Devario in Bangladesh: Species Diversity
Devario in Bangladesh: Species Diversity
Devario in Bangladesh: Species Diversity
a1111111111 *
a1111111111 Abstract
Four species of Devario are recorded from Bangladesh: D. aequipinnatus, D. anomalus, D.
coxi, new species, and D. devario. Devario aequipinnatus has a wide distribution in northern
India and Bangladesh. Devario coxi, from southeastern Bangladesh near Cox’s Bazar, dif-
OPEN ACCESS fers from D. aequipinnatus in mtDNA (COI, p-distance 1.8%), colouration, proportional mea-
Citation: Kullander SO, Rahman M.M, Norén M, surements, and meristics. The minor morphological differences and low frequency of
Mollah AR (2017) Devario in Bangladesh: Species
overlapping meristics suggest relatively recent separation of D. coxi from other D. aequipin-
diversity, sibling species, and introgression within
danionin cyprinids (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: natus. Devario anomalus occurs only in southeastern Bangladesh and is here reported from
Danioninae). PLoS ONE 12(11): e0186895. https:// localities in addition to the type locality. It differs from the similar D. xyrops in adjacent Myan- mar by slender body shape and by 2.3% p-distance in the COI gene. Specimens of D. anom-
Editor: Zuogang Peng, SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY, alus from the Sangu River were found to have the mitochondrial genome of D. aequipinnatus
CHINA from Bangladesh, but agree with other D. anomalus in the nuclear RAG1 gene. Devario
Received: April 6, 2017 devario has a wide distribution on the Indian Peninsula and border regions; in Bangladesh it
Accepted: September 27, 2017 is restricted in distribution to the Ganga, Brahmaputra, and Meghna drainages. Reports of D.
assamensis and D. malabaricus from Bangladesh are misidentifications. Perilampus ostreo-
Published: November 22, 2017
graphus M’Clelland, 1839, is tentatively synonymized with D. aequipinnatus. Phylogenetic
Copyright: © 2017 Kullander et al. This is an open
analysis of 14 species of striped devarios based on the COI gene results in a polytomy with
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which four unresolved clades. Devario deruptotalea from the Chindwin basin is the sister group of
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and D. aequipinnatus+D. coxi. Devario devario is the sistergroup of D. xyrops+D. anomalus.
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the species a short sharp projection from the first infraorbital [4–5]. Species of Devario are mainly
manuscript. found in small schools in streams at higher elevations. The genus was partially revised by Fang
Competing interests: The authors have declared [1,4] and Fang et al. [5]. Kottelat [6] suggested splitting the genus in two, recognizing Devario
that no competing interests exist. for species most of which share a predominantly horizontally striped colour pattern, and put-
ting the rest in Inlecypris Howes, 1980, characterized by dark vertical bars, but here we con-
sider Devario in the wider sense of Fang et al. [5]. The majority of the nominal species have
not been subject to recent revision.
Five species of Devario have been reported from Bangladesh, including D. aequipinnatus
(M’Clelland, 1839), D. anomalus Conway, Mayden & Tang, 2009, D. assamensis (Barman,
1984), D. devario, and D. malabaricus (Jerdon, 1849) [7–11]. Devario ostreographus (M’Clel-
land, 1839), described from “Assam, and some parts of Bengal”, has not been recorded specifi-
cally from Bangladesh, but it was treated as removed from the synonymy of D. devario by
Conway et al.[9] and discussed by them in the context of Bangladeshi Devario. Actually, spe-
cies described by Hamilton [12] and M’Clelland [13] as coming from Bengal or Assam may
have been obtained or observed in parts of British India that are within present-day Bangla-
desh as well as within the present Indian states of West Bengal and Assam.
Devario devario is undisputed as a Bangladeshi species. It was described in 1822 by Francis
Hamilton [12] from “rivers and ponds of Bengal”, an area that includes most of present-day
Bangladesh. In a manuscript produced between 1807 and 1813 and reproduced by Day [10],
Hamilton recorded D. devario with the local names Chhepká in Rangpur District (present
Rangpur Division in Bangladesh), Bánspátá in Lakshmı́pur District (now Laksmipur District
in southern Bangladesh), and Deborı́ in Dinájpur District (now split between India and Ban-
gladesh) [10]. He also recorded D. devario with the local name Jharaingi from the Gorakhpur
District in India [9]. Hamilton [12] reported D. devario with the local name Debari, as a “pretty
common fish in the rivers and ponds of Bengal.” Remarkably, Hamilton did not report obser-
vation of any other species of Devario. Except for D. devario, none of the species descriptions
in [12], or Hamilton drawings published later [13–16] can be identified as a species of Devario.
There are numerous published records of Devario aequipinnatus from India and neighbour-
ing countries (e.g.,[17]), but the taxonomic status of D. aequipinnatus has never been satisfacto-
rily resolved, and the name has been used alternating with D. malabaricus as a convenient label
for striped species of Devario. Devario malabaricus is also a species in need of revision, and it
seems unlikely that it would have a distribution extending far away from the type locality on the
southwestern coast of India. Devario assamensis is a deep-bodied species otherwise only known
from three specimens from the Brahmaputra River in Assam, India [17–19]. Devario anomalus
was described based on specimens collected near Cox’s Bazar in southeastern Bangladesh [9],
and is doubtlessly a valid, locally endemic species. It is, however, very similar to D. xyrops Fang
& Kullander, 2009, from the adjacent western slope of the Rakhine Yoma in Myanmar [20].
Apparently, with the exception of D. devario, the reported Bangladeshi assemblage of Devario
offers several problem taxa, some of them highly significant for the taxonomy of Devario.
Recent collections from Bangladesh confirm three of the species reported earlier, and adds
an undescribed species. Here we provide distribution data, morphological diagnoses, DNA
barcodes, and images of all species of Devario recorded from Bangladesh, and review the status
of all names applied on Bangladeshi Devario.
History Museum, London (BMNH), Kansas University Biodiversity Institute and Natural His-
tory Museum, Lawrence (KU) Lawrence, Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt/Main (SMF)
Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, (UF) or the Zoological Survey of India, Kol-
kata (ZSI). Measurements were taken with digital calipers to a precision of 0.1 mm. Counts
and measurements were made according to Fang [21] and Kullander [22]. Colour pattern ter-
minology follows Fang [23], with modifications for special markings as explained by Kullander
[22]. Horizontal stripes and interstripes are identified by alphanumeric annotations. Fin-ray
and vertebral counts were recorded from X-radiographs made with a Philips MG-105 low volt-
age X-ray unit and Kodak X-Omat V plates, or as digital images with a Kevex 130kVP microfo-
cus X-ray source with a Samsung/Rayence 17x17 inch DR panel. Statistics were calculated
using SYSTAT v. 13 [24]. The paired supraorbital (actually frontal) groove identified by Fang
[4] as a characteristic of Devario and other genera of Devarionini and packed with neuromasts,
is here referred to as neuromast grooves; an additional pair of short curved grooves is located
anterior to the nostril and are here referred to as rostral neuromast grooves. Juvenile speci-
mens preserved whole for DNA analyses were not measured.
655 basepairs from the 5’ end of the mitochondrial cytochrome-oxidase subunit 1 (COI, or
COX1) gene was sequenced from 38 morphologically identified specimens of Devario plus two
outgroup species (see Table 1 for voucher information and GenBank accession numbers). This
fragment was chosen because it is the standard DNA barcoding fragment recommended by
the Barcode of Life consortium [25]. To investigate possible hybridization a 1565 bp fragment
of the nuclear recombination activating protein 1 (RAG1) gene, exon 3, was sequenced from a
subset of 8 selected individuals of Devario plus three outgroup species.
DNA was extracted using a Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Duo (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
fully automated liquid-handling instrument, with the Thermo Scientific KingFisher Cell and
Tissue DNA Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and recommended protocol. PCR were performed
with the puReTaq Ready-To-Go PCR kit (Amersham Biosciences AB, Uppsala, Sweden). The
COI fragment was amplified using the fish barcoding primers Fish-F1 and Fish-R [26], with
the PCR cycling: 94˚C 4 min; 35 (94˚C 30s; 52˚C 30s; 72˚C 30s); 72˚C 8 min). The RAG1
fragment was amplified and sequenced using the primers R1_Dan1f (TGGCCATAAGGGTMAA
CAC) and R1_4078r (TGAGCCTCCATGAACTTCTGAAGRTAYTT) (this study), with the follow-
ing PCR cycling protocol: 5 min 94˚C; 5 (52˚C 30s, 72˚C 45s’); 30 (50˚C 30s, 72˚C 45s);
72˚C 7 min. PCR products were checked on agarose gel, and purified by adding 5uL of a mix
consisting of 20% Exonuclease I (EXO) and 80% FastAP Thermosensitive Alkaline Phospha-
tase (Fermentas/Thermo Fischer Scientific, Gothenburg, Sweden) to each 25 μl PCR reaction,
incubated at 37˚C for 30 minutes, then heated to 80˚C for 15 minutes.
Sequencing of both strands of all fragments was carried out by Macrogen Europe (Amstelveen,
The Netherlands). All sequences were assembled and proofread in the software Geneious version
10 [27]. Geneious was used to calculate genetic distances (uncorrected pairwise p-distance, as rec-
ommended by [28], and the Geneious plug-in Species Delimitation [29] was used to calculate the
probability of reciprocal monophyly under a model of random coalescence. MrBayes version 3.2
[30–31] was used to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis (2 million generations, GTR + Γ + I
model), data partitioned by codon position; samples were taken every 1000 generations, and the
first 25% of samples were discarded as ‘burn-in’. Convergence was checked with Tracer version
1.6 [32]. Leptobarbus sp. (Cyprinidae) was designated outgroup in all phylogenetic analyses.
Nomenclatural acts
The electronic edition of this article conforms to the requirements of the amended Interna-
tional Code of Zoological Nomenclature, and hence the nomenclatural acts contained herein
are available under that Code from the electronic edition of this article. This published work
and the new name and other nomenclatural acts it contains have been registered in ZooBank,
the online registration system for the ICZN. The ZooBank LSIDs (Life Science Identifiers) can
be resolved and the associated information viewed through any standard web browser by
appending the LSID to the prefix “”. The LSID for this publication is urn: The electronic edition of
this work was published in a journal with an ISSN, and has been archived and is available from
the following digital repositories: PubMed Central, LOCKSS.
