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Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Features and Challenges, With A Special View On Matter Under Extreme Conditions

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Time-dependent density-functional theory:

features and challenges, with a special view on

matter under extreme conditions

Carsten A. Ullrich

1 Introduction and overview

Time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) is a universal approach to the

dynamical many-body problem. This means that one can use TDDFT to describe
nonstationary situations in matter such as atoms, molecules, solids, or nanostruc-
tures. Such situations can come about in essentially two ways: a system is initially
in a stationary state (often, the ground state) and is then acted upon by a perturbation
that drives it out of equilibrium, or the system is in a non-eigenstate and propagates
freely in time. The external perturbations, and the resulting deviations from equilib-
rium, can be arbitrarily strong: TDDFT can be applied in the linear-response regime
(where it provides information about excitation energies and spectral properties) or
in the nonlinear regime, where the external perturbations can be strong enough to
compete with or even override the internal interactions that provide the structure and
stability of matter. This article deals, predominantly, with the latter situation.
The purpose of this article is to give a brief overview of the basic formalism of
TDDFT, and then to discuss specifically the advantages, successes, and challenges
of TDDFT for describing matter under extreme conditions of pressure and external
fields.1 Two questions will be particularly emphasized: (1) What are “easy” and
what are “tough” problems for TDDFT, from a fundamental and practical point of
view? (2) How can TDDFT deal with dissipation? Some answers will be given, and
needs and directions for future research will be pointed out.
The intended audience for this article has some background in electronic-structure
methods, and ideally some prior knowledge of static density-functional theory

Carsten A. Ullrich
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
e-mail: ullrichc@missouri.edu
1 Other discussions at this IPAM workshop on warm dense matter involved thermal DFT [1], which
is rooted in equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, and hence is used for static systems at high
temperature and pressure. At present, no rigorous extension of thermal DFT to time-dependent
and/or non-equilibrium systems exists.

2 Carsten A. Ullrich

(DFT), but not necessarily much experience with time-dependent, dynamical phe-
nomena. Interested readers can find a pedagogical introduction and a detailed, up-
to-date coverage of TDDFT in two recent books [2, 3].

2 What do we mean by extreme conditions?

The question of what constitutes an “extreme” condition can be answered in many

different ways, depending on the context. For instance, a low-temperature scientist
studying superconductivity will consider room temperature to be extremely hot; on
the other hand, for a plasma physicist working on a fusion experiment, room tem-
perature is extremely cold. For the rest of us, room temperature is just right.
But temperature is not the only environmental variable that can be controlled;
pressure is another example. In materials science, any change in the environment,
imposed condition, or perturbation which significantly disrupts and alters the struc-
ture of matter can be called extreme. Under such circumstances, perturbation theory
ceases to be applicable, and fully nonperturbative solutions of the governing equa-
tions need to be sought.
In the following, we shall be interested in situations in which matter is rapidly
and suddenly exposed to external influences (i.e., potentials or fields) which are
strong enough to lead to extreme conditions. The goal is to study the dynamics in
the material following such strong excitations. We thus consider N-electron systems
that are governed by the nonrelativistic, time-dependent many-body Schrödinger

i Ψ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t) = Ĥ(t)Ψ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t) , (1)
{ [ ]2 }
1 ∇j 1 N 1
Ĥ(t) = ∑ + A(r j ,t) +V (r j ,t) + ∑ . (2)
j=1 2 i 2 i̸= j |r j − ri |

Notice that we have chosen atomic (Hartree) units, where e = m = h̄ = 1, and we

have ignored the spin of the electrons for notational simplicity. Equations (1) and
(2) describe the time evolution of an interacting N-electron system under the in-
fluence of a time-dependent scalar potential, V (r,t) and a time-dependent vector
potential, A(r,t). Gauge transformations can be found whereby the scalar potential
is transformed away and absorbed into the vector potential; in general, however, it
is convenient to keep both V and A in the formalism.
A suitable measure for the strength of a perturbation is comparison with the ap-
propriate atomic unit. For instance, the atomic unit of the electric field strength is
given by
E0 = 5.14221 × 1011 V/m . (3)
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 3

E0 is that electric field which an electron experiences in the first Bohr orbit of a
hydrogen atom. Clearly, if matter is exposed to electric fields of this order of mag-
nitude, field ionization processes are going to become possible. The atomic unit of
intensity is given by
I0 = 3.50945 × 1020 W/cm2 . (4)
I0 refers to a plane electromagnetic wave with electric-field amplitude E0 . If matter
is exposed to radiation with such intensities, the resulting forces on the electrons are
comparable to those Coulomb forces that cause electronic binding and cohesion in
matter. Under these circumstances, perturbation theory ceases to be applicable, and
we need to treat internal Coulomb fields and external fields on the same footings.
Notice that for intensities in excess of about 1018 W/cm2 , the electronic motion in
the focus of a laser becomes relativistic. The Schrödinger equation then needs to be
replaced by a fully relativistic approach. For even higher intensities, pair production
and other quantum electrodynamics effects can take place. In this article we will not
be concerned with such intensity regimes (for a review, see [4]).

