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New Labeonine Fish Species, Parasinilabeo Longiventralis, From Eastern Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

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New Labeonine Fish Species, Parasinilabeo longiventralis , from Eastern

Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

Article · January 2007

Source: OAI


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3 authors, including:

Yanfei Huang Xiaoyong Chen

Hunan University of Arts and Sciences Kunming Institute of Zoology CAS


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动 物 学 研 究 2007, Oct. 28(5): 531-538 CN 53-1040/Q ISSN 0254-5853
Zoological Research

A New Labeonine Fish Species, Parasinilabeo longiventralis, from

Eastern Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
HUANG Yan-fei1,2, CHEN Xiao-yong1,*, YANG Jun-xing1,*
(1. Department of Systematic Zoology, Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan, 650223, China;
2. Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China )

Abstract: Parasinilabeo longiventralis, a new species is here described from He jiang basin, a tributary of the
Zhujiang River (Pearl River) drainage in Fuchuan County, Guangxi Province, southern China. It can be distinguished
from all other congeners by having the following combination of characteristics: maxillary barbels length is 78.3−90.4%
of rostral barbels length; pelvic-fin length is 83.7−89.4% of the distance between the ventral-fin origin and to the anal-fin
origin; a longitudinal wide black stripe running along the posterior lateral line and irregular brown pigments on the sides
of the body.

Key words: Parasinilabeo; Hejiang; Guangxi; China

黄艳飞 1,2,陈小勇 1,*,杨君兴 1,*
(1.中国国国院昆明动物国国所,云南 昆明,650223;2.中国国国院国国生院,北京,100049)

摘要:新种长鳍异华鲮 Parasinilabeo longiventralis 采国中国南部广西省富川县境内珠江水系的一条支流——

贺江。新种与异华鲮属(Parasinilabeo)内的其他种的主要区别特征是:口角须长为吻须长的 78.3%—90.4%; 腹
鳍长度为腹鳍起国和臀鳍起国间的距离的 83.7%—89.4%;在侧线鳞的后方有一宽的褐色纵条纹;体上有不规则

中图分类号:Q959.468 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0254-5853(2007)05-0531-08

The validity of Parasinilabeo was argued by only occurs in the Changjiang drainage (Yangtze River)
many ichthyologists. Su et al (2001) erected a new and the Zhujiang drainage (Pearl River) in China. Its
genus Pararectoris to replace Parasinilabeo. Kottelat distribution is from Zhujiang drainage (Pearl River) in
and Zhang (2003) recovered Parasinlabeo and made Guangxi to the drainage in southern bank of
genus Pararectoris its junior synonym. At present, five Changjiang (Yangtze River) in Anhui of south China
species of Parasinilabeo were described by Wu et Yao (Fig.1). Parasinilabeo microps and P. maculatus only
(1939), Zhang (2000), Su et al (2001) and Zhu et al occur in the middle and the lower Changjiang drainage.
(2006). They are: Parasinilabeo assilimis Wu et Yao Parasinilabeo longicorpus and P. longbarbus occur in
(1939), Parasinilabeo maculatus Zhang (2000), the middle and the lower Zhujiang drainage.
Parasinlabeo longicorpus Zhang (2000), Parasinilab- Parasinilabeo assilimis can often be found in both the
eo microps Su, Yang et Cui (2001), Parasinilabeo Changjiang drainage and Zhujiang drainage. In 2002,
longibarbus Zhu, Lan et Zhang (2006). Parasinilabeo Mr. LAN Jia-hu collected some specimens from

Received date: 2007-03-28;Accepted date: 2007-08-24

Foundation item:National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2007CB411600);The National Natural Science Foundation of
China (30730017、90411002).
Corresponding authors(通讯作者)
,E-mail: chenxy@mail.kiz.ac.cn; yangjx@mail.kiz.ac.cn.
532 Zoological Research Vol. 28

