Bible Seminar 2
Bible Seminar 2
Bible Seminar 2
In the name of love, disagreements in Church are usually ignored or covered-up and hence the
problem remains and relationships become superficial. Paul shows us how to resolve them in
Phillippians 4:2-9.
The Disagreement in Church
Php 4:2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord.
Here we have two prominent ladies of the church that are in disagreement. The disagreement
has come to the attention of Paul. Did Paul tell them to just agree in the Lord? No. Paul gave us
the way to resolve the conflict. He gave the reason why they need to resolve it --- because of
the Lord. They are to work together in harmony because they all belonged to the same Lord and
working for the same gospel. There is this basis for harmony.
1. Get A Mediator:
Php 4:3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women...
Paul requested a true companion, someone who had known the women, and who worked side
by side with Paul and Clement. And most importantly, someone who had the respect and good
relationships with the women.
We do not know who he was. Looking up Wikipedia, we found some suggestions: Peter Toon,
in his commentary, wrote: "His identity is not known, but he was probably a respected and
influential member of the church whose word would be heeded".[9] William Barclay, after
discussing various possible identities, states "Maybe the best suggestion is that the reference is
to Epaphroditus, the bearer of the letter."[10]
Php 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Most people might think that v3 is the end of the topic of resolving conflict and Paul had moved
on to another topic. However, v5 tell us otherwise and we shall see later.
People in an emotionally charged-up state could not listen and reason. It is important to calm
the emotions first before proper discussion can take place. It is best if both parties prepare
themselves and have the attitude to want to resolve the issue rather than trying to blame one
another. So Paul wanted them to calm down and better still in an emotional state of
gratefulness and joy and wanting to resolve issues amicably. So, they must recall the joy and
gratefulness in Christ. The Chinese wisdom teaches us to address the emotion first, then
reason out and then agree on the settlement. (以情入理而后立法). Starts with relationships,
giving and saving face, and then address the mindset and then the ways to go forward.
Php 4:5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;
Paul wanted them to be reasonable. How reasonable should they be? Should be able to show
to all and all people agree that it was reasonable! In fact, the reasonings should be used as an
example for all to follow in the future.
Paul restated the purpose, in the Lord, and the urgency to settle it because the Lord is at hand.
The standards of reasoning should be based on pleasing the Lord. Discuss the issues as if the
Lord is physically present.
4. Bring the Issues to the Lord - Get His Wisdom and Power
Php 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Php 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus.
Many will be worried about the settlement. Will I lose out? How would it be better for me? What
were be the better ways out? You see, when we worry, our focus will be on ourselves. Paul
reminded us that there is a higher force at work. There is the greater help at hand. We just need
to present them to God. Come to God, and list down all your concerns and needs and entrust
them to God. Focus now on God and see how God lead you. When we understand God will
help us, we shall calm down because the Power of Christs will guard and keep our minds in
Jesus and with His wisdom.
What and how will make a good settlement? How shall we think and behave? What are good or
bad. Paul list down eight things to consider:
1. whatever is true,
2. whatever is honorable,
3. whatever is just,
4. whatever is pure,
5. whatever is lovely,
6. whatever is commendable,
7. if there is any excellence,
8. if there is anything worthy of praise,
Php 4:9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these
things, and the God of peace will be with you.
If we are still blur about what and how to do, Paul said to follow his examples and practices.
Next time if there be any disagreement, don't just ignore it, but maybe can put Paul's advice into
practice and have a church with authentic relationships.
The Purpose & Power for Living - The Best Benediction
The best benediction is Hebrew 13:20-21. It gives us the purpose and the power of living. It
shows us what God is like, the accomplishment of Jesus Christ, and how we can live a God-
pleasing life.
The best benediction is Hebrew 13:20-21 [ESV]
The Keys
That is a long sentence. So we strip it to very least to get the meaning clear, we shall have:
We can find the answers for purpose and the how-to of living this life.
