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VOL.26, No. 7, p. 117-139 December 3 1, 1983






Philip D. Gingerich, Director

Gerald R. Smith, Editor

This series of contributions from the Museum of Paleontology is a medium for the publication
of papers based chiefly upon the collection in the Museum. When the number of pages issued is
sufficient to make a volume, a title page and a table of contents will be sent to libraries on the
mailing list, and to individuals upon request. A list of the separate papers may also be obtained.
Correspondence should be directed to the Museum of Paleontology, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.

VOLS. 11-XXVI. Parts of volumes may be obtained if available. Price lists available upon


Neil A. Wells and Philip D. Gingerich

Abstract.-Anthracobune and its primitive bunodont-bilophodont herbivor-

ous allies from the Eocene of Indo-Pakistan are grouped together in a new
family, Anthracobunidae. Anthracobunids are interpreted as basal "tethy-
theres" that are probably broadly ancestral to proboscideans, sirenians, and
desmostylians. The family includes five genera and species: Anthracobune
pinfoldi Pilgrim, 1940; Lammidhania wardi (Pilgrim, 1940); Pilgrimella
pilgrimi Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg, 1958; Ishatherium subathuensis Sahni
and Kumar, 1980; and Jozaria palustris (new genus and species). Anthraco-
bunidae may be ancestral to Moeritheriidae among primitive proboscideans
and Prorastomidae/ Protosirenidae among primitive sirenians; they resemble
both groups in size and general cheek tooth morphology, and they appear
earlier in the fossil record. Anthracobunids are primitive in having four
premolars and in lacking the tusks and specialized rostra seen in moeritheriids
and protosirenids. Desmostylia may also be derived from Anthracobunidae.
Jozaria appears to have fed on soft aquatic vegetation in brackish to
freshwater marshes. Some Pilgrimella and Ishatherium specimens have been
found in marine deposits. These observations are consistent with the postulated
amphibious habits of moeritheres and the shallow-water littoral-marine
habitats of sirenians and desmostylians.


The most common large mammals in early-middle Eocene faunas of Pakistan are a distinctive
group of primitive bunodont and moderately lophodont herbivores. Three genera are commonly
recognized: Anthracobune (described by Pilgrim, 1940), Pilgrimella (described by Dehm and
Oettingen-Spielberg, 1958), and Lammidhania (described by Gingerich, 1977). Judging from
tooth size, Lummidhania, the smallest, was about the size of a babirussa (perhaps 1.2 m long and
100 kg in weight), Pilgrimella was about the size of an African river hog (ca. 120 kg), and
Anthracobune was about the size of a small tapir or a giant forest hog (ca. 275 kg). A fourth
genus, Jozaria palustris, described here, was intermediate in size and may have resembled a
pigmy hippopotamus (ca. 1.6 m and 180 kg). Lummidhania, Pilgrimella, Jozaria, and
Anthracobune are all similar in dental morphology, and they are undoubtedly closely related.
The type species of Lummidhania was originally described as "Aff. Anthracobune," and
Pilgrimella is regarded as a synonym of Anthracobune by some authors (e.g., West, 1980). One
additional genus, Ishatherium, is known from a partial upper molar (Sahni and Kumar, 1980).
The molar is very similar to those of Pilgrimella, but little can be said about the systematic
position of Ishatherium until more complete remains are discovered.

Anthracobune and its allies have a complex taxonomic history. They have been assigned or
compared to six families and five or six orders of mammals: Anthracotheriidae (Artiodactyla-
Pilgrim, 1940; Gingerich, 1977; West, 1980); Dichobunidae (Artiodactyla-Dehm and Oettin-
gen-Spielberg, 1958); Perissodactyla incertae sedis (Coombs and Coombs, 1979); Dugongidae
(Sirenia-Sahni and Kumar, 1980); Phenacolophidae (Embrithopoda or Order incertae sedis;
McKenna and Manning, 1977; Gingerich and Russell, 1981); and Moeritheriidae (Probosci-
dea-West, 1980). Coombs and Coombs (1979) also noted some similarities to phenacodontid
In this paper we describe a new genus and species, Jozaria palustris, and place all
Anthracobune-like forms in a new family, Anthracobunidae. This group shares important
similarities with late Eocene moeritheriids and primitive sirenians but its mandibular morphol-
ogy and dental structure are more generalized than either. Anthracobunids are plausibly
regarded as the stem group that gave rise to "TethytheriaW(sensuMcKenna, 1975),including the
extant orders Proboscidea and Sirenia and the extinct order Desmostylia.
A map showing the fossil localities discussed in this paper is given in Figure 1 of Gingerich and
Russell (198 1). Institutional abbreviations used here are as follows: BMNH, British Museum of
Natural History (London); GSP-UM, Geological Survey of Pakistan-Univeristy of Michigan
(Quetta and Islamabad); H-GSP, Howard University-Geological Survey of Pakistan (Quetta
and Islamabad); IVPP, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Peking);
LUVP, Lucknow University Vertebrate Paleontology collection, Department of Geology
(Lucknow); IPHG, Institut fur Palaontologie und Historische Geologie, Universitat Munchen
(Munich); and USNM, U.S. National Museum of Natural History (Washington).


Important morphological characteristics of Anthracobune and its relatives are compared and
contrasted in Table 1. On the basis of similarities in the talonid cusps on P3 and P4, trigonid cusps
(especially paraconids) on P4, point of origin of the cristid obliqua, occlusal outline of M2, and
conformation of the hypoconulid on M3, Jozaria and Lammidhania seem to be closely related.
Anthracobune is like Pilgrimella in having a twinned hypoconulid, but it resembles other
anthracobunid genera in the shape of Mz and position of the cristid obliqua. Stratigraphic
resolution within the fossiliferous formations yielding Anthracobunidae is not at present
sufficient to provide any reliable evidence of phylogeny or character polarity based on relative
ages of the fossils themselves.

Order PROBOSCIDEA Illiger, 18 11
Anthracobunidae, new family

Type genus.-Anthracobune Pilgrim, 1940.

Referred Genera.-Lammidhania, Pilgrimella, Ishatherium, Jozaria, and Anthracobune
(from smallest to largest, in the order of discussion below).
Age and Distribution.-Early to middle Eocene in the northwestern part of the Indo-Pakistan

TABLE 1- Distribution of dental characteristics among genera and species of Anthracobunidae. To facilitate
comparison, genera are arranged according to their morphological similarity (i.e., Anthracobune is more
similar to Jozaria and Pilgrimella than to Lammidhania; Jozaria is more similar to Lammidhania than to
Pilgrimella, etc.). Ishatherium is not included because it is known only from a partial upper molar. Asterisk
indicates estimate.