Fuchuan County, Guangxi, China. By comparison to all Lager, 2004). Subunits of the head and fin lengths were
existing species of Parasinilabeo, it was proved to be given as percentages of the head length. Head length
an undescribed species of Parasinilabeo and is itself and measurements of all other parts of the body
described as Parasinilabeo longiventralis sp. nov. were given as percentages of the standard length. Other
herein (Fig.1). proportions and ratios are listed in Tab. 1 and Tab.2.
Caudal-peduncle depth was given as aproportion of
1 Materials and Methods
standard length and caudal peduncle length,
Examined specimens were deposited in Kunming respectively. Abbreviations are listed as follows: A
Institute of Zoology (KIZ), the Chinese Academy of (number of anal-fin rays); BR (rostral barbels length);
Sciences and Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB), the BM (maxillary barbels length); BW (body width);CL
Chinese Academy of Sciences. (length of caudal-fin); CML (length of median ray of
Measurements and counts were made on the left caudal-fin); CPD (caudal-peduncle depth); CPL
side of specimens, if possible. Counts and measureme- (caudal-peduncle length); CS (circumpeduncular
nts followed Hubbs & Lager (2004) except that lateral scales); D (number of dorsal-fin rays); DPV (distance
line scales also included the scales on the caudal-fin of pectoral-fin to ventral-fin origin); DVA (distance
base. Additional measurements included: gape width, from pelvic-fin to anal-fin origin); HL (head length);
which is the distance between corners of the mouth, the LLS (lateral line scales); P (number of pectoral-fin
distance from the anterior origin of the pectoral-fin to rays); PS (predorsal scales); SL (standard length);
that of ventral-fin (DPV) and the distance from the SL-D (scales between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin);
anterior origin of ventral-fin to that of anal-fin (DVA). SL-V (scales between lateral line and ventral-fin
The measuring method of pre-pectoral length, origin); TL (total length); V (number of ventral-fin
pre-ventral length and pre-anal length is the same as the rays).
measuring method of pre-dorsal (Hubbs & Lager, The Chinese river Yangtze River and Pearl River
2004). The method used to measure dorsal-fin length have their own local Chinese name. They are respcti-
and anal-fin length is the same as that used to measure vely Changjiang and Zhujiang.
the height of the dorsal-fin and anal-fin (Hubbs &

Fig. 1 Distributions of five species of Parasinilabeo and Parasinilabeo longiventralis sp. nov.
P. assimilis (▲), P. microps (□), P. maculatus (▅), P. longicorpus (▼), P. longibarbus (●), P. longiventralis (▇).
No. 5 HUANG Yan-fei et al : A New Labeonine Fish Species, Parasinilabeo longiventralis, from Eastern Guangxi, China 533

