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Catia v5 Report

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Page 1

Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to assist in the creation,
modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the
productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through
documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD output is often in the form of
electronic files for print, machining, or other manufacturing operations.

Computer-aided design is used in many fields. Its use in designing electronic systems is known as
Electronic Design Automation, or EDA. In mechanical design it is known as Mechanical Design
Automation (MDA) or computer-aided drafting (CAD), which includes the process of creating a
technical drawing with the use of computer software

CAD/CAM is the technology not a software. Group of techniques is called technology. Many
software are works on CAD/CAM technology.


Classification of CAD/CAM Software

Cad/cam software are classified on the basis of two criteria’s

1. On the basis of design capability.

2. On the basis of modification capability.

1. On the basis of design capability cad/cam software are of two types

 High end software (NX, Pro-E, Catia, Solid Edge Etc.)
 Low end software (Auto-CAD, etc.)
2. On the basis of modification capability cad/cam software are of two types.
 Non parametric software (auto-cad, caddian etc.)
 Parametric software (creo2.0, solid works etc.)
 Parasolid software (NX, solid edge etc. )
 Parametric and parasolid (Catia )
Which software can more modify the structure or drawing is called the parametric software. Which
software have low modification capability is called the non-parametric software.

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Which software have more modification capability is called the high end parametric software.
Which software have is called the low end.


Engineering Design may be defined as the iterative decision making activity to create the plans by
which resources are converted, preferably optimally into systems, processes or devices to ––
+perform the desired functions and to meet human needs.


The basic design process consists of the following activities.

1. Creation: Firstly a thought comes in our mind about the component. The creation activity
molds our thought into physical component.
2. Optimization: The activity eliminates the unnecessary expenses and features of the
components in order to have a better product with least expenses.
3. Analysis-: By this activity we analyze the strength, functioning and other properties of the
component. The aim is to develop a strong and smooth functioning component.
4. Modification-: By this activity we eliminate the limitation of the component found during
analysis. These laminations are overcome by modifying the shape material or features of the

Page 3

CATIA V5 has been a versatile tool for CAX requirements in many engineering application. The
intelligible Graphics-user- interface of CATIA (Icon driven approach) is most appealing. Many
engineers, who are familiar with other CAX tools can quickly adapt to CATIA V5 because of its
user-friendliness. The objective of this manual is to familiarize the “Advanced meshing tools” and
“Generative structural analysis” modules of CATIA V5. The manual is example-driven, so that the
user can adapt similar approach with other parts too.

Page 4

CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is a multiplatform
CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the French company, DASSAULT
Systems and marketed worldwide by IBM. Written in the C++ programming language, CATIA is
the cornerstone of the DASSAULT Systems product lifecycle management software suite.

The software was created in the late 1970s and early 1980s to develop DASSAULT'S Mirage
fighter jet, and then was adopted in the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, and other industries.

There are numerous ‘workbenches’ in CATIA V5, and each workbench has a purpose to achieve.
Grid generation is a part of the “Advanced meshing tool” workbench in CATIA V5.

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Each workbench contains a set of tools that is dedicated to perform a specific task. The following
workbenches are the commonly used:
• Part Design: Design parts using a solid modeling approach.
• Sketcher: Create 2D profiles with associated constraints, which is then used to create other 3D


The following standard screen layout shows you where different tools and toolbars are located. The
numbers coordinate with the following pages where the tool label is bolded. The tool label is
followed by a brief explanation and in some cases, steps on how to use and/or access the tool.
Below is the layout of the elements of the standard CATIA application.
1-Menu Commands2- Specification Tree3- Filename and extension of currentdocument4-Icon of
the active workbench5-Toolbars specific to the active workbench Standard Toolbar 7-Compass
8- Geometry


The common documents are:

1-part document (.CAT Part)

2- An assembly document (.CAT Product)

Page 6

3- A drawing document (.CAT Drawing)

4-Construction Geometry

Construction geometry is created within a sketch to aid in profileCreation. Unlike standard

geometry, it does not appear outside the sketcher workbench. Construction geometry is shown in
dashed format. When the “Construction/Standard element “icon is on, all sketched elements will be
created as construction elements. You can also toggle any elements from standard to construction,
or vice versa by clicking the “construction /standard element” icon.

Page 7

The default reference planes are the first three features in any part file. Their names are derived
from the plane they are parallel to, relative to the part coordinate system:
:-XY plane
:-YZ plane
:-ZX plane
It is impossible to move or delete the planes. The planes can provide planer support on which to
create a 2D sketch.

Page 8


The default dimension direction is parallel to the line between the circle centers. To change the
direction to horizontal or vertical, right mouse click and select the desired orientation.

The Model Tree contains the history of tools and processes used to create a part.
For example, you can look at a completed part and see that there were Fillets and holes applied to it.
At what point in the part creation were the fillets and holes added? Are there redundant processes
and extra elements? Can the process for part creation be improved? Looking at the resulting part
will not answer any of these questions. The Model Tree on the other hand has all of this
information. The Model Tree contains the entire history of the part creation.


This tool allows you to modify the location and orientation of a part relative to the XYZ coordinates
and/or relative to other parts if they are in an assembly. The application of this tool is described in
the several of the lessons. You can place the cursor over the center point of the axis and drag the
compass and drop it on a surface. Once the compasses placed on a surface it will turn green. You
can then use the cursor to manipulate the orientation of the part geometry by selecting the axis or
direction on the compass that you want the geometry modified in. To restore the location and
orientation of the compass select View > Reset compass.

Page 9

A. Shading
B. Shading with Edges
C. Shading with Edges but without smooth edges
D. Shading with Edges with hidden edges
E. Shading with Material
F. Wireframe


Constraints can either be dimensional or geometrical. Dimensional constraints are used to constrain
the length of an element, the radius or diameter of an arc or circle, and the distance or angle
between elements. Geometrical constraints are used to constrain the orientation of one element
relative to another. For example, two elements may be constrained to be perpendicular to each
other. Other common geometrical constraints include parallel, tangent, coincident, concentric,etc.