Pilgrimella Anthracobune Jozaria Lnmmidhania

Dental characters pilgrimi pinfoldi palustris wardi
p3 Transverse crests Two One, anterior - One, anterior
P3 Shape Broad front Broad front Narrow front
P3 Metaconid size relative Equal Less than Less than
to protoconid or equal or equal
P3 Paraconid size relative Onequarter One-third
to protoconid
P3-4 Talonid cusps Two One One
P4 Presence of paraconid Yes No No
MI Crests from metaconid One,posterior - Two Two
to protoconid
MI Length/ width ratio 1.O 1.5 1.2
MI Cristid obliqua height Low High High Intermediate
MI Cristid obliqua Metaconid Lingual edge Mid-protolophid Mid-protolophid
arises from: of metaconid
M3 Relative sizes of 1 to 1 1 to 1 1 to 5* 1 to 15*
hypoconulid cusps

Diagnosis.-Three molars and four premolars (five premolars are present in the earliest
sirenians, three in moeritheriids); teeth lophodont, with high, conical cusps; enamel finely
crenulated or rugose. P3 and P4 are usually larger than MI. Molars become larger posteriorly.
Molars lack paraconids; hypoconulids are well developed, particularly on M3;and the other four
cusps form squares that are highest in front, with lingual cusps slightly higher and narrower than
buccal equivalents. Twinning of cusps is common. The cristid obliqua and the crest connecting
the hypoconulid to the hypoconidendoconid ridge are best developed on M1and least developed
on M3, making M3 very lophodont. Known upper molars have six cusps in two transverse rows.
Upper molars lack an ectoloph.
Discussion.-The history of discovery and changing taxonomy in this group can be
summarized as follows: In 1940, Pilgrim described one genus and three species, Anthracobune
pinfoldi, A.(?) daviesi, and "Genus indet. (aff. Anthracobune)" wardi, from Lammidhan and
Jhalar in the Kala Chitta Hills of northwestern Punjab Province, India (now Pakistan). In 1958,
Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg described a new genus and species, Pilgrimellapilgrimi, together
with additional A. pinfoldi material from Ganda Kas, two kilometers east of Lammidhan, and
they transferred "Genus indet. (aff. A.)" wardi to Pilgrimella. At this point, P.pilgrimiand A.(?)
daviesi were known only from a few isolated, poorly preserved upper cheek teeth, A. pinfoldi
from badly worn lower molars, and P. wardi from the posterior half of a broken lower molar. In
1977, Gingerich improved the type material of A.pinfoldi by fitting a referred partial crown onto
the holotype, identified additional specimens, and noted that A. daviesi is probably a partial
upper dentition of A. pinfoldi(based on their apparent association in the field, equivalence in size
and preservation, and similar adhering matrix). He also referred an isolated M3to "Pilgrimella"
wardi and renamed it Lammidhania. Later discoveries demonstrate that the M3 was incorrectly
allocated to Lammidhania (it belongs to a more advanced Anthracothere, and may have come

from the overlying Murree Formation at Lammidhan). Later discoveries also confirm that L.
wardi differs from both Anthracobune and Pilgrimella at the generic level.
In 1980, West described new specimens, the best found to date, from a site near Lammidhan
(West, 1980). He referred a left M3 and a right dP3-MI with underlying crowns of P2-4 to
Lammidhania wardi, which was previously represented solely by the broken holotype molar.
West also described a remarkably complete pair of dentaries that he identified as A. pinfoldi.
Meanwhile, Sahni and Khare (1973), working in approximately equivalent beds in northwestern
India, had described a right maxilla with P ~ - Mof~Pilgrimellapilgrimi. West (1980) occluded the
upper teeth of P. pilgrimi and the new lower teeth of "A. pinfoldi", and therefore synonymized
them as A. pinfoldi. In our opinion, however, West's dentaries are not A, pinfoldi but rather P.
pilgrimi. The teeth of A. pinfoldiare much larger and disproportionately longer than those of P.
pilgrimi, and these two taxa are distinct a t the specific if not generic level (Gingerich and Russell,
Anthracobune is the first-named and most familiar member of the group of genera and species
placed in Anthracobunidae. Pilgrimella is represented by better material at present, but West
(1980) considers it to be a synonym of Anthracobune. Genera and species of Anthracobunidae
are discussed in order of increasing tooth and body size in the following systematic review.

Lammidhania Gingerich, 1977

Lammidhania wardi (Pilgrim, 1940)
Figures I A,B and 2A,B

Genus indet. (aff. Anthracobune) wardi Pilgrim, 1940, p. 138, PI. 1, fig. 3 and 3a.
PilgrimeNa wardi, Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg, 1958, p. 36.
Lammidhania wardi (in part), Gingerich, 1977, p. 199.
Lammidhania wardi, West, 1980, p. 529, PI. 4, fig. 4 and 5, PI. 5, fig. 14.

Ho1otype.-BMNH 15799, talonid of left M2?.

Hypodigm.-GSP-UM 103, probably a right M3; GSP-UM 474, left P2; GSP-UM 5 19, left M I
or MZtrigonid; possibly GSP-UM 549, a left M3; H-GSP 982, partial teeth; H-GSP 1000, right
P2-4 and dP3-Ml; and H-GSP 1633, left M3. BMNH 32168 is excluded.
Age and distribution.-Late early to middle Eocene: Chorlakki locality, Kohat District,
North-West Frontier Province, and Kala Chitta Hills (Lammidhan and vicinity), Attock
District, Punjab Province, Pakistan. Chorlakki is located across the River Indus to the west of
the Kala Chitta Hills.
Diagnosis.-Most similar to Jozaria palustris, but differs in being smaller (Tables 2 and 3).
Other differences are: (1) metaconids are more prominently twinned on all molars, (2) the
metaconid is smaller and the paraconid larger on Pj, and (3) P3 is semimolariform (with a narrow
anterior and a square back) rather than massive and rectangular. Molars have small, low, and
anterior paracristids that are nevertheless better developed in Lammidhania than in any other
anthracobunid. Hypoconulid on M3 has an exceedingly small accessory cusp on its lingual flank.
Like Jozaria, Larnmidhania differs from Pilgrimella (as defined below) and Anthracobune
(restricted to A.pinfoIdi of Pilgrim, 1940,and Gingerich, 1977) in lacking two equal hypoconulid
cusps on M3. Also differs from Pilgrimella in having much longer and narrower molars, and in
having a single central talonid cusp (probably a hypoconid) on P3 and P4 (lower premolars of
Anthracobune are not known). Lastly, the posterior cingulum is markedly asymmetrical about