3 The basic features of TDDFT

In this Section we will give a brief review of the basic formalism of time-dependent
density-functional theory (TDDFT), which, as of today, is the most promising ap-
proach for describing the dynamics of interacting many-electron systems [2].
We begin with the full time-dependent Schrödinger equation without any external
vector potentials,
{ [ ] }
∂ N ∇2j 1 N 1
i Ψ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t) = ∑ − +V (r j ,t) + ∑ Ψ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t)
∂t j=1 2 2 i̸= j |r j − ri |
(we will come back to vector potentials a bit later). Equation (5) is, in general, im-
possible to solve, even with the most advanced computational resources. At present,
this can be done only for small systems, consisting of not more than two interact-
ing electrons in three dimensions (e.g., [5]), or a few more interacting electrons in
lower dimensions [6]. Any realistic time-dependent calculation of larger systems
requires approximations. The key point is to cast the time-dependent many-body
problem into a different form which is still formally exact but which makes it easier
to develop approximations that are both accurate and computationally efficient.
TDDFT is based on the Runge-Gross theorem [7], which establishes a one-to-
one correspondence, V (r,t) ↔ n(r,t), between time-dependent potentials and time-
dependent single-particle densities: for a given initial many-body state Ψ0 , two dif-
ferent potentials V (r,t) and V ′ (r,t) (where “different” means that they are not just
shifted by a purely time-dependent function) will always cause the system to evolve
in time such that the respective time-dependent densities, n(r,t) and n′ (r,t), are
different. This one-to-one correspondence implies that the time-dependent density,
4 Carsten A. Ullrich
∫ ∫
n(r,t) = N d 3 r2 . . . d 3 rN |Ψ (r, r2 , . . . , rN ,t)|2 , (6)

formally carries the same information as the potential. But the potential determines
the time evolution of the system! Thus, the Hamiltonian, and hence the wave func-
tion, formally become a functional of the density, Ψ [n](r1 , . . . , rN ,t). As a conse-
quence, all physical observables are, at least formally, expressible as density func-
O[n](t) = ⟨Ψ [n](t)|Ô(t)|Ψ [n](t)⟩. (7)
(Strictly speaking, there is also a functional dependence on the initial state Ψ0 , but
we will ignore this in the following; when starting from the ground state, the initial-
state dependence can be absorbed into the density dependence.) In the next Section
we will discuss several examples of such observables.
For now, though, the remaining problem is to obtain the time-dependent density
(6) without actually having to solve the full time-dependent Schrödinger equation
(otherwise, nothing would have been gained!). The idea is the following: instead
of solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation of the interacting system, we
solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation of a noninteracting system that pro-
duces the same density as the interacting system. Such a system is much easier to
deal with, since its many-body wave function is simply a Slater determinant,
Φ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t) = √ det{φ j (r j ,t)} , (8)
and we only need to solve a single-particle Schrödinger equation to obtain the time-
dependent orbitals φ j (r,t):
[ ]
∂ ∇2
i φ j (r,t) = − +Vs [n](r,t) φ j (r,t) . (9)
∂t 2

Equation (9) is called the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation.

Here is a very important point to keep in mind: the time-dependent Kohn-Sham
orbitals are designed to reproduce the exact density of the interacting system, i.e.,
n(r,t) = ∑ |φ j (r,t)|2 , (10)

where n(r,t) is the same density that one would have obtained from Eq. (6).2 How-
ever, the respective many-body wave functions themselves are different:

Ψ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t) ̸= Φ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t) . (11)

2We assume here that all Kohn-Sham orbitals are either fully occupied or empty. For simplicity,
we disregard the possibility of fractional orbital occupation numbers, which would be associated
with degeneracies.
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 5

In other words, the Kohn-Sham system is not meant to reproduce the full many-body
wave function of the interacting system, only its single-particle density.
The time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation (9) features an effective single-particle
potential whose task is to cause the noninteracting system to reproduce the exact
density. It is usually written in the following form:

n(r′ ,t)
Vs (r,t) = V (r,t) + d 3 r′ +Vxc (r,t) , (12)
|r − r′ |

that is, as sum of the given potential V of the physical, interacting system, plus the
time-dependent Hartree potential VH plus the time-dependent exchange-correlation
(xc) potential Vxc . The latter two potentials are functionals of the density, so the
time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation has to be solved self-consistently.
Readers who are familiar with ground-state density-functional theory (DFT) [8]
will immediately be familiar with TDDFT as well, because both theories—DFT and
TDDFT—are based on very similar premises. Indeed, the parallels are obvious: the
Runge-Gross theorem [7] is the time-dependent counterpart of the Hohenberg-Kohn
theorem [9], and the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation is a generalization of the
static Kohn-Sham approach [10]. However, there are important differences as well,
and there are features of TDDFT that are unique to the time-dependent case:

• Ground-state DFT is based on the variational minimum principle. In the time-

dependent case, there is no analogous minimum principle. It is possible to derive
the formal framework of TDDFT from a stationary-action principle [11, 12]. But
in contrast with DFT, where the ground-state energy E0 is the quantity of central
importance, the action is practically of no interest in itself.
• Mathematically, the Kohn-Sham equation of ground-state DFT,
[ ]
− +Vs0 [n0 ](r) φ 0j (r) = ε j φ 0j (r) , (13)

is a boundary-value problem, where the static effective potential Vs0 depends self-
consistently on the ground-state density n0 (r). By contrast, the time-dependent
Kohn-Sham equation (9) represents an initial-value problem. One proceeds in
three steps:
1. Prepare the initial state, which is usually the ground state (technically, one
can start from any initial state, but non-ground-state or non-stationary initial
states are rarely considered). This means that one needs to carry out a static
Kohn-Sham calculation for the system of interest, i.e., solve Eq. (9), to get a
set of ground-state Kohn-Sham orbitals φ 0j (r) and orbital energies ε j .
2. Solve the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation (9) from the initial time t0 to
the desired final time t1 , where φi (r,t0 ) = φ 0j (r) are the initial orbitals. The
time propagation of the orbitals gives the time-dependent density n(r,t) via
Eq. (10).
3. Calculate the desired observable(s) as functionals of n(r,t).
6 Carsten A. Ullrich

