Transfer Function and Block Diagram of Control System Transfer Function
Transfer Function and Block Diagram of Control System Transfer Function
Transfer Function and Block Diagram of Control System Transfer Function
Transfer Function
A control system consists of an output as well as an input signal. The output is related to
the input through a function called transfer function.
This function is represented by a block and the complete diagram of control system using
these blocks which represent transfer function and arrows which represent various
signals, is collectively known as block diagram of a control system. For any control
system there exist a reference input termed as excitation or cause which operates through a
transfer operation termed as transfer function and produces an effect resulting in controlled
output or response. Thus the cause and effect relationship between the output and input is
related to each other through a transfer function.
In Laplace Transform, if the input is represented by R(s) and output is represented by C(s),
then the transfer function will be
That is, transfer function of the system multiplied by input function gives the output function
of the system.
It is not necessary that output and input of a control system are of same category. For
example, in electric motors the input is electrical signal whereas the output is mechanical
signal since electrical energy required to rotate the motors. Similarly in an electric generator,
the input is mechanical signal and the output is electrical signal, since mechanical energy is
required to produce electricity in a generator.
For mathematical analysis of a system, all kinds of signals should be represented in a similar
form. This is done by transforming all kinds of signal to their Laplace form. Also the transfer
function of a system is represented by Laplace form by dividing output Laplace transfer
function by input Laplace transfer function. Hence a basic block diagram of a control system
can be represented as
Where, r(t) and c(t) are time domain function of input and output signal respectively.
Control I Lecture 2
The coefficients a0, a1, …… an-1 and b0, b1, …… bm are real constants. Once the input u(t)
for t >= t0 and the initial conditions of y(t) and the derivatives of y(t) are specified at the
initial time t = t0 , the output response y(t) for t >= t0 is determined by solving Eq. 1.
To obtain the transfer function of the linear system that is represented by Eq. (1), we
simply take the Laplace transform on both sides of the equation and assume zero initial
conditions. The result is
with Rk(s) = 0, k = 1,2, ... ,p, k≠ j. Note that Eq.(4)is defined with only the jth input in effect,
whereas the other inputs are set to zero. When all the p inputs are in action, the ith output
transform is written
Control I Lecture 2
Block Diagram
In general, the block diagram consists of blocks, arrows, take (pick) off points and/or
summing points. Fig. 2 shows these elements of the block diagram.
Control I Lecture 2
Regarding the closed-loop control system shown in Fig. 3, we can define the following
Plant: A physical object to be controlled. The Plant G2 (s), is the controlled system, of
which a particular quantity or condition is to be controlled.
Open-loop Control System: Output of the system is not feedback to the system.
Control Element G1(s): also called the controller, are the components required to generate
the appropriate control signal M (s) applied to the plant
Feedback Element H(s): is the component required to establish the functional relationship
between the primary feedback signal B (s) and the controlled output C(s).
Reference Input R (s): is an external signal applied to a feedback control system in order to
command a specified action of the plant. It often represents ideal plant output behavior.
Controlled Output C(s): is that quantity or condition of the plant which is controlled
Actuating Signal E(s): also called the error or control action, is the algebraic sum consisting
of the reference input R (s) plus or minus (usually minus) the primary feedback B (s).
Manipulated Variable M (s) (control signal): is that quantity or condition which the
control elements G1 (s) apply to the plant G2 (s).
Control I Lecture 2
Disturbance U (s): is an undesired input signal which affects the value of the controlled
output C(s). It may enter the plant by summation with M (s), or via an intermediate point, as
shown in the block diagram of the figure above.
Forward Path: is the transmission path from the actuating signal E(s) to the output C(s).
Feedback Path: is the transmission path from the output C(s) to the feedback signal B (s).
Summing Point: A circle with a cross is the symbol that indicates a summing point. The (+)
or (−) sign at each arrowhead indicates whether that signal is to be added or subtracted.
Branch (pick/take off) Point: A branch point is a point from which the signal from a block
goes concurrently to other blocks or summing points.
We can conclude the above information by the following definitions: According to the
control system shown in Fig .4;
Control I Lecture 2
In a closed loop control system, a fraction of output is fed-back and added to input of the
If H (s) is the transfer function of feedback path, then the transfer function of feedback
signal will be B(s) = C(s)H(s).
At summing point, the input signal R(s) will be added to B(s) and produces actual input
signal or error signal of the system and it is denoted by E(s).
Control I Lecture 2
Ytotal=YR|D=0+YD|R=0 (1)
When D(s) = 0, the block diagram is simplified (Fig. 6) to give the transfer function
When R(s) = 0, the block diagram is rearranged to give (Fig. 7):
Control I Lecture 2