the hypoconulid, being much lower on the buccal side; the two sides are equally elevated in
Pilgrimella and Anthracobune.
Description.-The diagnosis, description, and referral of new material in this paper pertain to
L. wardi as exemplified principally by H-GSP 1000 (as well as the type specimen).
P I is not known. West (1980) inferred that L. wardi had no PI on the basis of extensive
excavation of H-GSP 1000 without finding it. This conclusion seems unsupported, however,
because H-GSP 1000 does not appear to extend far enough forward to preserve dP2, let alone PI.
PI, not normally being replaced, should already have erupted and taken its place in front ofdP2.
By comparison, PI is known in both Pilgrimella and Jozaria.
The remaining teeth are described fully in West (1980, p. 530). P2 is narrow and quite linear,
with a high and flat protoconid, a subsidiary paraconid on its anterior flank, an attached small
metaconid, and a smaller but more detached hypoconid behind. P3 is wedge-shaped, narrowing
anteriorly, and has a twinned protoconid, a slightly smaller appressed metaconid, a low and
semi-detached paraconid, and a low, medial, semidetached hypoconid with wide flanking
cingula. P4 is less wedge-shaped, has a similar hypoconid, and lacks a paraconid. Its protoconid
and metaconid are high, equal, and twinned, and have descending anterior ridges that form the
front of the tooth.
Each molar appears to have had a twinned metaconid and a slightly anterior and lower
protoconid, which, particularly on M2, are joined by a double ridge. A small low paracristid
curves around the base of the trigonid from the protoconid. On each, the hypoconid is anterior to
the endoconid, giving the teeth parallel and slightly diagonal lophs. The hypoconulid is small and
central, even on M3. The cristid obliqua is evident, but it is of low relief. MI is smaller than either
P3 or P4, as in other anthracobunid genera.
GSP-UM 549 is tentatively identified as a right p 3 of Lammidhania (Figure 1A, B). It is more
similar in outline to p3 than to p2 or p4 of Pilgrimella, given the 14% larger size of p3 in
Pilgrimella, and it occludes reasonably well with the talonid of P3 on H-GSP 1000. It has three
main cusps and a small anteriorly situated paraconule with crests extending to the protocone and
paracone. The protocone is mostly isolated, and the metacone and paracone are large and
appressed. In form, GSP-UM 549 is more similar to p 3 in Anthracobune than it is to p3 in
Pilgrimella-there is a single anterior transverse crest (preprotocrista) in Anthracobune, like
that of GSP-UM 549, whereas Pilgrimella has two large conules and two transverse crests (pre-
and postprotocristae). However, GSP-UM 549 differs from Anthracobune in being much
smaller in size and in having a lower and more curved preprotocrista.
Discussion.-The holotype (BMNH 15799) is the isolated and broken talonid of a left MI or
M2. Pilgrim (1940) thought that it might represent Anthracobune, Dehm and Oettingen-
Spielberg (1958) reassigned it to Pilgrimella, and Gingerich (1977) compared it to a long
selenodont M3 (BMNH 32168), renamed it Lammidhania wardi, and placed it in Anthraco-
theriidae. Comparison with the anthracothere M3 was later recognized to be in error. West (1980)
clarified the morphological distinctiveness of Lummidhania wardi when he described a right
dentary (H-GSP 1000) that is complete from dP3 to the trigonid of M2, with unerupted P2-P4
beneath. West also allocated a different and more likely M3 (H-GSP 1633) to Lammidhania.
West (1980) tentatively assigned Lammidhania to Anthracotheriidae because of the supposed
artiodactyl-like loss of P I and widened spacing of the premolars. As mentioned above, P I may
well have been present. Since the teeth are not erupted, their spacing can not be determined. The
dental similarities shared by Lammidhania and other genera included here in Anthracobunidae
are much more impressive than any resemblance to Anthracotheriidae.

Pilgrimella Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg, 1958

Pilgrimella pilgrimi Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg, 1958
Figures 1 C,D, and 2C,D

Pilgrimellapilgrimi Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg, 1958, p. 33, Fig. 6, P1.3, figs. 6a, b, 7. Sahni and Khare, 1973, p. 46,
P1. 6, fig. 3, PI. 7, fig. 12.
~nthracobune~infoidi (in part), West, 1980, p. 518, PI. 2, fig. 5.

Ho1otype.-IPHG 1956-11-20; right M'.

Hypodigm.-GSP-UM 615, a left M ~GSP-UM
. 687, right M3; GSP-UM 860, right M3; H-
GSP 568, left M"; H-GSP 1975, right M3?;H-GSP 1981, left PI-M3 and right P4-M3; and LUVP
15006, right p2-M2.

FIG. I- Upper dentition of Anthracobunidae, all drawn to the same scale. A , B GSP-UM 549 from Chorlakki,
tentatively identified as a right P' of Lammidhania wardi, buccal and occlusal views. C,D: LUVP 15006 from
Kalakot, Kashmir, right p2-M2of Pilgrimellapilgrimi, buccal and occlusal views. E LUVP 1 from Subathu,
Himachal Pradesh, lingual half of right M ' or M' of Ishotherium subathuensis, occlusal view. F,G: BMNH
15795 from Lammidhan, left p2-' (reversed) of Anthracobune pinfoldi, buccal and occlusal views.

FIG. 2- Lower dentition of Anthracobunidae, all drawn to the same scale. A,B: composite right P2-M3 of
Lommidhania wardi, occlusal and buccal views H-GSP 1000 from Lammidhan, right P2-M2 (reversed);
BMNH 15799 from Lammidhan, trigonid of left M2 (holotype); and H-GSP 1633 from Ganda Kas, left M3.
C,D: H-GSP 198 1 from Ganda Kas, left PI-M3 of Pilgrimellapilgrimi, occlusal and buccal views. E,F: GSP-
UM 738 from Jozara, left PI-M3 of Jorariapalustris (P3 reversed), occlusal and buccal views. G,H BMNH
15792 from Lammidhan, left M2-3 of Anthracobune pinfoldi (M2 rev.), occlusal and buccal views.

Age and distribution.-Late early to middle Eocene: Chorlakki locality, Kohat District,
North-West Frontier Province, and Kala Chitta Hills, Punjab Province, Pakistan. Also Subathu
Formation, Kalakot, Jammu and Kashmir State, India.
Diagnosis.-Two talonid cusps on P3 and P4, small paraconid on P4, M2 more squared than in
other anthracobunid genera, hypoconulid fully twinned on M3,lower molars relatively low, with
a poorly developed cristid obliqua that joins the metaconid rather than the center of the
protolophid (Figure 2C,D).
Description.-The most complete specimens of Pilgrimella pilgrimi are H-GSP 1981
(including left dentary with PI-M3, Fig. 2C,D)and LUVP 15006 (right mandible with P ~ - MFig. ~,
I C,D).
p2 is relatively long and narrow. p3 has three cusps in a triangle with both pre- and post-
protocristae connecting the protocone to the appressed metacone and paracone. A distinct
paraconule and metaconule are present as well. p4is similar, but it lacks the paraconule and a
Upper molars are moderately lophodont, relatively square but broader in front, with six cusps
and connecting crests forming two loph-like transverse rows. There is no ectoloph (Figure
1 C,D). The median valley is curved, and it is split into two basins by a low saddle between the
metaconule and the protocone. Both lophs bend slightly forward at their centers, due to the
anterior positions of the metaconule and paraconule relative to laterally adjacent cusps.
Alveoli in front of P I suggest a very short diastema, a relatively large upright canine, and at
least two smaller incisors, one vertical and the one in front more procumbent. There are four
lower premolars. PI has a high and narrow protoconid with a high anterior paraconid joined to it
and a lower posterior cusp. PZis similar but larger and broader, particularly in back. P3has a high
trigonid with a large protoconid and a n adjoined metaconid. A distinct lower and smaller
anterior paraconid is also present. The broad talonid on P3 has two cusps, unlike the single cusp
seen in Jozaria palustris and Lammidhania wardi. P4 is square, with high, equal, and adjoined
protoconid and metaconid cusps and smaller, equal, and close (but separate) endoconid and
hypoconid cusps. A small paraconid is incorporated at the base of the paracristid ridge
descending the protoconid.
MI and M2 are relatively square, with high and partly adjoined protoconids and metaconids
and no paraconids. The anterior cusps are farther apart than anterior cusps in the premolars. The
hypoconulids are small, central, and symmetrical. The hypoconulid on M3 consists of two
cuspules of equal size.
Discussion.-Pilgrimella pilgrimi was known only from two isolated molars until Sahni and
Khare (1973) described a well preserved maxilla (LUVP 15006). West (1980) found an excellent
pair of dentaries (H-GSP 1981) that occlude with LUVP 15006 and hecorrectly referred them to
the same species. Identifaction of the dentaries as Anthracobune pinfoldi(see below) led West to
synonymize Pilgrimella pilgrimi with Anthracobune pinfoldi and, incidentally, to remove A.
daviesi from synonymy with A. pinfoldi.
Specimen IPHG 1956-11-21 was described by Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg (1958) as a left
M' of Pilgrimella, but it is much smaller and disproportionately shorter than the M' of LUVP
15006, and its central transverse valley is straighter. It may represent avery small upper molar of
Pilgrimella, or possibly an upper molar of Lammidhania.

