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Chapter 15

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1. Chemistry In Moderm Agriculture ( )
- The world population is increasing day by day and year by year.
- There is an urgent need for increasing food production to need the increasing
* Chemistry In Moderm Agriculture ( fertilizer
( soil reaction insecticides growth
of substance
* Fertilizer Elements

2. Elements required plants

- All plants required at least 22 elments for their growth.
- The ten elements which are required in significant quantities are carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium , calcium, sulphur , magnesium and iron.
(C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, S, Mg and Fe)
- The other elements are required in very small teraces. (

3. Sources of plants nutrients (

Sources of plants nutrients

↓ ↓ ↓
air water soil
( carbon / oxygen ) ( hydrogen / oxygen) ( other elements)

* Photosynthesis reaction (
- In the presence of sunlight the green part of the plants can bring about a chemical
reacton that combines carbon dioxide and water to form sugar which is futher con-
verted to other food forms and stored in the plants . This chemical reaction is known
as photosynthesis reaction.
* What is an photosynthesis reaction?
6CO2(g) + 6H2O →
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g)
carbon dioxide + water →
glucose + oxygen
* Write down the equation for photosynthesis reaction.

*Fertilizers (
- Fertilizers are substances that supply nutrients to plants.
↓ ↓
Natural fertilizers Chemical fertilizers
↓ ↓ ( salt and other chemical compounds
Manure Humus ( containing elements necessary
( is obtained by the ( comes from plant residues) for plant growth)
decomposition of animal
dung and urine)
↓ ↓ ↓
Nitrogen fertilizers(N) Phosphorus fertilizers(P) Potassium fretilizers(K)
(i) Urea, CO(NH2)2 (i) Super phosphate, (i) Potassium chloride,KCl
(ii) Ammonium sulphate, (ii) Bone meal, (ii) Potassium sulphate,
(NH4)2SO4 (3% of N2 and 22%H3PO4) K2SO4
(iii) Ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3 ( prepared by crushing defatted bone)
(iv) Sodium nitrate , NaNO3 ( not chemical fertilizers)
(v) Calcium nitrate,Ca(NO3)2
- Urea, CO(NH2)2 contains 46% of nitrogen.The application of urea to soil increases
the acidity of the siol.
Production of urea
- Urea is manufactured on a very large scale by heating ammonia and carbon dioxide
uder pressure with a suitable catalyst.
Δ , pressure
CO2(g) + 2NH3(g) →
CO(NH2)2 (s) + H2O(g)
Δ , pressure
carbon + ammonia →
urea + water
Reaction in the soil with urea
CO(NH2)2 (s) + H2O(l) → CO2(g) + 2NH3(g)
urea + water → carbon + ammonia
- Cement is the substance used in teh construction of building. It is a grey powder. It
is composed of lime, alumina , sillica and irom (III) oxide.
The chief compounds present in cement
- The chief compounds present in cement are lime, alumina, silica and haematite
(iron(III) oxide) as; (i) tetracalcium alumino-ferrate , 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3
(ii) dicalcium silicate , 2CaO.SiO2 (iii) tricalcium silicate , 3CaO.SiO2
(iv) tricalcium aluminate , 3CaO.Al2O3

Raw materials for making cement
(i) Haematite, Fe2O3 (ii) Clay , SiO2 and Al2O3
(ii) Limestone , CaCO3 (iv) Gypsum , CaSO4.2H2O
Main stages in manufacturing process of cement
- The four main stages of manufacturing process of cemnent are;
(i) Mixing (ii) Cooling
(iii) Heating (iv) Grinding
Salt production
- Sea water contains about 3.5% of salts by weight out of which 2.7% by weight of
common salt,NaCl is dissolved.
The undissolved and dissolved substances in sea water as follows;
1. Suspensions
undissolved 2. Al2O3
substances 3. CaCO3
4. CaSO4

1. NaCl
dissolved 2. KCl
substances 3. MgSO4 increasing solubilities
4. MgBr2
Common salt
- Common salt becomes damp due to the presence of magnesium chloride
(hydroscopic substance) . It can absorb moisture from the air.
- The water that flows out from the fith solar pond consists of dissolved MgSO4 ,
MgCl2 and MgBr2 . This water is called bittern.
Disadavantages of the Traditional Method of production of NaCl

(1) The persentages of the different impurities are high in the common salt.