• The static xc potential is defined as

0 δ Exc [n]
Vxc [n0 ](r) = . (14)
δ n(r) n0 (r)

The common strategy for deriving approximations of Vxc 0 is to start with an ap-

proximation for the xc energy Exc and then obtain the xc potential via Eq. (14).
By contrast, the time-dependent xc potential is approximated directly.
• The time-dependent xc potential Vxc [n](r,t) has many features and exact proper-
ties that are analogous to those of the static xc potential: for instance, it must be
self-interaction free, it must have the correct asymptotic −1/r behavior, and it
must exhibit an overall discontinuity upon change of particle number [13]. How-
ever, there are also features that have no counterpart in static DFT and are truly
dynamic. The most important one is that the time-dependent xc potential has a
memory: Vxc [n](r,t) at time t depends on densities n(r′ ,t ′ ) at earlier times, where
t ′ ≤ t. This memory is, in principle, infinitely long-ranged.
• The most common approximation for the time-dependent xc potential is the adi-
abatic approximation, which ignores all memory effects:

Vxc 0,approx
(r,t) = Vxc [n0 ](r) n (r)→n(r,t) . (15)

Here, an approximate xc potential from static DFT, Vxc [n0 ](r), is evaluated
with the instantaneous time-dependent density. This is, obviously, very conve-
nient, because this means that we can simply and straightforwardly use our fa-
vorite approximation from static DFT in TDDFT. A widely used example is the
adiabatic local-density approximation (ALDA).
But how can we be sure that the adiabatic approximation is justified? Are there
instances in which the memory of the xc potential is important? This is one of
the key questions in TDDFT, and we will address it in several places below.

4 Practical aspects of TDDFT

Practitioners of TDDFT may face two kinds of challenges, formal and computa-
tional ones. What constitutes a computational challenge of course depends on the
resources and facilities at one’s disposal. Today, there exist several computer codes
for propagating the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations in molecules and mate-
rials, most notably, the octopus [14, 15, 16] and the SIESTA [17, 18] packages.
With these codes, it is possible to study the real-time dynamics of systems with
hundreds of electrons.
But let us now take a more fundamental point of view. While TDDFT is formally
exact and universal, and can thus in principle be used for any system and any type
of electron dynamics (as long as the nonrelativistic time-dependent Schrödinger
equation applies), one has to work with approximate functionals in practice. Given
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 7

the available approximations, there are some situations that are easy, and others
that are tough (which means, it is difficult to get good results). Let us now discuss
those cases and give some examples. Notice that whenever we say “TDDFT” in
the following, we mean using state-of-the-art approximations, and not the formally
exact (but practically inaccessible) theory.

4.1 What TDDFT can do well

There are several distinct types of “easy” dynamics that can be successfully treated
with TDDFT:

• When the dynamics of the interacting system is qualitatively similar to the corre-
sponding noninteracting system.
Whenever this is the case, the adiabatic approximation (15) for the xc potential
works well, which means that it is possible to use the same approximation in the
time-dependent case that is used to prepare the initial ground state of the system
(i.e., the LDA, or a GGA, or a hybrid functional). Here are two very different
scenarios that are well described by the adiabatic approximation:
1. In linear-response calculations of the excitation spectrum of the system, when-
ever the spectral features are dominated by single-particle excitation pro-
cesses. This is because such processes will find a counterpart in the spectrum
of the noninteracting Kohn-Sham system. The dynamical xc potential then
does not need to create any new spectral features, and merely adjusts and cor-
rects the features that are already there.
2. In calculations of strongly excited systems under the influence of high-
intensity fields, whenever the external field dominates over the electron-
electron interactions. In this case, highly nonlinear multiphoton processes are
prevalent, such as multiple ionization or high-harmonic generation.
• When the electron dynamics is highly collective, and the density flows in a
“hydrodynamic” manner, without much compression, deformation, or abrupt
changes, and with small gradients in the velocity field.
An important class of this type of dynamics is plasmon modes in (quasi-) metal-
lic systems such as bulk metals, metal surfaces, nanoparticles, clusters, quantum
dots, or doped semiconductor heterostructures. Plasmons—collective charge-
density oscillations—are essentially a phenomenon of classical electrodynamics,
and dynamical many-body effects only give relatively small corrections to the
plasmon dispersions. We will discuss plasmon damping below in Section 5.
8 Carsten A. Ullrich

4.2 Easy observables

In Section 3 we showed that all physical observables are formally functionals of the
time-dependent density, see Eq. (7). TDDFT gives, in principle, the exact density,
but nothing else; all quantities of interest must be obtained from n(r,t). Fortunately,
there are several important quantities that are easy to calculate in this way.
The easiest observable is the density itself, which shows how electrons move
during a dynamical process. The time propagation is unitary, so the total norm is
conserved; but to describe ionization or charge transfer processes, it is often of in-
terest to obtain the number of electrons that escape from a given spatial region V :

Nesc (t) = N − d 3 n(r,t) . (16)

Here, V can be thought of as a “box” that surrounds the entire system (in case we
wish to calculate ionization rates of atoms or molecules), or it could be a part of a
larger molecule or part of a unit cell of a periodic solid.
Another easy class of observables is moments of the density, such as the dipole
moment: ∫
d(t) = d 3 r rn(r,t) . (17)

The dipole moment can be considered directly, i.e., in real time, to study the be-
havior of charge-density oscillations. Alternatively, it can be Fourier transformed to
yield the dipole power spectrum |d(ω )|2 or related observable quantities such as the
photoabsorption cross section.
Higher moments of the density, such as the quadrupole moment, can be calcu-
lated just as easily, but are less frequently considered.

4.3 Where TDDFT faces challenges

There are various dynamical situations and phenomena that can be tough to describe
with TDDFT, using present-day approximations.