Comparative material
Specimens used by Kullander [2] and Fang & Kullander[20]. Devario aequipinnatus. India:
BMNH 1860.3.19.815–817, 3, 48.0–65.6 mm SL.—BMNH 1889.2.1:1289–1291, 3, 50.2–68.7
mm SL.—CAS 128713, 1, 75.0 mm SL. West Bengal, Siliguri. Shaw & Shebbeare.—CAS
141133, 8, 46.8–72.3 mm SL, Kalimpong Duars & Siliguri Terai; S. L. Hora, Nov 1938.—CAS
141134, 2, 44.2–52.7 mm SL, Tista Bridge, Peshoke Jhara, 4 Feb 1931.—FMNH 2346. 1, 50.9
mm SL, Darjeeling. F. Day.—FMNH 51285, 1, 68.0 mm SL, Darjeeling: Sevoke. H. Stevens, 3
Nov 1930. NRM 42646 (T1434) 1, 46.4 mm SL. Brahmaputra River drainage, River Dibru 1
km upstream of Digholtarang; K.K. Lahkar, 25 Nov 1998,—NRM 47424, 1, 57.5 mm SL; NRM
47425 (T7184), 1, tissue; Meghalaya: Barak River drainage: Jatinganala River, Jatinga Village,
south of Haflong, Cachar, H. Bleher, 24 Feb 2009.—NRM 51438 (T7186), 1, tissue, NRM
51439, 4, 39.3–47.3 mm SL, Meghalaya, Meghna River drainage, Tahangpraich River, near
Makrei; H. Bleher, 22 Feb 2009.—NRM 52655, 3, 27.1–38.4 mm SL, Assam, Brahmaputra
River drainage, Kalmoni River drainage, Rani Garden, Ranigodam, ornamental fish farm and
tea estate (26˚30 42@N, 91˚370 54@), 26 Oct 2005, O. Åhlander et al.—NRM 52692, 3, 23.4–39.1
mm SL, Assam, Brahmaputra River drainage, Golaghat District, Hatikhuli Tea Estate, 26˚
340 42@N, 93˚240 24@E), 24 Oct 2005, O. Åhlander et al.—Nepal:—KU 29524, 20, 34.8–42.8 mm
SL, Sankhuwasabha, Tumlingtar just E of Tumlingtar (27.3199˚N, 87.2083˚E, 18 Aug 1996, D.
R. Edds.—KU 29529, 3, 51.2–56.5 mm SL, Sankhuwasabha, Tumlingtar, at Sabha River conflu-
ence, 1 h walk S of Tumlingar (27.2717˚N, 87.2083˚E, D.R. Edds, 19 Aug 1996, D.R. Edds.—
Devario assamensis (photographs and notes only): ZSI FF1861. 1, holotype of Danio assamen-
sis, 62.2 mm SL. India: Assam: streamlets roundabout Tangla, Darrang district; 14 Nov 1939;
S.L. Hora.—ZSI FF1862. 2, paratypes of Danio assamensis, 60.1–74.5 mm SL. Same data as ZSI
FF1861.—Devario devario: NRM 26409, 2, 60.3–47.7 mm SL; India: West Bengal: Brahmaputra
River drainage: Siliguri; R. Malaise, 15 Dec 1934.—SMF 8835, 4, 62.0–67.5 m SL; Assam or
Bengal; J. McClelland, received 1844.—UMMZ 243656, 8, 47.2–56.1 mm SL, India, West Ben-
gal, Ganga River drainage, Panga River at Krishibagan; Ng H.H. et al. 8 Apr 2004.—Devario
sp.: CMK 7250, 2 47.2–54.3 mm SL, India, Maharashtra, Satara District, Ondishi Village, 3 km
W at Dhom Reservoir, K.C. Jayaram, 2 May 1988.
Devario devario (Hamilton, 1822)
Figs 1–3
Cyprinus Devario Hamilton, 1822[12], 341: 393 [in subgenus Cabdio] (rivers and ponds of
Bengal) No types known.
Devario Buchanani Bleeker, 1860 [33]:283 (name only; unnecessary replacement name for
Cyprinus devario Hamilton, 1822)
Devario MacClellandi Bleeker, 1860[33]:283 (name only; reference to pl. 56 [LVI in origi-
nal], Fig 8 in M’Clelland, 1839[13], which corresponds to legend for pl. XLV, Fig 2ß on p. 314;
unnecessary replacement name for Cyprinus devario Hamilton, 1822).
Material examined. All from Bangladesh. Dhaka Division: DU 6080 (EtOH), 2, 50.2–55.8
mm SL; DU 6082 (EtOH), 1, 48.9 mm SL; Dhaka fish market, Matikata Bazar; M.M. Rahman,
25 Jan 2015.—NRM 66260–NRM 66262, 3, tissue; NRM 67285, 19, 40.3–53.5 mm SL; Munshi-
ganj District: Sreenagar Upazila: fish market in Shonbari; M.M. Rahman et al., 2 Dec 2014.—
NRM 67286. 4, 42.3–46.5 mm SL; Munshiganj District: Sreenagar Upazila: Padma River near
Sreenagar, about 23˚290 16@N 90˚140 11@E; M. Rahman et al., 2 Dec 2014.—NRM 67318–67319,
2, tissue; Aquarium shops in Dhaka, said to be local fish; M.M. Rahman et al., 16 May 2015.—
Rangpur Division: NRM 65589, 5, 48.6–54.8 mm SL; Panchagarh District: Devigonj, Kortoa
River, at Bogorbari point, under Teprigonj union, about 5 km N of Devigonj town, 26˚80 15@N
Fig 1. Devario devario from Bangladesh, Sylhet: Fenchuganj: a) adult male, NRM 68858, 47.4 mm SL; b) adult female, NRM
68858, 50.7 mm SL.
88˚430 8@E; M.M. Rahman, 3 May.—NRM 66730, 1, tissue, voucher in DU; Nilphamari District:
Dimla, Tista barrage area, about 7 km E of Dimla Upazila, 26˚10’49@N 89˚20 24@E; M.M. Rah-
man, 2 May 2014.—Sylhet Division: NRM 68502, 4, 39.3–46.3 mm SL; NRM 68805–NRM
68806, 2, tissue; Moulovibazar District: Borolekha, Hakaluki Haor in Borolek. 24˚390 42’’N 92˚
20 5@E; M.M. Rahman et al., 26 Mar 2016.—NRM 68550, 7; 56.4–60.2 mm SL; NRM 68598, 1,
tissue; Sylhet District: Jaflong, Piyain River at Jaflong. 25˚11’4@N 92˚0’59@’E; M.M. Rahman
et al., 24 Mar 2016,—NRM 68858, 10, 47.3–54.0 mm SL; NRM 68901, 2, 49.6–52.9 mm SL;
NRM 68901, 2, 49.6–52.9 mm SL; Sylhet District: Fenchuganj, Kushiyara River left bank in
Fenchuganj at junction with Juri River, 24˚420 19@N 91˚570 16@E; M.M. Rahman et al., 22 Mar
2016.—UMMZ 208621, 8, 56.2–62.0 mm SL; Piyain Gang River at Songram Punji, ¼ mile
downstream from Indian border, 25˚110 N 92˚10 E; W.J. Rainboth et al., 19 Feb 1978.
Diagnosis. Devario devario is a deep-bodied species (body depth at dorsal-fin origin 33–
44% of SL) distinguished from all other species of Devario by the combination of small scales
(38–50 in the lateral line, 16 circumpeduncular scales), long dorsal-fin base (iii.14½–17½),
infraorbital process absent, danionine notch shallow, rostral barbel absent, maxillary barbel
absent or rudimentary; supraorbital process absent; short dark P stripe posteriorly on side,
extended on dorsal lobe of caudal fin; light spots or narrow irregular light and dark bars anteri-
orly on side.
Table 2. Morphometry of Devario devario from Bangladesh. Measurements in per cents of SL, with standard deviation (SD), linear regression (a, inter-
cept; b, slope), and correlation (Pearson’s r).
Males Females
N min max mean SD a b r N min max mean SD a b r
SL (mm) 6 46.8 59 51.8 5.3 11 44.7 62.0 53.6 5.9
Body depth 6 33.1 37.6 35.2 1.9 -5.168 0.453 0.94 11 38.3 44.3 41.7 2.2 -9.388 0.594 0.99
Head length 6 23.4 25 24.3 0.6 2.432 0.196 0.99 11 24.2 26.7 25.1 0.7 2.308 0.208 0.98
Snout length 6 6.1 7.1 6.6 0.3 -0.35 0.196 0.92 11 6.3 7.2 6.7 0.2 0.613 0.055 0.96
Head depth 6 18 21.1 19.2 1.1 0.024 0.192 0.87 11 18.8 20.9 19.7 0.7 2.452 0.151 0.96
Head width 6 12 12.3 12.2 0.2 0.048 0.121 0.99 11 12.2 13.7 12.8 0.5 1.537 0.099 0.95
Upper jaw length 6 7.3 8.2 7.6 0.3 0.29 0.07 0.92 11 7.4 8.3 7.8 0.3 0.877 0.062 0.92
Lower jaw length 6 9.8 11.5 10.5 0.7 3.062 0.046 0.83 11 9.8 11.3 10.6 0.5 1.994 0.068 0.92
Orbital diameter 6 8.8 9.9 9.3 0.4 1.6221 0.062 0.96 11 8.8 10.5 9.5 0.6 1.845 0.061 0.86
Interorbital width 6 9.4 10.3 10 0.3 0.755 0.085 0.95 11 9.9 11.7 10.6 0.6 1.183 0.084 0.89
Caudal peduncle length 6 12.5 15.6 14.2 1.1 4.267 0.059 0.58 11 12.2 14.2 13.3 0.8 0.606 0.122 0.84
Caudal peduncle depth 6 10.7 12 11 0.5 -1715 0.144 0.96 11 11.4 12.8 12.1 0.5 -1.205 0.144 0.97
Dorsal-fin base length 6 28.2 31.5 29.8 1.3 -5.375 2.196 0.98 11 28.7 33.0 30.3 1.5 -1.808 0.338 0.92
Anal-fin base length 6 23.5 26.2 24.7 1.2 0.07 0.245 0.91 11 22.7 26.9 24.6 1.3 3.132 0.187 0.86
Predorsal length 6 49.5 52.7 51.3 1.2 5.245 0.411 0.99 11 49.5 56.8 53.9 2.0 2.456 0.585 0.96
Preanal length 6 63.5 70.2 66.6 2.8 -3.601 0.736 0.94 11 68.4 73.2 70.5 1.7 -5.143 0.802 0.99
Prepelvic length 6 46.7 50.7 49.1 1.6 -0.105 0.493 0.95 11 50.1 54.3 51.7 1.2 -0.609 0.548 0.98
Pectoral-fin length 6 20.9 22.7 21.7 0.6 -2.129 0.259 0.99 11 22.4 25.8 23.9 1.0 2.287 0.195 0.93
Pelvic-fin length 6 13.8 15.4 14.8 0.6 -2.148 0.19 0.978 11 15.0 17.2 16.3 0.7 0.915 0.145 0.92
straight to level of pectoral fin-base, posteriorly strongly curved with projecting chest, abdomi-
nal contour straight horizontal to about pelvic fin insertion, posteriorly horizontal or slightly
ascending; chest conspicuously compressed below pectoral fin in larger specimens only; anal-
fin base contour rising; ventral margin of caudal peduncle slightly concave. Snout short,
rounded in lateral aspect, shorter than eye diameter. Infraorbital process absent. Supraorbital
process absent. Medial margins of dentary pair straight, parallel, except for slight indentation
anteriorly, representing shallow danionine notch. Mouth terminal, obliquely directed upwa-
rds. Small bony knob at dentary symphysis. Maxilla reaching to below anterior margin of
orbit. Jaws equal anteriorly; lower jaw ending anteriorly at horizontal through middle of eye.
