IELTS Speaking Book
IELTS Speaking Book
IELTS Speaking Book
Speaking test
Cue Card
Cue Card
Describe a film based on a real life event or a real person. Please say
- When did you see it?
- Did you like it or not? Why?
- What did you learn from the movie?
Cue Card
Talk about something you have bought and weren’t satisfied with. Please say
- What was it?
- Where did you buy it?
- Why weren’t you satisfied?
Cue Card
Talk about a house or an apartment that you have visited and liked the most. Please say
- Where is it?
- How did you get there and with whom?
- What did you like about it?
Cue Card
Describe an advertisement that makes you want to buy a product. Please say
- What was the product?
- What was the advertisement about?
- Why did it make you want to buy this product?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about a wrong decision made by somebody you know. Please say
- What was the decision?
- Why do you think it was wrong?
- Does that person agree or disagree with you now?
Cue Card
Talk about a movie that you have seen recently. Please say
- What movie was it?
- What is the significance of that movie?
- What is the main hero like?
Cue Card
Describe a place where you have spent most of the time of your life. Please say
- Is the appearance of a building or a company important?
- Do customers care about the appearance?
- Does size of an office have any impact on the performance?
- To what extent do you agree to personalize your working area? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about an interesting speech that you have attended. Please say
- Who was the speaker?
- Where did it take place?
- What was his/her speech about?
- Why did you like it?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about a meal that you were invited to. Please say
- When and where it took place?
- Who has invited you?
- Explain why you enjoyed the meal.
Cue Card
Cue Card
- Do you think people from the countryside forget their local culture when moving to the city? Why?
- How do we encourage preserving the culture?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Cue Card
Cue Card
- What are the main reasons for employees’ poor performance at work?
- Explain how the employers can motivate their employees to perform better, other than giving them a pay rise?
- Do you think people doing unpleasant jobs should be paid more?
Cue Card
Describe a futuristic book or film that you have read/seen recently. Please say
- How did you come to know about it?
- What was it about?
- Did you like/dislike it?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Describe a team project you have been involved in recently. Please say
- What project was it?
- When did it happen?
- Were you happy with the results or not? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a training session that you have enjoyed a lot. Please say:
- What was it for?
- What is the reason you liked it so much?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about your favorite website for online purchasing. Please say
- What website is it?
- How did learn about it?
- What do you buy there?
Cue Card
Talk about a garden that you have visited and liked. Please say
Cue Card
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- What can I call you?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you work hard on weekdays?
- What do you do to relax on weekends?
- Do you share household chores?
- What type of household chores do you dislike?
- Should children be taught to help around the house? Why?
- What do you do to concentrate?
- In what activities do you need to concentration?
- What are the things that disturb you the most?
Cue Card
- Are there particular names that are more popular than others in your country?
Cue Card
Speak about a person that you like talking to. Please say
- Who is this person? Describe him/her.
- What do you usually talk about?
- Why do you like talking to this person?
Cue Card
Describe a situation when you helped someone in the past. Please say:
- What situation was it?
- Whom did you help?
- How did you help him/her?
- How did you feel after helping him/her?
- Do you think people are less willing to help others these days? Why?
- How do people in your community help one another?
- How can young children be encouraged to help one another?
Cue Card
Talk about the most interesting speech that you have ever attended. Please say
- What speech was it?
- Where and on what occasion?
- Did you like it? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a garden that you like and visit often. Please say
- Where is it?
- What kind of garden is it?
- What do you like the most about it, and why?
Cue Card 1
Talk about a recent program on radio that you have listened to. Please say
- What was the program about?
- When did you listen to it?
- Was it interesting? Why?
Cue Card 2
Talk about your favorite place that you have visited recently. Please say
- What place was it?
- Where is it located?
- Why is this your favorite place?
Discussion 1
Cue Card
Talk about a film or TV program which made you laugh a lot. Please say
- what it was
- when you saw it
- who the characters were
- and what made you laugh a lot.
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about a subject which you learned in school. Please say
- What was the subject?
- Was it interesting?
- How useful was it later on in your life?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Cue Card
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you have any problem to concentrate at your job?
- What type of environment do you need to work peacefully?
- What do you do to concentrate?
