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A Research Presented to the

Faculty of De La Salle University – Dasmariñas
Junior High School Department
City of Dasmariñas, Cavite

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements in Research I









May 2018


The study was conducted for the benefit of the community and the

people, especially the farmers who seek for cheap and easy to attain

irrigation for their plants and farmlands. The researchers decided to carry

out this study to test whether grey water or commonly known as waste water

could be used as an effective replacement to artificial fertilizer. The study is

a comparative study wherein the researchers compare the effects of grey

water and tap water and test which one is a better replacement. If the

research would successfully prove that grey water could be an effective

replacement to artificial fertilizer, this discovery would help the agricultural

needs of the community.



The study entitled to “The Effectivity of Grey water and Tap water to the
Growth and Development of the Capsicum Annuum (Bell Pepper)” prepared
by Elijah Carl C. Aducal, Allenroy Carl G. Bagasan, Vince Aron Robert D.
Mabini, Aira Patricia G. Mah, Paula Bhreisha M. Papa, Ma. Cristy Anne F.
San Pedro, Andrew Andre Tanjar, and Hannah Jane D.C Toribio in partial
fulfilment of the requirements in Research II, is here by examined and
recommended for acceptance and approval for the oral defense exam.




Approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements in Research II by the

committee on oral defense exam.


Elective Science


Elective Math Member English Member

Accepted in partial fulfilment in Research II




The researchers would like to express their gratitude to their teachers

Ms. Bayas, Ms. Davila, Sir Espinosa, and Sir Santiago, whom in so many

ways have given them guidance and has helped all throughout the research

and took keen interest until the completion of the project. Secondly, we

would also like to thank Paula’s mother and Andrew Tanjar for their help in

taking care and growing the plant in the limited amount of time. Last but not

the least, they would like to express appreciation to each other for their

unlimited patience for one another, enthusiasm and immense knowledge –

for stimulating discussions and for all those sleepless nights working on the

project making sure they will meet the deadline. They would like to

emphasize that this project will not be a success without the combined help,

constant encouragement, support and guidance of the people mentioned



Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Approval Sheet 3

Acknowledgments 4

Table of Contents 5


1.1 Background of the Study 7

1.2 Conceptual Framework 11

1.3 Statement of the Problem 11

1.4 Hypothesis 12

1.5 Significance of the Study 12

1.6 Scope and Limitations 13

1.7 Definition of Terms 14


2.1 Conceptual Literature 15

2.2 Research Literature 17

2.3 Synthesis 21


3.1 Research Design 25


3.2 Research Setting 25

3.3 Research Procedure and Materials 26

3.4 Data Gathering and Statistical Analysis 27


4.1 Data Analysis of Plant A, B, and C 29

4.2 Discussions of the Results 30


5.1 Summary 36

5.2 Conclusions 38

5.3 Recommendations 39

Cited References 40


A. Map of Study Site 43

B. Budgetary Requirements 44

C. Photo Documentation 44

Curriculum Vitae 46



1.1 Background of the Study

The researchers of this study decided to carry out this study to test

whether grey water or commonly known as waste water is more

effective than tap water. It is a comparative study that was conducted to

test whether grey water is more effective than tap water; if it has

significant effect on the growth of the bell pepper plant (Capsicum


The bell pepper (also known as sweet pepper or pepper) is a cultivar

group of the species Capsicum Annuum. Cultuvars of the plant produce

fruits in different colors, including red, yellow, orange, green,

chocolate/brown, vanilla/white, and purple. The whitish ribs and seeds

inside bell peppers may be consumed or not.

Grey water is gently used water from bathroom sinks, showers, tubs,

and washing machines. It is not water that has come into contact with

feces, either from the toilet or from washing diapers.

Grey water may contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and certain

household cleaning products. While grey water may look “dirty,” it is a

safe and even beneficial source of irrigation water in a yard. Keep in

mind that if grey water is released into rivers, lakes, or estuaries,


its nutrients become pollutants, but to plants, they are valuable fertilizer.

Aside from the obvious benefits of saving water (and money on your

water bill), reusing grey water keeps it out of the sewer or septic system,

thereby reducing the chance that it will pollute local water bodies.

Reusing grey water for irrigation reconnects urban residents and our

backyard gardens to the natural water cycle.

Low technology and simple grey water systems are best suitable for

large plants such as trees, bushes, and shrubs since it would be more

difficult to water lots of small plants in a wide span of area. Reusing of

grey water could be beneficial especially in times of drought. Grey water

use in gardens or toilet systems can achieve some of goals of the

ecological sustainable development.

The potential ecological benefits of grey water recycling include:

reduced freshwater extraction from rivers and aquifers, less impact from

septic tank and treatment plant infrastructure, reduced energy use and

chemical pollution from treatment, groundwater recharge, reclamation

of nutrients, and greater quality of surface and ground water when

preserved by the natural purification in the top layers of soil than

generated water treatment processes (Grey water Reuse, 2016).