Lower jaw with narrow band of about 3 rows of densely packed pointed tubercles along lateral
margin. Tubercles absent from pectoral fin in all specimens. Rostral barbel absent. Maxillary
barbel absent except a very short projection present on one or both sides of head in four speci-
mens (UMMZ 208621). Supraorbital and rostral neuromast grooves present.
Lateral line complete, along 38–50 body scales (Table 3), and 2 scales on caudal-fin base;
comprising one tubed scale followed by a canal running steeply caudoventrad under unperfo-
rated scales to slightly posterior to pectoral-fin base, where curved caudad and represented by
scales with distinct perforation; running in a curve parallel to the ventral body outline and end-
ing low on caudal peduncle and caudal-fin base; vertical section represented by about eight
scales. Median predorsal scales 13 (1), 14 (13), 15 (3). Lateral scale rows passing between dorsal
and pelvic fins ½10+1+2½ (1), ½11+1+2½ (1), ½12+1+2½ (8), ½13+1+2½ (4), ½14+1+2½
(1). Circumpeduncular scale rows 15 (1), 16 (15), 17 (1). A row of scales along anal-fin base.
About ¼ of caudal-fin length scaled basally.
Dorsal- and anal-fin ray counts in Tables 4 and 5. Pectoral-fin rays i.10 (1), i.11 (13), 12 (3).
Pelvic-fin rays i.7 (17). Dorsal fin inserted at highest point of dorsum, little posterior to middle
Table 3. Counts of lateral line scales in species of Devario from Bangladesh (N = 56). Asterisk (*) marks count from holotype.
30 31 32 33 38 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50
D. aequipinnatus 4 9 7
D. anomalus 3 1 4 4
D. coxi 1 1* 5
D. devario 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1
of body; anterior rays gradually longer to first branched ray; distal margin straight and poste-
rior rays gradually shorter; last ray reaching to middle of caudal peduncle. Anal fin inserted
below middle rays of dorsal fin; anterior rays gradually longer to last unbranched and 1–2
anterior branched rays; distal margin slightly concave; last ray reaching to or very slightly
beyond middle of caudal peduncle. Pectoral-fin insertion at about vertical through posterior
margin of osseous opercle; tip pointed, not reaching to pelvic-fin origin. Pectoral-fin axial lobe
well developed. Pelvic fin inserted slightly anterior to midbody, anterior to dorsal-fin origin;
not reaching to anal-fin origin. Pelvic axillary scale present. Caudal fin forked, lobes round-
tipped, of about equal length.
Vertebrae 17+16 = 33 (1), 17+17 = 34 (5). Pharyngeal teeth 5,4,2/2,3,5 (NRM 67285, 49.7
mm SL).
Colouration in preservative. Dorsum pale grey, with white or pale yellow ground colour,
suffused with grey; abdomen and interstripes white or pale yellow, thin stripe in same colour
close along anal-fin base and lower margin of caudal peduncle. Opercle grey or silvery depend-
ing on preservation, with several small black spots. Narrow dark brown mid-dorsal stripe from
occiput to end of caudal peduncle. Cleithral spot smaller than pupil, brown or black, round or
slightly deeper than wide. P stripe black, integer, about 1 scale deep, slightly expanded caudally
on caudal peduncle, commencing at vertical from about first to sixth anal-fin ray, extending to
end of caudal fin, covering caudal–fin rays D1–5 to their tips and rays V1–3 basally. P stripe
bordered dorsally by irregular narrow light interstripe I, which anteriorly is fragmented into a
series of light round or vertically extended spots. P+1 stripe dark brown, narrow, irregular,
parallel with P stripe. P+2 stripe absent or indistinct, when present bordering interstripe I+1
consisting of small white spots. P-1 and P-2 stripes contained in broad dark field posterior to
abdomen. I-1 interstripe short, narrow paralleling P stripe, above anal fin and forward repre-
sented by horizontal series of round or vertically extended spots which increasing in size from
posterior to anterior. White spots commonly open dorsally and ventrally on middle and ante-
rior side, giving rise to pattern of up to nine or ten narrow alternating light interbars and dark
Fins hyaline, except for caudal fin as described above; dorsal-fin anterior corner with nar-
row black submarginal stripe and white margin.
Geographical distribution. Devario devario is reported from northern and north-eastern
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Myanmar [7–8, 17, 34–37]. In Bangladesh it is found
Table 4. Counts of branched dorsal-fin rays in species of Devario from Bangladesh (N = 56). Asterisk (*) marks count from holotype.
9½ 10½ 11½ 12½ 14½ 15½ 16½ 17½
D. aequipinnatus 2 18 1
D. anomalus 1 7 4
D. coxi 5 2*
D. devario 1 8 6 2
Table 5. Counts of branched anal-fin rays in species of Devario from Bangladesh (N = 55). Asterisk (*) marks count from holotype.
11½ 12½ 13½ 14½ 15½ 16½ 17½
D. aequipinnatus 3 11 7
D. anomalus 5 7
D. coxi 1 1 4* 1
D. devario 2 9 5
in large rivers and beels [7][35] (pers. obs.; Fig 3), contrasting with other Devario which occur
mainly in small streams.
Remarks. Barbels are usually considered to be absent in D. devario (e.g., [1]), and that is
the case in most specimens, but very short barbels may be present on the maxilla on one or
both sides of the head [17], [present paper]. In the field D. devario is readily recognized by the
very deep body and the silvery colour in life.
Material examined
All from Bangladesh. Sylhet Division: Meghna River drainage:DU 9001, 1, 42.3 mm SL;
DU 0201091 and NRM 66705 (fin clip), 1, 37.6 mm SL; NRM 66216, 8, 34.3–49.0 mm SL;
Moulovibazar District: Meghna River drainage: Madobkundo waterfall, hill streams about 5
km from Dakshinbagh railway station on the Kulaura-Shabajpur track, 24˚330 17.0@N 92˚
13’26.4@E; M.M.Rahman, 26 Apr 2014.—NRM 66258 (T9865) 1, 60.2 mm SL; NRM 66259
(T9866) 1, 53.7 mm SL; Moulovibazar District: Madobkundo waterfall, aquarium specimen
from the wild, kept in aquarium; M.M. Rahman.—Chittagong Division: Feni River drainage:
DU 6104, 2, 33.7–48.1 mm SL; Feni River and Shitakunda hillstream, Mohamaya hillstream;
M.M. Rahman, 31 May 2015.—DU 6179, 65.7 mm SL; DU 6180, 3, 35.1–50.4 mm SL; DU
6244, 1, 60.9 mm SL; Khagrachori Sadar: Richong stream; M.M. Rahman, 25 Apr 2015.—DU
6184, 3, 29.7–36.9 mm SL; Khagrachori Sadadar: Richong stream at Richong waterfall, 23˚
030 57@N, 91˚560 38@E; M.M. Rahman, 25 Apr 2015.—DU 6188, 3, 21.5–33.9 mm SL; Khagra-
chori Sadar: Bangmara stream beside Chittagong–Khagrachori highway, 23˚030 50@N, 91˚
540 18@E; M.M. Rahman, 24 Apr 2015.—DU 6253, 1, 47.8 mm SL; Feni River and Shitakunda
hill stream, Mohamaya Hill, 22˚290 05@N, 091˚210 07@E; M.M. Rahman, 29 May 2015—UMMZ
209008, 4, 34.2–47.0 mm SL; Koilla Khal, 6 miles E of Feni–Chittagong Highway on road to
Ramgarh, 22˚550 N, 91˚360 E; W.J. Rainboth et al., 3 Feb 1978.—Karnafuli River drainage: CAS
94526. 8, 35.3–54.5 mm SL.—Karnafuli River drainage: small stream 7 km E of Khagrachari
Fig 4. a) Devario aequipinnatus, young male, NRM 66216, 39.7 mm SL: Madobkundo Falls; b) D.
aequipinnatus, young female, DU 9001, 42.3 mm SL: Madobkundo Falls; c) D. aequipinnatus, adult male, DU
6179, 65.7 mm SL, Khagrachori, Richong stream, preserved in 95% ethanol; d) D. coxi, holotype, adult male,
DU 9002, 63.8 mm SL, Cox’s Bazar, Majerchora stream; e) D.coxi, paratype, adult female, NRM 68072, 63.4
mm SL, Cox’s Bazar, Majerchora stream.
town; T.R. Roberts, 7 Jun 1996.—NRM 66813 (T10223), 1, 38.5 mm SL; hill stream at north-
western margin of Chittagong University campus, in and below rapids, 2˚28@260 N, 91˚46’59@E;
M.M. Rahman et al., 29 Nov 2014—NRM 66832 (T10198) 1, 54.1 mm SL; Bangchora hill
stream in Kaptai, near hydropower station, 22˚290 45@N, 92˚110 12@E; M.M. Rahman et al., 28
Nov 2014.
Diagnosis. Devario aequipinnatus is distinguished from all other Devario by the particular
colour pattern: presence of distinct, straight P+1, P, and P-1 stripes, of which the P stripe is
wider than the others, equal in width from anterior to posterior end, or slightly tapering cau-
dad; anterior part of Interstripe I (below P stripe) may be interrupted at one or two points
anteriorly. Similar to D. coxi in colour pattern, with distinct P+1, P and P stripes along the
side, but P and P-1 integer to close to pectoral girdle, and interstripe I integer except occasional
interruption anteriorly (vs. stripes confluent anteriorly and containing light spots). Distin-
guished from D. coxi also by the combination of less dorsal-fin rays (9½–10½, exceptionally
11½ vs. 11½–12½), circumpeduncular scales (12, rarely 14, vs. 14); slightly more slender body
(body depth 26.7–30.8 vs. 29.9–33.2% SL), and longer upper jaw (upper jaw length 9.2–12.0 vs.