- Do you do household work? What kind?
- What type of household work do you like?
- What type of work do you dislike the most?
- Did you ever have any chores at home as a child?
- What do you think about working parents that keep their children at day care until late?
Cue Card
Describe people that you know and believe to be very good parents. Please say
- Who are they?
- How did you meet them?
- Why do you think they are good parents?
- Do you think mother and father both are necessary for a child’s development? Why?
- What type of behavior do teenagers expect from their parents?
- What should parents do to control and guide their children?
Cue Card
Describe a room where you stayed for a long period of time. Please say
- What was the room?
- What did you do there?
- Why did you spend so much time in there?
Cue Card
Describe a game (not a sport) that you used to play as a child. Please say
- What was it?
- Where did you play it?
- Whom did you play with?
- Did you enjoy it? Why?
- Do you think games children play today have changed over the years?
- Should adults play games?
- Do you think it’s beneficial for employers to organise games for their staff?
- Do adults play games in your country?
- Should every large residential area have recreational facilities?
- Who should fund these facilities?
- Are recreational facilities in your home country different compared to Australia?
Cue Card
Describe an outdoor activity that you would like to try. Please say
- What is it?
- When and where would you do it?
- What preparations and equipment would you need?
- Why is it important for you?
Cue Card
Talk about a job that has changed your life. Please say
- What is it?
- What are its effects on your life?
- How did it change your life?
- Describe your daily tasks.
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about a comedy movie that you have watched recently and that made you laugh. Please say
- What movie was it?
- Why was it so funny?
- Would you recommend it to others?
Cue Card 1
Discussion 1
Cue Card 2
Discussion 2
Cue card
Talk about one of the occasions when you used public transport. Please say:
- Where did you go?
- Why did you use public transport?
- Describe your experience.
- Do you think people should use public transport more often than driving their own car?
- What do you think the government should do to encourage people to take public transport more often?
- What environmentally-friendly public transport solutions do you think the government should invest in?
- What do you think the government should do to discourage people from buying private cars?
Speaking test
Cue Card
Talk about an incident when you were late for something. Please say
- What and when was it?
- How did you manage it?
- How did you feel about it later?
Cue Card
Describe a country that you would like to visit (other then your own country). Please say
- Where is it?
- What do you know about it?
- How did you become interested in this country?
- What is the most interesting thing about this country?
Cue Card
- Do you see a difference between restaurants here and in your home country?
- Would you like to be a news reporter?
- What qualities should you have to become a news reporter?
- Do you watch local or world news mostly?
- Do you prefer to read news in a newspaper or online? Why?
- Do you share news with your co-workers or friends?
Cue Card
- What are the advantages of staying in a hotel or with a friends when you are in a different city?
- What services should be changed or improved in hotels, in your opinion?
- What are the main problems that people face while staying in hotels?
- What should the host country do to welcome people?
Cue Card
Describe an outdoor activity that you have done for the first time. Please say
- What did you do?
- Where and when did you do it?
- How did you feel later?
Talk about a seaside place that you would like to visit. Please say
- Where is it?
- What can you do there?
- Why would you like to go there?
Cue Card
Talk about a story that you were told in your childhood. Please say
- Who told you this story?
- What was the story about?
- Who were the main characters in the story?
- Why do you still remember the story?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting conversation that you had with someone you didn’t know. Please say
- Who was that person?
- When and where did you meet him/her?
- What did you talk about?
- Why was it interesting for you?
Cue Card
Talk about a season or a time of the year that you enjoy the most. Please say
- What do you do during this season?
- Describe what the weather is like.
- Why do you like it more than other seasons?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about something that you bought from a store (an item that you like a lot). Please say
- What was it?
- Where did you buy it?
- How did you install it?
- How do you use it?
Cue Card
Talk about a plant, vegetable or a crop that you familiar with. Please say
- Where is it growing?
- Why is it important to us?
- What do you like or dislike about it?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Describe a shopping street that you know well and like visiting. Please say
- Where is it situated?
- How frequently do you go there?
- Why do you like it there?
Cue Card
Talk about a story that you were told as a child. Please say
- Who told you this story?
- What happened in the story?
- Did you like it or not? Why?
