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CPVC Manual

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Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe, tube, and fittings have been successfully used in hot
and cold water distribution systems since 1960. From 1960 through 2000, enough CPVC tubing
was sold to plumb millions of typical, single-family dwelling units and usage is increasing each
The product consists of SDR 11 CPVC tube made to the Copper Tube Size (CTS) ODs (outside
diameters), and CPVC socket-type fittings. The standard covers sizes ½-inch through 2-inch and
both the tube and fittings are tan in color. As hot and cold water piping, the system carries a
continuous use rating of 100 psi at 180° F and 400 psi at 73° F. When sizes larger than 2-inch are
needed, Sch. 80 CPVC pipe (ASTM F 441) made to iron pipe size (IPS) ODs (outside diameters),
and Sch. 80 CPVC fittings (ASTM F 437 and F 439) are used. Some codes require proof testing of
assemblies for 48 hours at 150 psi/210° F. Most producers have had these tests performed to
qualify their products for use under such codes. CPVC CTS tube and CPVC IPS Sch 80 pipe are
sold in straight lengths. Smaller diameter CTS tube is also sold in coils.

This handbook is intended to provide basic information for the installation of CPVC (Chlorinated
PolyVinyl Chloride) piping1 for hot and cold water distribution systems and is published for the
benefit of installers, contractors, code officials, distributors, and home owners. The information has
been presented as simply and concisely as possible, but the reader should be aware that more
detailed information is available from the manufacturer of your CPVC piping or from the supplier of
the raw material used in the piping. Some subjects in this handbook are interrelated and may be
discussed in more than one section. The authors strongly recommend reading the entire handbook,
so the user will be familiar with all aspects of the interrelated items.
The statements and descriptions in this handbook are informational only and are not intended as
an endorsement or warranty with respect to any product or system. The Plastic Pipe and Fittings
Association (PPFA) and its members make no warranties or representations as to the fitness of any
product or system for any particular purpose; the suitability of any product or system for any specific
application; or the performance of any product or system in actual construction.
In all cases, the appropriate local authorities should be consulted concerning the requirements
covering the use of any particular product or system in any specific application. The manufacturer’s
label and/or instructions should also be followed. General questions on piping system design or
installation described herein may be directed to the Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association.
1 The term piping covers pipe, tube, and fittings, and the terms pipe and tube are used
Installation Handbook: CPVC Hot & Cold Water Piping

How to Identify the Product Product that does not have legible marking or
In order to comply with the standard, CPVC has a marking that does not contain all pertinent
tube shall have the following information printed information may not conform with the applicable