8.3–9.3% SL). Distinguished further from striped species of Devario in southern and south-
western India, D. fraseri, D. malabaricus, D. mysoricus, and D. neilgherriensis by presence vs.
absence of infraorbital process.
Description. External aspect is shown in Fig 4A and 4B. Proportional measurements and
some counts are summarized in Tables 3–6.
Body laterally compressed, elongate; no sexual dimorphism in body shape. Predorsal area
wide and flat anteriorly, gradually more compressed, dorsum acute under dorsal-fin base,
postdorsally slightly wider, gradually more compressed to caudal-fin base. Predorsal contour
straight ascending or ascending slightly concave anteriorly, raised gradually from transverse
Table 6. Devario aequipinnatus from Bangladesh. Measurements in per cents of SL, with standard deviation (SD); linear regression (a, intercept; b,
slope), and correlation (Pearson’s r) if significant in ANOVA at p = 0.
N min max mean SD A B r
SL (mm) 21 34.3 65.7 46.3 7.9
Body depth 21 26.7 30.8 28.6 1.2 0.987 0.264 0.97
Head length 21 22.9 29.2 25.7 1.7 3.324 0.183 0.95
Snout length 21 6.9 8.3 7.6 0.4 0.629 0.061 0.97
Head depth 21 16.3 20.4 18.2 1.3 2.127 0.135 0.91
Head width 21 11.7 14.6 13.1 0.7 1.255 0.103 0.94
Upper jaw length 21 9.2 12.0 10.4 0.8 1.646 0.068 0.93
Lower jaw length 21 11.1 14.9 13.1 1.1 2.743 0.071 0.89
Orbital diameter 21 6.7 10.2 8.6 0.9 2.353 0.034 0.85
Interorbital width 21 9.4 11.6 10.6 0.6 1.430 0.074 0.96
Caudal peduncle length 21 17.0 21.3 19.0 1.3 -1.165 0.216 0.96
Caudal peduncle depth 21 10.7 12.4 11.9 0.5 0.049 0.120 0.97
Dorsal-fin base length 21 15.7 20.2 18.4 1.2 1.067 0.160 0.92
Anal-fin base length 21 16.1 21.3 18.9 1.2 0.122 0.186 0.93
Predorsal length 21 54.7 64.0 58.7 2.0 2.357 0.534 0.98
Preanal length 21 63.0 70.0 65.1 1.7 0.298 0.644 0.99
Prepelvic length 21 44.1 50.0 47.8 1.6 1.133 0.453 0.98
Pectoral-fin length 21 19.5 24.5 22.1 1.5 3.399 0.146 0.94
Pelvic-fin length 21 12.2 16.3 14.4 1.2 1.736 0.106 0.89
Rostral barbel length 20 2.6 6.7 4.5 1.2
Maxillary barbel length 21 0.6 2.8 1.5 0.5
lateralis canal; slightly curved to dorsal-fin base; from dorsal-fin base posteriorly to base of cau-
dal fin straight sloping. Prepelvic contour sloping, straight or slightly concave beneath pecto-
ral-fin base, posteriorly nearly horizontal, slightly curved; chest not conspicuously compressed
below pectoral fin; anal-fin base contour rising; ventral margin of caudal peduncle about
straight, horizontal. Snout short, rounded in dorsal aspect, subtriangular in lateral aspect,
about as long as eye diameter. Infraorbital process flat, wider than high or square, width about
half pupil diameter, with truncate or slightly rounded distal margin. Supraorbital process
absent. Danionine notch caudally margined by well-developed anteromediad projecting blunt
laminar dentary process. Skin cover absent from distal part of infraorbital process and anterior
margin of supraorbital. Mouth terminal, obliquely directed upwards. Small bony knob at den-
tary symphysis. Maxilla reaching to below anterior margin of orbit. Jaws equal anteriorly;
lower jaw ending anteriorly at horizontal through middle of eye. Upper lip anteriorly much
wider than lower lip, which not much wider than barbel. Lower jaw with lateral row of about
25 sharp, short, conical tubercles, followed medially by about six more parallel rows, forming
wide band of tubercles extending to the medial margin of the dentary. In males rows of strong,
densely arranged sharp-tipped conical tubercles on anterior 5 branched rays of pectoral fin;
pectoral-fin tubercles absent in females. Rostral barbels short, length of infraorbital 1 or to
base of maxillary barbel or slightly longer; maxillary barbel much shorter, at most half length
of rostral barbel. Supraorbital and rostral neuromast grooves prominent.
Lateral line complete, along 31–33 trunk scales (Table 3), and 2 scales on caudal-fin base;
comprising one tubed scale followed by a canal running steeply caudoventrad under unperfo-
rated scales to slightly posterior to pectoral-fin base, where curved caudad and represented by
scales with distinct perforation; running in a curve parallel to the ventral body outline and end-
ing low on caudal peduncle and caudal-fin base; vertical section represented by about six
scales. Median predorsal scales 14 (15), 15 (5). Lateral scale rows passing between dorsal and
pelvic fins ½6+1+2½ (6), ½7+1+2½ (12). Circumpeduncular scale rows 12 (21), 14 (4). A row
of scales along anal-fin base. About ¼ of caudal-fin length scaled basally.
Dorsal- and anal-fin ray counts in Tables 4 and 5. Pectoral-fin rays i.10 (5), i.11 (6), i.12 (8),
i.13 (1). Pelvic-fin rays i.7 (20). Dorsal fin inserted at highest point of dorsum, little posterior
to middle of body; anterior rays gradually longer to last unbranched and 1–2 anterior
branched rays; distal margin straight and posterior rays gradually shorter; last ray reaching to
middle of caudal peduncle. Anal fin inserted below anterior rays of dorsal fin; anterior rays
gradually longer to last unbranched and 1–2 anterior branched rays; distal margin slightly con-
cave; last ray reaching to or very slightly beyond middle of caudal peduncle. Pectoral-fin inser-
tion at about vertical through posterior margin of osseous opercle; tip rounded, extending to
pelvic-fin origin. Pectoral-fin axial lobe well developed. Pelvic fin inserted slightly anterior to
mid-body, anterior to dorsal-fin origin; not reaching to anal-fin origin. Pelvic axillary scale
present. Caudal fin forked, lobes round-tipped, of about equal length, but lower very slightly
longer and broader.
Vertebrae 16+18 = 34 (1), 17+17 = 34 (5), 17+18 = 35 (1), 18+17 = 35 (1). Pharyngeal teeth
5,4,1/1,4,5 (NRM 66216, 45.5 mm SL).
Colouration in preservative. Ground colour yellowish white. Sides of head with sparse
pigmentation. Dorsum pale grey. Narrow black dorsal midline from occiput to end of caudal
peduncle. P stripe about one scale wide, slightly decreasing in width caudally, margins even;
dark brown, darker caudally, ending anteriorly 2–3 scales posterior to cleithrum, like other
horizontal stripes and interstripes, posteriorly at end of caudal peduncle. Anterior to P stripe
diffuse brownish, followed by contrasting yellowish white short vertical bar and wedge shaped
black or dark brown vertically oriented cleithral spot. Interstripe I less than one scale wide,
paralleling P stripe, anteriorly distinctly narrower than P stripe, posteriorly relatively less
distinctly narrower. Interstripe I+1 Paralleling P stripe, anteriorly very narrow, slightly wider
caudally, still less than 1 scale wide. P+1 stripe paralleling P stripe, less than one scale wide,
pale brown, anteriorly on caudal peduncle fading into pale grey colour of dorsum. Interstripe I
+2 short, parallel to, and much narrower than P+1 stripe. P-1stripe brown narrower than P
stripe and gradually narrower caudally, ending on caudal-fin base. Interstripe I paralleling P-1
stripe, narrower than P-1 stripe and narrower caudally. P-2 stripe indistinct, formed by scat-
tered melanophores from above posterior anal-fin base anteriorly to anterior level of other
stripes and interstripes. In some specimens, one or two light spots anteriorly in P stripe, or I-1
stripe anteriorly partly discontinuous. Pigmentation of P and P-1 stripes continuous anteri-
orly. Caudal fin hyaline except dark grey indistinct band on lower rays of upper lobe. Dorsal
fin dusky basally, corner and distal margin hyaline. Remaining fins hyaline. Specimens in etha-
nol grey where formalin preserved specimens brown. Cleithral spot variable in shape, wedge-
shaped or slightly oval. P stripe of almost equal width in the larger specimens, and also with
variable pattern of short darker stripes and light spots at anterior end of dark stripes.
Geographical distribution. In Bangladesh, D. aequipinnatus is found in small numbers in
fast flowing small streams within the Karnafuli, Feni, and Meghna drainages (Fig 3). Records
from the Tista and Brahmaputra drainages in India suggest that it occurs in similar habitats
further to the west or northwest. Devario aequipinnatus was reported from Bangladesh by [11],
[35]. It was given a wide range in northern India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thai-
land and China by Barman [17], and similar wide distribution by other authors (e.g., [36]). In
Bangladesh the species appears to be restricted to small forest hill streams.
Remarks. Based on the comparative material used herein, D. aequipinnatus is present out-
side Bangladesh in the upper Brahmaputra, Barak, and Tista Rivers in India and the upper
Khosi River, Ganga drainage, in Nepal, and has probably a wider distribution in northeastern
and northern India, and adjacent Nepal. In the Indian comparative material meristics are:
branched dorsal fin rays 9½ (4), 10½ (14), 11½ (6), 12½ (1); lateral line scales 30 (1), 31 (2), 32
(2), 33 (8), 34 (1), 35 (1); circumpeduncular scales 12 (25).
Table 7. Morphometry in Devario coxi. Measurements in per cents of SL, with standard deviation (SD); linear regression (a, intercept; b, slope), and corre-
lation (Pearson’s r) if significant in ANOVA at p = 0. HT = separate data for holotype.