anal-fin origin to the base of the caudal-fin base. The

2 Results
snout is round and blunt. The mouth is interior. The
2.1 Parasinilabeo longiventralis sp. nov. rostral cap is suspended vertically and covers the upper
Holotype: KIZ 2002051115, 58.5 mm SL. Hejiang lip and upper jaw. The prefringe of the rostral cap
River basin of the Zhujiang River drainage in Fuchuang bearing vertical groove and is covered by dense fleshy
County, Guangxi, China. Collected by LAN JH., May, papillae. The vertical groove on the middle of the
2002. rostral cap deeper and divide the rostral cap into tiny
Paratypes: KIZ 2002051110, 12−14, 4 specimens, fimbriations. The upper lip retrogresses to become a
56.3-67.0 mm SL. The same data as the holotype. row of tiny lobes, concealed between the rostral cap
2.1.1 Diagnosis Parasinlabeo longiventralis can be and the upper jaw. The rostral cap is connected to the
distinguished from its congeners by the following lower lip around the corners of the mouth. The lower
characteristics (Tab. 2): maxillary barbels were almost lip has a wide freshy papillate band. A shallow groove
equal to rostral barbels; the pelvic-fin is 83.7−89.4%, divides the lower lip into a thin anterior margin and
the distance between the ventral-fin origin to anal-fin posterior part. The lower lip lies behind the lower jaw.
origin; a longitudinal wide black stripe extends along Both the upper and lower jaw have a sharp horny edge
the posterior lateral line; irregular brown pigments and both the rostral barbels and maxillary barbels are
present on both sides of the body. P. longiventralis can present. Rostral barbels extend posteriorly to the
be further distinguished from its congeners, except P. anterior edge of the nostril. Maxillary barbels extend
longcorpus, by having the pharyngeal teeth formula posteriorly to the area between the anterior edge and
2.3.5−5.3.2. P. longiventralis is different from P. half-way to the eyes. A lachrymal groove under the
assimilis because it has a more depressed body. P. base of the rostral barbels extends obliquely down to
longiventralis is different from P. microps as it has the conjunction of the rostral cap and lower lip. A
fewer lateral line scales (38−39 vs 41−44) and shorter postlabial groove merges with the lachrymal groove
caudal-penduncle length (14.1−16.2% vs 17.8−19.0% and is restricted to corners of mouth. The nostrils are
SL). P. longiventralis is different from P. maculatus as nearer to the anterior margin of the eyes than to the tip
it has fewer lateral line scales (38−39 vs 40−42), fewer of the snout. The eyes are small, situated dorsolaterally
circumpeduncular scales (16 vs 18), fewer branched in the anterior half of the head. The snout length is
dorsal-fin rays (7 vs. 8), shorter more slendercaudal- 41.6−45.7% HL. Interorbital spce wide are(41.9−
peduncle, shorter snout (41.6−45.7% vs 47.9−50.5% 47.7% HL) and longer than the diameter of the eyes.
HL), larger eyes (24.8−27.4% vs 19.4−23.6% HL) and Scales are moderately large and abdominal scales are
the narrower interorbital space (41.9−47.7% vs smaller. Abdominal scales in the front of tip of the
51.8−56.1% HL). P.longiventralis is different from pectoral-fin embedded under the skin. Pre-dorsal scales
P.longcorpus because it has a less slender body. are smaller and anteriorly embedded under the skin. A
P.longiventralis is different from P. longibarbus as its lateral line completes and runs horizontally.
rostral cap has vertical grooves compared to smooth. The dorsal-fin origin is vertically anterior to the
2.1.2 Description Morphometric and meristic pelvic-fin origin and nearer to the tip of the snout than
measurements are given in Tab. 1 and Tab.2. General to the caudal-fin base. The dorsal-fin has three
body appearance and morphology of the mouth are unbranched rays and seven branched rays. The distal
illustrated in Fig.2 and 3. Head is depressed in the margin of the dorsal-fin is slightly concave. The
anterior area. Body greatly compressed from nape of pectoral-fin reaches slightly beyond halfway to the
head to caudal-fin base. Dorsal profile of body pelvic-fin origin and its distal margin is round. The
gradually ascends from the tip of the snout to the longest second branched pectoral-fin ray is shorter than
dorsal-fin origin, then descends from there to the HL. The pectoral-fin origin is nearer to the pelvic-fin
cadual-fin base. The highest part of the body is at the origin than to the tip of the snout. The pelvic-fin origin
dorsal-fin origin. The ventral profile is concave from is nearer to the anal-fin origin than to the pectoral-fin
the tip of the snout to the pelvic-fin origin and, from the origin and nearer to the tip of the snout than to the
534 Zoological Research Vol. 28

Tab. 1 Morphometric data for Parasinilbeo longiventralis sp. nov.