(2) Forest are destroyed because of the falling of trees for firewood. That makes
forest depletion.

Adavantages of Salt production by Solar Evaporation

(1) Solar energy is free and therefore salt produced by this method is relatively
cheap. In addition,forests are conserved because no firewood is required.

(2) Solar evaporated sodium chloride is 99.5% pure .

(3) The bittern left is used for preparation of MgSO4,MgCl2 and MgBr2.
MgSO4,MgCl2 MgBr2 bittern

Effect of N P K on plants NPK

Nature of plants N P K

- Leat crop (cabbage) abundant fair amount not much

- Root crops (sweet potatoes) very little fair amount good amount

- Seed bearing plants little good amount good amount

(peas,beans, tomatoes)
- Flowering plants (rose) little fair amount fair amount

- Fruit (apple) little fair amount higher amount

- Seed (sweet pea seed) little fair amount higher amount

Example of some widely used addition pollymer

Polymer and Monomer Properties Examples of use

trade name(s)
- Polyethene ethene touge,durable plastic bags,bowls,
polyethylene CH2=CH2 bottles, packaging
- Polypropene propene touge,durable crates
polypropyene, PP CH3CH=CH2 and boxes, plastic rope
- Polychloroethene chloroethene strong, hard insulation, pipes and
polyvinyl chloride, CH2=CHCl as flexible as guttering
PVC polyethene
- Polytetrafluoroethene, tetrafluoro- non-stick surface, non-stick frying pans,
Polytetrafluoroethylene, ethene withstands high non-stick taps
teflon, PTFE CF2=CF2 temperature and joinnts
- Poly phenylethene phenylethene light,poor insulaton,
polystyrene, PS styrene conductor of heat packaging (foam)

- Insecticides are chemicals that kill insects.
Some insecticides are ;
-BHC ( benzene hexa chloride,C6H6Cl6 of Gammaxene) Endrin, Aldrin and Dieldrin.
-Aldrin and Dieldrin are used as soil fumigant .
-BHC is used for spraying or dusting of plants,especially cotton.

Growth substances or Plant hormone
- IAA (Indoleacetic acid ) is a chemical that uses for growth of plants. It activates the
growth of leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits and seeds.
- NAA ( Naphthalene acetic acid) can be produced more cheaply, shows similar
activites to IAA.
Acidity or Alkalinity of the soil
- Acidity or Alkalinity of the soil is one of the important factors because the plants do
not grow well on the soil of high acidity or high alkalinity.

Plaste of paris (POP)

- POP is Plaster of Paris is hydrated calcium sulphate, 2CaSO4.H2O. It is obtained by
heating gypsum,CaSO4.2H2O to about 125 � C .
125 � C
2[CaSO4.2H2O] → 2CaSO4.H2O
gypsum Plaster of Paris

* Chemical composition of POP - 2CaSO4.H2O.

* Uses of POP - for making casts and for cementin glass to metals
Soil acid and Soil alkali
- Lime is added to the soil to neutralize the soil acid .

125 C

- Gypsum is added to the soil to neutralize the soil alkali.

Test for soil reaction

- Soil reaction is tested by litmus paper because the plants do not grow well on the
soil of high acidity or high alkalinity. Lime is a dded to the soil to neutralize the soil
acid. Gypsum is added to the soil to neutralize the soil alkali.

Neutralization for soil acids(acidicity)

- Lime (CaCO3 or CaO or Ca(OH)2 ) is added to neutralize the soil acid. It also
supplies calcium to the soil. Quick lime should not be applied direct to growth plants.

Neutralization for soil alkali(alkalinity)

- Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O is used to neutralize soil alkali.

Plastic and Polymer
* Polymer
- Polymer are large organic macromolecules.They are made up of small repeating
units known as monomers.

e.g - protein, carbonhydrate, wood and natural rubber are all ploymers.
* What is meant by the term Polymer? Give any two examples of natural polymers.

* Homopolymer
- Some polymers are homopolymer, containing just one monomer.

e.g - Poly(ethene) , poly(propene), and poly(chloroethene).

* Describe the homopolymers with examples.

* Copolymer
- Copolymers are polymers made up of two or more different types of monomer.

e.g - nylon, polyester and biological proteins.

* Describe the copolymers with examples.