HT N min max mean SD a b r
SL (mm) 63.8 7 62.6 71.6 66.4 3.7
Body depth 29.9 7 29.9 33.2 30.9 1.3 -2.178 0.355 0.95
Head length 23.4 7 22.8 24.0 23.4 0.4 0.253 0.240 0.99
Snout length 6.9 7 6.6 8.0 7.0 0.5 -0.370 0.077 0.98
Head depth 16.8 7 15.9 18.7 16.9 0.9 0.058 0.176 0.96
Head width 12.4 7 12.0 13.1 12.5 0.4 0.203 0.128 0.99
Upper jaw length 9.2 7 8.3 9.3 8.9 0.4 -0.019 0.096 0.96
Lower jaw length 12.2 7 11.0 13.1 12.0 0.7 -0.032 0.118 0.97
Orbital diameter 8.0 7 7.3 8.0 7.7 0.3 0.490 0.071 0.95
Interorbital width 9.7 7 9.3 10.3 9.9 0.3 0.084 0.105 0.98
Caudal peduncle length 17.1 7 17.1 19.2 18.1 0.9 1.081 0.151 0.93
Caudal peduncle depth 12.4 7 11.1 12.9 12.0 0.6 -0.233 0.131 0.99
Dorsal-fin base length 21.0 7 19.3 21.9 20.5 1.0 -3.538 0.262 0.91
Anal-fin base length 20.2 7 18.1 21.4 19.3 1.1 -0.915 0.227 0.96
Predorsal length 59.6 7 56.5 59.8 58.3 1.1 1.076 0.566 0.99
Preanal length 64.9 7 64.4 69.5 66.5 1.9 -1.076 0.680 0.99
Prepelvic length 45.8 7 45.8 50.6 48.0 1.8 -0.206 0.485 0.99
Pectoral-fin length 21.6 7 20.8 22.6 21.8 0.7 0.326 0.232 0.95
Pelvic-fin length 14.7 7 14.2 15.6 14.8 0.4 -0.352 0.169 0.95
Rostral barbel length 3.6 6 2.5 4.1 3.6 0.6
Maxillary barbel length 1.3 7 0.4 1.7 0.9 0.4
Description. External aspect is shown in Fig 4C and 4D. Some meritic data is presented
in Tables 3–5; proportional measurements are summarized in Table 7. Counts from holotype
marked with asterisk.
Body laterally compressed, elongate, females slightly more deep-bodied than males (30.2–
33.2% SL vs. 27.8–39.0%), and with greater preanal distance (66.0–69.5% SL vs. 63.6–64.9%).
Predorsal area wide and flat anteriorly, gradually more compressed, dorsum acute under dor-
sal fin base, postdorsally slightly wider, gradually more compressed to caudal fin base. Predor-
sal contour in small specimens straight ascending; in large adults ascending slightly concave
anteriorly, raising gradually from transverse lateralis canal, slightly curved to dorsal-fin base;
from dorsal-fin base posteriorly to base of caudal fin straight sloping. Prepelvic contour slop-
ing, straight or slightly concave beneath pectoral-fin base, posteriorly nearly horizontal,
slightly curved, more so in females; chest not conspicuously compressed below pectoral fin;
anal-fin base contour rising; ventral margin of caudal peduncle about straight, horizontal.
Snout short, rounded in dorsal aspect, subtriangular in lateral aspect, about as long as eye
diameter. Infraorbital process flat, wider than high, width about half pupil diameter, with trun-
cate or slightly rounded distal margin. Supraorbital process absent. Danionine notch caudally
margined by well-developed anteromediad projecting, blunt laminar dentary process. Skin
cover absent from distal part of infraorbital process, dentary process, and anterior margin of
supraorbital. Mouth terminal, obliquely directed upwards. Small bony knob at dentary sym-
physis. Maxilla reaching to below anterior margin of orbit. Jaws equal anteriorly; lower jaw
ending anteriorly at horizontal through middle of eye. Upper lip anteriorly much wider than
lower lip, which not much wider than barbel. Lower jaw with lateral row of about 20–25 short
sharp, short, conical tubercles, followed medially by one or more parallel rows, or a wider
band of tubercles extending to the medial margin of the dentary; except for lateral row,
Geographical distribution. Known only from a small stream near Cox’s Bazar, and the
lower Matamuhuri River in Bangladesh (Fig 3).
Etymology. The specific name is a noun in the genitive case, referring to the type locality
area (Cox’s Bazar), but could also be understood as referring to the gene fragment used to
identify the species (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1, often shortened to COXI); or to Hiram
Cox (1760–1799), after whom Cox’s Bazar was named.
Remarks. Only two specimens were available for sequencing; remaining specimens
referred to this population were identified by the unique combination of 14 circumpeduncular
scales and 11½-12½ unbranched dorsal-fin rays.
Fig 5. Devario anomalus. a) young male, NRM 68075, 50.8 mm SL, Cox’s Bazar, Barachora Stream; b) adult female, 65574,
66.2 mm SL, Cox’s Bazar, Barachora stream; c) young male, NRM 68186, 45.1 mm SL, Bandarban, Sangu River near Ruma.
reaching to below anterior margin of orbit. Jaws equal anteriorly; lower jaw ending anteriorly
at horizontal through middle of eye, posteriorly at vertical through middle of eye. Lower jaw
with large conical tubercles in several rows in juveniles (including smallest specimen, 19.4 mm
SL); tubercles gradually reduced in relative height with increasing body size; in adults lower
jaw with 2–3 rows of minute conical tubercles concentrated on lateral surface, occasionally
absent, in large specimens a few tubercles along margins of danionine notch; tuberculation in
adults variably developed from hardly visible to well-developed without correlation with sex.
Seven specimens, 50.8–79.2 mm SL, with two rows of strong, densely arranged sharp-tipped
conical tubercles anterior 5–6 branched rays of pectoral fin. Rostral barbel short, length of
infraorbital 1 or to base of maxillary barbel; maxillary barbel much shorter, at most half length
of rostral barbel.
Lateral line complete, along 30–33 body scales (Table 3) and 2 scales on caudal-fin base;
comprising one tubed scale followed by a canal running steeply caudoventrad under unperfo-
rated scales to slightly posterior to pectoral-fin base, where curved caudad and represented by
perforated scales running in a curve parallel to the ventral body outline and ending low on cau-
dal peduncle and caudal-fin base; vertical section represented by about six scales; continued by
two scales on caudal-fin base. Median predorsal scales 14 (2), 15 (10). Lateral scale rows pass-
ing between dorsal and pelvic fins ½6+1+2½ (7) ½7+1+2½ (5). Circumpeduncular scale rows
12 (12). A row of scales along anal-fin base. About ¼-1/3 of caudal-fin length scaled basally.
Dorsal- and anal-fin ray counts in Tables 4 and 5. Pectoral-fin rays i.10 (4), i.11 (6), i.12 (2).
Pelvic-fin rays i.7 (12). Dorsal fin inserted at highest point of dorsum, little posterior to middle
of body. Anal fin inserted below anterior rays of dorsal fin. Pectoral-fin insertion at about ver-
tical through posterior margin of osseous opercle; pectoral fin not extending to pelvic-fin ori-
gin. Pectoral-fin axial lobe well developed. Pelvic fin inserted slightly anterior to mid-body,
not reaching to anal-fin origin. Pelvic axillary scale present. Caudal fin forked, lobes of about
equal length. Vertebrae 16+18 = 34 (2), 17+17 = 34 (1), 17+18 = 35 (6), 17+19 = 36 (1). Pha-
ryngeal teeth 5,4,2/2,4,5 (NRM 65574, 66.2 mm SL).
Colouration in preservative. Dorsum pale grey, sides pale yellowish white, abdomen
white. Opercle brownish or silvery depending on preservation. Sides of head sparsely
Table 8. Morphometry of Devario anomalus. Measurements in per cents of SL, with standard deviation (SD); linear regression (a, intercept; b, slope), and
correlation (Pearson’s r) if significant in ANOVA at p >0.9 but not shown for males in which not significant for most measurements.
Males Females
N min max mean SD N min max mean SD a b r
SL (mm) 5 50.8 60.0 55.5 3.6 7 49.7 78.1 66.0 10.0
Body depth 5 25.9 28.5 27.2 1.0 7 26.3 30.2 27.9 1.3 3.155 0.230 0.89
Head length 5 24.0 26.0 24.8 0.8 7 24.2 26.0 24.8 0.7 -1.102 0.265 0.90
Snout length 5 6.8 8.0 7.4 0.5 7 7.3 7.8 7.5 0.2 -0.680 0.085 0.39
Head depth 5 15.7 17.3 16.5 0.7 7 15.4 17.5 16.6 0.8 -0.791 0.179 0.78
Head width 5 12.4 13.2 12.9 0.3 7 12.2 13.6 13.0 0.5 -0.994 0.146 0.94
Upper jaw length 5 10.2 11.6 10.8 0.6 7 10.1 11.5 10.6 0.5 1.089 0.089 0.62
Lower jaw length 5 12.8 14.2 13.4 0.6 7 11.7 13.9 12.7 0.8 2.939 0.081 0.78
Orbital diameter 5 7.1 7.9 7.4 0.3 7 6.9 7.7 7.1 0.3 0.535 0.062 0.79
Interorbital width 5 9.8 10.4 10.1 0.2 7 9.6 10.5 10.2 0.3 -0.195 0.105 0.96
Caudal peduncle length 5 17.5 19.3 18.6 0.7 7 17.3 19.0 18.3 0.6 -0.381 0.189 0.80
Caudal peduncle depth 5 11.9 12.8 12.3 0.4 7 11.5 12.5 12.0 0.4 -0.099 0.122 0.97
Dorsal-fin base length 5 18.5 20.2 19.3 0.6 7 17.7 19.6 18.6 0.7 0.272 0.175 0.98
Anal-fin base length 5 19.1 22.3 20.2 1.3 7 19.2 21.1 20.4 0.7 0.612 0.194 0.97
Predorsal length 5 54.9 61.8 59.0 2.6 7 55.7 62.0 60.1 2.1 0.942 0.586 0.83
Preanal length 5 62.9 65.6 64.0 1.0 7 63.8 66.2 64.7 0.8 2.080 0.615 0.99
Prepelvic length 5 44.0 47.4 46.1 1.4 7 44.9 47.8 46.4 1.1 2.007 0.433 0.95
Pectoral-fin length 5 20.2 22.0 21.1 0.7 7 20.5 23.3 21.8 0.9 2.837 0.674 0.89
Pelvic-fin length 5 14.1 16.0 14.7 0.7 7 13.2 15.7 14.1 0.8 2.498 0.423 0.94
Rostral barbel length 5 4.5 6.2 5.3 0.7 7 3.8 6.0 4.9 0.7
Maxillary barbel length 5 1.7 2.6 1.9 0.4 7 1.7 2.4 2.1 0.3
pigmented. Narrow dark brown middorsal stripe from occiput to end of caudal peduncle.