Page 10

Constraints Defined in Dialoged Box: Creates geometrical and dimensional constraints between two
• Constraint: Creates dimensional constraints.
• Contact Constraint: Creates a contact constraint between two elements.
• Fix Together: The fix together command groups individual entities together.
• Auto Constraint: Automatically creates dimensional constraints.
• Animate Constraint: Animates a dimensional constraint between to limits.
• Edit Multi-Constraint: This command allows you to edit all your sketch constraints in a single

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The Sketcher workbench is a set of tools that helps you create and constrain 2D geometries.
Features (pads, pockets, shafts,) may then be created solids or modifications to solids using these
2D profiles. You can access the Sketcher workbench in various ways. Two simple ways are by
using the top pull down menu or by selecting the Sketcher icon. When you enter the sketcher,
CATIA requires that you choose a plane to sketch on.

• Profile toolbar: The commands located in this toolbar allow you to create simple geometries
(rectangle, circle, line,) and more complex geometries (profile, SPLINE, etc

• Operation toolbar: Once a profile has been created, it can be modified using commands such as
trim, mirror, chamfer, and other commands located in the Operation toolbar.

• Constraint toolbar: Profiles may be constrained with dimensional (distances, angles, or

geometrical (tangent, parallel,) constraints using the commands located in the Constraint toolbar.

• Sketch tools toolbar: The commands in this toolbar allow you to work in different modes which
make sketching easier. The Sketch tools toolbar contains icons that activate and deactivate different
work modes. These work modes assist you in drawing 2D profiles. Reading from left to right, the

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toolbar contains the following work modes (Each work mode is active if the icon is orange and
inactive if it is blue.)
• Grid: This command turns the sketcher grid on and off.
• Snap to Point: If active, your cursor will snap to the intersections of the grid lines
• Construction / Standard Elements: You can draw two different types of Elements in CATIA a
standard element and a construction element. A Standard element will be created when the icon is
inactive (blue). It will be used to create a feature in the Part Design workbench. A construction
element (dashed line type) will be created when the icon is active (orange). They are used to help
construct your sketch, but will not be used to create features.
• Dimensional Constraints: When active, dimensional constraints will automatically be applied
when corners (fillets) or chamfers are created, or when quantities are entered in the value field. The
value field is a place where dimensions such as line length and angle are manually entered.


To modify units, invoke the Options dialog box by choosing Tools Options from the menu bar.
Click on the + sign located on the left of the General option to expand the tree. Choose the
Parameters and Measure option; tabs corresponding to this selection will appear on the right side of
the Options dialog box. Now, choose the Units tab.

Page 13


A. Sketch-Based Features: Create a solid feature from a 2D sketch/profile

B. Dress-Up Features: Add fillets/chamfers on the solid edge, add a draft onto the solid faces,
Hollow the solid, offset.

C. Transformation Features: Change the 3D position of the solid, duplicate the solid by
mirroring/ patterning, scale up/down the solid…

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D. Surface-Based Features: Split the solid with a surface/plane, adding material onto surfaces.

E. Reference Elements: Create a point, a line or a plane in the 3D space.

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The pad icon allows you to use a sketch and extrude it in a linear direction producing a solidpad.

You can create a sketch or profile on-the-fly by pressing the third mouse button while in the
Selection box.
This would allow you to use one of the available options to define the profile if you did not have it
created already. When you create a pad, a Pad Definition window appears like the one shown
below. Initially the window will appear with only the First Limit and then you have the option
toselect the More>option to see the Second Limit. Since the options are the same for bothlimits they
will be discussed only once.
Type of limit is
A. Dimension
B. Up to Next
C. Up to Last
D. Up to Plane
E. Up to Surface


Page 16

Pocket (material removed by extruding a sketch)


Shaft (material added by rotating a sketch)

Groove (material removed by rotating a sketch)

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Rib (material added by sweeping a profile along center curve)

Profile Control
1-Keep Angle
Keeping the angle value between the sketch plane used for the profile and the tangent of the center
2-Pulling Direction

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Sweeping the profile with respect to a specified direction.

Slot (material removed by sweeping profile along a center curve)


Material added by sweeping one or more planar section curves along one or more guide curves

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(Circular material removed from the existing solid)

Several types of holes are available:

To locate the center of the hole precisely inside the sketcher workbench, Select the
“Positioning sketch “icon

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Fillet (creating a curved face of a constant or variable radius that is tangent to, and that joins, two


Chamfer (removing & adding a flat section from a selected edge to create a beveled surface
between the two original faces common to that edge.

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Basic Draft (adding or removing material depending on the draft angle and the pulling direction)

Neutral element always keeps unchanged after a draft is created

(Empty a solid while keeping a given thickness on its sides) The face-to-remove cannot be tangent
to the nearby faces. All edges around the face should be sharp edges.

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(Duplicating a solid on the other side of the mirror plan)

(Duplicate the features at the points created in sketcher workbench)
A. Rectangular Pattern :-

B. Circular Pattern:-

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C. User Pattern:-

Page 24


Split (splitting a solid with a plane, a face or a surface)

Page 25

The Assembly Design used to create an assembly starting from scratch. Here is illustration of the

several stages of creation you may encounter for an assembly.

Creating an Assembly Document

This task will show you how to enter the Assembly Design workbench to create a new assembly
from scratch. Select the Start -> Mechanical Design -> Assembly Design command to launch the
required workbench. The Assembly Design workbench is opened. You can see that "Product1" is
displayed in the specification tree, indicating the building block of the assembly to be created. To
create an assembly, you need products. The application uses the term "product" or "component" to
indicate assemblies or parts. You can use parts to create products. Those products can in turn be
used to create other products. The product document contains: a specification tree to the left of the
application window, specific toolbars to the right of the application window, a number of contextual
commands available in the specification tree and in the geometry. Note that these commands can
also be accessed from the menu bar.

Inserting a Components

Page 26

Inserting a New Component

This task will show you how to insert a component into an existing assembly. In the specification
tree, select Product1 and click the New Component icon . The structure of your
assembly now includes Product1 (Product1.1).

Inserting a New Product

This task will show you how to insert a product in an existing assembly. In the specification tree,

select Product1 and click the New Product icon. The Product2 (Product2.1) is created in the
specification tree.