Characteristic Holotype Paratypes (n=4) Mean SD

Total length (mm) 75.6 74.2-85.3 77.4 4.5

Standard length (mm) 60.4 56.3-67.0 60.0 4.2
% Standard length
Body depth 23.5 23.5-28.3 24.7 2.0
Head length 22.9 21.5-23.6 22.7 0.8
Caudal-peduncle length 15.5 14.1-16.2 15.3 0.8
Caudal-peduncle depth 11.2 10.7-11.7 49.4 0.4
Predorsal length 49.2 48.1-50.8 23.4 1.0
Prepectoral length 22.5 22.4-24.3 54.1 0.9
Preventral length 52.3 53.6-56.3 76.1 1.5
Preanal length 74.2 75.3-77.4 11.3 1.3
% Head length
Head width 61.5 57.4-62.5 60.6 2.1
Head depth 64.3 64.2-72.0 67.1 3.5
Snout length 41.6 42.4-45.7 43.3 1.7
Eye diameter 25.0 24.8-27.4 26.0 1.1
Postorbital length 35.6 34.5-36.0 35.5 0.6
Interorbital width 45.6 41.9-47.7 45.7 2.3
Mouth width 26.6 25.1-28.3 26.2 1.3
Rostral barbels length 20.3 18.0-20.8 19.4 1.1
Body width 18.4 14.9-17.3 16.5 1.5
Dorsal-fin length 101.8 97.3-109.1 102.1 5.0
Anal-fin length 78.8 71.5-81.0 77.3 4.0
Pectoral-fin length 93.7 89.8-99.5 94.8 3.5
ventral-fin length 84.1 80.5-90.4 84.7 3.8
Length of caudal-fin 108.3 108.2-125.7 116.4 8.2
Other proportions and ratios
CPD/CPL(%) 72.2 68.5-82.9 74.2 5.4
Gape width /head width(%) 43.2 41.4-45.2 43.2 1.5
Pectoral-fin length/DPV(%) 67.9 62.8-65.9 63.9 1.9
Pelvic-fin length/DVA(%) 89.4 83.7-88.7 85.5 2.4
BW/BR 90.4 78.3-90.0 85.1 5.0
CL/ CML 2.0 2.1-2.4 2.2 0.2
CL:Length of caudal-fin; CML:Length of median ray of caudal-fin; CPD:Caudal-peduncle depth;
CPL:Caudalpeduncle length; DPV:Distance of pectoral-fin to ventral-fin origin; DVA:Distance
from pelvic-fin to anal-fin origin.

caudal-fin base. The tip of the depressed pelvic-fin caudal-fin rays is 2.0−2.4 times as long as that of the
reaches beyond the anus. The distal margin of the shortest rays.
pelvic-fin is straight. The anal-fin origin is separated The gas bladder has two chambers, the anterior
from the anus by 1−2 scales and is nearer to the one is round and wider than the posterior chamber,
pelvic-fin origin than to the caudal-fin base. The distal and the posterior one is stick-like, 1.7 times as long as
margin of the anal-fin is straight. The caudal-fin is the anterior chamber. The intestines are long and
deeply forked and longer than the head length form many coils. Pharyngeal teeth has three rows,
(108.2−125.7% HL). The length of the longest 2.3.5 – 5.3.2, with pointed tips. Gill rakers are on the
No. 5 HUANG Yan-fei et al : A New Labeonine Fish Species, Parasinilabeo longiventralis, from Eastern Guangxi, China 535