PPFA on it: (a) manufacturer’s name, (b) certification

or listing agency mark (e.g. NSF-PW or other
acceptable agency’s mark), (c) size, (d) ASTM D
2846 CPVC 4120, (e) SDR 11, (f) 100 psi @
180° F.
In order to comply with the standard, CPVC
Verify local code approval before installing
CPVC piping.
CPVC piping is included in both the Interna-
tional Plumbing Code (Boca, SBCCI, and ICBO)
and the Uniform Plumbing Code (IAPMO); plus
pipe shall have the following information printed the CABO One & Two Family Dwelling Code,
on it: (a) manufacturer’s name, (b) certification the National Standard Plumbing Code
or listing agency mark, (c) ASTM standard (NAPHCC) and FHA/HUD Use of Materials
number F 441, (d) size, (e) Sch. 80, (f) pressure Bulletins. State and local government/agencies
rating. can adopt these model codes as published or
In order to comply with the standard, CPVC modify them.
fittings shall have molded markings of (a) Therefore, among the questions to be asked
manufacturer’s name, (b) certification or listing are the following:
agency mark, (c) ASTM standard number (D
2846 or F 439), (d) material designation (CPVC Is a model code being used?
4120 or CPVC for CPVC 23447). If so, which one, and have any modifications
In order to comply with the standard, CPVC been made in regard to CPVC piping?
solvent cement shall have on the label (a)
CPVC Solvent Cement, (b) ASTM F 493, (c) BASICS
certification or listing agency mark, (d) Since most of the system design parameters,
manufacturer’s name and address. e.g. minimum pressure, fixture unit or flow
sizing of pipe, and limiting velocity, are pre-
In order to comply with the standard, primer scribed in the applicable plumbing code and in
shall have on the label (a) primer, (b) ASTM F ASTM D 2846, CPVC tube is usually used as a
656 (c) certification or listing agency mark, (d) direct size-for-size replacement for copper tube.
manufacturer’s name and address. However, because CPVC is a thermoplastic
rather than a metal, there are certain differences
in handling, cutting, joining, and installation, and
THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS APPLY TO these are detailed here.
 ASTM D 2846 — Standard Specifica-
tion for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) CTS Tube: Check the markings to make sure
(CPVC) Plastic Hot and Cold Water Distribution it is ASTM D 2846 SDR 11 CPVC; IPS Pipe:
Systems; Markings must be ASTM F 441 Schedule 80
CPVC. All pipe or tube must have a listing
 ASTM F 493 — Standard Specification agency mark. Look at the pipe to make sure
for Solvent Cements for CPVC Pipe and there are no signs of damage or cracked ends.
Fittings; Store straight lengths of pipe flat with full-length
support. Cover or store indoors.
 ASTM F 656 – Standard Specification
for Primers for Use in Solvent Cement Joints of Fittings: Check for marking on bag (or box)
Poly (Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Plastic Pipe and and on fittings. Store indoors.
Solvent cement, primer and cleaner: Check
 ANSI/NSF Standard 14 — Plastic for markings on cans and store indoors.
Piping Components and Related Materials;
 ANSI/NSF Standard 61 — Drinking
Water System Components — Health Effects;
 ASTM F 402 — Standard Practice for
Safe Handling of Solvent Cements, Primers and
Cleaners* for Joining Thermoplastic Pipe and
* Cleaner, chemical – an organic solvent used
to remove foreign matter from the surface of
plastic pipe or fittings.

© 2002 Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. All rights reserved. 2

Installation Handbook: CPVC Hot & Cold Water Piping

CUTTING & CHAMFERING dauber supplied in the D

CPVC pipe is easy to cut with a tubing cutter can or a brush which
is at least one half the

PPFA (photo A), a power saw, handsaw, or a ratchet

cutter. When using a ratchet cutter, blades
should be sharpened regularly. The tubing
cutter should be equipped with a blade made
especially for cutting plastic. A roller-type tubing
cutter with a cutting blade designed for metal is
not satisfactory, even if the blade is new. All
size of the pipe (½-
inch min.) but not
larger than the size of
the pipe.
Apply a light coat of E
CPVC cement to the
cuts should be made so they are square to the socket contact surface
tubing. (photo F) and a full
Chamfer the end of the pipe (photo B) and layer to the pipe end
remove any burrs. Although this can be done contact surface (photo
with a knife or file, a chamfering tool that G). Immediately insert
produces a 10° to 15° chamfer is ideal. Use a the pipe into the
socket and bottom it F
clean, dry rag; wipe dirt and moisture from the
fitting sockets and tubing ends. with a ¼ turn (photo
H). Hold the pipe in
CHECK DRY FIT the socket firmly for
A This is done just 10 to 15 seconds.
before a joint is When released, the
solvent cemented, pipe should not “push
and it verifies the pipe out” of the socket. If G
OD and the fitting “push out” occurs,
socket tolerances increase the “holding
(photo C). The pipe in” time. If the surface
should go into the dries before the joint
B socket 1/3 to 2/3 of is put together, quickly
the socket depth apply another light
before it makes coat of cement to the
contact with the pipe end and then H
socket wall. This assemble.
interference is Do not use exces-
necessary and sive amounts of
provides a joint that primers or cements or
will quickly attain the allow them to puddle
desired handling in the socket.
strength and give
good, long-term A good job of cementing is evidenced by an
service. even bead or filet of cement all around the pipe
C at the socket interface. Wipe off any excess
PRIMER & CEMENT cement. At temperatures below 40º F, extended
CPVC piping and cure cycles may be required. Consult the
fittings are joined with CPVC cements. The solvent cement manufacturer’s specifications
solvent cement process can be a one- or a two- for guidelines. In extremely hot temperatures,
step process. The one-step cement does not above 100º F, make sure both surfaces to be
require the use of a primer; the cement will be joined are still wet with cement when putting
yellow in color. The two-step process does them together.
require the use of a primer; the cement will be
Solvent set and cure times are a function of
orange in color. Both types of cements are
pipe size, temperature, and relative humidity.
manufactured under ASTM F 493 for use with
Curing time is shorter for drier environments,
CPVC hot and cold water piping (½-inch to 2-
smaller sizes, and higher temperatures. Follow
inch sizes) that conform with ASTM D 2846. The
the solvent cement manufacturer’s recom-
label on the can will indicate the cement color
mended drying times. On smaller sizes and with
and whether a primer is required. Before using
short pieces of pipe, the joint has adequate
one-step cement, check to determine if the local
handling strength almost immediately so that
code permits its use or if two-step cement with
assembly can proceed without delay.
primer is required.
If primer is required, apply it to the outer
surface of the pipe end (photo D) and the inner
surface of the fitting socket (photo E) using a