Inserting a New Part

This task will show you how to insert a new part in an existing assembly. In the specification tree,

select Product1 and click the New Part icon . If geometry exists in the assembly, the New Part:
Origin Point dialog box is displayed, proposing two options to locate the part: Click Yes to locate
the part origin point on a selected point, on another component for example. Click No to define the
origin point of a component based on the origin point of the parent component.

Defining a Multi-Instantiation

This task shows you how to repeat components as many times as you wish in the direction of your
choice. Select the component you wish to instantiate. Click the Define Multi-Instantiation icon .
The Multi-Instantiation dialog box is displayed, indicating the name of the component to be
instantiated. The Parameters option lets you choose between the following categories of parameters
to define: Instances & Spacing, Instances & Length and Spacing & Length. To define the direction
of creation, check x-axis. The application previews the location of the new components. Click OK
to create the components.

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Fast Multi-Instantiation

This task shows you how to repeat components using the parameters previously set in the Multi
Instantiation command. You will use the Fast Multi-Instantiation command to quickly repeat the
component of your choice. The operation is very simple. Select the component you wish to

Instantiate. Click the Fast Multi-Instantiation icon. The result is immediate. Three
components are created according to the parameters defined in the Multi-Instantiation dialog box.

Using Assembly Constraints

This section describes the notions and operating modes you will need to set and use constraints in
your assembly structure. Constraints allow you to position mechanical components correctly in
relation to the other components of the assembly. You just need to specify the type of constraints
you wish to set up between two components, and the system will place the components exactly the
way you want. Setting constraints is rather an easy task. However, you should keep in mind the
following: You can apply constraints only between the child components of the active component.
You cannot define constraints between two geometric elements belonging to the same component.
You cannot apply a constraint between two components belonging to the same subassembly if this
subassembly is not the active component. The active component is blue framed (default color) and
underlined. Double-clicking activates it. The selected component is orange framed (default color).

Constraints between components

A. Coincidence Constraint
B. Contact Constraint
C. Distance Constraint
D. Angle Constraint
E. Fix Component

Page 28

Creating a Coincidence Constraint

Coincidence-type constraints are used to align elements. Depending on the selected elements, you
may obtain concentricity, coaxially or coplanarity. Click the Coincidence Constraint icon Select the
face to be constrained. Select the second face to be constrained. Green arrows appear on the
selected faces, indicating orientations. The Constraint Properties dialog box that appears displays
the properties of the constraint. The components involved and their status are indicated. You can
define the orientation of the faces to be constrained by choosing one of these options: Undefined
(the application finds the best solution), Same, opposite. Click OK to create the coincidence
constraint. This constraint is added to the specification tree too.

Creating a Contact Constraint

Contact-type constraints can be created between two planar faces (directed planes). Click the

Contact Constraint icon . Select the faces to be constrained. As the contact constraint is created,
one component is moved so as to adopt its new position. Green graphic symbols are displayed in
the geometry area to indicate that this constraint has been defined. This constraint is added to the
specification tree.

Page 29

Creating an Offset Constraint

When defining an offset constraint between two components, you need to specify how faces

should be oriented. Click the Offset Constraint icon . Select the faces to be constrained. The
Constraint Properties dialog box that appears displays the properties of the constraint. The
components involved and their status are indicated. You can define the orientation of the faces to be
constrained by choosing one of these options. Click OK to create the offset constraint.

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Creating an Angle Constraint

Angle-type constraints fall into three categories: Angle, Parallelism (angle value equals zero),
Perpendicularity (angle value equals 90 degrees). When setting an angle constraint, you will have to

define an angle value. Click the Angle Constraint icon . Select the faces to be constrained. The
Constraint Properties dialog box is displayed with the properties of the selected constraint and the
list of available constraints. Keep the Angle option. Enter angle in the Angle field and keep Sector

1. Note that four sectors are available: . Click OK to create the angle constraint.

Fixing a Component

Fixing a component means preventing this component from moving from its parents during the
update operation. There are two ways of fixing a component: by fixing its position according to the
geometrical origin of the assembly, which means setting an absolute position. This operation is
referred to as "Fix in space". By fixing its position according to other components, which means
setting a relative position. This operation is referred to as "Fix".

Fix in Space: Click the Fix icon . Select the component to be fixed, that is the light blue
component. The constraint is created. A green anchor is displayed in the geometry area to indicate
that this constraint has been defined. Fix: Double-click the fix constraint you have just created to
edit it. In the dialog box that appears,click More to expand the dialog box. Uncheck the Fix in space
option to the left of the dialog box.The lock symbol is no longer displayed in the specification tree,
meaning that the component is positioned according to the other components only. Move the fixed
component. Click OK toconfirm. Update the assembly: now the component remains at its location.

Fixing Components Together

Page 31

This task consists in fixing two components together. The Fix Together command attaches selected
elements together. You can select as many components as you wish, but they must belong to the

active component. Click the Fix Together icon . You can select the components in the
specification tree or in the geometry area. The Fix Together dialog box appears, displaying the list
of selected components. In the Name field, enter a new name for the group of components you want
to create. Click OK. The components are attached to each other. Moving one of them moves the
other one too.

Using the Quick Constraint Command

The Quick Constraint command creates the first possible constraint as specified in the priority list.

Double-click the Quick Constraint icon . Select the two entities to be constrained. The possible
constrain between these will be according to list specifying the order of constraint creation: Surface
contact, Coincidence, Offset, Angle and Parallelism. The first constraint in the list can now be set.
A surface contact constraint is created & constraint is added to the specification tree.

Using a Part Design Pattern

This task shows you how to repeat a component using a pattern created in Part Design. Select the

rectangular pattern in the tree or in the geometry. Control-click to select the component to be .
The Instantiation on a pattern dialog box is displayed, indicating the name of the pattern, the
number of instances to be created (for information only) and the name of the component to be
repeated. There are two work modes: Using associativity with the geometry: the option "Keep link
with the pattern" is on, Using no associativity: the option is off.

To define the first instance of the component to be duplicated, three options are available: Reuse the
original component, create a new instance, cut & paste the original component.

Click OK to repeat the second component. The new component "xxx on RectPattern.xx" is
displayed in the tree. An entity "Assembly features" has been created in the tree. "Reused
Rectangular Pattern.1" is displayed below this entity. If you use the option "generated constraints",
the Reuse Constraints section displays the constraints detected for the component and makes all
original constraints available for selection: You can define whether you wish to reproduce one or
more original constraints when instantiating the component.