Ishatherium Sahni and Kumar, 1980

Ishatherium subathuensis Sahni and Kumar, 1980
Fig. 1E

Ishatherium subathuensis Sahni and Kumar, 1980, p.133-134, fig. 2

Ho1otype.-LUVP 1.
Age anddistribution.-Early Eocene, Subathu Formation, Subathu, Himachal Pradesh state,
Discussion.-Careful reconstruction by Mr. W. Ryan of the extremely fragmented holotype
and sole representative of I. subathuensis shows it to be the lingual half of a right M' or M2that
differs from P. pilgrimi only in its greater size (Figure 1). Its protocone and hypocone cusps are
11.0 mm apart: comparative values for Pilgrimella in GSP-UM 615 M2, the holotype MI, and
LUVP 15006 M' are 9.2 mm, 7.9 mm,and 7.8 mmrespectively. Apartfromsize, LUVP 1appears
to be identical to an upper molar of P. pilgrimi. Both have low, rounded upper molars; the upper
molars of Jozaria would necessarily have higher cusps than are present in Ishatherium and

Jozaria, new genus

Type.-Jozaria palustris, new species.

Included species.-Type species only.
Age and distribution.-Early middle Eocene, Upper Member of the Kuldana Formation,
Kohat District, Pakistan (see below).
Diagnosis.-Jozaria differs from other anthracobunids in its relatively massive P3, its
relatively short P4, and its small lingual accessory hypoconulid cusp on M3. Jozariapalustris is
most similar to Lammidhania wardi but differs in being much larger (comparable linear
measurements of the teeth are 22% to 44% larger), in having slightly less prominent twinning of
metaconids, and in having a more massive and rectangular P3 with a smaller paraconid and a
larger metaconid. Cheek tooth crests are generally extremely wrinkled. Paraconids are missing
except for a much reduced one on P3. Hypoconulids are central and tend to be worn
Etymology.-Jozaria (fern.), named for Jozara Rest House, located just east of the type

Jozaria palustris, new species

Figures 2E,F and 3A-D

Ho1otype.-GSP-UM 738, partial P I , right P3 and trigonid of P4, left P4 to M3; collected by
one of us (N.A.W.) in 1980.
Type locality.-North bank of gully just upstream from the first bridge on the Kohat-Thal
road west of Jozara Rest House, Ibrahimzai area, about midway between Kohat and Hangu,
North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan (Figure 4).
Diagnosis.-As for the genus (see above).
Etymology.-From palustris (L.), of a marsh; in reference to the inferred coastal marsh
habitat of this species; marshes link land and water and J.palustris may link land mammals with
more amphibious to fully marine subungulates.

FIG. 3- Holotype of Jomria palustris, GSP-UM 738 ( A - D )compared to Anthracohunepinfoldi(E). A: right P3 and
trigonid of P.i (reversed), occlusal view. B: left MI-3. occlusal view. C right P3+ lingual view. D: left MI-,,
buccal view. E B M N H 32169, right M3 of Anthracohune pinfildi, occlusal view.

Description.-Identification of P I is confirmed by comparison with PI of Pilgrimella in H-

GSP 1981. It is a flat, linear, two-rooted tooth with a single, simple, high and narrow crown, and
an extremely small posterior cingulum. P2 is not known. P3 is large, slightly longer and wider
than M I , and rectangular in occlusal outline. The protoconid and metaconid are high and very
close together, and their posterior surfaces are wrinkled. One of the wrinkles weakly connects the
trigonid cusps to a single posterior cusp, which is small and central, bordered by large cingula on
both sides. The protoconid is slightly larger than the metaconid and it has a long broad anterior
paracristid with a broad anterior wear facet incorporatinga small paraconid near its base. P4 has
no paraconid. The metaconid and protoconid are separated by a deep fissure and both have steep
anterior ridges with wear facets. As in P3, there is a single central talonid cusp.
MI has four major cusps (protoconid, metaconid, hypoconid, and entoconid) and a relatively
small, single, central hypoconulid. There is no paraconid. The four major cusps form a square.
Trigonid cusps are higher than talonid cusps, and lingual cusps are higher than their buccal
equivalents. The metaconid and protoconid are joined by a double ridge that encloses a small
basin. There are some slight, narrow, and complex cristae and cingula across the base of the front
of the tooth, but there are no descending anterior ridges in front of the main cusps as on P4. The
cristid obliqua is wrinkled, and the hypoconid and the endoconid are joined by a transverse crest
(hypolophid). The hypoconulid is joined to the middle of the hypolophid by a small crest of its
own. M2 is similar to MI, but it is slightly larger. It differs in that the anterior of the two
protoconid-metaconid crests on the trigonid is not fully developed and the cristid obliqua is a
little lower. The hypoconulid is larger and it is made asymmetrical by a lingually sloping wear
facet. M3 is larger and considerably longer than M2, and its crests are less developed. The cristid
obliqua is almost absent, which, with a broadening of the hypoconulid, produces strong
lophodonty. Measurements of the lower cheek teeth are given in Table 2.
The upper dentition of Jozaria is unknown, but it might be expected to resemble Pilgrimella
pilgrimi, as described by Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg (1958) and Sahni and Khare (1973),
differing principally in having longer, narrower, and higher crowned upper molars with higher
Discussion.-An extended account of the taphonomy and paleoecology of the Jozaria site is
included in the following section of this paper.

Anthracobune Pilgrim, 1940

Anthracobune pinfoldi Pilgrim, 1940
Figures I F,G, 2G,H, and 3E

Anthracobunepinfoldi Pilgrim, 1940, p. 129, P1. 1, figs. 5, 5a, 6, 7. Gingerich, 1977, p. 199, P1. 2, figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Anthracobune daviesi Pilgrim, 1940, p. 135, Fig. 1.

