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Official Publication of Katribu Kalipunan ng Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas

December 2018

DUTERTE: Intensifying Fascism,
Continuing Puppetry
and Plunder
PILIPINAS is the national alliance of regional and provincial indigenous
peoples organizations representing various indigenous communities in
the whole Philippines.

KATRIBU, formerly known as KAMP, was formed in 1987 after a series

of national consultative assemblies of tribal leaders that culminated
in a “Sandugo” (one blood) pact in 1984. The formation of a national
indigenous peoples’ organization was the minorities’ response to the
escalating violation of their individual and collective rights and the
impending threat of massive dislocation posed by large-scale industrial
development programs of the government.

Since then, KATRIBU has strived to work for the attainment of genuine
ancestral land rights and selfdetermination for the indigenous peoples.


Front - An Igorot youth in a protest action of the Moro
and Indigenous Peoples in Mendiola, Manila in October 2018.
Indigenous leaders from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao narrated
the experiences of their communities under the US-Duterte Regime
as a basis for their call to oust Duterte.
Back - Sining Sandiwa. An Ayta participating in an art exhibit led by
the Sandiwa Network of Advocates for National Minorities’ Rights.

Carlo Manalansan, Tolyts Sosmena, Lito Ocampo, Angge Santos,
The Summit Express, ST Exposure

Pya Macliing Malayao, Rei Paulin, Joan Jaime

KATRIBU National Office

Room 304 NCCP Building
879 EDSA, West Triangle,
Quezon CIty, 1104 Philippines
Protest action against state terrorism, October 26, 2018.
The SANDUGO Movement of Moro and Indigenous Peoples
calls for the ouster of a fascist regime.


With cautious optimism, Katribu brought before the Duterte administration
its Indigenous Peoples Agenda, through which we expressed support for the
peace talks to address the roots of the armed conflict, and for the release of
political prisoners, among whom are a number of indigenous peoples activists.
We also called for an end to the plunder and destruction of our ancestral lands
and territories, and a stop to the militarization of our territories and human
rights violations against our ranks. We demanded for the delivery of appropriate
government services, especially to the victims of natural and man-made disasters.
We asked the President to help bring justice for the many indigenous leaders and
communities who became victims of the ruthless counterinsurgency program of
the past regimes, specially of the Aquino administration.

All of our calls were ignored.

(Continue to page 3.) 1

The major groupings of indigenous peoples in the Philippines are the

Igorot of the Cordillera, Ayta of Central Luzon, Dumagat of Aurora, Quezon
and Rizal, Mangyan of Mindoro, Tumanduk and Ati of Panay, Indigenous
communities in Palawan and Negros, and Lumad of Mindanao. These groups
are actually generic terms used to name the indigenous peoples of certain
ethnographic regions. These groupings have smaller groups, which are based on
either tribal organization or languages spoken. They are also divided according
to regions and islands where they are mostly concentrated.

For indigenous peoples, land is life. Land ownership range from

communal, to semi-communal, to private. Rights to land are acquired primarily
through investment of labor and actual improvements on the land. Access to
and control of land and resources are traditionally regulated through customary
laws, which evolved in the communities through time.

This view is in contrast with the state’s policies and laws where indigenous
peoples’ ancestral lands are generally considered part of the public domain and,
therefore, at the government’s disposal. For the state, land is a commodity that
can be sold or leased.

(Continued from page 1.)
After two years, he has unilaterally October 19, 2016, the Duterte regime
terminated the peace talks. He tagged ruthlessly tramples on the rights of the
the CPP-NPA-NDFP as terrorist, just people. The first Philippine President
as the US did, and even started to from Mindanao proved to be a bane
crackdown on legitimate progressive for the national minorities of the
groups, whom he called “legal island, and in the whole archipelago.
fronts,” “conspirators” of those in the Instead of bringing justice, Duterte
underground movement. At this very made scores of victims of his own,
moment, activists are being hunted with his War on Drugs, War against
down to be arrested, or worse, killed, Terror, and All-out War, the last
by the dogs of war that Duterte has one targeting mostly those in the
unleashed on the Filipino people. countryside and hinterlands, the
indigenous peoples and peasants.
Just as how a police mobile wantonly
mowed down dozens of rallyists at Under continuing neoliberal policies,
the brutal dispersal of the Sandugo territories of national minorities are
protest in front of the US embassy on being flattened by bulldozers, dam

Construction for the Southeast Asian
(SEA) Games stadium in Pampanga.

and energy projects, mining and discrimination that the indigenous

plantations owned by big, foreign peoples are experiencing.
corporations, bureaucrats and local
business, and government itself. This Duterte has fully bared himself as a
is leading to further destruction of puppet to foreign powers, a dictator,
the environment and sacred ancestral no different from his predecessors
sites, poverty, dislocation and loss – indeed, much worse. Change did
of ancestral lands and territories come, and it is mostly to Duterte, who
of the indigenous peoples. The transformed from Davao City’s local
continued government negligence and warlord into the latest version of the
deprivation of basic social services Marcos Dictatorship.
worsens the marginalization and


Although scornful of his predecessor, and big businesses for projects to be built
Duterte faithfully continued the Aquino on loans from Official Development
administration’s neoliberal policies and Aid (ODA). In spite of the international
programs, such as the public-private human rights community’s criticisms
partnership or PPP, which passes on to against his bloody War on Drugs, Duterte
the profit-oriented private sector vital quickly became popular among state
government services. Duterte’s 10-point leaders, as he clenched deals that would
Economic Agenda and Philippine further open up the Philippine economy
Development Plan 2017-2022 set the to big foreign business, and the national
policy to continue the outright violation patrimony to foreign ownership and
of the indigenous peoples rights to exploitation. In February 2018, Duterte
ancestral land and self-determination. announced “let me be the one to
He even took this a step further, as he find investors” to enter the ancestral
struck deals with foreign governments territories, especially in Mindanao.

