Catholic QUIZ BEE
Catholic QUIZ BEE
Catholic QUIZ BEE
I am a sacred book. On me, the Lord sent special messages to the Seven Churches of Asia. Who am I?
Revelation – Revelation 2 & 3
2. The buzz around this patron saint is clear; which saint is the patron of bees?
a. St. Ambrose – Born in Germany, Ambrose lived most of his life in Milan, Italy as an original doctor of the church. Living his life in the
fourth century, he has been venerated as a saint multiple times. He happens to be a busy man– he was a patron saint not only of bees
and beekeepers, but also candles, wax, and the city of Milan.
3. St. Thomas Aquinas, a major theologian, was known as the “Dumb Ox” and yet he was a very learned man and even a Doctor of the
Church. He is the patron of whom?
a. Students – St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) was called the “Dumb Ox” because of his large size. His work, the “Summa Theologica”
is considered to be one of the masterpieces of Catholic theology.
4. St. Blaise is the patron saint of diseases in what part of the body?
a. Throat – On the feast of St. Blaise the priest crosses two candles and puts them by your neck. Then he says “Through the
intercession of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat, and from every other illness.
3. Who placed his hands on Saul so that his sight was restored?
a. Ananias (Acts 9:17)
6. What city did John see coming down from heaven in his vision of Revelation?
a. Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2)
Who said, `I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?`
John (Matthew 3:14)
What is the name of the village where Christ turned water into wine?
Answer: Cana of Galilee
Which group was the ruling council of the Jews who plotted to kill Jesus?
Answer: The Sanhedrin
1. As Jesus rode into Jerusalem (on Palm Sunday), what did He say would cry out if His disciples didn’t?
A. the stones B. the angels C. the earth D. the animals
A. Luke 19:37-40
2. What was the man carrying whom Peter and John followed to prepare the upper room for Passover?
A. a bushel of wheat B. a young lamb C. a pitcher of water D. a loaf of bread
C. Luke 22:10.
3. What did Jesus give to Judas as a sign that he was to betray Him?
A. Glass of wine B. Bread C. Jar of honey D. Bag of coins
B. John 13:26
7. On what day of the week was Jesus first seen after His resurrection?
A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Monday
C. Mark 16:9
8. What did Luke say the two Old Testament Saints were discussing with Jesus?
A. His departure in Jerusalem (Luke 9:31 they were speaking of his departure,(that is his death), which he was about to accomplish at
9. Which word used during Lent means “to give to those in need”?
A. Almsgiving.
10. What is the original meaning of the word Lent (Old English “lencten”)?
A. Spring
1. What kind of bird brought Elijah food while he hid in the Kerith Ravine, east of Jordan?
A. Raven
2. Per the Gospels, what is the unique literary genre Jesus employs to preach his message?
A. The parable
3. Which Gospel is most concerned with the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus?
A. The Gospel according to John
5. Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented at the Temple as a baby?
A. Simeon
8. What language was most of the New Testament originally written in?
A. Koine Greek
9. How did Jesus reveal the one who would betray him?
A. “The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me.” Matthew 26:23
1. Who was the prophet that foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Immanuel?
answer: Prophet Isaiah.
4. Who was it that told Herod about an Old Testament prophecy that Israel’s Messiah-King would be born in Bethlehem?
answer: It was the Jewish chief priests and scribes, who quoted the Old Testament words of Micah 5:2, that revealed the birthplace of
the coming Messiah (Matt. 2:4-6).
5. As well as being a gift from the wise men, at what other time was “myrrh” associated with Christ?
answer: During His crucifixion, Jesus was offered a drink of wine mixed with myrrh (Mk. 15:23) It was used in this case as a sedative to
somewhat dull the pain suffered on the cross. But the Lord refused to drink it. Myrrh was also one of the spices used in the wrapping of
Christ’s body at the time of His burial (Jn. 19:38-40)
6. What carol contains the line, “Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing”?
answer: The carol that refers to this is “O Come, All Ye Faithful.”
7. What carol quotes the angels saying to the shepherds, “All glory be to God on high, / And to the earth be peace”?
answer: A carol that describes the incident using the Bible’s wording almost exactly is “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by
8. What carol fancifully describes “angels bending near the earth / To touch their harps of gold”?
answer: “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.”
