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2018 EE305 New Solution

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.

Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Solved Paper(s)
Subject Name :- EE 305 Fundamental of Control System Year :- 2018

Q1 Explain the following terms: ((2 x 5)

(i) Transfer function
(ii) Signal flow graph
(iii) Gain Margin
(iv Breakaway point of root locus
(v) Velocity error constant
Sol (i) Transfer Function:-
Transfer function model is an s-domain mathematical model of control systems.
The Transfer function of a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system is defined as the
ratio of Laplace transform of output and Laplace transform of input by assuming
all the initial conditions are zero.
If x(t) and y(t) are the input and output of an LTI system, then the corresponding
Laplace transforms are X(s) and Y(s).
Therefore, the transfer function of LTI system is equal to the ratio of Y(s) and X(s).
i.e., Transfer Function= Y(s)/ X(s)
The transfer function model of an LTI system is shown in the following figure.

Here, we represented an LTI system with a block having transfer function inside it.
And this block has an input X(s) & output Y(s).

Sol (ii) Signal Flow Graph:-

Signal flow graph is a graphical representation of the relationships between the
variables of a set of linear algebraic equations. It consists of a network in which
nodes representing each of the system variables are connected by directed branches.
Nodes and branches are the basic elements of signal flow graph.
Node is a point which represents either a variable or a signal. There are three types
of nodes — input node, output node and mixed node.
 Input Node − It is a node, which has only outgoing branches.
 Output Node − It is a node, which has only incoming branches.
 Mixed Node − It is a node, which has both incoming and outgoing branches.
Branch is a line segment which joins two nodes. It has both gain and direction.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Sol (iii) Gain Margin:-

The gain margin refers to the amount of gain, which can be increased or
decreased without making the system unstable. It is usually expressed as a
magnitude in dB.
We can usually read the gain margin directly from the Bode plot.
Gain margin GM is equal to negative of the magnitude in dB at phase cross over
GM = 20 𝐿𝑜𝑔
Where, Mpc is the magnitude at phase cross over frequency. The unit of gain
margin (GM) is dB.

This is done by calculating the vertical distance between the magnitude curve (on
the Bode magnitude plot) and the x-axis at the frequency where the Bode phase
plot = 180°. This point is known as the phase crossover frequency. The greater
the Gain Margin (GM), the greater the stability of the system.

Sol (iv) Break away Points :-

Suppose two root loci which start from pole and moves in opposite direction
collide with each other such that after collision they start moving in different
directions in the symmetrical way. Or the breakaway points at which multiple
roots of the characteristic equation 1 + G(s)H(s) = 0 occur. The value of K is
maximum at the points where the branches of root loci break away. Break away
points may be real, imaginary or complex.

Break-away exist only on the real axis root locus branches. Steps to find break-
away points.

 Write K in terms of s from the characteristic equation 1+G(s)H(s)=0.

 Differentiate K with respect to s and make it equal to zero. Substitute these values
of s in the above equation.
 The values of s for which the K value is positive are the break points.

Sol (v) Velocity Error Constant:-

The deviation of the output of control system from desired response during
steady state is known as steady state error. It is represented as ess. We can find
steady state error using the final value theorem as follows.
𝑒𝑠𝑠 = lim 𝑒(𝑡) = 𝑒𝑠𝑠 = lim 𝐸 (𝑠)
𝑡→∞ 𝑠→0


E(s) is the Laplace transform of the error signal, e(t).

For unity feedback system

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

𝑒𝑠𝑠 = lim 𝑠 ( )
𝑠→0 1 + 𝐺(𝑠)


 R(s) is the Laplace transform of the reference Input signal r(t).

The velocity error is the amount of steady-state error when the system is stimulated with a
ramp input. We define the velocity error constant such:

𝐾𝑣 = lim(𝑠𝐺(𝑠) )

Q2 (i) Define the open loop and closed loop control system. (6 x 2)

(ii) Find closed loop transfer function of the following

block diagram as shown below.