© 2002 Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. All rights reserved. 3

Installation Handbook: CPVC Hot & Cold Water Piping


CEMENT CPVC pipe, like all other piping, expands
when heated and contracts when cooled. A 100-
Solvent cements, primers and cleaners must

PPFA be handled properly. To do so, refer to ASTM F

402, Standard Practice for Safe Handling of
Solvent Cements, Primers and Cleaners, which
contains the following directions:
“Avoid prolonged breathing of solvent vapors.
foot run of CPVC piping will expand about 4
inches with every 100°F-temperature increase.
Expansion does not vary with size. Measured
expansion of installed piping is typically well
below the theoretical values. Although some
expansion joints are available, they are hardly
When pipe and fittings are being joined in ever used in water distribution systems.
partially enclosed areas, use a ventilating Thermal expansion in CPVC systems is usually
device in such a manner as to maintain a safe accommodated at changes in direction or by
level of vapor concentration with respect to offsets as shown below in the table. Full
toxicity and flammability in the breathing area. expansion loops are the least common of the
Select ventilating devices and locate them so as three arrangements shown.
not to provide a source of ignition to flammable
vapor mixtures.
“Keep cements, primers and cleaners away
from all sources of ignition, heat, sparks and
open flame.
“Keep containers of cements, primers and
cleaners tightly closed except when the product
is being used. The container type shall be in
accordance with Parts 1 to 199, Title 49 —
Transportation, Code of Federal Regulations.
Container labeling shall conform with the
requirements of the Federal Hazardous Sub-
stance Act and OSHA Hazard Communication
“Dispose of all rags and other materials used
for mopping up spills in an outdoor safety waste
receptacle. Empty the receptacle daily with
proper consideration for its flammable hazard.
“Most of the solvents used in pipe cements,
primers and cleaners can be considered eye
irritants and contact with the eye should be
avoided as it may cause eye injury. Proper eye
protection and the use of chemical goggles or
face shields are advisable where the possibility
of splashing exists in handling these products.
In case of eye contact, flush with plenty of water
for 15 minutes and call a physician immediately.
“Avoid contact with the skin. Wear proper
gloves impervious to and unaffected by the
solvents when contact with the skin is
likely. Application of the primers,
cleaners, or solvent cements with rags
and bare hands is not recommended.
Brushes, daubers, and other suitable Table 1: Loop Length (inches)
applicators can be used effectively for Run length (ft) 20 40 60 80 100
applying these products, thus avoiding Nom.Size Avg. OD Loop length “L” in inches
skin contact. Dispose of used applica- ½” 0.625 22 31 38 44 50
tors in the same manner as the rags. In ¾” 0.875 26 37 46 52 58
the event of contact, remove contami- 1” 1.125 30 42 52 60 67
nated clothing immediately and wash 1¼” 1.375 33 47 57 66 74
skin with soap and water. Wash 1½” 1.625 36 51 62 72 80
contaminated clothing before wearing 2” 2.125 41 58 71 82 91
them again.”

© 2002 Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. All rights reserved. 4

Installation Handbook: CPVC Hot & Cold Water Piping

SUPPORTS flanged joint, the grooved joint, insert molded

Vertical piping should be supported at each metal in CPVC fittings, patented push-on type
floor level or as required by expansion/contrac- fittings, and finally the CPVC female threaded

PPFA tion design. Provide mid-story guides.