Ho1otype.-BMNH 15792, right and left M2-3, Pilgrim, 1940. BMNH 15794 was added to the
holotype by Gingerich (1977).
Hypodigm.-BMNH 15793, left M3; BMNH 15795, left P ~ - BMNH ~; 32169, left M2.
Age and distribution.-Middle Eocene, Upper Kuldana Formation, Kala Chitta Hills, Attock
District, Punjab Province, Pakistan.
Diagnosis.-Largest of the species included in Anthracobunidae. p4 has a single and anterior
transverse ridge. Welldeveloped cristid obliqua joins the metaconid on lower molars; two equal
hypoconulid cusps on M3.

Discussion.-Pilgrim originally described two mandible fragments with Mz-3 and an isolated
left M3. Gingerich (1977) later identified an isolated right lower molar as a probable M2, and
suggested that the holotype of A. daviesi(BMNH 15795)may represent part of the holotype of A.
pinfoldi. The A. daviesi holotype is identified a s a maxilla with P ~ because
- ~ of the elongated
shape of the anterior premolar, which compares well with p2 in Pilgrimella pilgrimi (LUVP
15006, Fig. IC,D). Dehm and Oettingen-Spielberg (1958, p.36-38) have also assigned some
fragmentary and isolated premolars and incisors to Anthracobune.
As explained in discussing Pilgrimella, West (1980) placed the dentaries of H-GSP 1981 in the
same species as the upper tooth row of P. pilgrimi (LUVP 15006). In our opinion, West's
identification of H-GSP 1981 as Anthracobunepinfoldiis not likely to be correct. H-GSP 1981
resembles A. pinfoldi in its doubled hypoconulid, but otherwise it is 20-30% smaller and its M2 is
considerably more square (Tables 2 and 3). The cristid obliqua of Pilgrimella is less well
developed and arises directly from the metaconid, not beside it, and its p3has two transverse
ridges, not just a single anterior one. Therefore the genus and species Anthracobunepinfoldi is
maintained here in the sense used by Gingerich (1977), and the distinctly different dentaries
described by West are referred to Pilgrimellapilgrimi on the basis of occlusion with the maxillary
dentition of Pilgrimella demonstrated by West.

2E 2- Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Jozariapalustris and other Anthracobunidae compared to those of
a possibly ancestral form Minchenellagrandisand two probabledescendants Moeritheriumgracilis(order
Proboscidea) and Protosiren (Sirenia). L = crown length, W = crown width, all measurements in mm.

PI P2 P3 P4 MI M2 M3
Genus and s ~ e c i e s L W L W L W L W L W L W L W
Pilgrimella pilgrimi
H-GSP 1981(1)
H-GSP 1981(r)
Anthracobune pinfoldi
BMNH 32169
BMNH 15792
BMNH 15792
BMNH 15793
Jozaria palustris
GSP-UM 738
Lammidhania wardi
H-GSP 1000
H-GSP 1633

PHENACOLOPHIDAE (Upper Paleocene, China)

Minchinella grandis
IVPP 5600 - - 11.0 7.3 12.2 10.0 11.8 12.3 14.0 12.4 14.8 12.6 25.3 13.3

MOERITHERIIDAE (Upper Eocene, Egypt)

Moeritherium gracilis
Osbornl - - - - 22.0 15.0 21.0 18.0 22.5 20.5 28.5 23.5 34.5 24.0

PROTOSIRENIDAE (Middle Eocene, America)

Protosiren sp.
~omning~ - - 9.0 7.4 9.7 8.4 12.1 9.0 13.4 10.0 14.5 11.6 18.6 11.8
I Measurements from Osborn (1936, p. 73); some values are averages of two measurements.
Measurements from Domning et al. (1982, p. 47); some values are averages of two measurements, PAabove
is equivalent to dP5, P3 above is equivalent to P4, etc.

TABLE 3- Tooth crown areas and crown shape indices for Anthracobunidae and possible relatives. Crown area
(Lx W) is expressed in mm2 , shape (Ll W) is a dimensionless scalar. Data from Table 2.

Pilgrimella Anthracobune Jozoria Lommidhania
pilgrimi oinfoldi oalustris wardi
LxW L/ w LxW L/ w LxW LxW L/ w
PI 112 1.6 159?
p2 215 1.4
P3 232 1.4 399
P4 239 1.2 313?
MI 212 1.2 353
M2 348 1 .O 426
M7 473 1.4 560
Minchenella Moeritherium Protosiren
grandis gracile
LxW L/ w LxW L/ w LxW L/ w
80 1.5 67 1.2
122 1.2 81 1.2
145 1 .O 109 1.3
174 1.1 134 1.3
186 1.2 168 1.3
339 1.9 219 1.6



The type and only known specimen of Jozariapalustris was found in a loose block of grey marl
in a gully less than a kilometer west of the Jozara rest house. The source bed is a very small lens of
bone-filled argillaceous micrite in the Upper Member of the Kuldana Formation. Its position in
the outcrop is marked with an x in Figure 4.
At Jozara, as elsewhere in the Kohat District, the Upper Kuldana is a thin sequence of diverse
lithofacies that separates uniform brick-red clays of the Lower Member of the Kuldana
Formation from foraminifera1 limestones of the overlying Kohat Formation. The brick-red clays
of the Lower Kuldana are believed to be terrestrial deposits on the basis of their color, their
position above a regressive shoreline complex comprising sabkhas, evaporitic and non-
evaporitic lagoons, deltas, and streamfed cobble beaches (Wells, 1980, and in prep.), and their
predominantly terrestrial biota (including typically terrestrial land mammals of the orders
Insectivora, Primates, Rodentia, Artiodactyla, and Perissodactyla; Gingerich et al., 1983; Wells,
1983). The Kohat Formation, dominated by benthic foraminiferans with echinoids, marine
molluscs, and rarely corals and bryozoa, is clearly marine. In the Kohat District, the intervening
Upper Kuldana Formation is typically about 10 m thick and represents a variety of coastal
environments including low-lying coastal plains, fresh-water ponds, marshes, saline-alkaline
lakes, lagoons, and bays (Wells, in prep.).
The Upper Kuldana section exposed at Jozara is described in Figure 5. Resistant beds are
numbered to facilitate comparison of Figures 4 and 5, and for ease of reference in the following

FIG. 4- Jozara locality, showing the source bed (marked x) of the isolated block of marl containing the holotype of
Jozaria palusrris. Numbers 1-4 refer to beds listed in Figure 5 and discussed in the text.