• When the electron dynamics of the interacting system is highly correlated.

This is the case whenever one considers excitation processes—in the linear or
in the nonlinear regime—that do not have a counterpart in the Kohn-Sham sys-
tem. In particular, multiple excitations (e.g., double excitations) are notoriously
difficult to capture with TDDFT, because they require xc functionals beyond the
adiabatic approximation [19, 20]. At present, it appears that the most promising
avenue towards treating double excitations with TDDFT is by constructing xc
functionals using many-body techniques [21].
What we just discussed seems to be in contradiction with the earlier statement
(Sec. 4.1) that TDDFT does very well when collective plasmon excitations are
concerned. After all, there are no plasmons in a noninteracting system! The ex-
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 9

planation has to do with two things. First of all, charge plasmons are already
obtained on the level of the RPA (random phase approximation), which has no
xc at all.3 Secondly, the most popular xc functional in TDDFT, the ALDA, has
the interacting homogeneous electron gas as a reference system, which can of
course sustain a plasmon.
But even for plasmons, TDDFT faces serious difficulties when it comes to de-
scribing the damping. The reason is, ultimately, the same as the difficulties to
describe double excitations in finite systems: both originate from nonadiabatic
correlation effects. We will come back to dissipation in the next Section.
Another notorious, correlated problem is that of direct double ionization of atoms
in strong fields, also known as the “helium knee” problem [23, 24]. Here, one
electron gets ionized by the strong laser field, but rather than escaping from the
ion, it gets driven back during the second half of the laser cycle, returns to the
ion and knocks out another electron [25]. As a result, the double ionization rate
is much higher than what one would expect in the absence of such rescattering.
From the perspective of TDDFT, it turns out that the double ionization prob-
lem can now be considered solved: the key is to use xc functionals that have a
discontinuity whenever the particle number changes by an integer [13].
Notice that we have used the terminology “highly correlated” in the strictly dy-
namical context. Problems that arise in so-called “strongly-correlated” materials,
which are already present in ground-state DFT, will of course carry over into
TDDFT as well. A typical class of examples is Mott insulators, which are incor-
rectly described in DFT using most standard xc functionals. DFT usually predicts
a metallic ground state in such systems, and TDDFT will thus predict a qualita-
tively wrong dynamical behavior.
• When highly delocalized, long-ranged excitation processes take place.
Single excitation processes in small and medium-sized molecules are well de-
scribed with TDDFT using standard local and semilocal xc functionals such as
LDA and GGA, or hybrid functionals (typical errors are of the order of 0.3 eV
or less). But for larger systems one encounters two basic classes of excitation
processes where these xc functionals are inadequate:
1. In large molecular complexes there exist so-called charge-transfer excitations,
in which excited electrons get redistributed between different spatial regions,
or fragments, of the total system. Standard xc functionals typically underes-
timate charge-transfer excitation energies; an accurate description requires xc
functionals with a long spatial range. So-called range-separated hybrid func-
tionals [26, 27] have recently emerged as a promising solution for this prob-
2. In organic or inorganic extended semiconducting or insulating systems, inter-
band optical excitations are dominated by excitonic effects. In a simple pic-

3 The RPA in linear response is equivalent to the time-dependent Hartree approximation, and has
no dynamical xc contributions. It is not to be confused with the RPA in ground-state DFT, which
is a method to calculate correlation energies using the so-called adiabatic connection fluctuation-
dissipation approach [22].
10 Carsten A. Ullrich

ture, excitons are bound electron-hole pairs whose mean distance can extend
over many lattice constants of the system. The standard many-body approach
for describing such excitonic effects is via the Bethe-Salpeter equation, but
they can also be captured with TDDFT (since TDDFT is in principle an exact
theory). However, for the electron and the hole to form a bound state, again a
long-ranged xc functional is needed [28, 29, 30]. LDA or GGA, even most of
the standard hybrid functionals, do not give excitons.

Let us emphasize that in the case of delocalized excitation processes it is the

long-rangedness of the xc effects that is crucial, not the adiabatic approximation.
• When the electron dynamics is extremely “non-hydrodynamic” or extremely fast.
As we have seen, the adiabatic approximation works best for dynamical pro-
cesses that are slow compared to characteristic intrinsic frequency scales of the
system, and for excitations (individual or collective) of the many-body system
that have an analog in the Kohn-Sham system. When these conditions are not
met, nonadiabatic effects occur and the adiabatic approximation can break down.
The failure of the adiabatic approximation for very rapid and high-frequency dy-
namics has been observed in numerical simulations [31, 32].
From a hydrodynamic perspective, the breakdown of the adiabatic approximation
is associated with large gradients of the velocity field of the electrons: in other
words, with rapid compression and rarefaction of the electron density. This may
happen, for instance, during tunneling processes through barriers or constric-
tions, or during sudden switching, fast collisions, or violent shake-up processes
driven by intense high-frequency fields.
In general, it is not easy to predict just by looking at the external potential V (r,t)
whether or when such extreme conditions will occur in the system; even if the
potential undergoes large and sudden changes, the density may be quite sluggish
in responding. In general, there is no alternative but calculate the actual time
evolution of the system and see what happens. For finite systems, Thiele and
Kümmel [33] have given a simple criterion involving the total noninteracting
kinetic energy obtained from the time-dependent Kohn-Sham orbitals,

Ts (t) = ∑ d 3 r|∇φ j (t)|2 . (18)

They suggest that the adiabatic approximation remains valid until the dynamics
leads to situations in which the kinetic energy varies too rapidly, with a critical
∂ Ts (t = 0)
Ts (t) ≈ . (19)
∂t crit τ
Here τ is a characteristic time scale that is of the order of the period associated
with the lowest excitation energy of the system.
For a more detailed hydrodynamic analysis of the electron dynamics, local mea-
sures of the deformation of the electron liquid can be considered [31]. However,
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 11

such analysis is quite involved in three dimensions, since the deformation then
needs to be expressed as a tensorial quantity [34].

