Labeo Filiferus PDF
Labeo Filiferus PDF
Labeo Filiferus PDF
pentacantha Plamoottil in having 15- 16 (vs. 14) SL, Mundakkayam, Manimala River, Kerala,
pectoral fin rays, 15 (vs.11) dorsal fin rays, XIII (vs. collected by Mathews Plamoottil, 14.10.2012.
XV- XVI) dorsal spines, III (vs. V) anal spines, 8- 9 Pristolepis marginata: ZSI FF 4935, 8 exs, 82.0
(vs. 7) anal soft rays and 5- 6 (vs. 4) scales above mm- 103.0 mm SL, Valloorkkavu, Mananthavady
lateral line. The new species further differs from the River, Wayanad, Kerala, collected by Mathews
five anal spined Pristolepis in having longer (35.7- Plamoottil, 20.03.2013.
38.8 vs. 33.3- 35.4) head, deeper body (42.5- 46.3 Pristolepis pentacantha: Holotype: ZSI FF 5191,
vs. 40.0- 41.3) and greater base of spined dorsal fin 94.5 mm SL, India: Kerala, Bavali, Kabani River,
(42.8-45.6 vs. 47.1- 49.7). P. pauciradiatus diifers Wayanad, coll. Mathews Plamoottil, 10 January
from P. rubripinnis Britz et al., in having XIII 2012. Paratype: ZSI FF 5192, 70.0 mm SL India:
(vs.XIV) dorsal spines, 15 (vs. 14) dorsal soft rays Kerala, 11 January 2012, same data as holotype.
and 15- 16 (vs. 14) pectoral fin rays. The new Pristolepis rubripinnis: STC/DOZ/55, 4 exs, 100-
species further differs from P. rubripinnis in having 136 mm SL, Edathua, Pampa River, Kerala,
hyaline (vs. orange red) fins. P. pauciradiatus collected by Mathews Plamoottil, 10.01.2013.
differs from P. procerus Plamootil in having XIII Pristolepis procerus: Holotype: ZSI/NERC//4057,
(vs. XIV) dorsal spines, 15 (vs. 13) dorsal rays, 15- 85.0 mm SL, 10 December, 2013, Chaliyar,
16 (vs. 13-14) pectoral fin rays, 21-22 / 8 (vs. 19- Kozhikode District, Kerala, India; coll.Mathews
21/10) lateral line scales, 3- 4 (vs. 2) overlapping Plamoottil. Paratypes: ZSI/ANRC/16619, 72 mm
scales, 5- 6 (vs. 4½) scales above lateral line and SL, same information as in the Holotype.
12½ (vs. 9½) scales between lateral line and ventral Pristolepis fasciata and P. grooti: Data taken from
fin. As Pristolepis tetracantha (Gunther, 1862) is a original description and from Britz et al (2012).
subjective synonym of P. marginata (Britz et al., CONCLUSION
2012 & Plamoottil, 2013) no comparison is Pristolepis pauciradiatus is a percoid fish with
included here. distinctive differences from its congeners. Its fin
Comparative Material; Pristolepis malabarica: ray counts and scale counts are very peculiar and
ZSI/WGRC/IR/2373, 10 exs, 63-88 mm SL, unseen in other Pristolepis species. Many
Mundakkayam, Manimala River, Kerala, collected researchers reported Pristolepis fasciatus from
by Mathews Plamoottil, 8.10.2011, 9.12.2011 and Myanmar. But these authors doubt its presence in
9.12.2012; ZSI FF 4937, 2 exs, 65.0-69.0 mm SL, Myanmar; it may be a misidentification of the new
Mundakkayam, Manimala River, Kerala, collected species. It is expected that more taxonomic works
by Mathews Plamoottil, 14.10.2012; may be conducted on Pristolepis species of
UOK/AQB/F/112 and 113, 2 exs, 60.0-65.0 mm Southeast Asian countries in near future.
Acknowledgement REFERENCES
The first author acknowledges Principal, Baby John Britz R, 1995. Zur phylogenetischen Systematik der
Memorial Government College Chavara, Kerala for Anabantoidei (Teleostei, Percomorpha) unter
providing the necessary facilities. Both authors are Berücksichtigung der Stellung des Genus
grateful to anonymous reviewers for comments that Luciocephalus. Morphologische und ethologische
helped to improve the manuscript. Untersuchungen. PhD Thesis, Universität Tübingen,