Duterte issued tirades against the US biggest economic interest, particularly
wars of aggression as he feigned to in the indigenous ancestral domains
stand for an “independent foreign in the Philippines. The US is already
policy”, but then quickly pivoted to exploiting at least 303,000 hectares of
new masters, China and Russia. In ancestral lands for mining, energy, and
the November 2017 ASEAN summit, plantation, and its corporations among
Duterte made deals with heads of the biggest direct beneficiaries of US-
state in energy production, such as the designed economic policies.
construction of dams to be funded
by from China. In November 2018, A Marcos loyalist to the core, Duterte
Chinese President Xi Jinping visited claims to aim for the “golden age of
the Philippines and forged 29 deals infrastructure” with his administration’s
with the Philippines including the “build, build, build” program, that
loan agreement and the commercial plans to implement some 4,000
contract for the New Centennial Water infrastructure projects worth up to
Source Kaliwa Dam Project. Php9 trillion in six years. Funded
mainly by foreign loans, these threaten
Shortly after meeting with US President to bloat the country’s foreign debt
Donald Trump, Duterte had shed all with high interest rates, and tie the
pretensions, and confessed to being country to exorbitant fees and lopsided
“an American boy” who will “follow agreements. Worse, the ancestral
the US.” Indeed, the US still holds the territories are used as collateral.

Energy and dam projects
Instead of looking for sustainable,
less destructive alternatives for Among Duterte’s infra projects are
energy, Duterte simply followed his the return of two Marcos-era mega-
predecessors’ path of pillage and dam projects that threaten to destroy
destruction of the environment, with indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands
policies that try to wrangle land and along two major rivers systems and
other resources from the control of watersheds in Luzon: the Chico River
indigenous peoples and peasants, pump irrigation project in the provinces
and transfer into the hands of the of Kalinga and Cagayan, and the New
ever-greedy big business. Profit, not Centennial River Dam project or Kaliwa
development, is the driving force dam in Rizal and Quezon.The Chico
of government’s projects, all at the river project commercial contract with
expense of the collective rights, China was signed in April 2018. The
identity and life of the indigenous lopsided Chico contract amounts to PhP
peoples.Pawning the ancestral lands to 3.69 billion or USD 62 million, involves
imperialist countries such as the US and the payment of millions of exorbitant
China is a serious crime that leads to fees, surrender of sovereign rights, and
ethnocide. the supremacy of China
laws over the agreed

These projects
concretely show the
grand conspiracy
between local
bureaucrat capitalists
and imperialist powers
to profit from plundering
the national patrimony,
as they stir up public
fear about the “growing
shortage” of power
and water supply, thus,
the need for mega-
dams. Before, it was the
connivance between
the dictator Marcos
and the World Bank;
now it is between
Duterte and China.
Wanton destruction
of indigenous peoples’
territories is carried out
in the name of profit.
These projects have been foiled by Alimit Hydro Complex of the SN Abotiz
massive resistance by the respective in Ifugao; Karayan dam in Kalinga;
Cordilleran and Dumagat communities Dupinga dam in Nueva Ecija; Sumag
in said areas. Past regimes have tried, River Diversion Tunnel in Quezon, and
but failed to resume the projects. With the Violago Olympia Power Dam in
billions worth of loans from Chinese Rizal. These dams are to displace more
ODA, Duterte aims to push what his than 100,000 indigenous peoples
predecessors failed to do: submerge the from at least 106 villages.
ancestral lands of Kalingas and Dumagats.
Targeted by foreign and local big
The Duterte administration is also business for profit-extraction,
continuing dam and energy projects geothermal energy will be harnessed
in other ancestral territories: the Agus- in the projects of American company
Pulangi dams in Bukidnon and North Chevron and local company Aragorn
Cotabato; Balog-balog dam in the Power and Energy in Kalinga province;
Ayta lands in Tarlac, Ilaguen Dam in the PRC Magma in the provinces of
Isabela, Diduyon Dam, Jalaur Multi Benguet, Mt. Province, and Ifugao;
Purpose Project and Pan-ay River Basin and the Aboitiz Power Corp. in
Integrated Development Project in the Pampanga and Zambales, and in
Tumandok lands in Iloilo and Capiz; South Cotabato.

China hands-off PH! International Day of Action Coal Operating Contracts (COC)
for the Rivers in front of the Chinese Embassy in issued by the Department of Energy
Manila against mega dams to be funded by China. are encroaching hundred thousands

of hectares of ancestral lands in 7
municipalities of Surigao del Sur that (MPSA) within watershed areas. The
covers part of the sacred Andap Valley report found that 68 percent of
Complex, and in the provinces of commercially operating big mines has
Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga various deficiencies and violations of
Sibugay, Sarangani, South Cotabato, mining and environmental regulations
Agusan del Sur, and Agusan del Norte. and warrants suspension or closure.

Mining Out of these 103 mining operations and

permits up for suspension, cancellation
Duterte’s appointment in 2016 of or closure, 86 are in ancestral territories
Gina Lopez, media mogul scion of indigenous peoples.
and maverick environmentalist,
as Environment secretary raised But in May 2017, the powerful
the hopes for justice of many Commission on Appointments (CA)
mining-affected communities. rejected Lopez’s appointment as
Lopez introduced reforms, such as DENR chief. None of her orders were
the nationwide mining audit, the implemented, no mining corporations
centralization of the issuance of in ancestral territories stopped their
Environmental Clearance Certificate operations.
(ECC) thru DAO 2017-04, and the
landmark ban on open-pit mining In place of Lopez, Duterte appointed
thru DAO 2017-10. Lopez went retired general Roy Cimatu, former
head-to-head with corporate mining Armed Forces of the Philippines chief-
interests, specially their representative of-staff, who has since been confirmed
in Duterte’s Cabinet, mainly Finance by the CA. Cimatu wasted no time
secretary Carlos Dominguez III, with reversing Lopez’s reform measures. He
whom she co-chairs the Mining issued DAO 2017-18, which returned
Industry Coordinating Council (MICC). to regional DENR offices the power to
approve ECCs. The MICC has endorsed
In February 2017, the DENR came the revocation of the ban on open-
out with its Final Mining Audit Report, pit mining, and is set to complete the
which ordered the closure of 23 mining turnabout of all Lopez’s reforms
operations; suspension of 5 mining with the reversal of her orders
operations; and cancellation of 75 on suspension, closure and
Mineral Production Sharing Agreements cancellation of mining
permits and