4.4 Difficult observables

The easy observables we discussed in Section 4.2 could all be calculated directly
and in elementary ways from the time-dependent density n(r,t), see Eqs. (16) and
(17). But there are many quantities and observables of great physical interest that
cannot be easily obtained from the density, even though they can formally be defined
as density functionals. Let us consider an example.
Equation (16) gives the total number of escaped electrons, which in general can
be nonintegral. For instance, if we consider a helium atom in a laser field, a value
of Nesc = 0.5 would indicate that on average half an electron has been removed. In
reality there are of course no “half-electrons”, so we have to interpret this result in a
probabilistic sense: it could for instance mean that there is 50% probability that the
helium atom is singly ionized, and 50% probability that it is not ionized; but other
scenarios, involving doubly ionized helium, are also possible. The probabilities to
find an atom or molecule in a certain charge state +m are defined as [35]
∫ ∫
P0 (t) = d 3 r1 . . . d 3 rN |Ψ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t)|2 (20)
∫ ∫ ∫
P (t) = 3
d r1 d 3 r2 . . . d 3 rN |Ψ (r1 , . . . , rN ,t)|2 (21)

and similarly for all other P+m (t). Here V denotes all space outside the integration
box V surrounding the system. The ion probabilities are defined in terms of the
full many-body wave function Ψ (t), which is a density functional according to the
Runge-Gross theorem; but it is not possible to extract the ion probabilities P+m (t)
directly from the density in an elementary way. Since dealing with the full wave
function is prohibitively expensive, one may be tempted to resort to approximat-
ing Ψ (t) by the Kohn-Sham Slater determinant Φ (t), in spite of the discussion of
Section 3. One then obtains the Kohn-Sham ion probabilities

Ps0 (t) = N1 (t)N2 (t) . . . NN (t) (22)

N ( )
Ps+1 (t) = ∑ N1 (t) . . . N j−1 (t) 1 − N j (t) N j+1 (t) . . . NN (t) (23)

and similarly for all other Ps+m (t), where

N j (t) = d 3 r|φ j (r,t)|2 . (24)
12 Carsten A. Ullrich

0.8 N1

orbital occupation


ion probabilities

P +1 P +2
P +3
P +4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
time (arb. units)

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the ionization dynamics of a 4-electron system with two doubly
occupied orbitals (e.g., the Be atom). Top panel: time-dependent orbital occupation numbers of the
first and second orbital. The decrease in N1 and N2 is typical for a short-pulse excitation around
t = 50. Bottom panel: associated Kohn-Sham ion probabilities.

The Kohn-Sham ion probabilities are easily obtained from the orbitals; but apart
from certain limiting cases [35], this remains essentially an uncontrolled approxi-
mation [36, 37].
Figure 1 presents a simple illustration to show how these formulas work. We
consider a 4-electron system (such as, e.g., the Be atom), with two initially doubly
occupied orbitals. The orbital populations N1 and N2 are assumed to decrease as
N j (t) = 1 − a j (1 + e−(t−t p )/b )−1 , where we take a1 = 0.3, a2 = 0.8, b = 0.2, and
t p = 50. This behavior mimics the ionization of an atom by a short intense laser pulse
with peak at t p . As the orbital populations decrease (which indicates that density is
removed from the system), the ion probabilities go through various stages. At the
end of the pulse, the system can be found in any of the possible ionized states (from
zero to fourfold) with different probabilities.
The ion probabilities are a typical example of a “difficult” observable in TDDFT.
There are several other examples:
• Photoelectron spectra. The photoelectron kinetic energy distribution spectrum is
formally defined as
P(E)dE = lim
∑ |⟨ΨEk |Ψ (t)⟩|2 dE , (25)

where |ΨEk ⟩ is a many-body eigenstate with k electron in the continuum and total
kinetic energy E of the continuum electrons. There are approximate ways of cal-
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 13

culating photoelectron spectra from the density or from the Kohn-Sham orbitals
[38, 39, 40], but the rigorous method involves the full wave functions.
• State-to-state transition probabilities. The S-matrix describes the transition be-
tween two states:
Si, f = lim ⟨Ψf |Ψ (t)⟩ , (26)

where Ψ (t) starts out from the initial state Ψi , and Ψf is some final state. Getting
the S-matrix from the density can be accomplished using a complicated implicit
read-out procedure [41].
• Momentum distributions. Ion recoil momenta are of great interest in high-intense
field or scattering experiments. In the context of calculating Compton profiles
using DFT, momentum distributions have been of interest for a long time [42, 43].
In TDDFT, the problem is formally similar to the problem of calculating ion
probabilities from the density, and in principle requires the full wave function
in momentum space. The Kohn-Sham momentum distributions can be taken as
approximation, but this is not always well justified [44].
• Transition density matrix. The transition density matrix is a quantity that is de-
fined in the linear response regime. As the name indicates, it refers to a specific
excitation of the system (typically, a large molecular system), and maps the dis-
tribution and coherences of the excited electron and the associated hole. In par-
ticular, the transition density matrix is useful to visualize excitonic effects. There
is no easy way to obtain it directly from the density; the best we can do is to
construct the transition density matrix from Kohn-Sham orbitals [45].
All the foregoing examples have in common that they are explicit expressions
of the many-body wave function, or of the N-body density matrix of the system,
and therefore can be only implicitly expressed as density functionals. One can get
approximate results by replacing the full many-body wave function Ψ (t) with the
Kohn-Sham wave function Φ (t), but there is no guarantee that this will give good