Potable water sources are contaminated by human and veterinary

pharmaceuticals (Huerta-Fontela et al. 2008, 2011; Watkinson et al.

2009). Incomplete removal by conventional technologies (e.g.,


flocculation, sedimentation, and chlorination) in drinking- water

treatment plants (DWTPs) has been observed, and consequently,

pharmaceuticals have been detected in tap water in several developed

countries at levels of usually < 100 ng/L (Segura et al. 2009).

By law, your local water system must test municipal drinking water

for some 90 substances and organisms -- including copper, uranium,

and lead -- and report whether any have been found and at what levels,

as well as whether any exceed federally mandated Maximum

Contaminant Levels -- MCLs (see "How to Read Your Water Report,"

page 183).

“Water can also become contaminated after it leaves the treatment

plant but before it reaches your faucet”, says Shane Snyder, Ph.D., co-

director of the Arizona Laboratory for Emerging Contaminants and

professor of chemical and environmental engineering at the University

of Arizona. "Water may sit in a tank, sometimes for over a week, mixing

with the chlorine used for disinfection -- which may result in elevated

levels of disinfection by-products," she says. The consequence:

chemicals that might be harmful.

Even if your water is "legal" overall for atrazine, you could still have

problems at certain times of the year. In agricultural regions, levels of

the herbicide spike in tap water in spring and summer, after farmers

apply it to their fields. In a 2009 report from the NRDC, 39% of public

water systems surveyed in the mid-western and southern U.S. --

including corn-farming Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,

Missouri, and Nebraska -- had one-time atrazine peaks above the EPA

limit of 3 parts per billion. Yet, because spikes like these are averaged

in (or not counted), only three of the 139 water systems sampled were

considered in violation of the atrazine standard.

Potable Tap water can have 500 PPM of various minerals. Of course,

it includes chlorine, but also can include essential electrolytes such as

Potassium, sodium, calcium, selenium, and many others. It can also

include nasties, like lead, arsenic, and other minerals. It picks up from

the pipe between the treatment plant and your home (Williams, 2018).

Tap water is treated with many chemicals in order to kill bacteria and

other microorganisms. In addition, it may contain other undesirable

contaminants like toxic metal salts, hormones, and pesticides, or it may

become contaminated by chemicals or microbes within pipes (e.g. lead,

bacteria, protozoa). Typical tap water may also contain chlorine, fluorine

compounds, Trihalomethanes (THMs), Salts (of arsenic, radium,

aluminum, copper, lead, mercury, cadmium, barium), hormones,

nitrates, and pesticides.


1.2 Conceptual Framework (or Theoretical Framework)

The diagram below show the research paradigm of the proposed


Tap water Growth and

development of
Grey water
Capsicum Annuum

The grey water and the tap water are independent variables that are

both composed of compounds that would greatly affect the growth of the

Capsicum annuum (bell pepper plant), the dependent variable. Grey water

is composed of salt compounds, while tap water is composed of chlorine

and fluorine compounds. These compounds have great effect on the growth

of the plant.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Is grey water more effective than tap water to the growth and
development of the bell pepper plant?
The study will answer the following:
1. What is the effect of grey water and tap water on the growth of
bell pepper plant in terms of:
a. Height
b. Number of leaves
2. What is the effect of grey water and tap water on the development
of bell pepper plant in terms of:
a. Number of fruits

1.4 Hypothesis

With proper treatment grey water can be put to good use. These uses

include water for laundry and toilet flushing, and also irrigation of plants.

Treated grey water can be used to irrigate both food and non-food

producing plants. The nutrients in the grey water (such as phosphorus and

nitrogen) provide an excellent food source for these plants.

1. Alternative: There would be a significant difference in terms of

height, number of leaves, and number of fruits.

Null: There would be no significant difference in terms of height,

number of leaves, and number of fruits.

1.5 Significance of the Study

If the research would be successfully proved that grey water is more

effective than tap water, this discovery would help the agricultural needs of

the community. Farmers and the like wouldn't bother on getting commercial

fertilizers from urban places. Grey water may become one of the easiest

organic fertilizers to be gathered to be used for the plants. After knowing the

results of this research, people with lawns or backyards would help in

conserving water and wouldn't waste/throw the water used in laundry. They

may use their wastewater to fertilize their plants and wouldn't manage on

buying artificial ones for their plants, if it would be proven.


1.6 Scope and Limitations

This study would like to find out whether grey water is more effective

than tap water in improving the growth and development of the bell pepper

plant only. The study covers two kinds of water such as grey water and tap

water. The study would only use two (2) mediums, namely grey water and

tap water since the study would only like to compare the effects of grey

water and tap water to a specific plant type.

Grey water is the clean waste water that came from baths, sinks, etc.