In January 2018, the DENR created the Benguet. Benguet Corporation,
National Task Force Mining Challenge Incorporated which has been operating
(NTFMC) to enforce mining laws that in the region since 1904 was not cited
favor big and foreign corporations. In July and more so to be held accountable for
2018 Cimatu issued the DAO 2018-13 destruction of the environment in the
to lift the moratorium for the approval region.
of applications for mining exploration.
In September, Cimatu used the At present, 230 of the 447 approved
disastrous landslide at the height of mining applications are in ancestral
typhoon Ompong, that claimed territories, encroaching in at least
the lives of at least 59 people, 542,245 hectares of ancestral
to target the Igorot small- lands. This comprise 72% of the
scale miners. He ordered 748,590 hectares covered by all
the NTFMC to lead the approved mining applications.
the operations to
shut all small The National Greening
scale mines Program, agri-business
in Itogon, plantations, and land grabs

With the target of 7.1 million

hectares, increased from its old
target of 1.5 million hectares, the
expanded NGP already covers
1.2 million hectares in indigenous
peoples’ territories. Supposedly
aiming for reforestation and food
security, the Aquino-era program
is still framed on the privatization
of forests for the massive export
of timber and non-timber forest
products such as coffee, cacao,
rubber, bamboo, rattan, and fruits. It
is becoming a means of opening up
our remaining frontiers to the entry of
private interests. Local governments,
agencies and other entities that serve
as middle-men contractors are also
reportedly still using the NGP as a milking
cow for corruption. The NGP is causing
conflicts in indigenous communities,
economic displacement and massive
conversion of ancestral territories into
timber and non-timber commercial
plantations. The US-Duterte regime and
corporations such as big mines continued

to use the NGP as ‘deodorizer’ for destructive hectares of land for oil palm plantation
projects and deceptive false solutions to expansion in Mindanao and Palawan.
environmental and climate problems.
Among the biggest ancestral land grabbers
At least 130,000 hectares of ancestral lands in Mindanao is the David M. Consunji,
are occupied and controlled by giant local Inc. (DMCI) that has several Integrated
and foreign corporations for different kinds Forestry Management Agreement (IFMA)
of monocrop plantations. Plantations for and logging concessions covering at least
banana, pineapple, oil palm, bioethanol, 102,954 hectares of the ancestral lands in
coffee and other agribusiness crops have the sacred Daguma Mountain Range. Despite
encroached ancestral territories and/or have the expiration of some of its licenses, the
displaced or adversely affected indigenous DMCI with its investment defense forces
communities especially in Mindanao. These aggressively continues and expands its
plantations worsen the loss of livelihood, operations in in Sultan Kudarat, South
hunger, and human rights violations already Cotabato and Zamboanga peninsula to
suffered by the IP. agribusiness plantations, commercial tree
farms, and mining.
Greedy corporations, such as the A.
Brown Company, use two of the US- The New Clark City (NCC), previously called
banned pesticides carbofuran (Furadan) as Clark Green City, is also a priority in
and glyphosate. IP living close to these Duterte’s Build, Build, Build program. The
plantations have been afflicted with different NCC covers more than 9,400 hectares of
diseases ranging from respiratory, skin, lands and encroaches the ancestral territories
and gastrointestinal which they attributed of the Ayta in Tarlac. The NCC is among
corporations use of the pesticide. Crops such the biggest “development program” that
as coconut and banana also withered and would set up a new city entirely for business
died, incurring even more loss of income for interests, including building of geothermal
the IP farmers. and dam energy projects that would cover up
to 59,000 hectares of ancestral lands, and
In Mindanao, the banana plantation of the maintaining the 17,000 hectares Crow Valley
Sumitomo Fruit Corporation (SUMIFRU), a Military Complex for US Military exercises,
Japanese corporation,covers at least 16,000 all to the detriment of Ayta communities in
hectares and adversely affects Lumad Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales.
communities. SUMIFRU implements the
piece rate system that is described as the Mega roads, such as the Clark-Subic Expressway
“worst exploitative” wage system for its farm and roads in Capas-Botolan, Davao del Norte-
workers, including indigenous peoples who Bukidnon-Agusan del Sur-Misamis Oriental,
have been land grabbed by such agribusiness are also prioritized under the Build Build Build
corporations. New agreements of the to serve the corporate interests of the agri-
government with Malaysian and Indonesian plantations, mines and other big business
entities have opened up at least 120,000 ventures encroaching in ancestral territories.

MAP 1: Economic interests in ancestral territories

On October 19, 2016, the national

minority alliance SANDUGO held a
rally at the US embassy to support
Duterte’s independent foreign policy
and to protest the historical injustices
against the Moro and indigenous
peoples. The Manila Police went on
a rampage in an overkill dispersal, as
caught in the horrid video footage of
a police vehicle ramming back and
forth on hundreds of rallyists, leaving

Ombudsman. After more than 2

years, there were no progress in
the cases filed, none of the police
officers were made accountable.

This was portent of things to come

that at the wheel of the police
vehicle IS Duterte. He was not
driving mad to threaten, or maim:
he was in it to kill.

dozens injured, with five needing In 2017, Duterte has fully unmasked
prolonged medical procedures. During himself as a Marcos wannabe, a self-
the disperal, 45 national minorities and confessed fascist, a full-blown dictator.
advocates have been illegally arrested, He openly threatens critics with
including 21 indigenous peoples who violence, as he incites state security
have also been filed with trumped-up forces to attack the people, issuing
charges. The cases were eventually statements, such as “Flatten the hills,”
dismissed in May 2017 by the Manila “I will bomb you,” “I will destroy you.”
Prosecutor. A week after the brutal State repression intensified nationwide,
dispersal, the victims also filed criminal as shown by the various forms of
and administrative charges against human rights violations, that violate
the police officers to the Office of the both the collective, as well as individual
rights of the indigenous peoples. The back,” the military have been known
right to life means nothing to this to tag slain civilians as “NPAs” or
government, and the same with the “terrorists.”Even children they killed in
right to due process. crossfire are branded as “child warriors.”