9. What carol says of Jesus’ birth, “While mortals sleep, the angels keep / Their watch of wondering love”?
answer: The carol is “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”
10. What carol says of Christ’s coming to earth, “Mild He lays His glory by, / Born that man no more may die”?
answer: “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.”
2. What does the rose (pink) candle lit on third Sunday of Advent symbolize?
a. Answer: Joy
5. Which ruling Roman Caesar ordered the census that required Joseph to take Mary from
Nazareth to Bethlehem so as to register for it?
a. Augustus
6. In A Charlie Brown Christmas, which Peanuts cartoon character recites the account of the Nativity, and from which Gospel does that
character quote?
a. Answer: Linus, quoting Book Of Luke 2:8-20 Watch it here:
16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and He saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove and alighting on Him.
Answer: John is the Author of the Book of Revelation which is the LAST book in the Bible.
Question: Which Gospel speaks primarily of the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus?
Answer: The Gospel According to John
Question: According to the Gospels, which literary genre does Jesus implement to help
preach his message?
Answer: The parable
When John the Baptist says, ‘I am the voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord,’ ‘ what prophet is he
Isaiah – Explanation: John was trying to convince the Pharisees he wasn’t the Christ but was a servant preparing for His arrival.
Reference: John 1:23
In the Book of John, when Jesus told the Jews to destroy the temple, how long did He say it would take to raise it again?
Three days – Explanation: The Jews didn’t understand Jesus was talking about himself as a temple. After his physical body was
destroyed, he would resurrect in three days. Reference: John 2:19
What member of the Jewish ruling council questions Jesus about the meaning of being born again?
Nicodemus – Explanation: Jesus explained to Nicodemus that ‘no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again,’ meaning
reborn in spirit through acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior. Reference: John 3:1
In the Book of John, where did Jesus meet the Samaritan woman?
Jacob’s Well –
Explanation: Jesus told the Samaritan woman that he could quench her spiritual thirst if she believed he was the true Messiah.
Reference: John 4:6
Why were the Jews angry when Jesus cured the invalid in the Book of John?
It was the Sabbath – Explanation: When Jesus told the invalid to pick up his mat and walk to the pool, the Jews told him he was not
allowed, because it was the Sabbath. Reference: John 5:10
2. Which of the following animals were the Israelites forbidden to eat by the Old Testament?
Answer: Rabbit (DEUTERONOMY 14:3-8)
3. When were Israelites required to free their servants?
Answer: The Israelites were required to free their servants in the seventh year of service.
6. How many times did Noah send out a dove from the ark?
Answer: 3 times (GENESIS 8:8-12: 8)
7. Finish this verse. “In every battle you will need faith as your ______ to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan.”
Answer: Shield (Ephesians 6:16-18)
9. To what city was Saul traveling when he encountered a great and blinding light?
answer: Damascus
10. In the Gospel of Mark, how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy?
answer: From the angel Gabriel
2. When Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, where was he thrown into?
Answer: The lion’s den
7. Which Gospel is most concerned with the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus?
Answer: John
8. Which Gospel is most concerned with the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus?
Answer: John
9. What language was most of the New Testament originally written in?
Answer: Greek
10. What was Jesus’ first miracle?
a. multiplication of bread
b.Turning water into wine
c. Healing the leaper
Which disciple cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant to try and protect Jesus from being taken as a prisoner?
a. PETER B. JOHN C.JUDE (John 18:10) “Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant,
cutting off his right ear.” The servant’s name was Malchus.
When Jesus died there was darkness in the land. How long did it last?
a. 2 hours b.Three hours,c. 4 hours
noon to 3 pm. (Matthew 27:45). “From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.”
What is the common name given to the first four books of the New Testament
The Gospels
Who was the tax collector that climbed up a tree so he could see Jesus?
Trivia Question:Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented to the Temple as a baby?
Answer: Simeon
Trivia Question:After Jesus fed the 5,000, how many baskets were left over?
Answer: 12
Answer: Luke
Trivia Question:How many people boarded Noah’s Ark?
Answer: Eight