Who is Christ?
Christ is the great shepherd of the sheep - we are the sheep led by Jesus Christ. We recall then
Ps 23 where God is our shepherd and we lack nothing.
Christ is the one who gave his blood on the cross to seal the eternal covenant reconciling men
to God and enabling us to children of God.
Christ is resurrected by God the Father and now seat at the right hand of God. (Esp 1:20, Heb
1:3, 8:1,10:12)
Who is God?
He is the God of peace - who sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and resurrected Him
for our justification and thereby established the eternal covenant between men and God.
We don't have to strive to look for and work for God through our own efforts.
We just have to rest in the assurance that our loving God of peace has equipped us and
enables us to do things that please Him through Jesus Christ living in us. (Philippians 2:13
(NIV) for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.)
Mar 10:46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a
great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side
Be opened to see, hear, and learn. Learn as much as you can about your problem and
possible solutions
He heard of Jesus, especially of the miracles Jesus did from the crowd.
he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.
Mar 10:48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace:
discouragements, criticisms, and obstacles will appear when you start to act.
be not discouraged.
but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.
Stoicism will tell you that your obstacle is the direction that you should move to
overcome it.
P.U.S.H Pray until something happen.
Mar 10:49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man,
saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.
Mar 10:50 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.
He gets rid of any load (garment) that will slow him down.
Good is often the enemy to greatness.
Act speedily to not lose the opportunity.
Mar 10:51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?
God does not overrule you. God is awaiting your request to fulfill it.
The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
Mar 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.
And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
The Laodiceans did not think so. But Jesus said so.
Rev 3:17-19 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of
nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and
naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white
raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and
anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and
chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Lessons Learned:
1. Get Our Desires Right - Spiritually and Physically.
2. Get our foundations for our faith - Where are the Promises of the Bible.
3. Act on our faith.
4. Continue till completion.
5. Seek After the Giver and not just His gifts.
Before we intent to correct another, we must make sure ourselves are approved by God and
others can see that. We need to earn the right to speak and be heard first by our testimony of
good work and behavior. That is the necessary foundation step but it is still insufficient.
Add in Love
2Ti 2:24-26 And the Lord's servant
must not be quarrelsome --- do not lecture nor nag.
but kind to everyone, --- be loving and kind.
able to teach, --- have the wisdom and knowledge to guide others.
patiently enduring evil, --- be willing to go through the tough times in councilling.
correcting his opponents with gentleness. --- always with gentleness and not judging nor
God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, --- it takes
time for them to reflect and be touched by the Holy Spirit.
The Success - Repentance & Freedom
and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being
captured by him to do his will. --- The Success - Freedom from the enslavement.
They are trapped and deceived by the devil in believing in the wrong things - the lies. Only when
they see the truth that they may change and be free.
Lessons to take-away:
Be upright yourself and live a good testimony earning the respect from others.
Have the wisdom to show what's wrong and point out the right ways.
Discovering the lies and the truth.
Be loving, kind and gentle towards the other person.
Be patient and be ready for a long run in some cases.
Lim Liat (c) 25 Jun 2018
In the very short form, Love God and then Love Others.
The Branding: Joh 13:35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have the
love for one another.”
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The Context:
The interpretation of any verse in the Bible should be done in context. Paul was encouraging
Timothy not to hide his gift but to boldly exercise it. He reminded Timothy that the Spirit gave us
three attributes of power, love, and self-control. Subsequent verses showed us what Timothy was
worry or fearful about. He was ashamed of Paul's imprisonment, afraid of the possible persecutions,
and unsure of the power of salvation. We can see that one aspect of Power is to overcome the fear
that Timothy had. Paul gave his own testimony and conviction that it was all God's grace and
power to enable him to accomplish the tasks God has given him. Our trust is in God and not in our
own ability. He also gave the examples of his co-workers like Onesiphorus. Despite the
abandonment of Phygelus and Hermogenes, they continued in their task. All these demonstrated
the love, power, and self-control of the Spirit are being exercised by Paul and his co-workers.