R +
G3 +
G1 G2 C



Sol (i) Open loop and closed loop control system

A control system is a system, which provides the desired response by controlling
the output. The following figure shows the simple block diagram of a control

Here, the control system is represented by a single block. Since, the output is
controlled by varying input, the control system got this name. We will vary this
input with some mechanism.
Examples − Traffic lights control system, washing machine
Control Systems can be classified as open loop control systems and closed loop
control systems based on the feedback path.
In open loop control systems, output is not fed-back to the input. So, the control
action is independent of the desired output.
The following figure shows the block diagram of the open loop control system

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Here, an input is applied to a controller and it produces an actuating signal or

controlling signal. This signal is given as an input to a plant or process which is to
be controlled. So, the plant produces an output, which is controlled. The traffic
lights control system which we discussed earlier is an example of an open loop
control system.

In closed loop control systems, output is fed back to the input. So, the control action
is dependent on the desired output.
The following figure shows the block diagram of negative feedback closed loop
control system.

The error detector produces an error signal, which is the difference between the
input and the feedback signal. This feedback signal is obtained from the block
(feedback elements) by considering the output of the overall system as an input to
this block. Instead of the direct input, the error signal is applied as an input to a
So, the controller produces an actuating signal which controls the plant. In this
combination, the output of the control system is adjusted automatically till we get
the desired response. Hence, the closed loop control systems are also called the
automatic control systems. Traffic lights control system having sensor at the input
is an example of a closed loop control system.
The differences between the open loop and the closed loop control systems are
mentioned in the following table.
Open Loop Control Systems Closed Loop Control Systems

Control action is independent of the desired Control action is dependent of the desired
output. output.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Feedback path is not present. Feedback path is present.

These are also called as non-feedback These are also called as feedback control
control systems. systems.

Easy to design. Difficult to design.

These are economical. These are costlier.

Inaccurate. Accurate.

Sol (ii)
R + G3 + G1 G2 C
- -



By removing internal feedback loop,

R G3 𝐺1 C
+ G1
- 1 + 𝐻1 𝐺1


By cascading all forward path block,

R 𝐺3 𝐺2 𝐺1 C
- 1 + 𝐻1 𝐺1


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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

By removing feedback loop,

𝐺1 𝐺2 𝐺3
R 1 + 𝐺1 𝐻1 + 𝐺1 𝐺2 𝐺3 𝐻2

So we can now write closed Loop Transfer Function as

= 1+ 𝐺1𝐻𝐺11+𝐺
𝑹 1 𝐺2 𝐺3 𝐻2

Q3 Explain the construction and working of the

(6 x 2)
(i) D.C. Servo motor
(ii) D.C.

Sol (i) DC servo Motor

As we know that any electrical motor can be utilized as servo motor if it is
controlled by servomechanism. Likewise, if we control a DC motor by means of
servomechanism, it would be referred as DC servo motor. There are different
types of DC motor, such shunt wound DC motor, series DC motor, Separately
excited DC motor, permanent magnet DC motor, Brushless DC motor etc. Among
all mainly separately excited DC motor, permanent magnet DC motor and brush
less DC motor are used as servo.
DC Servo Motor Theory
The motors which are utilized as DC servo motors, generally have separate DC
source for field winding and armature winding. The control can be archived either
by controlling the field current or armature current. Field control has some
specific advantages over armature control and on the other hand armature control
has also some specific advantages over field control. Which type of control
should be applied to the DC servo motor, is being decided depending upon its
specific applications.

Field Controlled DC Servo Motor Theory

The figure below illustrates the schematic diagram for a field controlled DC servo
motor. In this arrangement the field of DC motor is excited be the amplified error
signal and armature winding is energized by a constant current source.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

