Automatic Control (Part 2) : Frequency Domain Analysis
Automatic Control (Part 2) : Frequency Domain Analysis
Automatic Control (Part 2) : Frequency Domain Analysis
By George Novacek
under the hood of control theory. The widely This means that s is a complex variable. As
used frequency domain analysis represents we know, j is the imaginary variable defined
classic control theory, which is intuitive as √–1. In electrical engineering, we prefer j
to those of us who design analog circuits. instead of i common in mathematics because
The same principles apply to all feedback i often designates immediate current. Omega
electronic circuits: oscillators, amplifiers of w is the sign for circular frequency, which
all kinds, phase-locked loops, voltage and equals to 2πf. Because control systems’
current regulators, and so on. This series, analyses investigate steady-state sinusoidal
however, focuses on automatic systems signals, s is zero. Consequently, we can write:
containing mechanical components.
It begins with Laplace transform: s = j2πf
F(s) = ∫ f(t)e − st dt
0 It is obvious that for a DC signal where f is
0, the resulting s is 0. Every circuit designer
The function f(t) is a function of time. s is knows that the gain of a differentiator or a
the Laplace operator. F(s) is the transformed high-pass filter at DC is zero. An integrator,
function. Typical Laplace transfer functions on the other hand, would be approaching
are 1/s for integration. s for differentiation. infinity at f > 0 limited by saturation or by
e —sT is for delay and so forth. Let’s say, attenuation for a low-pass filter.
for example, that an input signal into an The frequency domain analysis of a
integrator vi(t) generates output vo(t). Using system is valid for a range restricted to where
the Laplace transformation, we can write: the system is linear and time invariant (i.e.,
the LTI range). For a system to be considered
Vi (s) LTI, three conditions must be satisfied.
Vo (s) = Homogeneity: An element is homogenous for
s the values of k where an input r(t) produces
output c(t), and then an input k × r(t) produces
The Laplace operator s is defined: output k × c(t). Superposition: If an input r1(t) 53
other types, but competent engineers know
how to select them so that the effects of those
parasitic characteristics can be ignored within
the operational range. Active components
also have limitations including saturation. We a)
must build amplifiers and other processing
circuits with sufficient headroom to make
them behave as LTI within the required scope.
With some notable exceptions, well
designed electronics are rarely the LTI limiting
component. Those exceptions are usually
within the plant characteristics where size,
weight and cost limitations may encroach on
some electronic components’ LTI.
I already mentioned transfer functions
of controller elements (i.e., an integrator, a
differentiator, and a delay). Given voltage V
and current I, let’s consider some transfer
functions of electronic components.
Inductance L:
V(s) = Ls × I(s)
v(t) = L ×
Capacitance C: b)
1 I(s)
V(s) = ×
C s
v(t) = v0 + ∫ i(t)dt
Resistance R:
V(s) = R × I(s)
v(t) = R × i(t)
Many transfer functions applying to
mechanical elements (e.g., velocity, mass,
spring, inertia, and pressure) have equivalents
in electronics. While common transfer
functions are available in books on control
systems, others may have to be determined.
The Circuit Cellar readers are mostly electrical
engineers, so they can relate to transfer
Bode plot of gain (a) and phase (b) trace with different damping factor a versus the frequency of a second-
functions of the electrical components order system.
54 CIRCUIT CELLAR • JUNE 2017 #323
Combining the forward and the feedback
transfer functions into one OLG +
R(s) G(s) C(s)
R(s) C(s)
1 + G(s)H(s)
OLG Bode plot of a controller
Nyquist contours for the critically (left) and under damped (right) system described by Equation 8
the gain and the phase responses are affected is -29dB, thus the gain margin is 29dB. If the
by the damping factor x. OLG was greater than 0dB when the phase
Being from the slide ruler generation I reached 180° the system would oscillate after
must admit that I never enjoyed making those closing the feedback loop. The large phase
calculations. So quite often we minimized and gain margins of Figure 3 will guarantee
the number of calculations by generating no oscillations, but will not guarantee a
asymptotes only. Anything more than a possibility of instability, namely in response
second-order system response calculation to a step input. Automatic systems are rarely
used to be nearly impossible, but thanks to exposed to a step in the setpoint, but a step
computers, the Bode plots can nowadays input may be due to an external disturbance.
be generated very quickly by the multitude We shall address that issue when we discuss
of simulation or mathematical tools such as the time domain response.
PSpice, LTSpice, Matlab, Mathcad, Simulink In many electromechanical systems the
and others. plant, due to its inertia, stops responding
To analyze automatic systems in frequency above certain, fairly low frequency. This is
or time domain, we start by defining it by a not unusual. However, the bandwidth of the
block diagram. The functional blocks (there electronic controller should always be at least
can be many) are gradually combined into a ten times the fastest component in the plant.
single block to obtain the transfer function To complete our excursion into the
of the system. Figure 2 shows just two frequency domain analysis we must mention
blocks, the forward and the feedback paths the Nyquist plot also used for assessing the
for simplicity. To check for stability the gain system stability. Figure 4 shows the plots
and the phase are plotted with the feedback related to the frequency, phase and damping
disconnected. This is called an open loop gain illustrated by Figure 1 and defined by
(OLG). Equation 8. Nyquist contour is a parametric
The result will be something like the Bode plot of the frequency response of a system
plot in Figure 3. This one is the OLG response transfer function with the feedback closed.
of the analog electronic controller shown in The real and the imaginary parts of the
Part 1 with an actuator. I spread the plot transfer function are plotted in Cartesian
frequency until the phase reached 180° to coordinates with the real part on the x-axis
illustrate the phase and the gain margins. and the imaginary part on the y-axis, with the
The OLG vs. frequency is shown in decibels frequency as a parameter.
(dB) and the phase in degrees. The main point The system stability is assessed using the
of interest for us to judge the potential for Nyquist Stability Criterion. It is determined by
unwanted oscillations is where the phase evaluating the Nyquist contour in relation to
reaches –180° while the OLG is greater than the point at x = –1 and y = 0. Next month
0 dB. In our case, the phase at 0 dB OLG is we’ll discuss time domain analysis and digital
–89°. This means that the phase margin is systems using z transform.
180 – 89 = 91°. Another point of interest is
where the phase reaches -180°. The OLG here