The attributes of the Spirit is also described in Gal 5:22-23 as the fruit of the Spirit. There are nine
attributes described which can be grouped and matched with the three described here.
LOVE: love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness
POWER: joy, peace, forbearance
SELF CONTROL self-control.
We can see that love is the motivation, power is the ability, self-control is the management of
such to stay the course, or wait for the right time, circumstances and exercising the right amount
of love and power.
Good things did irrespective of the time, situation and people will bring forth bad results. We
need self-control to manage our good intentions of love and the exercise of our abilities.
1. Find the Source of Life: God is the life-giver - giving out the living water
2. The Purpose: To transform the lifeless desert to an abundance of lives.
3. Results:
1. Fruit Trees of different kinds.
2. Fishes of different kinds
3. Keeping the Salt - not getting rids of all old things. Keep the good.
4. Continual Enjoyable Varieties of Provisions without Stoppages
1. Different Fruits for Each Month
2. Leaves for Healing
3. All Kinds of Fishes
5. A small stream transforming the desert into a living place filled people and all
kind of lives.
4. Life is a Journey & a Process
1. Measurements:
1. Must have a set of measurements to measure and understand the
2. Doing the real measurement and learn and to know what to do. We need
to change the method, from wading into swimming, when the streams
become a deep river.
2. Stages of Progress:
1. Progress comes in stages.
2. Know the stage and the right thing to do.
3. Maintain a Balance - Keep the Good Salt. Transformation is not about changing
4. After some years, a quick review will show you the impact that you made. See
the case study at the end of this post.
Take Away:
Our lives are to connect to the source of life and to bring his life, like the living water, to
transform death to life, increasing our commitment, and progressing in stages, from near to far
and wide, giving glory to God.
A Case Study:
Lighthouse Evangelism started by Ps Rony Tan celebrating its 40 years anniversary. It is a good
testimony of how a little group of people creates such an impact over the years. See Ps Rony
Tan LE40 Invitation which gave a short history of the church.
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The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Revealed - Part 2 The Seven Spirits of God
Isaiah 11:2-3 describing the seven spirits of God gives us the additional clues as to what the
seven pillars of wisdom mentioned in Proverb 9. Putting them together helps in our
The post The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Revealed gives an exhaustive list of what the seven
pillars of wisdom could be. Combining that with Isaiah 11:2-3, we can be assured of our
understanding of what the seven pillars of wisdom are.
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The purpose of God for men is that through Jesus, we all can become like little Jesuses, his
brothers, and sisters, sharing the same image and attributes. His suffering on the cross is a
needed, though a very painful step, to enable us to become children of God. But we are not to
remain as babes but to grow up to mature men in Christ.
Most people focus on "sinners" and unconsciously live like one without the empowering of
grace. While they will confess that they are indeed saved by grace, they act as though they
must, by their own effort, live righteously to earn the favor with God. They are already so
grateful that Christ has saved them and now they want to repay His kindness with their work.
They got trapped again into performance for acceptance just like the elder son of the "Parable
of the Prodigal Son".
Luke 15:29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you
and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate
with my friends.
The elder son had no idea of his sonship and authority at all. He lived and worked a
See his father shocking answer in verse 31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and
everything I have is yours.
The traditional Good Friday churches forgot about the Easter resurrection new creation,
authority, and power. They did not make use of this new status and power that Christ had gone
through the suffering of the cross to obtain for us.
However, if they forgot about their sins, and take lightly the sins paid for, privileges of grace
becomes a license to sin. They become like the prodigal son who knew his rights and privileges,
and did, Luke 15:12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the
estate.’ So he divided his property between them. But he wasted the resources given
him, 15:13b and there squandered his wealth in wild living. The grace based gospel run the
risks of becoming a prosperity gospel that God becomes the genie to give us whatever we
wanted to spend on ourselves.