Point support must not be used for thermo-
plastic piping, and in general the wider the
bearing surface of the support, the better.
Supports should not be clamped in a way that
restrains the axial movement of pipe that will
adapter with an elastomeric seal at the bottom
of the thread. The latter fittings are designed so
that they have no thread interference and rely
entirely on the elastomeric seal for water
tightness. They require only minimal torque to
attain an adequate seal.

normally occur due to thermal expansion and Standard compression fittings that utilize
contraction. Concentrated loads, such as brass or plastic ferrules can be used to as-
valves, must be separately supported. semble CPVC (photo J). However, Teflon® tape
should be applied over the brass ferrule to
Where pipes go through wood studs, provide compensate for the dissimilar thermal expan-
oversize holes to allow pipe to move. When sion rates of the brass and CPVC that could
installed through metal studs, provide grommets possibly otherwise result in a drip leak. Care
or some form of insulation to protect the pipe should be taken not to over-torque the compres-
from abrasion and to prevent noise. sion connection.
SUPPORT SPACING Metal fittings with CPVC socket inserts are
For horizontal spacing, Table 2 (below) shows also available. The tubing is cemented directly
the maximum spacing of supports based on hot into the socket in the same way as an all-CPVC
water applications. fitting.
The standard practice is to thread a male
thread adapter into the female threaded part,
such as a valve or stop, and then solvent
Table 2: Maximum Support cement to the CPVC pipe. However, when using
Spacing the male thread adapter, there are two limita-
Nominal size Max. spacing of supports tions that the installer must consider when
½” & ¾ 36” deciding where and how to use it. First, the
1” 40” male thread adapter may develop a drip leak if
the joint is subjected to too broad a temperature
1¼” 46”
range. And second, some thread sealants
1½” 52” intended to minimize leak problems may
2” 58” chemically attack the CPVC and cause stress
cracking of the adapter (see Thread Sealants
section). The preferred method of transitioning
between metal and CPVC plumbing compo-
nents is to use an insert molded metal-in-CPVC
Table 3: Support Spacing (per codes) fitting or true union with a metal and a CPVC
Nominal size Support spacing end.
1” or smaller 3 ft
1¼ or larger 4 ft I

Although incremental variations are

technically correct, most codes use the
simplified version shown in Table 3 (above).


Special transition fittings or joints are used
whenever CPVC piping is connected to a J
metal valve, fitting, or other appurtenance
such as a filter, or to parts made of another
plastic. These special transition fittings can
have many forms (photo I). One common
form is the true union with a metal end and a
CPVC end held together with a plastic or
metal gland nut and having an elastomeric
seal between them. Other forms are the

© 2002 Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. All rights reserved. 5

Installation Handbook: CPVC Hot & Cold Water Piping
heater. CPVC is approved by all the model
Female threaded CPVC codes for use as relief valve drain line piping.
Use a metal-to-CPVC transition fitting to
adapters without an

PPFA elastomeric seal should

never be used.