Just when the GRP-NDFP peace talks Indigenous peoples and other
have moved forward in addressing progressives can only expect
the roots of social unrest and armed worsening situation, given that attacks
conflict, tackling the drafts of the continued EVEN during supposed
Comprehensive Agreement on Social unilateral ceasefire of the government,
and Economic reforms, Duterte from 2016 up to early 2017.
scrapped the talks without so much as
an official notice of termination, but In Mindanao, Duterte’s ongoing martial
merely issued a unilateral termination law in the island targeted indigenous
with Proclamation 360. peoples and peasants, who comprise
the biggest number of slain victims,
Dashing all hopes for peace, Duterte with the bulk coming from Duterte’s
issued the Proclamation 374, tagging home region of Davao region.
as terrorists the CPP-NPA. He also Bombings,military encampment of
incited state security forces to shoot communities, forced evacuations, mass
any “armed” NPA member.The AFP illegal arrest and detention, harassment
also openly announced a bounty of and intimidation are continuously
100,000 pesos (nearly 2,000 USD) committed with impunity. Most of the
for anyone who would kill or capture victims are activists and communities
an NPA. Just as the police have been who are against large-scale mining,
notorious for fabricating stories about agribusiness plantations, mega dams
killing drug suspects who “fought and energy-generation projects, among
others. The AFP has trained
its guns on Marawi, the
Pantaron Range, Andap
Valley, the Daguma Range,
and Compostela Valley
in the guise of quelling
and decimating the New
People´s Army in these
areas. In truth, these areas
are the last remaining
frontiers rich in natural
resources that form part
Undeclared nationwide martial law. AFP troops of Mindanao’s patrimony
inspects the relief goods for the displaced Dumagat
communities in Quezon and Aurora provinces.
and the Lumad’s ancestral

MAP 2: Human rights violations against indigenous peoples
Through his counterinsurgency Aside from the use of force, the
program Oplan Kapayapaan, a Duterte administration twists the law
renamed version of BS Aquino’s to go after critics, with illegal arrests
Oplan Bayanihan, Duterte utilizes and arbitrary detention of activists. This
different government agencies, goes along with the filing of trumped-
specially at the local levels, for a up criminal charges, now boosted
“whole-of-the-nation approach” and made systematic by the creation
in suppressing people’s resistance of the Inter-Agency Committee on
against his regime. Legal Action (IACLA), a rehash of the
Arroyo-era Inter-Agency Legal Action
Such is the case of the National Group (IALAG). Like its predecessor,
Commission on Indigenous Peoples IACLA is supposedly tasked to go after
(NCIP), which has long been a cohort perpetrators of “atrocities” against
of the AFP in violating indigenous police and military personnel, but
rights, and a representative of actually targets government critics.
corporate interests in grabbing
ancestral lands. The NCIP has been Aside from the violation of their civil
active in joining AFP operations and political rights, the livelihood
to recruit indigenous peoples to of the communities have been
paramilitary groups since the mid- greatly disrupted along with the
2000. Under Duterte, the NCIP education of indigenous children.
has been active in facilitating the
titling of ancestral lands, not towards EJK
strengthening the indigenous people’s
control over their ancestral territories, Duterte continues the legacy of
but towards facilitating the transfer of Lumad killings.
these to their favored and anointed
“tribal leaders” who are easily bribed From July 2016 until October 2018, at
by extractive companies. least 54 IPs were killed, 48 of whom
were Lumad. Most of the killings were
While the GRP-NDFP peace talks carried out assassination-style by
were ongoing, the NCIP conducted motorcycle-riding gunmen, while others
several “consultations” meant to were shot dead in military operations by
denigrate the proposed land reform soldiers or paramilitary groups.
program of the NDFP, saying that
it will lead to the distribution of Eighteen victims are high-profile
ancestral lands to the non-IP. In leaders of organizations, who were
reality, the proposed land reform tagged as NPAs, but are actually
program targets to liberate ancestral indigenous leaders of communities
territories from the monopoly control engaged in struggles against
of landlords and TNC/MNCs. destructive extractive companies.

owned by business tycoon Danding
Cojuangco. The company mines
for gold, copper and nickel in 12,414
hectares of land in the three towns of
Compostela Valley, which have hardly
recovered from the effects of Typhoon

Veronico “Nico” Lapsay Delamente,

Among them is Jimmy Saypan, aged 27, a Mamanwa and the
a Mandaya leader and Secretary provincial coordinator of Katribu
General of the Compostela Farmers partylist in Surigao del Norte, was
Association (CFA), who was shot dead shot dead on January 3, 2017 by
on October 10, 2016 by motorcycle- motorcycle-riding assailants in Punta
riding men. The assailants tailed him Naga, Brgy. Cagdianao, Claver, Surigao
as he rode his motorcycle from his del Norte. Delamente, also a council
home in Montevista to his farm. CFA leader of AMPANTRENTO, an NCIP-
has been campaigning against Agusan recognized group, had just attended
Petroleum Mining Resource Inc. a meeting called by the NCIP when
(AGPET), an open-pit mining company he was killed. Since December 2016,
Some victims of
political killings among
indigenous peoples
and their advocates, On the same day, Matanem
perpetrated by the
Marcos, Arroyo, Aquino
(chieftain) Lorendo Pocuan
and Duterte regimes. of the Umayamnon tribe
of Bukidnon was shot
and killed by Oba Ilocan,
a known member of the
paramilitary group Alamara.
Pocuan, a respected tribal
leader in Mangaod village,
Cabanglasan, Bukidnon, had
consistently opposed the
recruitment of Alamara, the
Lumad version of vigilante
group Alsa Masa which was
formed by the AFP in the
he had been receiving death threats early 2000s as part of the Alsa Lumad
after his group filed complaints of operations against NPAs.
graft and grave abuse of authority
at the Office of the Ombudsman On December 3, Datu Victor Danyan,
against Congressman Prospero Pichay along with his son Victor Jr. and six
of Surigao del Sur, owner of Claver other community members, were
Mineral Development Corp. (CMDC), killed by elements of the 27th and
a large-scale mining company whose 33rd infantry battalions. The massacre
operations have forced out Mamanwa was immediately broadcasted by the
communities out of their ancestral AFP as a successful military operation
territories. that killed 8 NPAs in Brgy. Ned, Lake
Sebu, South Cotabato. Datu Victor,
A month later, Renato Anglao, chairperson of the TAMASCO, a
42, a Manobo-Pulahingon and Lumad community organization, was
secretary general of Tribal Indigenous also leading the T’boli and Dulangan
Oppressed Group Association Manobo communities to take back
(TINDOGA), was shot dead on and collectively cultivate their
February 3 by motorcycle-riding ancestral lands seized by the David
men at a road intersection in Busco, M. Consunji, Inc. (DMCI) for its coffee
Quezon, Bukidnon. In 2015, his plantation.
group had won back a small portion
of their ancestral lands which has Also among the victims were 3
been encroached upon by Rancho children and 4 Lumad women,
Montalvan, owned by Quezon vice including Makinet Gayoran, who was 4
mayor Pablo Lorenzo. TINDOGA has months pregnant when she was shot
fiercely resisted the expansion of dead by members of the paramilitary
plantations into their ancestral lands. group NIPAR in Bukidnon in July 2016,
and Beverly Geronimo, president of Forced evacuation
the MISFI Academy Parent, Teachers
and Community Association and an Under Duterte, Katribu documented
active member of the Tabing Guangan 67 incidents of forced evacuation
Farmers Association who was earlier of communities, affecting a total of
threatened by the military. 38,841 indigenous peoples.