The remembrance of Christ's Good Friday suffering on the cross for our sins put us in vigilance
for the strong temptation and evil consequences of sins. The Easter resurrection of Christ let us
know for sure, and for our present living, the new creation and righteous power that Christ had
obtained for us. We are saved for God glorify good work. We are blessed as means to testify of
God's goodness and to bless others and not for just ourselves only. We are to forget the past,
no longer as sinners, but focus at present, new creation sons of God, toward the goals of
eternal glory, waiting for the return of Christ.
Philippians 3:12-14 Living Bible (TLB)
12 I don’t mean to say I am perfect. I haven’t learned all I should even yet, but I keep working
toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be.
13b ... Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I strain to reach the end of
the race and receive the prize for which God is calling us up to heaven because of what Christ
Jesus did for us.
Cross and Resurrection are both sides of the same coin. Looking back, Christ died for our sins.
Looking at the front, Christ in You. Looking back, we are freed from our sins.Looking forward,
we are joyful in doing what He wants best for us.
Don't stay on Good Friday but start living from Easter Sunday to the second coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
For a detailed discussion, please read True Conversion and Wholehearted Commitment:
Foundations of Discipleship.
"Grace is Unmerited Favor" - This Common Definition is Wrong
The BIG Difference: Righteousness by the Law or Relationship
e Power & Benefits of Confession of Sins - Psalm 32
Since Jesus Christ has redeemed us from our past, present and future sins, why then bother
with confessions and repentance of our sins? A study of Psalm 32 will tell us why - Confession
brings forgiveness and a teachable spirit for us to live blessedly.
Today is Palm Sunday - Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. The scene quickly changed,
before the end of the week, into the rejection and death on the cross by Jesus to pay for our
sins. When Jesus died for us, we are yet to be borne. He death paid for the future sins of many
generations to come. The OT saints, look forward to that day when Jesus death sealed their
salvation too. So all will agree that Jesus paid for our past, present and future sins. Some may
then argue, if our present and future sins are forgiven, then why to bother to confess and repent
of our sins? Let's just live freely and happily. However, the grace of God is not a license for us
to sin freely. It is rather to save us from our bondage in sin and to empower us to live rightly and
victoriously. The reality is shown in Psalm 32.
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Marriage is a blessing ordained by God. Gen 2:24,Mat 19:6.
It is for building each other up and for glorifying God. Here are 5 keys for a successful,
satisfying, joyful marriage.
1. Christ first:
Love each other as Christ’s love and with His love. This love is unconditional and unchanging.
Not on romance, feeling, economics, other reasons. Such things changes with time. People
grow old.
So, we need to draw from Him, especially His Love given to and is in us, and to Give to each
Follow His teachings & ask for His wisdom in times of needs and indecisions.
2. Covenantal Commitment of 100%-100%:
Covenant is 100%-100%, not 50%-50% contract. It is not breakable.
It is giving 100% even when you feel the other side is not giving. Not I give only when you give.
We commit to work it out no matter what. Not to give up. No back door or Exit. Encourage each
other to go on.
Not depend on feeling. Feelings, security, and joy come from unchanging commitment.
Five years from now, if you I ask you how much you love her, what will you say?
If you answered "as much as today, the wedding day." then it is wrong.
The right answer should be "More than today."
Love increases with time of investing in the relationship.
Invest in your this precious relationship from now onwards.
Do the five C's of Christ-centered, Commitment, Communication, Companionship & Co-
For another perspective, see also, How to Get Wealth and Go for Something Even Better...
If you are wondering whether this teaching is still applicable today, see Billionaire's Wisdom for Life
Matches with Bible Proverbs 22
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Discovering the Deeper Meaning of Bible Verses - Luke 10:17,20
There are methods which we can learn and apply that we may one day be as good as the best of the Bible
commentators for our growth and sharing in the knowledge of the Bible.