* Condensation polymerization
Nylon ( polyamide or polypeptide)
- Nylon is the condensation polymer formed from two different monomers, a diamine
and a dicarboxylic acid . From the two monomers,element of water is eliminated from
the condensation reaction producing a polymer containig a peptide linkage.Thus nylon
is known as a polyamide.


..... + H2N – – NH2 + HOOC – – COOH + .....

diamine ↓ dicarboxylic acid
an amide link –H2O
..... – HN – – NH – OC – – CO – ......
polyamide( nyon)

* Draw the polymer formed between the following compoound.

H2N – – NH2 and HOOC – – COOH

* Polyester(
- Polyster are condensation copolymers made from two monomers. One monomer has
an alcohol group(–OH) at each end. The other monomer has a carboxylic acid group
(– COOH) at each end. When the monomers react, an ester link is formed, with water
being lost each time.

(–COOH) (–C–O–)

...... + HO – – OH + HOOC – – COOH + ......

alcohol ↓ dicarboxylic acid
an ester link –H2O
...... – O – – O – OC – – CO – ......
ployester (terylene)

(a) Draw the polymer formed between the following compoound.

HO – – OH and HOOC – – COOH

(b) What type of polymerization can udergo by using the following compound? Write
down the equation.

Ans ; Condensation polymerization occurs.


(ployester (terylene)

* Addition polymerization
- Alkenes such as ethene contains a double bond, C = C. These molecules can taken
part in addition reaction. The double bond is broken and other atoms attach to the
carbons. Many ethene molecules enables to join in each other to form a large molecule
ethene alkene
addition reaction atom
ethene molecules
polyethene polythene

* Explain about the addition polymerization .

Addition polymerization

* Polyethene (PE)

H H high prssure H H
n C=C C – C
H H Δ , catalyst H H n
ethene polyethene(polyethylene)

* Polypropylene (PP)

H H high prssure H H
n C=C C – C
H CH3 Δ , catalyst H CH3 n
peopene(propylene) polypropene(polypropylene)

* Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ( Chloroethene)

H H high prssure H H
n C=C C – C
H Cl Δ , catalyst H Cl n
vinyl chloride polyvinyl chloride

* Polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE)

F F high prssure F F
n C=C C – C
F F Δ , catalyst F F n
tetrafluoroethene Polytetrafluoroethene

* Polystyrene (PS)

H H high prssure H H
n C=C C – C
H C6H5 Δ , catalyst H C6H5 n
styrene Polystyrene

* Thermoplastic polymers
- They are polymers. They can be softened on heating and melted. They set again
when cooled and can be re-moulded. eg ; poly(ethene),poly(chloro ethene) ,(PVC ).
* Thermosetting polymers
- They are polymers. They can be heated and moulded only once. eg; melamine.
The chains in these polymers are cross-linked to each other and are permanend
chemical bonds.
*Recycling of thermoplastic polymers
(i) heat at low temperature
(ii) obtain molten or softened polymer
(iii) re-mould into new thermoplastic product(s).
*Recycling of Thermosetting polymers
(i) heat at high temperature (700 � C )in the absence of air
(ii) obtain new monomers and other chemicals
(iii) re-polymerise into new product(s).
*Chemical from coal
- The chemicals which can be obtained from coal are ammonia,coal gas, coal tar and
* What are the methods for recycling platic wastes?
* The methods for recycling platic wastes.
- Soap is the sodium salt of fatty acid formed from the chemical reaction of oil or fat
molecule with caustic soda .

eg; Chemical name- sodium stearate, Formula - C17H35COONa

- The reaction of oil or fat molecule with caustic soda is known as Saponification .
H35C17-COOCH + 3NaOH(aq) → 3C17H35COO Na + HO–CH(l)
– +

glyceryl + sodium → sodium + glycerol
tristearate hydroxide stearate

What is soap? Explain with suitable example.

Explain the term saponification.Give relevant equation .
Describe the equation in word and symbols for the saponification reaction.
Give the chemical name and formula of soap.

Soapless detergent
- Soapless detergents do not form scum with hard water since they do not react with
Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in such water. The soapless detergents are designed so that they
are biodegradable. Bactria readily break down these new molecules so that they do not
persist in the enviroment.

Ca2+ and Mg2+


1. What are the long forms of BHC and POP, NPK, IAA, NAA?

2. What is the long form of POP? Mention is uses.

3. Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the following nitrogen fertilizers.