Dark brown or black, round or irregularly triangular cleithral spot covering part of first lat-
eral-line scale and scale above. Along middle of side anterior to about vertical from anal-fin
insertion a row of about 6–10 short dark vertical bars occupying a space equivalent to stripes P
+1, P, and P-1. Anterior two bars greyish brown and narrow, followed by 4–5 wide, deep and
contrasting black bars, preceding grey posterior bars. P stripe commencing posterior to bars,
above anterior anal fin rays, extending to end of caudal peduncle; wide, black, with irregular
borders, P stripe bordered dorsally by irregular narrow interstripe I. P+1 stripe dark brown,
narrow, irregular, parallel with P stripe. P-1 stripe represented by indistinct spots detached
from vertical bars may be present anteriorly on side, and present as 2–4 indistinct spots below
P stripe. Dark markings predominantly brown in specimens preserved for a longer time, black
in fresh specimens.
Dorsal fin pale grey basally, distal margin white. Anal fin pale grey basally, distal margin
white. Pectoral and pelvic fins hyaline. Caudal fin semihyaline or pale grey; grey stripe along
middle rays. Juveniles (Fig 3) with dark brown cleithral spot, about 5 pale vertical bars from
about 20 mm SL; broad P stripe, indistinct P-1 stripe and contrasting interstripes I and I-1 pos-
teriorly on side.
Geographical distribution. Known only from Bangladesh, recorded from coastal streams
between Himchori and Teknaf, and the middle Sangu River upstream of Bandarban (Fig 3).
Comments. Devario anomalus was described from six large specimens, 57.0–81.0 mm SL,
from south of Cox’s Bazar [9], probably at Himchori based on the coordinates in the original
description. Data in the original description are confirmed by the present observations, except
for the number of lateral line scales (33–35 according to [9]; 30–33 in our material), and
Table 9. Component loadings in principal component analysis of pooled measurement data from Devario aequipinnatus from Bangladesh, D.
anomalus, D. coxi, D. devario from Bangladesh and adjacent India, and D. xyrops.
Component PC1 Sheared PC2 Sheared PC3 Sheared PC4
SL (mm) 0.238 -0.037 0.099 0.231
Body depth 0.249 0.344 0.302 -0.347
Head length 0.211 -0.056 -0.088 -0.086
Snout length 0.234 -0.210 -0.117 -0.105
Head depth 0.189 0.100 0.231 -0.027
Head width 0.236 -0.09 -0.061 -0.152
Upper jaw length 0.222 -0.38 -0.344 -0.114
Lower jaw length 0.199 -0.282 -0.308 -0.009
Orbital diameter 0.144 0.171 -0.001 -0.224
Interorbital width 0.225 -0.049 -0.103 -0.234
Caudal peduncle length 0.238 -0.420 0.379 0.449
Caudal peduncle depth 0.262 -0.043 0.111 0.013
Dorsal-fin base length 0.245 0.541 -0.190 0.320
Anal-fin base length 0.265 0.228 -0.465 0.453
Predorsal length 0.245 -0.161 0.108 0.014
Preanal length 0.234 0.047 0.275 0.064
Prepelvic length 0.227 0.057 0.234 0.023
Pectoral-fin length 0.226 0.011 -0.102 -0.344
Pelvic-fin length 0.239 0.078 -0.185 -0.182
Eigenvalue 0.610 N/A N/A N/A
Cumulative variance 77.3% 96.0% 96.9% 97.7%
Comparative morphometrics
The principal component analysis of measurements from D. aequipinnatus, D. coxi, D. anoma-
lus, D. devario, and D. xyrops (Table 9, Fig 7), separates D. devario from the rest based on a
prominent PC2 in which the long dorsal-fin base is dominant. Removing D. devario results in
more scatter (Table 10, Fig 8), probably marked by individual variability from different preser-
vation and size ranges among species samples. Nonetheless, the PCA indicates different clus-
ters for D. anomalus and D. xyrops, as well as for D. aequipinnatus and D. coxi.
Fig 7. Plot of scores from principal component analysis of pooled measurements from Devario
aequipinnatus from Bangladesh, D. anomalus, D. coxi, D. devario and D. xyrops.
Table 10. Component loadings in Principal Component Analysis of pooled measurement data from D. aequipinnatus from Bangladesh D. anoma-
lus, D. coxi, D. anomalus and D. xyrops.
Component PC1 Sheared PC2 Sheared PC3 Sheared PC4
SL (mm) 0.237 -0.127 0.114 -0.229
Body depth 0.263 0.382 0.263 0.153
Head length 0.209 -0.128 -0.085 0.255
Snout length 0.219 -0.213 -0.066 0.193
Head depth 0.194 0.056 0.295 0.151
Head width 0.232 -0.049 0.005 0.275
Upper jaw length 0.197 -0.356 -0.439 0.282
Lower jaw length 0.185 -0.102 -0.298 -0.045
Orbital diameter 0.153 0.297 0.132 0.321
Interorbital width 0.223 0.03 -0.051 0.326
Caudal peduncle length 0.220 -0.447 0.299 -0.256
Caudal peduncle depth 0.257 0.027 0.041 -0.169
Dorsal-fin base length 0.278 0.373 -0.162 -0.357
Anal-fin base length 0.287 0.084 -0.46 -0.33
Predorsal length 0.236 -0.135 0.051 -0.048
Preanal length 0.234 -0.055 0.258 -0.181
Prepelvic length 0.228 -0.017 0.233 -0.081
Pectoral-fin length 0.225 0.173 -0.067 0.236
Pelvic-fin length 0.243 0.373 -0.237 -0.065
Eigenvalue 0.845 N/A N/A N/A
Cumulative variance 95.3% N/A N/A N/A
Rivers), (c) a single species representing the Kaveri River, sister to a clade containing D. anom-
alus, D. xyrops, and D. devario); (d) striped species from the Brahmaputra, Chindwin, Feni,
Karnafuli, Mekong, and Sangu Rivers, and the Majerchora stream near Cox’s Bazar, compris-
ing D. aequipinnatus, D. coxi and D. deruptotalea.
Two specimens of Devario anomalus from the Sangu River cluster with D. aequipinnatus in
COI sequences (Fig 9, Table 11). In the nuclear RAG 1 sequences (Table 1, Fig 10), those speci-
mens are 99.5% similar to D. anomalus from near Cox’s Bazar, but only 97.3% similar to D.
Within species p-distances were either 0 (D. anomalus, D. browni, D. chrysotaeniatus) or
0.3% (D. aequipinnatus, D. devario, D. gibber), D. sp. cf. myitkyinae and D. sp. cf. mysoricus),
but with the exception of D. aequipinnatus, the samples are small.
1b Infraorbital process and rostral barbel present, 30–34 scales in lateral line, dorsal-fin rays
iii.9½–12½; . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .2
2a Several short vertical bars in a group anteriorly on the side, the middle of the side with
only indistinct vertical stripes, P stripe present posteriorly on the side to the base of the caudal
fin. . .. . ..D. anomalus.
2b P stripe uninterrupted from close to the head to the base of the caudal fin. . .. . ..
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 3
3a Circumpeduncular scales 14, branched dorsal-fin rays 11½–12½, P and P-1 stipes con-
fluent into dark field anteriorly, containing light spots
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..D. coxi
3b Circumpeduncular scales 12 (rarely 14), branched dorsal-fin rays 9½–10½ (rarely 11½),
P and P-1 separate anteriorly
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . D. aequipinnatus
Fig 8. Plot of scores from principal component analysis of pooled measurements from Devario
aequipinnatus from Bangladesh, D. anomalus, D. coxi and D. xyrops.
Table 11. Closest uncorrected pairwise p-distances (percent dissimilarity) between species of striped Devario based on COI sequence data.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(1) D. aequipinnatus
(2) D. coxi 1.8
(3) D. deruptotalea 2.6 2.0
(4) D. chrysotaeniatus 7.2 7.6 7.2
(5) D. laoensis 7.6 7.5 7.3 4.1
(6) D. browni 6.7 7.6 6.7 8.2 8.9
(7) D. kakhienensis 5.8 5.6 5.8 7.3 7.6 2.1
(8) D. fangae 6.3 6.1 6.3 7.3 8.2 2.7 1.8
(9) D. cf. myitkyinae 6.4 6.3 6.1 8.4 9 5.0 4.1 4.4
(10) D. anomalus 6.4 6.6 6.7 8.9 7.6 7.2 6.6 6.7 7
(11) D. xyrops 6.9 6.8 6.9 9.7 8.7 7.8 7.2 7.4 7.8 2.3
(12) D. devario 8.1 8.2 8.1 11.0 10.7 9.8 8.4 8.5 8.7 7.3 7.7
(13) D. gibber 8.6 9 9.2 10.1 9.4 7.8 7.8 8.1 8.9 9.2 9.8 11.5
(14) D. regina 8.4 8.7 9.3 9.9 11.1 8.4 8.7 7.9 8.7 8.7 9.2 9.0 9.0
(15) D. cf. mysoricus 11.6 10.5 11.5 14.4 13.6 11.5 11.8 11.6 12.4 10.8 11.8 12.5 12.6 12.8
Taxonomy of Devario aequipinnatus
Devario aequipinnatus is one of the most commonly reported species of Devario, with numer-
ous records from India, e.g., [17,39–40], some records from Nepal [9,37], and few, imprecise
Fig 10. Phylogram of relationships of selected species of Devario, based on a Bayesian analysis of a
1565 bp fragment of the exon 3 of the nuclear RAG 1 gene, targeting identity of specimens of D.
anomalus with D. aequipinnatus mitogenome.
records from Bangladesh[11][35]. It is even reported from China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, and Thailand [17]. Specimens reported from “rice paddy and creek east of Cox’s
Bazar”[9] may represent D. coxi. Devario aequipinnatus was described by M’Clelland [13] as
Perilampus aequipinnatus based apparently on a single preserved specimen that meanwhile
probably has been lost. M’Clelland indicated that the specimen had been collected in Assam.
At the time Assam covered a large part of northeastern India and northwestern Bangladesh.
Since then, numerous species of Devario have been reported from South and Southeast Asia,
many of them very similar to each other in appearance, and frequently synonymized with D.
aequipinnatus, which name has served as a convenient container particularly for all species of
Devario with a predominantly striped colour pattern.