5 TDDFT and dissipation

Dissipation is a phenomenon that occurs whenever a system interacts with its en-
vironment; energy flows away from the system and is transferred into the available
degrees of freedom of the environment, thus effectively getting “lost” insofar as
the system under study is concerned. There exists no system in nature that is fully
and absolutely shielded from any environmental influence, although there are many
systems under study that are extremely well isolated. Therefore, dissipation can of-
ten be neglected when describing electron dynamics. On the other hand, there exist
many situations in which dissipative effects are prominent, or at least cannot be ne-
glected. In particular, dissipation plays an important role in the response of materials
to very strong perturbations or extreme conditions: it determines the rate at which
14 Carsten A. Ullrich

energy can be absorbed and redistributed, and converted into structural changes such
as fragmentation or melting.
All occurrences of dissipation have in common that they involve a coupling be-
tween the dynamics of a system (which may be finite or extended) and degrees of
freedom that are not part of the system. Often one refers to the latter as a “bath”.
There are many varieties of system-bath coupling: for instance, the coupling of elec-
trons and phonons in a molecule or crystal, the coupling between an atom and the
photons in a cavity, or the coupling between different kinds of electronic degrees of
freedom within the same system.
TDDFT, as we have presented it here, is defined for electronic systems governed
by the many-body Schrödinger equation (5). This means that TDDFT can describe
purely electronic dissipation processes in principle exactly. But to treat dissipation
into nonelectronic degrees of freedom such as motion of the ions, TDDFT needs to
be extended. In the following, we will briefly review the current status of TDDFT
for dissipation.

5.1 Coupling between electron and nuclear dynamics

From a formal point of view, electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom need to be
treated on an equal footing, by starting from a many-body Schrödinger equation
for the coupled electronic-nuclear system. It is possible to formulate a multicompo-
nent TDDFT treatment for this problem [46, 47, 48]. However, finding suitable xc
functionals for the nuclear degrees of freedom is difficult, and thus multicomponent
electron-nuclear DFT and TDDFT have not yet found widespread application.
In practice, the coupling between ionic and electronic degrees of freedom is usu-
ally carried out within a molecular dynamics framework. In the regime of strong
excitations, non-Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics is required. This can be
done in various ways; the so-called TDDFT-Ehrenfest approach can be formulated
with the following coupled set of equations:
[ ]
∂ ∇2
i φ j (r,t) = − +Ve (r,t) +VHxc [n](r,t) +Wen ({r}, {R(t)}) φ j (r,t) , (27)
∂t 2
[ ∫ ]
M j 2 R j (t) = −∇R j Vn, j (R j ,t) +Wnn (R(t)) + d r n(r,t)Wen ({r}, {R(t)}) .
Here, Eq. (27) is the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation featuring a potential act-
ing on the electrons only, Ve , the combined Hartree and xc potentials, VHxc , and the
electron-nuclear interaction Wen , which depends on all electronic and nuclear co-
ordinates {r} and {R}. The second equation is the classical equation of motion of
the nuclei, with an external potential Vn, j acting on the jth nucleus and the nucleus-
nucleus interaction Wnn . The last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (28) is a mean-
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 15

field interaction between the instantaneous time-dependent electronic density and

the nuclei.
The TDDFT-Ehrenfest approach can thus be characterized as a mixed quantum-
classical approach, with classical nuclear dynamics in the average field caused by
the electrons. This approximate treatment of the coupled dynamics works well under
the following circumstances:
• if a single nuclear path is dominant;
• for ultrafast processes, and at the initial state of an excitation, before significant
of potential energy surfaces can occur;
• when a large number of electronic excitations are involved, so that the nuclear
dynamics is governed by the average forces (for instance, in metals or during
strong-field processes, if a large amount of energy is absorbed).
The TDDFT-Ehrenfest approach thus appears to be the method of choice for
strongly excited coupled electron-nuclear systems: it allows a computational treat-
ment of relaxation and energy dissipation processes into nuclear degrees of freedom,
and can be used to describe processes such as laser-induced melting and Coulomb
But the TDDFT-Ehrenfest approach also has clear limitations, for instance for
processes where a branching of ionic trajectories occurs and the excited-state dy-
namics takes place on multiple paths of different Born-Oppenheimer potential en-
ergy surfaces. Such processes are important in many chemical reactions, and ob-
viously extend beyond the scope of a mean-field approach; to deal with them, so-
called surface hopping schemes have been developed [49, 50]. A detailed presen-
tation of the various TDDFT/molecular dynamics approaches, together with many
applications and references, can be found in Chapter 17 of Ref. [2].

5.2 Electronic dissipation: time-dependent current-DFT

In an isolated system such as a single atom or molecule, the electron dynamics

is free of dissipation within the time-dependent many-body Schrödinger equation,
and hence within TDDFT. This implies that electronic excitation energies are real,
spectral linewidths are zero, and associated lifetimes of excited states are infinite.
However, in extended systems the situation is different: there exist excitations
that have finite lifetimes, even if impurity or disorder or phonon scattering effects
are not included. A prime example is plasmons in metals. In the simplest possible
point of view of a homogeneous system, plasmons are collective oscillations of the
electron liquid against the uniform positive jellium background of the metal.
Plasmon damping can be nicely visualized in the case of intersubband plasmons
in doped semiconductor quantum wells. Such excitations can be realized, e.g., in
GaAs/Alx Ga1−x As square potential wells [51]. If, say, the direction of growth is
the z direction, then electrons in this quantum well are essentially confined in a box
along this direction, and behave as free particles in the x − y plane, with in-plane
16 Carsten A. Ullrich

