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Alfresco Guide: by IT Services

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By IT Services

Table of Contents
LOGGING-IN ......................................................................................................................................... 3

THE DASHBOARD ................................................................................................................................. 3

MY FILES ................................................................................................................................................ 4
SHARED FILES .......................................................................................................................................... 4
REPOSITORY ............................................................................................................................................ 5

ACCESS PERMISSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6

ADDING CONTENT ............................................................................................................................... 7

SHARING CONTENT: USING PERMISSIONS ............................................................................................ 7

ALLOWING OTHERS TO VIEW YOUR FILES ......................................................................................................... 7
CREATING A SITE .............................................................................................................................................. 9

USING WORKFLOWS .......................................................................................................................... 10

SIMPLE WORKFLOW ................................................................................................................................ 10
ADVANCED WORKFLOW ........................................................................................................................... 10
CREATING WORKFLOWS ........................................................................................................................... 10
REVIEWING AND APPROVING WORKFLOWS ................................................................................................... 12
REVIEW AND APPROVE (SINGLE REVIEWER) ......................................................................................................... 12
REVIEW AND APPROVE (GROUP REVIEW) ............................................................................................................ 13
REVIEW AND APPROVE (ONE OR MORE REVIEWERS) ............................................................................................. 14
REVIEW AND APPROVE (POOLED REVIEWER)) ..................................................................................................... 15



1. From your web browser, go to documents.concordia.ab.ca

2. Log-in with your full Concordia email address, and password.

The Dashboard

My Files

The My Files section is the user’s personal repository of information. As the owner of all
files/folders contained in this storage area, the user has full control of what can be done
to their documents.

Shared Files

This area represents shared data between all users of the local installation of


Access Permissions
Alfresco uses roles to determine what a user can and cannot do in a space.
These roles are associated with permissions.

The following table shows each role and the permissions for that role. As a
general rule:

• Users have all rights in their own spaces

• Administrators have all rights in all spaces

All permissions apply to

Owner Coordinator Collaborator Contributor Editor Consumer
the invited space
See invited space X X X X X X
View content X X X X X X
Copy content X X X X X X
Preview content in X X X X X X
View content properties X X X X X X
Check in content to invited X X X X
Checkout content to X X X X
different space
Update/edit content X X X X
created by other users
Update properties for X X X X
content created by other
Edit existing discussions X X X X
Create/add new content X X X X
Delete content created by X X
other users
Create folders X X X X
View content rules X X X X
Contribute to existing X X X X
Invite others X X
Start new discussion topic X X X X
Delete content created by X X
other users
Same access rights as X X
content owner
Take ownership of content X X

Adding Content
Depending on your access level, you can add content to a site, or to the general
Repository, by simply dragging and dropping the files into the location of your
choice. As mentioned in previous sections, you can always add any document to
the My Files location.

Sharing Content: Using Permissions

Option 1:
Allowing others to view your files
1. Open the document you want to share with another user.

2. Click on Manage Permissions.

3. Click on Add Users/Groups.

4. Type-in the name (or partial name) of the individual/group, you want to provide
access to this file, click Search, and choose from the list that the system provides by
clicking on Add.

5. When the user is added, the default access given is Contributor. To change the level
of access you are granting to this individual or group, click on the Contributor button,
and choose from the options provided.

6. Click on Save.

Option 2:
Sharing Content: Creating Sites
An Alfresco site is a project area where you can share content and collaborate
with other site members. A site can either be designated as public or private.
If a site is designated as public, all users can view the content but only site
members can work with the content. However, any user can join the site.
A slight variation of the public site is the moderated public site. All users can
access the site but only site members can see and work with the content. Users
wanting to join the site must be given explicit permission to do so.
In a private site, only site members can access the site, and other users must be
invited to join the site.

Creating a Site
1. From the dashboard, click on Sites, and then click on Create Site.

2. Provide a site name, description, and determine its visibility.

3. Click OK.

Using Workflows
A workflow is a work procedure outlining steps that represent the activities users
must follow in Alfresco to achieve a desired outcome. You can define your own
content-oriented workflows. Alfresco provides two different types of workflow:
simple workflow and advanced workflow.

Simple workflow
Simple workflow defines content rules for a space. The content rule dictates how
the content entering, leaving, or currently residing in the space is managed. Each
workflow definition is restricted to a single state.

Advanced workflow
Advanced workflow is any workflow constructed using Alfresco’s embedded
workflow engine. Alfresco includes two out-of-the-box workflows, which are both
basic examples of advanced workflows:

• Ad-hoc Task (for assigning a task to a colleague)

• Review & Approve (for setting up review and approval of content)

In the above examples, the content items are attached to the workflow.

Creating Workflows
Option 1:
1. From the dashboard, click on Tasks, then choose Workflows I’ve started.
2. Click on the Start Workflow button.

3. Choose New Task.


4. Fill-in the relevant information: message, due date, priority, assignee, items, email
5. Click on Start Workflow.

Option 2:
1. Open the document you want to include in your workflow

2. Click on Start workflow.

3. Follow the same process as Option 1.


Reviewing and Approving Workflows

A Review and Approval workflow is focused on tracking the review of critical
documents in a review process, which provides a good audit trail to determine if
certain processes are being met and practiced.

Several forms of review and approve workflows are provided in the next pages.

Review and Approve (single reviewer)

This option allows you to set up review and approval of content, assigning the
workflow task to a single user.


Review and Approve (group review)

This option allows you to set up review and approval of content, assigning the
workflow task to a single group. A required percentage of approvals is set up to
determine document approval.


Review and Approve (one or more reviewers)

Also known as a parallel review and approve, this option allows you to set up
review and approval of content, assigning the workflow task to multiple users.


Review and Approve (Pooled reviewer))

Also known as pooled review and approve, this options allows you to set up
review and approval of content, assigning the workflow task to multiple users.
One user can take ownership of the task at a time, completing it or returning it to
the pool to be claimed by another user associated with the task.


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