Of the 54 victims of extra-judicial After the AFP declared an all-out-

killing, 6 were attacked during the war against the NPA on February 7,
ceasefire of the AFP with the NPA; 2017, intensified military operations in
39 after the declaration of the AFP’s indigenous communities triggered 27
all-out-war against the NPA; and 27 incidents of forced evacuation,affecting
after the declaration of martial law in at least 12,353 indigenous peoples
Mindanao.This includes the Lake Sebu until December 2017. Sixteen of these
Massacre, declared by the CHR as a evacuations happened after President
martial law-related case. At least 32 Duterte declared martial law in
were accused of being members of Mindanao.
the NPA or NPA supporters, including
Jhun Mark Acto, grade 8 student of On November 26, 2017, twelve Manobo
Ricardo L. Ipong National High School communities in Diatagon and Buhisan
and Obello Bay-ao, grade 7 student of villages in Surigao del Sur province
a Salugpongan Lumad school. hurriedly left their homes after they

Graph 1: Trends of the killings and forced evacuation in indigenous communities
following major pronouncements of the US-Duterte Regime

saw soldiers massing up in their The same fate was suffered by the
communities, and heard spy drones Manobo communities in the villages
flying at night and early morning. of Mangkay, Luno-luno, Kamunuan
and Bugtong Lubi in Brgy. Gupitan,
At the evacuation center in the Kapalong, Davao del Norte during
village center of Diatagon, evacuees the military operations of the 60th
were prevented by the military from and 72nd IBPA that conducted an
receiving any assistance, as they economic blockade from December
bar even the local government and 23, 2017 until January 2018. The food
support groups from bringing food aid blockade has also been implemented
to the evacuees. From November 26 by the 24th IBPA which was also
until December 8, the soldiers only known as the butcher “Palparan
allowed the entry of about 10 kilos of Battalion” earlier in March 2017 in
rice per family, only a quarter of the Malibcong, Abra. This was done
average consumption of each family. following the AFP’s indiscriminate
airstrikes using phosphorous bombs
This was the second time the Manobo that resulted to the burning of the
communities evacuated in 2017, with communal forest of the indigenous
the first one on July 6. In September peoples of Mataragan and Bangilo.
2016, these communities have
just returned home after a year in Evacuation equates to suffering from
evacuation in the provincial capital, the disruption, even destruction of
following the brutal massacre of two livelihood, vulnerability to illnesses, and
indigenous leaders and the executive even death. At least 4 children have died
director of the Lumad school, ALCADEV. during evacuations under Duterte.
Bombings Attacks on schools

There were at least 17cases of Another first in history, Duterte

bombings by the military in managed to be the first Philippine
indigenous communities and President to ever threaten Lumad
territories since July 2016. Seven schools, with his immortal words,
involved aerial bombings, while 10 "Umalis kayo diyan. Sabihin ko diyan
involved artillery bombardment. sa mga Lumad ngayon, umalis kayo
These affected at least 6,354 diyan. Bobombahan ko 'yan. Isali ko
indigenous peoples from the 'yang mga istruktura ninyo."(Leave.
provinces of Abra and Oriental I'm telling those in the Lumad schools
Mindoro in Luzon, Agusan del Norte, now, get out. I'll bomb you. I'll include
Davao Oriental, Compostela Valley, your structures.)
Sultan Kudarat, South Cotabato and
Saranggani in Mindanao. He even claimed the schools are
“illegally operating” and that they were
Brgy. Pichon has 18 sitios and an teaching children “to rebel against the
approximate population of 11,500 government” – clearly echoing lines of
people mostly from the Mandaya the military since the Arroyo regime.
tribe. During a fact finding mission, Such statements purposively smear
the Barangay local government unit the reputation of these schools, which
said that almost 17 sitios evacuated were established through the efforts
during the military operations of the of the communities, local Lumad
67th IBPA, which employed aerial organizations, religious groups and
bombing and the use of the MANADU NGOs. All the Lumad schools are either
paramilitary group, in fear that they duly accredited by the Department
will be the next target. The aerial of Education or registered with the
bombing directly affected 4 sitios. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Some have been granted awards for
On August 27, 2018 the 10th excellence in literacy.
Infantry Division (ID) of the
Philippine Army conducted aerial It comes as no surprise that the attacks
strikes in Sitio Malid, Brgy. Dagohoy, on Lumad schools did not wane under
Talaingod, Davao del Norte just Duterte. Students, teachers, parents
500 meters away from a Lumad and supporters of Lumad schools
school. This endangered the are being targeted by the AFP and its
children holding classes inside the paramilitary groups, tagged as NPA,
classrooms of Salugpungan Ta Tanu and threatened with death. Using
Igkanogon Community Learning the NPA tag, on September 5, 2017,
Center (STTICLC) and other kids CAFGU member Ben Salangani and
playing outside in Sitio Tibucag. his cousin Joven Salangani shot dead

MAP 3: Forced evacuation of indigenous communities due to military operations & bombings
(July 2016-September 2018)

SUMIFRU: Land-grabber of ancestral lands, exploiter of its workers.
Unity march on the 70th International Human Rights Day.

Manobo youth Obello Bayao, 19 and a Network, from July 2016 to April
grade 7 student of the Salugpongan Ta 2018, there have been at least 534
Tanu Igkanugon Community Learning military and paramilitary attacks on
Center (STTICLC). Both are also Lumad community schools have been
members of the paramilitary Alamara. monitored affecting at least 10,000
Lumad students, educators and
Under the past Aquino regime, the community members.
DepEd regional offices in Mindanao
have been notorious for delaying the The attacks on schools ranges from
processing of applications for permit the use of schools as military camp,
to operate Lumad schools. This, in destruction of school properties and
spite of the all requirements complied structures, illegal arrest and detention,
with and submitted by the schools. As red-tagging, extra-judicial killing of
if on Duterte’s cue, the AFP military students, parents and advocates for
operations, in cooperation with the the community schools and others.
DepEd, DSWD, NCIP and LGU, have In Sultan Kudarat, Marine troops
forced 56 community schools to close. destroyed the houses of Dulangan
This deprived more than 2,600 Lumad Manobo purposely for the landing
youth an education based on their area of their helicopter to rescue their
community’s expression and assertion casualties. Included in the structures
of their right to self-determination. destroyed was the classroom of
According to the Save Our Schools CLANS Community Learning School.