M’Clelland’s 1839 monograph[13] on the Indian Cyprinidae was presented on 5 September
1838, and published in 1839. In the description of Perilampus aequipinnatus he makes special
mention that his material was found among plants in spirits collected by William Griffith in
Assam. He also mentions that “It has already been three years in spirits. . .” By twice referring
to the studied material as “it” it seems likely that only a single specimen was available to
M’Clelland. From the reference to Assam and that the specimen had been preserved since
three years, it is obvious that it came from the expedition by M’Clelland, Wallich, and Griffith
to Assam in 1835. This expedition left Pubna [Pabna, presently in Bangladesh], on 9 Septem-
ber 1835 and went, with many stops by way of Shiraz-gunge [Sirajganj], Jumalpore [Jamalpur],
Mymensing [Mymensingh], the mouth of the Soormah [Surma River] and Hubbe-gunge
[Habiganj], all presently in Bangladesh, north to Chattuc [Chhatak] and Khasiya mountains
[Khasi Hills] in Churra Punjee [Cherrapunji], proceeding north along the Burrampooter
[Brahmaputra] by way of Moflong [Mawphlang], Nunklow [Nonghlao], Guwahatti [Guwa-
hati] and Tezpoor [Tezpur] to the region of Suddiya [Sadiya], from where the party returned
in February 1836[41]. Around Sadiya, they stayed at Kujoo [Kujo Gaon], Negrigam [Ningru],
Nadowar [Nadua], Rangangurrah [Rangagarrah], and Bangmara [Bengmara] and traveled on
the Deboroo [Dibru River] and crossed the Maumoo stream [not located] [41]. The specimen
of D. aequipinnatus could have been obtained in present-day Bangladesh as well as in any of
the Indian localities visited by the expedition, although it seems more likely that it was
obtained in the focus area of the expedition, in present-day Assam or Arunachal Pradesh.
The original description of D. aequipinnatus [13] is relatively brief, but compatible with an
elongate species of Devario, except for the count of nine pelvic-fin rays. Remaining counts are
recorded as D. 13, P. 13, A. 13, C. 19; lateral line scales 32; scale rows between dorsal and pelvic
fins 8. There is no colour description, which is remarkable, as D. aequipinnatus has been iden-
tified by later authors as a species with distinctive striped colour pattern, and stripes are men-
tioned in the colour description and shown in the drawing of D. ostreographus in the same
paper [13], p. 392, pl. 46 [= 45], Fig 3). The tongue is described as thick and corrugated, and
whereas a tongue is absent in Devario, the skin covering the floor of the gape is thick with
transverse grooves. M’Clelland also gives the length of the intestine and stomach, showing
that the specimen was dissected. M’Clelland’s illustration [13], pl. 60, Fig 1, shows small dark
spots in two or three rows on the side close to the back, but no other colour pattern.
There is no indication that the specimen described by M’Clelland is in existence. The
identification of the fish as a species of Devario is not fully supported by an unambiguous
autapomorphy, and the taxon should properly have been treated as a species inquirenda.
Nevertheless, the widespread application of the name on a species of Devario merits its
The type locality area for D. aequipinnatus, as deduced from the itinerary of Griffith’s 1835
expedition includes present-day Bangladesh, and the Indian states of Meghalaya and Assam.
We have not had access to specimens coming from specific places mentioned by Griffith[41]
and listed above, but we base our concept of D. aequipinnatus on specimens from within the
area covered by the general area of the expedition and which correspond to M’Clelland’s
description except for probable differences in counting fin-rays, and the possession of a well-
developed striped colour pattern. M’Clelland based D. aequipinnatus on the equal size of the
dorsal and anal fins, probably referring to both having 13 fin rays. Although it is uncertain
whether M’Clelland included or excluded the two shorter unbranched dorsal- and anal-fin
rays in his count of 13, there are no alternative identifications than a species of Devario, as no
other cyprinid genus in the area has partly opposed dorsal and anal fins with more than ten
unbranched rays. In Salmophasia, Barilius, and Opsarius the dorsal fin, with usually seven
branched rays, has a much shorter base than the anal fin, with more variation in number of fin
rays, and the dorsal fin inserts well anterior to a vertical from the insertion of the anal fin; in
Chela, Laubuka, and Esomus, with opposed dorsal and anal fins, the dorsal fin, with only 6–10
unbranched rays, has a much shorter base than the anal fin (data from [36]). In D. aequipinna-
tus, as diagnosed here, there are 1–2 more rays in the anal fin than in the dorsal fin, but there is
no known species within the type locality area that comes closer to M’Clelland’s description.
Barman’s concept of D. aequipinnatus includes species that meanwhile have been consid-
ered as valid, i.e., D. malabaricus from southern India, D. micronema (Bleeker, 1863) from Sri
Lanka, and D. affinis (Blyth, 1860), D. browni (Regan, 1907), and D. strigillifer (Myers, 1924)
from Myanmar [1]. Talwar & Jhingran [36] synonymized Danio deyi Sen in Sen & Dey, 1985
[42], with Devario aequipinnatus. The deficient description and figures of Danio deyi suggest
however, that it is a species of Danio, possibly D. meghalayensis Sen & Dey, 1985. The descrip-
tion of D. meghalayensis, however, has a photograph ([42], Fig II B) of a specimen looking like
Devario aequipinnatus or D. assamensis but the quality does not permit a decision. The
descriptions in [42] were discussed in [22].
Aside from D. assamensis and D. ostreographus, the only potential synonym of D. aequipin-
natus is Leuciscus lineolatus Blyth, 1858, already synonymized by [39], followed by [17] and
[1]. Blyth’s description [38], based on a single specimen from Darjeeling, agrees in scale and
fin counts (D. 12, A. 14, P. 11, V. 8; 10 transverse scales, about 32 lateral line scales), and the
colour markings mentioned correspond to the cleithral spot and P, P+1, and P-1 stripes, with
interstripes: “A dusky spot behind the gill-covers, placed in a whitish space; beyond which a
broad darkish band extends to the middle of the tail, bordered by a narrow pale line above and
below, the lower not reaching so far forward as the upper: below this again another dark band
and then white; and above a second and trace of a third pale line.” No type specimens are
known to exist.
Jayaram [40] presented a review of Devario malabaricus and D. aequipinnatus from south-
ern India, focusing on the diagnosis of D. malabaricus. The specimens he listed are from the
Krishna, Kaveri (Coromandel Coast), and Bharathappuzha (Malabar Coast) drainages. His
illustration of D. aequipinnatus shows a specimen from the upper Krishna River drainage, not
far from Pune, agreeing with his view of D. aequipinnatus as a slender species with 31–34 lat-
eral line scales. Two specimens, CMK 7250 with the same locality data represent a very slender
species of Devario, with about 34 lateral-line scales, extremely short barbels, 12 circumpedun-
cular scales, infraorbital process absent; and a colour pattern including several short vertical
bars anteriorly on the side, followed by horizontal stripes P, P+1 and P-1. It is consequently
different from D. aequipinnatus in barbel development, absence of infraorbital process, and
colour pattern. Several nominal species of Devario have been described from southern and
western peninsular India, including D. aurolineatus (Day, 1865), D. canarensis (Jerdon, 1849),
D. fraseri (Hora & Mukerji, 1935), D. malabaricus, D. mysoricus (Jerdon, 1849) and D. neilgher-
riensis (Day, 1867), all requiring taxonomic revision.
Numerous COI sequences identified as Devario aequipinnatus were downloaded from Gen-
Bank in August 2016. They reflect extensive barcoding projects currently underway in India.
About half of those sequences do not concern the species here identified as D. aequipinnatus, but
are from D. malabaricus and similar species in southern India. “Barcode sequences” from the
Brahmaputra in Assam/Meghalaya (Genbank accession numbers FJ459485, KF511497–511499,
KJ936744–48), the Tuicheng River, a tributary of the Kaladan River (Genbank accession num-
bers KJ936784–KJ936788) in Mizoram, and from Kamalganj, on the border with Tripura, appar-
ently in the Meghna drainage (Genbank accession number KT364769) agree with our sequences
of D. aequipinnatus. Based on preserved specimens and published barcode sequences, it seems
that D. aequipinnatus is restricted to the Brahmaputra, Feni, Meghna, and Karnafuli basins,
including the upper Tista River, and potentially present in the upper Kaladan drainage.
Devario coxi
The striped Devario from Cox’s Bazar has a distinct COI haplotype different from all other spe-
cies of Devario and is further distinguished from D. aequipinnatus and most other species of
Devario by having 14 instead of 12 scales around the middle of the caudal peduncle, by addi-
tion of a scale row immediately below the dorsal median row. A few specimens of D. aequipin-
natus from other localities in Bangladesh possess 14 circumpeduncular scales, but all D.
aequipinnatus from India and Nepal have 12, the count present in almost all other species of
Devario, and in the closely related genus Betadevario. Presence in the eastern Bangladeshi D.
aequipinnatus of occasional specimens with 14 scales shows that the circumpeduncular scale
count cannot be used alone as a diagnostic character of the D. coxi. The only other species of
striped Devario with 14 circumpeduncular scales may be D. acrostomus. Devario affinis, D.
annandalei, D. spinosus, D. strigillifer, and D. yuensis, which have very small scales, 35 or more
in the lateral line, and 14–20 circumpeduncular scales. Devario coxi is phenotypically distinct
also in more branched dorsal-fin rays, but with narrow overlap (Table 4). The colour pattern is
slightly different as in D. aequipinnatus the P, P+1 and P-1 stripes are integer, with the excep-
tion that the I-1 stripe may be interrupted anteriorly (Fig 4A–4C); whereas in D. coxi the P+1
stripe is irregular anteriorly, and the P and P-1 stripes are joined anteriorly on the side in a
wide dark area incorporating light spots (Fig 4D and 4E). Devario coxi is represented by large
adults, and D. aequipinnatus by many small specimens, rendering a morphometric compari-
son difficult, as size allometry may influence proportional measurements. Nevertheless, the
PCA (Fig 8) supports distinct morphologies. Although very similar to D. aequipinnatus,
genetic distinctness, fin counts, scale counts, colouration and morphometrics combined pro-
vide evidence for recognition of D. coxi as a distinct species.
Pairwise p-distance is the proportion of differences, or divergence, between two DNA
sequences, expressed in percent. As a coarse empirical rule-of-thumb, for the mitochondrial
COI gene, the pairwise p-distance between any two members of the same species is typically
<1%, while the pairwise p-distance between members of different species is typically 2%
[43], and can be used as an indicator of species affinity.