Page 32

Moving Components

Manipulating Components

Snapping Components

The Snap command projects the geometric element of a component onto another geometric element
belonging to the same or to a different component. Using this command is a convenient

Way to translate or rotate components. Depending on the selected elements, you will obtain

Different results.

First Element Last Element Result

Selected Selected

point Point Identical points.

point Line The point is projected onto the line.

point Plane The point is projected onto the plane.

line Line Both lines become collinear.

line Plane The line is projected onto the plane.

plane Line The plane passes through the line.

Smart Move

Page 33

The Smart Move command combines the Manipulate and Snap capabilities. Optionally, it creates
constraints. The Quick Constraint frame contains the list of the constraints that can be set. This list
displays these constraints in a hierarchical order and can be edited by using both arrows to right of
the dialog box. The application creates the first possible constraint as specified in the list of
constraints having priority.


This task you will create section planes, orient the plane with respect to the absolute axis system,
invert the normal vector of the plane. Click the Sectioning icon. The section plane is automatically
created. The plane is created parallel to absolute coordinates Y, Z. The center of the plane is located
at the center of the bounding sphere around the products in the selection you defined. Line segments
visualized represent the intersection of the plane with all products in the selection. The Sectioning
Definition dialog box contains a wide variety of tools letting you position, move and rotate the
section plane. A Preview window, showing the generated section, also appears. 3D section cuts cut
away the material from the plane. Click the Volume Cut icon in the Sectioning Definition dialog
box to obtain a section cut. You can position section planes with respect to a geometrical target (a
face, edge, reference plane or cylinder axis). You can view the generated section in a separate

Assembly Features

Prior to creating assembly features, keep in mind the following. You can create assembly features
only between the child components of the active product. The active product at least must include
two components, which in turn must contain one part at least. You cannot create assembly features
between two geometric elements belonging to the same component. The different assembly features
you can create are: Split, Hole, Pocket, Remove, Add, Perform a Symmetry.

Assembly Split

The dialog box that appears when you click Assembly Split, displays the names as well as the paths
of the parts that may be affected by the split action. Move the parts to the list 'Affected parts".
Arrows in the geometry indicate the portion of parts that will be kept after splitting. If the arrows
point in the wrong direction, click them to reverse the direction. Click OK to confirm. To edit an
assembly split, double-click 'Assembly Split.X' in assembly features available in history tree.

Page 34

Exploding a Constrained Assembly

This task shows how to explode an assembly taking into account the assembly constraints. This
Explode type is applicable only to specific cases. When the assembly is assigned coincidence

constraints: axis/axis & plane/plane. Click the Explode icon . The Explode dialog box is
displayed. Wheel Assembly is selected by default, keep the selection as it is. The Depth parameter
lets you choose between a total (All levels) or partial (First level) exploded view. Keep All levels
set by default. Set the explode type. 3D is the default type. Keep it. Click Apply to perform the

Detecting Interferences

Checking for interferences is done in two steps: Initial computation: detects and identifies the
different types of interference. Detailed computation: computes the graphics representation of
interferences as well as the minimum distance. Two interference types are available: Contact +
Clash, Clearance + Contact + Clash. Results differ depending on the interference type selected for
the analysis. Four computation types are available: Between all components, Inside one selection,
Selection against all, Between two selections. Click Apply to check for interferences. A progress
bar is displayed letting you monitor and, if necessary, interrupt (Cancel option) the calculation. The
Check Clash dialog box expands to show the results. Clash: red intersection curves identify clashing
products. Contact: yellow triangles identify products in contact. Clearance: green triangles identify
products separated by less than the specified clearance distance.

Page 35


This task shows you how to configure the Aerospace Sheet Metal parameters.
1. Click the Parameters icon.
The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter Thickness
3. Enter Bend Radius f
4. Select the Bend Extremities tab.

Creating the Wall

This task shows how to create the first wall of the Sheet Metal Part.
1. Click the Sketcher icon then select the xy plane.
2. Select the Profile icon .

3. Sketch the contour as shown below:

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4. Click the Exit Sketcher icon to return to the 3D world.

5. Click the Wall icon.

Creating the Side Walls

This task shows you how to add other walls to the Sheet Metal part.
1. Select the Wall on Edge icon
2. Select the left edge.
The Wall Definition dialog box opens.
3. Enter the Length field.
The application previews the wall. By default, the Material Side is set to the outside and the Sketch
Profile to the top.
4. Reverse the Sketch Profile.
5. Click OK.
The wall is created.

Creating a Cutout

1-open a sketch on an existing face

2-define a contour in order to create a cutout.
3-Select the wallon the right to definethe working plane.

4-The Pocket Definition dialog box is displayed and CATIA Previews a cutout with default

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5. Set the Type to Up to last option to define the limit of your cutout .This means that the
application will limit the cutout onto the last possible face
that is the opposite.
Creating the bends automatically

This task shows how to create the bends automatically.

Click the Automatic Bends icon.
The bends are created. CATIA displays the bends creation in the specification tree
The Sheet Metal part looks like this

Unfolding the Sheet Metal Part

This task shows how to unfold the part.

1. Click the Unfold icon .

The part is unfolded according to the reference wall plane, as shown below.
2. Click this icon again to refold the part for the next task

Editing the Sheet and Tool Parameters

Page 38

This section explains how to change the different sheet metal parameters.
1. Click the Parameters icon.
The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed.
2. Change the Thickness if need be.
3. Change the Bend Radius if need be.
4-Convention dictates that the inner angle between the two walls is used to define the bend. It can
vary from 0° to 180° exclusive. This angle is constant and the bend axis is rectilinear.
5-Click OK to validate the Sheet Metal Parameters.

Modifying the Bend Extremities

This section explains how to change the bend extremities.

Click the Parameters icon.
The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed.
The second tab concerns the bend extremities.

A combo box displays the six possible axial RELIMITATIONS for the straight bend
Minimum with no relief: the bend corresponds to the common area of the supporting walls along
the bend axis.
Square relief: a square reliefis added to the bend extremity. The L1 and L2parameters can be
modified if need be.
Round relief: a round reliefis added to the bend extremity. The L1 and L2parameters can be
modified if need be.
Linear: the unfolded bend is split by two planes going through the corresponding limit points
(obtained by projection of the bend axis onto the edges of the supporting walls).
Tangent: the edges of the bend are tangent to the edges of the supporting walls.