The field is controlled below the knee point of magnetizing saturation curve. At
that portion of the curve the mmf linearly varies with excitation current. That
means torque developed in the DC motor is directly proportional to the field
current below the knee point of magnetizing saturation curve.
From general torque equation of DC motor it is found that, torque T ∝ φIa.
Where, φ is field flux and Ia is armature current. But in field controlled DC servo
motor, the armature is excited by constant current source, hence Ia is constant
here. Hence, T ∝ φ
As field of this DC servo motor is excited by amplified error signal, the torque of
the motor i.e. rotation of the motor can be controlled by amplified error signal. If
the constant armature current is large enough then, every little change in field
current causes corresponding change in torque on the motor shaft.
The direction of rotation can be changed by changing polarity of the field. The
direction of rotation can also be altered by using split field DC motor, where the
field winding is divided into two parts, one half of the winding is wound in
clockwise direction and other half in wound in anticlockwise direction. The
amplified error signal is fed to the junction point of these two halves of the field
as shown below. The magnetic field of both halves of the field winding opposes
each other. During operation of the motor, magnetic field strength of one half
dominates other depending upon the value of amplified error signal fed between
these halves. Due to this, the DC servo motor rotates in a particular direction
according to the amplified error signal voltage. The main disadvantage of field
control DC servo motors, is that the dynamic response to the error is slower
because of longer time constant of inductive field circuit. The field is an
electromagnet so it is basically a highly inductive circuit hence due to sudden
change in error signal voltage, the current through the field will reach to its steady
state value after certain period depending upon the time constant of the field
circuit. That is why field control DC servo motor arrangement is mainly used in
small servo motor applications.
The main advantage of using field control scheme is that, as the motor is
controlled by field – the controlling power requirement is much lower than rated
power of the motor.

Armature Controlled DC Servo Motor Theory

The figure below shows the schematic diagram for an armature controlled DC
servo motor. Here the armature is energized by amplified error signal and field is
excited by a constant current source.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

The field is operated at well beyond the knee point of magnetizing saturation
curve. In this portion of the curve, for huge change in magnetizing current, there
is very small change in mmf in the motor field. This makes the servo motor is less
sensitive to change in field current. Actually for armature controlled DC servo
motor, we do not want that, the motor should response to any change of field
Again, at saturation the field flux is maximum. As we said earlier, the general
torque equation of DC motor is, torque T ∝ φIa. Now if φ is large enough, for
every little change in armature current I a there will be a prominent changer in
motor torque. That means servo motor becomes much sensitive to the armature
As the armature of DC motor is less inductive and more resistive, time constant of
armature winding is small enough. This causes quick change of armature current
due to sudden change in armature voltage. That is why dynamic response of
armature controlled DC servo motor is much faster than that of field controlled
DC servo motor. The direction of rotation of the motor can easily be changed by
reversing the polarity of the error signal.

Sol (ii) The tachometer generator use for measuring the rotational speed or angular
velocity of the machine which is coupled to it. It works on the principle of relative
motion between the magnetic field and shaft of the coupled device. The relative
motion induces the EMF in the coil which is placed between the constant
magnetic field of the permanent magnet. The develops EMF is directly
proportional to the speed of the shaft.
The electrical tachometer generator converts the angular velocity into an electrical
voltage. The electrical tachometer has more advantages over the mechanical
DC Tachometer Generator
Permanent magnet, armature, commutator, brushes, variable resistor, and the
moving coil voltmeter are the main parts of the DC tachometer generator. The
machine whose speed is to be measured is coupled with the shaft of the DC
tachometer generator.
The DC tachometer works on the principle that when the closed conductor moves
in the magnetic field, EMF induces in the conductor. The magnitude of the
induces emf depends on the flux link with the conductor and the speed of the

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

The armature of the DC generator revolves between the constant field of the
permanent magnet. The rotation induces the emf in the coil. The magnitude of the
induced emf is proportional to the shaft speed.
The commutator converts the alternating current of the armature coil to the direct
current with the help of the brushes. The moving coil voltmeter measures the
induced emf. The polarity of the induces voltage determines the direction of
motion of the shaft. The resistance is connected in series with the voltmeter for
controlling the heavy current of the armature.
The emf induces in the dc tachometer generator is given as

Where, E – generated voltage

Φ – flux per poles in Weber
P- number of poles
N – speed in revolution per minutes
Z – the number of the conductor in armature windings.
a – number of the parallel path in the armature windings.

The advantages of d.c tachogenerator are as follows:
1.The output voltage is small enough to measure it with conventional d.c
2.The polarity of output voltage directly indicates the direction of rotation.
The Disadvantages of d.c tachogenerator are as follows:
1.Because of variations in contact resistance, considerable error is introduced in
the output voltage. Hence periodic maintenance of the commutator and brushes is
2.Non-linearity in the output of the d.c tachogenerator occurs because of
distortions in the permanent magnetic field due to large armature currents. Hence

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

input resistance of meter should be very high as compared to the output resistance
of the generator.