The study focuses on the effects of both the tap water and grey water on

the growth of plant. The study also focuses on the benefits of using grey

water for the growth of the bell pepper plant (Capsicum annuum), to test

which is more effective if grey water is compared to tap water.

The study will only limit the number of clothes or fabric to be used in

washing, and also the sizes and what kind of fabric and also the kind of

detergent the researcher will be using. For this study, it will only limit to the

third rinse of t-shirts washed with surf (without fabric conditioner) detergent.

The tap water, on the other hand, came from the same faucet as how the

grey water is generated.


1.7 Definition of Terms

The following important terms (arranged in alphabetical order) are defined

based on context or how they were used in the study:

Artificial Fertilizer. Man-made chemical compounds that mimic the soil's

natural minerals and elements to maximize plant growth


Grey water. In this research study, grey water is defined as the

relatively clean waste water from the laundry such as after rinsing clothes,

etc.; the grey water to be used will be from the third rinse from the laundry

of white t-shirts washed with surf detergent.

Growth of the plant. In this research study, the growth of plant covers

the height, number of leaves, the weight of the plant, number of fruits, and

the weight of fruits, namely Capiscum annuum.

Irrigation. A method in which a controlled amount of water is supplied

to plants at regular intervals for agriculture (www.wikipedia.com)

Bell pepper. It is also known as sweet pepper or Capiscum annuum.

Salinity. It is the measure of all the salts dissolved in water (New

Oxford American Dictionary)

Tap water. Water that comes through pipes from the public water

system or at home (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).




This chapter contains relevant information about the topic taken from

theses, electronic books, and articles. It is divided into three parts:

conceptual literature, research literature, and synthesis.

2.1 Conceptual Literature

Grey water usage in landscape irrigation can help in tap water

conservation. Using grey water may have good effects but also, there are

some bad effects in using grey water to the human and environmental

health. To guarantee the safe reusing of grey water for irrigation, a risk

assessment framework is being done around the world for the consideration

of the human and public health. When it comes to single and multiple

households, there are some distinct differences in their grey water. The

usage of utilized grey water was approved in single households. In the

multiple households, the consumption of grey water is not recommended

especially if it is untreated. The rules pertaining to the usage of grey water

should be updated and enriched to maximize this alternative water source

(Friedler et al, 2010).


The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of grey water

should be studied to know the impurity and the type of treatment required

to purify water and waste water (Agunwamba & Ukpong, 2012).

To have the best quality in terms of agriculture, the nutrition of the

plant is a priority. A soil with rich nutrients that are necessary to the plant is

important. Through the soil, it can affect the growth of the plant that’s why

there are some fertilizers that are being used to enrich the nutrients that the

soil has. But, according to some studies, excessive usage of fertilizer in

plants may affect the soil salinity, water eutrophication, heavy metal

accumulation, and accumulation of nitrate, to consider in terms of air

pollution that may lead to greenhouse effect (Savci, 2012).

A similar experiment was conducted to know the effects of grey water

irrigation on the growth of silver beet plants, The experimental treatments

included are 100% potable water, irrigating water with 100 % potable water

and the ratio in 1:1 ratio, and irrigating alternate with potable water for one

irrigation and grey water for the next. This experiment resulted in knowing

that there are no significant effects on the value of soil pH and EC. It means

that there are no difference in the development and growth of the plant

(Pinto U., Maheshwari B.L. & Grewal H.S., 2009).


2.2 Research Literature

Today fertilizer has become essential to modern agriculture to feed

the growing population. Chemical fertilizers are used extensively in modern

agriculture, in order to improve crop yield. Urea is the most popular and

widely used dry N fertilizer. The objective of the present study is to

characterize the effect of fertilizers on the earthworm. The effects of soil

fertilization with inorganic and organic fertilizers on earthworm rearing

(populations, biomass, number of cocoons, juveniles etc.) were studied

under different doses of the fertilizers for 60 days. When compared, marked

changes were observed in the activity of Eisenia fetida in both type of

fertilizers introduced. The present work indicates towards the deleterious

effect of inorganic fertilizers on the survival of earthworm community in soil

(Ashiya, Rai, & Rashore, 2014).

In an era of dwindling water resources, the treatment and reuse of

wastewater is rapidly becoming a subject of great interest to researchers.

Agricultural water needs represent the lion’s share of global water use, and

wastewater reuse is an attractive alternative with good potential to

supplement freshwater supplies. Irrigation is often the preferred end-use for

reclaimed wastewater because it is produced or treated in proximity to

agricultural areas and contains valuable nutrients required for plant growth

(Finley, 2008).

Studies show that fresh grey water or waste waters have little odor,

aside from that is their color is grey and also contains dissolved oxygen.