E (q|| )
Charge plasmon

Ȧ (meV)
Spin plasmon
k|| (Å-1)

Fig. 2 Intersubband plasmon damping in quantum wells. Top left: Single-particle intersubband
excitations between the first subband, occupied up to the Fermi energy EF , to the second subband.
The transitions can take place vertically (zero in-plane momentum transfer) or nonvertically. Top
right: intersubband particle-hole continuum, and charge and spin plasmon dispersions. Bottom left:
schematic illustration of the decay of an intersubband charge plasmon (with k|| = 0) into two in-
plane particle-hole pairs. Bottom right: the two particle hole pairs have opposite momentum, as
dictated by in-plane momentum conservation.

wave vectors q|| . Figure 2 (top left) illustrates the possible single-particle transitions
between the lowest two subbands. The shape of the plasmon is shown in the bottom
left panel, where the red line is the profile of the charge-density distribution which
oscillates back and forth in the quantum well (along the z direction), as indicated by
the two-sided arrow above it.
If all intersubband excitations take place collectively and in phase, then we have
an intersubband plasmon mode. This is a collective excitation of the many-body
system in which the charge density oscillates along the direction of growth of the
well (i.e., along the z-direction). As long as the plasmon dispersion is away from the
single particle-hole continuum (see Fig. 2 top right), the plasmon mode is rather ro-
bust. Once it merges with the particle-hole continuum, the so-called Landau damp-
ing leads to a rapid dephasing of the plasmon mode. If plasmons are calculated with
TDDFT using xc functionals that do not have a memory, such as the ALDA, then
they are characterized by an infinite lifetime away from the particle-hole continuum.
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 17

However, intersubband plasmons can dissipate into multiple particle-hole pairs,

as illustrated in the bottom part of Fig. 2. Physically, this means that the collective
degrees of freedom associated with motion perpendicular to the plane of the quan-
tum well couple to a “bath” of in-plane degrees of freedom [52]. This coupling is
mediated via Coulomb scattering; it involves two-particle-hole processes, which are
of higher order than the single-particle processes that give rise to Landau damping,
and is therefore rather weak.
How does TDDFT account for plasmon damping via two-particle (or multiple)
excitation processes? The answer lies in the xc potential Vxc [n](r,t): there are no
multiple excitations in the adiabatic approximation (15), so it is necessary to use
nonadiabatic xc functionals. Plasmons are usually discussed within linear response
theory; the quantity of interest is then the linearized xc potential, given by
∫ ∫
δ Vxc (r,t) = dt ′ d 3 r′ fxc (r,t, r′ ,t ′ )δ n(r′ ,t ′ ) , (29)

which defines the xc kernel fxc (r,t, r′ ,t ′ ) and its Fourier transform, fxc (r, r′ , ω ) [53].
In general, the xc kernel is a complex, frequency-dependent object; within the adi-
abatic approximation, fxc is frequency-independent and real. This immediately ex-
plains the absence of any plasmon damping in the adiabatic approximation [54].
The construction of nonadiabatic xc functionals is far from a trivial task. The
underlying reason has become known as the “ultranonlocality problem” of TDDFT
[55], which states that it is impossible to construct a memory-dependent xc poten-
tial Vxc (r,t) that depends only on the local density at the same point r. The reason
for this is not hard to appreciate [56]: the electron dynamics in any kind of system
necessarily involves the flow and rearrangement of probability density, and a den-
sity volume element at a given space-time point (r,t) must have originated from
a different spatial location r′ at an earlier time t ′ < t. Hence, the time-dependent
density n(r,t) is not the most suitable variable for an easy construction of memory-
dependent xc potentials, because it does not allow a local approximation.
It turns out that it is possible instead to construct a local, memory-dependent xc
vector potential as a functional of the current density4 j(r,t); in other words, if we
“upgrade” from TDDFT to time-dependent current-DFT (TDCDFT) [59, 60]. The
time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation in TDCDFT can be written like this:
[ ( )2 ]
∂ 1 ∇
i φ j (r,t) = + A(r,t) + Axc (r,t) +V (r,t) +VH (r,t) φ j (r,t) . (30)
∂t 2 i

Here, V (r,t) and A(r,t) are external scalar and vector potentials, and all xc effects
have been gauge transformed into the xc vector potential Axc (r,t), which is a func-
tional of the current density. TDCDFT allows one to describe systems governed by
the time-dependent many-body Schrödinger equation (2) in principle exactly.
A memory-dependent xc vector potential can be formulated as follows [61, 62]:

4 Note that j(r,t) is the physical current density. This is in contrast with ground-state CDFT, where
the basic variable is the paramagnetic current density [57, 58].
18 Carsten A. Ullrich

∂ Axc (r,t) ∇ · σxc (r,t)

= −∇Vxc
(r,t) + , (31)
∂t n(r,t)

where the viscoelastic xc stress tensor is given by

∫t [ ]
′ ′ ′ 2 ′
σxc,µν (r,t) = ηxc (r,t,t ) ∇µ vν (r,t ) − ∇ν vµ (r,t ) − ∇ · v(r,t )δµν
+ ζxc (r,t,t ′ )∇ · v(r,t ′ )δµν . (32)