discussion. The Upper Kuldana section here is at least two-thirds clay, and most of the lenticular
and laterally variable limestone beds represent a simple local change from calcareous mudstone
to argillaceous mudstone. Features of the section that are important for its interpretation are: (a)
color changes from red through "maroon" (here greyish red) and brown to green near the base of
the section; (b) a Pinna shell in Bed 3, which is a shelly marl; (c) fossil Chara in Bed 4, a locally
burrowed, olive, ostracodal, calcareous shale; and (d) abundant rootlets and freshwater snails
(Planorbis) in the nodular marls of the Jozaria bed itself.
In the Kohat District, where there was a single progressive marine advance, the change in clay
color from brick red to off-red (maroon and brown) occurs a t the base of almost every Upper
Kuldana section. East of the River Indus,-where Upper Kuldana continental and marine facies
are extensively interbedded, the same color change demarcates nearly all red beds. Conse-
quently, it seems to be the first indication of initiation of a marine transgression. Red clays
indicate oxidation in the soil zone and off-red clays suggest decreased oxidation, so the color
change is reasonably attributed to a rise in the water table and decreased drainage. The overlying
transition from brown to green clays probably represents submergence.
Beds 1,2, and 3 are tentatively interpreted as marine bay deposits. Bed 3 is identified as marine
because Pinna is a very fragile marine pelecypod that lives today standing vertically on small
shells or stones buried in mud, some in very shallow subtidal environments. Bed 2, a clayey
ostracodal biomicrite with gastropods and fragmentary pelecypods, is probably also marine. Bed
I is a calcareous claystone with I c m thick beds consisting of a basal 1-3 mm thick clay-free quartz


B e n t h i c foram a c c u m u l a t i o n s MARINE
O y s t e r bed ALKoTT-N(~R;GAC F?AEI~E-
Covered i n t e r v a l
(exact thickness uncertain)

Grey shales, N6-5G 7/1,

n o d u l a r m a r l s, r o o t 1e t s , Pl a n o r b i s FRESHWATER MARSH
T Level o f J o z a r i a bones
D A N A 4 Ostracodal m a r l w i t h Chars BRACKISH LAGOON?
--,- 3 She1 l y m a r l - ------
2 Ostracodal marl CERTAINLY MARINE
1- --- Grey s h a l e
1 Layered mudstone
Green s h a l e o v e r b l ue-green s h a l e

G r e y i s h brown s h a l e ,
5YR 3 / 2

G r e y i s h r e d shale, 10R 4 / 2
..................... --ONSET OF WATERLOGGING - -

FIG. 5- Jozara rest house section, with a description of the Upper Member of the Kuldana Formation and its
interpretation as a quiet, muddy, and marshy shoreline transitional between welldrained alluvial redbeds
below and marine foraminiferal limestones above. Positions of Beds 14 in outcrop at Jozara is shown in
Figure 4.

and skeletal calcite sand fining upward into clay. It is tentatively interpreted as some kind of
back-bay storm deposit because it is layered (like many storm deposits) and because it necessarily
represents a low-energy facies that intervenes between continental and marine environments.
The thin marine section comprising Beds 1 to 3 is followed by several meters of freshwater
marsh beds. Bed 4 is a n olive colored calcareous ostracodal shale, locally burrowed, with rare
Chara. The Chara, a freshwater alga, could have been washed into a bay or a brackish lagoon,
but the marl beds in the succeeding 1.4 m, including the lens yielding Jozaria, are completely
bioturbated, riddled with rootlets, contain many freshwater snails (Planorbis), and locally show
evidence of repeated wetting and drying, thereby demonstrating the presence of a freshwater
marsh a t this point in the section. Extensive bioturbation and remains offreshwater snails can be
seen in association with fragmentary remains of Jozaria in Figure 6A,B. No additional Chara
were found, but they are abundant in similar rootlet-ridden rocks in nearby Upper Kuldana
sections. The Jozara section is consistent with a transgressive model if the bay (Beds 1 to 3) is
considered to have been a short-lived feature that was cut off (i.e., turned into a lagoon) and filled
in Bed 4 time. It is unlikely to have been a landward equivalent of the freshwater marsh.
The section succeeding the marsh beds is partially covered, but it seems to be mostly clay. An
oyster bed occurs near the top of the covered interval; oyster beds typically cap the Upper
Kuldana facies and lie beneath the first benthic foraminiferal limestones, and they therefore seem
to mark the change to relatively normal marine conditions. This is followed by "Nummulitic

Shales" of the Kohat Formation - here a relatively well-sorted concentration of small (young)
Nummulites uronensis and Assilina papillata in a sparse and fine sand matrix.
The remains of Jozaria occur as a jumbled mixture of several large bones and bone fragments
surrounded by a multitude of small and rotted bone chips (Figure 6A,B). Accumulation of loose
bones by currents can be ruled out due to the hydraulic non-equivalence of some bones and bone
fragments relative to each other and to the very fine enclosing sediment. Loss of bones from a
floating carcass also seems unlikely, because the preserved bones, although not precisely
identifiable, seem to represent both distal and central parts of the body (dentaries and a podia1
element vs. a clavicle-like long bone and several large, massive bone fragments, probably
including part of the pelvis). Flotation seems relatively unlikely after rupture of a carcass, and
loss of the dentaries is likely to be a very early event in decomposition (see Schafer, 1972, p.20 ff.),
so it seems likely that much or all decomposition of the body occurred at the fossil site. In fact,
given quiet and vegetation-choked waters in the marsh, the animal is likely to have decomposed
essentially where it died.
Although the loose block yielding Jozaria and the source lens itself are rich in bone, they are
very small and the total amount of bone preserved makes up only a small proportion of a
complete skeleton. Many of the bone fragments are in poor condition and there are many rotted
bone chips. The rock is thoroughly bioturbated and contains a multitude of tiny borings or
burrows that are probably rootlets and/or fungal hyphae growing down to the bones (Figure
6B). The intense root and/ or hyphae activity around the bones suggests, in turn, that the bones
were buried with flesh still on them. Bioturbation could easily have reduced a large part of the
skeleton to small and dispersed bone chips during burial (some, of course, were undoubtedly
eroded and destroyed in recent years).
The very high-cusped, lophodont cheek teeth of Jozaria are the only intrinsic evidence that it
was marshdwelling. Molars of Jozaria seem poorly suited for either grinding or shearing
resistant vegetation, but one can more easily imagine that they were used to mash soft aquatic
vegetation such as water hyacinths, water lilies, seagrasses, or seaweed. Discovery of more
skeletal elements of Jozaria, particularly ribs and long bones, could potentially be very
interesting because mammals with amphibious habits are usually characterized by dense and
pachyostotic bone (Wall, 1983). In sum, Jozaria appears to have been buried on the landward
and freshwater sid; of a quiet and muddy coastal marsh, where it probably lived and died. Burial
was rapid, but considerable destruction of the skeleton followed.