Good preachers are able to see things that we don't see in our reading of the Bible. What secrets do they
have that we don't? Consider Tim Keller's "Messengers" sermon on Luke 10:1-21, we will discover many
revelations that we failed to see though we have read it through many times. For a short post like this one,
we just consider
Luk 10:17 The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us
in your name!” ...
Luk 10:20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that
your names are written in heaven.”
What was the seventy-two rejoicing about?
They were rejoicing that they had power over the demons.
There is nothing wrong with that. If I were them, I would do the same too!
But there is something very wrong here that I failed to see in my many readings of Luke until Tim Keller
pointed it out.
They were not rejoicing about the people who were set free from the bondage of demons!
So, we now can see that the Seventy-Two were very self-centered and also their desires were "Power" or
"Influence" over others. They were celebrating their power and success. They did not rejoice with the
people set free.
A better answer will be "Lord, many people are healed and set free from demons in Your Name!". That
answer will show that the focus is on Jesus and on the others. We should rejoice with those who rejoice,
mourn with those who mourn (Rom 12:15) as with Paul.
In the situation, the people involved were Jesus, Seventy-Two, Cities, People - who receive, People who
reject, sickness, demons, etc. Then the instructions were given to them etc.
We understand from reading what is reported. We must also ask what and why were not reported.
In the above example, they were excited about their power but not about the people healed and freed.
3. Make the Right Interpretations and Get Support from the Context of the Passage.
Any interpretation is subject to our own biasedness and could be wrong. It is always good to check again
especially using other text from the same context of the passage.
We find 10:22 that Jesus told them something else is more important than having power over the demons.
Luk 10:20 Nevertheless,
do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you,
but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
We can see that "My Names in Heaven" is BETTER than "My Power over Demons"
So we see Jesus' words endorsing our earlier interpretations that the Seventy-Two were not rejoicing
As we try to learn and understand from the good preachers, we hope one day we could also see the
deeper, more meaningful truths that we could grow and share with others too.
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May we put our full trust in God and we always walk in His Ways. We believe that He does not
withhold the best from us. He guides us and as we walk in His ways, his protection shields us
from the attack of the enemies. He gives us grace and abilities to accomplish great tasks and
receive honors that His name may be glorified through us. May we always remember that it was
His grace that empowers us to succeed. May we always are grateful and never be proud
thinking that we did it by ourselves.
(ESV) A bribe (H7810) is like a magic stone in the eyes of the one who gives it; wherever he
turns he prospers.
(ISV) A bribe works wonders in the eyes of its giver; wherever he turns he prospers.
(NASB) A bribe is a charm in the sight of its owner; Wherever he turns, he prospers.
(KJV) A gift(H7810) is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it
turneth, it prospereth.
So, some translators translated H7810 as bribes and some as gifts. The following translated it
as wages.
(ABP+) wage G3408 is a favorable Instruction to the ones employing it; and wherever it shall
turn, the way shall be prosperous.
Gifts have a neutral or positive meaning. It may be just a show one appreciation for some work
or help or just for nothing but being there.
Pro 17:23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.
If I am the writer, I will make sure that my readers do not misunderstand me. I would not write
something odd and then explain it many verses later.
So, I would say that the KJV is right in using Gifts or even Rewards in verse 8 but not Bribe. It is
very misleading to use bribe as if the author endorses the behavior.
Verse 23 is fact tells us the true definition of a bribe - a gift with the wrong use of distorting the
truth. That is clearly to be condemned. The use of 'wicked' makes it very clear.
17:8 in modern context actually means use rewards and incentives to motivate people to work
for you! Nothing about using bribery to smooth your path. Using 'money' to distort the truth to
gain an advantage is called bribery and it is wrong. Using 'money' as incentives and motivations
to get people to the right thing well is wisdom.
How our corrupted mind could distort our understanding is clearly seen here. (Titus 1:15-16).