Cue Card
Talk about a season or time of the year that you enjoy the most. Please say
- What do you do during this season?
- Describe what the weather is like.
- Why do you like it more than other seasons?
Cue Card
Talk about a visit that you received in your home. Please say
- Who was visiting you?
- When was it?
- What did you do?
- Did you enjoy that visit? Why?
Cue Card 1
Describe a place (such as a hospital, school, office) that you know well. Please say
- What place is it?
- Where is it?
- What did you do there?
Cue Card 2
Talk about a successful family business you know. Please say
- What is it?
- Where is it located?
- Why do you think it is successful?
Describe a letter that you received and the reason it was important to you. Please say:
- Who sent this letter?
- When and where was it?
- How did you feel about it?
Cue Card
Speaking test
Cue Card
Talk about a meal you usually eat on a special occasion. Please say
- What food is it?
- When and where do you usually eat it?
- Whom do you invite for this meal?
- Are there any different ideas about various kinds of food in your country?
- What is more important to you: the quality or price of food?
- Is there any difference between generations in your country in choosing foods?
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Tell me about the place where you live.
- What do you like the most about this place?
- What do you usually do on your birthday?
- What do you like the most about your birthday?
- Does birthday mean a lot to you now?
- At what age do you think birthday would feel special?
Cue Card
Talk about a meal that you would like to have. Please say
- Where would it be?
- What kind of food would you choose?
- Who would you share it with?
Cue Card
Talk about a school or a house that you recently went to. Please say
- Where is it?
- When did you go there?
- Why did you go there?
Cue Card
Talk about a subject you did not like while studying in secondary school. Please say
- What was the subject ?
- How much time did you spend learning it?
- Explain why you didn’t like it.
Cue Card
Talk about something that you cannot live without on a daily basis (except mobile phone or computer). Please say
- How did it become so important?
- When did you buy it?
- Why do you like it?
Cue Card
Talk about an occasion when you met a friend that you did not see for a long time. Please say
- Where and when did it happen?
- What did you do together?
- How did you feel about it?
Cue Card
Talk about a situation when you saved some money to buy a special item. Please say
- What was the reason?
- How long did it take to save the money?
- How did you feel later?
Cue Card
Talk about a TV program that you have watched and liked. Please say
- What is it about?
- When did you watch it?
- What do you like or dislike about this TV program?
Cue Card
Talk about a film that you watched and didn’t like. Please say
- When and where did you watch it?
- With whom did you watch it?
- Why didn’t you like this film?
Cue Card
Cue Card
- Do you like having a mobile phone?
- Is it a good or a bad thing to have a mobile phone? Why?
- What can you do with a mobile phone?
- Do old and young people use mobile phones in the same way?
- What can be done to avoid children getting inattentive in class?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Describe the time when you stayed away from your home. Please say
- When and where did you stay?
- How long did you stay there?
- How did you feel about it?
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about a school friend that you remember well. Please say
Cue Card 1
Talk about money that you have saved for a special thing. Please say
- What was it?
- How long were you saving for?
- How did you feel when you eventually bought it?
Cue Card 2
Talk about a good advice that you have ever received from someone. Please say
- What was the advice?
- When and where did it take place?
- Who gave you this advice?
Cue Card
Talk about money that you have saved for something special. Please say
- What was it?
- How long were you saving for it?
- How did you feel when you eventually bought it?
Cue Card
Talk about a film that you watched and did not like. Please say
- What was the name of the film?
- Where did you watch it?
- Briefly describe the film.
Cue Card
Describe a place that you have visited far away from home. Please say
- Where and what is this place?
- How did you travel to this place?
- What did you do there?
Cue Card
Talk about something that was made with your own hands for your friend or relative. Please say
- What was it?
- How did you make it?
- What was the response when he/she received it?
Cue card
Describe an item that you have but don’t really use. Please say
- what the item is,
- why you bought it,
- why you rarely use it, and
- when you usually use it.
Cue Card
Cue Card
Talk about a meal or a celebration that you were invited to. Please say
- What was the occasion?
- Who was there with you?
- How did you feel after that?
Cue Card
Describe a type of vehicle that you would like to have in the future. Please say
- What vehicle is it?
- Why do you like it?
- What is so special about it?