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Lab Report of Friction Loses in Pipe

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The key takeaways are to measure the loss of energy due to fluid friction along a straight pipe with smooth walls and understand concepts related to fluid flow.

The objective of the experiment is to measure the loss of energy due to fluid friction along a straight pipe with smooth walls.

Some sources of error in the experiment are parallax error while taking readings, bubbles in the tubes, non-steady water flow, and inaccurate manual valves.


BDA 37201








 The objective of this experiment is to measure the loss of energy due to fluid friction along a
straight pipe with smooth walls.


 The student will understand stress-strain relationship in fluids, classify their behavior and
also establish force balance in static systems. Further they would develop dimensionless
groups that help in scale-up and scale-down of fluid flow systems. (Unit I)
 Students will be able to apply Bernouli principle and compute pressure drop in flow systems
of different configurations (Unit II)
 Students will compute power requirement in fixed bed system and determine minimum
fluidization velocity in fluidized bed (Unit III)
 Students will be able to describe function of flow metering devices and apply Bernoulli
equation to determine the performance of flow-metering devices
 Students will be able to determine and analyze the performance aspects of fluid machinery
specifically for centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump


Figure 1 illustrates flow along a length of straight uniform pipe of diameter D. All fittings such as
valves or bends are sufficiently remote as to ensure that any disturbances due to them have died away,
so that the distribution of velocity across the pipe cross section does not change along the length of pipe
under consideration. Such a flow is said to be "fully developed." The shear stress at the wall, which is
uniform around the perimeter and along the length, produces resistance to the flow. The piezometric
head h therefore falls at a uniform rate along the length, as shown by the piezometers in Figure 1.
Since the velocity head is constant along the length of the pipe, the total head H also falls at the same rate.
The slope of the piezometric head line is frequently called the "hydraulic gradient", and is denoted by the
symbol i :

i = -dh = -dH ………(1)

dl dl
(the minus signs are due to the fact mat head decreases in the direction of increasing 1, which is measured
positive in the same sense as the velocity V. The resulting value of i is then positive )

Figure 1 : illustration of fully developed flow along a pipe

Over the length L between section 1 and 2, the fall in piezometric head is:
h1 – h2 = iL ...........(2)

Expressed in term of piezometric pressures pi and p2 at section 1 and 2 :

p1 - p2 = wiL = ρgiL ...........(3)

in which w is the specific weight and ρ is the density of water.

There is a simple relationship between wall shear stress τ and hydraulic gradient i. The pressures p1 and p2
acting on the two ends of the length L of pipe produce a net force. This force, in the direction of flow, is

( p1 - p2) A

in which A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe. This is opposed by an equal and opposite force, generated
by the shear stress τ acting uniformly over the surface of the pipe wall. The area of pipe wall is PL, where P is
the perimeter of the cross section, so the force due to shear stress is :


Equating these forces :

( p1 - p2) A = τ.PL

this reduces, by use of Equation (3), to

τ = [ A / p ] ρgi ………(4)

Now, expressing A and P in terms of pipe diameter D, namely A = πD 2/4 and P = πD so that (A/P) = D/4, we obtain the

τ = [ D / p ] ρgi ………(5)
In the case of laminar flow, the velocity profile is parabolic. The ratio U/V of centre line velocity to mean velocity is

U / V = 2 ……….(6)

And the velocity gradient of the wall is given by

( du / dr )R = ( - 4 U / D ) = ( -8V / D )…….( 7 )

So that the wall shear stress τ due to fluid viscosity is

τ = [ 8 μ V / D ] ………….(8)

Substituting for τ in Equation (5) from this equation leads to the result of Poiseuille’s equation

i = 32 vV / gD2 ………..(9)
In the case of turbulent flow the nature of flow has made it impossible to find a simple expression for the wall shear
stress, so the value has to be found experimentally. So a dimensionless friction factor f could be defined by

τ= f . 1/2 ρV2 ………….(10)

The hydraulic gradient i may now be expressed hi term of/by use of equation (5), and the following result is readily
i = ( 4fV2 /D ) x ( V2/ 2g)…….(11)

Therefore, the head loss ( h, - h 2 ) between sections 1 and 2 of a pipe of diameter D, along which me mean velocity is
V, is seen from the Equation (2) to be given by

h,-h,=4f ( L/D) x ( V2/ 2g)…….(12)

Where L is the length of pipe run between the sections. This is frequently referred to as Darcy's equation.

There is no corresponding theoretical for turbulent flow. However, correlation of many experimental results on
smooth walled pipes, due to Blasius, is:

f=0.079 Re -1/4 ......... ...(13)

This gives explicit values which are in agreement within 2% over the limited range of Re from 10 4 to 105 Above 105,
it diverges substantially from experiment.