They are mostly composed of 99.9% water and the remaining 0.1% are

composed of various solids that were dissolved or suspended. There are

different types of waste materials that are discharged into different plumbing

fixtures, they also vary when it comes to the different times in a day or in a

week. There are factors that could affect the characteristics of grey water

such as the duration of use and the amount and brand of materials to be


There are several things to consider when using grey water reuse

methods such as the cost of these methods, it ranges from low cost such

as the manual bucketing of grey water to high cost such as more expensive

secondary treatment before using for a high standard irrigation that treat,

disinfect, and examine the grey water thoroughly. The choice of system or

method depends on the number of the factors present considering whether

to install a new system or to install a disused water system.

Appropriate fertilizer application is an important management

practice to improve soil fertility and quality in the red soil regions of China.

In the present study, we examined the effects of five fertilization treatments

[these were: no fertilizer (CK), rice straw return (SR), chemical fertilizer

(NPK), organic manure (OM) and green manure (GM)] on soil pH, soil

organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), C/N ratio and available nutrients

(AN, AP and AK) contents in the plowed layer (0–20 cm) of paddy soil from

1998 to 2009 in Jiangxi Province, southern China. Results showed that the

soil pH was the lowest with an average of 5.33 units in CK and was

significantly higher in NPK (5.89 units) and OM (5.63 units) treatments

(P<0.05). The application of fertilizers have remarkably improved SOC and

TN values compared with the CK, Specifically, the OM treatment resulted

in the highest SOC and TN concentrations (72.5% and 51.2% higher than

CK) and NPK treatment increased the SOC and TN contents by 22.0% and

17.8% compared with CK. The average amounts of C/N ratio ranged from

9.66 to 10.98 in different treatments, and reached the highest in OM

treatment (P<0.05). During the experimental period, the average AN and

AP contents were highest in OM treatment (about 1.6 and 29.6 times of that

in the CK, respectively) and second highest in NPK treatment (about 1.2

and 20.3 times of that in the CK). Unlike AN and AP, the highest value of

AK content was observed in NPK treatments with 38.10 mg·kg−1. Thus,

these indicated that organic manure should be recommended to improve

soil fertility in this region and K fertilizer should be simultaneously applied

considering the soil K contents. Considering the long-term fertilizer

efficiency, our results also suggest that annual straw returning application

could improve soil fertility in this trial region (Dai et al, 2012).

Garden and landscape irrigation is by far the most common mode of

domestic grey water reuse (Madungwe and Sakuringwa 2007). Research

into the implications of grey water reuse for irrigation often focuses on

physical properties of the grey water that could potentially affect the long-

term quality and productivity of soils. Of these, enteric pathogens are

identified as the most significant direct risk to human health, especially

when there is potential for residents to come into direct contact with the re-

circulated water (Finley, 2008).

Grey waters should not be used directly and frequently on crops,

unless the crops were given proper and sufficient treatment beforehand. If

to be used frequently to the crops, knowing that the grey water is the result

after washing user detergents, soaps, water, oils, and other kitchen,

laundry, and washing residues, it may damage the plants, contaminate

ground water, and even alter soil properties. Grey water is composed of

different levels of compounds such as oils, surfactants, salt, and boron, and

too much of these compounds might cause plant and soil deterioration.

Their efficiency is due to presence of surfactants (surface -active

agents) together with components which provide cleaning and solubilization

properties. Surfactants in prepared irrigation solutions with detergent water

have been recognized as a major contributor to the reduction of hydraulic

conductivity of soils and as component that can lead to water repellent soils

with adverse impacts on agricultural productivity and environmental

sustainability (Lado and Ben-Hur,2009). When untreated grey water is used

to irrigate plants growing in soil, the fate of surfactants in grey water irrigated

soil-plant systems is not well known (Misra et al., 2012).

Several studies have investigated the effect of grey water on soil

composition. A study by (Travis M., Weisbrod N, &Gross A., 2008)

("Accumulation of oil and grease in soils irrigated with grey water and their

potential role in soil water repellency". Science of the Total

Environment 394 (2008) pp. 68-74) suggests that oil and grease from grey

water can accumulate in soils and affect the ability of the soil to absorb

water—essentially making it water repellent. Another study by A. Gross et

al. ("Environmental impact and health risks associated with grey water

irrigation: a case study" Water Science & Technology Vol 52, no. 8 pp. 161-

169) found evidence that: "Long term irrigation of arid loess soil with grey

water may result in accumulation of salts, surfactants and boron in the soil,

causing changes in soil properties and toxicity to plants."


Rinse water can be a substitute for artificial fertilizer. Grey water from

baths, sinks and washing machines have been used for many years as a

homemade remedy for controlling insects and pests as well as against

weeds. It contains varying levels of suspended solids, salts, nutrients,


organic matter and pathogens which can be beneficial to plants. An

example of this is the use of treated grey water in the Karak project in Jordan

has proved to be suitable for crop irrigation.

Results showed that the chemical properties of treated grey water

from households on irrigated olive trees and vegetable crops was not

detrimental (AI-Hamaiedeh and Bino, 2010). However, as pointed out by

Novotny et al. (2010), the nutrient value of grey water is generally lower

than plants require for optimal growth, therefore certain plants might adding

commercial fertilizers to defy the purpose of grey water reuse.