Q4 (i) Explain various types of test input signals. (6 x 2)

Explain Routh-Harwitz stability criterion with

Sol (i) Typical test signals in time domain:

The dynamic behavior of a system is manipulated and judged under the
application and working of standard and typical test signals. The characteristics of
an input signal are constant acceleration, constant velocity, a sudden change or a
sudden shock.
There are four types of typical test signals: Impulse Step, Ramp, Parabolic and
another important signal is sinusoidal signal.
Impulse Signal:
Impulse response in control system imitates sudden shock quality of actual input
signal. Impulse is the output of system when given by small input. Impulse
response emphasis on change in the system in reaction to some external change. It
is the reply of the system to the direct delta input.

When A=1 then the impulse signal is called Unit impulse signal.

Step Signal:
The step signal defines the sudden change in properties of actual signal. It is being
used to see the transient response of system as it gives you the idea about how the
system reply to interruption and somehow the system stability.

When A=1, the step is called unit step signal.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Parabolic Signal:
Parabolic signal gives the constant acceleration distinction of actual input signal.
It gives the idea about how the system will respond along with acceleration.

When A=1, the parabolic signal is called unit parabolic signal.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Sol (ii) Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion

Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion is having one necessary condition and one
sufficient condition for stability. If any control system doesn’t satisfy the
necessary condition, then we can say that the control system is unstable. But, if
the control system satisfies the necessary condition, then it may or may not be
stable. So, the sufficient condition is helpful for knowing whether the control
system is stable or not.
Necessary Condition for Routh-Hurwitz Stability
The necessary condition is that the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial
should be positive. This implies that all the roots of the characteristic equation
should have negative real parts.
Consider the characteristic equation of the order ‘n’ is -
Note that, there should not be any term missing in the nth order characteristic
equation. This means that the nth order characteristic equation should not have
any coefficient that is of zero value.
Sufficient Condition for Routh-Hurwitz Stability
The sufficient condition is that all the elements of the first column of the Routh
array should have the same sign. This means that all the elements of the first
column of the Routh array should be either positive or negative.
In this method, there is no need to calculate the roots of the characteristic
equation. First formulate the Routh table and find the number of the sign changes
in the first column of the Routh table. The number of sign changes in the first
column of the Routh table gives the number of roots of characteristic equation

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

that exist in the right half of the ‘s’ plane and the control system is unstable.
Follow this procedure for forming the Routh table.
 Fill the first two rows of the Routh array with the coefficients of the
characteristic polynomial as mentioned in the table below. Start with the
coefficient of sn and continue up to the coefficient of s0.
 Fill the remaining rows of the Routh array with the elements as mentioned
in the table below. Continue this process till you get the first column
element of row s0 is an. Here, an is the coefficient of s0 in the characteristic
The following table shows the Routh array of the n th order characteristic

Let us find the stability of the control system having characteristic equation,
Step 1 − Verify the necessary condition for the Routh-Hurwitz stability.
All the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial, s4+3s3+3s2+2s+1 are
positive. So, the control system satisfies the necessary condition.
Step 2 − Form the Routh array for the given characteristic polynomial.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Step 3 − Verify the sufficient condition for the Routh-Hurwitz stability.

All the elements of the first column of the Routh array are positive. There is no
sign change in the first column of the Routh array. So, the control system is
Special Cases of Routh Array
We may come across two types of situations, while forming the Routh table. It is
difficult to complete the Routh table from these two situations.
The two special cases are −
 The first element of any row of the Routh array is zero.
 All the elements of any row of the Routh array are zero.
First Element of any row of the Routh array is zero
If any row of the Routh array contains only the first element as zero and at least
one of the remaining elements have non-zero value, then replace the first element
with a small positive integer, ϵ. And then continue the process of completing the
Routh table. Now, find the number of sign changes in the first column of the
Routh table by substituting ϵ tends to zero.