Page 39

Maximum: the bend is calculated between the furthest opposite edges of the supporting walls.
These options can also be accessed through the pop-up button:

Creating a Flange
How to generate a flange from a spine and a profile.
1. Select the Flange icon
The Flange Definition dialog box opens.
2-Select the edge as shown in red.

Enter Radius field and Length field and 120° for the Angle.
Click OK to create the flange.

Creating a Hem

This task explains how to generate a hem from a spine and a profile.
1-Select the Hem icon
2-The Hem Definition dialog box opens.
3-Select the edges as shown in red.
4-Enter 2 mm in the Radius field, and 3 mm in the Length field.
5-Click OK to create the hem.

Page 40

Creating a Swept Flange

This task explains how to generate a swept from a spine and a user-defined profile.
Select the Swept Flange icon .The User Defined Flange Definition
Dialog box opens.
Select the edge and the profile, asshown in red.
Click OK to create the swept flange.

Page 41


Creating a Point Stamp

This task shows you how to create a point stamp by specifying the punch geometrical parameters.

Extruded Hole

This task shows you how to create an extruded hole by specifying the punch geometrical


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Curve Stamp

This task shows you how to create a curve stamp by specifying the punch geometrical parameters.

Surface Stamp

This task shows you how to create a surface stamp by specifying the punch geometrical parameters.


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This task shows you how to create a bridge by specifying the punch geometrical parameters.

Creating a Louver

This task shows you how to create a louver by specifying the punch geometrical parameters.

Stiffening Rib

This task shows you how to create a stiffness rib by specifying the punch geometrical parameters.


CATIA allows you to define two types of patterns: rectangular and circular patterns.

Page 44

Creating User-Defined Patterns

The User Pattern command lets you duplicate a feature, such as a sketch, cutout, a stamp, or any
other feature as many times as you wish at the locations of your choice. Locating instances consists
in specifying anchor points. These points are created in the Sketcher.

Corner Relief

This section explains and illustrates different methods to create corner relieves on bends. Redefine
an automatic corner relief: double-click an automatic corner relief, edit its parameters in the dialog
box Create a local corner relief: select two or more bends, the corner relief type and parameters

Creating Corners

This task shows how to create one or more corner(s) on a Sheet Metal part that is to round off sharp
edges, much like a fillet between two faces of a Part Design Body. This corner creation operation
can be performed indifferently on the folded or unfolded view, and only one support.

Page 45

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Need of Surface Modeling

The product and industrial designers these days are giving importance to product styling and
providing a unique shape to components. Generally, this is done to make sure that the product looks
attractive and presentable to the customer. The shape of products are managed using the surface
modeling techniques. Surface models are three-dimensional models with no thickness and unlike
solid models, they do not have mass properties. CATIA V5provides a number of surface modeling
tools to create complex three-dimensional surface models. Various workbenches in CATIA V5 with
surface creation tools are:
1. Wireframe and Surface Design.
2. Generative Shape Design.
3. Freestyle

Creating Wireframe Elements

The wireframe construction elements aid in creating surfaces. The sketches drawn in sketcher
workbench can also be used to create surfaces. The tools available for constructing the wireframe
geometries are discussed in the following section.

1-Creating Circles

The Circle tool is used to create circular arcs and circles. Choose the Circle button from the
Wireframe toolbar; the Circle Definition dialog box is displayed.

The Center and radius option is selected by default in the Circle type drop-down list; you are
prompted to select the center point. You can select a predefined point or create a point by choosing
any one of the options from the contextual menu, which is available when you right click on the
Center selection area of the Circle Definition dialog box. Next, you are prompted to select the
Page 47

support surface. Select a plane as the support surface. Specify the required radius value in the
Radius spinner. You can set the angular limits of the arc from the Circle Limitation area and finally
choose the OK button to complete the arc.


The SPLINE tool is use to draw a SPLINE in three dimensional space by selecting the connecting
points. Choose the down arrow on the right of the SPLINE button to invoke the Curves toolbar.

and then choose the SPLINE button. The SPLINE Definition dialog box is displayed and you are
prompted to select a point. You can select a predefined point or create a point using the options
from the contextual menu, which will be displayed when you right-click in the Points selection area
of the dialog box. Once you have selected a point, you are further prompted to select appoint or a
direction (line or plane) or a curve. You can choose a number of points to draw the SPLINE .In the
SPLINE Definition dialog box, Geometry on Support check box is provided. On selecting this
check box you are prompted to select a support element. Select a plane or a surface such that the
point defined for SPLINE creation lies on it. The SPLINE thus created will lie completely on the
defined support element. Choose OK button from the dialog box to complete the SPLINE.
Creating Helix

The Helix tool is used to create a helical curve. When you invoke this tool, the Helix Curve
Definition dialog box will be displayed, and you are prompted to select the helix starting point.
Select a predefined point, or create appoint using the options from the contextual menu, which will
be displayed when you right click on the Starting point selection area of the Helix Curve Definition
dialog box. Next, you are prompted to select a line as the helix axis. Select a predefined line or
draw a line using the options from the contextual menu, which will be displayed when you right-
click intheAxis selection area. You can set the pitch, height, orientation, and start angle values in

Page 48

the respective spinners. You can also add a taper angle to the helix by specifying a value in the
Taper Angle spinner available in the Radius variation area of the dialog box

Creating Extruded Surfaces

The extruded surfaces are created by extruding a profile and specifying the extrusion depth and
direction vector. The basic parameters that are required to create an extruded surface are profile,
direction for extrusion, and extrusion limits. To create an extruded surface, you first need to draw
the profile to be extruded using the Sketcher workbench or by using the tools available in the
Wireframe toolbar. Once you have drawn the profile, choose the Extrude button from the Surfaces
toolbar; the Extrude Surface Definition dialog box is displayed.