(i) U rea, C O (N H ) (ii) Ammonium sulphate (NH4)2 SO4
2 2
(C = 12, N = 14, H = 1, O = 16, S = 32)

4. Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in ammonium nitrage. (N=14, H=1, O=16)

5. Calculae the percentage of calcium in gypsum, CaSO4. 2H2O.

(Ca = 40, S = 32, O = 16, H = 1)

6. A field of rice needs 15 kg nitrogen per acre. How many kilograms of ammonium
nitrate are required for 10 acres? (N = 14, H = 1, O = 16)

7. A field of rice needs 20 kg nitrogen per acre. How many kilograms of ammonium
nitrate are required for 100 acres? (N = 14, H = 1, O = 16)

8. Describe the elements required by Plants.

9. What are source of plant nutrients?

What are the source of plants nutrients? What does each of them supply to plants?

10. Write down the photosynthesis reaction in words and symbols.

Express the photosynthesis reaction with equation.

11. How many types of fertilizers are there? What are they?

12. What are fertilizers? Give two examples.

13. What are fertilizers? Give relevant explanation for the addition of lime and also
of gypsum to the soil.

14. Discuss the natural fertilizers. What are the natural fertilizers?

15. What are chemical fertilizers? Name the two elements that are essential for plants

16. What are chemical fertilizers? Name the elements that are essential for the growth
of plants.

17. What are chemical fertilizers? Classify the chemical fertilizer.

18. How can you classify the chemical fertilizers?

19. What are the effects of (NPK) on plant body?

20. Express NPK requirements for flowering and fruiting.

19. How many amount of N, P and K are required for root crops?

20. Which element (s), N or P or K is most suitable for seed bearing plants and for
leaf crops?

21. Which element, N or P or K is most suitable for growing cabbage? Give reason.

22. Which element, N or P or K is most suitable for fruting and for Leaf crops?

23. What are the important nitrogen fertilizers?

24. Write the names and formulae of two important nitrogen fertilizers.

25. Write equation in words and symbols for the production of urea.

26. Complete the following reaction words and symbols.

27. What is the reason for the addition of urea to the soil? Illustrate and equation for
the reaction of urea in the soil?

28. What is the reason for the addition of urea to the soil? Illustrate an equation for
the manufacturing of urea?

29. Write an equation for the reaction of soil urea with water.

30. What are chemical fertilizers? What is the reason for the addition of urea to the

31. Complete the follwoing reaction in words and symbols.

CO (NH2)2 + H2O � ?

32. Describe the reaction of urea in the soil.

33. How can you manufacture urea?

34. What are the important potassium fertilizers?

35. Write down the name and composition of phosphate fertilizer.

36.(i) How would you prepare the bone meal? Is it a chemical fertilizers?
(ii) Describe the substances contained in the bone meal.

37. Explain the bone meal substances.

Describe the preparation and composition of bone meal.
State the preparation and composition of bone metal.

38. Explain why acidity and alkalinity of the soil is one of the important fators.

39. How can you test the soil reaction? Explain it.

40. Describe how would you neutralize the acidity and alkalinity of soil.

41. Give relevant explanaitons for the addition of lime and gypsum to the soil.

42. What are insecticides? What is the long form of BHC?

43. Define insecticides and what are these?

44. What is the short from of Gammaxene and mention it used?

45. Give the names of growth substances?

46. What is cement?

47. What are the chief compounds present in cement?

48. What are the raw materials for the production of cement?

49. What are the four important stages in the manufacture of cement?

50. Why is gypsum mixed withclinker and ground in the final state cement produc-
51. Describe the preparation of plaster or paris from gypsum.

52. Write down the chemical composition of POP. Illustrate its uses.

53. What are the dissolved substances in sea water?

54. What are the undissolved substances in sea water?

55. Arrange the substances that dissolve in sea water according to their increasing

56. Describe the substances that remain in solution after the crystallization of sodium
chloride from sea water.

57. Describe the substances that separate out from sea water before the crystalliza-
tion of sodium chloride.

58. Why does common salt become damp when it is exposed to the air?

59. Common salt obtained by traditional method is not pure. Why?

60. What are the disadvantages for the production of common salt by the traditional

61. Write down the advantages of salt production by solar evaporation. (any two)

62. What is bitten? What compounds can be extracted from bittern?

63. What is meant by a polymers?

64. What is meant by terms “polymers”? Give any two examples of natural polymers?

65. Describe the homopolymers with examples.

66. Write is the long form of PVC? Mention is uses?

67. What are the long terms of the following substances? PTEE, PVC, PP, PS?

68. What is the long form of PS and PVC? Mention its uses?

69. Predict the long form of PE? Mention its uses.

70. What is the Long form of PS? Mention its uses?

1.Write TRUE or FALSE for the following statements.