Terrorist-tagging, mass arrests, Since July 2016, 183 have been illegally
threats, harassment and intimidation arrested. One hundred fifty-seven
were arrested after the all-out war was
There are at least 42 indigenous declared in February 2017, and 125
peoples still languishing in jail after the declaration of martial law in
from crimes they did not commit. Mindanao in May 2017.
Twenty-five of them were illegally
arrested and detained under the An example of group arrest was
Duterte administration and during the case of 6 members of the
15 operations by the PNP or AFP, Tagdumahan, an organization of the
at times jointly, and even with the Banwaon and peasants in San Luis,
participation of some LGUs and Agusan del Sur that strongly opposes
paramilitary groups. Four were illegally the encroachment of mining and
arrested during the ceasefire of the logging companies in their ancestral
AFP. In several incidents, government lands. On October 27, Julito Otacan,
troops nab victims in groups up to as Secretary General of Tagdumahan and
many as 13 persons. a field worker of the Rural Missionaries

A group of Lumad performers re-enacts the

bloodbath under the martial law in Mindanao.

of the Philippines, together with charges to threaten, harass, intimidate
five others, Alejandro Barluado, and “neutralize” whom they deem as
Jonas Acosta, Noli Tahudan, Marlon “enemies of the state” including legal
Talatayod, and Joel Trasona, were political activists.
arrested in Barangay Balit, San Luis.
Soldiers of the 26th IB and police came Under a President notorious for his
in full force in two 6x6 army trucks and rape jokes and catcalling of women,
other vehicles, went from house to progressive women activists have
house in Balit and planted “evidences” come under attack, with trumped-up
against their target community leaders charges, surveillance and death threats.
and organizers. On February 1, 2018,
the Banwaon leaders were released on In Cordillera region, five indigenous
bail for the charges of illegal possession women activists have been tagged as
of land mines and explosives and NPA and threatened with trumped-
illegal possession of fire arms. up charges and subsequent arrest.

Worse is the
continued manhunt
against hundreds
of IP leaders and
activists including
Norma Capuyan and
Genasque Enriquez,
both members of
Katribu’s National
Council of Leaders,
who were charged
with at least 3 International campaign
counts of murder against terrorist-tagging
of human rights defenders
and other trumped- in the Philippines.
up criminal cases.

These fabricated charges against human Sarah Abellon-Alikes, Sherry

rights defenders fighting for equality Mae Soledad, Joanne Villanueva,
and against all forms of discrimination Rachel Mariano and Asia Isabella
demonstrate the tyranny towards Gepte along with 19 others, have
dictatorship of the Duterte regime. The been named in a Department
IACLA is a platform for state-sponsored of Justice (DOJ) resolution for
terrorism using the Philippine justice the filing of multiple attempted
system against legitimate political murder in connection with a gun-
dissent. It has been a practice by state firing incident in Sigay, Ilocos Sur.
security forces to use trumped-up A certain Cpl. Melvin Sevilla Saura

of the 7th Infantry Division filed while Rius, a Mandaya youth, is
the complaint. In September 2018, the spokesperson of the Save Our
Rachel submitted herself in court Schools Network – Mindanao. In 2016,
and was detained for a non-bailable wanted posters featuring their photos
trumped-up charge of murder and 8 were posted in public places. By July
cases of frustrated murder. The five 2016, the trumped-up cases against
belong to legitimate organizations the “Haran15” were finally dismissed
and institution and have extensive in court. But in July and November
track records in development and 2017, the wanted posters were again
advocacy work. spread by military agents after big
protest actions in Davao City. In
Members of the Katribu National 2008, Kerlan has also been featured
secretariat have also been as “terrorist” in a poster released by
targeted and threatened by state the 10th IDPA when he was still the
intelligence agents. On September PASAKA Secretary General.
13, 2017, Katribu secretary general
and SANDUGO convener Pya On February 21, 2018, the DOJ filed a
Macliing Malayao received a call petition at a regional court in Manila to
from a suspected military agent proscribe as terrorist organizations the
who identified himself as “Mark, a Communist Party of the Philippines
member of the National Intelligence (CPP) and the New People’s Army
Coordinating Agency.” The man asked (NPA). The petition includes a list of
Malayao to meet with him in a mall, 657 persons alleged to be officers
and told her to “cooperate” or else his and members of the CPP-NPA. The
team will arrest her. Katribu staff Joan malicious DOJ list includes at least 30
Jaime also received threatening calls indigenous peoples activists including
and text from the same cellphone the United Nations Special Rapporteur
number used by “Mark.” on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz; the Cordillera
In 2015, Kerlan Fanagel and Rius Peoples Alliance Chairperson Windel
Valle were among the 15 Lumad Bolinget; the spokesperson and
leaders and IP rights defenders who Secretary General of the TIKULPA
were charged with trumped-up Lumad organization, Datu Isidro Indao
cases of “kidnapping and serious and Sergio Lumonday; respected
illegal detention” of more than 700 elders and village chieftains Datu
Lumad evacuees who are seeking Mandayhon and Datu Mampadayag;
refuge in the UCCP Haran Compound the awardee of the UN’s 2018
since February 2015. Kerlan, an Champions of the Earth Award,
indigenous Blaan, is Chairperson of Joan Carling; and the International
the PASAKA Lumad Confederation Indigenous Peoples Movement for
in Davao Region and a member of Self-determination and Liberation
Katribu’s National Council of Leaders, Global Coordinator, Beverly Longid.