Wastewater reusing is an alternative supplement to replenish the lost

nutrients in freshwater. Wastewater contains numerous valuable nutrients

required for the growth and development of the plant. Grey water,

particularly laundry grey water, usually contains varying levels of

suspended solids, salts, nutrients, organic matter and pathogens, which

arise from washing of clothes using detergents. In some instances,

detergents have been used for many years now as a homemade remedy

against insects and weeds. Detergents can be used to control a certain kind

of pest. The surfactants and compounds that are found in detergents are

substances that can be used in agriculture and horticulture as soil

conditioners to improve the structure of the soil, infiltration and to control

soil erosion. These wastewaters that are composed of surfactants of

detergents often used for irrigation or ornamental gardens since most grey

water is slightly alkaline owing to the presence of soaps and detergents.

Studies show that wastewater is suitable for crop irrigation.

Studies have suggested that plant growth is improved when using

irrigated grey water, instead of scheme water (Misra et al., 2010; Pinto et

al., 2010; Finley at al., 2009). Soil nutrient replenishment is necessary to

stop soil fertility decline. This may be accomplished through the application

of mineral and organic fertilizers. Nitrogen replenishment mainly come from

inorganic fertilizers, animal manures or composts. These organic inputs are

more advantageous than inorganic fertilizers.

The use of mineral fertilizers will not only increase grain yields of

crops, but also will be a way to increase its organic matter production. In

this process, the agronomic use of the soil is improved and degraded soils

will be rehabilitated. The use of mineral fertilizers may be an entry point for

integrated soil fertility management (Sanginga and Woomer, 2009) in a way

that it will not only increase grain yields of crops, but also will be a way to

increase organic matter production through increased crop residues which

will be used as animal feed and/or added to the soil. Organic sources have

improved soil fertility and improved water holding capacity of the soil.

The saline grey water from laundry detergents can affect soil salinity.

As salts are not degraded in the soil, overloading the garden with salts

causes degradation of the soil structure and permeability. Several studies

have investigated the movement of applied grey water through soil profile.

So we are able to conclude that the nutrients from grey water could affect

the growth and development of the plant depending on how we used or

where the grey water came from. It is also becoming a common practice

since the use of grey water could provide alternative sources for agricultural

water irrigation.



The research methodology requires gathering relevant data such as

height of the bell pepper plant, the number of leaves of the bell pepper plant,

and the number of fruits to determine if grey water is more effective than tap

water. The materials needed in order to perform the research methodology

are three pots as the plants’ container, bell pepper seeds, soil, tap water,

grey water, and artificial fertilizer.

3.1 Research Design

The experimental design would be Complete Random Design. This

is what should be used since there is only one type of plant to be

experimented which is the bell pepper. Both the grey water and tap water

will be applied only to the selected bell pepper plants. The research design

would be statistical design since it is concerned with how the variables are

observed and how the information gathered are to be analyzed.

3.2 Research Setting

The experiment will take place in a backyard or in a lawn. This

experiment wouldn't need to be on a laboratory since the experiment is

conventional. The experiment is also about plants and some factors can

only be found in natural setting, specifically sunlight, and other needs of the


3.3 Research Procedure and Materials

First, gather and prepare all the materials needed. Prepare 3 pots with

the same sizes to hold the bell pepper plants. Two of the pots will be the

experimental unit while the other one will be the control unit. Select the

seeds to be used which should be in proper condition. Prepare the type of

soil to be used. This will be bought from Agnus Dei Garden. Remember that

the type of soil to be used is only the loamy soil. The researchers would

also prepare the artificial fertilizer to be used by buying it also from Agnus

Dei Garden. Lastly, gather grey water from the third rinse of a laundry of

white t-shirts washed by the Surf detergent.

Second, we should select the bell pepper seeds to be used by

ensuring which of those will be sprouting through germination. Prepare a

different pot/plot where the bell pepper seeds will be planted. After selecting

the seeds that have sprouted successfully, carefully transfer the selected

seedlings into the three pots which would be used as the container of the

plants to be observed.

Third, after successfully preparing all the materials needed and

germinating the seeds. Prepare the pots to a specific location. Place the

three pots in a place where they can get enough sunlight, has the same air

temperature, and is away from other factors that may affect them.

Fourth, after placing the pots on their location, start performing the

experiment. The first pot would receive grey water everyday until the

experiment is done. The second pot would receive normal tap water

everyday. Both of these plants would have artificial fertilizer on the 5th day.

The third pot would only receive tap water and nothing more because it will

be the control unit.

Fifth, to ensure the growth and development of the three bell pepper

plants, they would be observed everyday if there will be any weeds that can

steal the nutrients the bell pepper plant should be receiving. It would also

be observed if there are insects or pests that would damage the plant.