* 1. Plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

2. Plant residues are known as biomass.
3. Natural fertilizers are more preferrable than chemical fertilizers.
4. Urea is the nitrogen fertilizer.
5. Leaf crops require abundant nitrogen.
6. Cabbage needs abundant nitrogen.
* 7. Flowering plants require large amount of nitrogen.
* 8. Chemical formual of urea is CONH2 .
9. Bacteria can convert ammonia to nitrates in the soil.
* 10. Bone meal is a chemical fertilizer.
* 11. The plants grow on the soil of high acidity.
* 12. The plants grow on the soil of high alkalinity.
* 13. Plants can grow on the soil of high acidity or alkalinity.
14. Urea and ammonium sulphate increase the acidity of soil.
15. Over use of urea makes the soil acidic.
* 16. Soil acids can be neutralized by adding gypsum.
17. The growth of the plants is activated by IAA( indoleacetic acid ).
18. Clay is composed of SiO2 and Al2O3 .
19. Chemical formula of POP is 2CaSO4 . H2O .
* 20. Gypsum is obtained by heating POP at 125 � C .
* 21. 27% of common salt is dissolved in sea-water.
22. The common salt from solar evaporation is purest than that from pan evaporation.
* 23. Solar evaporation is expensive for salt production.
* 24. Sodium chloride is a deliquescent substance.
25. MgCl2 can absorb moisture from the the atmosphere.
3.Select the correct word(s), notation(s), term(s), unit(s) , etc given in the brackets.

1. The growth of the plants is activated by [gypsum; IAA; BHC].

2. The growth of the plants is activated by [Indole acetic acid; Gammaxene; E drin].
3. Plants produce the food by the process of [photosynthesis; greenhouse effect; decomposi-
4. Sugar is a compound of carbon hydrogen and [oxygen; nitrogen; sulphur].
5. Plants get [carbon dioxide; hydrogen; oxygen] from air.
6. Plants get their nutrients from three sources; air, water and [carbon dioxide; soil; chloro-
7. Soil supplies [carbon dioxide; urea; water] and other elements to plants.
8. All plants require at least [11; 22; 33] elements for their growth.
9. Soil reaction is easily tested by [blotting; litmus; lead (II) nitrate] paper.
10. [NPK; IAA; BHC] also known a Gammaxene is used for spraying or dusting of plant,
especially cotton.
11. Humus comes from [animal dung and urine; plant residue; soil].

12. Bone meal is a [natural; chemical; physical] fertilizer.
13. Bone meal is used as [nitrogen; phosphate; potassium] fertilizer.
14. The urea fertilizer is produced as [grey; brown; white] pellets.
15. Natural fertilizers are more preferrable than [chemical; neutral; physical] fertilizers.
16. An important nitrogen fertilizer is [urea; ammonium sulphate; ammonium nitrate].
17. The function of soil batteria is to convert ammonia to [nitrate; sulphat; chloride].
18. Over use of [human; manure; chemical] fertilizer changes the acidity of soil.
19. [Gypsum; Lime; Urea] is used to neutralize the soil acid.
20. [Roots; Branches; Stems] of plants absorb the food from the soil in the form of soluble
21. [Flowering plants; Seed bearing plants; Root crops] require good amount of
22. [Urea; Ammonium nitrate; Ammonium sulphate] is manufactured on a very large scale by
heating ammonia and carbon dioxide under pressure with a suitable catalyst.
23. Leaf crops require abundant [phosphorus; nitrogen; potassium].
24. Application of urea to the soil increases the [basicity; neutrality; acidity] of the soil.
25. [Nitrogen; Potassium; Phosphorous] is not a constituent element of the plant body.
26. Leaf crops like cabbage require a fair amount of [nitrogen; phosphorus; potassium].
27. The percentage of nitrogen in urea is [46%; 64%; 32%].
28. Root crops require a good amount of [nitrogen; potassium; phosphorous].
29. [NPK; IAA; Aldrin] is toxic to mammals and should be used with caution.
30. [Nitrogen; Hydrogen; Oxygen] is an essential and important constituent of the plant's body.
31. Soil supplies [carbon dioxide; urea; water] and other elements to plants.
32. Gypsum used in cement is to [improve the building capacity; increase the bulk
volume; regulate the setting time].
33. Gypsum is [CaSO4.H2O; 2CaSO4.H2O; CaSO4.2H2O].
34. Plaster of Paris is a fine white powder having the molecular formula [CaSO4.H2O;
CaSO4.2H2O; 2CaSO4.H2O].
35. [Lime stone; Cement; Plaster of Paris] is substance which is more widely used in the
construction of buildings.
36. Terylene clotheing is generally soft than that made from [nylon; teflon; PVC].
37. Monomer of polystyrene is [CH3CH=CH2; C6H5CH=CH2; CF2=CF2].
38. [CH3CH=CH2; CH3CHCl; CH3COOH] will undergo addition polymerization.
39. [CH2=CH2; CH3CH2Cl; HOCH2CH2OH] will undergo addition polymerization.
40. [Vinyl chloride; ethyl chloride; ethanoic acid] will undergo addition reaction.
41. All living things contain [polymers; monomers; copolymers].
42. [Polystyrene; Polyester; Polyethene] is copolymer.
43. Synthetic polymers, often called [platics; biogas; biomass].