Page 49

If the profile is selected before invoking this tool, the preview of the extruded surface is displayed
in the geometry area. Otherwise you are prompted to select the profile to be extruded. Select a
profile to be extruded. If you draw the profile using the tools from the Wireframe toolbar, then you
are prompted to specify the direction for extrusion. Specify the direction by selecting a plane
normal to the profile. You can also specify a line, or an axis for specifying the direction for
extrusion. Set the extrusion limits in the Limit spinners. Shows the profile to be extruded.

Creating Revolved Surfaces

Revolved surfaces are created by revolving a profile about a revolution axis. To create revolved
surface, first sketch the profile and revolution axis around which the profile is to be REVOLVED.
Choose the Revolve button from the Surfaces toolbar; the Select the profile to be REVOLVED. By
default, the axis you sketched, with the profile in the sketcher workbench, is selected as the axis of
revolution. You can also select some other axis of revolution. Now, set the required angular limits
in the Angle spinners. Shows profile and an axis of revolution to create the revolve surface. The
resulting surface, revolved through an angle of 180-degree.

Page 50

Creating Swept surfaces

The swap tool is provided to create surfaces by sweeping a profile along a guide curve in the
Wireframe and Surfaces Design workbench of CATIA V5. To create a swept surface, you first need
to draw a profile and a guide curve as two separate sketches. Next, choose the Sweep button from
the Surfaces toolbar. The Swept Surface Definition dialog box is displayed.

Page 51

you are prompted to select a profile. Select the profile from the geometry area; you are prompted to
select a guide curve. Select the guide curve from the geometry area. Now, choose the OK button
from the Swept Surface Definition dialog box .show a profile and a guide curve. Shows the
resulting swept surface.

Swept Surface with two Guide Curves

You can also create a swept surface using more than one guide curve. First draw a profile and two
guide curves as separate sketches. Now, select the Sweep button from the Surfaces toolbar, the
Swept Surface Definition dialog box is displayed.
Select With two guide curve option from the Subtypes drop-down list; you are prompted to select a
profile. After you select the profile, you are prompted to select a guide curve. Select the first and
second guide curves now, select the anchor point for the respective guide curves.
Choose the Preview button from the Swept Surface Definition dialog box to preview the surface
created. Choose the OK button from the Swept Surface Definition dialog box. Shows a profile and
guide curves. The swept surface created using the two guide curve.

Page 52

Creating Fill Surfaces

The Fill tool allows you to create fill surfaces between a number of boundary segments. These may
be planar or non-planar, but there should not be a large gap between the consecutive boundary
segments. Before creating a fill surface, draw the boundary curves. Next, choose Fill button from
the Surface toolbar. The Fill Surface Definition dialog box is displayed.

Next, you are required to select the boundary segments. You need to make sure that while selecting
the boundary segments, the sequence of selection should be such that a closed loop is formed. Once
you have selected the boundary curves, choose the OK button. Shows the curves drawn to create the
fill surface. Shows the resulting fill surface. Support surfaces may be selected with the respective
curve to ensure the continuity between the fill surface and the support surface. Similarly, if you
select a passing point, the fill surface will be created, such that it passes through the selected point.

Creating Multisection Surfaces

This tool allows you to create lofted multisession surfaces. The surface is created between the
sections along the computed or user-defined spine. To create a multisession surface, you first need
to create sections and guide curves. Next, choose the Multi sections surface button from the Surface

toolbar; the Multi-sections Surface Definition dialog box is displayed.

Page 53

You are prompted to select a curve. Select the first section curve; you are prompted to select new
curve or select a tangent surface. Select the second section curve from the geometry area and click
on the Guide selection area to activate it. You are prompted to select a curve. One by one, select the
guide curves that were drawn earlier. Choose the OK button to exit the Multi-sections Surface
Definition dialog, box and complete the multi section surface. shows sections and guide curves to
create the Multisection surface.

Creating Blended Surfaces

This tool allows you to create a surface by blending two curves. These curves can be sketched
curves, wireframe geometries, or edge of existing surfaces. If you select support surfaces with
curves, the resulting blend surface will be tangent to the support surfaces. To create a blend surface,
draw some curves and create support surfaces. Choose the Blend button from the Surfaces toolbar.
The Blend Definition dialog box is displayed.

Page 54

You are now prompted to select the first curve and first support. Select the curve and support.
Next, you are prompted to select the second curve and second support. Select they choose the OK
button from the Blend Definition dialog box. shows the curves and support surfaces to create the
blend surface.

Joining Surfaces

The Join tool is used to join two adjacent surfaces or two adjacent curves. Choose Join button from
the Operation toolbar; the Join Definition dialog box is displayed. You are prompted to select the
elements (curves or surfaces) to be joined. Select the elements that you need to join. Remember that
there should not be a large gap between the entities to be joined. Choose the OK button from the
Join Definition dialog box to complete the join operation. The surfaces or curves that are joined
together will behave as a single entity.

Page 55


The Split tool is used to split a surface or a wireframe element using a cutting element. A wireframe
element can be split using a point, another wireframe element, or a surface. A surface can be split
using another surface or a wireframe element. To understand the concept of this tool, consider a
case in which two intersecting surfaces are created. Choose the Split button from the Operations
toolbar to invoke the Split Definition dialog box; you are prompted to select the curve or surface to
split. Select the cylindrical surface and then select the other surface, as the cutting element. The
side of the cylindrical surface that is to be removed will be displayed as transparent. You can
choose the other side buttons from the Split Definition dialog box to reverse the side of the surface
to be removed. You can also retain both sides of the split surface by selecting the Keep both sides
check box from the Split Definition dialog box. Choose the OK button to split the cylindrical
surface. The transparent side will be removed.

Page 56

Trimming Surfaces

The Trim tool allows you to trim two intersecting surfaces or curves with respect to each other.
When you invoke this tool, the Trim Definition dialog box will be displayed. Choose a surface as
the first element and the other surface as the second element. One side of each surface will be
displayed as transparent. You can choose the other side button to reverse the sides of surfaces to be
trimmed. Shows the surface Trimmed using the Trim tool. Shows the trimmed surface when the
other side buttons are selected for both surfaces from the Trim Definition dialog box.