-Flowmeter Measurement Apparatus
1 3


1. Manometer tubes 2. 90⁰ Elbow

3. Ruler 4. Tapping Tube
5. Water Supply 6. Water Discharge

Hydraulic bench
- To allow water flow by time volume collection to be measured

Stop watch
- determine the flowrate of the water

Steps to run the experiment are:

1. Set the apparatus on the bench and level so that the manometer stand vertically.
2. Open the bench supply valve carefully and adjusted until there is a steady flow down the overflow
pipe (3), so that it provides a constant head to the pipe under test.
3. Open the needle valve (4) partly to allow water through the system.
4. Remove the trapped air by manipulating the flexible connecting pipes (5).
5. Clear all the air from the piezometer connection.
6. Close the needle valve (4) after the levels in the two limbs in manometer give the same value.
7. Adjust the height of water level by allowing air to escape through the air valve (6) at the top,
or may be depressed by pumping air through the valve.
8. Open the needle valve (4) fully to obtain a differential head at least 400 mm.
9. Collect the discharge rate my measuring the volume of 300 ml in the measuring cylinder (7).
Record time, t
10. Let the reading stable for a while before recording hi and h2 it in the Table 1. Take a few readings
and record the mean value.
11. Close the needle valve so that the hi value reduced about 20 mm. Repeat step 6.9 onwards.
Readings will be at reducing flow rates.
12. Record the water temperature at a frequent intervals. These readings cover the laminar and
transition region only.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 flowrate(kg/s)
Trial 1 0.29m 0.26m 0.18m 0.14m 0.085m 0.856
Trial 2 0.26m 0.23m 0.17m 0.11m 0.03m 0.865
Trial 3 0.27m 0.245m 0.16m 0.13m 0.04m 0.839

We use this formula to calculate pressure,P :


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Trial 1 2844.9Pa 2550.6Pa 1765.8Pa 1373.4Pa 833.85Pa
Trial 2 2550.9Pa 2256.3Pa 1667.7Pa 1079.1Pa 294.3Pa
Trial 3 2648.7Pa 2403.45Pa 1569.6Pa 1275.3Pa 392.4Pa

The result we obtained, is get while conducting the experiment in the lab. As shown in the
result we obtained different value for the mass flowrate for each trial. This is maybe because of the
water pump having technical difficulties.

Besides that, there are some error occur while conducting the experiment such as parallax error
which is occur while taking the reading of height,h. To overcome this problem, the observer should be
parallel to the scale while taking the reading to get better result.

While taking reading for mass flow rate we encounter some error which is the device for
taking the reading is not working properly, to overcome this problem we use different container with
the scaling so that we can measure the mass flow rate.

The height on each point for each trial also different, it is because the unsteady flow of water
and viscid flow. To overcome this problem we have to fully-open the tap, so that it will reduce the

Lastly, we faced some difficulties while taking the reading of the height,h because presences
of bubbles in the tubes, so we have to wait a bit longer to take the reading and we also have flick the
tube using finger so that the bubbles will disappeared and we will get better result.

From the experiment,we can coclude that the objective of this experiment is achieved
which is to measure the loss of energy due to fluid friction along straight pipe with smooth walls

In this experiment,we obtained that if height of h1 was increase and h2 was increase,the
water that flowing into beaker were become slower.This was because pipe diameter W influence
the roughness of pipe wall.The other error while running this experiment eye’s position was not
parallel to the beare scale and tube

Manual valve that controlling the amount of water level stabilization is not
accurate.sometimes bubble inside the tube after stabilasation the pressure will effect the height
of h1 and h2.To overcome this problem in the future,we suggest to use digital manometer to
measure the pressure in pipe and change the size of pipe to the bigger one.This will give more
comfortable when do the reading

Books –

1) Kundu, Pijush K.; Cohen, Ira M. (2008), Fluid Mechanics (4th revised ed.), Academic Press.
2) Applied Fluid Mechanics 7th Edition, Robert L. Street, Gary Z. Watters, John K. Vennard, John
Wiley & Sons Inc.
3) Applied Fluid Mechanics 5 th Edition, Robert L. Mott, Prentice Hall.
4) Fluid Mechanics 4th Edition, Reynold C. Binder
5) Fluid Mechanics with applications, Anthony Esposito, Prentice-Hall International Inc.

Website –

1) http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/pber.html
2) http://www.omega.com/prodinfo/flowmeters.html
3) http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-us/brands/rosemount/flow/dp-flow-products/compact-
4) http://www.lmnoeng.com/venturi.php
5) http://www.lmnoeng.com/orifice.php
6) https://www.scribd.com/doc/96259752/SOLTEQ-Flowmeter-Measurement-Apparatus

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