These will be done to all of the plants to make sure that no other factors

would affect their growth.

3.4 Data Gathering and Statistical Analysis

Lastly, after successfully growing the three bell pepper plants, after

7 weeks, each of them would be thoroughly observed and examined. The

bell pepper plants from the three pots will be carefully removed so they can

be compared. Their number of leaves would be counted, their height would

be measured using a meter stick, and the number of fruits would also be

counted. These data would be used to answer the question if grey water is

more effective than tap water.


Plan Duration

1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week

Planning the


Preparing the





Performing the


Gathering data



4.1 Data Analysis of Plant A, B, and C

Figure 1. Growth in terms of Height of Plant A,B,C

25 Grey water (Plant A) Tap water (Plant B) Controlled (Plant C)
growth in centimeters per day




Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
days of observation

The researchers obtained the data 1 week after the experiment using

grey water for plant A at the same rate and same location, with the same

amount of sunlight. The researchers watered the plant with grey water from

day 1 to day 7 to check whether there would be differences with the growth

of height of the plant. Figure 1 shows the growth of height of plant A, that

was carefully analysed and observed. As shown in the figure, plant A

increased its height after 7 days.

The researchers obtained the data 1 week after the experiment using

tap water for plant B at the same rate and same location, with the same

amount of sunlight. The researchers watered the plant with tap water from

day 1 to day 7 to check whether there would be differences with the growth

of height of the plant. Figure 1 shows the growth of height of plant B that

was carefully analysed and observed. As shown in the figure, plant B

increased its height after 7 days.

The researchers obtained the data 1 week after the experiment

without using any treatment for plant C to see whether the experimental

groups plant A and plant B have difference when compared to the control

group at the same rate and same location, with the same amount of

sunlight. The researchers observed the growth of plant C from day 1 to day

7 to check whether there would be differences with the growth of height of

the plant. Figure 1 shows the growth of height of plant C that was carefully

analysed and observed. As shown in the figure, plant C increased its height

after 7 days.

4.2 Discussions of the Results

At the same rate and location, based from the data obtained, the

average growth rate of the added height of both Plant A every day is 3.17


At the same rate and location, based from the data obtained, the

average growth rate of the added height of both Plant B every day is 1.67


At the same rate and location, based from the data obtained, the

average growth rate of the added height of both Plant C every day is 1.5


Plant A which was watered with grey water, resulted with 20 cm after

7 days. Plant B which was watered with tap water, resulted with 11 cm after

7 days. Plant C which didn’t receive any treatment, resulted with 10 cm after

7 days.

Table 1: Differences Between Plant A (with grey water), Plant B (with tap water),
and Plant C (controlled)
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 7 83 11.85714 51.47619
Column 2 7 37 5.285714 10.2381
Column 3 7 36 5.142857 11.14286

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 206 2 103 4.241176 0.030963 3.554557
Within Groups 437.1429 18 24.28571

Total 643.1429 20

As shown in Table 1 above, Plant A which was watered with grey

water produced more average than Plant B which was watered with tap

water and Plant C that didn’t receive any treatment, having the result of

3.1667, 1.6667, and 1.5 respectively for the average, and Plant A which

was watered with grey water produced less variance than Plant B which

was watered with tap water, having the result of 1.3667 and 1.46667

respectively for the variance and Plant A which was watered with grey water

produced more variance than Plant C which didn’t receive any treatment,

having the result of 1.3667 and 0.3 respectively for the variance.

After analysing the results and having a knowledge of the difference

between the three (3) groups, the researchers decided to carry out the

follow up statistical test to have a pairwise comparison between Plant A and

Plant B, Plant A and Plant C, and Plant B and Plant C to see which groups

differ from another.

As shown in Table 2 below, Plant A which received grey water

produced more mean compared to Plant B which received tap water, having

the result of 3.6667 and 1.6667 respectively for the mean, and Plant A which

received grey water produced less variance than Plant B which received tap

water, having the result of 1.3667 and 1.4667 respectively for the variance.

As shown in Table 3 below, Plant A which received grey water

produced more mean and variance compared to Plant C which didn’t


receive any treatment, having the result of 3.1667 and 1.5 respectively for

the mean, and 1.3667 and 0.3 respectively for the variance.

As shown in Table 4 below, Plant B which received tap water

produced more mean and variance than Plant C which didn’t receive any

treatment, having the result of 1.6667 and 1.5 respectively for the mean,

and having the result of 1.3667 and 0.3 respectively for the variance.

