Structure of Design Domain Knowledge Base
Structure of Design Domain Knowledge Base
Structure of Design Domain Knowledge Base
Keywords: Design domain knowledge base, integrated CAD system, objects, classes
1 Introduction
The research presented in this paper is a part of the ongoing research in the project
“Development of the Integrated CAD System” [Marjanović, 1995] (Figure 1.) This is plan
driven system for design process support [Pavković, 1997]. One of the most important parts
of this system is the Design Domain Knowledge Base (DDKB). This base contains all the
system relevant domain specific knowledge in the field of the mechanical engineering.
Structure of this base emerges from the process of design knowledge systematisation.
Knowledge-based design support system in the “integrated” CAD environment combine
design methods, AI and computational techniques as a support to designers through design
process [Tang, 1997]. Except from the main task of data storage DDKB must be able to
interact with other parts of the system and with the user itself. This task is achieved through
the DDKB interface. The DDKB interface has several tasks. First is to establish
communication between the action functions (action functions are the building parts of the
plan) and the database, the second task is to enable knowledge storage and retrieval through
the process of data acquisition and the third task is to enable direct user input and retrieval of
the stored data. Some problems emerged due to the fact that the engineering knowledge is in
various forms and mostly not suitable for direct storage. So some modules where created
especially for the data conversion and transformation from one form to form suitable for
database handling. Because of the importance of ability to browse stored and newly acquired
knowledge DDKB has modules for data representation.
As a test example for the proposed model of the structure of the DDKB the mechanical
machine components knowledge base was used (Figure 2.).
Figure 2. Schematic structure of the design domain knowledge base for the mechanical
machine components domain
3 Design domain knowledge base handling
Collected domain design knowledge from different sources through knowledge acquisition
module has to be converted in the form appropriate to representation and storage. Main task
of the module for conversion is to convert collected knowledge information in form
appropriate for storage in DDKB and in the form appropriate to representation through
module for communication that communicates with other modules in “integrated” CAD
system. Schematic flow of the design knowledge handling is shown on Fig. 3. Prototype
version of the knowledge handling system is implemented for use trough INTRANET.
Realised system consists of one SunSPARC station with domain knowledge stored in DDKB
and two NT workstations with inference engine written in CLIPS and JESS. Inference engine
is rule-base driven system. Based on the information from the DDKB system automatically,
on behave of the client, activates suitable inference engine which leads the client to the
problem solution and monitors clients activities. This way the system can interact with user
(client) every time error occurs and can suggest actions that user can perform for error
resolution and safe continuation.
4 Object description
Part object stored in the design domain knowledge base has several attributes. The following
example describes attributes for rolling bearing object. In this example real data was used
from the SKF Electronic Handbook.
Class RotationalMotionComponents
Subclass Bearings: RollingBearings
KnowledgeSource: SKF Electronic Handbook
Form: HTML document ! Input knowledge form
3D parametric model ! Output form
ActionFunction: CalcLoads ! Calculation of loads
CalcLifeTime ! Calculation of life time
ExternalPrograms: PickType !
Data: d; D; H; C; C0 …
5 Conclusion
This article presents model of structure of the design domain knowledge base as an object and
object class database. This is hierarchical knowledge base that stores design knowledge
information collected from different sources transformed into appropriate form for further
handling. This knowledge base is a part of the “integrated” CAD system. Development of that
system is researching project in CAD Laboratory, which is part of Chair of Design Theory on
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Design domain knowledge base is important part of “integrated” CAD system, but it cannot
stand alone without other modules (module for knowledge acquisition, module for
conversion, module for communication, module for explanation etc.)
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