44. Polymers are large organic [macromolecules; large molecules; big molecules].
45. Polymers are made up of small repeating units known as [monomers; so ap;
46. Alkenes molucules can take part in [addition reaction; substitution reaction;
displacement reaction].
47. The trade name for polyamide is [nylon; teflon; PVC].
48. Fats and oils are [mono; di; tri] glycerides.
4.Match each of the items given in List A with the appropriate items given in List B.

List A List B
1. (a) Alternative fuels (ii) other than crude oil, coal and
natural gas
(b) Petrol (iv) gasoline
(c) Kerosene (vi) paraffin
(d) Petroleum (i) crude oil
(e) CNG (vii) compressed natural gas
(f) LPG (iii) liquid petroleum gas
(g) A fraction (v) hydrocarbons of closed boiling

2. (a) Zerolite (vii) ZSM-5

(b) LPG (i) butane and propane
(c) Coal gas (vi) H2 and CO
(d) Lignite (ii) brown coal
(e) Bituminus (v) soft coal
(f) Anthracite (iii) hard coal
(g) Marsh gas (iv) Methane

3. (a) Possible car exhaust (iv) NOx

(b) Syunthetic rubber (iii) poly butene
(c) Catcracking (v) break down by catalyst
(d) Renewable energy (ii) biogas
(e) Non-renewable energy (i) fuel that cannot be produced

2. Fill in the blanks with correct word or words of following statements.

1. Plants produce the food by the process of photosynthesis .

2. sugar is utilized by the plants to produce new compounds and energy .
3. Sugar is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen .
4. The reverse process of photosysthesis is respiration .
5. Plants get nutrient elements from air , water and soil.
6. Two types of natural fertilizers are manure and humus .
7. Fruiting the seed formation require higher potassium .
8. The function of soil bacteria is to convert ammonia to nitrate .
9. In the soil, urea reacts with water to form ammonia and carbon dioxide
10. An important phosphorus fertilizer is superphosphate .
11. Bone meal supplies phosphorus to the soil.
12. Bone meal is not a chemical fertilizer .
13. Soil reaction is easily tested by litmus paper .
14. Calcium is one of the elements necessary for the growth of all air crops .
15. Over use of (NH4)2SO4 makes the soil acidic .
16. The soil acidity is usually reduced by lime or limestone .
17. The soil alkalinity is reduced by gypsum .
18. Endrin is an excellent purpose plant spray.
19. The activities of plant growth may be promoted by IAA .
20. There are four main stages in the manufacture of cement process.
21. Cement is used in the construction of buildings.
22. The gypsum regulates the setting time of cement .
23. The long form of POP is plater of paris .
24. POP is produced by heating gypsum at 125 � C .
25. POP is used for making casts of various objects .
26. The pricipal areas for production of salt from sea water are coastal regions.
27. The sea water after separation of NaCl is bittern .
28. The most abundant compound in sea water is sodium chloride .
29. Bittern still contains magnesium salts.

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