Origin of Anthracobunidae

Minchenella (Zhang, 1978, 1980) from the late Paleocene of China is the most plausible
ancestor of Anthracobunidae, given present knowledge of the Paleocene faunas of Asia.
Morphological similarities include a full eutherian tooth formula (with four premolars),
posterior increase in size of the molars, transverse alignment of the hypoconid and endoconid
and of the metaconid and protoconid on the molars, weak development of a metalophid crest
with a weaker crest between the hypoconid and endoconid, presence of a low but noteworthy
cristid obliqua, and presence of a small hypoconulid that is connected to the middle of the
hypoconid-endoconid crest, becoming more important on posterior molars. Minchenella is most
like Pilgrimella in that P3 and P4 have small endoconids, and the hypoconulid on M3 is doubled
(although the lingual cusp is much smaller than the buccal one). Lammidhania wardi is the
anthracobunid closest to Minchenella in retaining at least a rudimentary paracristid on the

FIG. 6- Photographs of lightly etched slab cut from loose boulder containing the Joraria palusrris holotype.
Orientation using geopetal structures is impossible due t o excessive bioturbation. Both scales are in
millimeters. A: Dark material is nearly all rotted chips of bone (the solitary arrow points to a bone fragment
that is enlarged in Fig. 6B). Two arrows point to the sides of the freshwater snail plan or hi.^. the center of which
has been dissolved away. The outermost whorl is preserved because it was filled with mud prior tocompaction
and dissolution. Other effects of solution are visible at top. Fabric is clearly disturbed by bioturbation. B:
Ubiquity of small rootlets and !or fungal hyphae between bone fragments is best seen at higher magnification
than that in Figure 6A. Arrows show range in morphology of some of the smallest branched and sinuous
rootlets seen in longitudinal and transverse section.

molars, in having cingulids of markedly different height on either side of the hypoconulid of M I
and Mz, and in its size.
Minchenella differs from anthracobunids in possessing a much better developed paracristid
(although without a paraconid), and corresponding broad trigonids, broad lingual faces of
metaconids and hypoconids, poor development of transverse lophs, off-center placement of
hypoconulids on molars and hypoconids on premolars, and the slightly more pronounced
waisting of the occlusal outline of molars and posterior premolars. The trigonid of M3 is
particularly large and unlike that of anthracobunids. Minchenella is even smaller than
Lammidh'ania: for comparison, P2-P4 length is 33.7 mm in Minchenella, 49.8 mm in
Lammidhania, and 48.8 mm in Pilgrimella; MI-M2 length is 28.2 mm in Minchenella, 34.9 in
Pilgrimella, and 45.0 mm in Jozaria. Zhang (1978) classified Minchenella in Phenacolophidae, in
the order Condylarthra. McKenna and Manning (1977) placed Phenacolophidae in Embritho-
poda, and Chow and Wang (1979) placed it in Pantodonta. We would retain Minchenella and
Phenacolophidae questionably in Condylarthra, noting that both may be related to the origin of
Anthracobunidae as well.


Anthracobunidae are similar dentally to moeritheriid proboscideans (West, 1980),and for this
reason we have classified Anthracobunidae in the order Proboscidea. They are most like the
oldest (late Eocene) species, Moeritherium lyonsi, as redefined by Coppens and Beden (1978).
Both have bilophodont upper and lower molars without ectolophs and paraconids. Lower
molars of Moeritherium have the same relative proportions as the molars of Anthracobune and
Jozaria, and they increase in size posteriorly. The hypoconulids are closely comparable. The
hypoconulid of M I in moeritheriids is a small cuspid on the back of the hypolophid. On MZit is
larger, more distinct, single, and central. On M3 it is double, with the lingual cusp being slightly
smaller, so M3 is rectangular, six-cusped, and trilophodont, as in Anthracobune. Moeritheriid
premolars are also similar to those of anthracobunids. PZ is a narrow tooth with a large
protoconid, a small paraconid sitting high on its anterior side, and a lower, single, central talonid
cusp (Osborn, 1936: figs. 27 and 37). P3 is rectangular with a rounded front, like Jozaria, and it
has a slightly larger anterior paraconid and a twinned lingual metaconid adjoined to its large
protoconid. P4 seems similar but broader. Paraconids are lost on the molars, but not entirely on
Upper molars of Moeritheriidae are also comparable to those of Anthracobunidae. P' is long
and widens posteriorly, as in Anthracobune and Pilgrimella. p3 and p4 are three-cusped, with a
weak preprotocrista and a broad shelf in place of the hypocone, much like Lammidhania and
Anthracobune, but not like Pilgrimella. The upper molars of moeritheriids have better-
developed transverse lophs than d o anthracobunids; the conules can no longer be distinguished
but medial inflections in the lophs suggest their former presence. M~ in moeritheriids has a small
metaloph basin and crest that are not present in anthracobunids. H-GSP 538, with its post-
metaconule shelf and a small posterior cingular ridge, is the most Moeritherium-like upper molar
of a n anthracobunid. Anthracobunepinfoldi is most similar to Moeritherium overall, given its
large size, tritubercular upper premolars and trilophodont M3-s.
Nevertheless, moeritheriids and anthracobunids are also significantly different. Moeritheriid
dentaries were massive, with parallel tooth rows posterior to Pz,no P I or canine, a diastema, and
large I2 tusks bordering smaller 113,. Judging from H-GSP 1981 (West, 1980, plate 2, fig. 5 ) , the
dentaries of Pilgrimella pilgrimi were more slender, V-shaped, retained a P I and a canine, and
lacked all but the most rudimentary diastemata and tusks. These differences indicate that
moeritheres were significantly more like later Proboscidea in their massive jaws, welldeveloped

tusks, and snout shape, and that Anthracobunidae cannot be included in Moeritherioidea as
defined in Osborn (1921, and 1936, p.69). Nevertheless, anthracobunids could represent a more
primitive stock broadly ancestral to moeritheriids. Most students have concluded that
moeritheriids were ancestral to other Proboscidea (e.g., Matsumoto, 1923; Romer, 1966; Tassy,
1979, 1981; contra Coppens and Beden, 1978).


Anthracobunids are also very similar to the earliest sirenians. Lopver cheek teeth of middle
Eocene Protosiren (cf. USNM 214596, described from North Carolina by Domning et al., 1982)
are barely distinguishable from anthracobunid molars. Cheek teeth of Protosiren resemble those
of Pilgrimella except in being smaller. Specific similarities include the shape and placement of the
cristid obliqua, presence of two talonid cusps on P3 and P4, and presence of a paraconid on P3.
Differences include the much smaller size of Protosiren and the presence of a single hypoconulid
cusp on M3 (making it resemble Lummidhania more than Pilgrimella). Domning et al. (1982)
described an isolated, six-cusped, bilophodont, left M ~ of ' Protosiren (USNM 214597), which is
also very similar to M~ of Pilgrimellapilgrimi. It differs in having straighter lophs and a slightly
straighter central valley. It differs also in lacking lateral cingula (anterior and posterior cingula
are well developed). Other specimens of Protosiren have more sinuous troughs (e.g., Domning et
al., 1982, figs. 15 and 16). The Munich molar of Pilgrimella or Lummidhania?(IPHG 1956-11-21)
is probably closest to Protosiren because of its unobstructed and relatively straight medial valley.
In spite of the similarities described above, even the earliest sirenians had lengthened rostra
with anterior diastemata and five or even six premolars. This is true for Prorastomus
(Prorastomidae) from the middle Eocene of Jamaica and both Protosiren (Protosirenidae) and
Eotheroides (Dugongidae) from the middle Eocene of Egypt (Owen, 1855; Andrews, 1906, fig.
67; Abel, 1912; Reinhart, 1959; Savage, 1976; Domning, 1978a, Domning et al., 1982). These
features are lacking in Pilgrimella, so although it may be considered to be broadly ancestral to
Sirenia, it does not have enough of the distinguishing characteristics to warrant inclusion in this
Prorastomus is notably more primitive and anthracobunid-like than other sirenian genera in
that it lacks enlarged tusks and its dentaries and rostrum were straight and not down-turned as in
Protosiren and Eotheroides (Owen, 1875; Abel, 1914, fig. 175; Simpson, 1932a). Domning et al.
(1982) view the possession of five premolars by sirenians as a primitive condition linking them to
early mammals of pre-metatherianl eutherian grade, which would make their evolution from
anthracobunids impossible. However, manatees, like whales, have added even more super-
numerary cheek teeth that are certainly not primitive, so a fifth premolar seems to be of little
special significance in determining the ancestry of Sirenia.
Sereno (1982; following McKenna, 1981) refers Florentinoameghinia mystica Simpson
(1932b), from the lower Eocene Notostylops beds (Casamayoran) of Argentina, to the order
Sirenia, a conclusion that might appear to contradict the link between primitive anthracobunid
Proboscidea and Sirenia suggested here. However, there are a number of difficulties with
Sereno's hypothesis that make inclusion of Florentinoameghinia in Sirenia unlikely: (1) The
fossil specimen includes three cheek teeth of uncertain homology. Sereno regards these as
permanent cheek teeth in spite of previous suggestions that they may be deciduous (crypts,
apparently for permanent premolars, are preserved in bone above the cheek teeth; see Simpson,
1932b, McKenna, 1981). (2) The principal derived characteristic shared by Florentinoameghinia
and primitive Sirenia, upper molariform teeth with unobstructed transverse valleys between the
protoloph and hypoloph, is contradicted by the form of the anterior tooth identified as an upper
molar (which may actually be dp4). The protocone and hypocone on this tooth are joined,