Table 2: Difference Between Plant A (with grey water) and Plant B (with tap water)
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Plant A Plant B
Mean 3.166666667 1.666666667
Variance 1.366666667 1.466666667
Observations 6 6
Pooled Variance 1.416666667
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 10
t Stat 2.182820625
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.026993719
t Critical one-tail 1.812461123
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.053987439
t Critical two-tail 2.228138852

Table 3: Difference Between Plant A (with grey water) and Plant C (controlled)
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Variable Variable
1 2
Mean 11.85714 5.285714
Variance 51.47619 10.57143
Observations 7 7
Pooled Variance 31.02381
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 12
t Stat 2.207223
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.023758
t Critical one-tail 1.782288
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.047517
t Critical two-tail 2.178813

Table 4: Difference Between Plant B (with tap water) and Plant C (controlled)
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Plant B Plant C
Mean 1.666666667 1.5
Variance 1.466666667 0.3
Observations 6 6
Pooled Variance 0.883333333
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 10
t Stat 0.307147558
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.382515975
t Critical one-tail 1.812461123
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.76503195
t Critical two-tail 2.228138852

The results that were compared and obtained show that grey water

could be an effective replacement for artificial fertilizer.

The chemicals, nutrients and bacteria found in grey water can have

short and long effects on your garden and indirectly your health. It is

important you are careful about what you add to and how you store, treat

and use. The amount of salt (sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and

other salt compounds), oils, grease, fats, nutrients and chemicals in can

largely be managed by the types of products used within a household.

Alternating irrigation events with freshwater watering events could also

enhance leaching of accumulated salts and biodegradation of surfactants

which can cause soil hydrophobicity. Future studies should incorporate

measurements of plant nutrient uptake, leaf osmotic potential and soil water

potential for a more robust assessment of the effects of irrigation on plants.

These studies should also be linked to the characterization of surfactants in

different types of greywater (Lubbe, Rodda, & Sershen, 2016).




5.1 Summary

Plant A which was watered with grey water, resulted with 20 cm after

7 days. Plant B which was watered with tap water, resulted with 11 cm after

7 days. Plant C which didn’t receive any treatment, resulted with 10 cm after

7 days.

Plant A which was watered with grey water produced more average

than Plant B which was watered with tap water and Plant C that didn’t

receive any treatment, having the result of 3.1667, 1.6667, and 1.5

respectively for the average, and Plant A which was watered with grey water

produced less variance than Plant B which was watered with tap water,

having the result of 1.3667 and 1.46667 respectively for the variance and

Plant A which was watered with grey water produced more variance than

Plant C which didn’t receive any treatment, having the result of 1.3667 and

0.3 respectively for the variance.

After analysing the results and having a knowledge of the difference

between the three (3) groups, the researchers decided to carry out the

follow up statistical test to have a pairwise comparison between Plant A and


Plant B, Plant A and Plant C, and Plant B and Plant C to see which groups

differ from another.

Plant A which received grey water produced more mean compared

to Plant B which received tap water, having the result of 3.6667 and 1.6667

respectively for the mean, and Plant A which received grey water produced

less mean than Plant B which received tap water, having the result of

1.3667 and 1.4667 respectively for the variance.

Plant A which received grey water produced more mean and

variance compared to Plant C which didn’t receive any treatment, having

the result of 3.1667 and 1.5 respectively for the mean, and 1.3667 and 0.3

respectively for the variance.

Plant B which received tap water produced more mean and variance

than Plant C which didn’t receive any treatment, having the result of 1.6667

and 1.5 respectively for the mean, and having the result of 1.3667 and 0.3

respectively for the variance.

The results that were compared and obtained show that grey water

could be an effective replacement for artificial fertilizer.

The chemicals, nutrients and bacteria found in grey water can have

short and long effects on your garden and indirectly your health. It is

important you are careful about what you add to and how you store, treat

and use. The amount of salt (sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and

other salt compounds), oils, grease, fats, nutrients and chemicals in can

largely be managed by the types of products used within a household.

Alternating irrigation events with freshwater watering events could also

enhance leaching of accumulated salts and biodegradation of surfactants

which can cause soil hydrophobicity. Future studies should incorporate

measurements of plant nutrient uptake, leaf osmotic potential and soil water

potential for a more robust assessment of the effects of irrigation on plants.

These studies should also be linked to the characterization of surfactants in

different types of (Lubbe, Rodda, & Sershen, 2016).

5.2 Conclusions

Since |Fc = 4.2411| > C.V = 3.5546|, we reject the null hypothesis.

Thus, there is a significant difference in the amount of growth of between

the two specific treatments. Therefore, grey water is more effective than tap

water for Capsicum Annuum (Bell Pepper plant). Based from the facts that

were gathered and data that were observed and analysed, it was highly due

to the natural components of grey water such as salt (sodium, calcium,

magnesium, potassium and other salt compounds), oils, grease, fats,

nutrients and chemicals that became more effective compared to tap water.

These components are only found in grey water and these components are

not present in tap water.


5.3 Recommendations

The researchers recommend that:

1. Grey water can be used as a replacement for artificial fertilizer in

hydration method.

2. Another study of the same nature must be conducted using the

same materials and methodology except that the number of

leaves and the number of fruits must be measured, instead of

measuring the height of the plant.