Page 57

Generative Drafting workbench

The Generative Drafting workbench provides a simple method to create and modify views on a
predefined sheet. You may also add, modify and/or delete dress up and 2D elements to these views.
All this is performed on a sheet which may include a frame and a title block and will eventually be

Creating a New Drawing

This task will show you how to create more or less automatically a new drawing with pre-defined
views generated from a part. Select the Start -> Mechanical Design commands. Select the Drafting
dialog box appears with information on views that can possibly be created, as well as information
on the drawing standards. Select the views you want to be automatically created on your drawing
from the New Drawing Creation dialog box. Click OK.

Managing A Sheet

The Generative Drafting workbench provides a simple method for managing a sheet. A sheet
contains: a main view: a view which supports the geometry directly created in the sheet, a
background view: a view dedicated to frames and title blocks, interactive or generated views. Click

The New icon from the Standard toolbar or select File -> New... from the menu bar. Select the
Drawing workbench, and click OK. From the New Drawing dialog box, select the ISO standard, or
the A0 ISO format. Select the orientation type. Select the 1:1 scale, and then click OK.

Page 58

Adding a new sheet

You can add new sheets at any time. These new sheets will be assigned the same standard, format
and orientation as the sheet first created and defined using the New Drawing dialog (default
setting). Even though you then delete sheet1, the sheets newly created will keep the same name.

Click the New Sheet icon from the Drawing toolbar. The new sheet automatically appears.

Front View Creation

The Generative Drafting workbench provides a simple method to create views on a predefined
sheet. What is the Active View? The active view is the view from which other views will be
generated. This is also the view in which all the modifications will be performed. The active view is
framed in red. The non-active views are framed in blue. When you create a view, until you click at
the desired view location, the view to be created is framed in green. If you click this view, it
becomes the active view and is framed in red. Start creating the front view. Click the Front View

icon from the Views toolbar. Select object. Click on sheet to place front view. Blue arrows
appear. Click the right or left arrow to visualize the right or left side, respectively. Click the bottom
arrow to visualize the bottom side. Click the counterclockwise arrow to rotate the reference plane.
Click inside the sheet to generate the view. Right-click the frame of the view, select the Properties
option from the contextual menu, View tab and check the required options in the Properties dialog

Adding a Generative Bill of Material

Page 59

This task will show you how to insert Bill of Material information into the active view. This Bill of
Material corresponds to information on the product element which the views were generated from.
This Bill of Material, or parts list, consists of an itemized list of the several parts of a structure

shown on a cat drawing or on an assembly. Click the Insert Bill of Material icon , if you are in
the background view. Click the Product from the specification tree in the CAT Product document.
Click the point at which the Bill of Material is to be inserted. Before positioning the Bill of
Material, you can pre-define the position. To modify the contents of the Bill of Material and display
given properties, go to Product Structure workbench, select from the menu bar: Analyze->Bill of
Material ->Listing Report.

Generating Dimensions Semi-Automatically

This task will show you how to generate dimensions step by step from the constraints of a 3D part.

Click the Generating dimensions step by step icon from the Generation toolbar (Dimension
Generation sub toolbar). The Step-by-step generation dialog box displays and will remain displayed
until the end of the dimension generation. Check the Visualization in 3D & Timeout options. Click

Page 60

the Next Dimension Generation switch button to start the dimension generation. Dimensions

appear one after the other on the views. Click the Not Generated option , constraint is
automatically excluded and the dimension will not generated. Note that you can stop at any time the

generation by clicking or, on the contrary, accelerate the process by clicking.

Creating a Balloon

This task will show you how to create a balloon. You can set text properties either before or after

you create the text. Click the Balloon icon from the Annotations toolbar (Text sub toolbar).
Select an element. Click to define the balloon anchor point. The Balloon Creation dialog box
appears; with the value 1 is pre-entered in the field. You can enter another string or value as needed.
Click OK.

Geometry and Dimension Generation

You can customize given options for controlling geometry and dimension generation whenever you
need to update sheets. Select the Generation tab. Geometry generation / Dress up: The following
geometry is possibly generated (provided you check the desired options using the contextual menu,
Properties option, View tab): Generate axis, Generate threads, Generate centerlines, Hidden lines,
Generate fillet, 3D colors inheritance, Project 3D wireframe, Project 3D points, Apply 3D

Page 61

specification. Dimension generation: The generated dimensions are positioned according to the
views most representative. The dimensions are generated on the views on the condition the settings
were previously switched to the dimension generation option. Generate dimensions when updating
the sheet , Filters before generation, Automatic positioning after generation, Allow automatic
transfer between views, Analysis after generation, Generate dimensions from parts included in
assembly views, Delay between generations for step-by-step mode, Balloon generation: If you
select Creation of a balloon for each instance of a product, a balloon will be generated for each
instance of a component: therefore, if a component is used two times within a product, then the

balloon will be generated twice.

View and Sheet Layout

You can customize given options when creating views or when adding sheets. Select the Layout
tab. It contains the following sets of options: View creation: When creating a view, you can define
that you want or not the view name, scaling factor or frame to appear, and that you want broken and
breakout specifications to be reproduced. New sheet: You can define that when creating a new
sheet, you want the source sheet to be the first or one sheet from another drawing. Background
view: You can specify the path to the directory-containing frame and title block.
Section/Projection Callout: You can choose the callout elements size not to be dependent on the
view scale. For this before callout creation check this option.

Page 62

Interactive Drafting

The basic tasks you will perform in the Interactive Drafting workbench mainly deal with creating
and modifying 2D elements and their related attributes on a predefined sheet.

Tools Toolbar

The Tools toolbar displays both command options and given fields/values that appear in accordance

with the command you select. The Tools toolbar provides the following options:

Snap to Point,

Analysis Display Mode: This option allows visualizing the colors assigned to the different types of
dimensions. These displayed colors correspond to the colors customized in the Options dialog box.
To modify these colors, go to Tools -> Options -> Mechanical Design -> Drafting (Dimension tab).
Then check Activate analysis display mode and, if needed, click the Types and colors switch button
to assign the desired color(s) to the desired dimension types.