Here, v(r,t) = j(r,t)/n(r,t) is the time-dependent velocity field, and ηxc and ζxc
are Fourier transforms of the complex, frequency-dependent viscosity coefficients
of the homogeneous electron liquid [62]. The xc functional (31) is valid up to second
order in the spatial derivatives of the velocity field; notice that the gradients have to
be small, but the velocities themselves can be large.
The explicit memory dependence of the xc vector potential (31) causes the dy-
namics to be dissipative, as long as the velocity field v(r,t) is nonuniform. There
have been several applications of TDCDFT in the linear-response regime for dis-
sipative electron dynamics in the areas of quantum transport [63, 64], the stopping
power of metallic conduction electrons for slow ionic impact [65], and plasmon
damping in doped quantum wells [66, 67]. The xc vector potential (31) has also
been applied in the real-time, nonlinear regime [68, 69].
In general, TDCDFT performs well if the system behaves in a “hydrodynamic”
way, that is, the electronic velocity fields are relatively smooth, without too much
local compression or rarefaction. In other words, plasmonics is the ideal field of ap-
plication. Bulk insulators or finite systems such as atoms or molecules are generally
not well described with the xc functional (31) [70, 71, 72].
A subtle issue arises in the damping of plasmons in low-dimensional systems
such as the intersubband plasmons discussed in Fig. 2. Doped quantum wells are
quasi-two-dimensional systems, and electronic viscosity coefficients that come from
the three-dimensional homogeneous electron liquid may lead to overdamping, since
the two-dimensional in-plane particle-hole excitations offer fewer degrees of free-
dom to couple into. Some recent efforts have been dedicated to treat electronic dis-
sipation in low-dimensional systems beyond the local approximation [73, 74].

5.3 Other approaches to treat dissipation within TDDFT

Let us briefly mention some other methodologies to describe dissipation in combi-

nation with TDDFT.

• TDDFT for weakly disordered systems. In this approach, TDDFT in the linear-
response regime is combined with a microscopic, ab-initio description of dis-
Time-dependent density-functional theory: features and challenges 19

order scattering (arising from neutral, charged, or magnetic impurities, defects,

or surface roughness) [75, 76]. Applications are in the calculations of plasmon
linewidths [67] and transport properties in doped or magnetic semiconductors
[77]. No extension into the nonlinear or real-time regime exists at present.
• Master equation approach. This formalism is based on the following equation of
motion of the statistical density matrix ρ of the system:

ρ = −[H, ρ ] − R[ρ ] . (33)
Microscopic expressions for the relaxation matrix R[ρ ] can be derived from
first principles under some simplifying assumptions such as perturbative, time-
averaged treatment of collisions, and no memory (Markov approximation). It is
possible to prove a generalized Runge-Gross theorem for N-electron systems that
evolve under a master equation [78]. Some applications of the TDDFT-master
equation approach exist in molecular transport under weak bias.
In the nonlinear regime of strongly driven systems, it is convenient and instruc-
tive to work with a simplified treatment of dissipation in the form of phenomeno-
logical parameters T1 and T2 . Specifically, for a two-level system the density
matrix has a simple 2 × 2 form. Assuming that the time evolution of the system
is described by the wave function ϕ (t) = c1 (t)ϕ1 + c2 (t)ϕ2 , where ϕ1 and ϕ2 are
the wave functions of the two levels, the components of the density matrix are
ρi j (t) = c∗i (t)c j (t), where i, j = 1, 2. We then have
 
ρ11 − ρ110 ρ − ρ0
12 12
 
R[ρ ] =  T1 T2 
 ρ21 − ρ 0 ρ22 − ρ 0  , (34)
21 22
T2 T1
where the superscript “0” indicates the value at the initial time. Here, T1 is the
population relaxation time and T2 is the dephasing time. In the weak excitation
limit, 1/T2 shows up as the linewidth of an excitation. But the approach can also
be applied in the nonlinear, strongly driven regime [79].
• TDDFT for open and stochastic systems. Existence theorems have been proved
by D’Agosta and Di Ventra for interacting many-particle systems interacting with
arbitrary external baths [80, 81], which extends the applicability of TD(C)DFT
to open quantum systems. In practice, a generalized time-dependent Kohn-Sham
equation of motion is solved multiple times in random stochastic potentials,
and the system property of interest is obtained through an averaging procedure.
The applicability of the method has been demonstrated for dissipative quantum
molecular dynamics [82, 83]. A similar approach by Aspuru-Guzik and cowork-
ers [84] has been applied to study the dynamics of atoms coupled to heat baths.
20 Carsten A. Ullrich

6 Concluding remarks

Today, the main area in which TDDFT is used is in theoretical chemistry, for calcu-
lating excitation energies and optical properties of large molecular systems. It has
become a standard feature of many popular computer codes in quantum chemistry
and materials science, and as such has reached a similar status for electron dynamics
as DFT has for ground-state properties.
In this article, we have presented the TDDFT formalism and its features and ca-
pabilities in a nutshell, with a special emphasis on successes and challenges in the
nonlinear regime and for matter under extreme conditions. Even though it represents
an approach that is in principle exact, in practice there are some things that TDDFT
(with the currently available, state-of-the-art approximations and implementations)
can do well, and other situations in which it faces difficulties. In particular, observ-
ables that are implicit functionals of the density remain a challenge, and continue
to be the subject of active research and development. The description of dissipation
in TDDFT is a subject of active research as well, although much progress has been
made in our understanding and in constructing the appropriate formal framework.
In spite of these challenges, there can be no doubt that TDDFT is the only method
that is capable of dealing with the nonlinear, real-time dynamics of many interact-
ing electrons driven by arbitrary external fields, or coupled to the ions via adiabatic
or nonadiabatic molecular dynamics. Large-scale TDDFT numerical simulations of
materials are now within reach, such as the recent study by Yabana and cowork-
ers [85] who simulated high-intensity fs laser pulses acting on crystalline solids
and leading to dielectric breakdown. As our computational capabilities continue to
increase, we can expect many more such applications of TDDFT in the area of ma-
terials science under a broad variety of extreme (or not so extreme) conditions.
This work was supported by NSF Grant No. DMR-1005651.


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