3. Another study must be conducted wherein Capsicum Annuum

(Bell Pepper plant) must be replaced with common household

crops such as lettuce, legumes, sweet potato, mongo to test the

effectivity of grey water as a replacement to artificial fertilizer.



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The blue marks indicate where we planted the plants that were used for

the research study.




Items Amount Total

Bell pepper seeds 100 seeds 38.75

Total PhP 38.75



Plate 1. Capiscum Annuum (Bell pepper)

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Solanales

Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)


Genus: Peppers

Species: Sweet and Chili Peppers

Is an evergreen Perennial that grows to at least 2-5 ft. high, it is large

and a shrubby Perennial. The single flowers are an off-white or sometimes

a greenish color while the stem is densely branched and up to 60 cm (24

in) tall.


Aira Patricia G. Mah

This researcher was born on February 6, 2001 in Quezon City. She is the

only child of Eduardo M. Mah and Jesusa G. Mah. She now currently lives

in Bahayang Pag-asa subd., Imus, Cavite.

She first schooled in the University of Perpetual Help System Dalta-Molino

Campus from nursery to grade 6 and graduated as valedictorian. And now

she currently studies in DLSUD JHS from grade 7 till this present day Grade


Allen Roy G. Bagasan

This researcher was born on September 27, 2001 in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. The

2nd child of Portia Bagasan and Edward Darryl Bagasan. Has 3 siblings. He

currently lives in Blk 17 Lot 5 Bur Oak St., Oakridge Filinvest Subd.,

Salawag, Dasmarinas, Cavite.

He first studied in Perpetual Molino in his Nursery years, then moved to

Statefields when he was in kinder. He also studied in Beaulah Land when

he was in prep-Grade 5, then graduated in West Hill International School.

And now he studies in DLSUD from Grade 7 till this date Grade 10.

Andrew C. Tanjar

This researcher was born on November 11, 2000 in Beirut, Lebanon. The

youngest child of Claire Tanjar and Andre Tanjar. Has 2 siblings. He now

currently lives in Cinnamon street, Tagaytay Heights, Tagaytay, Cavite.

Cristy Anne San Pedro

This researcher was born on September 5, 2002 in Dasmarinas, Cavite.

She is the 2nd child of Mrs. Rosie F. San Pedro and Mr. Reynaldo O. San

Pedro. She currently lives in Blk. 18, Lot 10, Libson St. Summerwind Village

Phase 4, Dasmarinas, Cavite.

She first entered in Dasmarinas Elementary School in her Kinder and Grade

1-6 years wherein she graduated as a salutatorian. And she pursued to

DLSUD JHS starting from grade 7-10

Elijah Carl C. Aducal

This researcher was born on October 6, 2003 in Mandaluyong. He is the 1st

child of Cherry C. Aducal and Bong C. Aducal. Has 1 sibling. He currently

lives in Blk 11 Lot 15 Grand Park Place, Emilio Aguinaldo highway, Imus,


He first studied in Southern Philippines Institute of Science and Technology

when he was in his pre School years, then moved to Tierra Santa

Montessori School and graduated there. He currently studies in DLSUD.

Grade 10.

Hannah Jane D.C Toribio

This researcher was born on December 2, 2001 in Manila. The youngest

child of Elizabeth Toribio and Eddie Toribio. Has 1 sibling. She now

currently lives in Block 12 Lot 18 Tulip street, Villa Luisa Homes 2 San

Agustin 3, Dasmarinas, Cavite.

She graduated in Elizabeth Seton School- South in her preschool and

elementary years. And now she currently studies in DLSUd JHS from grade

7 till this present day Grade 10.

Paula Bhreisha M. Papa

This researcher was born on December 4, 2001 in Bacoor, Cavite. She is

the eldest child of Hadasha Esther M. Papa and Adrian Timothy L. Papa.

Has 1 sibling. She now currently lives in #7 Mahilan St., Zone 1,

Dasmarinas, Cavite.

She schooled and graduated in Holy Child Jesus Montessori in her

preschool and elementary years. Then she entered in DLSUD JHS starting

from grade 7 until this present date grade 10.

Vince Aron Robert D. Mabini

This researcher was born on January 20, 2002 in Tacloban, Leyte. He is

the 2nd child of Evangeline D. Mabini and Roberto Q. Mabini. He has 2

siblings and now currently lives in Blk 6 Lot 3 Phase 2 Kapok St., Avida

Santa Cecilia, Salawag, Dasmarinas, Cavite.

He first entered and schooled in Asian Development Foundation College

from preschool until grade 1, then moved to Liceo Del Verbo Divino from

grade 2 until grade 3. After moving to Cavite he continued studying his

grade 4 year in Philippine Cambridge School of Law then moved to St. Jude

College Dasmarinas where he studied and graduated there from grade 5-

6. After Graduating he now moved to DLSUD JHS from grade 7 until this

present day Grade 10.

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