
of the president of the council, be enrolled temporarily in that state register. Such period as
may be specified and practice shall be limited.
12. Power to require information as to courses of study and training and examinations:
Every authority in any state which grants a recognised qualification shall furnish such
information to the council from time to time, and the council issues courses of study and
training, examinations to be undergone in order to obtain such qualification, as per the
council standard.
13. Inspections:
(1) The executive committee may appoint number of inspectors.
(2) Inspectors appointed under this section shall report to the executive committee.
(3) The executive committee shall forward a copy of such report to the authority or institution
concerned, and also forward copies, to the central government, the state government and state
council of the state in which the authority or institution is situated.
14. Withdrawal of recognition:
(1) When, upon report by the executive committee, it appears to the council-
(a) Any institution fall short of standard by the council.
(b) Any institution fall short of standard by a state council may send information to the INC
and an intimation send for the period within which the institution or authority have to submit
its explanation to the state government.
(2) On the receipt of the explanation or, where no explanation is submitted within the period
fixed, the state government shall make its recommendations to the council.
(3) The council, after such further inquire, may can withdraw the recognition.
15. Mode of declarations.3 [(B)]
All declarations under section 10 or section 14 shall be published in the official gazette.
(A) Indian nurses register.
(1)The council shall cause to be maintained Indian nurses register in the prescribed
(2)It shall be the duty of the secretary of the council to keep the Indian nurses register.
(3) Such register shall be deemed to be a public document within the meaning of the
Indian evidence act, 1872.
(B). Supply of copies of state registers.
Each state council shall supply to the council twenty printed copies of the state
register as soon as may be after the 1st day of April of each year.
16. Power to make regulations:
(1) The council may make regulations not inconsistent with this act, such regulations may
provide for-
(a) Property of the council.
(b) Elections
(c) The meetings
(d) Prescribing the functions of the executive committee.
(e) Prescribing the powers and duties of the president and the vice-president;
(f) Prescribing the tenure of office and the powers and duties of the secretary and other
(g) Prescribing the standard curricula.
(h) Prescribing the conditions for admission to courses of training.
(i) Prescribing the standards of examination.
(j) Any other matter.
17. [Repeal of ordinance 13 of 1947.
PART I Recognised qualifications
A- General nursing certificates (including senior and junior certificates), diplomas or
degrees in nursing.
B- Midwifery certificates, diplomas or degrees in midwifery
C- Auxiliary nursing- midwifery
D- Health visitors- Health visitor certificates or diploma
PART II Recognised higher-qualifications
Post-graduation certificates in nursing;

Aim and objective:

Purpose: The purpose of INC establishment is to formulate a national policy for training and
practice of nursing depending mainly on the culture and philosophy of the country (India).

Organizational set up:


Vice – president

Joint secretary

Office staff

1. Executive committee: of the council to deliberate on the issues related to maintenance
of standards of nursing programs.
2. The nursing education committee: The committee is constituted to deliberate on the
issues concerned mainly with nursing education and policy matters concerning the
nursing education.
3. Equivalence committee: to deliberate on the issues of recognition of foreign
qualifications. This is essential for the purpose of registration of the Indian nursing
council act 1947, as amended.
4. Finance committee: This is another important sub-committee of the council which
decides upon the matters pertaining to finance of the council in terms of budget,
expenditure, implementation of central Govt. orders with respect to service conditions

 To establish and monitor a uniform standard of nursing education for nurses,
midwives, auxiliary nurse midwives and health visitors by doing inspections of the
 To recognize the qualifications for the purpose of registration and employment in
India and abroad.
 To give approval for registration of Indian and foreign nurses possessing foreign
 To prescribe the syllabus and regulation for nursing programmers.
 Power to withdraw the recognition of qualification standards, that an institution
recognized by a state council for the training of nurses, midwives, auxiliary nurse
midwives or health visitors does not satisfy the requirements of council.
 To advise the state nursing councils, examination board, state government and central
government in various important items regarding nursing education in country.


The state nurses and midwives council was established in 1948 under the provisions of
nurses and midwives act with the purpose of “better training of nurses, midwives and
health visitors”.
It work as an autonomous body under the government of respective states, department of
health and family welfare.
Each state determines the specific administrative responsibility and oversight of the
council of nursing.
 The governor of the state
 The state health directorate
 Nursing directorate
 Another state official or organization

Function of the state nursing council:

1. To draw a programme for examinations of various types of educational
programmes at all centers at the same time.
2. To prepare a time schedule for written and practical examinations, to prepare
roll number sheets of students and send them to various examination centers.
3. After examiners have drawn the question papers, to get them printed under
strict confidential atmosphere and keep up the secrecy regarding them.
4. To prepare examination results and communicate the result to concerned
5. To prepare the diploma certificates and registration certificates of nurses who
have been qualified for both.
6. To arrange for inspections to ascertain that the institutions are carrying out
the educational programmes as per syllabus, conditions and rules and
regulations lay down by state council.

More than 100 years ago, state government’s established boards of nursing to protect the
public’s health and welfare by overseeing and ensuring the safe practice of nursing in India.
Boards of nursing are state governmental agencies that are responsible for the regulation of
nursing practice.

1. Nursing examination board
Role and responsibility:
 To co-ordinate and bring a uniform standard of nursing education.
 To verify the eligibility requirements of the student before each examination.
 To arrange for conducting examination and issuing certificates to successful
 To prepare the calendar of events at the beginning of each academic year.
 To appoint the examiners before each examination.
2. Nursing registration board
Role and responsibility:
 Enforcing the nurse practice act and nurse licensure.
 Accrediting or approving nurse education programs in schools and
 Responsible to maintain the register in prescribed manner for nurses,
midwives and health visitors is called Indian nurses register.
 Developing policies, practice standards and administrative regulations.


A university is an institution of higher education and research which grants

academic degrees in a variety of subjects and provides both undergraduate
education and postgraduate education.

Role and responsibility:

 Regulation of its own colleges and affiliated institutions.
 Conducting inspection and granting permission for admission.
 Conducting examination and announcing the results.
 Conducting the graduation, post -graduation and doctoral programmes.
 Ensure faculty welfare and development.
 Ensuring student welfare and development.
 Organising various programmes such as book exhibition, job fair, seminars,
conferences, inter college competitions, sport meet etc.


 INC circulated a proposal latter on dated 29th may 2013 mentioning the calendar of
events for 2014-15.
 Conducted national consensus workshop at Hyderabad.
 E- learning
 Conducted annual meeting of registrar’s of state nursing council.
 Directorate of Odisha nursing section with DMET has been inaugurated by health
minister of Odisha.
 Published the merit list of BSc nursing applicants(2013) on 27.08.13


 International isation strategies
 Quality and competitiveness strategies
 Web- based learning strategies

Basavanthappa BT. Nursing education. Second edition; JAYPEE publication. New Delhi.
Basavanthappa BT. Management of nursing service and education. first edition; JAYPEE
publication. New Delhi.
Bhatia and Bhatia. Theory and principles of Education. 20th edition; Doaba house publishers.
Neeraja KP. Textbook of nursing education. Fifth edition; JAYPEE publication. New Delhi.
Sudha R. Nursing education (principles and concept). First edition; JAYPEE publication.
New Delhi.
http://www. dmetodisha.gov.in
http://www. indianursing.co.in

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