obstructing the transverse valley. The degree of obstruction of the transverse valley cannot be
determined on the posterior tooth identified as an upper molar because of breakage. (3) There is
no stratigraphic evidence suggesting proximity of marine habitats and there is no evidence of
marine affinities in the associated mammalian fauna from the Notostylops beds (Simpson, 1948,
1967). Given these problems and the greater resemblance of early sirenians to Anthracobunidae,
it appears that Florentinoameghinia has little bearing on the ancestry of Sirenia.

Other Orders

It is possible that an anthracobunid gave rise to Desmostylia, given trends toward serial tooth
replacement and progressive addition of cusps seen in most early subungulate lineages.
Desmostylians were amphibious kelp- or mussel-eating animals that lived along the northern
Pacific coastline during Miocene times (Vanderhoof, 1937; Domning, 1978b). They had very
unusual cheek teeth with thick, high, cylindrical cones of enamel, somewhat like extremely high-
crowned mastodon molars. The teeth erupted sequentially, as in later proboscideans, and they
had elephantine bodies with strong and heavy limbs (Romer, 1966, p.254). Their jaws were
elongated and down-turned and they had upper and lower incisor tusks (like some proboscideans
such as gomphotheres), but some apparently had an extra pair of tusks in their upper and/or
lower jaws and their foreheads were flat instead of highly domed (Vanderhoof, 1937).
Presumably desmostylians were not simply unusual proboscideans, but rather showed a
remarkably long and complex parallel evolutionary history that in some ways anticipated
characteristics of later mastodons. M2 in desmostylians has six cusps that are arranged like the
cusps on M3 of Pilgrimella and moeritheriids. A seventh cusp is present on M3 behind the
doubled hypoconulid cusps, just as mastodons exhibit one or more extra posterior lophs.
Desmostylian upper molars have eight cusps in an unusual pattern that is similar to, for example,
Pliomastodon among proboscideans (fig. 89 in Osborn, 1936). An intermediate between
Anthracobunidae and a typical desmostylian might have had very high and (initially) free-
standing cusps with no remaining interconnecting crests.
Coombs and Coombs (1979) suggested that Pilgrimella was an extremely primitive
perissodactyl. However, their argument relies considerably on Pilgrimella having an ectoloph on
upper molars, which it lacks. Coombs and Coombs also discuss the many ways Pilgrimella
differs from artiodactyls.
It is interesting that moeritheriids were amphibious and estuarine, living beside the central part
of the Eocene Tethys seaway in Egypt. Early sirenians were fully aquatic and, like the seagrass on
which some of them may have fed, had a para-Tethyan distribution. Primitive desmostylians
may have resembled moeritheriids morphologically, and they had a pan-Pacific (east Tethyan?)
distribution (Osborn, 1936; Reinhart, 1959, McCoy and Heck, 1976; Domning, 1976,1978b; and
Coppens and Beden, 1978). The early to middle Eocene age of Anthracobunidae and their
morphological resemblances to moeritheriid proboscidians, primitive sirenians, and possibly
desmostylians imply that anthracobunids are probably among the most primitive members of a
Tethyan radiation of subungulates. The anthracobunid fossils shed no light, however, on the
evolutionary position of Hyracoidea and Embrithopoda.


Jozaria palustris, a new bilophodont herbivore, is recorded from the early middle Eocene of
Pakistan. It seems to have been amphibious, feeding on soft aquatic vegetation, and it probably
lived in or near coastal marshes behind quiet embayments.
Jozaria is closely related to Anthracobune pinfoldi, Pilgrimella pilgrimi, and Lammidhania
wardi, which are also recorded from the middle Eocene of Pakistan. Pilgrimellapilgrimiis also
known from the lower Eocene of northern India. Ishatherium subathuensis from the early
Eocene of India is apparently closely related to (if not synonymous with) Pilgrirnella. The most
obvious shared characteristics of all these species are high-cusped and bilophodont lower molars
that lack paraconids. Upper molars have two transverse lophs that incorporate distinct central
conules and lack ectolophs, producing a n unobstructed transverse central valley.
Anthracobune, Pilgrimella, Lammidhania, Ishatherium, and Jozaria are grouped together in
the new family Anthracobunidae. Pilgrimella seems to be the most distinct form, because it has
two talonid cusps on P3 and P4, a short and broad MI, and a double hypoconulid on M3. Whether
this morphology is primitive or derived can not yet be determined.
Anthracobunidae may have evolved from Asian phenacolophid Condylarthra(?). They appear
plausibly to have given rise to Proboscidia and to Sirenia, and possibly to Desmostylia as well.
Anthracobunids differ from these groups principally in lacking characteristic rostra1 specializa-
tions (elongated and/ or downturned snouts, tusks, and supernumerary or lost premolars). They
are therefore likely to be basal "tethytheres" (sensu McKenna, 1975). The initial stages of this
radiation appear to have taken place along the Asian shores of central Tethys.


We gratefully acknowledge officials of the Geological Survey of Pakistan for cooperation in

making field research possible: in particular, we thank Dr. S.M.I. Shah, Director, and Mr. M.
Asif Jah, Deputy Director, of the Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch. Field research was
funded by the Foreign Currency Program of the Smithsonian Institution and by a grant from the
National Science Foundation (EAR 82-07256). Additional funds were awarded to N.A.W. by
the Geological Society of America and Society of Sigma Xi. GSP-UM specimens were prepared
by William J. Ryan, and the photographs in Figure 3 are by George Junne. Figures 1, 2 and 7
were drawn by Karen Klitz.


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