distinguished from all other congeners by having

several main morphometric and morphological
characteristics (Tab. 2). The first distinction is that
maxillary barbels of P. longiventralis are almost equal
Fig. 2 The lateral view of Parasinilabeo longiventralis to rostral barbels (vs maxillary barbels absent or
sp nov., KIZ 2002051115, Holotype, 58.5 mm SL concealed in the corner of the mouth or longer than
rostral barbels). The percentages of maxillary barbels
against rostral barbels for P. longiventralis and other
four species of Parasinilabeo except P. microps
without maxillary barbels are listed in Tab. 2 and its
scatterplot can be seen in Fig. 5. The scatterplot reveals
that P. longiventralis and P. longibarbus are obviously
detached respectively from P. assimilis, P. maculatus
and P. longicorpus which are mixed together.
The second distinction is that pelvic-fin origin of P.
longiventralis is closer to the anal-fin origin. Fig.4
Fig. 3 The ventral view of the mouth of Parasinilabeo reveals that the longer pelvic-fin segregates P.
longiventralis sp. nov., KIZ 2002051115, Holotype, longiventralis from P. assilimis, P. microps, P. macula-
58.5 mm SL tus, P. longicorpus and P. longibarbus.
Besides the maxillary barbels and pelvic-fins
outer side of the first gill arch 16 (1). distinction, P. longiventralis further differs from P.
2.1.3 Color pattern in formalin Preserved in formal- assilimis by having the following characteristics: a
in, body is gray dorsally, and yellowish ventrally. brown stripe running along the posterior lateral line (vs
Dorsal-fin has a black membrane between the rays. A without a stripe running along the lateral line); irregular
longitudinal wide brown stripe extends along the brown pigments on the sides of the body and two
lateral line from below the vertical middle of the illegible brown stripes above the lateral line (vs no
dorsal-fin base to the caudal-fin base. Two indistinct pigments on the sides of the body and no stripe above
brown stripes on the flank, each above and below the the lateral line); the body behind the nape of the head is
lateral line. Irregular brown pigments are present on the heavily compressed (vs cylindrical anteriorly and
sides of the body. compressed lightly behind the anal-fin origin); the
2.1.4 Distribution Only known from the Fuchuanjia- pharyngeal teeth formula is 2.3.5−5.3.2 (vs 2.4.5−
ng River, a tributary of the upper Hejiang River (in the 5.4.2); abdominal scales are in the front tip of the
Zhujiang River Drainage) at Xinhua Village, Fuchuan pectoral-fin embedded under the skin (vs scales on the
County, Guangxi Province of China. abdomen embedded under skin).
2.1.5 Habitat Parasinilabeo longiventralis occurs in Parasinilabeo longiventralis is further distinguis-
the Karst area where many underground caves are hhed from P. microps by the presence of maxillary
connected to the surface river. This species inhabits the barbels (vs absent); a wide stripe on the posterior
underground caves during the dry season. It can swim lateral line and irregular pigments on the body (vs no
to the surface river when the subterranean water flows stripe on the lateral line and no pigment on the body);
out during the flood season. P. longiventralis can be two brown illegible stripe respectively above and under
found in the area where P. longibarbus lives. the lateral line (vs no stripe on sides of the body); the
2.1.6 Etymology It is from the Latin longus (long) pharyngeal teeth formula is 2.3.5−5.3.2 (vs2.4.5−5.4.2);
and ventralis (ventral), meaning longer pelvic fin. fewer lateral line scales (38−39 vs 41−44); shorter
caudal-penduncle length (14.1−16.2% vs 17.8−19.0%
3 Discussion
SL); abdominal scales are in the front tip of the
Parasinilabeo longiventralis sp. nov. can be pectoral-fin embedded under the skin (vs smaller scales
536 Zoological Research Vol. 28