If a tapered pipe thread connection between

the CPVC and metal components must be
connect to the relief valve and continue the pipe
full size to the outlet. For horizontal runs, slope
the pipe toward the outlet and support it at
three-foot centers or closer. The pipe must
discharge to the atmosphere at an approved
made, use a CPVC male thread adapter. Do not use CPVC pipe and fittings with
Consult the fittings manufacturer for additional commercial-type, non-storage water heaters.
THREAD SEALANTS When pressure testing CPVC piping, the
Threaded CPVC fittings with tapered pipe focus is on time required for the solvent-
threads (e.g. male thread adapters) must be cemented joints to gain sufficient strength to
used with a suitable thread sealant to insure permit pressure testing without affecting the
leak-proof joints. Over the years, PTFE (Teflon® long-term strength and durability of the system.
or equivalent) tape has been the preferred ASTM D 2846 contains pipe OD and socket ID
thread sealant and it is still the most widely tolerance requirements that are more restrictive
accepted and approved sealant. than those in most other pressure piping
Some paste sealants can affect CPVC standards. Because of this, the solvent-
fittings; therefore only sealants recommended cemented joints gain strength very quickly after
for use with CPVC by the thread sealant assembly.
manufacturer should be used. Furthermore, it is widely recognized that pipe
size is also a factor in the joint setting and
Some plumbing codes contain detailed
requirements for connections to gas or electric Joint setting time refers to the time required
storage type water heaters. Determine whether for the solvent-cement joint to reach handling
your code has such requirements and satisfy strength.
them. While the joint set times are rarely measured
If no detailed requirements exist, use the or reported, workers very quickly recognize
following information. On electric water heaters them as being a function of pipe size, tempera-
CPVC can be piped directly to the heater with ture, degree of interference, and even length of
special metal-to-CPVC transition fittings (photo the pipes being handled.
L). On high-efficiency, gas water heaters that The joint cure time is the time required before
use plastic vent piping, CPVC can be con- a system containing newly cemented joints can
nected directly to the heater just like the electric be pressure tested and/or put into service.
water heater connections (photo L). On all other While minimum joint cure times are usually not
gas water heaters there should be at least 6 a factor in new installations, they may be a
inches of clearance between the exhaust flue factor in repair jobs or minor revisions to piping.
and any CPVC piping (photo K). Twelve-inch The following Table and text taken from ASTM D
long metal nipples or appliance connectors 2846 Appendix X deal with this subject.
should be connected directly to the heater so
that the CPVC tubing cannot be damaged by X2.3.3 Pressure Testing — CPVC piping
the build-up of excessive radiant heat from the systems made of ½-inch through 2-inch sizes
flue. per ASTM D 2846 can be pressure tested (using
cold tap water only) at line pressure (150 psi
An approved temperature/pressure (T/P) relief max.) after the solvent cement joints have cured
valve should be installed so that the probe or for at least the following amount of time:
sensing element is in the water at the top of the

Table 4: Minimum Cure Times

Ambient Pipe sizes Pipe sizes
temperature ½” to 1” 1¼” to 2”

Over 60°F 1 hr. 2 hr.

40-60° F 2 hr. 4 hr.
Below 40° F 4 hr. 8 hr.

© 2002 Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. All rights reserved. 6
Installation Handbook: CPVC Hot & Cold Water Piping
Consult solvent cement manufacturers’
installation instructions for more detailed cure
times. Insulation lubricants may

PPFA CPVC must not be used for piping systems

intended to convey air or other compressed
gases and should not be tested with air or other
compressed gases.


cause severe stress cracking
of CPVC fittings. Only non-
lubricated insulation
products (rubber or
polyolefin) should be used
& SWEATING with CPVC systems.
In general, plastic materials have low coeffi-
cients of thermal conductivity when compared
Thermal conduction is defined as “transfer of
with metallic materials (see table below).
heat from one part of a body to another part of
Because of this, some people ask whether
the same body, or from one body to another in
insulation is necessary to prevent heat loss
physical contact with it, without appreciable
from hot water piping or sweating of cold water
displacement of the particles of the body.” This
piping. Generally, it is not necessary to insulate
definition leads us to the commonly used “K”
CPVC piping within heated buildings. Following
factor, which refers to thermal conductivity.
are some factors to support this:
 2” Sch. 80 CPVC pipe (2.375” OD -
0.230” wall) would lose about 140 BTU/h/LF FREEZING & THAWING
while conveying 170° F water in a 70° F air
One of the most common conditions that can
stop the function of the water distribution
 2” Type M copper tube (2.125” OD - system is freezing. While this condition immedi-
0.060” wall) would lose about 5,000 BTU/h/LF ately stops the flow of water at the fixture, it may
under the same conditions. or may not have progressed to the point of
rupturing the pipe. Therefore, immediate steps
 However, both the CPVC and the should be taken to locate the frozen section and
copper pipe will cool to ambient temperature in alleviate the problem. As soon as the frozen
a short time when there is no flow. section is located, close any outside openings
with insulation, circulate warm air into the area,
 CPVC piping carrying 180° F water will
or direct heated air onto the piping. Limit the
have an outside surface temperature of about
heat source to 180° F or less. If the frozen
150° F in an air-conditioned building.
section is substantially inaccessible, it may be
 Under most use conditions that cause possible to cut open the line at an accessible
copper tube to sweat and drip, CPVC will point and insert a small flexible tube and pump
remain free of condensation. hot water directly to the ice plug. As the hot
water is pumped in and the ice is melted, the
excess flows back out around the flexible tube.
Once the ice plug has
melted, check to see if any
pipe or fitting is ruptured,
Table 5: Typical “K” Factors make repairs if necessary,
and insulate the area or pipe
Material BTU/h/SF/°F/ft BTU/h/SF/°F/in
to prevent future freezing. Do
Copper 218.0 2616.0
not use an open flame to
Cast Iron 26.8 to 30.0 321.6 to 360.0
heat the frozen pipe.
Steel 26.0 312.0
Concrete 0.54 6.5 HYDRAULIC SHOCK
Brick 0.4 4.8
Wood 0.06 to 0.12 0.7 to 1.4
PVC 0.11 1.3 Although the peak surge
pressure that results from
CPVC 0.08 1.0
interrupting flow in a CPVC
pipe is smaller than the
pressure in metal pipe, when
the velocity is the same, both
can produce “hydraulic shock.” While some
codes prescribe the use of accessible water
hammer arresters adjacent to each solenoid
operated valve, other codes do not speak to the