Bounty and forced or fake long opposed the A.Brown palm oil
surrenderees plantation and its expansion in other
Lumad ancestral lands. He took over
In August 2017, the AFP openly the leadership of Pangalasag after his
announced a “reward” of 100,000 brother, Gilbert, who was killed by
pesos for every captured or killed suspected state forces in 2012. On
members of the NPA. This signal October 15, 2017, soldiers of the 58th
for the killing spree on indigenous IB threatened to bring him to jail if he
peoples, as well as the massive military does not surrender as a member of
campaign in indigenous communities the NPA.
forcing community members and
leaders to “clear their names” and Datu Mansuladlad is a council
surrender themselves to military member of Tagdumahan. In August
camps or village offices. 2017, soldiers of the 26th IB started
asking about him and other residents,
Datu Mansuladlad Boy Amado, claiming they are in the “list of NPAs”.
a Banwaon tribal leader in Brgy. In November 4, military helicopters
Binicalan, San Luis, Agusan del Sur; hovered around their community
Joseph Paborada, a Higaonon of Opol, then residents heard them firing
Misamis Oriental; and Datu Guibang for 20 minutes. Two weeks later, on
Apoga, a legendary Manobo warrior of November 18, soldiers threatened to
the Pantaron Range and a community forcibly evacuate the community if
leader in Talaingod, Davao del Norte; those in the “list” will not surrender.
were among the Lumad leaders forced
by soldiers to falsely surrender as NPA. In March 2018, the AFP boasted that
more than 4,000 NPA members have
Joseph is the leader of Pangalasag, surrendered to the AFP, but most of
a Higaonon organization that has the 4,000 are residents of Lumad

26 “Stop the attacks

against Lumad schools”
who were
if not forced
or deceived
to sign a piece
of paper, or
pose for a
holding an
army issued
M16 rifle.

On March 5,
2018, fifteen
of the Tribal
Indigenous Oppressed Group elderly Datu, the 56th IB laid siege
Association (TINDOGA) were called, and arrested him in Sitio Nasilaban,
along with other members of the Talaingod, Davao del Norte. Datu
community, to the house of Datu Guibang was deceived to attend
Santiano Abdahan Jr. The meeting a tribal peace gathering where he
was attended by 6 soldiers of the 8th was presented to the military as a
IBPA and 22 unnamed members of surrenderee. Brigadier General Ernesto
the Citizen Armed Force Geographical Torres Jr., commander of 1003rdIB of
Unit (CAFGU). The residents were the 10th ID showcased Datu Guibang
“invited” to surrender, lest criminal as a defector from the NPA to the
cases will be filed against them. Those Philippine Army, complete with M16
who “surrender” will be trained as rifle as stage prop.
new paramilitary members and will
be enrolled in a livelihood project. The Defense force for corporate
military also interviewed residents, exploitation of ancestral territories.
forcing them to give names of other The US-Duterte regime has
people to add to their “wanted list.” disregarded the legitimate issues of the
Soldiers said that joining rallies was indigenous peoples while protecting
enough reason to be an NPA member. and advancing the interests of big and
foreign corporations.
In June 2018, the 56th IBPA staged
the surrender of Datu Guibang Apoga, The US-Duterte regime never ordered
Chairperson of the Salupungan Ta Tanu the disbandment of paramilitary units
Igkanugon community organization. although Duterte earlier committed
Taking advantage of the ailing and to respond to the persistent demands

to rescind Executive Orders 246 and plunder of the David M. Consunji, Inc.
546, which are presidential decrees (DMCI) and the coal mining of the
by former Presidents Corazon Aquino San Miguel Energy Corporation. The
and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and DMCI company guards and assets
BS Aquino’s order for the creation are part of and trained by the AFP as
of investment defense forces. All SCAA. DMCI has employed the AFP’s
of them legitimize the creation and SCAA as early as 2008 to “secure”
operations of paramilitary groups in its business interests in the different
the country, especially in Mindanao. parts of the country such as in Mobo,
The Special Civilian Armed Auxiliary Masbate, in Sta. Cruz, Zambales, and in
(SCAA), a paramilitary group similar Sultan Kudarat. The collusion of DMCI
to the CAFGU, was created in 1989 and the AFP resulted to the enforced
specifically to protect the interests of disappearance of Manobo farmers David
mining corporations and other similar Mogul and Maki Bail on November
destructive businesses. In October 14, 2016 in Sultan Kudarat; and the
2016, Duterte merely called on the massacre, the subsequent illegal arrests
AFP to “control” the paramilitary and forced evacuation in Lake Sebu,
groups involved in ceasefire violations. South Cotabato on December 3, 2017.

EJKs, bombings and trumped-up Not contented with paramilitary

charges are rampant in Sultan Kudarat groups that serve as force multiplier to
and South Cotabato where there is protect corporate interests, the 10th
people’s resistance against the resource ID in October 2017 held a 6-month

On the 45th anniversary of Marcos’ declaration of martial law, SANDUGO indicts
the Duterte regime as a fascist, US puppet and anti-Moro & anti-IP regime.
special training of at least 300 Lumad Luis, Agusan del Sur, which has been
to become regular soldiers. The AFP targeted for the expansion of oil
underscored their important role of palm plantations covering close to
being able to communicate with their 200,000 hectares of land up to the
leaders, community and tribe, and La Paz municipality.These resulted to
the need to prevent them from being widespread violation of human rights
recruited by the NPA. committed against the Lumad and
farmers who have active campaigns to
The 75th IB, 36th IB and 16th Special defend their lands and communities.
Forces Battalion of the AFP are
deployed in Surigao del Sur where In October 22, 2017, 29th IB troops
Benguet Corp., Great Wall Mining, harassed the Lumad people in Brgy.
Abacus Mining and other coal mining Mahaba, Cabadbaran, Agusan del
corporations are ready to operate in Norte. They entered houses without
the Andap Valley Complex. There permission and threatened to kill them
are also vast plantations of Sumifru if they expose the on-going military
and Dole-Philippines in the said operations. In December 4, 2017, seven
province. Military operations also Lumad and peasant communities in
intensified in Agusan del Norte where San Luis, Agusan del Sur were forced
the nickel mine of the SRMI operates to evacuate. A total of 103 families with
and the hydropower project of First 445 individuals left their communities,
Gen Hydropower Corp is located. disrupting the education of 115 Lumad
Militarization also escalated in San students of community schools.