Tab. 2 Comparison of meristic and morphometric characteristics among Parasinilabeo longiventralis sp. nov. and
other five species of Parasinilabeo
Species P.longiventralis P.assimilis P.microps P.maculatus P.longicorpus P.longibarbus
n 5 10 5 5 10 8
D iii-7 iii-7 iii-7 iii,8 iii,7 iiii,8
P ii,10-12 i,13-14 i,10-12 i,12-13 i,13-14 iii,12
V ii,7-8 i,8 i,8 i,7 i,7 i,8
A ii,5 ii,5 ii,5 ii,5 ii,5 ii,5
LLS 38-39 39-40 41-44 40-42 38-42 37-40
SL-D 4.5-5.5 4-5 5 5.5 4.5-5.0 5-6.5
SL-V 3-4 4-5 3-4 4 2.5-3.5 4-5
PS 12-13 11-14 13-16 12-14 13-14 15-17
CS 16 16 16 18 16 16
SL(mm) 74.2-85.3 61.1-88.1 61.0-77.6 84.1-117.3 77.4-91.6 43.9-53.3
DVA(mm) 12.7-14.5 11.0-15.9 14.2-18.0 18.8-26.6 3.6-4.4 9.7-12.1
BR(mm) 2.53-2.81 2.53-4.24 2.2-3.2 3.0-5.1 18.9-23.5 1.9-6.5
% SL
Body depth 23.5-28.3 22.5-29.4 19.2-24.3 23.6-28.2 14.5-18.1 24.1-30.6
HL 21.5-23.6 17.5-25.8 22.2-23.6 20.4-22.5 19.1-21.8 22.0-24.8
CPL 14.1-16.2 11.1-21.1 17.8-19.0 17.2-20.3 14.8-18.1 14.1-17.6
CPD 10.7-11.7 11.5-23.5 10.7-12.0 12.1-13.4 8.4-11.8 9.5-12.7
Snout length 41.6-45.7 45.1-61.1 41.3-47.6 47.9-50.5 39.3-47.6 37.9-44.3
Eye diameter 24.8-27.4 18.9-31.6 20.4-26.8 19.4-23.6 20.2-26.7 19.8-31.0
41.9-47.7 40.3-62.7 40.7-46.2 51.8-56.1 41.6-49.2 46.5-53.1
other percentage
83.7-89.4 63.2-79.9 76.3-82.5 62.2-77.7 61.5-78.9 63.4-72.8
BM/BR 78.3-90.4 33.2-45.1 24.1-40.1 16.0-51.4 101.3-203.7
A :Number of anal-fin rays; BR:Rostral barbels length; BM:Maxillary barbels length; BW:Body width;CL :Length of caudal-fin;
CML:Length of median ray of caudal-fin; CPD:Caudal-peduncle depth; CPL:Caudal-peduncle length; CS:Circumpeduncular scales;
D:number of dorsal-fin rays; DPV:Distance of pectoral-fin to ventral-fin origin; DVA:Distance from pelvic-fin to anal-fin origin; HL :head
length); LLS:lateral line scales; P :Number of pectoral-fin rays; PS:Predorsal scales; SL:Standard length; SL-D:Scales between lateral line
and dorsal-fin origin; SL-V:Scales between lateral line and ventral-fin origin; TL:Total length; V:Number of ventral-fin rays.

sticking to the surface of the skin on the abdomen). the front tip of the pectoral-fin embedded under the
Parasinilabeo longiventralis is further different skin (vs all abdominal scales embedded under the skin);
from P. maculatus because of the following a brown stripe running along the posterior lateral line
characteristics: fewer lateral line scales (38−39 vs (vs a black stripe running along the lateral line);
40-42); fewer circumpeduncular scales (16 vs 18); irregular pigments on the sides of the body (vs a black
fewer branched dorsal-fin rays (7 vs 8); the pharyngeal bar above the pectoral-fin).
teeth pattern 2.3.5−5.3.2 (vs 2.4.5−5.4.2); shorter Parasinilabeo longiventralis can be further
caudal-peduncle length (14.1−16.2% vs 17.2−20.3% distinguished from P. longcorpus through the following
SL); lower caudal-peduncle depth (10.7−11.7% vs characteristics: the body is shorter (vs slender; body
12.1−13.4% SL); shorter snout (41.6−45.7% vs depth is 23.5−28.3% vs 14.5−18.1% SL); the dorsal
47.9−50.5% HL); smaller eye diameter (24.8−27.4% profile convex and the ventral profile concave (vs the
vs 19.4−23.6% HL); narrower interorbital space dorsal profile and the ventral profile straight);
(41.9−47.7% vs 51.8−56.1% HL); abdominal scales in abdominal scales in the front of tip of the pectoral-fin
No. 5 HUANG Yan-fei et al : A New Labeonine Fish Species, Parasinilabeo longiventralis, from Eastern Guangxi, China 537

Fig. 4. Scatterplot of pelvic-fin % DVA against distance Fig. 5. Scatterplot of BM % BR against the
between pelvic-fin origin and anal-fin origin for rostral barbels for five species of
six species of Paralsiniabeo Parasinlabeo
P. longiventralis sp. nov. (○); P. assimilis (△); P. microps (■); P. P. longiventralis sp. nov. (○); P. assimilis (△); P.
maculatus (+); P. longicorpus (◆); P. longibarbus (●). maculatus (+); P. longicorpus (◆); P. longibarbus (●).