All the Elements of any row of the Routh array are zero
In this case, follow these two steps −
 Write the auxilary equation, A(s) of the row, which is just above the row
of zeros.
 Differentiate the auxiliary equation, A(s) with respect to s. Fill the row of
zeros with these coefficients.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Q5 Construct the root locus of G(s)H(s)= 1

. (12)

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Q6 Draw the bode plot for the following open loop transfer (4+8)
function control system.
(i) G(s)=1+𝑆𝑇 (T= any +ve number).
(ii) G(s)H(s)=(1+0.1𝑠)(1+0.01𝑠)

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Sol (i)

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Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Sol (ii)

Q7 Explain (Define) the steady state error and static

(i) (6 x 2)
error constant, of a feedback control system.
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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

(ii) Explain time domain specification.

Sol (i) Steady state error and static error constant

The deviation of the output of control system from desired response during steady
state is known as steady state error. It is represented as ess. We can find steady
state error using the final value theorem as follows.

E(s) is the Laplace transform of the error signal, e(t)
Let us discuss how to find steady state errors for unity feedback and non-unity
feedback control systems one by one.
Steady State Errors for Unity Feedback Systems
Consider the following block diagram of closed loop control system, which is
having unity negative feedback.

R(s) is the Laplace transform of the reference Input signal r(t)
C(s) is the Laplace transform of the output signal c(t)
We know the transfer function of the unity negative feedback closed loop control
system as

The output of the summing point is -

Substitute C(s) value in the above equation.

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

Substitute E(s) value in the steady state error formula

The following table shows the steady state errors and the error constants for
standard input signals like unit step, unit ramp & unit parabolic signals.

Where, Kp, Kv and Ka are position error constant, velocity error constant and
acceleration error constant respectively.
Note − If any of the above input signals has the amplitude other than unity, then
multiply corresponding steady state error with that amplitude.

Sol (ii)
Time Domain Specification
Time domain specifications of in control system, the performance of a system in
time domain is usually evaluated in terms of the following qualities.
 How fast it is able to respond to the input.
 How fast it is reaching the desired output,
 What is the error between the desired output and the actual output, once
the transients die down and steady state is achieved,
 Does it oscillate around the desired value, and
 Is the output continuously increasing with time or is it bounded.
 Our system is Stable or not?

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The time domain specifications of the second order system. The step response of
the second order system for the underdamped case is shown in the following

All the time domain specifications are represented in this figure. The response up
to the settling time is known as transient response and the response after the
settling time is known as steady state response.
Delay time td: It is the time required for the response to reach 50% of the steady
state value for the first time.
Rise time tr: It is the time required for the response to reach 100% of the steady
state value for under damped systems. However, for over damped systems, it is
taken as the time required for the response to rise from 10% to 90% of the steady
state value.
At t = t1 = 0, c(t) = 0.
We know that the final value of the step response is one.
Therefore, at t=t2, the value of step response is one. Substitute, these values in the
following equation.

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Substitute t1 and t2 values in the following equation of rise time,


From above equation, we can conclude that the rise time tr and the damped
frequency ωd are inversely proportional to each other.
3. Peak time tp: It is the time required for the response to reach the maximum
or Peak value of the response.

4. Peak overshoot M : It is defined as the difference between the peak value

of the response and the steady state value. It is usually expressed in percent of the
steady state value. If the time for the peak is tp’ percent peak overshoot is given

5.Settling time ts : It is the time required for the response to reach and remain
within a specified tolerance limits (usually ± 2% or ± 5%) around the steady state
The settling time for 5% tolerance band is -
The settling time for 2% tolerance band is -

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
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Where, τ is the time constant and is equal to 1/(δωn).
 Both the settling time ts and the time constant τ are inversely proportional
to the damping ratio δ.
 Both the settling time ts and the time constant τ are independent of the
system gain. That means even the system gain changes, the settling
time ts and time constant τ will never change.

Q8 Write short note on the following: (6 x 2)

(i) Polar plots
(ii) Nyquist stability criterion

Sol (i) Polar Plots

Polar plot is a plot which can be drawn between magnitude and phase. Here, the
magnitudes are represented by normal values only.
The polar form of G(jω)H(jω) is
The Polar plot is a plot, which can be drawn between the magnitude and the
phase angle of G(jω)H(jω) by varying ωω from zero to ∞.
The polar plot of the frequency response of a system is the line traced out as the
frequency is changed from 0 to infinity by the tips of the phasors whose lengths
represent the magnitude, i.e. amplitude gain, of the system and which are drawn at
angles corresponding to their phase.