© 2002 Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. All rights reserved. 7

Installation Handbook: CPVC Hot & Cold Water Piping
subject and leave the decision up to the tube should be sleeved where it penetrates the
designer or installer. Water hammer arresters or slab and at construction joints in the slab.
air chambers are recommended when line
CPVC water piping, manufactured in accor-

PPFA pressure is high or where there are high flow

fixtures with solenoid valves.

Because CPVC is electrically non-conductive,
it cannot be used as an electrical ground, and
care must be taken to provide a suitable ground
dance with ASTM D 2846, is available in coils
for underslab installations. When turning the
end up through the slab, into walls, etc., be
careful not to kink the pipe. Should a kink
result, it must be cut out to avoid possible
failure. Follow the pipe manufacturer’s installa-
whenever CPVC piping is installed to replace tion instructions for minimum bend radius
metal piping that has been used as a ground. permitted to be imposed on the coiled pipe.
Because plastic water service lines are being
used extensively, and because of galvanic
CPVC plumbing pipe is safe for installation
corrosion to metal piping systems from ground
in return air plenums; however, the installation
faults, many codes prohibit grounding to any
must be approved by the local jurisdiction. Even
type of hot and cold water pipe. Check your
though CPVC is considered a combustible
local code.
material, it will not burn without a significant
FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION external flame source. Once a flame source is
CPVC water piping can be used within fire removed, CPVC will not sustain combustion.
rated buildings provided all penetrations of fire Testing indicates that water filled CPVC in
barriers (e.g. walls or floor slabs) are made in diameters 3-inches or less will pass the 25/50
such a way that the fire rating of the barrier will flame smoke developed requirements for non-
not be compromised. Most codes and code metallic material in return air plenums.
officials accept penetration sealing systems or CPVC fire sprinkler pipe tested and listed in
devices that have qualified for UL Certification accordance with UL 1887, “Fire Test of Plastic
and Listing or have passed appropriate ASTM E Sprinkler Pipe for Flame and Smoke Character-
119 or E 814 tests. The PPFA manual Plastic istics,” meets the requirements of NFPA 90A for
Pipe in Fire Resistive Construction provides installation in return air plenums.
more detailed information on this subject and
lists available test reports. (Or see the current
issue of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Directories of Fire Resistance - Vol. II or WHI
Certification Listings.)

CPVC is approved for underslab installations,
with joints, in all model plumbing codes.
When performing underslab installations, it is
important that the tube is evenly supported on a
smooth bottom. The bedding and backfill should
be sand or clean soil free of sharp rocks and
other debris that could damage the tube.
Systems with joints under slab must be
pressure-tested* before pouring the slab. The


*The IAPMO IS 20 - 98 The PPFA CPVC Product Line Committee
(Installation Standard for has initial responsibility for assuring that the
CPVC SOLVENT data and other information in this handbook are
CEMENTED HOT AND current and accurate. All suggestions and
recommendations for revisions to this hand-
COLD WATER book should be addressed to PPFA, 800
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS) Roosevelt Road, Building C, Suite 20, Glen
requires a test of 150 psi Ellyn, IL 60137, Attn.: CPVC Product Line
for 2 hours. This require- Committee, and the Committee will respond to
them as promptly as reasonably possible. The
ment applies only to pipe CPVC Committee will review and update the
installed under a slab. handbook as required based on comments or
questions. A complete review will be made at
least once every three years.

© 2002 Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. All rights reserved. 8

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