embedded under the skin (vs all abdominal scales obvious black stripe running along the lateral line);
embedded under the skin); a wide stripe on the lateral irregular pigments on the sides of the body (vs no
line posteriorly and irregular pigments on the sides of pigments on the sides of the body).
the body (vs no stripe on the lateral line and no pigment
on the sides of the body). Acknowledgements: This work was funded by
Parasinilabeo longiventralis and P. longibarbus the National Basic Research Program of China (2003
are distributed in the Karst area and stay in the CB 415103) and the Major Research Plan of NSFC
underground caves during the dry season. They have (90411002). We offer our heartfelt thanks to Mr. LAN
longer maxillary barbels than other species of J.H. , Animal Husbandry and Fishery Bureau of Du'an
Parasinilabeo. Besides the maxillary barbels and County, Guangxi for presenting specimens. We are
pelvic-fin, they are different because of the following grateful to Dr ZHANG E and Mr YUAN LY., Institute
characteristics: P. longiventralis has a rostral cap with of Hydrobiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences for
vertical grooves (vs rostral cap smooth); the pharyngeal their help measuring the material of P. maculatus, P.
teeth formula is 2.3.5−5.3.2 (vs 3.4.5−5.4.3); abdominal longicorpus and P. longibarbus. HUANG Y.F. also
scales are in the front of tip of the pectoral-fin expresses many thanks to Dr YANG J. of the Kunming
embedded under the skin (vs smaller scales sticking to Institute of Zoology for taking photographs of P.
the surface of the skin on the abdomen); a wide brown maculatus and P. longicorpus .
stripe running along the posterior lateral line (vs an

Hubbs CL, Lagler KF. 2004. Fishes of the Great Lakes Region (Revised Wu XW, Lin RD, Chen JX, Chen XL, He MJ. 1977. Barbinae [A]. In: Wu
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Appendix 1 Comparative material

Parasinilabeo assimilis. KIZ1987000124, 125, 777, 3 ex, May 1987, Tianhe Village, Luocheng County, Guangxi. KIZ 2005004008, 1ex, 2005, Dazhang
Village, Jinxiu County, Guangxi. KIZ 2002051869, 73, 78, 79, 85, 86, 6 ex, August 2002, Guanyin Village, Gongcheng County, Guangxi.
Parasinilabeo microps. KIZ 9905302, 9905302 (a), 9905302 (b), 9905630, 9905656, 5 ex, May 14 th 1999, Longjia Village, Jiangkou County, Guizhou.
Parasinlabeo maculatus. IHB 83IX2133-35, 83IX2138-39, August 1983, Qiupu River in Shitai County, Fujiang.
Parasinilabeo longicorpus. IHB 75IV2627, 29, 31-32, 35-36, 42-43, 45, April 1975, Lipu County, Guangxi.
Parasinlabeo longibarbus. IHB 2002051387, 2002051405-07, 10, 13, 24-25, May 2002, Hejiang in Fuchuan County, Guangxi.

张树义,男。1994 年获法国居里大国生态国博士国位。现为华东师
工作 19 个月,国国新大陆灵长类动物的行为生态以及南美热带雨林中的
性;3)确定了三叶蹄蝠以及亚洲小型菊头蝠的分类地位;4)揭示菊头蝠为类 SARS 病毒的国国宿主,且冠
蝙蝠利用磁极罗盘定向;7)揭示与语言相关的 Foxp2 基因在蝙蝠国族加速进化;8)国现并命名了一个蝙
蝠新物种——北京宽耳蝠。这些国国国表在 Science、PLoS One、Emerging and Infectious Disease、Proceedings
of the Royal Society B、Biology of Reproduction、Journal of Mammalogy、Journal of Zoology 等国际知名杂志。
2000 年获国国国国国国基金委杰出青年基金项目国国。

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