Rules for Drawing Polar Plots

Follow these rules for plotting the polar plots.
 Substitute, s=jω in the open loop transfer function.
 Write the expressions for magnitude and the phase of G(jω)H(jω).
 Find the starting magnitude and the phase of G(jω)H(jω) by
substituting ω=0. So, the polar plot starts with this magnitude and the
phase angle.
 Find the ending magnitude and the phase of G(jω)H(jω) by
substituting ω=∞. So, the polar plot ends with this magnitude and the
phase angle.
 Check whether the polar plot intersects the real axis, by making the
imaginary term of G(jω)H(jω) equal to zero and find the value(s) of ω.
 Check whether the polar plot intersects the imaginary axis, by making real

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term of G(jω)H(jω) equal to zero and find the value(s) of ω.

 For drawing polar plot more clearly, find the magnitude and phase
of G(jω)H(jω) by considering the other value(s) of ω.

Sol (ii) Nyquist Stability Critrion

Nyquist plots are the continuation of polar plots for finding the stability of the
closed loop control systems by varying ω from −∞ to ∞. That means, Nyquist
plots are used to draw the complete frequency response of the open loop transfer
Nyquist Stability Criterion
The Nyquist stability criterion works on the principle of argument. It states that
if there are P poles and Z zeros are enclosed by the ‘s’ plane closed path, then the
corresponding G(s)H(s) plane must encircle the origin P−Z times. So, we can
write the number of encirclements N as,
 If the enclosed ‘s’ plane closed path contains only poles, then the direction
of the encirclement in the G(s)H(s) plane will be opposite to the direction
of the enclosed closed path in the ‘s’ plane.
 If the enclosed ‘s’ plane closed path contains only zeros, then the direction
of the encirclement in the G(s)H(s) plane will be in the same direction as
that of the enclosed closed path in the ‘s’ plane.
Let us now apply the principle of argument to the entire right half of the ‘s’ plane
by selecting it as a closed path. This selected path is called the Nyquist contour.
We know that the closed loop control system is stable if all the poles of the closed
loop transfer function are in the left half of the ‘s’ plane. So, the poles of the
closed loop transfer function are nothing but the roots of the characteristic
equation. As the order of the characteristic equation increases, it is difficult to find
the roots. So, let us correlate these roots of the characteristic equation as follows.
 The Poles of the characteristic equation are same as that of the poles of the
open loop transfer function.
 The zeros of the characteristic equation are same as that of the poles of the
closed loop transfer function.
We know that the open loop control system is stable if there is no open loop pole
in the the right half of the ‘s’ plane.
i.e. P=0⇒N=−Z
We know that the closed loop control system is stable if there is no closed loop
pole in the right half of the ‘s’ plane.
i.e. Z=0⇒N=P
Nyquist stability criterion states the number of encirclements about the critical
point (1+j0) must be equal to the poles of characteristic equation, which is
nothing but the poles of the open loop transfer function in the right half of the ‘s’
plane. The shift in origin to (1+j0) gives the characteristic equation plane.
Rules for Drawing Nyquist Plots
Follow these rules for plotting the Nyquist plots.
 Locate the poles and zeros of open loop transfer function G(s)H(s) in ‘s’
 Draw the polar plot by varying ω from zero to infinity. If pole or zero
present at s = 0, then varying ω from 0+ to infinity for drawing polar plot.
 Draw the mirror image of above polar plot for values of ω ranging from

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Government Polytechnic College, Jalore (Camp Pali.)
Electrical Engineering Department 2018 Solved Paper EE 305 :- Fundamentals of Control System Solved By:- Jasa Ram

−∞ to zero (0− if any pole or zero present at s=0).

 The number of infinite radius half circles will be equal to the number of
poles or zeros at origin. The infinite radius half circle will start at the point
where the mirror image of the polar plot ends. And this infinite radius half
circle will end at the point where the polar plot starts.
After drawing the Nyquist plot, we can find the stability of the closed loop control
system using the Nyquist stability criterion. If the critical point (-1+j0) lies
outside the encirclement, then the closed loop control system is absolutely stable.

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