The p-distance among striped Devario range from 1.8 to 12.8 (Table 11). The distance
between D. aequipinnatus and D. coxi is 1.8%, which is low for the genus but similar to other
closely related similar species like D. kakhienensis and D. fangae which occur in separate head-
waters of the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar and China. At the other end, D. deruptotalea is
more similar (98%) to D. coxi, than to D. aequipinnatus (94%), conforming to the close rela-
tionship in the phylogenetic analysis. Rather than insisting on a rule of thumb of 2% p-distance
as species criterion, we accept the morphologically differentiated D. aequipinnatus+D. derupto-
talea+D.coxi and D. browni+D. fangae+D.kakhienensis as two groups of closely related species.
one-fourth of the total length in his description of D. aequipinnatus), mouth and head directed
upwards; 35 scales along the sides, 15 scales in a transverse row; fin counts D. 12, A. 16, P. 15,
V. 8, C. 19; colour pattern with purple stripes along the side “to the extremity of the caudal”;
prominent knob at the tip of the lower jaw; tongue thick and corrugated; and “caudal almost
entire, the middle rays being very little shorter than the outer”. The pectoral and pelvic fin
counts are probably incorrect, as there are rarely more than 12 branched pectoral-fin rays in
Devario. The description of the colour pattern is compatible with striped species of Devario,
except that in Devario the dark stripes along the side do not continue on the caudal fin, except
for the continuation of the P stripe. The image, however does not show any stripes on the cau-
dal fin. In Danio the stripes on the side of the body may be continued on the caudal fin, as in
D. dangila and D. rerio. With a size of “usually about three inches” (76 mm), P. ostreographus is
too large for D. rerio. Adult Devario always possess a distinctly emarginate caudal fin, whereas
the caudal fin becomes almost subtruncate in large specimens of Danio. The trunk colour pat-
tern of D. dangila and other members of the chain danio group is different from that of D.
ostreographus in being composed of a combination of narrow stripes and contiguous rings.
M’Clelland does not mention presence of barbels, suggesting that the species does not have
barbels, or only very short barbels, whereas most species of Danio have very long barbels. It is
clearly different from the other deep-bodied Devario in Bangladesh and northern India, D.
devario, in presence of multiple flank stripes and shorter dorsal fin (12 vs. 14½–17½ branched
rays). Based on the colour pattern and the fin counts, and the option that P. ostreographus rep-
resents large deep-bodied females, it is potentially the same species as D. aequipinnatus. Both
species were described in the same paper, but have never before been considered to be the
same species. As First Revisers we give precedence of priority to Perilampus aequipinnatus,
under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Article 24.2.[46]. We do not think
it is necessary to fix a neotype for P. ostreographus, as the synonymy is tentative and the fish
fauna of its area of occurrence is still incompletely known. There is at least no indication of
occurrence in Bangladesh of a deep-bodied species of Devario conforming to the description
by M’Clelland [13].
Because D. ostreographus and D. assamensis are the only known deep-bodied Devario
known from the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin besides D. devario it seems possible, potentially
supported by the similarity in reported shape and colour pattern, and anal-fin count, that D.
assamensis is a junior synonym of D. ostreographus, and in extension, a synonym of D. aequi-
pinnatus. The 1835 expedition to Assam, in which McClelland participated [41], passed Dar-
rang on the way, and it is possible that P. ostreographus was collected in that part of the
No specimens identified by McClelland as P. ostreographus are known to have been pre-
served. Four specimens of D. devario in SMF 8835, donated by McClelland in 1844, are in a
very bad state of preservation but are definitely referable to D. devario. Associated collection
information does not indicate that they represent D. ostreographus (SMF, pers. comm.) The
species is not listed in the catalogue of type specimens in the Zoological Survey of India, Cal-
cutta [47].
Day [48] synonymized species currently in Devario (Danio micronema, Devario cyanotae-
nia, Perilampus canarensis, P. malabaricus, P. mysoricus) under the name of Danio osteogra-
phus without explanation, and later [39], he synonymized D. ostreographus with Devario
devario, and synonymized the other species under D. malabaricus. Later ichthyologists fol-
lowed Day’s authority, and all treated D. ostreographus as a junior synonym of D. devario [1],
[17], [36], [49], until Conway et al. [9] re-validated D. ostreographus as a species without
known specimens.
Phylogenetic relationships
The phylogram, Fig 9, includes sequences from vouchered specimens of all species of striped
Devario available to us. The ingroup is contained in a polytomy with four unresolved clades
with some geographical correlation. Devario aequipinnatus from different localities show only
very slight variation; D. coxi is sister to D. aequipinnatus, and the sister species to D. aequipin-
natus+D. coxi is D. deruptotalea from the Chindwin River in Manipur. The sister group of D.
aequipinnatus+D. coxi+D. deruptotalea consists of two species from the Mekong River, which
is unexpected, but the node support is low.
Devario xyrops and D. anomalus are resolved as sister taxa, as expected from their morpho-
logical similarity, but their sister group relation to D. devario is unexpected. Devario cf. mysori-
cus represents a southern peninsular group also including D. malabaricus, for which there was
no relationship hypothesis formulated earlier, but which was usually synonymized with D.
aequipinnatus. A similar but slightly different subtree was found by Tang et al. [52], Fig 1, with
D. anomalus and D. xyrops as sister taxa, and sister to a clade consisting of D. devario, D.
pathirana and D. cf. malabaricus.
Two clades combine Mekong+Peninsular Thailand (D. gibber and D. regina), and Myanmar
species (D. fangae, D. cf. myitkyinae, D. kakhienensis, D. browni). The latter group consists of
relatively similar species distributed in northern Myanmar, with slight morphological differ-
ences between different river basins.
Two individuals from the Sangu River morphologically identified as Devario anomalus
were found to have identical COI sequences to Devario aequipinnatus.
Devario anomalus is resolved as sister species the very similar D. xyrops, separated by 2.3%
p-distance, supporting the view that D. xyrops is distinct from D. anomalus.
In the COI phylogram, Fig 9, two specimens morphologically identified as D. anomalus (tissue
vouchers 10786 and 10787) are found in the D. aequipinnatus clade, distant from the
remaining D. anomalus. These two specimens differ from D. aequipinnatus by 0.3% or less,
strongly indicating that they are conspecific. However, their nuclear RAG1 sequences place
them with other D. anomalus (Fig 10), 0.5% dissimilar from the other D. anomalus, and 2.7%
dissimilar from D. aequipinnatus. These two specimens consequently represent introgression
of D. aequipinnatus. This seems to be the first case of hybridization in the wild between two
species of danionine cyprinids. Hybridization is reported from many other cyprinids, but then
mainly from Europe and the United States and usually in anthropogenic conditions [53], and
no documented case of hybridization in nature in Asia. The present case is noteworthy because
there is no record of D. aequipinnatus from the Sangu River. The closest known populations of
D. aequipinnatus are in the Karnafuli drainage. It is not impossible that D. aequipinnatus has
been overlooked in the Sangu drainage, or the introgression is due to an ancient river connec-
tion and faunal exchange.
Bangladeshi species of Devario show a distinct pattern by presence and absence data. Most
noteworthy is that Devario devario is absent from southeastern Bangladesh, although there are
suitable habitats in the major rivers, the Karnafuli and Sangu. There are also no collecting rec-
ords from the Sundarbans or elsewhere in the lowland southwestern portion of Bangladesh.
Outside Bangladesh the geographical range of D. devario stretches along the Brahmaputra up
to Dibrugarh, and in the Ganga River basin in Nepal and India west to the Indus River drain-
age [17][54].
Devario aequipinnatus turns out to be a widespread species in the Brahmaputra drainage in
northeastern India, eastern Nepal, and in Bangladeshi rivers Meghna, Feni and Karnafuli; but
absent from the Sangu River and coastal streams, except for the presence of D. aequipinnatus
mtDNA in D. anomalus in the Sangu River. This is still a much more restricted distribution
than claimed by, e.g., Barman [17].
The sister-group relationship of D. anomalus and D. xyrops, the latter endemic to the west-
ern slope of the Rakhine Yoma—and the only species of Devario present there—suggests allo-
patric speciation, although there are no obvious geographical barriers between the Cox’s Bazar
and Teknaf region and the Rakhine Yoma, except possibly the large Kaladan River, which
forms the border between India and Myanmar, emptying in the Bay of Bengal at Sittwe. The
collecting record of D. xyrops and D. anomalus is still meagre, and should be expanded in
order to provide material for a biogeographical analysis.
Devario aequipinnatus is a widespread species in northeastern India and Bangladesh,
including the Feni and Karnafuli Rivers, but absent from the Sangu River and coastal streams,
except for the distinctive population near Cox’s Bazar, and the presence of D. aequipinnatus
mtDNA in D. anomalus in the Sangu River.
Whereas the collecting records of Devario definitely indicate southeastern Bangladesh—
with two endemic species—as distinct from the northern and western parts of the country,
and possibly pertaining to the distinctive fauna of the Rakhine Yoma, the geographical cover-
age of available collections is still limited. The presence of D. devario and D. aequipinnatus in
the rest of the country represents a portion of two widely distributed species in the Brahmapu-
tra basin. Published inventories (e.g., [8]) nevertheless suggest that the four species of Devario
reported here represents the total presence of the genus in Bangladesh.
Specimens were collected with the assistance of University of Dhaka research assistants. The
field work was conducted for the project Genetic characterization of freshwater fishes in
Bangladesh using DNA barcodes (Swedish Research Council, contract D0674001 to SK and
ARM). For access to other material and information we thank past and present curators and
collection staff at the California Academy of Sciences, Kansas University Biodiversity Institute
and Natural History Museum, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, The Natural His-
tory Museum and the Naturmuseum Senckenberg in Frankfurt. We thank reviewers for valu-
able input.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Sven O. Kullander.
Data curation: Sven O. Kullander, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Michael Norén.
Formal analysis: Sven O. Kullander, Michael Norén.
Funding acquisition: Sven O. Kullander, Abdur Rob Mollah.
Investigation: Sven O. Kullander, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Michael Norén, Abdur Rob Mollah.
Methodology: Sven O. Kullander, Michael Norén.
Project administration: Sven O. Kullander, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Abdur Rob Mollah.
Resources: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Abdur Rob Mollah.
Software: Sven O. Kullander.
Supervision: Abdur Rob Mollah.
Validation: Sven O. Kullander, Michael Norén.
Writing – original draft: Sven O. Kullander.
Writing – review & editing: Sven O. Kullander, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Michael Norén.
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