Create Constraints,

Create Detected Constraints,

Filter Generated Elements Depending on the selected command, the Tools toolbar may also
provide the following options:

Projected Dimension, Force Dimension on Element, Force Horizontal Dimension in

View, Force Vertical Dimension in View, True Length Dimension

Creating Views

Page 63

Interactive Drafting elements necessarily need to be positioned in a view. In other words, you will
first create a view on a sheet and then add 2D geometry, dimensions, annotations and/or dress-up

elements in this view. Click the New View icon . Click the Drawing window. A blue axis
displays in a red frame. The front view created & displayed in the specification tree. You can now

Create 2D geometry in this view. Click the New View icon again and select a projection
direction to create more views. The views created are projection views as they are linked to the
front view. From an active front view, you can create: a top view, a bottom view, a left view and a
right view.

Creating a Multiple View Projection

This task will show you how to generate geometry in a view by projecting geometry from
previously defined views. Selected objects are projected onto a plane or ruled surface defined by the
user, and then transformed into the receiving view. Projected geometry retains the same attributes it
had in the original multi-view. You will first add elements to an existing view, using the Action-
Object mode. You will then create an isometric view from scratch, using the Object-Action mode.

Add elements to an existing view, using the Action-Object mode. Click

the Multiple View from the Multi View toolbar Select the Tools -> Multi View -> Multiple View
Projection command from the menu bar. Select the object defining the target plane or surface to be
used. This element can be any mono-parametered elements (line, circle, ellipse, parabola,
hyperbola, and curve). In this case, select an arc of a circle in the front view. Select, in another
view, the object to be projected. In this case, select a circle in the top view. Select more elements to
be projected, if needed, or click in the open space or still another command if you want to terminate
this command.

Page 64

Create an isometric view from scratch, using the Object-Action mode. Make the isometric view
active (double-click). Multi-select the elements to be projected into the isometric empty

View. In this case, select the whole front view. Click the Multiple View projection icon from the
Multi View toolbar. Select the object defining the view to be created. All the elements are

Page 65

automatically projected onto the active view. Repeat the steps above (Object-Action) with the
various elements to be projected that will allow generating the isometric view.

Reframing a View

In this task, you will learn how to reframe a view so as to display only part of it. Select the view and
right-click the view frame. In the contextual menu, choose Properties. Click the View tab. In the
Visualization and Behavior area, select the Visual Clipping check box. Click OK. The new frame
appears as a rectangle in the view. You can now define the position and size of your frame on the
view. Click on the frame to select it. Drag the manipulators to resize the frame, as you want. The
frame can only be rectangular. You can reframe any type of view: front views, isometric views,

details views, clipping views, etc.


A constraint is a geometric or dimension relation between two elements. A constraint is defined by:
a type: for example, a distance constraint, a mode: measured or constraining mode, a configuration.
If you want constraints to be created, before inserting constraints make sure the constraint creation
option command is active in the Tools toolbar. A constraint is a kind of relationship that allows
specifying the geometry. In other words, if you modify the geometry afterwards via the geometry
itself, these relations will be taken into account. Two kinds of constraint can be applied geometrical
constraints & dimensional constraints.

Creating Geometrical Constraints

This task shows you how to set a relationship that forces a limitation between one or more

geometrical elements. Make sure the Show Constraints command option is active (Tools
toolbar). Select the geometrical elements to be constrained to each other’s. Click the Constraint

With Dialog Box icon from the Geometry Modification toolbar. The Constraint Definition
dialog box appears. Modify the Constraint Definition dialog box. It is impossible to create
constraints between 2D and generated elements via the Constraint Definition dialog box. In the
Constraint Definition dialog box, you can only create constraints between similar elements. In other
words, you can create constraints either between 2D elements, or between generated elements, but
not between a mixes of these.

Page 66

Creating Dimensions

In this task, you will learn how to create dimensions. When creating dimensions on elements, you
can preview the dimensions to be created. On the Dimensioning toolbar, click the Dimensions icon.

Click a first element in the view. If needed, click a second element in the view. The Dimension

type is automatically defined according to the selected elements ( or in the Tools toolbar). If
you right-click the dimension before creation, a contextual menu lets you modify the dimension
type and value orientation as well as add funnels. Using this contextual menu once the dimension is
created, you can also access the Properties options.

Page 67

Dress-Up Elements

The Interactive Drafting workbench provides a simple method to create the following view dress
up elements on existing 2D elements.

a) Creating Center Lines (No Reference)

This task will show you how to apply a pair of centerlines to a circle or an ellipse. Click the Center

Line icon from the Dress up toolbar. Select a circle. Centerlines are automatically applied to the
circle Click in the drawing to confirm the creation and select the centerlines.

b) Creating Center Lines (Reference)

This task will show you how to apply a pair of centerlines to a circle or an ellipse with respect to a

reference (linear or circular). Click the Center Line with Reference icon from the Dress up
toolbar. You can multi-select circles before you enter the command to create centerlines for all
selected circles. Select the circle to be applied a pair of centerlines. Select the reference line. The
centerline created is associative with the reference line. To modify a pair of centerlines at one or
more end(s) of this/these centerlines, click the centerline. Red end points appear. Select any end
point and drag to move all the centerline extremities to a new position.

c) Creating Threads (No Reference)

Page 68

This task will show you how to create a thread without a reference. In this particular case, you will

apply a thread to a hole. Click the Drawing window, and click the Thread icon from the Dress

up toolbar. You can also multi-select holes before clicking the Thread icon . Activating this

command displays two options in the Tools toolbar. The Tap type option (Tools toolbar) is

activated by default. Select the Thread type option (Tools toolbar). Select the hole (or circle) to
which you want to apply a thread. The thread is created. Select an axis line manipulator and drag it
along a direction. Thread axis lines are modified symmetrically.

d) Creating Threads (Reference)

This task shows you how to create a thread with a reference, either circular (circle or point) or

Linear (line). Click the Drawing window, and click the Thread with Reference icon from the

Dress up toolbar. Select the Reference Thread type option (Tools toolbar). Select a reference
line. The thread is created according to this reference.

e) Creating Axis Lines

This task will show you how to create an axis line. Click the Drawing window, and click the Axis

Line icon from the Dress up toolbar. Select two lines. The axis line is created.

f) Creating Axis Lines and Center Lines

This task will show you how to create simultaneously axis and centerlines on several circles. Click

the Drawing window, and click the Axis Line and Center Line icon from the Dress up toolbar.
Select two circles. The axes and centerlines are created.

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