National oppression is the primary reason The Katribu Kalipunan ng Katutubong

for indigenous peoples to continue to unite. Mamamayan ng Pilipinas (Katribu
The ruthlessness of the state only serves National Alliance of Indigenous Peoples
to push us to consolidate our ranks and in the Philippines) submitted the IP
strive for a higher level of struggle for self- Agenda and proposals to government
determination and genuine democracy. offices, such as DENR DSWD and
congress, pointing out issues in
The indigenous peoples have been part indigenous communities which are
of the drafting of the 15-point People’s affected by mining operations, logging
Agenda submitted to Duterte at the start and plantations; asking for assistance in
of his term in July 2016, which identified the delivery of social services, specially
immediate and long-term reforms for for those in evacuation sites, or are
economic development, good governance in the process of rehabilitation after
and the fight against corruption, social a prolonged bakwit; and forwarding
policy, peace and human rights and resolutions to review contracts and
independent foreign policy. agreements on large dams.

Amid the worsening situation under of the civil, political, social, cultural and
Duterte, indigenous peoples, together economic rights, right to self-determination
with the Bangsamoro held the historic of the Filipino people and international
assembly on October 15, 2016 which humanitarian law.
formed the SANDUGO Kilusan ng mga
Moro at Katutubong Mamamayan para National actions reflect the legacy and
sa Sariling Pagpapasya (SANDUGO history of the valiant struggle of the
Movement of Moro and Indigenous indigenous peoples’ ancestors and noble
Peoples for Self-determination), the first sacrifice of the martyrs who gave their lives
national minority alliance in the country. In in the defense of our ancestral lands and
September 2017, SANDUGO held its first territories, identity, culture and way of life
political assembly with Meranaw evacuees against the onslaught of colonization. These
from Marawi among the delegates, and also mark the intensified struggle for the
indicted on a national level the Duterte defense of ancestral lands and the right to
regime as a fascist, US puppet and anti- self-determination.
national minorities regime. In October
2018, SANDUGO held its second political Indigenous organizations have shown
assembly and called for the ouster of the resilience, determination and collective
Duterte regime in the face of the escalation courage to fight, and these have kept
of fascist attacks against national minorities indigenous communities alive and intact,
and intensified plunder of our ancestral in spite of the attacks under the continued
lands and territories. martial law in Mindanao and all-out war in
rural communities throughout the country.
Nationwide campaigns against the plunder
and destructions of the ancestral land, Bakwit communities, who returned home
against state repression and fascism, and to in Surigao del Sur, Saranggani, Bukidnon
advance the peace talks to resolve the roots and Davao del Norte strived to rebuild their
of armed conflicts were launched by the communities and livelihood, continued
indigenous peoples in different forms. Such collective farms and asserted their right
campaigns include petition signing, protest for relief and rehabilitation from the
quilt making, coordinated protest actions government.
and mobilizations, formation and expansion
of networks and support organizations, The community schools serving the Lumad
localized and national caravans for just youth and peasant communities have
peace, and international speaking tours. persisted. A 6-month Lumad Bakwit School
was set up in Metro Manila from June to
Highlight documented cases of human December 2017, and from June 2018 up to
rights violations against the indigenous present, to continue the education of the
peoples were submitted to international Lumad youth and lead a wider advocacy
human rights mechanisms. In September campaign to uphold the right to education,
2018, indigenous peoples testified to the recognize the community schools as
International Peoples’ Tribunal that convicted part of the right to self-determination of
Duterte and Trump guilty of gross violation the indigenous peoples, and to end the

militarization and martial law in Mindanao. In have powered community rice and corn
November 2017, the students and teachers mills, homes and cooperatives, and helped
camped out for 10 days outside the DepEd ease the burden of production.
main office to bring the call to ban soldiers in
school grounds and to release the permits of Several indigenous communities in
some of the Lumad community schools. Mindanao and Luzon have become
successful in reclaiming their ancestral lands
In many indigenous communities around the from landlords thru collective farming and
country, the natural resources are harnessed community protest actions.
through community managed mini-hydro
projects and similar small-scale renewable As part of the Filipino society, the indigenous
energy projects. These sustainable sources peoples suffer from the oppression and

WEAVING OUR UNITY. Protest quilt calling to stop

the attacks against the Moro and Indigenous Peoples.
exploitation of US imperialism, and the thorough-going and comprehensive
ruling classes of landlords, comprador socio-economic and political reforms and
bourgeoisie and bureaucrat capitalists. Thus, development, and build a society that is
the indigenous peoples join its strength with truly free, democratic society where their
the rest of the Filipino people in opposing rights as national minorities and as Filipinos
the fascist US-Duterte regime, work for are recognized.


P resident Duterte was the first president

to officially acknowledge the centuries-
old injustice and oppression against national
tyrannical rule and gain the unwavering
support of the police and military, he
increased their salaries, funds, upgraded their
minorities. But now, he represents the arms, and legitimizes their attacks against the
ruling classes and a regime that continues people. Undoubtedly, Duterte has advanced
and intensifies the national oppression and the interests of the local oligarchs and their
violation of the right to self-determination big foreign big business partners, and the
and democracy of the indigenous peoples. imperialist powers like the US and China at the
expense of the rights of the Filipino people,
Under the fascist US-Duterte regime, the our national patrimony and sovereignty.
repression and fascist attacks against the
Filipino people are more brutal. These are But Duterte is quickly isolating himself from
bolstered by militarist statements of the the people to whom he promised change.
President, his counterinsurgency program There is growing discontent and rising
Oplan Kapayapaan and the Congress- opposition to his anti-people policies and
approved and extended martial law in tyrannical rule. He is threatened by the rising
Mindanao. The indigenous peoples take the opposition of various groups and sectors
heaviest toll as they consistently carry on of society. He is threatened by the growing
the centuries-old valiant struggles of their strength of the indigenous communities
ancestors to defend the ancestral lands, and organizations. He is threatened by the
traditional lifeways and identity. Filipino people’s unwavering resolve and
readiness to wage all forms of struggles to
Only the Filipino people’s active resistance defend our rights and life. And he is most
against the brutal fascist attacks and threatened by the broadening solidarity
unabated plunder of the ancestral lands of the various sectors determined to fight
and resources can stop the ethnocide of tyranny and rising dictatorship. Duterte
indigenous peoples. would do well to learn from what befell his
idol, Marcos. The Cordillera people stopped
Just like his idol and role model, the dictator the dictator’s mega-dam project. The Filipino
Marcos, Duterte yearns to have absolute people ended his despotic regime. The
power. With worsening impunity, he same fate awaits the fascist tyrant Duterte
suppresses his critics and unleashes the - another power-hungry, blood-thirsty,
murderous rampage of his armed forces despicable tyrant will be swept in the dustbin
against his own people. To prop up his of history.


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